Từ đồng nghĩa của famished

Alternative for famished

Từ đồng nghĩa: esurient, ravenous, sharp-set, starved,

Tính từ

Lacking in material possessions or financial wealth
destitute poor penniless impoverished impecunious needy indigent broke penurious skint necessitous beggarly beggared needful pauperized threadbare poverty-stricken dirt-poor hard up down-and-out strapped flat broke moneyless stone broke bankrupt insolvent without two pennies to rub together in straitened circumstances stony broke strapped for cash in need in want on the breadline without a sou out at elbows out of pocket down on one's luck as poor as a church mouse badly off in reduced circumstances down and out cleaned out without two farthings to rub together underprivileged ruined dirt poor unable to make ends meet in Queer Street deprived disadvantaged bust in penury distressed on your uppers without two brass farthings to rub together boracic flat down at heel without a penny without a red cent short unprosperous boracic lint without a bean in the red without a brass farthing homeless stony-broke short of money low-income bad off dead broke on skid row hard-pressed broken low meager meagre busted fortuneless suffering clean stony up against it reduced pinched empty-handed wiped out truly needy on your beam-ends behind eight ball in debt on the rocks on one's uppers tapped out in the gutter without a shot in one's locker crippled scanty base in distressed circumstances straitened lacking extremely poor unable to keep the wolf from the door down to last cent vile sterile have-not empty hurting stripped divested deficient totaled wanting unmoneyed impencunious stranded in reduced wretched despicable mean over a barrel without a dime on last leg down to last penny without a penny to your name in need of deprived of devoid of played out derelict financially distressed in financial difficulties financially embarrassed not having two pennies to rub together not having two farthings to rub together without means of support in a bad way short of cash miserably poor financially poor very poor squalid foul miserable shabby pathetic sordid shoddy in great need in dire circumstances indebted beaten vagabond defeated outcast finished vagrant unpleasant abject pitiful overdrawn cashless on one's beam-ends low-paid craptastic without a penny to one's name contemptible without money in Chapter 11 on the skids in the poorhouse out of funds on the streets struggling on one's beam ends poor as a church mouse without two pennies farthings to rub together stone-broke depressed bankrupted unlucky unfortunate out of money seedy failed neglected in distress handicapped rundown lost gone under in administration in receivership gone bust in Carey Street on the bread line gone to the wall in the hands of the receivers economically deprived financially disadvantaged unfavored unaffluent requiring help workless unemployed laid off jobless between jobs redundant living rough sleeping rough idle of no fixed address of no fixed abode severe difficult out of a job resting signing on unprivileged down-at-heel discriminated against on the dole economically disadvantaged spent smashed hindered impaired denuded bereft on the wallaby track in arrears owing money forlorn ill-fated hapless ill-starred belly up exhausted depleted dispossessed cleared out liquidated out of business in dire straits slummy defaulting ghetto ghost shanty foreclosed collapsed undone run down skid row run-down unable to pay one's debts financially ruined belly-up in Chapter 13 taken to the cleaners

Tính từ

Thin or haggard, especially from hunger or disease
emaciated skeletal gaunt wasted haggard thin bony cadaverous pinched skinny atrophied attenuated scrawny undernourished lean scraggy angular attenuate half-starved raw-boned size-zero stick-like underweight weak anorexic drawn shriveled shrivelled shrunken starved underfed withered wizened consumptive lank macilent meagre meager peaked phthisical skeletonlike skin-and-bones skin and bones thin as a rake thin as rail like a bag of bones looking like a bag of bones malnourished starving hungry hollow-cheeked lantern-jawed fleshless very thin skin-and-bone starveling anorectic spindle-shanked as thin as a rake worn to a shadow frail ill-fed lanky spare gangly spindly gangling rangy rawboned slim slender beanpole twiggy gawky reedy beanstalk rattleboned puny lithe slight stringy weedy svelte hollow-eyed narrow fatless stalky fragile twiglike featherweight willowy stick boney delicate rickety slinky small rarefied threadlike lightweight wan ethereal skin and bone scraggly deprived of food all skin and bones thin as a rail undersized wiry skeleton shadow spindling tall sylphlike ultrathin gracile as thin as a reed wraithlike macerated feeble over-thin sapped taut hairline fine paper-thin needlelike slim-jim underdeveloped raddled lissom trim sinewy peaky muscular stilted extenuated without an ounce of fat like a rail diminished wilted stilt subtle pole slightly built pint-sized looking like death warmed up no fat leggy bulimic devastated contracted dwindled long-legged loose-jointed without appetite sickly looking ghastly stringbean ghostly lymphatic etiolated light sallow ruined battle-scarred desolate war-torn wrecked shadowy dead waifish sticklike bare tenuous little broomstick like a skeleton like a matchstick corpse-like bag of bones ravaged

Từ trái nghĩa của famished

famished Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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