Đồng nghĩa của fixed

Alternative for fixed

Trái nghĩa: floating, unfixed,

fixes, fixed, fixing

Đồng nghĩa: adjust, dilemma, doctor, establish, mend, quandary, regulate, repair, settle, solidify, stabilize,

Trái nghĩa: alter, modify, replace,

Tính từ

(especially of a price, rate, or time) Having been firmly established and typically not subject to change
set settled agreed decided established inflexible arranged preset allotted confirmed definite prearranged predetermined specified unchangeable decreed defined determined precise prescribed unalterable certain determinate exact explicit express final firm flat frozen hard immutable inalterable incommutable inexpugnable invariable planned stable steady unwavering irreversible resolved rigid unbending unblinking undeviating abiding definitive enduring inveterate stated still stipulated sure unmodifiable unmovable unqualified cast-iron hard-and-fast hard and fast never-failing writ in stone not subject to change in the bag constant unchanging unvarying lasting permanent changeless consistent immovable uniform continuing regular strict perpetual deep-rooted steadfast unchanged static persistent ineradicable specific continual eternal ingrained deep-seated binding stringent rooted particular rigorous unyielding unfluctuating continuous even set in stone lifelong ceaseless habitual limited absolute concrete invariant uncompromising perennial circumscribed delimited stubborn obstinate ironclad given stationary resolute chronic controlled everlasting measured unabating unvaried stiff designated incurable clear-cut entrenched inborn ever-present inbred restricted conclusive exacting fated recurring irrevocable bounded long-lived indelible demarcated finite monotonous chosen equable never-ending sustained indestructible unadaptable long-standing assigned indefinite incontrovertible decisive uninterrupted unmitigated routine recurrent usual tenacious imperishable ordained predictable solid unfading hard-line standing fast narrow protracted identified clear same lingering long-lasting standardized durable level unending reliable stabile methodical quantified cut-and-dried bound standardised distinct persisting inevitable repeated scheduled unshakeable selected irremediable unfailing ultimate unrelieved tight nonnegotiable perdurable unrectifiable irreparable severe commissioned known destined unreversible unbreakable named unappealable sole nominated incessant undiversified single peremptory confined indissoluble unrepealable ageless written hardened endless straight hardheaded qualified unbroken prolonged systematized symmetrical systematic finished appointed homogeneous orderly terminable outright iron-fisted ordered regulated consonant ossified plain systematised reserved well-set locked in solid as a rock set in concrete marked sine qua non unaltered incontestable pegged brassbound unbothered unmoved untouched unmodified unaffected strong inexorable accustomed long-l contracted approved guaranteed granted inseparable long-drawn-out positive open-ended incorruptible serious irrefutable indicated declared timeless indisputable existing pigheaded hidebound jelled habituated unflappable listed delineated dragging slow categorical unswerving undying forever unchallengeable not changeable concluded stiff-necked regimented unabated interminable unceasing non-stop dangerous acute pre-planned preplanned programmed arranged in advance intended pre-established intent determining dictated mandatory compulsory determinative unanswerable emphatic unmoving decided upon dateless immortal deathless unfaltering clinched disciplined curbed checked remaining relentless unremitting predestined irretrievable independent noted calm dire alarming extreme grave familiar plotted trite hard-nosed dyed-in-the-wool detailed constrained assumed fixed as the laws of the Medes and the Persians never-changing confining perduring well grounded worked out irremovable well-established sacrosanct unrepairable spun-out drawn-out haunting restrained arranged beforehand advance decided beforehand definable staying put unquestionable absolutist nailed for keeps adamantine carved in stone doomed lost forever and a day in for the long haul on an even keel conditioned spelled out laid down postulated direct black-and-white authoritative wrapped up sewn up biased rhythmic hampered draconian similar laid out beyond repair discrete preconceived closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced not infinite equivalent identical matching predefined equal convinced well defined periodical periodic remove regularised regularized nonstop supervised managed structured monitored organized true incorrigible fateful well-proportioned normal compatible plumb smooth monolithic well-balanced non-relative non-variable distinctive sorted out old hat in the cards done and dusted clearly defined patterned dependable solid as rock fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians subject to limitations topical sectional in black and white balanced congruous mechanical harmonious successive accordant alternating punctual cyclic serial adapted adjusted coordinated preordained delegated elected installed authorized beyond doubt outmoded outdated passé old-fashioned démodé like the Rock of Gibralter specialised selective of a piece not changing specialized identifiable straight-out authorised directed governed special deliberate exclusive in order especial organised ruled unique singular lone one only alone purposeful out of date careful scrupulous fastidious fussy finicky choosy picky punctilious discriminating conscientious persnickety prim mathematical puritanical tough meticulous choosey sticklerish priggish prissy scientific nit-picking nit-picky

Tính từ

(of a view, opinion or idea) Firm or inflexible
steadfast resolute firm rigid staunch devout inflexible resolved stalwart steady stubborn uncompromising unflinching obdurate persistent unbending unfaltering unmovable unwavering stable tenacious unyielding unchanging single-minded true-blue determined intent dogged persevering set unswerving constant unrelenting purposeful immovable decided relentless obstinate indefatigable committed unhesitating unshakeable strong-willed dedicated unflagging untiring unshaken strong-minded bound unshakable bent on adamant insistent tireless undeviating bent driven sure undaunted earnest settled pertinacious dead set on intransigent gritty unremitting hell-bent on bent upon bold strong indomitable steely set on decisive vigorous implacable gutsy serious do-or-die unflappable perseverant hell-bent upon abiding enduring unqualified inexorable solid never-failing unvacillating out deliberate spirited stout plucky mettlesome full of determination true purposive intense enthusiastic hell-bent manful assertive zealous intent on ardent bulldog unfluctuating brave insistent on courageous diligent loyal strenuous obsessed stiff assiduous fanatical indurate industrious stout-hearted spunky sustained focused rock-ribbed consistent four-square unswervable unbendable wholehearted single-minded about firm about meaning business focussed obsessive about fixated on fanatical about bound and determined iron determined to unfailing certain avid stanch hard forceful fierce ruthless hardened pious faithful ambitious emphatic motivated dyed-in-the-wool tried-and-true devoted active fast keen even uniform unvarying grim enterprising good eager energetic sedulous invariant hellbent pat regular obsessive monomaniacal pigheaded stiff-necked unquestioning valiant definite dead set compulsive positive persisting brick-wall inflexible about go-getting on one's mettle out to fixed on fixed upon committed to the idea of hell bent on committed to obsessed with resolved on set in stone determined on firmly-based unassailable fervent passionate hardboiled buckled down absolute secure well-founded gung ho fervid impassioned sworn responsible tried inveterate ingrained deep-dyed indelible irremovable intrepid mulish reliable dependable immutable weariless unceasing unwearied inexhaustible cast-iron determined upon hard-working patient pig-headed unending dynamic unwearying unretiring tall in the saddle intent upon telelogical calculated down-the-line trusty importunate playing hard ball mean business nose to the grindstone be out for blood nerveless imperturbable sticky hopeful entrenched impregnable unsinkable allegiant liege established immobile trustworthy changeless going all the way in for long haul like bad penny strict inspired hungry compelled consumed striving possessed thirsty desirous galvanized pushy impelled whole-hearted fixated aspiring militant obsessional induced in earnest hard-line determinate dominant unmalleable unalterable impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised prevailing inexpugnable seasoned domineering going explicit self-starting hard-driving hard-and-fast goal-oriented minding self-driven urged on self-assertive stand pat hang tough through-and-through decisive about anxious to intending to impatient to resolved to hearty sturdy aggressive lusty fiery bitter stony unquenchable furious ferocious burning granite

Tính từ

Having an outcome dishonestly predetermined
rigged contrived prearranged predetermined preconceived premeditated calculated pre-planned set up thought-out sewn-up framed up planned deliberate intentional intended considered studied conscious prepense wilful aforethought cold-blooded purposive purposed laid-out willful designed set-up advised done on purpose stacked deck set settled agreed preset pre-agreed pre-decided preplanned pre-established inevitable foredestined proposed determined precogitated forethought programmed destined encoded scheduled arranged bound inexorable doomed decided beforehand established in advance arranged in advance cut and dried knowing purposeful thoughtful volitional voluntary measured willed reasoned witting thought out in advance strategic weighed on purpose wanton prepared contemplated judicious willing studious thought through designful well thought out organized projected deliberately planned outlined rational reasoning reflective investigated examined meditative prospective aimed meant computed organised thought-through thought-about unforced mannered well-thought-out artificial express self-conscious schemed thought out with forethought contemplative tactical predestined politic cognizant responsible mindful wary contracted anticipated aware cogitative contemplating meditating thinking excogitative probing careful diplomatic shrewd prudent predesigned cunning estimated sober predeterminate cut-and-dried feigned strained well-considered forced affected laboured guarded deliberative in the making on the docket carefully chosen selected with care well-planned meditated overworked reviewed plotted overdone preconcerted labored gone into informed cogent lucid methodical sensible justified intelligent commonsense well advised well-founded well chosen

Tính từ

Being intent or focused on a goal or objective
intent committed focused bent determined fixated focussed obsessive resolute set steadfast concentrated fanatical immersed obsessed preoccupied resolved absorbed concentrating eager engrossed firm occupied riveted deep engaged enthralled enthusiastic inflexible insistent impatient hell-bent single-minded wrapped up attentive lost observant rapt gripped consumed captivated caught up settled dedicated earnest steady involved fascinated enrapt intense studious intrigued watchful alert spellbound gone held mesmerized mesmerised locked in dialed in really into head over heels predisposed decided decisive tending inclined leaning disposed bound interested whole entire exclusive undivided all steeped busy submerged buried up to your ears up to here deep in thought strong-minded persistent driven dogged intensive motivated centered wrapped hooked taken up centred tied up enfolded transfixed enraptured hypnotized entranced enchanted enamored infatuated bewitched enticed enamoured hypnotised set on hooked on deep in hung up beguiled charmed devoted smitten happy all ears preoccupied by passionate caught up in distracted focused on delighted keen into wrapped up in concerned intoxicated employed turned on abstracted intent on stuck on eat sleep and breathe besotted queer gripped by ecstatic transported rapturous monomaniacal euphoric riveted by exhilarated elated working rhapsodic giddy elevated rhapsodical heady diligent assiduous industrious sedulous active sent preoccupied with single-minded about obsessive about possessed by hung up on engrossed in dedicated to enthusiastic about devoted to immersed in bustling hopping potty about nuts about gone on wild on in a brown study heavily into knee-deep crazy about dotty about up to here in prepossessed tied-up ardent fervent taken up with bound-up captivated by all wound up thrilled excited ravished absent-minded laborious under a spell taken over hard-pressed at work taken wound up on the job sunk in on the hop absorbed in hard at it passionate about hard at work interested in on the go involved in having a one-track mind attached possessed up to your eyes up to your elbows entangled sunk obsessed with bound up wackadoodle wackadoo infatuated with fanatical about paranoid neurotic connected busy with besotted with stuck fervid feverish crazy glued in the grip of impassioned nuts full ignorant up to one's ears in captive dotty blissful hanging on every word participating absentminded absent joyful inattentive entranced by dreaming overwhelmed content fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait daydreaming dreamy enthralled by unconscious spellbound by oblivious carried away blissed out somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us dutiful influential faithful devout activist contributing unavailable overloaded energetic dazzled overpowered very interested aroused tantalized attracted seduced titillated snowed forward dizzy stimulated high tantalised have a prior engagement on the move up to one's ears tied down busy as a bee have one's hands full on assignment have a previous engagement busy as a beaver at it with a customer monopolized bugged fond of sold on go-getting two-fisted go-ahead piqued galvanized moved beside oneself galvanised turned-on affected extremely happy delirious quickened engaged with beguiled by monopolised engaged in over the moon on cloud nine in love with hypnotized by fixated by fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by tickled laughing smiling pleased entertained extremely curious very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious diverted pleasantly occupied utilized utilised in harness amused too much on plate rushed off your feet clocked up on the trot pleasurably entertained

Tính từ

Not bendable
unbendable unyielding unbending inflexible rigid firm uncompromising obdurate intransigent dogged implacable perverse headstrong willful unrelenting mulish pertinacious adamant opinionated inexorable relentless determined bullheaded hardheaded pigheaded adamantine steadfast intractable refractory recalcitrant contumacious uncompliant unshakable incompliant remorseless balky unmanageable cussed tenacious persistent persevering unreasonable cantankerous rebellious insubordinate untoward iron brassbound tough grim ornery mule stiff-necked self-willed single-minded die-hard set in one's ways stubborn obstinate immovable ossified hard hardened wilful resolute inconvincible hard-nosed self-opinionated indurate unshakeable pat iron-willed unwavering strict unpersuadable harsh unmalleable steely unflinching unadaptable strong-minded uncooperative hard-line bloody-minded strong-willed unswayable locked in set in stone severe rigorous stern stringent fossilized stiff petrified hardline set indomitable bull-headed dogmatic rigidified dead set fossilised hard and fast stubborn as a mule bolshie stalwart authoritarian contrary restive resolved solid exacting froward lapidified unalterable invariable undeviating unswerving unpermissive immutable diehard staunch unchangeable cast-iron heavy-handed cross-grained rock-ribbed solidified tough nut to crack pig-headed dead set on calcified standing one's ground standing pat hanging tough narrow noncompliant purposeful intent defiant rocklike insistent non-compliant frozen stroppy difficult forceful unmoved unbreakable heady opinionative convinced contrarious unappeasable stiffened unfaltering indurated bony hidebound pushy decisive mullish domineering resistant renitent blinkered unaccommodating dyed-in-the-wool hard-core immalleable durable not giving an inch merciless ruthless unmovable with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in wrong-headed deaf to reason stony pitiless do or die crisp hold the line hard as nails hold one's ground sticking to one's guns dug in hold the fort unflexible doctrinaire set in your ways unimpressible unrepentant hardhearted bullhead cold fish proof against persuasion uncompassionate unemotional impertinent mean austere bound exact irreversible concrete unchanging static ramrod unvarying writ in stone strait-laced definite cut-and-dried decided upon unmoving hard-and-fast changeless dour oppressive awkward draconian forbidding disciplinary illiberal picky uptight puritanical stuffy unsparing dead no-nonsense iron-fisted prehistoric extinct dead as a dodo thrawn obstructive obstreperous unhelpful disobedient disobliging wayward troublesome tiresome truculent ungovernable pervicacious annoying irritable vexatious trying unamenable argumentative capricious exasperating quarrelsome unruly mutinous unresponsive rebel recusant unpredictable prickly crabby ill-natured touchy disputatious chippy hard to handle negative fractious peevish morose unwilling contentious uncontrollable shrewish inconsiderate unsupportive with a will of one's own as stubborn as a mule determined to have one's own way grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky incorrigible belligerent sticky confrontational not cooperative bad-tempered narky ratty shirty choleric vexing pesky demanding complex bulky incommodious difficult to handle cramped disagreeable discommodious scrappy overbearing hard to please fussy boorish fastidious finicky tyrannical grumbly hypercritical importunate dissatisfied rude querulous bearish finical huffy vexed testy invidious choosy fiendish delicate captious snappy sensitive hard to satisfy temperamental irritating crotchety overcritical uppity impolite irascible feisty perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial critical disputative sour oafish discontented ungracious contrariant nonconforming adverse dissident discordant arsey nonconformist disagreeing antagonistic paradoxical hostile antipathetic converse inimical wrongheaded dissentient

Tính từ

Traditionally, or generally, recognized and accepted
established traditional accepted orthodox official settled dyed-in-the-wool inveterate usual customary time-honored common normal set entrenched general habitual prevailing accustomed well-established confirmed familiar wonted popular expected routine classical regular universal acknowledged long-established typical classic conventional historic proven stable acceptable deep-rooted ingrained mainstream widely used widespread recognised recognized standard approved officially recognized old old-fashioned old-style sound stock time-honoured traditionalistic rooted sanctioned true permanent secure unshakable vested deep-seated ineradicable firm ordinary enduring chronic everyday long-standing abiding seasoned lasting natural hardened bred-in-the-bone long-lived age-old unshakeable deep long-lasting hard-core indelible commonplace persistent ancient intrenched inbred incurable average habituated prevalent innate well established prescribed staid stubborn perennial firmly established ritual run-of-the-mill ritualistic staunch household valid quotidian basic proved implanted frequent fundamental workaday inured going current daily congenital garden-variety built-in characteristic inherent inbuilt hard-shell regulation unremarkable unexceptional cut-and-dried constant explicit through and through folk intrinsic embedded ancestral tried and true tried and tested complete durable radical authorized incorrigible infixed diehard steadfast irredeemable ineffaceable uncompromising inborn irremovable day-to-day prescriptive authorised ceremonial deep-set methodical prosaic cut-and-dry deep-dyed systematic bona fide plain well worn formal irradicable definite steady old-world old-time absolute express instinctive thorough proper long-term committed thoroughgoing dedicated profound loyal faithful devoted worn unwavering correct received legal unapologetic unashamed lifelong ubiquitous understood favourite favorite ceremonious obstinate representative lawful longtime fashionable out-and-out legitimate public subconscious lingering die-hard instilled common or garden unreformable compulsive impenitent immutable inexorable unchangeable essential native constitutional true blue orderly immanent rigid card-carrying through-and-through standard-issue inexpungible full-fledged deep-down hereditary vanilla deeply felt bog-standard typic integral indigenous hardwired constitutive deeply ingrained taken for granted matter-of-course ingrain mechanical automatic out and out undistinguished garden variety indwelling in-built long-living unfading determined precise time-hallowed gut unforgettable respected indestructible undestroyable unremovable surviving long-existing comfortable defined exact venerable utter driven in certain longstanding strict unswerving unrepentant full-bore unfaltering sworn adamant radicated continuing indurated persisting right-down arrant regimented documented authoritative vintage inannihilable staple majority overall genuine archetypal archetypical agreed mad keen shameless certified traditionary ruling boilerplate canonical deep down sop stipulated wont keen as mustard ground-in planted mimetic uneventful humdrum stereotyped reprobate ceremonialistic formalistic lodged in one's brain to the core mimic endorsed admitted one-size-fits-all same old imitative predominant unadventurous conformist obdurate unregenerate apish standard operating procedure playing it safe by the numbers in a rut in the groove according to Hoyle touted endemic doctrinal immemorial stated required unoriginal unopposed passed legit okayed preferred slavish well-known epigonic epigonous agreed upon appropriate obligatory mandatory compulsory fitting canned val emulative resolute devout in vogue tried and trusted arrived at inalienable repeated periodical periodic fervent earnest vehement stalwart wholehearted ardent unyielding formulaic methodic overused fiery torrid fanatical zealous obsessive intransigent supreme repetitious practised practiced reiterative iterated ongoing addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory consistent cyclic sicker central connate underlying elemental inherited organic structural hard-line implicit instinctual inseparable engrained unalienable inward distinctive indispensable subjective resident genetic intimate latent internal connatural individual inner elementary integrated original red-hot all-consuming predictable in one's blood in your blood hard-wired part and parcel fortified brassbound plastic rife white-bread so-so grind simple in the blood grounded dug in set firm based on rampant pervasive accredited licensed allowed validated authentic rightful known reliable undisputed kosher licenced shared ratified renowned declared generic broad proverbial widely held in circulation warranted extensive verified unquestioned supported confessed stereotypical undoubted comprehensive definitive sweeping across the board professed permitted affirmed in force avowed exhaustive dominant just legalized traditionalist collective authenticated global right verifiable recognizable credible legalised real worldwide total catholic ecumenical all-embracing uncontested famous notorious existing statutory proclaimed straight recognisable backed fair present sincere reasonable wide OK'd admissible above board square pervading adopted identified middle-of-the-road sensible overt trustworthy permissible self-confessed logical magisterial best cogent convincing preponderant regnant vouched for licit commonly accepted generally accepted good coherent solid widely recognized blanket conclusive effective vulgar congruous plausible well known overarching rational omnipresent epidemic cleared in style in fashion unlimited pandemic ex cathedra cosmopolitan whole signed and sealed multinational mundane within the law across-the-board diffuse well-founded all-over all-inclusive worldly unrestricted broad-brush all-round astronomical ex officio widely believed lamestream empowered canonic self-proclaimed core contemporary latest extant modern allowable open chosen primary legendary famed believed tralatitious statutable immortal ageless enrolled qualified seeded eligible nominated perceived garden acquired honored mutual voted for net timeless realized remembered avowedly asserted hackneyed derived done in established usage realised reigning cashable self-evident axiomatic circulating embraced united like numerous honoured pro forma made official bonafide memorable undying deathless mass noted binding reputed infamous superior commanding sovereign honest celebrated intermutual commutual certifiable in use sanctioned by law by the book going by the rules trusted national communal joint outright afoot contractual veritable actual usable commonest returned answered full imperial executive bureaucratic departmental administrative notable about predominating international inclusive unexpired straightforward conceded unchallenged carried nationwide societal wholesale compendious influential operative main preponderating principal bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use going around in the air talked of symptomatic panoramic entire encyclopedic cyclopedic broad-spectrum all-around tested obvious published anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen emblematic unsuspected true-blue legally acceptable in effect legally binding permeating embracive on everyone's lips aboveboard straight-shooting honest-to-goodness truthful upfront for real likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing short-listed conservative tried demonstrated publicized inescapable omnibus individualistic clichéd cliched finest consummate ultimate greatest unanimous in-depth encyclopaedic wall-to-wall broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged all-in attested checked dependable publicised revealed patent manifest branded in keeping in character superlative true to form to be expected ultraconservative unprogressive reactionary unheretical button-down buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line old-school standpat paleoconservative archconservative publicly known widely known generally known sure establishable upheld demonstrable right as rain telling the truth on the level fair and square on the up-and-up old hat only to be expected par for the course on the cards … all over true to type derivative down pat sustained pious religious punctilious justifiable mother of all cosmic planetary celestial all empyrean terrestrial stellar bien pensant on the up and up supportable tenable sustainable compelling reasoned defensible straight arrow in line pragmatic lucid believable congruent warrantable viable workable justified realistic signed sealed handed down persuasive understandable dinkum according to the book tried-and-true ordered suitable decisive cathedral positive decided okay and delivered pukka weighty analytic analytical consequent prudent straight from the horse's mouth telling satisfying sober thoughtful satisfactory all there holding water watertight well-advised holding up responsible holding up in wash got it together faultless well grounded together intellectual commonsensical unassailable accurate flawless levelheaded impeccable advisable right-thinking standing up well-grounded cool right-minded most reliable most complete most scholarly most usual most frequent most perfect most significant

Tính từ

Consisting of matter all through
solid firm hard rigid stiff robust stout sturdy adamantine hardened tough impermeable massed unmalleable unyielding husky solidified steely taut blocked immutable inflexible sealed concentrated resolute rugged strong unrelenting compact consolidated dimensional rigorous unchangeable close compacted impliable rocklike unwavering concrete congealed impervious thick dense frozen stiffened impenetrable jellied set uncompromising brick wall non-flexible rock-hard rock-solid like a rock set in stone really hard very hard tense inelastic immalleable unbendable unsupple unbending ungiving indurate unflexible incompliant stony brittle annealed numbed jelled stiff as a board compressed hard-bitten shrewd vigorous heavy hard-boiled unsentimental unbreakable condensed close-grained astute adamant hard-nosed cynical rocky case-hardened sharp-witted sharp substantial nonporous iron indurated unpliable hearty hard-edged forceful renitent lusty smart resistant experienced inured stubborn realistic practical toughened hardy cast-iron down-to-earth matter-of-fact hard-headed sensible hard as nails rational cool businesslike callous level-headed no-nonsense refractory fine-grained gelled walkable jellified obdurate tight unmoving durable granite incompressible rock-like flinty indestructible as hard as stone as hard as iron emphatic steadfast staunch determined steel tenacious assertive aggressive unfaltering purposeful rock hard savvy knowing canny clear-sighted clear-eyed heady zealous bold on the ball quick-witted steady pragmatic accustomed habituated street smart street-smart hardheaded stand pat locked in sober intractable logical tough nut hang tough cool-headed clear-thinking desensitized deadened seasoned world-weary hard-handed packed coarsened used acclimatized with both feet on the ground lacking sentiment streetwise as hard as nails as tough as old boots toughened by experience desensitised unfeeling heartless uncaring irreverent benumbed inaccessible hardhearted prepared coldhearted contemptuous cruel acclimatised steeled hard-as-nails unrepenting disdainful impious unsubmissive unashamed obtuse uncompassionate unemotional

Tính từ

Relating to things that can be perceived by the senses, as opposed to abstractions
concrete real true genuine certain definite actual precise factual explicit positive effective conclusive existent unequivocal accurate very substantial unambiguous firm tangible objective definitive decided material sensible corporeal detailed clear-cut bona fide de facto sure-enough set in stone authentic clear absolute unquestionable unmistakable exact indubitable undeniable confirmed indisputable specific categorical veritable express distinct hard certified verifiable realistic honest literal established palpable verified sure faithful manifest obvious truthful particular irrefutable certifiable incontrovertible set incontestable veridical undoubted outright legitimate right assured correct solid proper strict defined proven direct dinkum valid well defined convinced attested veracious substantive close decisive unerring regular substantiated sharp patent determined evident plain scientific matter-of-fact legit black-and-white cut-and-dried authoritative kosher clearly defined honest-to-goodness confident good significant doubtless careful essential resolute implicit punctilious scrupulous existing severe rigorous just meticulous guaranteed skillful rigid on the nose ultraprecise discriminating judicious punctual deft systematic discriminative methodical skilful on the button demonstrable unarguable inarguable determinate perceptible thorough echt recognized univocal pukka final pucka especial lifelike recognised emphatic narrow limited convincing fair straightforward pure unqualified well-grounded veristic verisimilar physical sure-fire beyond doubt crystal clear authenticated non-fictional telling it like it is fact-based real-life inescapable demonstrated as it really happened tacit implied virtual special peculiar conscientious intrinsic sheer painstaking unacknowledged unimaginary unfailing infallible faultless nice real-world believable validated on the money inevitable word-perfect on the beam true to life spot-on on the nail on the mark bang on spot on singular foolproof irrevocable circumscribed finite bounded restricted measured specified surefire confirmable for real honest to God sure enough real live secure natural undebatable irrefragable empirical everyday practical corporal transparent inerrant questionless safe failsafe characteristic archetypal guileless typical ingenuous archetypical representative assigned prescribed watertight unchallengeable accomplished compelling unanswerable open-and-shut undoubtable artless unaffected simple single discernible corroborated discrete apparent open nailed-on apodictic unpretending dead-on appropriate average standard normal unpretentious undesigning fitting documented appreciable unfaltering considerable fail-safe dinky-di in the bag real McCoy can't-miss as sure as eggs is eggs beyond question beyond dispute satisfied unwavering persuaded not in doubt beyond the shadow of a doubt not in question striking observable intelligible measurable distinctive quantifiable detectable perceivable fundamental unadorned predetermined credible verbatim circumstantial nonfictional unadulterated documentary unvarnished reserved identifiable given sole straight-out identified specialised specialized selective self-conceited self-confident unhesitating self-assured unquestioning historical unexaggerated settled unbiased unprejudiced rank cold free from doubt affirmative perfect true-to-life word for word true-life card-carrying straight from horse's mouth on the level out-and-out consummate downright forceful cocksure thoroughgoing complete forcible well documented crisp silhouetted ringing forthright graphic well-defined pronounced bold full vivid well-marked undubitable stated clean-cut known distinguishable incisive noteworthy audible visible minute black and white hard and fast not vague cut and dried as plain as daylight as plain as the nose on your face reliable pinpoint unembellished diligent elaborate fussy errorless fastidious undistorted attentive on-target delicate mathematical laborious dependable fine on target finicky unassailable sound error-free exhaustive studious trustworthy so assiduous religious exacting ultra-careful flawless refined persnickety heedful hairline industrious blow-by-blow pedantic impeccable unimpeachable formal particularized sedulous inch-perfect demanding perfectionist accepted dead on searching persevering hard-working unembroidered particularised conscionable self-evident right on deadly dead right open and shut undeviating itemized unelaborated comprehensive conventional pernickety official nitpicking orderly finical loving itemised exactly right picky uncontroversial well-founded unalloyed beyond a shadow of a doubt undisputed naturalistic rich surgical creditable similar extensive unflagging unfaked unabridged overnice acceptable unmistaken elaborated word-for-word dedicated dead seriatim without error all right strenuous observant constant steady letter-for-letter fit ultimate hair-splitting bare critical in-depth cautious demonstrative in depth thoughtful marked acknowledged clinching double-checked airtight undisputable to the letter on the dot superior florid bull's-eye by the book as plain as a pikestaff nailed down just right by the numbers as true as I'm sitting here staring one in the face no mistake as true as I'm standing here lethal true story calculated case just so earnest historically veracious resembling stringent vérité topical unswerving fussbudget stickler utter reputable unrefuted unshakable uncanny historically faithful total individual what really happened what actually happened unmitigated satisfactory preferable inerrable invariable gospel stark uncontestable unequivocable stilted decorous stiff stiff-necked ceremonious starchy well grounded well-proven in accordance with the facts uncompromising microscopic on the ball admissible arrant impregnable invincible irresistible letter for letter in accordance with reality ideal hunky-dory overt real life immaculate amen solemn sure thing no two ways about it learned plentiful copious profuse abundant lavish ample identical tough upright blunt duteous stickling pat flat all-inclusive civil seemly formalistic overconscientious overscrupulous polite courteous scholarly based on facts ordinary written usual verbal liberal sufficient telling irrebuttable overwhelming ironclad odds-on apodeictic ordered controlled crossing the t's white-glove dotting the i's nit-picky walking on eggs minding p's and q's hanging in heart and soul into hanging tough playing safe in every respect perspicuous lucid line-for-line all-embracing just what the doctor ordered just what we need rational down pat beyond a shadow of doubt for certain no ifs ands or buts without doubt straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy understandable easily understandable clearly expressed righteous respected supported circumstantiated establishable on the right track free of error subtle developed encyclopedic cinematic filmic nof ifs ands or buts historically accurate can bet on it persistent good eye not figurative apt satisfying literatim encyclopaedic enumerated analytical organized honest-to-God straight sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff on the up-and-up really-truly swotty suitable ultra-fine dainty exquisite fine-drawn finicking hairsplitting incorrupted finespun winning nuanced nifty pictorial in detail broad-ranging point-by-point deliberate regulated orthodox prompt timely clocklike provident original tied-up active hopping unwearied untiring engaged employed busy working occupied indefatigable bustling at length circumspect intensive true-blue undeceptive due visual retentive unfabled on the numbers regardful concerned prim from the horse's mouth zealous plugging tireless grinding whiz logical organised deductive well organized experimental tested efficacious unfeigned applicable selfdisciplined discreet chary no ifs ands or buts about it that's a fact lawful photographic intense camera-friendly photogenic picturesque acute sovereign proved legal high-principled uncounterfeited bonafide meet qualified felicitous pretty desired becoming suited prudent befitting immediate seasonable on time early speedy eager beaver going to great lengths tried and true insured concluded stipulated tried and tested warranted ensured on the line on the up and up like it is de règle expeditious recurrent in good time periodic cyclic quick ready fair dinkum to schedule in time on schedule when expected well timed spot on time under the wire bang on time

Tính từ

Conclusive or definitive
positive conclusive definitive dependable irrefragable undisputable reliable undoubted undoubting unquestioned convincing guaranteed unchallengeable undisputed categorical clear-cut complete definite exhaustive incontestable incontrovertible indisputable indubitable irrefutable unambiguous uncontested undeniable unquestionable valid exact precise pure sheer accomplished fair persuasive right tangible total unalloyed unanswerable unarguable uncontradicted unqualified veritable secure hands-down as sure as eggs is eggs beyond a doubt beyond question sure unequivocal clear firm set real genuine certain absolute unmistakable plain evident true inarguable demonstrable ascertained known hard authoritative supreme provable confirmable establishable verifiable sure thing sound having down pat unassailable unerring determined trustworthy predestined infallible destined safe on ice salted away in the bag obvious beyond doubt watertight proven beyond dispute patent manifest final not in doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt self-evident compelling airtight clinching undebatable emphatic decisive apodictic ultimate transparent palpable recognized settled frozen confirmed flat inexpugnable unchallenged hard-and-fast sealed accepted determinate acknowledged stable nailed-on not in question recognised there are no two ways about it uncompromising abiding unchangeable unfailing decided convinced free from doubt enduring satisfied telling unwavering confident unchanging for a fact unfaltering constant unshakable unvarying changeless unquestioning doubtless never-failing steady persuaded steadfast assured unshaken all sewn up accurate forceful demonstrative factual unconditional established express uncontroversial well-founded open and shut cogent marked distinct forcible authentic observable resounding cold downright actual no mistake undoubtable concrete strong resolute direct sober straightforward perfect plausible weighty unimpeachable questionless out-and-out explicit pronounced surefire irrevocable last deciding outright well grounded trenchant impressive one hundred per cent as plain as a pikestaff solid staring one in the face no ifs ands or buts credible faithful unvarnished verified safe to say unequivocable uncontestable trusty bare well-proven nailed down no two ways about it implicit stone cold dinkum peremptory flawless apparent faultless inevitable logical serious self-conceited self-confident unhesitating self-assured specific pat superior well-grounded sure-enough foolproof flat-out what you see is what you get revealing litmus test settling resolving irrefrangible determinative all out straight out determinant rank affirmative consummate thorough cocksure thoroughgoing down pat beyond a shadow of doubt bona fide for certain without doubt effective fail-safe inerrant sure-fire can't-miss failsafe sharp powerful coercive influential incisive lucid urgent well-established efficacious intelligent vigorous energetic effectual well-defined formidable ingenious material insightful pertinent great crystalline relevant satisfying intuitive vehement insistent earnest assertive wholehearted ardent aggressive violent dynamic full-blooded muscular strenuous double-checked veridical unfabled pointed glaring ringing for a face significant accented dogmatic potent stressed important solemn that's a fact no ifs ands or buts about it

Tính từ

Not having or showing feeling or sympathy
stony unfeeling hard callous heartless unsympathetic merciless pitiless ruthless insensitive cold uncharitable inhuman unmerciful inhumane remorseless unsparing harsh compassionless obdurate cruel affectless indurate indifferent uncaring severe soulless stonyhearted ironhearted pachydermatous desensitised desensitized unemotional insensate cool stern impassive unresponsive frigid unfriendly blank unforgiving expressionless deadpan inflexible hardened unbending tough unmoved steely icy flinty frosty unyielding inexorable uncompromising unrelenting uncompassionate chilly firm hostile unwelcoming adamant coldhearted adamantine Rhadamanthine hard-hearted cold-blooded case-hardened hard-boiled cold-hearted stony-hearted thick-skinned slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners poker-faced lacking compassion marble-hearted stoney aloof emotionless unkind hardhearted unpitying wooden brutal stiff apathetic fierce grim forbidding austere vacant with a heart of stone implacable inexpressive rigid relentless unconcerned stolid lifeless dispassionate unexpressive empty savage numb inscrutable distant barbarous mean hard-nosed glazed straight-faced strict reserved glacial unsmiling catatonic sadistic serious rigorous somber lukewarm sombre inconsiderate grave remote vacuous uncordial hard as nails hard-bitten inanimate ferocious dead stark intimidating chill inhospitable ungentle rough barbaric dour rugged untouched clammy intolerant gelid brittle antiseptic gruff solemn hard-eyed cold-eyed flat unaffected phlegmatic surly thoughtless frozen solid louring uninterested formal lowering stringent undemonstrative unsentimental vicious unremitting dull spiritless standoffish wintry matter-of-fact sullen wintery passionless stoic coldish detached morose impersonal arctic disinterested resolute hollow stubborn unsusceptible unstirred unappeasable bleak sour exacting impervious vindictive glum calm disapproving frowning impassible unpleasant repellent imperturbable disdainful bloodless haughty iron incurious uncommunicative as hard as nails unapproachable absent cutthroat dog-eat-dog cut-throat unenthusiastic mean-spirited obstinate unloving unreadable bland illiberal stoical sober stand-offish authoritarian bestial unimpassioned heedless indurated uncongenial fell monstrous gray grey ramrod glassy wanton bitter wicked strong draconian oblivious heavy-handed immovable menacing antipathetic inured sturdy glowering truculent toneless toughened headstrong compact mean-looking sanguinary withdrawn obtuse halfhearted aversive repugnant feelingless inattentive cold fish gloomy dismal unsociable cool, calm and collected dreary depressing untroubled inclement unperturbed unruffled determined cheerless dogged brutish bloodthirsty fiendish unworried unflinching offish cynical diabolical feral steadfast insensible torpid tenacious vague joyless selfish inane unmindful unempathetic evil heinous restrained controlled unflappable hard-headed churlish set compacted compressed stone-hearted atrocious without sentiment hateful anesthetized earnest stupid benumbed punishing vigorous uninvolved unshakable nonplussed world-weary butcherly unkindly brute beastly dastardly intractable undaunted self-centred crabbed motionless anaesthetized careless hurtful cantankerous absent-minded concentrated unmalleable flagitious egregious heedless of deaf to nowhere nonemotional sulky unimpressionable nasty hard-edged crass lacking sentiment no-nonsense strait-laced impenetrable self-centered hardheaded refractory cast-iron tactless imperceptive hard-line hard-shelled grim-faced cold as ice blind toughened by experience fiery nobody home furious granite boot-faced self-controlled as tough as old boots stony-eyed reactionless stonehearted reptilian uncommiserating demanding satanic hatchetjob coldblooded passive ungenerous unamicable ungenial mechanical killer rancorous malevolent mortal ironfisted revengeful unaffable discouraging off-putting depraved hellish faceless utilitarian subhuman dumb unintelligent devoid killer instinct unneighbourly unsocial uncompanionable inert cold-shoulder po-faced stiffened without pity stuffy premeditated stingy unfair ungracious armour-plated invulnerable overbearing appalling insentient impenitent unhappy solitary unneighborly hard-hitting numbed asleep tyrannous constant vengeful punitive crotchety unamiable sensationless deadened unchristian censorious drastic immalleable impliable insusceptible hard-as-nails seasoned lacklustre fish-eyed lusterless lackluster melancholic hard-faced dejected saturnine ugly senseless insipid tight-lipped murderous bloody tyrannical avaricious unregenerate greedy unrepenting indefatigable uncontrite unsensitive unsympathizing spiteful astringent humourless humorless paralyzed still paralysed blind to pokerfaced desperate two-fisted immutable pugnacious with a hide like an elephant inured to uninviting moody dreaming dreamy laid back formidable malign wolfish malicious cannibalistic malignant abstracted idle angry brooding mortified crabby dark critical threatening iron-fisted uncalled-for mean machine dense indifferent to insensitive of insensible to insensitive to disregardful of insensible of grumpy cross sinister having a killer instinct unthinking uncomprehending ditzy pained miserable practical shrewd realistic solidified scowling carefree witless foolish daydreaming vapid silly down-to-earth anguished foreboding comfortless congealed splenetic crusty grouchy unimpressed nonchalant insouciant blithe staunch hardy stout unwavering condensed close-grained inelastic persevering relaxed bad-tempered bold packed consolidated hard-handed rocky disheartening wretched dreadful unswerving serene resistant unfaltering dry-eyed undismayed ill-tempered purposeful devil-may-care happy-go-lucky walkable gelled gutsy awful drab mirthless funereal assertive easy casual unanxious forceful gritty jellified jelled unshaken lighthearted slaphappy gay laid-back lightsome debonair untiring equable immune uncomfortable zealous impermeable thick heavy nonporous substantial pococurante hearty supercilious fanatical emphatic collected neutral supine deaf unbothered not bothered without a care in the world at ease not giving a toss forgetful feckless undisturbed lackadaisical negligent steady aggressive lusty immune to impervious to oblivious to unquenchable burning single-minded unmindful of proof against wilful mulish stiff-necked intransigent unclubbable antisocial dry buttoned-up asocial standoff persistent unshakeable bull-headed strong-minded unpersuadable pertinacious masklike meaningless noncommittal immobile willful self-willed inconvincible bloody-minded pat pigheaded perverse iron-willed contumacious self-opinionated ossified opinionated bullheaded unimpressible unrepentant uncooperative impertinent bullhead recalcitrant tough nut to crack proof against persuasion hanging tough set in stone violent vile despicable base horrible listless contemptible bad foul coarse dangerous low sharp abominable homicidal dishonourable low-down wild horrid catty rotten snide degenerate terrible immoral maleficent dirty frightful detestable execrable dishonorable oppressive virulent frightening obnoxious exploitative blah hideous disagreeable ghastly devilish shabby rowdy loathsome deplorable indelicate composed odious blasé abrasive scummy crude degraded unruly unaroused unexcitable ill-natured objective rude curt wounding nefarious corrupt lawless indiscreet uncivil perverted infernal abusive ignominious low-minded boorish criminal villainous sinful abhorrent untamed petty fearful shameful extreme reticent grisly gruesome currish pernicious brash unprincipled debased reprobate unrestrained fearsome not nice infamous hasty wrathful ignoble scornful profligate lethargic licentious uncontrollable despiteful languid impious crazed browbeating venomous wimpy moony draggy could care less contemptuous couldn't care less dire don't give a damn what the hell intemperate casehardened competitive unnatural loveless intense bearish upsetting stone-faced ice-cold unjust excessive horny ravening bullying ill tormenting torturous clinical demoniac unreasonable gloating disorderly cat-and-mouse accustomed habituated uninfluenced destructive level-headed businesslike cool-headed not caring despotic dictatorial suppressive onerous rational unagitated ruffianly lawbreaking bored non-committal half-hearted sluggish unambitious unmotivated cutting tranquil abject disgraceful experienced biting red in tooth and claw Laodicean unmanageable quiet marble caustic hardhanded droopy dispirited lazy shocking horrific rabid meanspirited self-contained acclimatized coarsened used impetuous raging delirious convulsive baleful grating unfazed raving enraged incessive undomesticated cold-faced hard-shell grubby sordid vitriolic frantic infuriated rapacious mad along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches easy-going nonaffected unexcited inaccessible acclimatised steeled irreverent unashamed unsubmissive prepared brusque annoying irritating acerbic horrendous horrifying harrowing tigerish biffo animalistic primitive aggers worthless galling cheap lame lousy narrow-minded acerb hair-raising macabre nightmarish unrevealing sedate placid taciturn inexcitable disciplinarian resolved hard-core ascetical domineering by the book absolute pressing disciplinary imperious dyed-in-the-wool ascetic autocratic contaminated faulty lewd putrid insubordinate impure libidinous indecent reprehensible demoralised miscreant abandoned demoralized spiky argumentative scurvy scabby scungy ratty terrifying unspeakable repulsive alarming unscrupulous debauched graceless amoral shameless rubbing the wrong way hard to take terrific grewsome spine-chilling revolting lurid nightmare deceitful unlawful wrong unethical iniquitous dishonest devious nauseating terrorizing sickening unsophisticated unsavoury delinquent crooked shady slippery scandalous unconscionable two-faced defiled scheming improper disreputable unrighteous sly felonious underhanded shifty unconscientious gross from hell lou bloodcurdling terrorising eerie inept clumsy gauche unsubtle maladroit self-indulgent vitiated disparaging errant libertine demonic evil-minded self-seeking conscienceless morally wrong objectionable dodgy decadent questionable corrupted dissolute scoundrelly crafty scrofulous black-hearted bent squalid incorrigible ungodly unsavory tasteless uncouth slaughterous impolite discourteous roughshod bungling unpolished blundering awkward unthoughtful disrespectful precipitate vulgar untactful rash straightforward unhandsome unmannered undiplomatic unmannerly impartial incautious short reckless ignorant unceremonious unconcerned about equitable unbiased uninvolved with apathetic towards apathetic about nonchalant about unprejudiced offhand about casual about nonpartisan regardless uncaring about uninvolved in uninterested in like a bull in a china shop bored by dismissive of mindless of equal careless of square frivolous about evenhanded candid just reckless about unimpressed by regardless of fair cavalier about ill-mannered ill-bred weary of unenthusiastic about unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned highbrow diffident silent superior not giving a monkey's

Tính từ

That is beyond memory
immemorial age-old ancient long-standing traditional archaic old antediluvian dateless rooted time-honoured aged ancestral antique hoar hoary long-lived of yore olden timeless time-worn venerable atavistic forever long-established prehistoric primaeval primeval time-honored timeworn very old centuries old rooted in the past old-fashioned antiquated superannuated out-of-date outmoded old-time passé rusty creaky old as the hills as old as the hills obsolete historic bygone primitive primordial elderly anachronistic moth-eaten mouldy clunky mossy oldie moldy old hat horse and buggy early past outdated dated remote oldfangled relic worn-out quaint vintage obsolescent cobwebby grey-haired grizzled getting on senescent medieval outworn old-fangled older decrepit fossilized longevous out of date worn advanced in years mediaeval fossilised behind the times past it long in the tooth over the hill out of the ark past its sell-by date old-world retrograde old-school old-timey retro silver-haired grizzly white-haired silvery-haired antwacky past one's sell-by date sometime stale former decayed old as Methuselah quondam unoriginal erstwhile of old pristine onetime late done unfashionable once hackneyed demode aboriginal original cast-off crumbling well-established lot of mileage of an advanced age antediluvial old as Adam grey senior classical ageless mature enduring grey-bearded established lasting geriatric doddering centenarian doddery aging octogenarian nonagenarian senile over-the-hill septuagenarian unyoung ageing first ritual ritualistic earliest gray matured ripened shot not as young as one used to be been around not as young as one was not long for this world senior citizen no spring chicken worse for wear tried and true tried and tested of long ago feeble demoded weakly frail of advanced years musty moribund