Từ đồng nghĩa của unworthy

Alternative for unworthy

unworthier, unworthiest

Từ trái nghĩa: worthy,

Tính từ

Not deserving respect or attention

Tính từ

Not of value
unbefitting contemptible degrading unseemly dishonourable ignoble improper inappropriate shameful unbecoming unsuitable discreditable incompatible incongruous inconsistent unfitting base beneath despicable disgraceful inexcusable reprehensible undeserving disreputable ineligible unforgivable blamable dishonorable good-for-nothing improper to inappropriate to no-account no-good nothing offensive out of place pitiful recreant unfit unfitting to unmerited unsuitable for valueless vile worthless wretched wrong out of character out of keeping unbecoming to not deserving not fit not worth out of character with out of place with not good enough ignominious low mean unprincipled shabby sordid scandalous abject bad blameworthy low-down scurvy wicked dirty shady infamous immoral odious detestable disgusting outrageous deplorable heinous corrupt villainous undignified rotten inglorious hateful nasty sorry unscrupulous humiliating unacceptable shoddy indefensible shocking loathsome abominable opprobrious sinful execrable cheap dastardly indecent beastly notorious shaming demeaning menial indecorous nefarious evil degraded unrespectable degenerate crooked paltry unpardonable snide vulgar currish ungentlemanly unjustifiable debasing appalling louche unfair unspeakable low-minded iniquitous shy mortifying regrettable egregious unconscionable untoward flagitious depraved obscene vicious foul atrocious servile lewd monstrous shameless perverse culpable lowering objectionable beyond the pale unladylike knavish remiss belittling cheapening indelicate uncharitable exceptionable reprobate cruel dishonest underhand criminal coarse inelegant tasteless dodgy impure beyond contempt unsavoury slippery unwarrantable unethical unsavory inexpiable unrefined untrustworthy humble unjustified treacherous not cricket censurable lowly unprovoked unreasonable dreadful infra dig diabolical lamentable debased revolting petty rude inferior scummy ribald rascally derogatory filthy inapt obnoxious pitiable poor beggarly amiss without justification without cause distasteful questionable crass abhorrent without reason horrible ungodly inapposite unapt infelicitous malapropos cowardly licentious dissolute illegal wrongful sneaking caitiff off-color terrible gratuitous unceremonious indiscreet excessive intolerable amoral unwholesome crude erring repugnant roguish despisable incorrect disparaging derogative depreciative contemptuous denigratory slighting detractive scornful decrying pejorative derisory uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory disdainful denigrative fraudulent selfish mercenary common perfidious debauched negligent immoderate uncalled for slavish impolite cheating low-life stinking unprofessional profane deceitful discrediting inept unhappy graceless unholy devious insupportable shifty unwarranted perverted scoundrelly unrighteous grubby lame miserable pathetic lousy ratty cruddy scabby sad repulsive cutthroat blasphemous sullied unsuited warped scungy lascivious wanton Machiavellian uncalled-for grovelling subservient underhanded unclean sleazy bringing shame black dark rough unlawful outcast fishy ill-suited salacious groveling two-faced in bad taste baseborn unnecessary unfortunate lax ugly embarrassing traitorous unheroic unsuccessful blackguardly craven failed unchivalrous disdainable patronizing derisive depreciating condescending sneering ill-famed exploitative conscienceless corrupted unhealthy ill-reputed miscreant hateworthy measly patronising irreligious sacrilegious impious peasant ordinary reproachful modest simple plain swinish unkind mean-spirited fallen cunning furtive wrongdoing guileful unjust lumpen lowborn unwashed prole proletarian lower-class plebeian murderous fiendish diabolic barbarous godless ungenerous unpleasant sly ruthless venal unconscientious ungrounded profaned illegitimate tainted bent illicit lawless inequitable malfeasant unskilled beneath you lacking dignity errant peccable casuistic crafty self-seeking sinister scheming arrant low-status boring dissipated unchaste loose libertine sick desecrated lecherous decadent rakish rakehell prurient demoralized jackleg rakehelly stingy natty miserly thoughtless inconsiderate disrespectful black-hearted morally wrong ill-advised awful repellent horrid dull routine seedy suspect disorderly unmannerly reproachable condemnable humdrum uncouth malodorous rowdy in poor taste tawdry ruffian raffish beneath one's dignity of bad reputation dubious suspicious seamy lustful uncleanly delinquent insufferable slimy nauseating horrifying blameable reprovable meek gloomy dejected deferent dismal hangdog humiliated self-effacing untimely unhandsome lacking in propriety tacky unworthy of clumsy undue awkward gauche unlovely uncomely unseasonable maladroit libidinous sneaky fawning flimflam scam slick demoralised demeritorious guilty beneath contempt below contempt low-grade sycophantic no good in bad corrupting downgrading declassed dirty rotten suggestive in low esteem in the doghouse dirty-dealing under-the-table double-crossing two-timing fly-by-night out of the way obsequious blue-collar unqualified blue at fault earthy smutty bawdy X-rated criticizable unpermissible impermissible untenable unallowable basic tedious obeisant naughty racy pornographic ineligible for inadequate for unfitted for undesirable not designed not designed for ill-adapted to not up to scratch unequipped for unprepared for ill-adapted not up to snuff unfitted inapplicable unsuited to not qualified ill-suited to raunchy Rabelaisian colourful scatological scatologic locker-room risqué porn abusive foul-mouthed porno scurrilous saucy trashy gamy porny spicy fruity stag off colour gutter gross steamy unprintable adult concupiscent raw near the knuckle hard-core outlandish colorful bad-mannered malicious soft-core close to the bone discourteous fractious immodest intemperate flagrant drunken carnal profligate sickening disagreeable hideous horrendous ghastly frightful noxious noisome nauseous gruesome loathly disgustful fulsome yucky God-awful off-putting repellant rancid sick-making accursed yucko displeasing unpalatable putrid cursed icky bogging skanky grisly damnable hellish squalid malevolent uninviting horrific rebarbative infernal useless spiteful dire abysmal inadequate grim confounded woeful godawful savage devilish hated inhuman grievous loathed dislikable distressing vomitous detested despised unwelcome unbearable barbaric dislikeable annoying vomit-inducing invidious meagre macabre creepy stomach-turning callous cringe-making stomach-churning deceptive unfriendly abandoned gut-churning insignificant brutish hurtful malignant unpleasing catty poxy poisonous pesky execrated nightmarish unsatisfactory abominated meager heartbreaking chronic fearful ornery terrific grewsome lurid nightmare very bad grody crummy footling grotty bitter harsh unappetizing unsportsmanlike unpopular fetid insufficient poison stinky blasted festy pants brutal grungy negligible piddling foetid cussed bestial cacodemonic piffling trifling hostile facinorous unloved hateable pestiferous mournful blithering terrifying abhorred flaming desperate out of order below the belt smelly unattractive calamitous rank acrid polluted mephitic feeble from hell pongy whiffy disliked smudged bedraggled befouled miasmal bemired dusty draggled grimy funky muddy stained mucky besmirched yukky blackened sour niffy dingy uncongenial begrimed soiled olid meanspirited shunned bum anathematized slight impoverished destitute distressed bogus barren on the nose demonic insubstantial irritating poverty-stricken demoniac Mephistophelian heartless indigent forbidding off cheerless pits merciless joyless hopeless piteous harrowing rueful heartrending inhumane comfortless vindictive sadistic freaking darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst danged durned dang darn hard-hearted mingy malign uncool unwanted exasperating churlish despiteful virulent inconsequential trivial sleazoid inadmissible satanic disastrous defective ill-natured tragic crying overwhelming adverse inexpedient discouraging morbid funereal frightening alarming unlikable sepulchral a load of pants preposterous foul-smelling evil-smelling hairy revulsive hellacious empty sterile ineffectual drossy unprofitable unimportant unproductive pointless unavailing nugatory futile profitless unessential waste counterproductive meaningless inutile mediocre unusable ineffective doggish ne'er-do-well grave avoided condemned slipshod brackish shiftless merciful misbegotten laughable unadorable uncaptivating scant lean feckless incompetent emetic demoniacal narrow-minded scanty puny skimpy boorish well below par scabrous base-minded gut-wrenching good-for-naught no-count meritless avaricious moving compassionate afflicted stirring arousing touching affecting commiserative tearful suffering sorrowful reviled ill-bred funny iffy senseless calculated covetous stupid pill heel aberrant ominous humiliatory ridiculous foolish unregenerate substandard melancholy sucky tenth-rate punk hair-raising disconcerting repelling unlovable diseased shuddersome resentful accurst ill-favoured discomfiting dinky exiguous maggot demonian demonical Luciferian very disgusting mischievous dreaded brute butcherly truculent galling dismaying indescribable spine-chilling formidable surly venomous surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying scuzzy wet infuriating pestilential frenetic maniacal unhallowed crazed mad possessed downer bummer faulty afflictive dolorous ungallant cantankerous wounding yecchy backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing gossiping detracting unwished-for ruthful needy ill-favored unsporting pixieish scampish arch puckish pixy prankish tricksy impish pixie lying leprechaunish waggish elvish terrorizing contradictory opposed unbelievable inconceivable blimming highly improper double-dealing unsought bothersome detrimental scorned inconvenient troublesome incommodious disadvantageous uninvited rejected blamed under a curse blessed dratted averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic sarcastic ill-humored unimaginable ghostly faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic uncanny dim deathlike corpselike unnatural unearthly anemic ghoulish weak upsetting wily violent red hot lou bloodcurdling terrorising eerie insensitive against opposite alien extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different foreign conniving designing calculating ineffable unutterable steep frolicsome for the birds unwished for penniless beggared exorbitant unendurable shrewd deceiving unsportsmanly wanky rubbishy inexpressible excruciating evil-minded bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured extravagant maddening impossible OTT to be avoided strictly for the birds in opposition irremissible beyond words preternatural undefinable O.T.T. extortionate penurious impecunious indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil too great disgracing debauching over the top uncivilised depraving contumelious extreme uncivilized deadly mortal caddish too horrible for words needful broke down-and-out famished skint pauperized dirt-poor necessitous threadbare ill-gotten unfeeling uncaring coldhearted unsympathetic unstylish unfashionable cheesy ticky-tack dowdy styleless ticky-tacky Janus-faced cold-blooded not nice hard up against the rules dreary bleak depressing not forgivable desolate godforsaken sombre drab uncomfortable solemn somber disheartening unpromising sullen morose drear flimsy poor quality low in quality garbage forlorn depressive dreich lugubrious saturnine glum sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome elegiacal tenebrific elegiac niggling picayune chicken minute peanut nominal piddly pimping inconsiderable Cimmerian de minimis Mickey Mouse

Tính từ

Inadequate, substandard or, not satisfactory
unsatisfactory deficient poor unacceptable dissatisfying inferior bad deplorable disagreeable disappointing displeasing inadequate insufficient lousy mediocre pathetic substandard unsuitable weak defective faulty imperfect lacking terrible bush crumby crummy dissatisfactory ill impermissible inadmissible inappropriate insufferable intolerable lame off paltry punk sad sour suboptimal subpar undesirable wack wanting wretched wrong amiss damaged disconcerting disquieting distressing disturbing junky regrettable rotten schlocky thin offensive no good not good enough not up to par below par bush-league not up to scratch not much cop no great shakes for the birds leaving a lot to be desired second-rate duff shabby shoddy unsatisfying unsound rubbish ropy not up to snuff crude low-quality meagre poor-quality useless low-grade meager jerry-built found wanting tenth-rate scant from hunger not satisfying trashy cruddy rubbishy underwhelming less than ideal pitiful sorry anticlimactic less-than-stellar cheap and nasty unfulfilling inept lamentable bathetic failing distasteful uninteresting ineffective inconsiderable feeble disillusioning insubstantial too little falling short laughable trifling nasty piddling base negligible cheap junk unimpressive lemon subnormal not okay objectionable not acceptable bereft trivial minimal insignificant not all it's cracked up to be minor-league minor league second rate below standard small potatoes below average flawed impaired scarce incomplete short sketchy scrappy low needing shy scanty exiguous skimpy unassembled undersupplied injured infrequent unequal rare underprovided unfinished marred second string second fiddle outta gas third string not enough not cut out for leaving much to be desired not make it awful dreadful appalling atrocious abysmal dire execrable miserable dismal pants frightful diabolical poxy third-rate hopeless a load of pants woeful worthless horrible low-rent grotty contemptible bum chronic bargain-basement disgraceful abominable schlock coarse direful common second-class two-bit God-awful cheapjack under par very bad cut-rate sub-par pitiable trumpery gimcrack egregious unpleasant sleazy cheesy shocking el cheapo horrendous sucky odious pits middling obnoxious repugnant incompetent tawdry dodgy repulsive abject disastrous horrid average godawful dime-a-dozen exceptionable loathsome ordinary disgusting abhorrent tatty beastly amateurish foul unwelcome bodger shameful indifferent not up to much poorer unexceptional pedestrian vile repellent revolting out of order reprehensible detestable mean sickening hideous gross hack déclassé the pits good-for-nothing ghastly downmarket obscene nauseating grim unfit nauseous hellacious stinking tinny loathly unwanted disgustful unfortunate tacky ineffectual beyond the pale despicable hateful insupportable repellant noxious unseemly calamitous unbearable limited damnable tinhorn piss-poor low-end troublesome garbage icky careless half-pie unpleasing grubby dirty grievous restricted improper inexpert scandalous unreasonable noisome ugly valueless unhappy rancid unqualified sick yucky censurable unspeakable inapt upsetting unpalatable rude not up to standard unsavoury uncool grody annoying difficult unsavory off-putting strictly for the birds rebarbative poor quality unpopular negligent of a sort bungling incorrect awry inefficient poorly evil fulsome harmful rough invalid unskilful incapable impotent little scummy scurvy ratty scabby sparse broken heartbreaking out outrageous inapposite uncomfortable reduced horrifying astray gruesome twopenny-halfpenny catastrophic malapropos unbecoming excruciating fallible indecorous reject not on end-of-the-pier opprobrious irritating afflictive haywire cheapo measly weak sauce unappealing uninviting patchy dishonourable dishonorable unfitted not cricket derisory rudimentary downer bummer partial scurrilous indefensible stinky irremediable fallacious erroneous ill-favored not working tragic affecting out of line minus ill-favoured not quite the done thing in short supply thankless inexpedient of poor quality god-awful unrewarding fruitless of low quality out of sorts off-colour crook off colour not ideal less than satisfactory less than optimal unideal slovenly wet throwaway puny commonplace desperate twopenny brummagem petty naff tinpot tricky sparing inappreciable ropey worse low quality stupid poopy unproficient wanky dislikable second-best dilapidated not cutting it cataclysmic melancholy sneaking hellish undistinguished uninspired invidious off-color cheapie second class a dime a dozen under-strength raunchy diddly blah bad news grungy not good not the best sick-making bogging poison unstable sickly weakly powerless cheap-jack ridiculous absurd ludicrous foolish-looking silly rueful flimsy shlocky unsightly sordid godforsaken seedy shlock off-form from hell blameworthy overwhelming mournful dolorous finite confusing incommensurate dreaded disliked too much unattractive run down too few not oneself under the weather warped unsaleable unsellable slight unwished-for a bit off a bit much a bit thick over the top unample drained too small dry devoid destitute scratched torn blemished inoperative cracked deformed dubious questionable not much chop unsought unlikable inconvenient shunned to be avoided outcast out of place bothersome detrimental loathed adverse incommodious disadvantageous unwished for scorned uninvited rejected ailing small askew problematic down at heel malfunctioning immature condemnable at a premium inacceptable undeveloped inexact tiny lean short of too little too late out of in a state of disrepair vicious faultful bottom-of-barrel dud disfigured not functioning few bugs troubling in poor condition determinate basic circumscribed defined miserly definite measured OTT irrelevant horrific worrisome irksome discomforting not right severe unsettling forbidding agonizing traumatic stressful perturbing daunting torturous immaterial unallowable won't do over the fence half-baked humourless harrowing sombre unnerving humorless discomposing distressful sober doleful bitter agitating mortifying harsh solemn somber out of commission set diminished gloomy lurid sedate hairy tormenting worrying grisly troublous unendurable frightening fraught vexatious macabre nightmarish depressing grave monstrous tragical yukky cruel saddening awkward afflicting untoward prohibited precluded disallowed forbidden inapplicable hurtful galling hostile concerning agonising anguished sorrowful heartrending painful uncongenial unlovely impertinent unadmittable not allowable censored unadmissible excluded barred ill-timed banned unsuited nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking gut-wrenching extremely bad nerve-wracking mistaken false confused perverse adrift incongruous unapt infelicitous graceless inaccurate craptacular beside the point not appropriate not germane crooked unfair erring unlawful glitched up

Từ trái nghĩa của unworthy

unworthy Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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