Từ đồng nghĩa của perverse

Alternative for perverse

Từ đồng nghĩa: contrary, corrupt, difficult, erroneous, false, incorrect, obstinate, stubborn, untrue, wicked, willful, wrong,

Từ trái nghĩa: docile,

Tính từ

Contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice
incorrect wrong inappropriate amiss contradictory graceless illogical improper inapposite inapt incongruous indecorous inept infelicitous irrational malapropos unapt unbecoming unfit unhappy unreasonable unseemly unsuitable untoward wrong-headed irregular unorthodox aberrant delinquent disobedient disobliging erring fractious mean miscreant obstructive ornery rebellious rotten thrawn troublesome uncontrollable unhealthy unhelpful wayward out of place unfitting out of keeping unacceptable unbefitting unsuited ill-advised ill-suited untimely tasteless indelicate tactless inopportune injudicious undesirable ill-timed inapplicable undue awkward misplaced incompatible unwarranted ill-considered ill-judged inadvisable unseasonable discordant inexpedient lacking in propriety out of order indecent unprofessional unladylike ungentlemanly irrelevant erroneous ineligible inconsistent uncalled-for inharmonious in bad taste undignified absurd indiscreet fallacious uncouth misguided unfortunate clumsy regrettable unworthy illegitimate false rough ungodly inaccurate imprudent inadequate gauche stupid discrepant preposterous odd unfitted disproportionate in poor taste uncomely inadmissible ludicrous at odds ill-adapted beyond the pale out of the way bad form faulty invalid impolite coarse unsound rude immoral extraneous immodest meaningless senseless flawed discreditable unreasoning inconsequential malodorous unmannerly impolitic vulgar nonrational weak inconsequent loose irreconcilable clashing dissonant jarring crooked maladroit ridiculous unfair insensitive inapropos unconnected incoherent abnormal silly foolish unreasoned ill-fitted unworthy of mad out-of-place out-of-season off-base not designed not up to scratch ineligible for unequipped for unprepared for not proper unsuited to inadequate for ill-chosen ill-suited to unsuitable for unfitted for off the wall not good enough inappropriate to not designed for ill-adapted to improprietous untactful impertinent immaterial unqualified unconventional offensive out-of-the-way pointless irrelative uncalled for objectionable funny off-balance detrimental unhandsome tacky unlovely salacious not done unmatched disparate dissident disagreeable interfering not up to snuff not qualified not pertinent not germane defective out of character unvirtuous wanton ill-bred shameless awry incautious boorish churlish ill-mannered discourteous inconsonant off mistaken confused uncivil shocking out of line left-field foot-in-mouth way off bad imperfect unsatisfactory astray adrift dishonourable dishonest corrupt unethical unscrupulous dishonorable unlawful haywire sick foul against the rules not cricket inefficient uncool useless ineffective bad-tempered stroppy far-fetched thoughtless erratic reasonless full of hot air capricious quirky ill-tempered vacant arbitrary all wet not suitable glitched up slow incompetent dull not equal to not good enough for no good inexpert inexperienced unhandy unfacile flat jejune inadept unmeet undexterous unproficient insipid banal unrefined disreputable poor crass tawdry ruffian shameful raffish inelegant crude cheap rowdy conflicting contrary disconsonant strange bizarre off-key spurious specious untenable unscientific ironic paradoxical unjustifiable unjustified not in harmony divergent unrelated uncoordinated shifting unbalanced unpredictable distorted lopsided jumbled unavailing uneven rambling in opposition alien foreign incongruitous unintelligible twisted incongruent fitful fantastic inconclusive standing out a mile like a fish out of water sticking out a mile insane impossible sophistical nonsensical implausible casuistic idiotic groundless crazy unfounded imbecilic inane unproved sophistic daft unsubstantial beyond belief fatuous nutty wacky cockeyed hollow screwy barmy self-contradictory off beam way out without basis not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility not following full of holes without foundation unnecessary beside the point neither here nor there unmerited off the subject gratuitous disgraceful undeserved inessential mismatched needless peripheral unjust wide of the mark superfluous ignoble not to the point nonessential unessential unimportant low unassociated immoderate inordinate excessive degrading indefensible inexcusable unneeded off the point base ignominious unprovoked unforgivable wretched infra dig extrinsic tangential a bit much different varying trivial unwise nothing to do with it misconceived forbidden unwelcome contemptible demeaning non-essential debasing cheapening not on ill-matched unwanted unceremonious unconscionable shaming belittling lowering mortifying despicable vile redundant humiliating unwarrantable dispensable scandalous inglorious insignificant outside remote inappurtenant unconcerned avoidable minor ungrounded not required worthless separate trifling bottomless independent over the fence a bit thick futile superficial of no matter off base not pertaining to off the topic of no moment of no consequence not related not connected with of no importance of little account of no account diverse at variance differing unmixable undiplomatic gross unequipped below the belt unfavorable disappointing unfavourable beneath one's dignity out of turn misdirected unprepared outrageous unpardonable deplorable dreadful antipathetic disagreeing repugnant garbage sordid ill suited mutually exclusive optional fortuitous not deserved not merited not earned unrequired not warranted uninvited accidental out of its element causeless not worth worrying about not at issue not the issue nothing to do with the case unsavoury uncharacteristic petty inconsiderable naughty unallowable baseless seamy sleazy louche seedy shoddy fallible confusing sorry abject heterogeneous indiscriminate without reason brutish careless no big deal matter of indifference a matter of indifference makes no difference all the same inconsiderate no never mind debased depraved nasty degenerate low-minded unearned without cause unassimilable beneath you lacking dignity grey abhorrent odious prohibited precluded disallowed impermissible unsupportable assumed supererogatory shady unofficial askew problematic sleazoid disgusting abominable gray de trop not necessary extreme ill-favored not acceptable unadmittable not allowable exceptionable censored unadmissible excluded barred banned not working squalid unsavory beneath your dignity negligible ill-favoured out of commission not right incidental back-door disconnected from distant from intemperate extravagant overmuch ineffectual insufficient deficient inefficacious limited remote from different from detached disconnected deluded misled not appropriate dissociated additional extra fulsome out-of-order contrary to the rules inferior undeserving beneath reprehensible unlike rash supplementary not applicable not connected nothing to do with exorbitant too great overextravagant overdue overweening stiff too much intolerable plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy steep unmerciful devilish flimsy junk unadvantageous hopeless unproductive impotent broken powerless unable lousy adventitious unattached disinformed stray errant deceived bum-steer bearded faked-out stonewalled straying intrusive unfitting to recreant valueless nothing blamable improper to no-good good-for-nothing pitiful no-account exceeding underhanded sinister unmeasurable illegal uncoupled unallied discrete unlinked individual distinct inexact unbecoming to dissimilar variant isolated off course labouring under a delusion led up the garden path not to the purpose untrue out not kin not kindred nongermane wrongly identified off the mark off track off-target labouring under a misapprehension in error in the wrong way off beam wide of mark barking up wrong tree off-beam off target barking up the wrong tree over the top not deserving not worth out of place with out of character with not fit

Tính từ

Tending to behave in a perverted or deviant manner
depraved perverted abnormal corrupt degenerate warped deviant sick base debased debauched decadent degraded demoralised demoralized dissipated dissolute immoral jackleg libertine loose rakehell rakehelly rakish reprobate twisted unclean unnatural unwholesome wicked evil improper kinky pervy sicko unhealthy bad-tempered churlish crabbed ill-natured ill-tempered incorrect nefarious shrewish spiteful surly unaccommodating villainous profligate abandoned sinful licentious lewd wanton impure lecherous unchaste sordid vile lascivious unprincipled vicious bad corrupted intemperate lustful promiscuous libidinous indecent defiled low rotten miscreant obscene unrestrained fast louche shameless disreputable immodest self-indulgent fast-living prurient vitiated gone bad fallen infamous profaned wild voluptuary desecrated sybaritic uncleanly amoral coarse tainted carnal dishonourable gone to the dogs monstrous wayward ungodly criminal flagitious mean iniquitous dishonorable concupiscent indulgent wrong swinging easy vice-ridden aberrant pleasure-seeking gross high living profane vulgar unrefined abased dishonored boorish baneful deleterious unsavoury ignoble scoundrelly despicable contaminated rascally retrograde hedonic hedonistic scungy sleazy dishonoured brutal retrogressive riotous not pure unsavory raffish unconstrained violated deteriorated drunken open light night owl in the fast lane fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter mercenary disgusting sullied erroneous venal crude ribald reprehensible inferior hardened distorted lubricious wrongful unworthy incorrigible praetorian dubious prodigal sensual salacious roguish degenerated vulgarized vulgarised impious unrighteous unholy blasphemous irreligious deviate goatish voluptuous randy horny unregenerate epicurean overindulgent luxurious flatitious demeaned sinking failing raunchy lickerish grotesque vitiate sadistic contorted impaired knavish freethinking careless roundheeled decaying moribund lost declining rude foul misguided imprudent whorish heedless disturbing inconstant irresponsible no better than one should be out of control of easy virtue dirty flagitous strange macabre undesirable morbid filthy dirty-minded immoderate hellbent gone to seed passionate uncontrolled hot incontinent satyric lubricous hypersexual itchy unbridled smutty bawdy uninhibited extravagant erotic reckless unrestricted pornographic naughty excessive X-rated bacchanalian lotus-eating unvirtuous saturnalian nasty blue uncurbed unscrupulous free pleasure-loving lax unhindered suggestive fleshly ruttish unchecked uncontrollable orgiastic lavish devil-may-care trashy porny unprintable stag gutter gay greedy raw ungoverned unethical locker-room unruly dishonest unconfined sexual unconscionable unimpeded Dionysiac offensive underhand devious sexy crooked untrammeled wolfish ardent inordinate hircine desirous hankering titillating scabrous cutthroat Machiavellian unbounded itching unhampered shady rampant low-down indelicate runaway outrageous flirtatious untrammelled unrepressed bestial lusty unblushing pampered Dionysian animal unmoral relaxed disorderly champagne frenetic grubby amorous deceitful unprofessional sensualist hot and heavy luxury-loving Lucullan Bacchic self-gratifying amatory gluttonous gourmandizing wasteful bacchic uproarious Saturnalian aphrodisiac parsimonious effete miserly tricky steamy enticing hedonist appealing attractive delightful desirable pleasing aphrodisiacal luscious lush slack tarty slaggy fraudulent craving voyeuristic spendthrift unfair morally wrong riggish extreme dirty-dealing double-dealing mercentary sly bent cheating conscienceless two-faced stop-at-nothing double-crossing two-timing dastardly longing binge-eating indecorous demonstrative hot-blooded dodgy black unlawful dark racy scatological philandering porno scatologic off colour thriftless squandering improvident gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous unjust graceless saucy adult porn Fescennine fruity impetuous emotional carefree unlimited not cricket ithyphallic Cyprian unreasonable good-time rank barnyard scurrilous crass explicit bohemian casual sporty unconventional dashing jaunty high-rolling unthrifty boisterous unreserved near the knuckle unjustified undue severe violent unwarranted beyond the pale unshackled unfettered effusive touchy-feely undisciplined natural unsuppressed boundless egregious tempestuous dapper irrepressible unbound unquenchable unstoppable footloose uncontainable O.T.T. uncalled for ungovernable dissipative over the top venereal unbalanced flashy spontaneous frank flamboyant candid audacious impertinent indiscriminate blunt out of hand impotent plenary exaggerated lawless bizarre limitless hot to trot flash colorful tawdry colourful unusual free-spirited individual

Tính từ

Having a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
irritable grumpy cross testy irascible peevish grouchy petulant crabby cranky ratty prickly choleric crotchety fiery snappy snappish pettish waspish snarky stuffy snippy snippety raspy short-tempered quick-tempered touchy tetchy bad-tempered cantankerous fractious ill-tempered chippy crabbed ill-humoured splenetic ill-humored crusty huffy narky surly disagreeable liverish ill-natured eggy querulous soreheaded peppery dyspeptic miffy snaky peckish bilious ornery moody curmudgeonly sullen fretful sulky out of sorts captious impatient churlish stroppy edgy hot-tempered like a bear with a sore head shirty quarrelsome complaining scratchy shrewish out of humor sour waxy morose in a bad mood angry brusque on a short fuse difficult argumentative bearish whingy awkward contrary bitter mean miserable mardy cross-grained short-fused on edge as cross as two sticks sorehead cavilling uptight caviling truculent temperamental volatile obstinate whingeing gruff in a mood out of temper thin-skinned grumbling disputatious uncooperative snarling acrimonious fussy dour short acid curt glum disgruntled hot-blooded pouty feisty critical harsh pouting whining hotheaded hostile mumpish tart waspy cussed passionate vinegary ugly bloody-minded disputative contentious tense resentful annoyed unpleasant unsociable ungracious cynical scrappy displeased ireful gloomy tough restless iracund iracundulous trying sensitive sharp restive spiteful acrid saturnine blunt carping sore nasty troublesome out of humour fault-finding hot under the collar having got out of bed the wrong side pugnacious combative uneasy scowling belligerent confrontational mopey vexed militant bellicose put out piqued peeved huffish bristly discontented fidgety litigious anxious upset moping gladiatorial aggressive agonistic discordant brawly assaultive warlike agitated misanthropic pertinacious whiny crybaby unfriendly exasperated nervous unquiet brooding impulsive tooshie worked up malicious venomous malignant vindictive arsey twitchy ill at ease hasty grousing dissatisfied griping growling fretting childish chuffy excitable inflammable faultfinding obstreperous jumpy unruly recalcitrant wild refractory foul-tempered having got out of bed on the wrong side easily upset nasty-tempered hot-headed out-of-sorts polemical disobliging catty controversial polemic tempersome vinegarish rude bad-humored boorish uncivil impolite discourteous apt to fly off the handle dissentious salty got up on wrong side of bed like a bear abrupt humourless disrespectful humorless froward worried overwrought uncomfortable distraught indomitable uncompliant indocile unsmiling unhelpful mopish glowering oversensitive stressed irritated hypercritical irate irked fed up dark aloof galled unhappy ill-mannered filthy livid apoplectic frowning withdrawn dismal depressed sourpussed sulking cheerless riled mad wrought up distressed unsettled steamed crook steamed up vex ropeable easily offended hoha wroth jittery wreck rattled overstrung aerated factious in a paddy in a lather up in arms bent out of shape on the warpath teed off fit to be tied foaming at the mouth hacked off not best pleased in a bate ticked off hopping mad nervy het up in the sulks in a huff in a strop down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk unrestful apprehensive defiant antagonistic wrangling stressy wired antsy threatening fighting warring bickering battling like a cat on a hot tin roof keyed up champing at the bit stubborn unyielding on tenterhooks like a cat on hot bricks ready for a fight naysaying troubled perturbed disturbed insecure disquieted bothered concerned discomposed strung out toey queazy spooky on pins and needles shaky dithery queasy fearful in a state in a tizzy afraid squirrelly alarmed windy shaken strung up in a stew aflutter in a tizz goosey atwitter hinky frightened scared hung up spooked in a flap in a state of agitation strained all of a dither all of a lather worried sick in a sweat in a state of nerves in a twitter in a twit flustered disconcerted unnerved flurried ruffled in a dither dismayed having kittens all of a doodah in suspense hyper high-strung a bundle of nerves unsteady shook up angsty unglued fazed timorous unrelaxed bricking oneself trembling excited under stress turbulent tormented trepidatious unpeaceful waiting with bated breath beside oneself like a fish out of water bundle of nerves taut with one's heart in one's mouth timid careful shy frustrated shivery fluttery confused thrown malcontent disaffected snarly highly strung spasmodic creepy hysterical aggrieved shaking plaintive discombobulated fraught discontent envious white-knuckled ungratified quivering grudging panicky angstful self-conscious solicitous jaundiced bugged malcontented picky kvetching cheesed off stressed out clutched waiting for the axe to fall brassed off aghast a wreck browned off hot and bothered embarrassed anguished discomfited fidgeting fitful shot to pieces out of joint irresolute itchy nervous wreck in a cold sweat in turmoil perplexed up the wall with one's stomach in knots shaking in one's shoes with butterflies in one's stomach embittered skittish discountenanced neurotic flighty skittery brittle ticklish under pressure violent destructive vicious mousy bad wicked uncongenial atrabilious zowerswopped exercised disorderly inhospitable inimical fierce loudmouthed adversarial under a strain ungenerous distracted perversely irritable easily frightened easily agitated wavering frisky unbalanced abusive malevolent jerky quaking pressured adrenalized hassled squirmy wiggly wriggly disappointed offensive moving moved wound up shot overanxious choked beset suspicious harassed palpitant all nerves wrung on the qui vive unsatisfied unfulfilled tortured plagued anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting rancorous unkind mighty antipathetic disorientated out of place hesitant white knuckled muddled tied up in knots butterflies in stomach biting one's nails sharp-tongued worried stiff angered restlessly moving disoriented bewildered disapproving regretful strange lost unsure ennuied offended sniveling put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable fed-up unappeased not satisfied unsated jealous active hurried transient tossing and turning unstable wandering intermittent changeable inconstant footloose roving sleepless nomadic bustling snivelling nerve-racking unsettling unnerving disturbing hairy disquieting nail-biting distressful agitating distressing nerve-wracking terrified chagrined intimidated petrified cowardly blue daunted frantic horrified startled cowering terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed chicken shocked afeared hysteric sick and tired sick to death peed off yellow feart frozen stunned frit terrorised murmuring worrisome scared out of one's wits in awe horror-struck in a blue funk alarmed at terror-stricken running scared apprehensive about scared to death intimidated by shaking like a leaf frightened out of one's wits panic-stricken in a fluster scared stiff horror-stricken having cold feet faint-hearted scared witless terror-struck censorious fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth grumbly moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing negative crying deploring lamenting hard to please huffy irascible watchful dreading in a spin a basket case sweating bullets in a flat spin having butterflies in the stomach

Tính từ

Showing a stubborn and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable
obstinate wilful unbending adamant dogged headstrong immovable implacable inflexible intractable intransigent mulish obdurate pertinacious stubborn uncompromising unyielding cussed opinionated recalcitrant willful contumacious refractory tenacious unmanageable unrelenting uncooperative unreasonable adamantine balky bolshie bullheaded cantankerous contrary difficult froward hard hardened hardheaded inconvincible ossified pat pigheaded stroppy contrarious obstreperous stiff-necked bull-headed hard-nosed self-willed wrong-headed bloody-minded cross-grained self-opinionated wayward disobedient determined insubordinate rigid ungovernable rebellious defiant inexorable firm incompliant unruly untoward relentless awkward restive steadfast single-minded rebel resolute recusant unshakeable tough ornery unaccommodating thrawn uncontrollable mutinous indurate strong-willed fixed persistent fractious uncompliant unmalleable unpersuadable unshakable obstructive undisciplined unhelpful troublesome disobliging iron-willed disorderly wild unwavering steely stubborn as a mule persevering hard-line deaf to reason renitent remorseless strong-minded unflinching noncompliant indomitable tiresome insistent stiff pervicacious unbendable delinquent quarrelsome errant naughty disruptive annoying truculent rock-ribbed grim incorrigible locked in strict badly behaved set in one's ways argumentative unadaptable iron mischievous exasperating unpredictable pig-headed turbulent incontrollable dead set on set in stone hardline vexatious diehard capricious riotous impossible crabby hard and fast unswayable irritable resolved brassbound trying unbiddable die-hard impish unswerving non-compliant antagonistic negative rowdy inimical roguish rascally attention-seeking belligerent set harsh pitiless dogmatic out of control hard-core mean not giving an inch peevish hanging tough insurgent seditious unresponsive unwilling unbearable intolerable haughty mule factious disaffected assiduous unamenable ill-natured adverse tireless unsparing unrestrained disputatious solid indefatigable unbreakable demanding lawless prickly stern indocile merciless importunate insubmissive ruthless touchy unalterable rigorous unappeasable chippy staunch as stubborn as a mule rude impolite opinionative unchangeable out of hand brick-wall immutable tough nut resistant heedless reckless dead set violent fiendish unmovable hard to handle narrow-minded impulsive impetuous impervious rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy out of line standing one's ground dug in standing pat contradictory inimitable morose tetchy grouchy contentious irreconcilable estranged alienated shrewish stalwart purposeful incurable nonobservant grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky inconsiderate unsupportive frozen petrified uncontrolled inveterate unbudgeable confrontational cross unfavorable unfavourable petulant resistive indurated rigidified fossilized bony untrained with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way insoluble thorny unpliable locked problematic knotty hidebound stringent stiffened unmoved heady sticky obstinately disobedient unsteady unschooled blinkered dyed-in-the-wool severe boneheaded unreceptive convinced narky bad-tempered ratty shirty choleric dissentious treacherous uncomplying boisterous immalleable fossilised durable hang tough erratic fickle proud aloof anarchic unfaltering resisting undisciplinable radical opposing withstanding hard-shell locked-in inconsistent ungoverned stony chaotic troublemaking blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying set in your ways scrappy unimpressible irrepressible unfailing cruel set-on one-sided unrepentant uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional not cooperative strong lively rollicking romping noisy anarchical rumbustious lawbreaking loud constant impassive with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in unconstructive hindering crisp doctrinaire unflexible decided vexing pesky lacking self-control rugged categorical tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion stony-hearted unimpressionable unshaken undependable sedulous unflagging unstoppable dissident nonconformist paradoxical hostile contrariant nonconforming discordant arsey disagreeing wrongheaded antipathetic converse dissentient unforgiving unmodifiable steady quiescent permanent frustrating making difficulties do or die hard as nails sticking to one's guns hold the line hold one's ground hold the fort immoral aberrant arbitrary complex bulky discommodious incommodious cramped disagreeable bad unabated bound iron-fisted pounding mortal hard-headed stand pat stick to guns set in concrete misbehaving overbearing hard to please fussy self-indulgent bound and determined misbehaved difficult to handle loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant boorish tyrannical picky fastidious finicky playful grumbly finical vexed testy invidious choosy captious snappy sensitive temperamental crotchety uppity uptight feisty disputative sour oafish discontented hypercritical dissatisfied querulous bearish huffy delicate oppressive hard to satisfy irritating overcritical irascible perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial critical ungracious wicked tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish sinful teasing gallus wanton worthless evil rough wrong unendurable objectionable offensive bad-mannered ill-disciplined insupportable terrible painful insufferable full of mischief excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful improper unacceptable egregious beyond bearing not to be borne spirited dedicated committed vigorous undeviating untiring forceful earnest intent enduring unhesitating undaunted unchanging bold unremitting exacting valiant settled sturdy gritty stout lasting gutsy sure mettlesome perseverant fierce stable sustained courageous plucky cast-iron rooted driven continuous stout-hearted brave continual abiding decisive full of determination ingrained deep-rooted deep-seated continuing unabating emphatic fanatical unsympathetic serious spunky doughty lionhearted definite authoritarian heavy-handed ineradicable entrenched extreme zealous ceaseless true long-standing unvarying purposive unflappable chronic austere dour perpetual perennial persisting hardy unvacillating aggressive invariable manful diligent hard-and-fast ardent everlasting incessant tight pushy devoted long-lasting established draconian confirmed recurrent ironclad lifelong unfeeling bulldog impliable deliberate endless inelastic unending robust flinty patient deep-dyed bent on focused callous bent upon compulsive high-spirited indelible strenuous ferocious secure ramrod bent energetic toughened unqualified certain fast concrete active habitual obsessive imperious winner-take-all zero-sum never-failing hard-hearted focussed heavy-duty faithful four-square dire hearty meaning business unbroken unmitigated routine recurring inborn long-lived ever-present usual inbred heartless unceasing uninterrupted go-getting self-assertive do-or-die intrepid irremovable hell-bent on protracted hell-bent upon nonstop unrelieved unfluctuating ambitious interminable resilient burning imperishable non-stop heavy all-or-nothing win-or-lose keen enterprising enthusiastic motivated industrious compact consistent wholehearted brutal regular avid inescapable eager seasoned indestructible hard-wearing eternal aspiring militant absolute non-flexible domineering rock-solid no-nonsense intense pressing grave never-ending unmoving loyal explicit formidable well-founded sound uncharitable unswervable determinate armoured hard-boiled inexpugnable armored two-fisted hard-bitten out forbidding hard-driving self-starting self-confident fearless goal-oriented reinforced taut self-driven illiberal shatterproof lusty disciplinary urgent stuffy immobile cold unpermissive excessive unassailable fiery game important non-breakable running continued powerful infrangible unmerciful tense granite immoderate heroic exigent devout imperative hungry unwearied brittle obsessional prolonged incorruptible deep necessary unfriendly besetting even uniform intrenched ungiving thirsty desirous uncaring round-the-clock obsessed inspired indissoluble striving inalterable solidified unsupple positive independent hard-hitting changeless invariant monomaniacal drastic static irreversible vehement cohesive clamant crying acute possessed lingering haunting invulnerable jelled unpleasant reliable assured high-powered bred-in-the-bone fixated well-established all-consuming final confident never-tiring inured hell bent on irresistible astringent hell-bent stiff as a board well-built well-set well-made made to last pass-fail high stakes self-disciplined high-stake mullish firmly-based unshrinking direct nonflexible reactionary traditionalist conservative long-drawn-out unquestioning conscientious gallant starched day-and-night great unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable unpacifiable unblinking immoveable perseverative ultra-conservative unprogressive cocksure valorous sharp coherent passionate hardworking hellbent straight trusty challenging unintimidated dauntless possessive unforgetful ballsy ineluctable neverending dangerous dragging slow nasty flat laborious compulsory complicated puritanical exact biased obscene pornographic X-rated iron-jawed abrasive unjust unfair alarming undefeated preconceived inextinguishable immortal sagacious remaining true-blue going all the way formal solid as a rock undiscouraged undeterred mean business thick-skinned scrupulous systematic meticulous painstaking blimpish unkind insensitive clear-sighted all out flat-out straight out tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon intent on set on determined to committed to the idea of numbed annealed disciplinarian ascetical by the book browbeating ascetic autocratic as game as Ned Kelly rocklike solemn manly greathearted gutty stouthearted unafraid undauntable heroical unwaivering no going back undismayed drawn-out spun-out unpitying firm in spirit perceptive keen as mustard animated tough-minded resourceful take charge reserved fit nonperishable unfading undying deathless inextensible inductile savage curt lion-hearted unobliging like death and taxes decided upon writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced unsentimental punishing unsmiling chilly frigid icy frosty not put off not discouraged cynical never give up fogyish stick-in-the-mud conformist competitive cool distant lacking compassion vindictive inhuman consumed compelled uncivil discourteous dynamic nonstretchable louring gruff red-blooded pushful peremptory cutthroat whole-hearted sacrosanct ageless progressive bloodthirsty pioneering remote lowering intimidating galvanized impelled desperate pugnacious triumphant tough as old boots rocky as tough as old boots with a heart of stone unvaried incommutable unchanged dominant in earnest nonmoving warlike gladiatorial resounding reiterative monotonous prevailing non-stretchable unamiable uncongenial induced mighty sombre somber ungentle cold-blooded cold-hearted safe chiseled chiselled unbudging going irrefragable nonbreaking unwreckable undestroyable inextirpable inexterminable undestructable unruinable irrefrangible self-asserting impregnable invincible nonmotile pushed steered guided galvanised mean-looking potent hard-shelled nonbreakable full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face self-seeking fiercely competitive get up and go stop at nothing power-hungry having killer instinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke self-assured can-do eager beaver power-loving gung ho high-reaching self-possessed influential well-armed strengthened airtight storm-resistant fortified well protected flourishing unattackable bombproof dependable impenetrable stormproof tried-and-true knockabout well fortified inviolable well defended well-protected impassible untimely unfortunate immotile thorough unbowed gripping tormenting neurotic consuming unquenchable bitter furious significant fixed as the laws of the Medes and Persians inconvenient inopportune through-and-through perdurable brass-bound fervent proved complete forcible dominating torrid thoroughgoing impenitent supreme unapologetic unashamed irredeemable unreformable longtime urged on unexpected unanticipated ill-timed stark accustomed habituated staid strapping addictive fanatic controlling sicker surprising unforeseen disastrous unusual unpredicted mistimed hale athletic sinewy capable muscular big able substantial staying dateless oft-repeated repetitive timeless consecutive repeated around-the-clock unalleviated ongoing connected unwaning aeonian frequent long-established pathological wackadoodle wackadoo puissant crucial compelling vital bona fide in fine feather able-bodied unwelcome infelicitous inapt unsuitable inappropriate unlucky inauspicious anchored well established red-hot through and through deep-set firmly established card-carrying nailed quiet hitched hooked situated attached stationary still located preoccupied infatuated without respite high-priority made fast malapropos badly timed unseasonable constraining instant pivotal emergent necessitous key misfortunate disturbing hapless luckless unpropitious ill-starred star-crossed essential clamouring persuasive clamoring requiring distressing of the utmost importance of the essence hurry-up immediate obliging heat-on now or never claiming forcing

Tính từ

Departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behaviour
deviant abnormal aberrant atypical untypical anomalous irregular wayward divergent perverted twisted bent deviating deviate devious digressive kinky nonconformist non-standard non-typical rogue transgressing unusual warped bizarre curious eccentric freak freakish odd peculiar sick strange uncommon unorthodox unrepresentative aberrational distorted exceptional idiosyncratic singular unnatural freaky pervy quirky sicko different heretical heteroclite nonstandard off-key preternatural queer unexpected variant varying wandering weird out of the ordinary unconventional outlandish offbeat funny oddball extraordinary wacky screwy crazy surprising far-out off-centre off-the-wall way out rum wild erratic bizarro eerie cranky wacko way-out unwonted uncustomary heterodox out of the way unhealthy remarkable off the wall corrupt surreal outre fishy unco creepy monstrous grotesque fantastic malformed spooky outré revolutionary radical unconforming avant-garde novel fresh new exotic original extreme out there Bohemian alternative zany depraved kooky unsavoury funky sadistic spaced-out queerish degenerated quaint off-kilter degenerate weirdo whacky out-of-the-way kookie masochistic licentious immoral deviative alternate whimsical fanciful humorous unpredictable arbitrary twisty unsavory crinkly vagarious capricious fitful teratoid changeable marginal phenomenal isolated unique especial rare unfamiliar uncanny supernatural exceeding aberrated extraordinaire anomalistic unnormal heteromorphic uncharacteristic unaccountable pretend concocted labored inexplicable laboured outrageous contrary incredible ersatz paranormal made-up make-believe imitation preposterous staged left-field off-base off-color out of line out of the common not normal amazing chance dissenting out-there unceremonious heretic dissident nonorthodox iconoclastic dissentient maverick informal improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal flakey beatnik flaky sectarian anarchic untraditional schismatic off the beaten path innovative unaccustomed inventive unprecedented groundbreaking experimental ingenious innovatory creative pioneering innovational individual individualistic bohemian special nonconforming imaginative mysterious modern advanced far out distinctive trailblazing unknown incongruous newfangled rebellious state-of-the-art alien ultra-modern neoteric new-fashioned modernistic disruptive untried futuristic mystifying puzzling ground-breaking foreign perplexing absurd unheard of artistic originative unheard-of baffling inspired scarce cutting-edge contemporary inconceivable leading-edge ridiculous progressive infrequent rebel boho visionary out in left field seminal daggy unreal Promethean fringe exclusive in left field renegade subversive esoteric something else characteristic madcap particular recusant distinct irrational forward-looking sporadic suspicious discordant nutty dubious off the beaten track clever disparate mad refreshing insane resourceful independent avant garde droll incomprehensible ludicrous wonderful extravagant fertile jarring artful disagreeing cutting edge out-of-the-box breaking new ground just out hippie opposed rebelling protesting complaining opposing objecting limited hippy trendsetting non-compliant specialized daft malcontent mutinous doubtful nuts stimulating occasional noteworthy intriguing unsound inimitable batty questionable unparalleled inspiring off-center seldom untested recent unthinkable unlike newsworthy latest nonsensical specialised unhinged demented unbalanced underground out of this world productive slang crackpot dreamy romantic fantastical one and only vivid blue-sky poetic remote unexplored uninvestigated obscure recondite off the air quixotic few and far between thin on the ground little known mould-breaking welcome innovating spearheading brand-new offhand illogical lateral out of the box anarchistic opposition arty exciting memorable striking revisionist out of place inconsistent wigged out schizoid schizo other specific distinguished skittish noncompliant one's own sweet way nonadhering marching to the beat of a different drummer custom customized signature personalized distinguishing outstanding impressive arty-farty comical not tightly wrapped dilly disconsonant inapropos irrelevant incongruent incoherent transformational incomparable sparse demiurgic notable rad deep ultramodern groovy mod cool variational inscrutable one-off questioning brand new up to date conspicuous inorthodox like nothing on earth scattered intermittent left bank carefree laid-back relaxed deviceful quizzical unharmonious fundamental very unconventional dissimilar foolish cockamamie irreverent disorderly prodigious drastic unhackneyed one of a kind random weird and wonderful unintelligible unlikely peripheral unofficial nonmainstream not just another aperiodic errant interesting up-to-date this season's new-fangled altered imported not prepared ready arcane nondescript startling egregious few sceptical critical enterprising episodic casual episodical discontinuous avant go-ahead extremist out of keeping diagnostic discriminating identifying diagnostical classic symptomatic expressive off-beat off the rails bugged out rarefied periodical scant periodic anti- differing negative contradicting up-and-coming game-changing world-shattering beyond your ken personalised customised scanty spasmodic semioccasional fabulous shady liberal ahead of the times head lead hip beat vanguard denunciatory impious dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky doubtable equivocal dodgy suspect insightful unfrequent problematical problematic loony mythical dreamlike fancy flighty touched skeptical off Broadway mistakenly trendy new wave bonkers goofy brilliant illusory genius imaginary keen poetical gainsaying cuckoo amusing loopy barmy clownish silly comic head in the clouds chimeric chimerical out of touch with reality far-fetched phantasmal phantasmic astute pie-in-the-sky high-flown utopian inspirational fictive disobedient defiant insubordinate dotty potty brainsick screwball looney deranged crackers crazed lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal bedlam scatty meshugge mental bughouse crackbrained psychotic dippy fruity haywire cracked bats gaga moonstruck whacko daffy psycho meshuga balmy certifiable free thinking gonzo ungovernable recalcitrant breaking ground brain wave looney tunes loony tunes hare-brained non compos mentis insurgent contumacious disaffected acting crazy far cry intractable refractory insurrectionary restive froward resistant incompliant obstreperous unconstrained egoistic unfettered liberated untrammelled typical free-spirited freethinking self-indulgent selfish pompous egomaniacal self-serving conceited individualist self-absorbed self-interested egoistical self-centered self-loving vainglorious narcissistic egotistical megalomaniac egotistic egocentric self-reliant stuck-up self-concerned willful unmanageable unruly untoward wilful mutinying apostate insurrectionist balky traitorous untrammeled self-centred wrapped up in oneself astonishing barbarous awkward eye-popping

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Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others
sadistic barbarous brutal cruel fiendish inhuman savage vicious heartless perverted ruthless atrocious barbaric beastly bestial brute butcherly callous cold-blooded inhumane merciless truculent wanton aggressive gloating nasty pitiless violent red in tooth and claw wicked bad wilful malicious unjustified malevolent needless evil senseless arbitrary deliberate spiteful unprovoked gratuitous motiveless groundless ferocious unjustifiable dangerous unmotivated willed monstrous diabolical aimless fierce remorseless harsh brutish heinous insolent maleficent inconsiderate ornery wayward undisciplined unruly double-crossing unfair contrary unjust mean depraved foul bloody corrupt villainous bloodthirsty awful dreadful murderous homicidal degraded immoral fell vile degenerate grim infamous terrible worthless debased abhorrent profligate unprincipled sinful sanguinary faulty abandoned licentious lewd miscreant untamed contaminated reprobate putrid insubordinate impure flagitious indecent demoralized impious reprehensible demoralised libidinous wild base unfeeling hard-hearted uncaring unsympathetic insensitive severe unkind unmerciful hard hellish uncharitable unsparing cold-hearted infernal nefarious unpitying unforgiving hard-boiled compassionless unrelenting stony relentless thick-skinned devilish obdurate desensitized indurate soulless case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted hateful desensitised horrible ghastly hard-nosed implacable stony-hearted abominable black with a heart of stone wolfish dark stern satanic low dastardly uncompassionate malignant black-hearted austere cut-throat ghoulish hardhearted demonic loathsome unpleasant coarse cold unfriendly draconian diabolic gruesome low-down gross vindictive coldhearted unemotional macabre disagreeable inexorable crude inflexible unkindly egregious inclement grisly odious unremitting offensive despicable contemptible flinty appalling sick tough rigid tyrannical demonical thoughtless hurtful exploitative satanical virulent morbid hideous stone-hearted unbending gory rotten steely horrific oppressive nightmarish abusive rough unspeakable slaughterous disgusting objectionable feral demoniac tactless lurid ogreish despotic lacking compassion dog-eat-dog unmoved intolerant indifferent exacting shocking detestable authoritarian illiberal cutthroat tyrannous vulgar shabby revolting horrid ramrod surly hardened rigorous rancorous pernicious wrathful malign scandalous mean-spirited strict ungodly snide unamiable hardhanded heavy-handed execrable ill-natured hostile dishonourable catty vengeful dishonorable dirty despiteful not nice ogry ogrish warlike ravening obnoxious cannibalistic tigerish crazed bellicose uncouth bitter destructive ignorant bloody-minded sanguine murdering sanguineous adamant unrefined uncultured unlettered frigid insensible hatchetjob coldblooded dispassionate unconcerned bearish gruff accursed Mephistophelian cat-and-mouse punishing lupine voracious ravenous unrestrained killer unappeasable mortal ironfisted revengeful marble-hearted unyielding matter-of-fact premeditated imperturbable wretched tormenting torturous constant punitive killer instinct deplorable scummy ignominious currish low-minded apathetic without pity dour dictatorial crotchety cantankerous unempathetic anesthetized feelingless icy churlish sensationless emotionless anaesthetized deadened uncordial weird cynical suppressive onerous wounding upsetting uncivil inhospitable ungenerous overbearing boorish piggish gluttonous ferine swinish God-awful repulsive unclean animal yucky carnal obscene irrational prurient cold fish critical grotesque eerie bleak unchristian high-handed autocratic ill sombre shadowy spooky somber unhealthy ironic inept undiplomatic bungling domineering hard-shell spookish ghostly sullen funereal twisted overstrict forceful coercive OTT excessive over the top deathly morose sepulchral flagrant horrifying unscrupulous debauched outrageous sickly amoral sinister shameless harrowing repellent repugnant misanthropic mordacious pessimistic iniquitous deceitful dishonest unlawful devious wrong criminal unethical nauseating intolerable sickening unforgivable grewsome sick-making scurvy frightful horrendous disgustful loathly terrific nightmare dissolute scoundrelly self-indulgent vitiated unsavoury disparaging delinquent forbidding errant crooked shady shameful libertine slippery unrighteous unconscionable crafty scrofulous sly evil-minded bent self-seeking felonious contemptuous conscienceless ignoble two-faced squalid underhanded incorrigible scornful morally wrong shifty dodgy decadent defiled unconscientious unsavory scheming lawless questionable improper corrupted disdainful disreputable cacodemonic grievous facinorous desperate godawful hairy grody beyond the pale fearful bloodless roughshod

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Having a repugnance or opposition of mind
averse antipathetic disinclined loath reluctant unwilling backward unfavourable against allergic anti hostile ill-disposed indisposed inimical opposed afraid agin antagonistic contrary disliking fromward hesitant nasty opposing uneager unenthusiastic unfavorable unfriendly antagonistic to antipathetic to down on hostile to ill-disposed to opposed to resistant to unfavourably disposed to having no use for resistant unsympathetic slow set against dead set against reticent negative not in the mood unprepared dubious cagey cagy adversarial loth inhospitable hesitating hesitant about chary of adversary jaundiced recalcitrant mortal uncooperative disobliging aggressive not disposed wary chary remiss scared discouraged at odds disheartened uninclined shy of at odds with dissenting from in disagreement with at variance with on the warpath not in favour of diffident about resisting counter adverse contra embarrassed afraid of unwelcoming in opposition not ready frightened cool cold incompatible confrontational combative uncaring not minded not keen ashamed belligerent nervous about unenthusiastic about opposite contentious at variance balking quarrelsome oppugnant dismayed suspicious nervous averse to acting in opposition sticking objecting shying protesting shy doubtful grudging cautious with baulking circumspect about queasy about involuntary forced laggard enforced demurring refractory unwishful unaccommodating unobliging begrudging indocile squeamish queasy cautious calculating afraid to bashful about shy about coy about hanging back ashamed to unkind spiteful uncongenial malicious unsociable malevolent vitriolic disapproving angry bitter rancorous bellicose hateful pugnacious argumentative malignant sour prejudicial vindictive surly vicious militant untoward wrathful mean catty frosty venomous unpleasant maleficent malefic ornery rude acrimonious antisocial truculent critical hurtful disagreeable cross virulent scrappy unreceptive bad chilly icy unpropitious unsocial viperous malign damaging glacial poor aloof distant disavowing ill low discouraging warlike injurious harsh naysaying bad-tempered ill-tempered destructive cantankerous frigid uncharitable unneighbourly foul accusatorial menacing disadvantageous furious poisonous resentful inconsiderate haughty withdrawn reserved ill-natured stand-offish uncivil indifferent unapproachable threatening cold-eyed difficult ill-humored remote vengeful alien ill-humoured repugnant intimidating biting obstructive oppositional inauspicious dour unflattering uncomplimentary unaffable obnoxious harmful cruel adversative wintry disparaging grouchy churlish disdainful misanthropic calamitous tetchy irascible gelid unforthcoming abusive conflicting offensive testy discourteous ungracious dissident uncommunicative hard-eyed chill brittle clammy cold-blooded wintery frozen antiseptic arctic coldish uncordial joyless disaffected sulky narky rebellious unpromising filthy ratty ominous asocial unneighborly stroppy shirty troublesome standoffish querulous objectionable mean-spirited inapproachable lawless inaccessible evil-minded behavioural dissenting ungenerous oppugning offhand xenophobic rotten recusant impeding hindering pernicious detrimental wretched vile behavioral brusque short irritable deleterious dangerous ruinous wounding contradictory inimitable wayward impossible contemptuous withering seclusive unemotional emotionless snappish grumpy snappy sullen disruptive disorderly cranky peevish fractious petulant not conducive inimicable inimic noxious heated splenetic peckish liverish crotchety chippy soreheaded huffy miffy grumbling curmudgeonly waxy unamiable annoyed vexed indignant displeased irate irked piqued aggrieved exasperated irritated untimely unlucky detached solitary reclusive unforgiving revengeful galled crabby provoked dark waspish unacceptable distasteful unhelpful fiery inopportune outraged private taciturn retiring introverted avenging short-tempered quick-tempered on a short fuse regrettable evil wicked undermining invalidating impassioned unclubbable mopey mopish offish sociopathic baleful hot-tempered short-fused intractable defiant glowering louring moody acrid violent bristling inflammable spirited intolerant lively embittered passionate manic hysterical uncomfortable tempestuous disputatious ugly uneasy quiet nongregarious brooding dry distrustful silent scowling unbending secretive standoff discrediting vexatious derogatory contrarious fierce eggy black enraged implacable grudge-bearing relentless punitive uppity buttoned-up stuck-up intransigent evil-intentioned hate-filled infelicitous corrosive abrasive caustic retaliatory beyond the pale thirsting for revenge out for revenge disobedient inimical to challenging unyielding unsatisfactory tardy unfit inconvenient ill-advised unadvantageous discommodious inexpedient unfortunate late malapropos wrong inadvisable improper unseemly unseasonable unsuited disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unwilling to accept unamicable severe supercilious stern stiff impersonal impolite unmannerly Olympian starchy competitive estranged censorious gruff not on speaking terms

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Ill-tempered, nasty, obstinate
cussed accursed accurst blasted confounded cotton-picking cursed curst damnable dang danged darn darned deuced doggone doggoned durn durned freaking goddamned infernal annoying irritating obstinate stubborn uncooperative execrable pestilential pesky flaming detestable blessed hateful heinous horrible flipping effing exasperating wretched offensive awful odious loathsome rotten abominable infuriating vile blimming despicable disgusting pestiferous blamed abhorrent aggravating objectionable bloody blinking vexatious blooming foul undesirable bleeding chuffing ruddy bally plurry dratted obnoxious devilish trying bothersome revolting repellent fiendish hellish horrid repulsive repugnant obscene ghastly evil terrible beastly infamous loathly fricking precious fell pernicious perturbing atrocious diabolical wicked demonic Mephistophelian demoniac base maddening insufferable nasty unpleasant disagreeable iniquitous anathematized sinful provoking forbidding unholy unsanctified blankety-blank foredoomed afflicted snakebit bedevilled voodooed blighted banned bedeviled villainous God-awful distasteful yucky irksome galling depraved culpable under a curse outrageous disgustful dreadful tiresome vexing resentful ornery unbearable intolerable uncool gross invidious bitter shuddersome dashed plaguy pestilent scurvy hell fire cast out appalling monstrous nefarious vicious unspeakable shocking contemptible reprehensible satanic horrifying cacodemonic egregious cruel hideous diabolic demoniacal ungodly barbarous inhuman flagitious immoral savage lousy black dark scandalous barbaric brutish black-hearted bad shameful facinorous miserable Hadean disgraceful malicious perverted blithering godawful amoral bestial footling malevolent malignant demonical demonian Luciferian deplorable sickening sordid unhallowed nightmarish horrendous brutal Stygian nauseating dirty nauseous frightful reprobate dastardly horrific abysmal stinking chronic grody low-down crazed frenetic mad maniacal possessed full criminal grave noxious noisome inexcusable rancid unjust unpardonable unforgivable improper raunchy flagrant repellant fulsome unrighteous revulsive sleazy hairy grim heartless beneath contempt crying beyond the pale unlawful unfair unsavory wrong unethical cloven-footed ghoulish hellborn serpentine satanical lamentable malfeasant ignominious pitiless murderous bloodthirsty merciless ruthless ferocious unfeeling inhumane implacable brute truculent sadistic wanton butcherly naughty unsavoury very bad misbegotten pits tenth-rate woeful dismal punk dire pants sucky low paltry mean abject cringe-making defective pathetic sorry detested execrated a load of pants currish dishonorable snide despised ignoble shabby useless cruddy measly degenerate worthless lame loathed abominated hated abhorred stupid dishonourable hateable yucko low-minded maggot

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Giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
sinister menacing threatening ominous baleful disquieting forbidding inauspicious portentous dire disturbing minatory alarming black creepy dark direful eerie evil frightening unpropitious bodeful doomy eldritch evil-looking foreboding ill ill-boding ill-omened malign malignant scary spooky injurious malevolent minacious minatorial sinistrous adverse apocalyptic baneful blackhearted deleterious disastrous dishonest doomful harmful hurtful lowering malefic mischievous nasty obnoxious pernicious poisonous suggestive of evil unfavorable unfavourable unfortunate unlucky woeful grim dangerous dreadful horrible shocking terrifying terrible horrifying ghastly intimidating frightful bad horrendous gloomy fearsome hostile fearful appalling hair-raising chilling spine-chilling macabre awful gruesome deadly redoubtable unpromising petrifying detrimental unpleasant horrific unhealthy ruinous damaging formidable calamitous disadvantageous worrying unwholesome scaring dread fateful monstrous malicious ugly destructive intimidatory unfriendly ill-fated glowering daunting brooding dismal noxious perilous prejudicial horrid hideous inhospitable negative wicked nightmarish nocuous undesirable bloodcurdling maleficent bleak disagreeable grisly blood-curdling morbid catastrophic cataclysmic fatal untoward venomous harrowing inimical crippling warning lethal toxic unsafe parlous distressing impending hazardous devastating severe harsh virulent unnerving startling disgusting subversive prejudicious ghoulish cancerous corrupting tough hairy counterproductive painful ferocious wounding offensive dour unearthly corroding upsetting depressing off-putting incendiary undermining haunting abhorrent spine-tingling suggestive doomed aggressive overhanging loury grotesque mean-looking atrocious ghostly uninviting critical inopportune discouraging savage gory dicey nocent glum corrosive repulsive odious bitter morose premonitory disheartening repugnant annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal troubled fierce wintry austere dismaying hard repellent pessimistic augural prophetic sombre lurid somber thunderous infelicitous wintery heavy comminatory bullying revolting eery vindictive thrilling terrorizing unwelcoming unspeakable louring exciting near close upcoming forthcoming portending impendent lowery scowling looming terrorising treacherous extraordinary spiteful weird ill-starred tragic rough inexpedient moody violent murderous troubling risky at hand grievous unhappy precarious grewsome disconcerting strange perturbing distasteful shuddersome environmentally unfriendly very bad difficult bloody hopeless unwelcome troublesome sad cheerless unapproachable corruptive precursive malificent presaging clouded prescient unhospitable unsettling bone-chilling cautionary admonitory doom and gloom approaching imminent foul gross breathtaking imposing uncomfortable rugged awesome godawful spookish untimely jarring stark overpowering abominable hair-curling cliff-hanging suspenseful uncanny freaky unchancy insidious imperilling sick imperiling afflictive traumatic lamentable terribly bad causing excitement all-powerful awe-inspiring cataclysmal ravaging concerning pulse-pounding momentous significant foreshadowing overwhelming abysmal astounding sublime tremendous evil-intentioned antagonistic shivery shuddery annihilatory devastative damning unsuccessful predictive prognosticatory important crucial acrimonious hate-filled abortive nerve-racking vitriolic causing fear hapless luckless straitened hard-pressed joyless shadowy discommodious tortured full of hardship doubtful miserable objectionable gray mournful strained exacting doleful grey oppressive pressing comfortless desolate exigent messy jeopardous solemn rocky grave wild infected diseased ailing intriguing fated exhilarating inspiring remarkable phenomenal destined life-threatening vicious raging unsound sickly pathological death-obsessed sensational angry turbulent murky stormy tumultuous