Từ đồng nghĩa của self seeking

Tính từ

Having concern for one's own welfare and interests before those of others
self-absorbed self-interested self-serving egocentric egomaniacal egotistic egotistical selfish self-obsessed self-regarding introverted egoistic egoistical inconsiderate inward-looking narcissistic self-centred self-centered self-concerned self-infatuated self-involved self-loving self-oriented self-preoccupied solipsistic thoughtless uncaring unthinking affected aloof autocratic boastful boasting bragging conceited haughty individualistic inflated inner-directed intimate intrinsic isolated obsessive opinionated personal pompous prideful proud self-admiring self-important snobbish stuck-up subjective superior swollen vain vainglorious wrapped up in oneself puffed up looking after number one stuck on oneself uncharitable inward looking insensitive wrapped up in yourself self-indulgent mercenary unthoughtful full of yourself smug self-minded megalomaniac individualist looking out for number one egomaniac wrapped up with oneself know-it-all having a swelled head independent grandstanding on an ego trip self-sufficient in love with oneself in love with yourself self-contained ungiving heedless unmindful regardless tactless apathetic discourteous unkind mean miserly grasping greedy acquisitive opportunistic money-grubbing out for what one can get on the make overweening bigheaded swellheaded self-conceited biggety self-opinionated assured biggity important self-satisfied complacent consequential arrogant cocky swaggering snooty pretentious supercilious imperious uppity swollen-headed self-congratulatory high-and-mighty presumptuous immodest bumptious uppish lordly disdainful high-handed patronizing cavalier huffy condescending self-contented overbearing high and mighty pontifical snobby lofty hifalutin highfalutin patronising sniffy self-righteous overconfident full of oneself big-headed stuck up brash self-assured too big for your boots self-affected self-promoting self-adulatory self-glorifying self-engrossed toffee-nosed impudent toploftical toplofty domineering scornful snotty self-assertive contemptuous chesty insolent bossy bloated hoity-toity audacious confident ostentatious hubristic holier-than-thou blustering pleased with oneself huffish self-asserting high-hat snippy elitist stiff-necked orgulous self-confident blusterous strutting smarty cold-shoulder wisenheimer forward magisterial puffed-up wise guy peremptory dismissive cocksure self-pleased assuming cool self-approving bold pleased with yourself proud of oneself mocking brazen scoffing assumptive brassy sneering fancy-pants cheeky idiosyncratic content pleased jumped up peacockish above oneself goody-goody sure think too highly of oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself full of hot air well pleased too big for one's boots too big for one's breeches think a lot of oneself braggart bombastic saucy braggy pontificating self-complacent unreserved impertinent self-flattering masterful self-gratulatory self-dramatizing authoritarian blustery self-applauding dominating extroverted extraverted presuming uninhibited vaunting crowing self-opinioned la-di-da pushy sententious grandiose persnickety posh officious priggish swanky ingrained inborn inherent stuffy hotshot flushed think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift too big for one's britches nose in the air too big for your britches too big for your breeches on one's high horse self-respecting blowing one's own horn I'm all right, Jack well-pleased flushed with success proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream happy gratified satisfied contented serene gloating triumphant unconcerned obsequious unique original off-centre unorthodox singular nonconformist unconventional atypical individual uncommon easy-going like the cat that got the cream self-possessed resting on your laurels liberated characteristic distinctive unconstrained bohemian eccentric untrammelled special typical groundbreaking free-spirited pioneering freethinking particular unfettered strange peculiar odd maverick self-reliant untrammeled loudmouth windbag brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney smart-alecky snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet big talking

Tính từ

Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
ambitious aspiring pushing go-getting hard-driving eager enterprising determined keen driven enthusiastic committed motivated energetic zealous pioneering progressive purposeful eager beaver striving on the make avid hungry earnest assertive ardent power-loving fierce militant self-driven single-minded active inspired self-assertive self-asserting ruthless get up and go high-reaching industrious self-starting goal-oriented thirsty desirous vigorous power-hungry spirited intent pushy hopeful go-ahead resolute aggressive uncompromising forceful adventurous unflagging persistent tenacious staunch untiring unwavering like a ball of fire obstinate strong-willed indefatigable dogged bent upon desiring success steadfast upwardly mobile sedulous unremitting decisive having killer instinct go for broke gladiatorial gung ho hang-tough self-possessed competitive unshakeable diligent self-willed bound and determined stubborn confident unflinching scrappy self-confident unrelenting rigid unabated assiduous defiant unfaltering warlike in-your-face cut-throat unyielding obdurate sustained stringent relentless dynamic undeviating self-assured full-blooded feisty intensely competitive dog-eat-dog bold stop at nothing rigorous tireless ferocious can-do steady pertinacious brutal iron-willed bullheaded cutthroat high-pressure assured fiercely competitive bloodthirsty dedicated bent full of determination strong-minded obsessed plucky strong dead set resolved hell-bent unbending mettlesome thrusting steely persevering fanatical undaunted stalwart optimistic intending would-be budding potential aspirant wishful wannabe likely possible future prospective longing impassioned endeavoring expectant endeavouring insistent firm intense bossy domineering emphatic vehement powerful audacious commanding bullish authoritative passionate dominant tough demanding forward overbearing gutsy sure pushful imperious compelling positive fervent fervid persuasive devoted fixed wholehearted unshakable strenuous perfervid hot unshaken burning high-powered decided gritty fiery hearty zestful obsessive possessed indomitable unhesitating carnivorous keen as mustard certain two-fisted immodest hardline influential convincing potent robust stout effective violent brassy hard-hitting resilient dogmatic assaultive rabid absolute believing in oneself sincere devout hard-nosed combative compelled consumed imposing not backward in coming forward self-respecting controlling emulous contentious loyal sagacious set unbendable immovable brash bludgeoning intensive vying galvanized adamant serious monomaniacal impelled itchy ripe zealotic extreme antsy fired frenetic fanatic fireball afire gung-ho wild-eyed fearless irrepressible faithful courageous hardy brave importunate coercive daring collected composed fixated compulsive obsessional induced competing driving bumptious loud obnoxious presumptuous officious obtrusive independent perceptive heroic take charge mean poised intrepid pressurizing impulsive guided besetting pushed steered galvanised warring opposing antagonistic oppositional offensive inflexible pressured stressful difficult forthright provocative outspoken shocking direct firm in spirit tough-minded ironclad animated resourceful stout-hearted arrogant unswerving pressurising coming on strong spoiling for a fight on the warpath ready for action cocksure overconfident self-reliant urged on athirst hard cocky cool-headed excited willing full-on not taking no for an answer hardened raring crazy strident sharp-elbowed nervy loudmouthed voracious conscientious enthused warmblooded full of oneself sturdy ebullient solicitous wild iron lusty yearning lively craving grim bitter stony unquenchable furious granite desiring interested mad keen bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

Tính từ

Having or showing no moral principles
unscrupulous immoral unethical unprincipled amoral dishonourable reprobate roguish untrustworthy cheating conscienceless corrupt corrupted crooked dishonest exploitative fraudulent improper unconscionable bad cunning disreputable evil furtive guileful knavish unsavory unsavoury wrongdoing cutthroat deceitful degenerate devious dodgy ignoble Machiavellian ruthless shady shameless shifty sinful slippery sly unconscientious underhand venal villainous wicked arrant base casuistic crafty dastardly degraded degrading disgraceful dishonorable illegal low-down mercenary perfidious petty questionable recreant scandalous scheming selfish sinister two-faced underhanded unfair unworthy wrongful vile debauched despicable contemptible mean debased vicious squalid dirty decadent shameful nasty foul cheap wretched shoddy tawdry low ignominious execrable currish detestable abominable impure servile abject seedy seamy discreditable snide paltry avaricious abhorrent sleazoid louche scurvy repugnant disgusting skanky poor distasteful calculated sordid low-minded sleazy covetous depraved merciless cruel brutal iniquitous malevolent inhuman inhumane wrong perverted criminal callous hateful nefarious unlawful malicious heinous sadistic unfeeling heartless licentious unpleasant unkind lawless inexorable brutish defiled felonious delinquent forbidding pernicious savage spiteful tyrannical bestial unrighteous barbarous bloodthirsty monstrous pitiless dissolute maleficent self-indulgent harsh vitiated profligate wanton vengeful vindictive hard-hearted cold-blooded rancorous wrathful errant incorrigible scornful morally wrong demonic scoundrelly scrofulous objectionable black-hearted virulent evil-minded dark bent infamous disparaging despiteful contemptuous grisly gruesome disdainful ungodly libertine mean-spirited rotten odious disagreeable shocking horrible bitter black offensive loathsome reprehensible atrocious revolting unpalatable malignant awful dreadful diabolical beastly appalling noxious yucky malign hostile poisonous hurtful harmful obscene terrible gross deplorable horrid unholy displeasing sickening obnoxious fiendish flagitious icky catty stinking baleful nauseating outrageous egregious injurious profane dissipated unwholesome sour unwelcome malefic repellent lousy indecent unpleasing venomous impious yukky warped repulsive detrimental unlovely uncongenial hideous deleterious perverse shabby irreligious lewd blasphemous diabolic unclean mischievous abandoned putrid sacrilegious destructive ill-natured hellish ugly unspeakable baneful horrendous dangerous sick tainted unfriendly evil-intentioned frightful murderous adverse godless rascally noisome sullied ghastly rancid devilish vulgar rakish culpable unacceptable irreverent damaging demoralized erring inexcusable unforgivable blameworthy ill God-awful miscreant peccable sorry filthy calamitous off-putting demoralised prejudicial yucko cruddy opprobrious uncharitable pitiful repellant disgustful loathly vitriolic malfeasant nauseous sick-making pitiable wounding unappetizing inimical damnable fierce infernal rough wayward not cricket loose coarse miserable grotty nocuous lamentable fulsome indefensible grubby intolerable illicit uncleanly unchaste fallen grievous unfortunate ruinous unjust unjustifiable satanic disastrous jackleg rakehell guilty rakehelly notorious beyond the pale worthless antagonistic scummy unpardonable intemperate undesirable defamatory horrifying malodorous unregenerate unruly fetid uninviting smutty grody disobedient contaminated indictable ornery poison festy lascivious scabby illegitimate disrespectful dire lustful rude treacherous foetid insufferable lawbreaking exceptionable inglorious troublesome annoying unhealthy immodest acrimonious corrupting unrespectable shy naughty inconsiderate bogging inedible bad-natured disorderly indigestible flagrant tragic unwarranted horrific smelly rank mephitic unfavourable truculent mucky censurable unfavorable beyond contempt profaned atheistic funky insubordinate faulty lame sneaking ratty niffy unhallowed blamable olid desecrated devastating aberrant unfit for human consumption stinky unsportsmanlike senseless humiliating uneatable barbaric graceless unlucky on the nose insupportable lecherous off cutting regrettable untoward deadly unsympathetic deviant distressing menacing vice-ridden faithless insolent arbitrary transgressing woeful waspish carnal ill-disposed irritating unvirtuous shrewish abusive splenetic irksome under-the-table menial rebellious unbecoming cowardly brute butcherly violent double-crossing contrary cantankerous no good difficult creepy invidious cussed wild cacodemonic accursed macabre libidinous acrid polluted tough as old boots pongy whiffy disruptive uncontrollable smudged bedraggled befouled miasmal bemired dusty draggled grimy muddy stained besmirched blackened dingy grungy begrimed soiled recusant bum contumacious negative cataclysmic catastrophic condemnable subversive inferior hardened unprofessional agnostic crummy sinning unbelieving prurient backbiting salacious unjustified amiss demeritorious barbed non-believing heathen non-theistic remiss pagan fatal sad groundless unseemly ribald inequitable impudent acid slanderous demoniac churlish resentful vomitous distorted insensitive crude promiscuous crass against the law cataclysmal vexatious twisted boorish uncivil stale misbehaving grim preposterous gut-churning uncomfortable demoniacal anarchic fast pathetic revengeful undignified iconoclastic sneaky caustic hate-filled uncaring unconsumable lowlife antipathetic suspect spoiled turned fateful nullifidian unrefined unbearable peccant pervy ill-fated anarchical unpropitious good-for-nothing nightmarish riotous vituperative raunchy murder scuzzy undisciplined sicko insurgent tasteless hapless yecchy two-timing dirty-dealing ill-starred thoughtless hard vomit-inducing mutinous inelegant galling demonian badly behaved kinky unnatural trying seditious spoilt bothersome fishy foul-smelling evil-smelling unrestrained unmanageable lowly terrific grewsome lurid nightmare facinorous aggressive insurrectionary terrorist very bad godawful fearful drunken erratic low-life mutinying untamed beggarly Luciferian Mephistophelian rebarbative pesky coldhearted rowdy unorthodox ungoverned off-color anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist serpentine not nice cursed turbulent nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous uncivilised warlike unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized disordered not pure uncalled-for without law and order not fit to eat critical disapproving shadowy bad-hearted hating ruffianly blackguardly snarky brackish messy risqué thievish poorly off-colour crook off colour deficient rubbish depraving out of sorts embarrassing abnormal ferocious blameful tricky glaring threatening humble slavish subpar perverting dissatisfactory substandard grave praetorian stop-at-nothing double-dealing mercentary prejudicious wilful abased disturbing scungy disappointing insidious caitiff cancerous trashy indelicate plebeian common deviate pixieish scampish arch puckish pixy prankish deceptive tricksy impish pixie lying leprechaunish waggish elvish great extreme scurrilous dishonoured deliberate needless unsatisfactory demoralizing suboptimal disadvantageous nocent harrowing reproachable remorseless pornographic reeking artful perilous intense dishonored tough scathy bribable unprovoked uncool envious whorish bawdy demonlike demonly demonish bloody contorted grotesque impaired vitiate sceptical surly intimidating frightening pestilential pestiferous compassionless frolicsome hazardous agonizing mighty discourteous ridiculous foolish full of hate ravaging inappropriate uncouth reprovable blameable homicidal fell gratuitous motiveless bilious of bad reputation dubious suspicious ominous X-rated saturnalian severe unappealing painful acute ungovernable cold-hearted upsetting insalutary negligent crying abysmal gnarly of evil intent corruptive despisable disdainable demoralising sanguinary viperous misguided heretical scathing crashing slick flimflam scam minatory intimidatory impolite unmannerly sarcastic ill-humored revolutionary inhospitable ungenerous unkindly unamiable spleenful squint-eyed angry annihilatory damning devastative inauspicious unsuccessful desperate beneath contempt hairy dislikeable in low esteem in the doghouse derogatory in bad biased prejudiced agonising incisive blistering astringent stinging biting mordant ill-intentioned infidel barbarian louring bodeful minacious chaotic reckless unlikable dismaying hardhearted unchristian abortive heartbreaking mournful inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed hateworthy measly willed unmotivated bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured possessed impertinent strong surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying searing withering swinish outcast discriminatory averse direful heathenish idolatrous not pleasant doomed luckless ill-boding at fault hedonic of easy virtue bad news against opposite in opposition alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign aimless envenomed unpleasant-tasting apostate tyrannous despotic uncontrolled terrorizing heterodox terrorising tempestuous fly-by-night partisan LaVeyan gut-wrenching eye-watering out of order below the belt uncalled for dirty rotten audacious ungracious concupiscent cringe-making stomach-churning stomach-turning sharp stabbing doubting canting unsanctified hypocritical defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful unfaithful unctuous disbelieving desecrating sanctimonious religionless nonreligious indulgent raffish flagitous accidentally on purpose discriminating partial bigoted unequal offending sybaritic swinging unconstrained voluptuary undevout freethinking ignorant deteriorated violated easy open weighted slanted preferential intolerant coloured not religious demonical in the fast lane dirty-minded night owl fast and loose lacking restraint in the gutter gone bad pleasure-seeking gone to the dogs fast-living high living aspersive skeptical free-thinking unspiritual unwarrantable undue unbalanced loaded uneven Hadean froward straying false one-sided unrightful non-objective colored untenable hellborn satanical cloven-footed ghoulish defiant dysfunctional unsustainable heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating fallible unreliable ill-disciplined prohibited flimsy shaky unfounded invalid unsound ill-founded baseless weak badly-behaved whiny problematic pugnacious petulant out of control off straight and narrow belligerent uncooperative confrontational stubborn bellicose combative recalcitrant flawed defective implausible absurd specious inexpiable illogical unlicensed contraband clandestine tiresome hot-tempered disturbed loudmouthed ill-behaved maladjusted bold unrestrainable uncontainable peevish wearisome indocile socially impaired willful self-willed sullen undisciplinable demanding troublous argumentative exasperating scrappy uncompliant forbidden irrational impermissible banned outlawed punishable unsanctioned unauthorized actionable interdicted unofficial proscribed verboten taboo adulterous violating bootleg excessive wildcat unauthorised heavy criminogenic racketeering haram tapu under-the-counter under the table off base contrary to law not acceptable out of line under the counter smoking gun ruled out in violation of law off limits black-market not permitted against the rules not allowed

Tính từ

Timeserving or opportunist

Danh từ

Great interest in oneself to the exclusion of others
self-interest narcissism egocentricity egoism egomania egotism egocentrism selfishness thoughtlessness inconsiderateness selfness unthinkingness introversion self-preoccupation self-absorption self-centeredness self-concern self-involvement self-regard lack of consideration navel-gazing self-centredness self-obsession looking after number one looking out for number one self-serving insensitiveness regardlessness opportunism self-worship self-love insensitivity self-indulgence heedlessness self-importance conceit vanity vainglory conceitedness pride arrogance swellheadedness self-admiration superiority bragging boastfulness haughtiness presumption insolence megalomania ostentation overconfidence boasting self-confidence self-possession gasconade vaunting assurance ego vainness self-conceit pomposity pridefulness smugness pompousness vaingloriousness complacency bighead complacence amour propre self-glory self-congratulation swelled head self-esteem amour-propre self-assumption self-opinion self-satisfaction self-respect braggadocio self-adulation NPD navel-watching high-handedness hubris self-righteousness audacity snobbery self-assuredness pretension overbearance big-headedness proudness airs priggishness contemptuousness imperiousness overbearingness cockiness loftiness disdain superciliousness chutzpah scornfulness high opinion of oneself swagger patronage pretentiousness aloofness lordliness brass bluster nerve huff good opinion of oneself condescension disdainfulness hauteur cheek gall strutting immodesty blowing one's own trumpet self-praise self-aggrandizement

Từ trái nghĩa của self seeking

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