Từ đồng nghĩa của set back

Alternative for set back

Động từ

To delay or hinder an action or process
delay hinder impede retard arrest slow mire decelerate detain embog hold up slow down slow up bog down hang up hold back obstruct inhibit hamper curb restrain check handicap interfere with restrict encumber postpone fetter stall trammel hamstring shackle stop cumber block thwart constrain cramp defer foil baulk clog prevent stymie keep back balk interrupt frustrate put back curtail cripple put off choke baffle hobble hog-tie handcuff halt throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of slacken retardate stay suspend reschedule bork crimp manacle short-circuit bar tie up make late get in the way of deter brake bridle reduce lessen decrease limit loiter embarrass withhold put a brake on close off shut off shut down back off choke off take down bring to screeching halt hold be a hindrance to remit forestall shelve prorogue keep waiting keep hold over get in the way interfere put on hold ruin sink get bogged down control derail repress pause protract intermit stave off confine hold off on prolong stand in the way of cause to wait avert cause to stay temper stunt box in oppose contravene debar muzzle burden neutralize crab bottleneck shut out throw a spoke in the wheel of prohibit neutralise throw a spanner in the works resist counteract louse up moderate regulate abate lag diminish reef quiet qualify procrastinate rein in put the brakes on lose steam let down flaps cut down wind down cut back back-water hit the brakes lose speed anchor it mothball adjourn do later pigeonhole put off the evil day lay on the table continue put off the evil hour put in cold storage take a rain check on put over stand over put in abeyance carry over put on ice table respite hold off put on the back burner hold in abeyance bind leash entangle tie debilitate inconvenience cramp one's style weigh down drag one's feet tie one's hands down hesitate loaf falter dawdle flag poke bog let up stifle circumvent defeat suppress nip in the bud preclude put a stop to scupper ward off head off scotch interdict counter obviate dash stonewall disrupt fend off put an end to straiten cut off put the kibosh on contain beat intercept snooker quash discomfit smother disappoint checkmate spoil freeze avoid forbid rule out nullify put paid to catch anticipate hold down deflect govern do for stem forfend circumscribe discourage hem in constrict subdue upset divert ban outwit tame foul up dam tie down still bottle up dissuade squash throw cold water on nobble pour cold water on delimit gag negate crush faze squelch help stump ward proscribe measure rule kill put the stopper on keep in check screw up cork pull up choke back put the mockers on hold in smash defend against disallow pull in keep at bay put a spoke in someone's wheel outlaw talk out of keep lid on enjoin discontinue keep within bounds disadvantage preempt sabotage chain cross throttle pre-empt entrammel bilk disconcert muffle confound strangle overturn rein rattle warn disadvise evade cancel nix draw up withstand fix turn aside put an stop to fetch up shake staunch stamp out upset the apple cart sidestep skirt lock up cool give a hard time saddle with stem the flow of turn off bring to a standstill shut in cramp someone's style steer clear of mess up pick off keep under control put on back burner throw monkey wrench in put a damper on keep the lid on exclude confuse cut short cap incommode sandbag discommode stultify repel estop let damp down end quell obscure traverse root taboo quelch swallow extinguish capture silence bound frighten damp bit sidetrack bring up overload deprive deny spike parry make illegal scare make impossible second-guess circumnavigate charge dampen deprecate imprison attack get out of peg interpose embargo commandeer confront put at a disadvantage terminate take wind out of keep in annul escape bypass give the slip juke ditch jail gaol get ahead of get in before stanch dodge upset one's apple cart chill place at a disadvantage fence in close in hang fire repulse provide against steal a march on skip conquer overcome scare off hold in check fight back shake off give the run around cool off beat someone to it put the lid on extend beat someone to the punch beat someone to the draw set aside play for time box up keep a tight rein on keep a lid on bite back take away give rain check head off at pass contract abort dissuade from tie someone down straitjacket tie-up impair act against inc finish something finish off net enmesh ensnare oppress bother snag offset buck constipate entrap sideline puzzle affect disturb tether mystify discountenance clobber dish boycott blacklist make difficult influence tamper suffocate vitiate impose limits on set limits on prevent from making progress forbid to nonplus jam trouble conflict wreck crash unsettle rebuff give disadvantage take out screen disfavour disfavor indispose hang on hold the fort resist attack complicate throw a curve ostracize flummox discipline remove disqualify eliminate bring an end to hit invalidate scuttle put a crimp in stave keep off forefend make an end of bring to a close cork up dead-end corner slacken pace drag feet hold captive clip someone's wings put the damper on crool banjax put the brakes on take out of play put out of commission scrub drop brace can lick undo put straitjacket on stand in the way put a limit on not allow to go beyond keep within the limits of foreclose intervene slam on the brakes ease up stand fence elude quit cease deaden pocket submerge destroy harness bury blank counterplot save monkey with cool down button up keep tight rein on ostracise queer demarcate temporise temporize dally give a rain check take a raincheck keep in abeyance knock off dash one's hope upset the applecart make it impossible for make it impracticable for duck buffalo promote bollix beat somebody to it act in advance of prepare for be one step ahead of be early quench mute overpower impound rein back direct hogtie guide take wind out of sails get the better of beat down cause setback put end to render null and void veto get round make unnecessary wrong shuffle off keep down pin down pull back keep in line bring under control have on a tight leash sit on put away crack down garrote garrotte shush bring to an end throw a monkey wrench into put on brakes stand still come to a standstill give the run-around run circles around run rings around stand off peter out not move make impracticable block out slap down put out put down gain control over clamp down on crack down on gain mastery over snuff out incarcerate intern halt in its tracks do away with get rid of treat harshly waste time throw a monkey wrench in the works specify demark prescribe set criminalize act like a wet blanket treat unfairly be unfair to define delimitate girdle do a disservice to tell against give a disadvantage to put in an unfavourable position treat unfavourably inflict a handicap on lock in coop up necessitate immure concuss shotgun buy time filibuster censor seize render useless cancel out hold the line place a limit on refrain from declare taboo criminalise keep within limits draw the line on mark off take kick the can down the road employ delaying tactics declare illegal say no expropriate grab snatch enclose intimidate daunt encircle put half nelson on waive lengthen lay over ambush challenge surround give the thumbs down to put the chill on give the red light to monopolize foresee predict forecast envision preoccupy project expect encompass demoralize dishearten caution appropriate interlope shortstop accost hijack tackle waylay buttonhole load disincline ring monopolise withhold from stay away from refuse make up for deny yourself break the habit of skip out on kick get around steer clear shrink from abstain renounce keep from desist eschew shirk shun desist from stay away forbear give up abstain from restrain from counterbalance do without shy from leave off forgo forbear from compass pounce on take on unnerve gird corral expostulate dehort counsel exhort remonstrate prick overwhelm saddle kettle swoop down on cut in make off with demoralise make anxious make nervous hurdle strain caution against advise against warn off urge against persuade against snafu skin laden weight lumber make worried throw off argue out of urge not to expostulate against cry out against advise not to chicken out persuade not to throw a wet blanket on lean on rail in pen in mew up hedge in pen up lade pile freight yoke play off cook someone's goose spike someone's guns queer someone's pitch dump on snow under bear down on snow overburden make heavy

Động từ

To lower in rank
reduce demote downgrade lower lower in rank lower in status abase degrade humble relegate demean belittle declass devalue dismiss undervalue bump debase denigrate depreciate humiliate revert bring down bring low bust cast down cut down to size disgrace kick downstairs mark down reduce to the ranks shame snub take down take down a peg tear down crush break disrate lower the status of demerit bench cheapen depress devaluate attenuate sink write off write down devalorize ruin decrease displace dethrone oust unseat depose cashier move down drum out reduce in rank hold back strip of rank remove from office disparage derogate decry put down discredit diminish run down pan dis bad-mouth poor-mouth deprecate minimize vilipend discount diss trash trash-talk play down cry down kiss off minimise talk down malign dishonour scorn knock dishonor deride detract ridicule mortify underrate chasten vilify marginalize foul criticize slam slur mudsling smear sneer at scoff at rip shoot down dump on criticise marginalise defame trivialize revile underestimate injure smirch embarrass rubbish mock slander pooh-pooh abuse treat lightly demoralize insult slate asperse demoralise detract from cast aspersions on roast minify misprize dispraise pull apart own drag through the mud do a hatchet job on trivialise hold cheap slag off poor mouth make someone eat crow have a go at take down a peg or two give a black eye pooh pooh defile blot show up put someone in their place abash rap take a dig at to denigrate find fault tear to pieces vituperate chagrin contemn condescend despise deflate put away poormouth give comeuppance speak ill of pull to pieces knock off high horse speak badly of sling mud at reproach disconcert disdain make uncomfortable make someone feel ashamed deign flame lambaste knock down take dim view of object not go for frown sell short disapprove think little of discommend expostulate make little of taint stain stigmatize sully tarnish besmirch scandalize blacken corrupt prostitute spot besmear pervert disfavor bring into disrepute bring shame upon disregard put in a bad light stigmatise give a bad name to tar and feather desecrate drag through the mire disrespect disfavour cause to lose face scandalise attaint lose face reflect badly on libel bring shame on lessen deteriorate profane poison warp debauch harm vitiate canker deprave damage mar bastardize subvert brutalize spoil weaken dehumanize desensitize undermine dehumanise bemean bastardise desensitise destroy brutalise bring shame to cut down condemn censure laugh off laugh at pour scorn on bash scorch do down understate blister squelch squash downplay take to pieces take a swipe at make light of shoot full of holes sour grapes hit out at pick holes in cut to the quick

Động từ

To diminish the confidence or courage of
unnerve daunt discourage demoralise demoralize dismay disconcert dishearten dispirit upset frighten shake unman alarm fluster rattle confound cow deject perturb agitate discomfit discompose distress disturb faze throw unsettle disarm disquiet intimidate jolt ruffle startle chill discombobulate frustrate panic stun stupefy take aback unhinge bewilder buffalo distract enervate enfeeble floor needle nonplus ride sap scare spook surprise uncalm undermine weaken worry shake up bowl over get to put into a flap throw into a tizz throw off throw off balance give a turn psych out put someone off their stroke put the wind up cause someone to lose their composure bother confuse trouble shock flurry perplex discomfort vex abash alarum terrify concern frazzle undo astound discountenance appall fuss deter ail distemper terrorize appal derail hagride horrify freak out put off weird out astonish embarrass depress terrorise annoy exercise awe dumbfound amaze irk stagger knock for six affright flummox daze harass knock sideways bug subdue browbeat make nervous petrify hassle puzzle irritate provoke make uneasy flabbergast make anxious mortify knock out afflict bully fret baffle excite fright scarify overwhelm muddle rock stop someone in their tracks psych plague set someone back on their heels catch off balance pester take by surprise paralyze stir up mystify overawe disappoint dash paralyse anger sadden offend dampen sicken chagrin scare off displease knock the stuffing out of indispose torment thunderstrike strike dumb work up scare to death crush scare the bejesus out of debilitate exasperate throw into a panic bulldoze emasculate cast down addle outrage disarrange aggravate fuddle miff surprize repel consternate dumfound leave open-mouthed leave aghast blow away try scare stiff strike terror into pick on put the wind up someone give someone a turn burn up make waves devitalize knock for a loop nettle unbalance disorient tire prostrate give someone the heebie-jeebies disgust peeve disorder befuddle incapacitate gravel hurt scandalize grieve disparage nark stump damp persecute pother make downhearted badger bluster craze insult oppress harry put out gall boggle unstring put out of countenance hack off wind up scare away curdle the blood scare the living daylights out of scandalise boggle the mind put someone off their stride give someone grief make someone scratch their head dissuade throw into a tizzy make your hair stand on end throw cold water on make afraid throw a curve cause to be at a stand pour cold water on disempower pressure bemuse hurry exhaust fatigue pressurize bustle tyrannize revolt cripple hector affect immobilize dragoon drain make uncomfortable bamboozle put someone off get railroad bullyrag disorganize jumble destabilize discommode blackjack bogart disburb stiff soften waste etiolate traumatize hound bludgeon move disrupt enforce pain scare witless strong-arm turn wound flip rouse disable humiliate chafe fill with fear nauseate hinder mau-mau torture shatter bring low jar pressurise desolate give someone goose pimples pique derange make dejected disincline foul up make feeble knacker make weak torpefy destabilise tyrannise put the fear of God into scare the pants off arouse agonize make jump get across deplete lay low make fretful screw up scare someone out of their wits throw into a blue funk egg on make teeth chatter freeze your blood traumatise nag mix up harrow turn on put down lean on get the wind up rattle one's cage electrify wear out agonise aggrieve make blood run cold chill to the bone make someone jump out of their skin gnaw at weigh down render speechless push around immobilise get at make someone's hair stand on end make someone's blood run cold tick off put a damper on throw into a fright make your blood run cold knock over make a scene push buttons hurt somebody's feelings make one's blood run cold do in blow one's mind give a hard time take your breath away give someone the blues knock over with feather pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under gross out outface stare down outstare put off balance heat stand up to haunt handicap put on edge incite inflame shame throw into panic incommode thwart dizzy scare silly freak blunt attenuate diminish blind unquiet infuriate disillusion threaten stimulate cloud galvanize psych someone out make restless preoccupy down dement displace rummage disarray disgruntle disenchant distress greatly despair make one's flesh creep give one the creeps chill someone to the marrow send into a spin stampede madden mess with one's head complicate intrude interfere galvanise inhibit snafu let down scare someone half to death disorientate cause disquiet to ferment balk menace embitter sour dissatisfy eat away at put off one's stroke impress catch somebody off balance catch somebody unawares domineer affront beset beleaguer bedevil get in the way ventilate examine baulk throw into confusion worst mess up fill with consternation louse up muck up make one's teeth chatter scare the living daylights out of someone scare the pants off of make someone jump out of his skin make despondent cause anxiety to coerce throw into uproar throw into disorder cast a shadow caution warn spring something on throw a curveball blind someone with something rack stress make self-conscious repress droop deprecate weigh inconvenience throw into disarray upset apple cart make flip bug up work someone up oblige force take someone's breath away humble make dispirited make crestfallen anguish curse fill with panic disaccord jangle discord disharmonize compel drive crazy make discontented drive mad injure strain knock props out overcome antagonize pose fox beat be rude to rub the wrong way cause offense be offensive strap dog break tantalize nit-pick tantalise prick push martyr steamroller constrain cause to lose heart beat down spring on numb devastate antagonise mess with someone's head do someone's head in make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth put off his or her stride take the wind out of someone's sails make someone laugh on the other side of their face maze hit a sour note bring down get down weigh heavily on showboat cause suffering to cause anguish to cramp give offence to break one's heart befog fog wilder set someone thinking muddy fire up flip out put one away give someone the hump make someone fed up obfuscate lie heavy on eat at arouse anxiety in make miserable do a number on be on one's case make wretched make it tough for weigh on cut up rile stir dampen someone's hopes get someone bum out lay up key up take the wind out of your sails completely surprise raise someone's eyebrows shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks talk out of make worried throw a pall over cause anxiety push about metagrobolize rock the boat twist someone's arm use strong-arm tactics on grate rasp gripe itch frost niggle eat spite walk heavy deflate snarl unglue unzip furbelow abrade frill wear get on someone's wick knock the stuffing out of someone send up blow out blow up take apart take steam out turn on the heat be all Greek to flutter throw into tizzy hustle quicken silly frighten someone out of their wits send into a cold sweat make someone shake in their shoes frighten the life out of scare the life out of chill someone's blood make fearful frighten to death scare the hell out of frighten the living daylights out of give someone a fright make someone's hair curl scare the daylights out of make one's hair stand on end weary poop wash out vitiate jade fag out take it out of one put out of action sap your strength wear to a frazzle rankle incense rub up the wrong way enrage burden sting exacerbate roil drive up the wall tease goad hump hack you off get on your nerves rark cut to the quick turn off disoblige molest rankle with make someone see red grate on repulse tee off slight gnaw get your goat drive to distraction get in someone's hair pursue get on someone's nerves drive round the bend mither get in your hair tax make unhappy put your back up get your back up make angry get under one's skin get on your wick get one's goat excruciate ire enflame mad stew get on one's nerves be on your back raise someone's hackles get someone's back up be repugnant to ruffle someone's feathers make someone's hackles rise steam up abase taunt make sad T-off overpower get under your skin reluct burn hang up drive round the twist put someone's nose out of joint put someone's back up besiege make someone's blood boil fear get under someone's skin get up someone's nose get someone's dander up put on the spot sear sweat crucify press strike interrupt chivvy get across someone disaffect disrespect diss dis bait grind jar on hurt someone's feelings make cross nag at turn one off make your heart bleed send into a rage give a bad time cause discomfort to get your dander up drive bananas hang over get under skin make gloomy prey on someone's mind make sick get someone down give someone the pip dump on break someone's heart hit where one lives try someone's patience abuse put in a spot rattle someone's cage turn your stomach test damage fidget disgrace zing heavy alienate cavil nudge scar chivy harm foul bore bite stretch devil impose on cut demean lower cause trouble to obsess touch meddle impede make your blood boil break the heart of reduce to tears slap dull criticize be at snub squelch possess dampen spirits acerbate breathe down someone's neck make blue drag down be disagreeable to estrange tangle chasten get in one's hair whelm overmaster swamp bring one down cause concern to raise your hackles discredit own be a great weight on try one's patience be a pain in the neck dishonour be a thorn in someone's side get up your nose try your patience wear on put into a funk cast a gloom upon criticise get your hackles up dishonor be a burden to be a nuisance to be offensive to keep on at get someone's goat go on at cheese off rub you up the wrong way bring tears to your eyes greatly upset get on somebody's nerves be distasteful to cause offence to stick in one's craw give trouble set one's teeth on edge make it tough snarl up keep after try the patience of make shudder be repulsive to hurt one's feelings be on the back of be a thorn in someone's flesh get someone's hackles up get a rise out of snow under make someone want to throw up put somebody's nose out of joint turn one's stomach go to one's head make one sick get on nerves dash someone's hopes break someone's spirit put to trouble make someone's gorge rise fill with loathing wrong muddle up frenzy tear apart stress out mistake fester discontent deplore occupy misplease wing curdle cool sound cap importune bruise excoriate tear dun be hurtful to bleed mourn cause anguish cause suffering lambaste cause sorrow henpeck bum hack steam drive nuts cause resentment to cause annoyance to push the buttons of thrill roust push one's buttons play dirty sweat out dislocate cast a gloom on motivate absorb grab attract awake goose ignite interest pierce work on push button heat up foil thumb nose at lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind cause to panic mistreat heckle accost encroach obtrude chide ruffle one's feathers mess infest ask for it weigh heavily on one's mind get someone's wick impose upon arouse hostility in grill grind down put to some trouble overcharge occupy someone's thoughts disengage uncouple unfasten separate unhitch disconnect detach start wind somebody up drive you up the wall stroke someone's hair the wrong way prey on press down on resent set someone's teeth on edge snit pet tiff huff weigh heavily on someone's mind niggle at grind at wring mess with push someon's buttons begrudge crab grudge eat up give the business alien put inflict trauma deeply upset chill off be suppress subjugate stifle rile up make one's heart bleed bring tears to one's eyes dampen someone's spirit make awkward make ashamed show up carp hit hard tire out confront dispraise slander rub one the wrong way cause to lose your bearings find fault with envenom make turbid suffer be unwell be a burden on cross put someone out get even cramp style quibble smother give a zinger give the cold shoulder dash hopes break in nitpick disadvantage make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on make fed up make your gorge rise make someone feel nauseous tear to pieces work into lather set one off dish out dish it out set on give it to stick it to take a rise out of make blood boil upset the apple cart slur be indisposed be crook flap poison drive insane dash the hopes of have had enough become bored exhaust someone's patience grate at lose patience muss snow intrude upon take over drive you crazy hurt the feelings of deaden defeat extinguish curb quell catch one short bend someone's ear muck hit like a ton of bricks hit bring around set thinking make punchy intoxicate bring up short inebriate stymie be ill be weak be sick feel pain be agitated carp at umbrage shatter the illusions of burst one's bubble dampen the spirits of make a monkey of put in a hole make one's hackles rise take pains get on someone's case clutter make someone's head spin ball up be in a tizzy be worried squick drive you to distraction make livid cause someone difficulty discommodate labour over take control of be in a flap be wrong with be in pain feel unwell send over the edge bear down on damp down be in a stew get worked up get in a stew smite make your hackles rise drive you round the twist drive you round the bend make a big thing out of make a big thing of be disagreeable be an affront to give offence tread on someone's toes disunify abominate cause to feel nauseous disunite pall divide cause aversion surfeit make someone's stomach rise cloy on offend morals of wean be repulsive be the matter with be a problem to put someone to trouble botch bungle make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill overstretch overtax tense blight make a thing of drive you off your head make you see red grip dazzle spellbind give someone bother put pressure on be in someone's hair bring pressure to bear on crawl knock the wind out of drive you out of your mind make somebody's blood boil drive out of mind cast a pall over visit take turn someone off be displeasing to victimize buffet harsh one's mellow jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter make someone feel sick drive somebody up the wall make emotional drive drag darken turn stomach make your flesh creep give you the creeps make flesh crawl make someone go out of his way run down crunch overextend make things hot for someone inspire panic in strike terror in frighten out of your wits fill with terror make it hot for someone victimise put the frighteners on worsen wreck destroy kill run circles around hit for six downgrade leave speechless sweep someone off their feet subordinate turn someone's stomach invigorate inspire whip up cause to feel emotional strain overdo cause to feel mental strain make tense tense up put in traction push to the limit put on trial make desolate keep under acidulate make rancorous bitter venom make a mess of spur energize pump up degrade harsh someone's mellow debase bring tears to someone's eyes bear down make someone's heart bleed dampen someone's spirits entangle sink juice up enliven inspirit foment energise envigorate trigger animate enthuse liven up activize work jazz up titillate make ill belittle reduce disagree embroil cheapen silence make a fool of pop one's balloon take down bemean make someone eat humble pie pull down make someone eat crow bring down a peg cause to lose face squash cut down to size put to shame take down a peg settle someone's hash tear down make one feel small put someone in their place put away smirch take down a peg or two shoot down make eat dirt force to eat humble pie demote make unwell ravel complexify complex sophisticate be sickening be unsuitable cause illness to cause problems involve make difficult be injurious to be disturbing be injurious strike down multiply twist make intricate add fuel to fire make complicated render unintelligible clog interrelate fold convolute interweave make difficulties mire elaborate intricate set hurdles combine open can of worms obscure make more difficult make complex interfuse infold snag go against the grain be distasteful have an adverse effect on

Động từ

To become embroiled or implicated in
mire embroil entangle involve enmesh broil embrangle bog down cling detain ensnare entrap flounder implicate snare stick tangle trap mix up tangle up catch up hang up incriminate engage connect inculpate associate concern hook link impute affect draw in drag into stitch up immerse occupy compromise draw expose absorb engross consume preoccupy throw make party to trouble muddle box in obsess lose enthral enrapture enthrall assimilate complicate interest suck get into tie up snarl up wrap up in bear on rope in make a party to implicate in mix up in suck into involve in draw into devote commit busy bother stigmatise relate point the finger at point finger at blame name frame accuse point to bring in pin on finger include charge mean cite stigmatize lay at one's door attend bind distract participate entail enwrap wrap denounce set up fit up indict inform against brand allege criminate rat on arraign grass on attribute blacken the name of impeach pin the blame on defame prosecute stick the blame on hold accountable bring charges point the finger hang something on censure betray attack fault serve summons recriminate sue indict for lay the blame on arraign for falsely incriminate recriminate for tax with prefer charges against impeach for incriminate for prosecute for make accusations about bring to trial for file charges against lodge complaint lay blame on put on trial for lay charges against take to court for lay the blame suck in pull in drag in rope into report do summons inform on point a finger at charge with dob in get someone into trouble drop someone in it summon lay at door reproach slander slur arrest let have it tax complain denunciate libel censure with file claim apprehend blow the whistle fabricate charges against fabricate evidence against convict peg give away lay the blame on someone for assign guilt to attribute to hold accountable for stick on impute blame to hold responsible for blame for try for blow the whistle on attribute liability to hold answerable for condemn for whistle-blow drag into court accuse of drop somebody in it

Danh từ

The price or cost of an item for sale
amount price charge cost bill expense fee outlay budget sum tab total bid damage asking price monetary value price tag selling price set-back tidy sum rate figure payment quotation ante tariff assessment valuation dues value toll expenditure fare levy worth disbursement freight estimate expenses appraisal tune bottom line terms spending pay hire duty outgo investment score bite setback face value market price quote outgoings consideration wage account allowance remuneration retail ransom demand sticker ticket appraisement monetary worth money spent throw economic value quoted price quantity tax price sticker number capitation costing offer aggregate label equivalent financial value spend injection of capital highway robbery premium estimated price bid price debit bounty rental squeeze surcharge liability debt payment required hire charge an arm and a leg obligation out of pocket payments overheads costs consumption output using use application cash on barrelhead payoff outflow kickback squander come to splurge salary emolument stipend handout commission percentage honorarium reward compensation meed earnings recompense slice handle cut subscription share juice take piece take-in chunk house rake-off end gravy piece of the action prize exaction return reckoning wages impost excise imposition contribution customs ticket price tribute rent custom rent payment outgoing tithe rates estimation overhead membership fee entrance fee charges lease entry fee admission fees taxation tender mulct burden due packet paycheck pay envelope VAT offering collection protection seat rate pot subsidy arrearage incidental income tax gift homage levies tariffs raise retainer apartment muster pricing pledge menu airfare price ticket gain incidental expense evaluation customs duties benefit profits import tax export tax entry guesstimate starting price marked price ask price rental unit bill of fare income revenue proceeds profit cess payout ballpark estimate returns perquisites perks pickings brokerage giveaway towage salvage fine entrance slug check book token passage estimated value estimated cost ballpark figure disposal annual payment ticket money transport cost passage money proportional tax pork barrel extortion call weight requisition claim surtax request requirement entry charge admission fee expending disbursal giving donation paying out laying out doling out parting with handing out pay out

Từ trái nghĩa của set back

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