Từ đồng nghĩa của knockabout

Tính từ

Crass or boisterous in nature or manner
boisterous rowdy rollicking rumbustious rambunctious riotous rough lively slapstick farcical casual coarse crass crude mean nasty raw rough-and-tumble harum-scarum raucous roisterous robustious hell-raising wild unruly noisy disorderly loud uproarious unrestrained wild and woolly tumultuous turbulent exuberant obstreperous undisciplined clamorous uncontrolled spirited roistering unmanageable frisky wayward irrepressible disruptive ill-disciplined rip-roaring wilful uncontrollable ungovernable rackety romping high-spirited uninhibited badly behaved gruff rampageous energetic swashbuckling rude lawless loutish intemperate out of control roughhouse loudmouthed rebellious mischievous out of hand tough harsh rugged brusque robust inharmonious refractory swaggering cavalier jarring active animated bouncy overexcited playful carefree merry frolicsome hearty joyous jaunty ebullient vibrant excited sprightly jovial cavorting sportive devil-may-care abandoned lighthearted happy thumping ripping joyful cheerful fun-loving rollicksome glad impetuous full of beans in high spirits clangorous effervescent brawling vociferous strident vociferant over-the-top termagant violent disobedient recalcitrant fractious intractable difficult insubordinate contumacious resounding chaotic mutinous troublesome incorrigible willful blaring anarchic defiant booming froward piercing deafening attention-seeking unbridled lawbreaking screaming headstrong troublemaking clattering thunderous misbehaving thundering ringing naughty tempestuous blasting stroppy roaring sonorous clattery stentorian uncooperative earsplitting untoward plangent slam-bang ear-piercing contrary vehement delinquent demanding self-willed errant shrieking bad shouting hard truculent cacophonous unbiddable restive unyielding stubborn ear-splitting rash perverse reverberating trying impossible exasperating vigorous roguish rascally rioting wrong brutal vicious immoderate ugly anarchical agitated stormy insurrectionary restless callous rebel recusant incompliant balky vocal severe criminal rampant incontrollable distracting aggressive passionate insistent frenzied seditious bolshie hysterical fierce stern forceful out-of-line belligerent pugnacious in turmoil ruffianly awkward out-of-order reverberant heedless reckless carrying uncompliant full-throated heavy impulsive impervious ornery imprudent forward assertive quarrelsome drunken opinionated bawdy inexorable strepitous disturbed blatant inconsiderate emphatic deep out of line resonant intense ear-popping lusty powerful impish tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish sinful forte full fiendish gallus wanton impudent erratic full of mischief badly-behaved ill-behaved insolent devilish turned up indocile chattering rootin'-tootin unquiet brash talkative gleeful unsettling disturbing upsetting obstinate bawling confused thuggish rampaging limit dangerous divisive antisocial two-fisted importunate crazy nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized disordered revolutionary unlawful raging blusterous radge insurgent non-compliant disrupting off-base full-on indisciplined clamorsome raising Cain unconstrained unchecked unhindered unconventional ungoverned uncurbed unbounded raising the roof overpowering unstable unfettered extrovert hardened drunk irregular rowdydowdy raunchy artful kiddish infantile ill-natured sly foxy bothersome thoughtless immature childish disrespectful ear-shattering dinning causing trouble explosive roller-coaster unsettled out-of-control licentious corybantic incautious profligate irrational echoing misbehaved fulminating strong crashing blustering rich big pealing wakes the dead high-sounding rotund full-mouthed loud-voiced threatening thrilled raving outspoken storming fiery shaking amusing perturbed demonstrative entertaining untamed funny bitter witty destructive overwhelming mighty extremely noisy tremendous almighty giddy flighty full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals on-a-tear wicked impolite very loud annoying teasing worthless dysfunctional clamant sparkling jolly at full volume droll vivacious mirthful jocular full of ups and downs evil strenuous offending bad-mannered hectic frank earnest eager candid forthright open plain-spoken direct sinning head-splitting erring aberrant deviant socially impaired tiresome hot-tempered whiny pesky sullen cantankerous hostile undisciplinable problematic bellicose troublous maladjusted confrontational combative argumentative bold malicious unrestrainable irksome scrappy uncontainable peevish wearisome petulant yawping yauping ranting enthusiastic vociferating caterwauling loud-mouthed yowling squawking wacky culpable transgressing guilty frantic tiring exacting straying voluble shrill eventful arduous frenetic challenging clearly audible laborious exhausting unorthodox shifting stray hilarious deviating miscreant heretic devious fallible off straight and narrow unreliable meandering errable testing unsparing taxing flustering burdensome madhouse tireless furious bustling fortissimo sharp onerous full on wearing imperious busy action-packed bumpy strict uncompromising firm unfeeling cruel unfair abrasive ruthless unjust excessive unbending unkind unrelenting heartless rigorous insensitive unsympathetic savage curt extreme merciless

Tính từ

Suitable for rough use
tough rugged sturdy strong solid stout substantial robust firm durable secure stable steady reliable safe unyielding flourishing invincible inviolable sound hardy imperishable well-made bombproof well-built unbreakable tried-and-true hardened impregnable everlasting enduring armoured well-founded well-armed strengthened dependable reinforced heavy well made impenetrable well-protected fixed lasting concrete rock-solid steely impassible long-lasting immovable cast-iron airtight toughened resistant seasoned cohesive hard-bitten inured invulnerable hard established unassailable storm-resistant hard-wearing armored unattackable indestructible hard as nails well fortified fast stormproof heavy-duty fortified well defended well protected resilient impervious vigorous stalwart bulletproof staunch steadfast resolute rigid permanent protected unshakable waterproof strongly made unshakeable set perdurable well built tight tenacious unwavering windproof forceful unconquerable iron unbeatable indomitable trustworthy inflexible adamantine constant responsible secured made to last tried riveted deep-rooted well constructed stiff insuperable immune honourable honorable determined unstoppable insurmountable stiffened frozen immutable true upright untouchable built to last stony faithful unfaltering unfailing lusty infrangible anchored rooted infallible taut unchangeable sure braced cemented abiding trustable long-lived long-standing nailed calculable snug insusceptible moored tightened continuing honest jammed fastened trusty eternal weatherproof lifelong lodged stuck repellent unmalleable consistent rocklike indurate bound solidified rocky proof against powerful impassable rock-hard rock-like as hard as stone as hard as iron safe and sound serviceable uncompromising compelling effective hearty cogent emphatic indubitable wear-resistant shatterproof shellproof inexpugnable unrelenting assertive non-breakable aggressive well-defined well-constructed well-established well founded nonbreakable purposeful foolproof clenched clinched bold zealous brass-bound indissoluble incorruptible tied vice-like risk-free immalleable impliable low-risk holy sacred hallowed sacrosanct surviving perduring diuturnal long-continued inspiring distinctive individual water-resistant unaffected as hard as a rock recognized attested riskless well-defended compact granite clasped fitted galvanized tempered galvanised certain locked error-tolerant fixed firmly insensitive reputable proven remaining long-established long-running done up buttoned down loyal good straightforward trusted never-failing unsurmountable unsusceptible to unaffected by repellent of impervious to invulnerable to immune to solid as a rock prevailing persistent persisting credible predictable unswerving unflinching dauntless indefatigable unbending ongoing perennial time-honoured immortal traditional long-term fortress-like sterling recognised committed invariable unalterable irrepressible undefeatable supreme irresistible tried and true tried and tested tried and trusted imperviable to safe as houses invariant irreversible changeless unpliable characterful balanced equable decided incommutable indurated impermeable settled embedded stationary motionless treated proofed rainproof imperviable perpetual inevitable unfading ineradicable inalterable hard-and-fast unvarying renitent concentrated childproof soundproof fireproof tamper-proof leakproof well balanced well-balanced proof unmovable unmodifiable unchanged damp-proof wedged unmoving welded unfluctuating able to withstand mounted bolted soldered screwed irremovable immobile hard and fast set in stone

Danh từ

A person who wanders from place to place, typically without a home or job
vagabond vagrant tramp wanderer drifter bum hobo nomad rover gypsy wayfarer itinerant roamer beggar traveller derelict rambler migrant sundowner transient stroller gadabout swagman derro bummer outcast dosser swaggie maunderer traveler bagman beachcomber explorer overlander pilgrim whaler bindlestiff outie down-and-out homeless person rolling stone bag lady bird of passage bindle stiff person of no fixed abode knight of the road person of no fixed address hiker Romany globetrotter walker journeyer streety voyager Bedouin tinker adventurer globe-trotter ranger floater backpacker displaced person refugee DP pikey pauper indigent poor person bankrupt trekker insolvent mendicant street person peddler hitchhiker footslogger excursionist barnstormer landloper unemployed person job-seeker ambler saunterer perambulator tramper maverick have-not tripper chal Rom poor unemployed needy destitute homeless meanderer straggler stray gallivanter gad gitana gitano Zingaro chai zingana didicoi Zigeuner down and out tzigane gyppo Bohemian zingara zingaro sharper gippy bohemian New Ager New Age traveller pariah waif crusty panhandler castaway loafer outlaw exile fugitive leper scrounger reject beggarwoman beggarman sponger untouchable cadger guttersnipe undesirable wastrel wino mooch schnorrer moocher clochard quandong castoff offscouring stiff expatriate outsider good for nothing deportee rascal evacuee renegade persona non grata recluse lone wanderer tussocker fence bindle punk unperson bindle gutterpup monk solivagant Romani Roma Romanichal zigeuner Sinti black sheep travelling people travelling folk social outcast traveling worker New Age traveler down-and-outer ne'er do well shopping-bag lady bag person shopping-bag person good-for-nothing Gypsy no-goodnik no-good slacker ne'er-do-well do-nothing no-account urchin stumblebum grifter dawdler mudlark orphan skidrow bum gamin tatterdemalion runaway scarecrow freeloader supplicant gamine escapee foundling wretch starveling bludger child escaper deserter runagate supplicator deadbeat borrower rustler asker palliard spanger ragamuffin reprobate Ishmael absconder asylum seeker street urchin street dweller hermit walkout hunted person lamster truant emigre fly-by-night bolter dodger criminal abscotchalater

Từ trái nghĩa của knockabout

knockabout Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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