Từ đồng nghĩa của hinder

Alternative for hinder

hinders, hindered, hindering

Từ đồng nghĩa: check, curb, hold back, impede, obstruct, restrain, retard, stop,

Động từ

To impede the work or progress of
obstruct hamper impede arrest delay block check handicap inhibit retard stop thwart frustrate stymie cramp encumber hamstring baulk curb fetter foil trammel forestall hobble prevent shackle constrain cripple curtail deter halt interrupt oppose restrain restrict bottleneck clog handcuff prohibit baffle burden crimp cumber embarrass manacle muzzle neutralise neutralize balk bar bork choke contravene counteract crab debar interfere resist hold back hold up interfere with slow down get in the way set back box in hog-tie louse up short-circuit shut out tie up be a hindrance to throw a spanner in the works throw a spanner in the works of throw a spoke in the wheel of throw a monkey wrench in the works of limit slow stall bridle derail hang up stifle circumvent confine repress defeat stay avert suppress nip in the bud preclude stand in the way of put a stop to scupper stave off detain ward off head off control hold put a brake on scotch interdict counter obviate dash stonewall put off disrupt ruin fend off put an end to withhold straiten slow up keep cut off keep back tie put the kibosh on get in the way of contain regulate hold off beat intercept snooker quash discomfit smother rein in disappoint checkmate spoil freeze avoid forbid cramp one's style rule out nullify decelerate put paid to catch shut down brake anticipate bind hold down deflect reduce moderate govern do for stem forfend suspend circumscribe discourage bog down hem in constrict subdue postpone upset shelve divert ban outwit tame foul up dam tie down still bottle up dissuade squash entangle throw cold water on nobble pour cold water on delimit lessen gag negate crush intermit faze squelch help defer stump remit weigh down ward proscribe measure rule kill put the stopper on decrease take down keep in check screw up cork pull up choke back put back put the mockers on hold in smash defend against close off disallow pull in keep at bay inconvenience shut off put a spoke in someone's wheel outlaw talk out of keep lid on enjoin discontinue keep within bounds disadvantage preempt sabotage chain slacken cross throttle pre-empt mire pause entrammel retardate bilk disconcert muffle confound leash strangle procrastinate overturn rein rattle warn disadvise evade cancel nix draw up withstand fix make late diminish turn aside put an stop to fetch up pigeonhole shake staunch stamp out protract choke off upset the apple cart sidestep skirt lock up cool give a hard time prolong saddle with stem the flow of turn off bring to a standstill shut in cramp someone's style steer clear of mess up pick off keep under control put on hold hold over put on back burner throw monkey wrench in bring to screeching halt put a damper on keep the lid on hold off on exclude confuse cut short cap incommode sandbag discommode stultify repel estop let keep waiting damp down stunt end quell obscure traverse root taboo quelch swallow extinguish capture silence bound frighten loiter damp bit sidetrack quiet embog bring up overload deprive deny spike parry make illegal scare make impossible second-guess circumnavigate charge dampen deprecate imprison attack get out of peg interpose embargo commandeer confront put at a disadvantage adjourn terminate take wind out of prorogue keep in annul escape bypass give the slip juke ditch drag one's feet jail gaol get ahead of get in before stanch dodge upset one's apple cart chill place at a disadvantage fence in close in table hang fire repulse provide against steal a march on reschedule skip let up back off conquer overcome scare off lose speed put the brakes on cut back hold in check mothball continue fight back shake off give the run around cool off respite put over beat someone to it put the lid on extend beat someone to the punch beat someone to the draw lay on the table take a rain check on set aside play for time put on the back burner put on ice box up keep a tight rein on keep a lid on put in cold storage bite back take away give rain check head off at pass hold in abeyance contract abort dissuade from tie someone down straitjacket tie-up impair act against inc cause to wait cause to stay finish something finish off debilitate net enmesh ensnare oppress bother snag offset buck constipate entrap sideline puzzle affect disturb tie one's hands tether mystify discountenance clobber dish boycott blacklist make difficult influence tamper suffocate vitiate impose limits on set limits on prevent from making progress forbid to nonplus jam trouble conflict wreck crash unsettle rebuff give disadvantage take out screen disfavour disfavor indispose hang on hold the fort resist attack complicate throw a curve ostracize flummox discipline remove disqualify eliminate bring an end to hit invalidate scuttle put a crimp in stave keep off forefend make an end of bring to a close cork up dead-end corner get bogged down slacken pace drag feet hold captive clip someone's wings put the damper on crool banjax put the brakes on take out of play put out of commission temper scrub drop brace can lick undo put straitjacket on stand in the way put a limit on not allow to go beyond keep within the limits of foreclose intervene slam on the brakes ease up stand fence elude quit cease deaden pocket submerge destroy sink harness bury blank counterplot save monkey with cool down button up keep tight rein on hesitate dawdle down loaf falter bog flag poke ostracise queer demarcate temporise temporize dally give a rain check take a raincheck keep in abeyance knock off lag abate dash one's hope upset the applecart make it impossible for make it impracticable for duck buffalo promote bollix beat somebody to it act in advance of prepare for be one step ahead of be early quench mute overpower impound rein back direct hogtie guide take wind out of sails get the better of beat down cause setback put end to render null and void veto get round make unnecessary qualify reef wrong shuffle off keep down pin down pull back keep in line bring under control have on a tight leash sit on put away crack down garrote garrotte shush bring to an end throw a monkey wrench into put on brakes stand still come to a standstill give the run-around run circles around run rings around stand off peter out not move make impracticable block out slap down put out put down gain control over clamp down on crack down on gain mastery over snuff out incarcerate intern halt in its tracks do away with get rid of treat harshly waste time back-water cut down lose steam wind down anchor it throw a monkey wrench in the works specify demark prescribe set criminalize act like a wet blanket treat unfairly be unfair to define delimitate girdle hit the brakes let down flaps do a disservice to tell against give a disadvantage to put in an unfavourable position treat unfavourably inflict a handicap on lock in coop up necessitate immure concuss shotgun buy time filibuster censor seize render useless cancel out hold the line place a limit on refrain from declare taboo criminalise keep within limits draw the line on mark off take kick the can down the road employ delaying tactics declare illegal say no expropriate grab snatch carry over enclose intimidate daunt encircle put half nelson on waive lengthen lay over ambush challenge surround give the thumbs down to put the chill on give the red light to monopolize foresee predict forecast envision preoccupy project expect encompass demoralize dishearten caution appropriate interlope shortstop accost hijack tackle waylay buttonhole load disincline ring monopolise withhold from stay away from refuse make up for deny yourself break the habit of skip out on kick get around steer clear shrink from abstain renounce keep from desist eschew shirk shun desist from stay away forbear give up abstain from restrain from counterbalance do without shy from leave off forgo forbear from compass pounce on take on unnerve gird corral expostulate dehort counsel exhort remonstrate prick overwhelm saddle kettle swoop down on cut in make off with demoralise make anxious make nervous hurdle strain caution against advise against warn off urge against persuade against snafu skin laden weight lumber make worried throw off argue out of urge not to expostulate against cry out against advise not to chicken out persuade not to throw a wet blanket on lean on rail in pen in mew up hedge in pen up lade pile freight yoke play off cook someone's goose spike someone's guns queer someone's pitch dump on snow under bear down on snow overburden make heavy

Động từ

To destroy or disrupt by means of sabotage
sabotage destroy cripple disrupt wreck damage hamper interrupt ruin spoil smash terminate thwart undermine attack break demolish eradicate nullify subvert dispatch impair stymie dash foil incapacitate quash ravage devastate eliminate end frustrate prevent annul disable mar obliterate threaten upset abolish block quell undo bollix crush decimate extinguish harm kill abort annihilate obstruct shatter suppress break down break up interfere with mess up intrude on muck up screw up overturn defeat topple scotch scupper squelch neutralize put at risk blow put an end to cancel out botch render ineffective make a mess of play havoc with foul up neutralise wrack injure offset raze queer skin vitiate outmanoeuvre outfox abate craze crimp overreach have cramp do for impoverish louse up outsmart outmaneuver overthrow unbuild balls up put the kibosh on work against blow a hole in make waves bring down bring to naught throw a spanner in the works of rain on someone's parade throw a monkey wrench in the works of blight nix torpedo banjax trash dish euchre cruel wreak havoc on taint desecrate poison deface blast blemish defile weaken total disfigure corrupt do in hurt compromise tarnish vandalize desolate overwhelm despoil pulverize unsettle mangle nuke vandalise pulverise put paid to infect muller vaporize sully waste ravish dilapidate flaw stain cream gut dismantle sink endamage ruinate vaporise put a stop to make a hash of influence pull down smash up put the lid on rub out tear down bring to ruin destabilize touch afflict impede debase undercut contaminate reduce to nothing pollute destabilise level crool bloody wear away mutilate crack batter bust smirch do damage to crab wound put a damper on bring to an end blot dent knock corrode maim bring about the downfall of reduce to rubble cross up leave in ruins wipe out lay in ruins negate bruise subdue lead astray make of no use or value scar finish mess decay disappoint spray paint disturb disarrange disorganize disorder lay waste to nick prejudice besmirch be the ruination of convulse delay slow retard hold up glitch up turn upside-down derange slow down shock wrench sap flatten cause confusion in cause turmoil in throw into disorder throw into disarray throw into confusion put the skids under be the ruin of seal the doom of handle roughly pervert warp debauch deprave manipulate degrade scourge reduce bodge hamstring deplete dump on cause detriment to do mischief to darken knock down bring to nothing wreak havoc upon lay waste clean out leave desolate supplant enfeeble paralyse cloud bankrupt restrict dethrone disestablish oust depose dissolve unseat limit set a bad example cast a shadow over cast a pall over paralyze stifle take the edge off take the shine off disfeature take the enjoyment out of take the pleasure out of scratch scorch abuse tear dirty discolour lacerate scathe maltreat gnaw wrong split rust rot discolor burn disintegrate capsize supersede invert depress rebel tumble reverse invalidate bleach fade stab play merry hell with bang up drive a nail into the coffin of cause injury tamper with queer someone's pitch affect trouble impact overcome strike crash perturb prevail occur shipwreck impinge efface impact on prevail over impinge upon strike down shake up strike at spread to tear up take out take hold of take apart exert influence on have an impact on have an effect on crack up wrack up run onto the rocks damage beyond repair put out of commission pile up write off dash to pieces

Động từ

To have a diminishing effect on
impair damage harm mar spoil reduce injure undermine vitiate weaken blunt decrease diminish lessen worsen debilitate deteriorate compromise enervate enfeeble blemish bloody break crab cripple deface disable disfigure endamage flaw hurt impede threaten blight cheapen debase destroy devaluate devalue ding disqualify invalidate prejudice queer ruin tarnish total tweak unfit cross up foul up lose strength make useless mess up rough up put the kibosh on subvert sabotage sap wreck thwart shatter incapacitate be detrimental to eat away emasculate jeopardize disrupt crush shake smash botch foil devitalize destabilize jeopardise corrode soften be prejudicial to be disadvantageous to torpedo attenuate destabilise be deleterious to take out put out of commission put out of action consume erode wear away use up scupper scotch devastate endanger whittle imperil undo bodge blow put at risk play havoc with drive a nail into the coffin of maim lame mutilate impoverish ravage annihilate afflict dismantle trash depress wound corrupt taint batter shock scorch blast inconvenience wither hog-tie clip wings lay up disenable disarm interfere with smash up screw up detract from shake up louse up muck up prostrate cause detriment to do harm to wreak havoc on exhaust throw a monkey wrench into indispose tire weary fatigue drain immobilize etiolate waste paralyse knacker encumber hamper torpefy eviscerate extenuate unstrengthen paralyze immobilise wear out knock out make weak render infirm lay low make feeble disempower whittle away dent sandbag wear mine dig demoralise frustrate demoralize challenge tunnel do in confine to bed confine to a wheelchair drag through the mud hollow out dig out clip one's wings chip away at queer the pitch of poke full of holes knock the bottom out of throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of moderate defile dilute mangle cut ease abate vandalize degrade take the edge off deaden dampen lower demolish dull minimize mitigate thin stifle alleviate vandalise temper deplete water down dwindle scar sully de-escalate adulterate upset minimise tone down distort curtail wind down despoil assuage numb lighten drop deform cut back uglify suppress limit benumb curb check contract lace allay shrink taper damp blot disfeature palliate downsize extend denature depreciate pollute wane soothe ebb downscale sophisticate slash alloy make less abridge cut down put a damper on peter out roll back ease off tail off desensitize stultify dilapidate crool raze desecrate scratch repress retard subside subdue muffle stun unnerve quell detract obtund narrow stupefy mollify relieve cauterize relax tame cushion wrench desensitise dim restrain decrement contaminate decline downgrade make unattractive make smaller truncate cauterise dial down have a bad effect on doctor mix slacken taper off drop off dope make ugly be a blot on the landscape spike knock down sink take the bite out take the sting out make impure bring down thin out pare down make a mess of plant minify transfuse amalgamate dissolve infiltrate blend slow down intermix phony up commingle shave falsify cook mingle clip irrigate doctor up nullify inhibit ravish refute stain twist disfashion unsettle poison obliterate dislocate load pull the rug out from under tag gut sour color colour bend bruise warp undercut belittle demean rebut discredit negate cramp shorten smirch nick besmirch spray paint contort misshape cost hamstring chip away sap the strength of scale down have a negative effect on cut down on slim down make fewer turn down cut back on handle roughly knock off balance mute cause the loss of cause the sacrifice of result in damage to lead to the end of result in harm to strike at the foundations restrict bankrupt disturb wear down axe pare dry up trim run down ax make cutbacks in amortise take down trim back qualify amortize step down couch trim down mark down cast down tighten soften up dump on do mischief to cow infringe encroach on dispirit defeat bust discount prune overwhelm vanquish overcome overpower quash demote tranquilize anaesthetize smother disrate humiliate quiet anesthetize etherize chloroform KO drown freeze slow gas deprive rain on someone's parade sedate extinguish place a limit on foul bastardize plunder depredate sack pillage disgrace squash desolate spoliate put out of order put an end to put to sleep get rid of lay out daze narcotize drug rout take apart tranquillize render insensitive dullen mix with bastardise infect tamper with bring to ruin bring someone to their knees cause instability fall let up fade grow less remit recede relent grow smaller get less drop away die down quieten pall flag desist die off plummet nosedive waste away come down slump go down calm cool blur become smaller amputate close die out phase down die away fall away crop slack up ratchet down drain away soft-pedal sate appease slake hebetate

Động từ

To intrude, meddle, or trespass in others' affairs
interlope intrude poke interfere pry meddle obtrude snoop nose mess intermeddle encroach infringe interpose invade impede trespass tamper busybody kibitz impose advance encumber enquire inquire molest butt in barge in horn in muck about muck around mix in sidewalk-superintend fool with push in abuse rights chime in come uninvited dabble in mess around worm in break in on crash the gates stick nose in put two cents in intervene thrust muscle in gossip stir mess with put your two cents in put your oar in stick your nose in interrupt intercede meddle in intrude on cut in poke your nose in intermediate interfere in disturb overstep nose into be a busybody poke one's nose in chisel in be nosy about encroach on step in stick your oar in entrench on mediate interject bother pester stickybeak nosy mouse peek be inquisitive enquire impertinently poke around poke about be curious gatecrash impinge be nosy arbitrate interfere with negotiate entrench violate get involved poke nose in crash muscle in on horn in on impinge on make inroads involve oneself inquire impertinently stick one's nose in mind someone else's business bug poke into poke nose into intercalate interpolate insinuate come put one's oar in put in one's oar spy moderate sandwich throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of watch snook stare peep peer be inquisitive about meddle with sneak hold up go beyond thrust yourself in do some detective work stick one's nose into poke one's nose into transgress wander offend stray sin fall err break in examine inspect poach burst in affect touch stick one's oar in do wrong by nose in enter without permission lapse displease misbehave penetrate deviate charge in poke one's face in get into the act influence put one's two cents in creep infiltrate inch disrupt worm nose around trench usurp conciliate exert influence on leave a mark on bear upon make an impact on make an impression on have an effect on have a bearing on appropriate arrogate elbow in work in tread on someone's toes step on someone's toes eat into squeeze in invade someone's space stick nose into impose oneself impose yourself make inroads into interpose oneself insinuate oneself involve separate sever act as an intermediary take a hand come between act as peacemaker divide interpose yourself put in two cents settle involve yourself reconcile part butt into impose oneself on intercede in pry into kibitz on barge into get involved in intervene in intrude into tamper with

Động từ

To defy or put up an opposition to
oppose resist defy withstand counter be against combat confront fight contradict take on bar block check counterattack prevent attack contest cross dislike face be anti challenge disagree with dispute fight against object to obstruct thwart battle buck contend with controvert disapprove of gainsay oppugn rebut repel stand up to be hostile to go against struggle against take argue argue against argue with assail assault bombard debate deny disagree disapprove dissent encounter expose gainstay neutralise neutralize protest quarrel with reverse take a stand against taunt withstay be in opposition to put up a fight against speak out against strive against face down frown at not countenance search out speak against take issue take issue with be in defiance of call in question run counter to set your face against stand up and be counted against take a stand turn the tables fly in the face of frustrate impede counteract restrain stop inhibit halt stem curb contravene balk disaffirm impugn negative duel negate eliminate baulk traverse end tackle war resolve battle against cope with bring to an end to put an end to make a stand against reluct stonewall refuse countervail baulk at lock horns with set one's face against rebel against dissent with take up arms against refuse to accept dig in one's heels kick against question protest against call into question query refute take exception to reject quibble over disprove contend impeach dissent from complain about criticize condemn fault knock find fault with denounce find lacking doubt litigate disaccord not ratify repudiate criticise pick holes in rival address wrangle call out decline to support refuse to support express disagreement with pettifog confute call in put up an argument demur against argue about demur about be at variance with be at odds with fail to agree with censure meet head-on campaign against tangle with oppose action compete against compete with spare no effort dare think wrong throw down the gauntlet cavil at disobey spurn frown on have a problem with not support not believe in shake one's head enquire carp at differ test inquire investigate interrogate demur grumble about rage against face off remonstrate accost undermine diverge quarrel object nonconcur come to blows with be a dissenter from feud with rally against throw down renounce rebel abjure stickle vary discord shy divide decline beef about gripe about grouse about blast push tangle withhold assent express disagreement express objection say not a chance say no way break with say nothing doing put up a fight denigrate disparage slam be in contention be at loggerheads fail to agree be at odds be at variance be in dispute slate scramble for jump on dig deeper shoot for dig deep rubbish belittle deride go for jugular stand up for go for it jockey for position differ from diverge from run down do down slag off scoff at have a go at tear to shreds nitpick over pull to pieces bad-mouth give it one's all mix it up with debunk examine moot discredit not see eye to eye altercate answer canvass bandy invalidate disavow part company with disclaim crush canvas squelch quash disconfirm prove wrong contend over tear down prove false pick a bone dissent against hammer away at quibble about put up argument differ with show up agitate against blow sky high declare to be untrue pick an argument with prove to be wrong argue the pros and cons of shoot down in flames show to be wrong bandy words concerning show to be false shoot down wonder about shoot full of holes have an argument about give thumbs down to prove to be false blow out of the water

Động từ

To disturb the composure of
disconcert rattle confuse disturb upset worry baffle bewilder faze fluster unsettle abash agitate nonplus perplex ruffle trouble unnerve disorient perturb discomfit discompose discountenance embarrass shake unbalance undo dismay flurry put off startle surprise take aback catch off balance confound discombobulate distract flummox mortify shake up throw throw off balance baulk balk bug demoralise demoralize disarrange frustrate gravel puzzle psych out put someone off take by surprise foul up get to put out of countenance stop someone in their tracks upset apple cart make someone scratch their head put someone off their stride put someone off their stroke cause to be at a stand set someone back on their heels bother disquiet distress vex alarm floor dumbfound shock astound stun amaze astonish stupefy unhinge flabbergast concern discomfort annoy stagger mystify frighten daunt frazzle irk alarum daze derail scare distemper fuss ail muddle buffalo bowl over addle bemuse discourage hagride irritate dishearten fuddle harass exercise beat knock for six freak out weird out appall provoke intimidate horrify chagrin stump appal fox spook befuddle get fret rock overwhelm maze cow bamboozle pose afflict make uneasy panic befog awe jolt torment thunderstrike terrify displease fog plague wilder terrorize deter humiliate hassle make anxious dumfound strike dumb knock sideways pester terrorise gall depress dispirit muddy browbeat stir up shame peeve blow away surprize psych needle burn up mix up chill be all Greek to petrify throw off leave open-mouthed subdue crush grieve exasperate nettle sadden aggravate affright pique anger set someone thinking disappoint obfuscate knock the stuffing out of consternate make nervous make uncomfortable leave aghast excite unman bully knock out thwart give a hard time rile blow one's mind nark derange oppress hurt put out pain work up agonize put into a flap throw into a tizz deject hack off gnaw at agonise make waves outrage knock for a loop sicken throw a curve wound torture offend disrupt miff craze fright pother chafe disorder benumb paralyse scarify nag dash aggrieve niggle jar paralyze electrify foil render speechless strain put down cramp stymie cause someone to lose their composure pick on weigh down screw up give a turn scare to death give someone a turn discommode affect overawe disgrace sap humble insult check overcome rattle one's cage spite persecute move obstruct demean disgruntle bulldoze repel bedevil stop jumble beset chasten devastate boggle elude disorientate badger burden block defeat harry stress let down bring up short deflate complicate try impede curb give someone grief ridicule cripple bum out boggle the mind cast down tick off hang up get at put the wind up throw into a tizzy scare the bejesus out of take someone's breath away take down spring something on go to one's head haunt hurry bustle disgust scandalize undermine grate unstring weaken affront destabilize disillusion gripe itch frost rasp eat inflame make self-conscious enfeeble traumatize rouse tangle shatter dissatisfy frenzy ride enervate turn dement flip bar abrade prevent tease disenchant hamper throw into tizzy arouse stir harrow wind up dishonour discredit overpower destabilise own make fretful bluster get across dizzy interrupt impress encumber egg on antagonize disorganize show up indispose numb dishonor turn on debilitate beleaguer scandalise dazzle abase disburb stiff traumatise bring down rack antagonise sting dis checkmate hound disoblige injure make a scene eat away at snub entangle cause anxiety to flip out degrade belittle restrain stumble oppose scupper push buttons strike terror into interfere halt scare away set thinking lie heavy on give a bad time put on the spot cause anguish to bring low give offence to cause anxiety circumvent scare stiff mess up scare off knock over make miserable make wretched boggle the mind of curdle the blood snow take the wind out of someone's sails take someone aback hurt somebody's feelings make teeth chatter weigh on gross out rankle with cut to the quick chill to the bone make blood run cold take your breath away put one away make jump give a shock pull the rug from under put the wind up someone cramp one's style knock over with feather throw monkey wrench in cause concern to drive up the wall mess with one's head cause discomfort to make someone's head spin cut down to size scare the living daylights out of make someone jump out of their skin upset the apple cart take the wind out of your sails take down a peg pull the rug out from under take down a peg or two shoot down get in the way heat outface stare down outstare put off balance incite put on edge preoccupy stick it to stand up to incommode stick despair touch strike unquiet excoriate goad stimulate gobsmack confusticate down displace rummage disarray cause disquiet to blind pressure pressurize intrude tire make restless disarm galvanize snafu set one thinking blur worst send into a spin ferment metagrobolize galvanise throw for loop sweat fear stew take breath away throw into confusion ventilate examine make punchy intoxicate inebriate pour cold water on throw cold water on thicken involve scare silly make someone's hair stand on end fill with consternation louse up muck up revolt catch somebody off balance catch somebody unawares cause to panic roil impose upon burn uncalm make speechless put away mull obscure wonder profundicate throw into uproar throw into disorder take one's breath away strike with awe cause wonder blow someone's mind grind psych someone out pressurise nauseate ball up boggle someone's mind anguish curse throw a curveball hit like a ton of bricks get on nerves muck ravel mess with someone's head do someone's head in knock props out throw for a loop knock the stuffing out of someone put off one's stroke spring on make flip work someone up bug up set back lie heavy on someone's mind hack you off prey on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind nit-pick tantalise strap dog break tantalize prick push desolate martyr make awkward make ashamed spring possess put off his or her stride mix you up inconvenience blind someone with something throw into panic cause suffering to devitalize weigh heavily on make someone laugh on the other side of their face taunt do a number on cut up eat at arouse anxiety in be on one's case make it tough for snarl up muddy the waters scare witless slight disempower give someone a jolt give someone a fright loco make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth freeze your blood fill with fear bait jeer nag at be a great weight on be a burden to weigh heavily on someone's mind niggle at grind at divert unzip dampen snarl disparage unglue damp embitter give someone goose pimples get the wind up throw into a panic incapacitate catch one short squash barrack boo furbelow frill wear dampen spirits break one's heart bring one down give one the creeps scare someone out of their wits throw into a fright make your blood run cold make your hair stand on end make one's flesh creep chill someone to the marrow put the fear of God into scare the pants off scare someone half to death give someone the heebie-jeebies throw into a blue funk fire up mau-mau dragoon strong-arm bludgeon tyrannize blackjack bullyrag hector bogart shatter the illusions of dash the hopes of burst one's bubble dampen the spirits of dash hopes put in a spot make a monkey of put in a hole make blue drag down put a damper on break the heart of put into a funk disrespect diss blow out send up take steam out blow up take apart shout down get someone key up lay up debase flatten get one's comeuppance make someone eat humble pie put someone to shame put to shame take the wind out cheapen showboat railroad enforce rock the boat slur zing haze hiss reproach smear foul lower raise someone's eyebrows shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks completely surprise make someone's blood run cold counter madden defile put somebody off his or her stride sink blot tyrannise gibe chivy destroy debunk quash flutter give a black eye make someone eat crow make someone feel ashamed put someone in their place hustle crack get on someone's wick turn one off be disagreeable be an affront to be offensive give offence rub up the wrong way put someone's back up get someone's goat tread on someone's toes cause offense hurt someone's feelings put someone's nose out of joint quicken turn on the heat walk heavy push around lean on heckle jibe at shout at knock down puncture balloon take the wind out of somebody's sails let wind out of sails kick in the teeth let down easy butt in shout catcalls at make game of scotch smash snooker make insane drive mad outwit nobble nullify root queer traverse halt in its tracks duck give the slip crab shake off give the run-around promote dodge shuffle off put the mockers on nip in the bud juke bilk put a spoke in someone's wheel ditch run circles around put paid to skip crimp run rings around throw a spanner in the works bollix throw a monkey wrench in the works do for silly conquer delay brake retard inhibit trammel slow cumber hamstring handicap fetter shackle make one's blood run cold manacle clog hobble scare the daylights out of make one's hair stand on end stonewall bork dam interfere with handcuff freeze forestall close off hog-tie cut off slow down shut down put a brake on throw a spanner in the works of saddle with chain hold back bind hold up throw a monkey wrench in the works of short-circuit shut off get in the way of stand in the way of tie up counteract stall ruin head off infuriate rankle incense give someone the hump enrage exacerbate hump get on your nerves rark turn off molest rub the wrong way make someone see red grate on repulse drive crazy tee off gnaw get your goat drive to distraction get in someone's hair pursue get on someone's nerves drive round the bend mither get in your hair tax make unhappy put your back up get your back up make angry get under one's skin get on your wick get one's goat excruciate ire enflame mad get on one's nerves be on your back raise someone's hackles get someone's back up be repugnant to ruffle someone's feathers make someone's hackles rise weary steam up sour make sad T-off get under your skin reluct drive round the twist besiege make someone's blood boil get under someone's skin get up someone's nose get someone's dander up sear crucify press chivvy get across someone disaffect jar on get down make cross beat down make your heart bleed send into a rage get your dander up drive bananas hang over get under skin make despondent make gloomy give someone the blues make sick get someone down give someone the pip dump on do in break someone's heart hit where one lives try someone's patience abuse rattle someone's cage turn your stomach test damage fidget heavy alienate cavil drain nudge scar harm bore bite stretch devil impose on cut cause trouble to obsess meddle make your blood boil prostrate reduce to tears slap dull criticize be at squelch jangle acerbate breathe down someone's neck be disagreeable to estrange get in one's hair whelm overmaster swamp raise your hackles try one's patience be a pain in the neck be a thorn in someone's side get up your nose try your patience wear on cast a gloom upon criticise get your hackles up be a nuisance to be offensive to keep on at go on at cheese off rub you up the wrong way bring tears to your eyes greatly upset get on somebody's nerves be distasteful to cause offence to stick in one's craw give trouble set one's teeth on edge make it tough keep after try the patience of make shudder be repulsive to hurt one's feelings be on the back of be a thorn in someone's flesh get someone's hackles up get a rise out of snow under make someone want to throw up make someone fed up put somebody's nose out of joint turn one's stomach make discontented make one sick dash someone's hopes break someone's spirit put to trouble make someone's gorge rise fill with loathing wrong muddle up tear apart stress out mistake fester discontent deplore occupy misplease wing curdle cool sound cap be rude to importune bruise tear dun be hurtful to bleed mourn cause anguish cause suffering lambaste cause sorrow exhaust henpeck bum hack steam drive nuts cause resentment to cause annoyance to push the buttons of thrill roust push one's buttons play dirty sweat out dislocate cast a gloom on motivate absorb grab attract awake goose ignite interest pierce work on push button heat up thumb nose at mistreat accost encroach obtrude chide ruffle one's feathers mess infest ask for it weigh heavily on one's mind get someone's wick arouse hostility in grill grind down put to some trouble overcharge occupy someone's thoughts disengage uncouple unfasten separate unhitch disconnect detach start wind somebody up drive you up the wall stroke someone's hair the wrong way prey on press down on resent set someone's teeth on edge snit pet tiff huff wring mess with push someon's buttons disaccord disharmonize discord begrudge grudge eat up give the business alien put inflict trauma deeply upset chill off frighten to death frighten the living daylights out of be suppress subjugate stifle rile up make one's heart bleed bring tears to one's eyes dampen someone's spirit carp hit hard tire out wear out confront dispraise slander rub one the wrong way cause to lose your bearings find fault with envenom make turbid suffer be unwell weigh be a burden on cross put someone out get even cramp style quibble smother diminish give a zinger give the cold shoulder break in nitpick disadvantage make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on make fed up make your gorge rise make someone feel nauseous tear to pieces work into lather set one off dish out dish it out set on give it to take a rise out of make blood boil be indisposed be crook flap poison drive insane have had enough become bored exhaust someone's patience grate at lose patience muss intrude upon take over drive you crazy hurt the feelings of deaden extinguish quell bend someone's ear put out of action hit bring around be ill be weak be sick feel pain be agitated carp at umbrage make one's hackles rise take pains hit a sour note get on someone's case clutter be in a tizzy be worried squick drive you to distraction make livid cause someone difficulty discommodate labour over take control of threaten menace be in a flap be wrong with be in pain feel unwell send over the edge bear down on damp down be in a stew get worked up get in a stew smite make your hackles rise drive you round the twist drive you round the bend make a big thing out of make a big thing of disunify abominate cause to feel nauseous disunite pall divide cause aversion surfeit make someone's stomach rise cloy on offend morals of wean be repulsive be the matter with be a problem to put someone to trouble botch bungle make a meal of make a mountain out of a molehill overstretch overtax tense blight make a thing of drive you off your head make you see red grip spellbind give someone bother put pressure on be in someone's hair bring pressure to bear on crawl knock the wind out of drive you out of your mind make somebody's blood boil drive out of mind cast a pall over visit take turn someone off be displeasing to victimize buffet harsh one's mellow jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter make someone feel sick drive somebody up the wall make emotional drive coerce drag darken turn stomach make your flesh creep give you the creeps make flesh crawl make someone go out of his way run down crunch overextend make things hot for someone inspire panic in strike terror in frighten out of your wits fill with terror make it hot for someone victimise put the frighteners on worsen wreck steamroller kill hit for six downgrade leave speechless sweep someone off their feet subordinate turn someone's stomach invigorate inspire whip up cause to feel emotional strain overdo cause to feel mental strain make tense tense up put in traction push to the limit put on trial make desolate keep under acidulate make rancorous bitter venom make a mess of spur energize pump up harsh someone's mellow bring tears to someone's eyes bear down make someone's heart bleed dampen someone's spirits juice up enliven inspirit foment energise envigorate trigger animate enthuse liven up activize work jazz up titillate make ill reduce disagree embroil silence make a fool of pop one's balloon bemean pull down bring down a peg cause to lose face settle someone's hash tear down make one feel small smirch make eat dirt force to eat humble pie demote make unwell complexify complex sophisticate be sickening be unsuitable cause illness to cause problems make difficult be injurious to be disturbing be injurious strike down multiply twist make intricate add fuel to fire make complicated render unintelligible interrelate fold convolute interweave make difficulties mire elaborate intricate set hurdles combine open can of worms make more difficult make complex interfuse infold snag go against the grain be distasteful have an adverse effect on

Động từ

To persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats
coerce compel constrain dragoon force blackjack browbeat bulldoze bully drive intimidate oblige press pressure pressurise pressurize railroad bludgeon brainwash impel impress influence make muscle obligate push sandbag squeeze strong-arm threaten act on beset bounce concuss cow fast-talk hustle menace press-gang prevail on put pressure on repress restrict shotgun suppress terrorise terrorize urge use pressure on work on lean on bring pressure to bear on high pressure put under an obligation twist one's arm force somebody's hand put the screws on put the squeeze on twist somebody's arm put the arm on make an offer they can't refuse goad harass persuade hound badger induce prod steamroller incite hector prompt convince nag harry encourage require spur twist someone's arm instigate necessitate pester inveigle cajole sway use strong-arm tactics on tyrannize coax mau-mau provoke bogart tempt bullyrag entice motivate cause frighten tyrannise stir inspire move lure egg on trigger enforce domineer propel get bind put up to oppress rouse win over hassle goose nudge bluster torment command demand bring round push around prevail upon put the heat on lead exhort persecute talk into incline stimulate whip manipulate turn on the heat spur on insist on fire up beguile buffalo convert advise bring bribe insist suborn actuate prick exact order plague blackmail impose sic pick on tighten the screws on fix ramrod key up have someone do something prejudice steer control terrify scare counsel bother direct finagle subjugate rally incentivize overbear sell dispose overawe claim occasion worry chivvy animate arouse talk despotize turn steamroll corrupt boss around boss about ask incentivise restrain draw call for excite challenge enjoin implore argue tease heckle bait square reason wheedle bring pressure to bear upon spark invigorate solicit ride importune affright spook rowel sound galvanize embolden breathe down someone's neck affect beseech awe galvanise envigorate work over come at ride roughshod over dragoon into have buy besiege dictate appall appal expect entreat bring around pay off browbeat into make necessary turn the screws on get round impose on buy off put the frighteners on soap seduce nobble push for crack down bring pressure upon shanghai put the chill on get at grease palm scare the bejesus out of inhibit compress commit constrict condense squash lean egg heavy astrict indebt bias kick assail bend change root politick gain mobilize leave someone no option dog will subdue daunt castigate dominate irritate swagger inflame sting poison bring over needle effect trouble vex alter foment predispose condition determine mobilise enthuse pressurize into coerce into unnerve twist arm roust lash titillate make indebted tighten the screw on turn the screw on ruffle ride roughshod bludgeon into bully into walk heavy high-pressure terrorize into intimidate into orient lord it over put heat on budge admonish promote commandeer extort beg work up charm elicit impassion advocate expedite flatter put through the wringer inspirit activate energize evoke steel push about inspan leave someone no option but to throw weight around invoke wrest exert mistreat taunt annoy antagonize chivy recommend hearten impact exhilarate uplift empower vitalize blarney scare off antagonise make compulsory force upon bring force to bear on hold a gun to someone's head adjure court worm strike incentify refresh energise help petrify sweet-talk soft-soap speed up try to persuade alarm overcome put the screws to charge railroad into blandish palaver foist pour it on warrant smooth-talk stir up pump up suggest to use duress on burden conscript use force on urge by force choke apply obtrude contract steamroller into hint to cheer on whip up pep up boost up kowtow banter con snow oil shock panic scarify horrify fright victimize alarum startle exert force on bulldoze into turn on involve sell on exert influence on bear down on appeal to go to town on bear down pin down put the bite on reward entail procure bear hard on put screws to put squeeze on butter up lay it on soften up spread it on sweeten up exploit jockey play strike terror into upset strike terror in dismay victimise propagandize enlist proselytize work proselyte propagandise proselytise scare to death put the fear of God into fill with terror make things hot for someone inspire panic in make it hot for someone frighten out of your wits swing give someone a backhander lubricate pervert tip sweeten the pot take care of approach rig tamper get to influence by gifts give an inducement to do business make a deal keep someone sweet oil the palm of give someone a sweetener oil palm buy back sugar need take want bear mean work upon secure someone's support oil someone's hand talk someone into wheedle someone into argue into talk round pull strings with behoove crave postulate spirit up plead with turn on to press someone into pressurize someone into convert to cause to believe reason someone into pressure someone into lead to do colour bring to senses prod someone into lead to believe wear down behove be grounds for act upon win argument gain confidence of sell one on prove to make yourself felt with carry weight with touch cut any ice with ride herd on leave no choice but to seek press for requisition color emphasize to set instil in instil drum into establish stress to inculcate inculcate in instill stress request bring home to drive into ingrain in knock into din into clamour for appeal for pray for arrogate clamor for beg for stipulate for apply for pester for hit up supplicate hold out for nag for sue for summon impetrate lay claim to whistle for quest inquire about badger for bay for petition for ask for bring home get into head fix deeply in someone's mind establish in someone's mind drive home leave in no doubt

Động từ

To fail to conform to a regulation or obligation
contravene break violate infringe breach defy disobey transgress contradict cross flout fracture infract offend oppose thwart traduce counteract refute abjure combat conflict with disaffirm disregard encroach exclude fight gainsay impugn interfere interfere with interpose intrude negate offend against overstep reject repudiate resist spurn transgress against traverse trespass fail to observe fail to comply with go against ignore fly in the face of rebel against kick against refuse to obey set at naught commit a breach of cock a snook at withstand challenge exceed go beyond balk neglect meddle mock encroach upon depart buck baulk set aside rebel go counter to take no notice of pay no heed to be in breach of pay no attention to dig your heels in deviate from depart from disagree with intrench bypass veto deny renege on dissent thumb one's nose at fall foul of frustrate counter obstruct violate law impede crash entrench obtrude lift pirate borrow presume steal impose ride roughshod over err sacrilege outrage sin contaminate take no account of leave out dispute repel contest check negative duel scout not comply with trample on tamper with refuse to accept the authority of kick over the traces be at odds with come out against deviate fall outside of not conform to bend the rules set one's face against insurrect revolution mutiny decline revolutionize object dare strike shirk riot desert evade misbehave revolutionise recalcitrate differ disagree revolt not mind be remiss break rules not listen not heed run riot break the rules rise in arms refuse to comply fly in face of take law into own hands rise up be insubordinate run amok scorn remonstrate despise slight renounce denounce deride disdain ridicule protest gibe insult demonstrate rampage take to the streets agitate campaign arise rock the boat secede drop out overturn turn against opt out get out of line upset break with make waves stage a rebellion take up arms rise up in arms mount a rebellion stir up trouble go on rampage stage mount the barricades rise face confront disobey authority oppose authority resist authority beard brave defy authority rise against go on strike take part in an uprising refuse to obey orders take part in an insurrection kick over snub disparage disrespect outface disesteem fail vilipend taunt outbrave brazen breast disfavor disfavour contemn jeer have contempt for pooh-pooh brush off refuse to acknowledge have no use for sneer scoff repulse stick venture meet head-on provoke outdare take on front affront gird quip call someone's bluff stand up to make my day square up to hurl defiance at hang tough treat with contempt put up a fight against stick fast take a stand against take one on hold out against laugh at scoff at jeer at sneer at poke fun at gibe at make a fool of laugh in the face of treat with disdain take the piss out of show contempt for thumb nose at

Động từ

To harass, annoy, or cause trouble to (someone)
bother annoy vex irritate trouble irk bug upset disturb exasperate aggravate harass worry gall torment rile plague provoke nettle peeve pique hassle pester ruffle nark persecute needle chafe afflict harry get displease nag grate badger bedevil ride hound rasp eat beset spite frost gripe tease pain itch grieve goad hurt inconvenience molest disgust chivvy perplex rark dog discommode insult devil mither taunt heavy chivy pursue scare browbeat nudge tantalise tantalize interrupt bore cross impede put out hack off burn up rub up the wrong way drive up the wall pick on get on your nerves give someone grief grate on intrude upon give a hard time impose on get on your wick bend someone's ear breathe down someone's neck carp at make one's hackles rise get on someone's case distress perturb anger agitate get to miff rankle infuriate wind up oppress fret discompose offend torture disquiet burden tick off rattle gravel madden harrow disconcert incense agonize fluster beleaguer faze stress agonise try rack frustrate depress outrage enrage dismay bait unsettle give someone the hump discomfit haunt mortify strain get across affront bum out inflame roil wound unnerve exacerbate ail concern bully sadden antagonize hack you off besiege curse hump discombobulate confound distract get at flurry confuse niggle alarm anguish aggrieve drive crazy antagonise discomfort hector disgruntle gnaw at heckle gnaw weigh down drive mad incommode make someone see red discountenance excruciate rankle with fuss unhinge dishearten sting tax intimidate embarrass be on your back cause suffering to drive round the bend frighten rub the wrong way shake make waves chagrin get in your hair tee off throw frazzle smite disoblige distemper make angry rag stir up abrade throw off balance affect blight discourage ridicule nonplus put your back up demoralize get on one's nerves puzzle importune bewilder deject lie heavy on drive to distraction keep after dispirit chaff put off sicken keep on at eat at go on at drive round the twist dissatisfy burn injure demoralise daunt cut to the quick get on someone's nerves crush crucify haze rib assail cast down psych disrupt be at turn off mock make uneasy get your goat get your back up derail get under one's skin spook hagride traumatize make anxious nauseate abash freak out shock exercise excite press weird out make cross egg on give a bad time eat away at ire enflame mad dun nag at T-off get in someone's hair get one's goat traumatise victimize weigh heavily on shake up steam up give someone the pip get someone's back up panic rouse make someone's blood boil ruffle someone's feathers make someone's hackles rise send into a rage repel put down alarum raise someone's hackles terrorize break undo attack cause trouble to wring criticize victimise dampen work on gibe horrify hang over fuddle flummox addle be a nuisance to work up drive bananas throw off weary make miserable bamboozle beat terrorise wear on cow embitter prey on fire up dumbfound drive you up the wall criticise cause anxiety to get on somebody's nerves make uncomfortable get under your skin chill mix up confront razz appal get under someone's skin get up someone's nose try someone's patience hang up josh get on someone's wick be on the back of put on the spot appall banter dump on jar stew slight pother devastate sour guy overwhelm martyr prick desolate get across someone repulse revolt baffle make nervous henpeck craze harp on at harm mystify make wretched cause anguish to disappoint obsess floor wear tire muddle interfere dash debilitate get under skin stump get in one's hair rattle one's cage preoccupy be on one's case abase get on nerves dis quiz put a damper on befuddle put into a flap throw into a tizz cause discomfort to make unhappy possess wear out weigh on daze be a great weight on be a burden to slap weigh rub you up the wrong way get your dander up put someone off their stroke cheese off face make your blood boil get someone's dander up make fun of poke fun at take the piss out of jar on put someone's nose out of joint get a rise out of beat down try the patience of take aback make sport of put in a spot hit where one lives put someone's back up weigh heavily on someone's mind put to trouble cramp roast stress out despair startle fear test prod grip derange pressurize sweat goose deride tear buffet flip damage bite indispose lead on sap scold curdle joke jive visit bring down domineer bum flip out pressurise kid cavil scorn hack disaffect fun jeer berate meddle push move scandalize stretch impose upon mistreat cause anxiety fester twit rally bemuse pick at scar impose peck at press down on wrong hunt break one's heart punish rag on stupefy revile lower disparage psych out sound cause concern to unman bleed chide drain intrude enervate infest give the business terrify try your patience acerbate mess with reproach disrespect diss sledge get someone get someone down be a burden on give offence to hurt someone's feelings be a pain in the neck scoff at buffalo fox disorient maze lean on be a thorn in someone's side jeer at upbraid scandalise shatter surprise weigh heavily on one's mind prey on someone's mind make things hot for someone make it hot for someone spoof take the mickey out of get down slam jibe at try one's patience cause someone to lose their composure get your hackles up give trouble befog do someone's head in stick in one's craw set one's teeth on edge reluct be a thorn in someone's flesh get someone's hackles up dull mess with someone's head rattle someone's cage get someone's goat make it tough pose muddy ask for it disorientate stun raise your hackles make despondent make self-conscious make discontented niggle at make a monkey of swipe at hurt one's feelings make punchy go to one's head knock for six inflict anguish on intoxicate be repugnant to do in blow one's mind cause agony to inebriate ball up pull somebody's leg umbrage make blood boil ache get up somebody's nose get on the wrong side of pinch squeeze compress fool around bedog excoriate belabour cause disquiet to chevy insist remind steam carp hurry heat grizzle bustle cause to panic tangle kid around drive nuts tear away at macerate noodge despoil foray bullyrag insist on give someone hell nit-pick strap buttonhole breath down someone's neck cut wig put somebody's back up belabor bombard get up your nose push one's buttons put on edge be in someone's way drive insane bone dragoon expel exile brown off sear push button heat up jerk around grind tatter erode fray mess stir exhaust discontent spur irritate greatly motivate absorb grab attract awake quicken ignite interest get someone's wick roust cut up push buttons be prey to get on the nerves of overcharge empurple arouse anxiety in cause resentment to cause annoyance to be a pest to misplease wing zing cool cap incite ruffle one's feathers amaze arouse astound complicate entangle hamper barrack boo put your nose out of joint lie heavily on beleague rile up find fault with aggress get in the hair of grill scour wear down single out put to some trouble accost encroach obtrude do a number on make it tough for snit pet tiff huff tear to pieces hurt the feelings of be on someone's back turn incapacitate start stroke someone's hair the wrong way eat up resent take over push someon's buttons rub one the wrong way put through wringer interfere with shout down find fault send into a spin foil thwart be hurtful to mourn cause anguish cause suffering cause offense lambaste cause sorrow recur furbelow bluster frill cause inconvenience to wind somebody up be the victim of get on someone's back grind at get the knife into stick the knife into shame prey on your mind question tweak run up the wrong way examine get in the way put the squeeze on consternate key up turn on lay up lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse rub salt in wound humiliate jump on one's case give one the business hiss astonish dizzy rage wear away barge in on intrude on play dirty sneer lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind come back to stay with be a weight on one's mind be ever present put pressure on get on someone be bothered fall upon fall on jar upon grate upon be disagreeable to push the buttons of rock the boat make a scene bring pressure to bear on make demands on make severe demands on put a strain on tire out start in on put someone out create difficulties for take control of deter begrudge crab grudge wear upon be in someone's hair unstring put off his or her stride worst make someone laugh on the other side of their face make someone laugh out of the other side of their mouth set someone back on their heels take the wind out of someone's sails give the needle inflict trauma deeply upset set your teeth on edge rasp one's nerves gibe at sneer at prey on one's mind be a weight on someone's mind work into lather set one off set on take a rise out of throw into tizzy make fed up horn in on overawe put envenom break in hurt somebody's feelings disdain scout flout jab twitter dig lout thumb nose at scratch around yap at dampen spirits bring one down throw a curve knock props out disadvantage catch somebody off balance catch somebody unawares scrape away bite into wear to shreds sweat out make downhearted search high heaven dispraise abuse slander demean shout at knock the wind out of upset the apple cart get even cramp style louse up make blue drag down break the heart of put into a funk lose patience dish out dish it out give it to stick it to be on one's back butt in on poison alienate harsh one's mellow drive you crazy have had enough become bored exhaust someone's patience grate at dampen someone's hopes awe droop cause to lose heart repress prostrate deprecate inflict cause pain to lampoon hurt deeply ill-treat butt in shout catcalls at make game of chasten dishonour discredit suppress subjugate subdue stifle drive you out of your mind drive you off your head drive you to distraction make your hackles rise make somebody's blood boil drive you round the twist make you see red drive somebody up the wall make livid drive out of mind drive you round the bend gnaw away at give a zinger give the cold shoulder make awkward make ashamed show up own make someone's stomach rise make someone's gorge rise wreck wreak befall cause someone difficulty discommodate dishonor put out of countenance let down throw into a tizzy put in a hole catch one short devitalize smother diminish weaken squelch be a problem to put someone to trouble catch disillusion be a burden be a nuisance give someone bother override tyrannize humble deaden defeat extinguish overpower curb overcome quell strike take jaundice empoison make resentful make bitter dominate tyrannise enslave bear down on damp down overstretch overtax pressure tense avenge make someone go out of his way worsen cast a pall over drag darken damp descend upon descend on force upon bring down on wilder tyrannize over be autocratic fog flabbergast knock the stuffing out of harsh someone's mellow turn one off give someone the blues make someone fed up make desolate make your heart bleed pour cold water on cast a gloom upon