Từ đồng nghĩa của hollow

Alternative for hollow

hollows, hollowed, hollowing

Từ đồng nghĩa: bare, barren, blank, concave, deep, empty, false, famished, hungry, insincere, ravenous, sunken, unreal, vacant, void,

Tính từ

Without real significance or value
worthless empty futile meaningless useless fruitless pointless unavailing pyrrhic vain valueless bootless nugatory otiose profitless specious idle of no avail of no use of no value Pyrrhic unproductive ineffectual unprofitable ineffective senseless insignificant purposeless trivial aimless irrelevant unsuccessful abortive barren trifling unimportant hopeless inconsequential sterile in vain inefficacious wasted insubstantial impotent to no avail superfluous to no purpose without rhyme or reason unsatisfactory failed vapid needless paltry null frivolous petty purportless motiveless inane unrewarding unreal forlorn thwarted chaffy banal unsubstantial junky to no effect doomed footling delusive unfruitful vacant no-good negligible unprolific casual nothing lost void redundant on a treadmill indolent slothful surplus inactive lazy laggard feckless goalless groundless nonsensical absurd unpurposed throwaway objectless baseless good-for-nothing insane fatuous dull invalid rambling unfounded unhelpful boring nongermane unnecessary drifting wandering helpless impossible stale uninspiring powerless not pertinent unavailable gainless lacking foundation inoperative insufficient resultless exhausted impracticable impractical unneeded baulked misfired adrift dry uninteresting for naught without grounds not serious without foundation time-wasting frustrated foiled spinning one's wheels wild goose chase tedious arid flat commonplace no dice no-win puny misleading slight unnotable shuck without success delusory balked ill-fated bleak no good to gundy bad nonbinding nonvalid lacklustre dreary monotonous drab unstimulating prosaic lifeless humdrum going nowhere unachievable despaired of beyond remedy in vicious circle not a prayer vacuous unfilled clear cheap dead lackluster null and void insipid inferior no use poor inadequate miserable trashy deficient measly defective pathetic silly wretched poxy rubbishy nickel-and-dime unusable wanky lame inutile piddling unfructuous of no benefit pants rubbish bogus mediocre abandoned unessential waste counterproductive ignoble two a penny not much cop a dead loss not worth a hill of beans a dime a dozen unreasonable mindless unmeaning unsound immaterial minor incidental inconsiderable nonessential minute small inessential peripheral niggling extraneous of no consequence fiddling Mickey Mouse little non-essential piffling superficial beside the point of no account lightweight picayune small-fry not worth mentioning of no importance uncalled-for foolish uncalled for non-successful light inappreciable inapposite nominal of little consequence of little importance gratuitous no-account meager meagre neither here nor there off the subject of little account second-rate expendable inefficient of no great concern Sisyphean trite inapplicable marginal unconnected piddly pimping impertinent not germane irrelative unrelated unwarranted scanty secondary de minimis minuscule lesser dispensable small-time unwanted unremunerative unrequired haphazard wanton shallow chicken peanut extrinsic tangential directionless for nought twopenny-halfpenny small-bore ignorable random not to the point inappropriate out of place wasteful nondescript low-ranking wide of the mark not worth the candle of no moment not needed no great shakes not worth speaking of base unworkable thankless undesired excessive indiscriminate undirected desultory avoidable causeless inept feeble penny-ante flighty flimsy minimal inapt beyond hope indecisive unable dinky additional everyday unimpressive optional unmerited tiny cosmetic shoestring not worth bothering about nothing to do with it infinitesimal mean of minor importance minor-league not required not to the purpose not having a prayer with no chance of success not pertaining to off the topic off the point abject drossy not at issue not connected with despicable contemptible unjustified stupid automatic oblivious ne'er-do-well childless uneconomic objectiveless unasked unsalable scant insincere botched bungling bungled frustaneous unlucrative disastrous defeated without direction smaller pettifogging unsuitable save one's breath witless designless thoughtless illogical irrational of no earthly use exorbitant two-bit unserviceable nonfunctional puerile flippant frothy tinpot zero zilch zip indifferent brainless surplus to requirements stillborn nonpractical unfunctional bush-league uncelebrated obscure smalltime momentary microscopic skin-deep diminutive atomic evanescent vanishing lilliputian erratic nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly blocked issueless scrap unuseful inoperable dysfunctional broken ridiculous floundering not worth worrying about not the issue nothing to do with the case parlous empty-headed without depth not useful vagrant capricious heedless blind unpromising threatening sinister menacing weak hit-or-miss desperate despairing despondent unattainable wishy-washy of little import beside the question wide of the point not important nihil ad rem not significant forceless emasculate withered slack-spined spineless neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous limited anticlimactic driftless careless disposable cancelled nullified rescinded revoked fortuitous no go no way not effective uncritical prodigal noncompulsory non-viable terminated discontinued inconsequent undesirable chance accidental unexceptional no need ordinary detached disconnected average remote independent unassociated unapt disparate dissociated foreign outside hair-splitting inapropos separate inappurtenant common typical plain of no matter not applicable off base not connected not related nothing to do with out of order mundane bland unremarkable undistinguished usual unmemorable pedestrian fussy unexciting routine unnoteworthy vanilla normal canceled not binding extra middling uneventful uninspired hairsplitting niggly too much supererogatory workaday supplementary inadmissible characterless whatever not in force adventitious dime-a-dozen run-of-the-mill common or garden bog-standard garden-variety so-so nothing to write home about middle-of-the-road nothing special plain vanilla garden variety bog standard de trop intrusive

Tính từ

Insincere or devoid of validity
false insincere artificial hypocritical cynical deceitful feigned flimsy pretended unsound counterfeit dissembling dissimulating phony phoney pretend sham spurious untrue specious treacherous faithless insignificant invalid unconvincing weak double-dealing two-faced hollow-hearted devoid of validity deceptive duplicitous lying double snide left-handed unctuous Pecksniffian canting fake backhanded fraudulent jivey unnatural glib affected unreliable feigning oily deluding smooth pharisaical pharisaic smooth-spoken untruthful smooth-tongued pietistic sanctimonious mealy mealymouthed jive lip self-righteous Janus-faced captious moralistic caviling bland fishy pious assuming double-faced phony-baloney phoney-baloney cavilling devious disingenuous evasive mendacious unfaithful dishonest perfidious shifty put-on slick sly pretentious ambidextrous goody-goody formal holier-than-thou mala fide untrustworthy hypocritic Tartuffian Pharisaic Pharisaical exaggerated overdone underhand not candid lacking sincerity not frank disloyal pseud slippery with tongue in cheek assumed deceiving knavish inauthentic back-stabbing dual cunning underhanded guileful artful crafty beguiling backstabbing sneaky misleading foxy tricky double-crossing double dealing indirect ironic ambiguous dubious equivocal paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic uncertain double-meaning double-edged pseudo bogus so-called professed purported simulated contrived ostensible mock faked alleged make-believe quasi- imaginary factitious mechanical plastic strained forced imitation avowed fictitious forged masked impostrous bluffing shammed in name only quack charlatan falsified cheating covered supposed concealed dissimulated imposturous

Tính từ

Unnatural, artificial or fake in nature
affected artificial assumed forced pretended strained unnatural contrived overblown overdone simulated stiff fake feigned insincere labored laboured mock overripe overworked pseudo counterfeit faked mannered phoney unconvincing exaggerated imitation phony pretend superficial bogus mechanical plastic posed pseud stilted factitious false posey sham spurious affectated awkward conceited counterfeited fakey fraud ham hammy imitated melodramatic playacting studied put on put-on actorly wooden constrained meretricious self-conscious manufactured rehearsed improvised campy theatrical snide binding begrudging stringent coercive grudging forcible conscripted slave rigid bound inflexible mealymouthed specious fraudulent uptight tight put wreck unglued choked wired taut farfetched deceitful glib deceiving misleading deceptive hard put nervous wreck strung out in a state at end of rope ersatz fictitious make-believe cod forged stagy heavy elaborate faux difficult dummy unreal substitute laborious synthetic ponderous clumsy overwrought unauthentic inauthentic uneasy not genuine tortuous arduous leaden dramatic showy pretentious actressy histrionic overacted staged stagey camp strenuous quasi- so-called imitative fabricated mimic man-made tortured over-elaborate over-the-top convoluted ornate intricate prolix uncomfortable inelegant ostentatious unspontaneous theatric unrelaxed professed ceremonious hokey ostensible queer avowed imaginary flamboyant apish pirate quasi comic untrue over-embellished long-winded complex turgid planned farcical not spontaneous animated expressive apparent seeming surface facsimile reproduction replica manipulated far-fetched fixed recherche voulu reserved inhibited guarded manmade derivative chemical cast model toy imagined reticent operatic splashy catchy invented concocted overly planned pseudonymous adopted trumped-up restrained tongue-tied distant embarrassed repressed fallacious invalid overplayed overacting thespian unrestrained adulterine tense phoney-baloney made-up phony-baloney virtual wannabe wrong would-be self-styled purported framed apocryphal bum ungenuine bent controlled cold cool subdued stand-offish aloof inept weighty hard operose effortful uphill toilsome maladroit without permission without consent precarious arty-farty precious not fluent not real not legit not kosher alleged simpering genteel highfaluting chichi airish conscious artsy as it were to all intents and purposes insecure unstable hypocritical ungraceful gauche graceless bluffing shammed falsified supposed masked lying impostrous in name only quack charlatan cheating covered concealed dissimulated imposturous fraught shaky pompous barnstorming stuck up gone Hollywood mincing rustic rustical formal emotional show amateur legitimate acting tragic schmaltzy dramaturgic vaudeville dud hoax trick austere punctilious nonconsensual prim rough-hewn not what it is cracked up to be correct proper decorous stuffy priggish starchy icy frigid nice stiff-necked

Tính từ

Showing a lack of emotion
blank expressionless vacant impassive deadpan empty inexpressive wooden emotionless inscrutable unexpressive stony dull stolid numb vacuous lifeless catatonic unresponsive fixed glazed inanimate uninterested inane stupid vague immobile masklike meaningless noncommittal stiff uncommunicative poker-faced straight-faced unfeeling indifferent cold frigid unemotional dispassionate flat apathetic dead toneless cool remote undemonstrative detached glacial distant restrained controlled passionless phlegmatic calm aloof affectless reserved impassible stoic bland stoical chill icy heartless nonemotional immovable impersonal nowhere unaffected unimpassioned imperturbable cold-blooded cool, calm and collected stony-eyed matter-of-fact self-controlled insensitive torpid spiritless unsympathetic inert asleep callous inhuman benumbed numbed anesthetized glassy lukewarm senseless insipid still paralysed anaesthetized paralyzed pokerfaced laid back unreadable absent motionless lacklustre lackluster faraway nobody home colourless dazed impenetrable enigmatic uncomprehending vapid cryptic mysterious absent-minded fishy colorless lusterless fish-eyed impossible to interpret unfocused perplexed bemused reactionless glassy-eyed soulless devoid dumb unintelligent unsmiling serious po-faced characterless withdrawn rigid introspective puzzling dreaming dreamy unmoving thoughtless abstracted idle incurious ditzy unthinking devoid of emotion foolish silly daydreaming witless null unexcitable lacking in character enigmatical uncanny mystic occult arcane deep placid sphinxlike heavy lethargic inactive supine dry passive sphinx-like hidden indecipherable

Tính từ

Intended to create an impression but having no real importance
token nominal perfunctory minimal insignificant minor slight trivial inconsequential mild superficial trifling unimportant imperceptible inappreciable infinitesimal minute nugatory paltry petty small tiny derisory inadequate insufficient meager meagre minuscule miserable pathetic piddling piffling pitiful symbolic exiguous measly mingy nickel-and-dime not worth mentioning of no account of no consequence of no importance poxy empty not worth bothering about negligible frivolous silly inconsiderable idle fiddling incidental footling picayune pettifogging light piddly puny worthless shallow niggling dinky foolish little peanut valueless no-account no big deal of little importance pimping no big thing vain vapid loitering small-bore chicken de minimis small-fry Mickey Mouse marginal insipid jejune banal inane of little consequence idling of little account immaterial irrelevant casual secondary unsubstantial meaningless lesser subtle scanty faint lightweight impalpable indistinguishable pointless nonessential invisible undetectable unnoticeable microscopic fine vague nanoscopic indiscernible insubstantial second-rate small-time slender inaudible unapparent purportless insensible unobtrusive indistinct modest impossible to detect ignorable sparse nondescript scant two-bit minimum slim base cheap shoestring shadowy gradual barely perceptible weak of minor importance minor-league of no great concern low-ranking momentary ephemeral unperceivable imponderable evanescent inconspicuous senseless feeble unnecessary imperceivable obscure trite miserly neglectable smaller frugal hidden peppercorn flimsy lilliputian mean humble peripheral beggarly extraneous undiscernible shabby scratch unconsiderable contemptible inferior subordinate penny-ante lower junior inessential inconsequent unessential unfathomable bush-league useless smalltime nothing ineffectual uncelebrated teeny-weeny fractional non-essential unclear teensy-weensy of little import unlikely of no moment not worth speaking of indefinite undistinguishable barely visible hard to make out remote improbable dubious distant doubtful bare-boned gentle intangible unobservable poor outside far-fetched littlest least smallest slightest lowest merest basal minutest tiniest fewest next to none least possible very little smallest amount of next to no

Tính từ

Giving the impression of vast, dark depths
cavernous huge vast commodious deep immense spacious capacious extensive roomy yawning airy gaping large sepulchral voluminous ample dark enormous high rambling unfathomable wide concave dismal echoing expansive gloomy resonant reverberant sunken alveolate broad cavelike chambered chasmal deep-set socketed curved inward abysmal great infinite limitless boundless open immeasurable big endless bottomless agape open wide wide open profound fathomless sizable generous wide-open chasmic abyssal unplumbed palatial sizeable comfortable widespread extended uncrowded very deep fully open giant high-ceilinged full massive substantial buried subterranean colossal expanded measureless cavernlike illimitable impenetrable unsounded unfathomed horizonless indefinite unbounded unlimited immensurable incomprehensible inestimable plumbless extreme plummetless unending never-ending extending far down gigantic tremendous considerable grand monstrous whacking great husky super-duper walloping mastodonic thumping man-size whopping goodly Bunyanesque megalithic swelled king-size cosmic elephantine massy epic thundering whopping great pharaonic lofty full-size titanic thumping great fair-size mighty excessive bulky galactic humungous family-sized mega oversize good-size ponderous jumbo supersized hulking gargantuan prodigious extravagant cyclopean ginormous outsize good-sized staggering monster great big stupendous oversized king size grandiose family-size socking great inordinate exorbitant humongous astronomical towering a whale of a whacking brobdingnagian leviathan tall monumental biggish mondo gross whopper outsized hefty economy-size mammoth of considerable size mountainous Brobdingnagian king-sized bumper handsome super colossal almighty largish supersize astronomic life-size overgrown cosmical man-sized magnific cumbersome unwieldy fair-sized dirty great tidy comprehensive economy-sized

Tính từ

Likely, capable of, or designed to, deceive
illusory false misleading unreal untrue deceptive fallacious hallucinatory mistaken sham chimerical delusive seeming apparent deceitful delusional illusionary deceiving fancied non-existent bogus delusory erroneous fake fanciful illusive imaginary imagined misguided notional specious Barmecidal Barmecide fantastic fictional fictitious fictive float ideal ostensible semblant suppositious supposititious visionary whimsical blue sky pipe dream spurious fabricated beguiling deluding invented made up unfounded inaccurate wrong untruthful falsified fraudulent concocted counterfeit distorted mendacious unreliable terminologically inexact fakey impostrous trumped up economical with the truth casuistic sophistic unsound sophistical plausible insincere baseless credible empty presumptive presumable likely captious colorable flattering vain nugatory probable ostentatious pretentious sophisticated meretricious phony incorrect idle illogical seemingly correct phoney apparently right plausible but wrong mythical fantastical chimeric phantasmal phantasmic phantom fabulous pretend mythic made-up fantasied imaginal make-believe dreamlike unsubstantial phantasmagoric ethereal insubstantial romantic immaterial shadowy dreamy nonexistent legendary hypothetical vague intangible imaginative phantasmagorical irrational abstract storybook bizarre quixotic impalpable blue-sky figmental wild theoretical artificial pseudo groundless airy fantasy absurd weird incredible nightmarish far-fetched aerial ridiculous out of this world surreal indistinct ambiguous flimsy vaporous incorporeal unclear unsubstantiated otherworldly mythological assumed spectral psychedelic fairy-tale tenuous misty extravagant mock ungrounded obscure unbelievable mad Kafkaesque imponderable dreamed-up devised without foundation capricious curious ghostly conceptual oneiric evasive ghostlike hazy bodiless faint traditional spiritual dim unreasonable unsupported utopian pretended unproven unbodied fabled puzzling speculative uncorroborated foundationless volatile supposed ill-founded apocryphal nebulous formless nonphysical discarnate nonmaterial equivocal indescribable extraordinary preposterous inexistent imagal wonderful wistful invalid absent virtual without basis metaphysical unreasoned tricky eccentric unlikely off unrealistic synthetic reasonless fishy queer poetic product of someone's imagination all in one's head incomprehensible way off hyped up strange offbeat crackpot thought up marvellous marvelous phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic phantasmagorian deluded hoax allegorical epic filled with dreams misconceived phantasm inane trick idealized in error unread mocking folkloric created mythologic storied simulated disembodied chimeral non-physical non-material unembodied subjective idealised created out of thin air improvised wraithlike in your head dream-filled conceived unwarranted confusing transcendental supernatural unearthly ideational suppositional conjectural putative larger-than-life unjustified unprovable dreamt up unprovoked disincarnate conjectured theoretic trancelike trance-like faux reproduction reachy replica unnatural imitation disingenuous casuistical uncorporeal unauthorized wanting lacking missing unstraightforward unjustifiable uncalled-for indefinable superstitious freety apprehensive fearful nonvalid questionable tall untouchable glib dead gone blank departed extinguished vacant void null gossamery defunct negative lost perished extinct dreamish hypnagogic weightless wispy dishonest gratuitous bottomless uncalled for not backed up causeless bewildering misrepresentative distracting perplexing mistakable demagogic catchy confounding flakey far out fairy tale kinky flaky floating outlandish left-field wondrous without justification without reason without cause unauthorised lying cheating cunning untrustworthy devious faithless pretending baffling ephemeral without explanation dainty rare frail rarefied diaphanous thin light frivolous fragile cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take imperceptible to the touch slender infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night enigmatic astounding pie in the sky castles in the air on cloud nine expressive passed on passed away elusory creative faulty flawed misinformed inexact imprecise sensational astonishing awesome spectacular stupendous out there breathtaking romanesque glamourous glamorous odd nonsensical implausible null and void few and far between fresh exotic original insane too little too late improbable ludicrous crazy inspired artistic inventive fancy quirky originative flighty dicey iffy weird and wonderful deviating surprising daydreaming unspecific oracular unthinkable dubious inconceivable peculiar doubtful dodgy musing preoccupied artful brilliant unconventional freaky radical fertile freakish ingenious genius experimental innovative keen indistinguishable indefinite abstracted pensive fugacious transient shy elusive fleeting greasy transitory stonewalling occult mysterious evanescent innovational unorthodox vivid revolutionary astute blurry undefined unconvincing unimaginable foolish comical incredulous grandiose oddball dreaming distracted off beam full of holes blurred fuzzy far-out head in the clouds avant-garde out of touch with reality Promethean unconceivable erratic wacky ambitious amazing uncompelling zany ruminative meditative inattentive thoughtful reflective distrait way off beam murky unrecognizable indeterminate bleary gauzy foggy opaque cockamamie barmy different potty daft singular extreme rapt absent-minded wool-gathering absorbed nebulose undetermined pale blear outré faraway unrecognisable cloudy out of sight off-the-wall cock-and-bull off the wall hare-brained cock-eyed apparitional excellent introspective far away in a reverie with your head in the clouds miles away lost in thought beautiful astral superb in a brown study introvertive lacking definition out of focus ill-defined fool's paradise figment of someone's imagination

Tính từ

Lacking vigour, vitality, or excitement
lifeless dull lethargic flat lacklustre spiritless stiff torpid wooden static apathetic drab insipid tedious unexciting bland boring cold colourless dreary dry heavy monotonous slow wearisome emotionless expressionless inexpressive lacking vitality mechanical passive pointless sluggish uninspired characterless listless two-dimensional uninspiring blah colorless draggy lackluster lusterless nothing pabulum prosaic prosy slothful spent uninteresting zero vapid tame humdrum stale unimaginative tiresome pedestrian jejune commonplace stodgy ho-hum mundane trite wishy-washy banal feeble arid leaden sterile stuffy ponderous stupid run-of-the-mill weak old tiring anaemic drudging weary jading monochromatic routine mind-numbing passionless wearying tired numbing anemic bloodless dusty limp uneventful ordinary dead lame unremarkable vacuous barren plain hackneyed dim bromidic vanilla unanimated ho hum unstimulating unoriginal soulless indifferent lustreless half-hearted pallid workaday unvaried nondescript plodding zestless repetitious vacant watery muted featureless impassive languid derivative unemotional empty inane undistinguished everyday as dry as dust unenthusiastic mediocre quotidian pale dull as dishwater gray grey desolate nowhere matter-of-fact milk-and-water samey weariful dry as dust common ineffectual ineffective sombre unresponsive depressing unmoved uninterested subdued unvarying repetitive enervated flavorless deadpan unconcerned lackadaisical soporific pathetic somber matte deadly flavourless middle-of-the-road plain vanilla dullsville mat innocuous corny dreich bleak lukewarm soul-destroying unimpassioned desiccated unfeeling common or garden dismal poor conventional uncreative platitudinous irksome unexceptional faded inadequate monochrome tasteless tepid inoffensive halfhearted antiseptic etiolated hacky dulled fatiguing yawnsome sad stilted dark unentertaining unenjoyable namby-pamby disinterested drivelling driveling gloomy dingy awkward lacking variety run of the mill lacking excitement lacking interest clumsy no great shakes dispiriting washed out depressed futile big yawn flat tire nothing to write home about powerless unnatural fruitless worthless stolid threadbare unexcited undemonstrative laborious plebeian well-worn puny uninventive unadventurous derived turgid unpolished perfunctory inert unimpressed interminable stagnant non-stimulating dispassionate cool usual detached irresolute vigourless deadly dull clear unromantic meager bog-standard unspirited heavy-handed deadening unrelieved meagre phlegmatic downcast languorous toneless lacking variation unchanging ornery unpalatable neutral lacking in vitality dowdy dull as ditchwater prolix sapless white-bread unmemorable banausic unburnished matt not up to much monotone deep glum cheerless a dime a dozen unlively forlorn joyless shadowy tenebrous miserable depressive macabre funereal lonely grim dolorous morbid second-rate inferior musty bummer drag cloying drear moth-eaten bomb stereotyped dry-as-dust remote laboured flaccid frail unconvincing overused naff timeworn passé stereotypical stock earthbound mindless reluctant yawn anodyne pedantic forced artificial calm aloof blank impotent unimpressive crude simplistic serious solemn weakly undistinctive average sleepy overlong glassy poker-faced waterish nerdy wimpy unappealing unsentimental unvarnished unembellished unpoetic nitty-gritty literal terrestrial factual unadorned quiet droning half-pie OK so-so unwilling paltry blasé vigorless energyless day-to-day dragging enervating mortal exhausting poky snooze old hat phoned in least Milquetoast soft mild nebbish beige fatuous tenuous slight unpassioned customary normal typical regular truistic endless unenergetic cardboard labored desultory uneager offhand lacking personality lacking charisma backward uniform not so hot useless treadmill garden-variety garden variety unexpressive backwoods comatose long-drawn-out unenthused worn-out uninflected run-of-the mill one-horse vain profitless unseasoned whitebread blind raw wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy lacking energy devoid of emotion cliched predictable unartistic not amounting to much unrewarding behind the times unproductive graceless inelegant dead-and-alive lead balloon dormant ungainly aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless ashen ashy debilitated gauche uninhabited otiose unavailing unsuccessful bootless inefficacious abortive stoical square bleached pastel toned-down sooty unlustrous dun illustrous black mousy grimy washy light muddy unkind coldhearted anaesthetic insensitive insensible indolent lazy anesthetic unfruitful unfilled unprolific bovine placid ungraceful rough-hewn rigid uncomfortable rustic rustical uneasy nerveless subfusc washed-out sober toned down free bare idle gawky maladroit numb impassible unflappable unused bumbling inept unhandy weighty inflexible obstinate unyielding unbending uninvolved uncompassionate frigid desensitized groggy lymphatic affectless tranquil unexcitable droopy lacking feeling meek without life desensitised submissive melancholic dejected spineless languishing melancholy dispirited despondent mopy low along for the ride cold-blooded blue down cowardly disconsolate gutless dopey inanimate indecisive broken downhearted drippy without living things unobjectionable down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down harmless mainstream safe diluted boiled down without punch lowered faint indistinct restrained subtle low-key understated softened dull-coloured thin muffled stifled suppressed dark-colored hushed inaudible achromatic dark-coloured unobtrusive shaded deadened wan uncolored watered-down mellow mute achromic silenced indiscernible gentle mumbled unclear imperceptible low-pitched dirty greyish slack inactive strangled flimsy conservative shallow grayish distasteful unappetizing savorless unsavory smothered implausible whispered obscure inarticulate unintelligible unsavoury unhearable fuddy-duddy without color long prosing nonglossy unmodulated wordy long-winded trying frustrating annoying irritating shadeless tingeless delicate darkish cautious unprogressive boresome vexatious filthy circumspect unsatisfactory discoloured discolored watered down in the doldrums unfateful noneventful unnoteworthy inconclusive prudent hack unostentatious heavy-going formal overworked unpretentious chary lurid ghastly cadaverous sickly white waxen doughy blanched livid soft-hued staid without variety sludgy reserved attentive trivial puerile clichéd reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged verbose timid gingerly considerate careful puts one to sleep heedful wary calculating flat as pancake devoid of feeling murky sullied tarnished opaque heavy going out of date outdated greyscale grayscale hard to digest old-fashioned outmoded not shiny archaic discreet unenterprising obsolete defunct extinct antiquated murmuring antediluvian leery insufficient superannuated hoary hueless passé inconspicuous vague diminished muttering faltering light-toned cliché-ridden sour uncoloured insubstantial unnoticeable repressed unflashy simple cream antwacky hoarse hazy fuzzy black and white tintless not in color black-and-white out of the ark played out time-worn worn out cut and dried low-keyed scarcely audible out of earshot bated ill-defined greige sand superficial unbelievable distant reedy unstressed unaccented taupe oatmeal spoiled ecru improbable untenable questionable buff fawn weak-kneed inconceivable sketchy unpersuasive incredible turned off stone-coloured indefinite stone mushroom light-colored putty light-coloured stinking malodorous noisome foetid spoilt stenchy fetid dried parched reeking smelly thudding

Tính từ

Not based on sound or reliable evidence or reasoning
unsound weak flawed illogical defective faulty shaky tenuous unreliable flimsy questionable untenable dubious illegitimate irrational nonrational suspect unfounded ungrounded unreasonable unreasoning unsubstantiated fallible sophistic specious spurious unsupported wrong casuistic dodgy iffy inconsequent inconsequential unbacked incongruous unsubstantial ill-founded absurd implausible invalid preposterous senseless fallacious inconclusive nonsensical impossible contradictory ludicrous groundless irreconcilable false unreasoned fatuous nutty wacky self-contradictory off the wall full of holes meaningless incorrect inconsistent unscientific unjustified unjustifiable erroneous sophistical insane stupid foolish crazy imbecilic idiotic silly inane ridiculous unproved irrelevant unconnected daft screwy mad barmy beyond belief perverse cockeyed off beam way out not following without basis without foundation not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility unconvincing vague improbable unpersuasive unbelievable poor unsatisfactory inadequate unlikely far-fetched feeble nebulous incredible doubtful farfetched lame unsustainable sketchy unsupportable inconceivable puzzling obscure indefensible fishy fantastic reachy vain pathetic airy unimpressive thin slight problematic won't hold water won't wash uncertain baseless unwarranted unconfirmed unproven open to question untrue uncorroborated debatable foundationless undependable conjectural speculative inaccurate open to doubt unverified nonvalid disputable misguided untested mistaken rocky risky unattested arbitrary not backed up by evidence flakey unstable incoherent flaky deceptive controvertible idle arguable reasonless indefinite unsettled unclear equivocal untrustworthy moot uncalled-for dubitable controversial doubtable misinformed insupportable gratuitous bottomless insecure wide of the mark trumped-up unthinking unwise injudicious chancy disreputable wild dicey laughable mindless brainless imprecise demented ambiguous kooky loony fabricated unacceptable indecisive off-the-wall pseudo sham empty suspicious off-target unestablished trumped up problematical shady queer contentious issuable suppositive suppositious negotiable open to debate unwarrantable unsafe unarguable undefendable refutable inexcusable unforgivable inadmissible unpardonable ill-conceived unauthenticated inexpiable ill-thought-out borderline distorted amiss without substantiation without merit unprovoked inexact impaired bad vulnerable not well thought out unauthorized open to suspicion subject to debate in doubt precarious raving aberrant freaky cockamamie disconnected distraught delirious disjointed mendacious unreal misleading untruthful off-base frivolous perilous chimerical illusory imaginary superficial unintelligible confused uncalled for not backed up causeless presumed assumed not validated bad-tempered stroppy thoughtless erratic loose capricious quirky vacant wishful fragile contestable without justification without cause unauthorised without reason murky enigmatic ill-tempered contemptible assailable weakly disputed contended without explanation falsified fake all wet easily threatened easily destroyed easily broken bewildering indistinct muddled full of hot air mootable open to discussion hazy hard to believe lacking substance unsure ill-defined indeterminate undetermined open not reliable not dependable undecided unresolved unsatisfying resolving nothing lacking incomplete unfinished unfateful deficient uneventful proving nothing leaving matters open not yet established up in the air still open to question left hanging still open to doubt

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(of an explanation or excuse) Unconvincingly feeble
lame poor thin unconvincing weak feeble flimsy pathetic implausible inadequate puny transparent unlikely half-baked insufficient unsatisfactory faltering faulty flabby ineffective inefficient unpersuasive unpleasing unsuitable hard to believe hard to swallow shallow incredible unbelievable inconceivable questionable suspect improbable tenuous unsound paltry ineffectual trifling untenable dubious doubtful sketchy tame specious fantastic unreasonable far-fetched fishy illogical superficial flat false groundless unimpressive fallacious inept unsuccessful phony trivial unsubstantial fruitless futile profitless useless phoney unrealistic fanciful frivolous fantastical incredulous uncompelling unthinkable unimaginable strained unconceivable controvertible inane baseless assailable wishful weakly contemptible puerile ungrounded remote ponderous forced laboured labored strange insubstantial difficult to believe cock-and-bull not convincing beyond belief scarcely credible hard to take full of it threadbare vapid preposterous meager meagre vague flawed irrational nonsensical inconclusive unsubstantiated absurd contradictory nebulous ludicrous farfetched weak-kneed spurious incongruous unsustainable invalid unsupportable shaky irreconcilable puzzling obscure senseless impossible indefensible nonrational reachy vain unfounded airy unreasoned inconsequent illegitimate inconsequential unreasoning fatuous nutty wacky slight problematic off the wall won't hold water full of holes won't wash self-contradictory unapt debatable ridiculous not likely uncertain iffy beyond the bounds of possibility unexpected erroneous unsupported unbacked unnatural contrived lacking substance ill-founded elaborate bizarre exaggerated incoherent hokey overdone unimagined tall unplausible slim impracticable hundred-to-one rare mind-boggling far out too much slim and none not expected outside chance unheard of for the birds cock and bull doubtable dubitable equivocal speculative unsettled undecided unconfirmed unsure long shot fat chance on thin ice touch-and-go

Tính từ

Extremely morbid or somber, typically suggestive of death or the grave
sepulchral funereal gloomy morbid melancholy mournful sad black bleak darkening dismal forlorn glum godforsaken sombre cheerless chill Cimmerian cloudy cold comfortless dark depressing depressive desolate dire disconsolate doleful drear dreary dreich elegiac elegiacal grave gray grey joyless lonely lonesome lugubrious melancholic mirthless miserable morose murky plutonian saturnine solemn somber sorrowful sullen sunless tenebrific tenebrous woeful wretched deathly dolorous obscure Stygian grim unhappy depressed drab disheartening dejected blue despondent dour dispiriting woebegone dull hopeless uninviting downcast pessimistic crestfallen down oppressive down in the dumps discouraging dim dispirited sorry dingy down in the mouth abject downhearted in low spirits pathetic unwelcoming austere low unpromising heartbreaking heartrending macabre cast down ghastly in the dumps moody low-spirited nightmarish distressed bad distressing uncomfortable saddening gruesome piteous eerie dreadful grisly serious horrific shadowy lurid spooky horrid loathsome terrible inhospitable bare stark ghostly unearthly humourless humorless appalling heavy-hearted inconsolable clinical spookish impersonal long-faced rueful sulky institutional moping mourning teary tearful hideous frightful shocking dirgelike horrible drearisome horrifying grotesque frightening spiritless severe awful gory weird terrifying chapfallen demoralized revolting foreboding heartbroken unpleasant crabbed bland unsmiling Eeyorish disagreeable surly offensive despairing monstrous displeasing chilling tragic draggy dejecting mopey sober deplorable subdued scary detestable sickening grewsome ghoulish hurting chap-fallen afflicted wintry jarring wintery atrocious demoralised in the doldrums down-and-out lamenting dirge-like downbeat poor unfavorable unfavourable earnest sedate discouraged disappointed disheartened uncanny supernatural horrendous stern deathlike pitiable squalid negative broken-hearted defeatist lamentable grief-stricken repulsive weighty sordid fearsome grumpy grieving devastated ominous foul anguished droopy heavyhearted heartsick hangdog heartsore saddened brokenhearted shameful pitiful dragged oppressed weary mopish broody ugly staid repugnant taciturn vile despicable contemptible unfortunate adust execrable grievous inferior lousy intolerable unnatural terrific nightmare devilish sourpuss muted shady troubled indigent scurvy scungy impoverished upsetting fed up sick rotten brassed off cheesed off stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced acheronian blue funk in a blue funk uncaring ruined abandoned deserted unimpassioned waste solitary spartan maudlin unmoved unpropitious exequial funebrial sorrowing sinister overcast crepuscular poignant plaintive adverse disadvantageous inauspicious cynical brooding nostalgic in the pits portentous sunk in gloom tragical harrowing distressful disappointing bad-tempered uncommunicative threnodic threnodial gloom-ridden bereft phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive sable frowning glowering moving touching fatalistic hellish hard feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny given to looking on the black side having the blahs having blue devils singing the blues upset crushed lorn gut-wrenching worrying looking on the black side acherontic diabolic diabolical sadistic twisted perverted companionless harsh bitter forbidding cut up unenthusiastic suspicious chilly alarmist distrustful doubting cruel gross sickly disgraceful trashy shoddy filthy destitute derisory sour churlish poverty-stricken repellent disgusting nasty objectionable distasteful ill-humoured huffy unacceptable off-putting abhorrent obnoxious undesirable ill-humored hateful odious nauseating reprehensible obscene insufferable bummed out strange phantom preternatural unsavoury sick-making unpalatable noxious beastly fearful nauseous rebarbative godawful exceptionable disgustful loathly creepy spectral faint from hell mortuary haggard wraithlike unbearable beyond the pale corpselike anemic unsavory weak anaemic haunted extraterrestrial hair-raising mysterious other-worldly spine-chilling eldritch blood-curdling alien bizarre pitiless eery haunting unhealthy not of this world phantasmal phantasmic God-awful death-obsessed demoniac fiendish heavenly sublime ethereal inappropriate hyperphysical painful heart-rending disturbing daunting in pain desperate mean regrettable lachrymose sick as a parrot troublesome regretful suffering disquieting troubling direful agonizing hostile affecting pained traumatic agonising threatening agonized choked calamitous ruthful weeping intimidating agonised heavy unlucky destroyed in despair disconcerting menacing galling shot down base dangerous down and out discomforting worthless unfriendly doomy scowling abominable disastrous irksome dolent tough tear-jerking alarming difficult unnerving stressful demoralizing boring weighed down excruciating unwelcome out of sorts paltry baleful as sick as a parrot weepy rough catastrophic grouchy crushing plangent clouded fierce rugged perturbing demoralising stirring torturous dismayed ill-boding colourless lowering shabby crummy barren afflictive dread unamusing tormenting tortured bodeful egregious cast-down afflicting dismaying irritable monotonous colorless bleeding redoubtable formidable hurtful sunk parlous ill-fated perilous exigent remorseful minatory stony exacting taxing unproductive disenchanting pensive sterile infertile dry tormented worrisome gruff arid bony boney dead desert unfertile hardscrabble intense unappealing shamefaced beggarly unsettling wild discontented disgruntled ill ruinous straight tedious wistful piqued agitating sheepish enervated stinking cataclysmic mean-looking wailing aching deploring bewailing bemoaning funeral dolesome brutal flat compassionate arousing commiserative low in spirits louring dusky peeved shattered hairy fraught troublous outrageous cross put out listless unspeakable caliginous gutted racked heinous uncomic outcast devastating crying darkened distraught hellacious darkish down-hearted vexatious fateful unsociable nebulous daunted unlit abysmal extreme bowed down mumpish pressing strained leaden vicious crabby unilluminated all torn up in sorrow in mourning doomed ruthless merciless resigned mardy to be pitied obscured ripped annoying irritating full of sorrow ferocious opaque pitchy stygian lightless rayless apocalyptic ill-omened unkind on a downer repellant down-in-the-mouth trying heart-breaking dusk unpleasing uncongenial long-suffering vexing taken down serious-minded torn up in a bad mood in a funk sick at heart harmful uninspiring lackluster lifeless lacklustre heavy-going deep unexciting blah uninteresting pitch-black pitch-dark humdrum unlikely unencouraging unamused merciful full of despair formal grieved cheap inadequate insignificant apathetic dirgeful dysphoric routine uniform unoptimistic uncultivated gaunt degrading lame broken angst-ridden overwhelmed regimented without energy abashed sapped skeptical beseeching imploring commiserable entreating supplicating savage defeated bereaved heavy with grief mortified overcome with sorrow dolorific bowed lowered torn-up discontent unsatisfied unconsolable suicidal untoward depressant empty dimmed disillusioned taken aback deflated off sluggish repentant contrite dampening helpless evil-looking sorry for oneself sceptical emo glaring bummed-out griefstricken damp traumatized overcome pining testing bearish darksome apologetic penitent sorry for yourself atrabilious dampened drooping dashed sagging feeble dreaded let-down not happy fatal bewildering frustrating have the blahs darkling traumatised frantic anxious let down in the toilet low-down uninhabited unfruitful unmitigable deadly doom-laden life-threatening suggestive of evil nefarious iniquitous flagrant small derisible meagre meager mephitical perplexing aggravating revulsive petrifying excessive inconvenient punk unforgiving soppy sentimental mawkish void unpopulated without hope up the creek flagitious self-reproachful compunctious conscience-stricken steely flinty ungentle critical crucial repressing hindering deterring dissuading inopportune hard-pressed doubtful treacherous injurious precarious jeopardous rocky very bad straitened discommodious full of hardship messy strabilious no-win ill-lit poorly lit badly lit unappetizing unattractive untempting urgent fallow villainous disapproving unsympathetic premonitory drastic lethal mortal can't win blubbering blubbery sobbing moist snivelling tear-filled wet bawling sniveling whimpering watery crippling irretrievable not hopeful not encouraging at the end of your tether not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup hard-faced stringent hapless destructive cantankerous sinistrous baneful augural malificent doomful impending precursive warning minacious presaging malign suggestive prophetic prescient malefic chronic ashamed bored tired testy peevish resentful pouting petulant oppressing discomposing mortifying doom and gloom unsatisfactory icky unendurable annoyed snappish crotchety crusty fractious hurt ill-starred grotty grody yucky uncool yukky awkward unenticing waspish luckless vexed perverse chippy aloof angry pouty irked exasperated irritated in tears unlovely concerning wounded degraded ailing withdrawn uncooperative obstinate sourpussed querulous stroppy out of humour fretful ornery sulking tyrannical jaded wearied narked dictatorial repressive nerve-racking nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking ignominious debased domineering autocratic sated surfeited hacked off dissatisfied satiated blasé hazy despotic unjust undemocratic inhuman draconian in a huff in a mood in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks exposed windswept tyrannous burdensome overwhelming misty foggy humble servile ignoble unworthy slavish menial authoritarian iron-fisted not best pleased sick and tired overbearing anti-democratic punitive searing murderous onerous unfair imperious coercive relentless stiff hardhanded inexorable nubilous unclear beclouded overclouded hazed dishonourable high-handed peremptory overweening up to here rainy subfusc ironhanded backbreaking heavy-handed confining headache rough going demanding hefty superincumbent grovelling dishonorable humiliated subservient meek groveling deferent self-effacing clouded over

Tính từ

Characterized by exaggerated or affected politeness, refinement, or respectability
genteel polite refined respectable cultured courteous cultivated decorous elegant mannerly polished proper correct seemly civil courtly gentlemanly sophisticated civilised civilized gracious ladylike stylish urbane well-bred accomplished affected befitting couth decent dignified formal nice distingué posh punctilious well bred well mannered well-mannered artificial chivalrous condescending confined de rigueur discreet fashionable graceful intolerant la-di-da ostentatious patronising patronizing pompous precious pretentious priggish prim prissy prudish snobbish snooty straitlaced stuffy well-behaved respectful gallant considerate becoming conventional suave obliging comme il faut suitable affable conforming diplomatic gentle fitting fit cordial appropriate right tactful ceremonious kind well behaved honourable modest honorable accommodating charming thoughtful debonair genial accepted pleasant comely done orthodox complaisant sedate noble meet tasteful friendly presentable moral good apt classy politic traditional well brought up stately demure reputable virtuous hospitable distinguished smart aristocratic benevolent attentive deferential charitable apposite amiable standard staid straight august unctuous good-mannered pleasing puritanical approved sociable acceptable in good taste stiff pukka congenial well brought-up smooth ceremonial starchy strait-laced amicable bland stiff-necked stilted well-spoken well spoken womanly gentlemanlike educated finished wellmannered cavalier impeccable reserved mannered majestic fine handsome developed restrained seasonable prudent kindly usual customary highbred flattering preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied conciliatory mild amenable good-natured neighborly obsequious poised solicitous sympathetic concerned neighbourly au fait kosher OK okay careful warm-hearted beneficent indulgent benign kind-hearted magnanimous tip-top top-notch suited right stuff well-respected well-placed superior high-class upper-class congruous timely compatible consistent consonant done thing understanding easy giving good-hearted approachable big-hearted loving tender forthcoming bonhomous soft-spoken persuasive glib slick honest upright the done thing smarmy ingratiating together cool admirable worthy facile svelte collected composed unruffled silky possessed respected trustworthy coolheaded clean-living equable oily royal neat venerable estimable spruce above board tidy self-possessed self-composed moderate redoubtable sublime well-thought-of mediocre ordinary redoubted creditable of good repute smooth-tongued silver-tongued conservative bourgeois media-savvy conformist in line highly regarded traditionalist narrow-minded suburban parochial square stodgy by the book by the numbers Pooterish doctrinal strict Biedermeier dogmatic old-fashioned button-down straight-laced stick-in-the-mud small-town bien pensant fuddy-duddy of the old school applicable fitted relevant convenient pertinent felicitous apropos opportune expedient happy due qualified adequate germane rightful usable just to the point to the purpose related propitious useful desirable favourable auspicious pretty serviceable conformable correspondent favorable employable in keeping helpful advantageous able harmonious wholesome deserved material capable functional prepared feasible significant adapted deserving ready perfect well-suited belonging ideal useable available equal equitable preferable right on satisfactory on the nose on the button condign justified fairy-tale pat protocol in order pointed relative well-chosen welcome legit fair judicious tailor-made just right spot on made to order connected fortunate lucky golden promising palatable that's the ticket providential ripe reasonable congruent just what was ordered apple-pie requisite well timed sufficient best accordant heaven-sent coherent nonconflicting effective well judged concordant competent savoury savory corresponding constructive beneficial profitable productive agreeing ad rem equal to up to trained in the running likely capable of in line for eligible appurtenant healthy fruitful utilizable satisfying conformable to correspondent to correspondent with fit to be eaten consumable comestible safe to eat approving common versatile brave edible fit for human consumption healthful salutary benefic favoring commending needed commendatory unobjectionable protean benignant toward salubrious tolerable hygienic ample all right favouring utilisable exploitable equipped operable practicable good enough -worthy

Tính từ

Deficient in something needed or usual
absent abstracted distracted preoccupied absent-minded blank vague empty vacant absorbed daydreaming dreamy musing oblivious inattentive unconscious unaware unheeding bemused careless distrait dreaming negligent absentminded faraway heedless inadvertent neglectful thoughtless unthinking vacuous wool-gathering far away unmindful unobservant bare deficient devoid minus omitted somewhere else lost in thought miles away in a brown study not with us in short supply engrossed distant woolgathering forgetful lost scatterbrained pensive removed thoughtful rapt scatty out to lunch ditzy brooding remote mooning airheaded moony insensible detached diverted withdrawn agitated intent distraught immersed spacey inclined to forget disregardful worried inconscient not there wrapped up apt to forget immersed in thought deep in thought unfocused pipe dreaming a million miles away in a world of your own indifferent unseeing insensitive unconcerned frantic frenzied hysteric hysterical delirious out in space beside oneself gone wrapped-up spellbound deep taken up fascinated caught up anxious asleep engaged bugged elsewhere surroundings idle hung up absentee space cadet goofing off unaware of events regardless inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unnoticing apathetic bored listless dozy head in the clouds with a memory like a sieve with a mind like a sieve confused lacking concentration not concentrating off-guard slapdash slipshod lax puzzled bewildered off in a world of one's own perplexed flustered troubled disconcerted ruffled discomposed out of it looking out window amnemonic having a memory like a sieve inattentive to slack remiss in asleep on the job wandering indifferent to negligent about nirvanic not on the job remiss about unwitting oblivious to like an absent-minded professor sloppy remiss lax about pestered mystified nonplussed harassed befuddled tormented fazed confounded hassled speculative sidetracked at sea meditative reflective ruminative intangible unreal misty shadowy fantastic chimerical phantasmagoric dreamlike phantasmagorical not with it beautiful otherworldly excellent astral unsubstantial mythical introspective marvelous superb illusory imaginary whimsical nightmarish wistful immaterial introvertive marvellous in a flap driven to distraction in a reverie with your head in the clouds out of this world dizzy silly in a daze giddy disorganized birdbrained baffled empty-headed erratic in a dream feather-headed feather-brained unreliable