Đồng nghĩa của feisty

Alternative for feisty

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Tính từ

Full of aggression or hostility
combative argumentative aggressive belligerent quarrelsome bellicose pugnacious contentious confrontational truculent militant disputatious warlike scrappy agonistic chippy gladiatorial discordant assaultive brawly fiery ornery touchy tough difficult sensitive active courageous spirited spunky excitable enthusiastic gutsy alive bubbly energetic frisky game gritty gutty hearty lively mettlesome peppy zestful thin-skinned hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung on the warpath full of pep antagonistic hostile cantankerous irascible stroppy threatening captious ill-tempered bad-tempered hot-tempered defiant fractious irritable contrary petulant quick-tempered violent choleric fierce warring aggers cross fighting testy litigious snappy crabby huffy prickly mean spoiling for a fight querulous perverse battling disputative angry surly bolshie grouchy pettish offensive uncooperative cavilling controversial militaristic obstreperous rebellious oppugnant bickering caviling adversarial grumpy cussed destructive cranky sullen inimical narky ill-natured ready for a fight unfriendly provocative polemical snappish peppery factious arsey peevish challenging nasty polemic hawkish uptight sabre-rattling warmongering wrangling obstinate martial biffo short-tempered crotchety passionate bearish have chip on shoulder have a bone to pick splenetic exasperated inhospitable loudmouthed miffy fretful malevolent jingoistic soreheaded ratty snarly bristly crabbed bilious dyspeptic ireful recalcitrant dissentious bloodthirsty snarky crusty tetchy curmudgeonly insolent hotheaded pushy contending ructious military snippy snippety iracund iracundulous edgy waspish stuffy war harsh refractory salty unruly brawling awkward churlish disagreeable out of humor raspy hasty intransigent rude temperamental critical sharp hot flip ardent sour discontented pertinacious troublesome intractable froward balky ill-humored hypercritical ungracious ferocious opinionated fussy trying dissatisfied at loggerheads ill-humoured out of sorts up in arms hot under the collar have it in for having a chip on one's shoulder on the outs ready to fight battleful disruptive adverse naysaying rough looking for trouble dissentient soldierly gung-ho plucky determined spiky wrestling tilting skirmishing under arms sanguinary attacking assertive vigorous tempestuous arguesome self-assertive itching to fight impassioned turbulent radical unpleasant discourteous ultra-active two-fisted forceful extremist extreme combating itching fanatical zealous embattled scathing deadly vituperous terrifying intimidating cowing terrorising trenchant hateful mordacious frightening browbeating caustic terrorizing bullying mordant warrish revolutionary assertory in arms disobedient insubordinate contumacious non-compliant daring resisting audacious bold resistant mutinous dissenting willful restive subversive untoward ungovernable wilful wayward rebel recusant incompliant disregardful cheeky insubmissive reckless dareful sassy resistive abusive grumbly disobliging hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical bloody-minded hard-nosed obdurate tiresome vexed unpredictable pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising hard to please uppity unreasonable headstrong unamenable resolute immovable oafish demanding tyrannical unaccommodating picky thrawn stiff stiff-necked negative delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy irritating indomitable stubborn unflinching contrarious overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim impolite unyielding opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial rancorous unkind mighty antipathetic tense sulky huffish disgruntled glum curt moody unsociable impatient gruff volatile shirty whingy shrewish brusque misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive bitter displeased snarling peckish resentful eggy whiny acrimonious whining miserable grumbling crybaby gloomy annoyed liverish brooding morose pouting waxy snaky scratchy waspy grousing acrid dour mardy acid mumpish growling tart sorehead saturnine sore blunt on edge carping griping complaining malicious venomous fretting vinegary short whingeing childish malignant vindictive filthy spiteful chuffy out of humour ugly having got out of bed the wrong side having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered as cross as two sticks in a mood fault-finding out of temper cross-grained like a bear with a sore head on a short fuse foul-tempered out-of-sorts short-fused easily offended in a bad mood vitriolic unsympathetic virulent hot-button biting jaundiced fire-eating eristic opposing adversary accusatorial vicious wrathful disapproving uncongenial unreceptive disputable cutting dissident conflicting acerbic opposed at odds sarcastic unwelcoming oppositional alien uncontrollable self-willed unwilling unpropitious maleficent malefic adversative undisciplined viperous catty undisciplinable cold inharmonious unhelpful litiginous litigatious behavioural tooshie vinegarish persuasive outspoken brief scornful allergic opposite reluctant ill-disposed oppugning heated incontrollable obstinately disobedient renitent pervicacious behavioral noncompliant withstanding wild foul sardonic bristling inflammable intolerant antisocial embittered vengeful manic hysterical icy uncomfortable lawless uneasy severe hard corrosive grating cruel stern stinging pungent astringent keen dysfunctional divided split delinquent unfeeling annoying brutal devastating piercing acidulous incisive wounding callous hurtful galling insensitive naughty badly behaved ill-disciplined mischievous mortal acerb inconsiderate comfortless quarrelling tumultuous disagreeing socially impaired bad impudent erratic errant disturbed badly-behaved misbehaving pesky roguish rowdy ill-behaved problematic troublous incorrigible maladjusted exasperating unrestrainable irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile disorderly abrasive rubbing the wrong way hard to take disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic disputed debatable contended uncertain equivocal ambivalent unresolved moot unsure divisive malcontent insurgent estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan rival undecided borderline controvertible unsettled quarreling at variance open to question open to debate

Tính từ

Boldly self-assured
dominant assertive commanding confident domineering assured bold bullish strong demanding determined firm authoritative forceful imposing pushy controlling decisive forward insistent bossy imperious overbearing positive ambitious audacious driven fearless fierce collected committed composed daring emphatic intrepid poised powerful resolute resolved spirited staunch steadfast steely tenacious tough zealous self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-reliant strong-minded can-do cool-headed decided self-possessed strong-willed courageous brave plucky valiant gritty heroic unflinching gutsy valorous mettlesome spunky dauntless stalwart lionhearted ballsy gallant stout doughty stout-hearted game hardy stouthearted undaunted unafraid aggressive indomitable manful dogged daredevil greathearted gutty heroical nervy undauntable enterprising unshrinking vigorous unyielding dashing venturous competitive lion-hearted as game as Ned Kelly in-your-face adventurous dynamic keen venturesome unfaltering have-a-go vehement uncompromising energetic militant robust self-asserting brassy resilient unabashed indefatigable ardent eager aweless go-ahead unflagging stubborn go-getting obstinate potent purposeful unfearful persistent gung ho two-fisted violent strenuous driving pushing unshakeable unbending earnest enthusiastic rugged full-blooded hardened adventuresome motivated cutthroat hungry high-pressure thirsty brash unblenching unwavering unfearing iron-willed high-powered rock-ribbed irrepressible sure active avid enduring carnivorous ruthless desirous frightless bloodthirsty hard-nosed obdurate sporting persevering temerarious gladiatorial foolhardy chivalrous certain untiring scrappy not backward in coming forward single-minded defiant cocky icy unalarmed fire-eating having killer instinct warlike hard-driving manly resounding muscular hardline invincible unconquerable influential compelling convincing swashbuckling fiery unconcerned unworried unapprehensive persuasive sassy rash free-swinging nerved emboldened reckless high-spirited unsurpassable invulnerable impervious undisturbed carefree effective lively brisk dogmatic assaultive intransigent assuming bantam gingery peppery pushful unswerving death-or-glory absolute believing in oneself mettled frisky sprightly perseverant hard-hitting fit hard willful undefeatable combative brazen superhuman chin-up imprudent fortitudinous herolike red-blooded as tough as old boots tough as old boots hard as nails cynical emulous contentious undismayed hard-bitten Herculean noble self-respecting devil-may-care vying classic exaggerated grand epic extravagant fanatical competing elevated high-flown inflated grandiose inured passionate bigger than life warring spoiling for a fight on the warpath opposing mythological impavid champion antagonistic stand tall ready for action oppositional capable headstrong toughened dedicated resistant sturdy intense quick to recover difficult to keep down sound quick to bounce back rolling with punches loyal sagacious firm in spirit independent perceptive tough-minded faithful ironclad keen as mustard animated resourceful unhesitating take charge mean diligent assiduous aspiring unremitting relentless tireless intent sedulous rigid undeviating steady sustained rigorous ferocious pertinacious inspired unrelenting unabated progressive industrious pioneering stringent eager beaver power-loving self-driven hang-tough self-willed bound and determined get up and go high-reaching intensely competitive stop at nothing power-hungry brutal go for broke cut-throat self-seeking self-starting goal-oriented dog-eat-dog bullheaded fiercely competitive inflexible immovable solid adamant constant unshakable iron set stiff true indurate fixed unshaken lusty hearty implacable devoted stable full of determination purposive fast dependable inexorable unbendable wholehearted reliable trusty unsentimental four-square strict hard-working true-blue deliberate redoubtable adamantine cast-iron bulldog bound realistic tried and true tried and tested serious unchanging spartan meaning business bent upon unswervable unwearied trustworthy incessant secure inexhaustible weariless devout definite patient good allegiant diehard bent case-hardened stony perky jumping grind hyper hard-boiled obsessed vital striving grim go-go mulish callous indurated impenetrable hard-edged persisting compulsive stiff-necked dead set on dead set hell-bent tight clinging extreme unerring safe bravehearted firmly-based pious down-the-line unbeatable unfailing unceasing unflappable immoderate radical tried-and-true steamroller convinced liege powerhouse importunate cohesive unmovable continuing plugging unstinted undeterred fireball continued plodding unruffled unfazed coherent great cool possessive unforgetful impregnable thrusting sure of oneself immodest patriotic hanging tough consumed compelled hot dutiful steel bulletproof unassailable insuperable unstoppable untameable insurmountable possessed obsessive like a ball of fire on the make desiring success unwearying unstinting worthy puissant fervent trusted galvanized monomaniacal impelled heavy impassable immutable complete thick unbreakable fixated obsessional induced fast-track high-octane genuine settled out impassioned supportive impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided close rock hard hard-headed thoroughgoing thorough intent on do-or-die weighty effectual mighty authoritarian ruling successful supreme efficient forcible fervid perfervid practical shrewd set on determined to committed to the idea of tall in the saddle hell-bent on on one's mettle insistent on hell-bent upon bent on hell bent on intent upon on the go ball of fire urged on down-to-earth matter-of-fact total sweeping full unrestrained true-hearted world-weary true to life accustomed habituated compacted packed concentrated consolidated compressed hard-handed compact rocky all-embracing all out uncontrolled exhaustive unbridled highly capable in control full of get-up-and-go in the saddle unquenchable burning bitter furious granite lacking sentiment toughened by experience out-and-out virile unmixed out and out pulling no punches as hard as nails desensitized experienced deadened seasoned acclimatized coarsened used wilful unfeeling uncaring benumbed inaccessible coldhearted cruel acclimatised steeled uncompassionate heartless contemptuous unsubmissive irreverent hardhearted hard-as-nails unrepenting impious unemotional desensitised prepared disdainful unashamed obtuse perverse opinionated intractable pigheaded hardheaded ossified inconvincible pat unsparing unmalleable unpersuadable categorical hard-line self-opinionated bloody-minded hard-core bull-headed not giving an inch hard and fast die-hard brick-wall

Tính từ

Full of energy and life
vibrant energetic animated spirited dynamic lively sparkling vigorous electrifying exciting flourishing vital vivacious active alive bustling dashing dazzling effervescent enthusiastic flamboyant forceful peppy zesty airy animate bouncy brisk buzzing colorful colourful driving fiery happening humming impassioned indefatigable intense kinetic passionate perky potent robust rousing sprightly stirring vehement virile vivid zealous zestful abuzz aggressive astir bold bubbly busy coruscating determined fresh hopping industrious intensive lusty powerful snappy sparky spry spunky stimulating thriving tireless zippy ballsy bouncing breezy effective emphatic enterprising frisky gutsy pert punchy racy radiant resounding responsive rugged sensitive springy stalwart storming strong sturdy unflagging untiring vibrating aboil abubble forcible hardy jaunty jazzy mettlesome muscular pizazzy pizzazzy pushy sound spanking strenuous gay high-spirited full of pep all-out full-blooded full of vim and vigour high-octane full of beans full of life go-go hard-hitting high-powered alive and kicking bright and breezy full of spirit full of get-up-and-go have-a-go red-blooded ball of fire bright-eyed and bushy-tailed full of the joys of spring go-getting gingery flush playful exuberant chipper hale and hearty effectual pushing go-ahead raring to go assertive in fine fettle on the go full of the joy of living pulling no punches in-your-face sassy magnetic electric positive healthy play hard ball coming on strong energizing charismatic self-motivated hyped-up influential activating highpowered energising play for keeps go-getter compelling productive vitalizing fit tough athletic fine strapping blooming able-bodied in good health hale strong as an ox strong as an lion buoyant strong as an horse in good trim in good kilter in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition upbeat hearty wick steamroller fighting fit efficient persuasive take-charge hard-driving take-over full of vim in the pink fit as a fiddle full of energy chirpy frolicsome bright peart cheerful happy ebullient merry alert zingy gamesome cheery jolly sunny sportive nimble frolic zappy joyful light-hearted carefree keen quick crank blithe agile solid sparkly stout lighthearted irrepressible light excited eager husky brawny as lively as a grig as merry as a grig burly hefty blithesome beefy lightsome full of fun hunky jumping buff well built hyper swinging daring bubbling energized in high spirits jovial scintillating muscly glad activated substantial gleeful ardent happy-go-lucky energised rollicking fun-loving ripped shredded confident genial debonair rocking firm barnstorming brash powerfully built jacked solidly built masculine manly all-male striking macho gallant valiant sporty smart sexy exhilarated mobile fast jocose vitalized sinewy invigorated well made elated perk insouciant iron peppery mirthful wild sharp in good spirits joyous Herculean winsome gladsome eupeptic canty violent skittish unconcerned elastic resilient ludic full of zip thewy wholesome jocund well-conditioned stark thickset well-built boisterous neat dapper theatrical nonchalant outgoing expressive fervent salacious glitzy fancy jazzlike psychedelic casual flippant entertaining dramatic gritty hilarious pertinent relevant interesting dull tight saucy breathless moving demoniac motive kinematic dynamical locomotive motile occupied graceful avid resolute youthful enlivened excellent outstanding swift magnificent marvellous new whopping wonderful marvelous rapid remarkable exceptional heated hot burning aware coltish eventful dexterous dextrous deedful fairylike grooving uncaring unthinking unconsidered untroubled heedless unworried indifferent awake male chivalrous swashbuckling exhilarating heady full of vim and vigor fun festive on the move bulky unserious insubstantial fearless brave intrepid heroic lionhearted stout-hearted manlike courageous valorous romping dogged earnest tenacious distinctive piquant rich poignant tart clever tasty tangy pungent witty frivolous high kittenish frolicky convivial cheering devil-may-care pleasure-seeking slaphappy laughing rakish jocular fanciful whimsical volatile persistent unremitting pertinacious wanton waggish muscle-bound mighty optimistic forward self-assertive presuming jumpy excitable wicked larkish prankish meaty hulking to the point sanguine bullish hopeful fleshy mesomorphic well muscled as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy on top of the world refreshed rude powerhouse feeling one's oats full of joie de vivre expansive supple well-knit well knit functional man-size mannish studly fecund man-sized fertile butch laddish staunch aerobicized going strong still going strong as strong as an ox reinvigorated revitalized roaring rough bursting with good health bursting with health in rude health as strong as a horse as strong as a ox as fit as a flea in trim as fit as a fiddle laid back reproductive sexually potent procreative generative restored revivified rejuvenated renewed rested complete operating functioning stable charged revived revitalised reenergized relaxed handy operational serviceable operative occupational working diligent impish whole uncompromising thoroughgoing thorough utile practicable devilish inspirited reanimated motivated strengthened fortified perked up pepped up freshened well-oiled utilitarian trim easy natty venturesome committed wholehearted total sweeping full unrestrained flip joking spruce showy intact like a new person untired unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy quickened all-embracing all out uncontrolled exhaustive unbridled well unimpaired undamaged durable bombproof like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed like a new man out-and-out unmixed out and out right as rain wide-ranging sane undecayed well constructed hard hanging together up to snuff rigorous flawless normal well-constructed holding together perfect safe unhurt unblemished

Tính từ

Marked by, or displaying, a boldness of character
bold impudent brash cheeky forward saucy brazen audacious fresh insolent sassy shameless cocky pert barefaced brassy immodest impertinent presumptuous unabashed confident pushy rude arch blatant bold-faced brassbound brazen-faced cocksure defiant familiar free in-your-face nervy overfamiliar presuming unashamed unblushing unembarrassed unreserved unshrinking wise arrogant brass-necked forceful spirited assuming gritty self-assured smart smart-alecky bold as brass coming on strong not backwards in coming forwards flip disrespectful bumptious overconfident self-assertive contumelious malapert disdainful supercilious uppity overbold haughty impolite discourteous irreverent lippy pompous flippant overweening overbearing conceited flagrant assumptive smug lordly arrant self-asserting hubristic inconsiderate lofty uppish insubordinate high-handed pretentious imperious cavalier contemptuous assertive insulting offensive mouthy self-confident aggressive procacious high and mighty unmannerly egotistical loud sniffy ill-mannered uncivil improper proud opinionated vain boastful patronizing obtrusive blustering cool superior snippy scornful self-important hifalutin highfalutin huffy chesty huffish toplofty toploftical boldfaced vainglorious intrusive patronising high-and-mighty stiff-necked high-hat indecorous officious bad-mannered peremptory outrageous full of oneself domineering out of line egotistic thrusting pushing crude mannerless smart-arsed swaggering brazenfaced meddlesome bald-faced bossy swollen-headed derisive abusive smart-assed important masterful indelicate indecent snobbish off-base condescending out-of-line disparaging snotty snooty abandoned wanton impetuous interfering undisguised rash prying meddling nosy indiscreet ungracious obnoxious immoral facetious strident thoughtless smarty-pants cute smart-aleck bigheaded affected smarty shocking ill-bred mischievous sneering pushful snobby elitist dictatorial mocking full of yourself know-it-all loudmouthed as bold as brass scoffing hoity-toity stuck-up toffee-nosed sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous wise guy unseemly cold-shoulder ambitious aweless unconcerned fearless too big for your boots hotheaded crass pontifical egoistic egoistical narcissistic prideful egocentric impulsive impolitic over-free open busy intruding tactless naughty inappropriate unconcealed hotshot breezy forthright depraved dissolute unchaste hardened incorrigible lewd reprobate profligate unprincipled protrusive nosey snoopy precipitate hasty vulgar flashy daring bright coarse unrepentant self-affected bloated selfish self-promoting self-serving self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-opinionated self-centered self-righteous self-contented self-adulatory swellheaded biggity self-glorifying self-conceited self-centred bare-faced presumptive magisterial showy self-satisfied undiplomatic unhandsome unmannered uncalled-for sheer loud-mouthed orgulous untactful vivacious iconoclastic bantam insistent over-assertive fancy-pants big-headed bragging biggety autocratic disgracious snippety puffed up stuck up irreverential unhallowed crusty ungodly unholy jumped up hard unapologetic on an ego trip brave plucky amoral boldface obvious heavy indulgent overindulgent relaxed ballsy lacking civility bad mannered imperative impish throwing one's weight around overhasty previous premature foolhardy meretricious tawdry spunky gutsy temeritous combative volatile weisenheiming effervescent trashy heedless headlong incautious maladroit bullish tolerant free-and-easy go-ahead smart-mouthed uninhibited put down overassertive direct chirpy dapper dashing keen highhanded overt overfriendly overfree undismayed undaunted importunate remote swanky ostentatious tony persnickety aloof unduly familiar noisy blaring harsh projecting prognathous bald bulging jutting grating jarring frank temerarious naked churlish high-flown throwing one's weight about putting on airs driven unawed unflinching piercing raucous unfitting unbecoming making passes at making advances towards misbehaved unfilial profanatory cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant chatting up gaudy ear-splitting discordant personal unsubtle undignified suggestive unladylike ungentlemanly jazzy tinny garish sharp-elbowed inquisitive incongruous unsuitable high-pitched metallic flirtatious without shame risqué smutty scandalous unwholesome untoward distasteful off base smart alecky off-colour out of keeping withering derisory taunting jeering sure witty demeaning scathing degrading derogative snide abhorrent depreciative denigratory slighting detractive belittling derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative positive certain jaunty high hat hard-nosed on your high horse temperamental full of contempt on high horse sardonic disapproving dog it upstage opprobrious smart aleck smart guy smarty pants clever pointed ingenious sarcastic incisive adept smooth agile highbrowed humorous whimsical highbrow sharp bantering apt tongue-in-cheek droll quick nimble jocular jesting ready nifty quick-witted authoritarian tyrannical assured despotic complacent authoritative commanding dogmatic grandiose strutting tyrannous autocratical tyrannic consequential arbitrary la-di-da oppressive dismissive above oneself aristocratic inflated doctrinaire inflexible dominating portentous puffed-up rigid imperial wilful sententious self-loving uncompromising posh potty stuffy ritzy holier-than-thou pleased with oneself pontificating obstinate unyielding puffy repressive draconian willful flaunting severe stiff adamant bombastic imposing indifferent blusterous prejudiced opinionative opinioned vaunting bigoted iron-handed exclusive obdurate heavy-handed intolerant dogmatical self-aggrandizing undemocratic autarchic pigheaded boasting loudmouth anti-democratic peacockish strict stubborn self-regarding self-absorbed braggart self-admiring self-applauding pleased with yourself firm in love with oneself too big for one's boots coercive biased absolute full of hot air high controlling brusque abrupt emphatic dominant regnant crowing totalitarian egomaniac careless iron-fisted summary gracious flatulent windbag illiberal high-minded la-de-da wisenheimer single-minded definite bull-headed demanding highfaluting dictative of fixed views too big for one's breeches think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself self-approving goody-goody have an excessively high opinion of oneself well pleased self-complacent self-flattering extraverted braggy self-pleased self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted proud of oneself too big for one's britches offhand puffed standoffish elitist refined airy powerful casual curt cliquish masterly bullying poncey windy disciplinarian honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive ironhanded overproud high falutin reserved distant detached selective self-obsessed decisive wiseguy self-willed unceremonious lording it stooping insufferable ranting glib terse cursory off perfunctory preponderant ascendant prevalent majestic regal august judicial stately dignified blowing one's own horn partisan self-opinioned grand spectacular magnificent splendid exaggerated flowery overstated priggish wrapped up in oneself take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish la-dee-da complaisant blowhard sure of oneself compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory discriminatory daredevil reckless madcap brisk fustian swanking big-mouthed too big for your breeches swollen with pride on a high horse on one's high horse self-respecting nose in the air riding for a fall overoptimistic Neronian cynical hypercritical big of preconceived ideas exultant denigrating monocratic clamorous crack-the-whip stern throwing weight around despicable malicious stuck on oneself compelling undeniable rigorous decided fixed stringent finished think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas downright unchallengeable entrenched narrow-minded unquestionable categorical unbending pleased rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating content absolutist small-minded flushed brag boast hot stuff conceity ham phony gall phoney fascistic fanatical one-sided unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal bullheaded uncontrolled one-party unaccountable unconstitutional single-party sure of yourself heading for a fall on ego trip ruthless tsarist czarist merciless turning up your nose at looking down your nose at subjugating I'm all right, Jack well-pleased proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary flushed with success like the cat that's got the cream strong-willed snot-nosed devastating big talking blowing one's own trumpet humiliating in driver's seat crack the whip solemn stinging biting mortifying blistering blasting searing ponderous snubbing blighting hurtful sonorous grandiloquent declamatory crushing rhetorical overblown oratorical overripe apostolic serious grave headstrong pig-headed

Trái nghĩa của feisty

feisty Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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