Từ đồng nghĩa của wrong

Alternative for wrong


Từ đồng nghĩa: bad, evil, false, ill, improper, incorrect, mistaken, unfit, unsuitable, untrue,

Từ trái nghĩa: right,

Tính từ

Acting or judging in error
incorrect inaccurate mistaken erroneous unsound inexact faulty invalid counterfactual fallacious false illogical imprecise phony phoney sophistical unfounded untrue untruthful erratic misleading bogus dicey dodgy erring flawed iffy fluffed off askew astray goofed in error miscalculated misconstrued misfigured misguided mishandled off beam off-target specious spurious ungrounded way out wide not accurate not exact off base off target without foundation at fault full of holes not precise not working way off beam wide of the mark out of commission out of line on the wrong track out weak defective unreliable awry irrational untenable amiss unreasonable groundless unsubstantiated implausible unreasoning unsupported sophistic nonrational illegitimate inconsequential inconsequent mad off-beam absurd distorted baseless ill-founded flimsy falsified preposterous foolish shaky fallible misinformed unreasoned off course way off reasonless abroad unconvincing unjustifiable unjustified unscientific deceptive imperfect inconsistent questionable senseless dubious tenuous off-base suspect adrift silly hollow all wet stupid contradictory off track arbitrary made up incoherent incongruous flakey unstable flaky off the mark fictitious unwarranted foundationless fabricated inadequate unsustainable crazy nonsensical doubtful impaired wild idiotic bad chancy rocky disreputable risky ludicrous ridiculous without basis insane casuistic way off-beam undependable uncertain daft nutty wacky barmy unsubstantial in the wrong perverse pseudo sham off the wall off the right track open to question open to doubt labouring under a misapprehension indefinite cold errant unfitting wrong number all off improper insupportable unwarrantable wanting getting cold wrong-headed truthless inexcusable unforgivable invented not thinking straight unpardonable not trustworthy unthinking unwise unbacked mendacious inexpiable inappropriate delusory delusive injudicious nonvalid illusory unacceptable laughable wrongly inferred terminologically inexact uncalled-for indefensible kooky loony raving mindless aberrant brainless demented off-the-wall freaky cockamamie disconnected distraught delirious disjointed illegal unfaithful careless misdirected misled unproven beguiling deceitful deluding deceiving uncorroborated meaningless discrepant garbled bad-tempered stroppy far-fetched thoughtless loose full of hot air capricious quirky ill-tempered vacant fake trumped up wrongly identified wide of mark barking up wrong tree barking up the wrong tree way-out not true untrustworthy way-off not right ill-advised deluded unreal fishy fraudulent inconclusive doesn't wash afield gone vanished lost roaming wandering straying impossible imbecilic inane unproved beyond belief fatuous cockeyed irrelevant unconnected screwy irreconcilable self-contradictory not following not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility labouring under a delusion debased botched rank unretentive blemished unfit incomplete insufficient adulterated cracked lemon sick frail malformed injured tainted blamable leaky deficient confused broken-down warped maimed lame marred below par

Tính từ

Unjust, dishonest, or immoral
bad unlawful criminal evil illegal immoral wicked illicit unethical dishonest sinful crooked iniquitous devious dishonourable felonious miscreant unconscionable unprincipled unscrupulous base blameworthy corrupt delinquent indictable lawbreaking lawless nefarious unfair unjust condemnable culpable despicable foul reprehensible rotten shady under-the-table unrighteous unsavoury unsavory vicious vile villainous wrongful against the law bent dark morally wrong risqué amoral blamable blasphemous censurable debauched depraved dishonorable dissipated dissolute indecent naughty profane profligate reprobate sacrilegious salacious smutty ungodly unholy wanton not cricket degenerate black shameful contemptible dirty ignoble heinous disreputable erring execrable mean disgraceful guilty indefensible monstrous perverted low-down dastardly detestable improper odious outrageous abominable sordid low atrocious unworthy shocking unjustifiable flagitious scandalous fiendish inexcusable underhand discreditable infamous diabolical unwarranted horrible errant debased warped irreligious impure unforgivable wretched egregious nasty ignominious hateful deplorable beastly malfeasant stinking impious shabby diabolic unpardonable offensive peccable unwarrantable perverse reproachable barbarous abject unacceptable disgusting offending unjustified illegitimate aberrant godless obscene cruel snide paltry roguish currish unreasonable dodgy shameless at fault low-minded tainted loathsome abhorrent blameable devilish appalling unmerited deviant degraded gratuitous deceitful sinning abandoned fraudulent scurvy rascally transgressing wayward murderous uncalled for malicious excessive fallen sinister corrupted sullied undeserved worthless answerable treacherous damnable responsible repugnant dreadful unseemly uncharitable black-hearted cutthroat Machiavellian lamentable decadent straying unbecoming scoundrelly objectionable misbehaving regrettable to blame mischievous servile menial maleficent unpleasant groundless unruly disobedient unmanageable malevolent licentious in the wrong uncalled-for infernal undue irreverent sly inappropriate out of line inequitable hellish terrible liable opprobrious inexpiable accountable ugly blameful reprovable prohibited remiss obnoxious demeritorious amiss underhanded pernicious insupportable unlicensed injurious forbidden unauthorized degrading unprovoked petty contraband banned unsanctioned vitiated cheating lewd proscribed immoderate actionable outlawed disorderly coarse unofficial chargeable peccant interdicted intolerable bootleg two-faced troublesome black-market insubordinate rude verboten disruptive unspeakable incorrigible uncontrollable deviating in error unauthorised contumacious froward badly behaved not permitted not allowed rowdy under the counter unprofessional biased prejudiced mistaken demonic sick satanic cheap untrustworthy vulgar notorious shoddy partisan distorted harmful discriminatory partial undignified hideous insufferable spiteful awful unclean knavish misguided rancorous wrathful disagreeable slippery no good cowardly unsuitable inhuman revolting undesirable exceptionable horrid squalid faulty disproportionate loose rakish punishable one-sided humiliating sorry inelegant defiled prejudicial bigoted venal weighted preferential ruffianly double-crossing libertine poor gross clandestine dirty-dealing two-timing impermissible slanted sadistic furtive extreme mutinous deserving blame caught noxious contrary sleazy unpermissible untenable unallowable annoying ungrounded undisciplined willful transgressive fallible pitiful heartless difficult off base savage impolite adulterous God-awful fractious rebellious smoking gun playful conscienceless heavy off-color refractory ungovernable defiant without justification without cause wilful exasperating unbiddable recalcitrant obstreperous grisly gruesome impish without reason headstrong good-for-nothing tricksy intractable brattish scampish puckish prankish ill-disciplined off limits gallus against the rules on one's head self-willed full of mischief contrary to law in violation of law beyond the pale rough erroneous vice-ridden intemperate atheistic shadowy bad-hearted incorrect blackguardly antisocial suspect thievish unregenerate unnecessary craven flagrant glaring putrid tricky unchivalrous barred accursed facinorous tawdry double-dealing mercentary praetorian stop-at-nothing unchaste needless baseless injudicious unfounded insulting perfidious scurrilous mercenary faithless repellent nauseating repulsive shy unrespectable unfortunate louche irremissible sickening misbehaved unconstitutional racket caitiff peasant ordinary reproachful modest simple plain bribable slavish humble off-putting distasteful unvirtuous pornographic convicted deadly mortal discriminating unequal non licet lustful whorish promiscuous bawdy wild beyond contempt criticizable awkward intolerant coloured trashy lowly indelicate common plebeian incriminated fast saturnalian graceless X-rated miserable yucky dangerous gut-churning icky sick-making teasing sneaky negligent ill-advised convictable impeached condemned deleterious damaging baneful hurtful nocuous adverse baleful vomitous bogging noisome lousy not forgivable tough bad-mannered attention-seeking detrimental ill loaded unbalanced uneven arbitrary flimflam fishy scam slick censured ghastly yucko disgustful loathly abnormal twisted inordinate filthy ruthless brutal merciless accusable doomed false grievous unrightful non-objective colored blundering vomit-inducing of easy virtue inhumane callous unorthodox shifting erratic stray out of control heretic off straight and narrow unreliable meandering errable bottomless superfluous unfeeling unkind forbidding bloodthirsty tyrannical shifty brutish bestial unconscientious scheming inexorable fly-by-night sicko unwholesome demoralized deviate bad news malignant pitiless self-indulgent disparaging exploitative hard-hearted mean-spirited crafty scrofulous evil-minded self-seeking vengeful contemptuous cold-blooded scornful despiteful harsh virulent questionable vindictive disdainful grewsome horrific lurid unbearable horrendous macabre horrifying terrific nightmarish great nightmare off found wanting grotesque impaired unhealthy kinky unnatural vitiate pervy contorted jackleg irritating very bad a bit much a bit thick out of proportion out of order unbefitting influenced frightful calamitous demoralised rakehell rakehelly impeachable incongruous inconsistent unfitting incompatible caught red-handed hung up fixed undeserving beneath caught in the act ineligible caught in flagrante out of character unfit unfitting to not deserving not worth recreant valueless nothing below the belt improper to not good enough out of place with out of place out of character with no-good unbecoming to out of keeping unsuitable for no-account not fit inappropriate to anarchic terrorist insurgent insurrectionary anarchical seditious mutinying noncompliant nonconformist anarchistic taboo uncivilised violating turbulent violent warlike criminogenic ungoverned unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized nihilistic disordered racketeering recusant uncultivated infringing wildcat piratical traitorous tapu haram under-the-counter under the table not acceptable without law and order ruled out artful badly-behaved ill-behaved bothersome raunchy kiddish impudent infantile ill-natured frolicsome foxy insolent thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful ribald blue immodest suggestive racy spicy barbaric crude cacodemonic lascivious unhallowed demoniac Mephistophelian gamy heathen off colour prurient saucy pagan raw demoniacal sexy near the knuckle adult locker-room fruity non-theistic erotic salty titillating juicy gamey broad godawful porny unprintable gutter porno rank earthy scatological off-colored scatologic brute demonian near the bone Luciferian indecorous arrant nudge-nudge stag desperate distressing serpentine grim unbelieving low-life Hadean Rabelaisian foul-mouthed butcherly truculent corrupting demonical cursed inglorious deceptive malign preposterous fearful lecherous rancid repellant fulsome nauseous unfaithful boorish exorbitant grody invidious malefic ridiculous dire crass untrue hellacious crying agnostic frightening abysmal intimidating non-believing scummy idolatrous senseless barbarian depraving Stygian infidel deliberate lowlife unsanctified toxic blatant iconoclastic deceiving lying venomous harrowing nullifidian irreverential heathenish provocative undecorous disloyal disbelieving feral obvious barefaced possessed hypocritical extravagant uncouth ferocious brazen steep tragic arousing explicit enormous conspicuous unrefined undisguised utter sad carnal patent pitiable apostate audacious naked evident OTT ill-bred manifest libidinous unconcealed complete foulmouthed unrestrained ominous hostile palpable transparent porn overt fierce barnyard scabrous alarming catty pronounced striking pathetic cruddy over the top formidable terrifying insincere serious scary fearsome untamed treasonable in bad taste capital direful fickle exciting redoubtable slimy hair-raising spine-chilling from hell beneath contempt purple out and out Janus-faced out-and-out brass-necked false-hearted back-stabbing poisonous yechy cunning wrongdoing guileful embarrassing mephistophelean secular unblessed unconsecrated menacing grave ill-famed swindling threatening destructive morbid sceptical demonlike demonly demonish scathel ill-reputed selfish casuistic drunken steamy uninhibited dirty-minded gossip-mongering raffish unfriendly frenetic maniacal crazed mad morally bereft heretical insensitive risque remorseless abusive abased perverting sexual unmannerly pixieish arch pixy pixie leprechaunish waggish elvish bloody motiveless dishonoured colourful colorful foolish vexatious homicidal fell concupiscent dishonored hellborn satanical cloven-footed ghoulish sexually explicit skin disastrous sanguinary page-three demoralizing subversive stimulating entertaining lively profaned desecrated lame scabby grubby sneaking ratty backbiting maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting LaVeyan tarnished dread willed unmotivated contaminated aggressive unsafe uncaring coldhearted unsympathetic not pure tempting seductive highly improper malodorous religionless nonreligious outright hairy scungy hardened doubting canting defiling pietistical desecrative undutiful unctuous desecrating sanctimonious woeful heartbreaking mournful crummy close to the bone sheer irksome red hot not nice shuddersome creepy spooky like death warmed up frozen gnarly intimidatory ill-boding foreboding aimless duplicitous below contempt dirty rotten undevout freethinking absolute downright unqualified unendurable mendacious inconstant demoralising apparent unmitigated significant major maddening impossible minatory viperous minacious unsound in poor taste ornery skeptical free-thinking unspiritual O.T.T. extortionate untruthful defrauding not religious too great shaming disgracing debauching debasing contumelious delusive disquieting double-faced forsworn hollow-hearted mythomaniac renegade falsehearted perjured stupefying overextravagant insane plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy unmerciful overmuch overdue overweening stiff disturbing heartstopping perturbing upsetting startling agitating staggering stunning astonishing bewildering unsettling overwhelming amazing unnerving surprising accurst freaking cussed darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst blasted danged durned dang confounded darn too much over-the-top unthinkable inconceivable illogical irrational anathematized underworld nether lower tasteless animalistic unsophisticated philistine ferine uneducated unpolished uncultured primitive swinish blamed under a curse blessed dratted Plutonian undependable Neanderthal open loutish benighted ill-mannered of bad faith snaky hard-core unconventional incontinent lusty bold Neandertal thuggish churlish uncivil natural subterranean Tartarean Plutonic Styxian flaunting animal illiterate unmannered yobbish slobbish ostentatious in a state of nature impertinent uncontrolled mannerless rugged discourteous neanderthal troglodytic chthonian of hell Acherontic Avernal chthonic helly subhuman unashamed flagitous less than human flaming noticeable bald-faced bare-faced sulphurous sulfurous stick out like sore thumb hanging out

Tính từ

Inappropriate for a given occasion or situation
inappropriate unsuitable unacceptable improper inapt unseemly ill-considered infelicitous unbecoming undesirable unfitting inapposite incorrect indecorous unhappy ill-advised ill-suited ill-timed incongruous inopportune tactless tasteless unprofessional ill-judged malapropos amiss graceless impolitic inept injudicious perverse unapt unconventional unfit untimely untoward unwarranted awkward detrimental disproportionate funny gauche misplaced off-balance unfitted beyond the pale not done out of keeping lacking in propriety out of order unsuited out of place inexpedient unbefitting inadvisable unseasonable indelicate undue inapplicable imprudent unfortunate indiscreet regrettable misguided incompatible discordant irregular indecent irrelevant inauspicious inconvenient unpropitious troublesome inharmonious inadmissible uncalled-for wrong-headed objectionable adverse disadvantageous bad form unlucky unladylike ungentlemanly incautious discrepant odd clumsy uncomely unfavorable ineligible unwise careless at odds inadequate ill-fitted in bad taste unfavourable discommodious foolish undignified rash calamitous erroneous extraneous immodest ominous foolhardy inaccurate impolite destructive uncouth negative unpromising abnormal preposterous immoral ludicrous threatening undiplomatic brash unworthy discreditable rough ungodly damaging inapropos inconsistent in poor taste out-of-place out-of-season malodorous off-base ill-adapted contradictory opposed ill ill-chosen out of the way illogical inexperienced inexpert prejudicial absurd incompetent coarse inconducive hasty rude disreputable counter harmful false bad impertinent immaterial unhelpful thoughtless unmannerly unthinking harsh vulgar maladroit hare-brained unqualified inconsiderate irrelative dissonant jarring clashing contrary inefficient unrelated unconnected pointless dishonourable crude foreign silly out of line disparaging poor insensitive dishonorable gloomy unworthy of not pertinent not germane disagreeable not designed not suitable out of character ineligible for not proper inadequate for unfitted for not good enough not designed for ill-adapted to not up to scratch unequipped for unprepared for unsuited to ill-suited to unsuitable for inappropriate to very bad improprietous uncalled for untactful out-of-the-way offensive illegitimate dishonest corrupt unethical ridiculous meaningless crooked unscrupulous stupid dull slow misconceived hostile unrefined unreasonable irrational unhandsome unfair tacky salacious unlovely inimical unsensible harebrained unadvised unrecommended unmatched dissident interfering senseless disparate bothersome not up to snuff not qualified not cricket against the rules unhandy jejune undexterous insipid banal unfacile flat inadept unmeet unproficient incommodious inconsonant off unorthodox remote garbage inappurtenant shameful cheap rowdy crass tawdry ruffian raffish inelegant not recommended difficult unprofitable discommoding mistimed uncomplimentary loose unvirtuous wanton ill-bred shameless beside the point unsatisfactory unfriendly tardy unadvantageous late antagonistic low boorish churlish ill-mannered discourteous nothing to do with it neither here nor there disobliging disobedient delinquent ornery unhealthy rebellious miscreant rotten thrawn wayward erring aberrant uncontrollable obstructive fractious mean mismatched left-field foot-in-mouth way off uncivil shocking short-sighted reckless overhasty ill-matched uncool useless ineffective spur-of-the-moment unguarded ill-conceived ill-thought-out not equal to no good not good enough for out of its element hot-headed crazy asinine crackpot badly planned irresponsible hotheaded confused risky daft crackbrained madcap half-baked cock-eyed impulsive dumb amateurish amateur off the top of one's head early premature conflicting naughty untrained unskilled disconsonant strange irreconcilable bizarre off-key incoherent slapdash precocious paradoxical ironic shifting unpredictable distorted jumbled rambling fantastic not in harmony divergent uncoordinated unbalanced lopsided unavailing uneven in opposition alien incongruitous unintelligible twisted incongruent fitful slipshod shoddy cowboy unpractised unskilful sloppy bumbling dilettantish unskillful bungling blundering nonprofessional dilettante second-rate jackleg advance too early early on anachronistic intrusive out-of-date too late soon a bit previous before time overearly too soon early bird bright and early previous oversoon abortive sticking out a mile standing out a mile cack-handed like a fish out of water nonexpert slack ignorant

Tính từ

Defective in some way
bad appalling awful contemptible crook cruddy deficient deplorable detestable dirty faulty grotty grubby harmful hateful loathsome nasty off colour off-colour out of sorts pitiable pitiful poorly rotten rough rubbish sick terrible vile dissatisfactory inferior lousy poor subpar substandard unacceptable off suboptimal unsatisfactory wretched wanting lame paltry wack crummy punk bush crumby bush-league sour ill inadequate below par mediocre from hunger shoddy second-rate defective insufficient pathetic cheap disappointing junky displeasing low-grade atrocious miserable imperfect dismal weak dreadful execrable unsuitable horrible trashy useless rubbishy offensive no good not up to scratch low-quality not up to par abysmal unworthy abject disagreeable duff dire crude lamentable shabby unimpressive bum pants schlocky sad worthless distressing damaged second rate below standard tenth-rate a load of pants poor-quality not up to snuff incompetent sleazy unspeakable piddling trifling frightful sucky amateurish negligible common schlock impermissible intolerable inadmissible inappropriate undesirable abominable sorry insufferable unsatisfying ropy low-rent diabolical cheesy gimcrack cheapjack coarse trumpery hopeless trivial minimal tatty woeful two-bit cut-rate bargain-basement disastrous horrendous gross insignificant el cheapo for the birds God-awful not much cop minor league small potatoes not satisfying jerry-built below average minor-league third-rate under par base unsound junk lemon subnormal inexpert unskilful dilapidated dissatisfying yucky beastly flimsy shlocky calamitous seedy hideous ghastly ratty shlock unsightly scabby scummy scurvy repulsive gruesome sordid godforsaken mean lacking unseemly slovenly disgraceful exceptionable objectionable distasteful insupportable obnoxious improper reprehensible thin disturbing disconcerting amiss disquieting regrettable poxy run down down at heel stinking dodgy dubious laughable low meager unreasonable questionable repugnant meagre desperate very bad damnable odious garbage condemnable scurrilous horrid out cheapo irremediable indefensible stinky inacceptable unappealing uninviting reject piss-poor dime-a-dozen careless won't do over the fence not on less-than-stellar second-class not quite the done thing poor quality half-baked not cricket of poor quality not up to standard beyond the pale of low quality out of order tinhorn bodger no great shakes not good enough leaving a lot to be desired stupid outrageous unwelcome strictly for the birds of a sort tinny uncomfortable unpleasant direful egregious tacky off-color sub-par weak sauce chronic shocking revolting disgusting foul abhorrent sickening tawdry repellent grim nauseating grievous pits shameful rancid despicable noisome hellacious ugly godawful grody noxious scandalous nauseous unfortunate obscene icky horrifying average monstrous flawed ordinary repellant middling unpalatable heinous inept horrific heartbreaking not up to much harrowing fulsome insubstantial grave the pits ineffectual indifferent poorer measly leaving much to be desired limited unexceptional pedestrian disgustful loathly unsavory unsavoury gaudy severe troublesome depressing rank derisory valueless ineffective putrid low-end downmarket serious puny frightening evil grisly tragic macabre beggarly hack smelly from hell feeble festy irksome run-down déclassé good-for-nothing difficult squalid cheap and nasty alarming forbidding malodorous fetid distressful yukky harsh vulgar bitter heartrending skimpy gloomy stingy pongy niffy annoying irritating mephitic nightmarish cruel naff painful miserly whiffy funky olid manky miasmal galling afflictive foul-smelling evil-smelling wicked unpleasing sick-making yucko strong foetid exiguous stressful little off-putting gut-wrenching critical traumatic agonizing inexcusable doleful fraught bleak meretricious impaired drecky slipshod unhappy piteous inefficient reeking acrid ignoble brummagem tasteless sombre tragical hairy catastrophic ignominious inglorious mournful unappetizing dingy acute unfit solemn somber reeky impotent cheerless dishonorable bogging unbearable vexatious excruciating broken rueful joyless terrifying scruffy Brummagem fearful upsetting impoverished dishonourable hellish skanky lurid dud agonising vicious twopenny-halfpenny unlovely comfortless parlous stenchy uncongenial filthy invidious broken-down rebarbative cheapie musty fusty extreme frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty modest scant lean terrific grungy high rinky-dink tattered hair-raising slight cheap-jack scanty ripe low-down entry-level bottom-rung raunchy troubling small negligent discomforting worrisome sneaking restricted inappreciable inconsiderable daunting unsettling perturbing torturous tough reduced piffling dreary garbagy brackish bungling agitating petty mingy desolate incapable tormenting troublous dangerous menial hard very unpleasant crying cursed trying rickety accursed ramshackle makeshift drab dark unproficient disreputable confounded downer bummer catty intense dread unforgivable fierce disheartening sullen morose drear pungent extremely bad small-time hurtful hostile unnerving unpardonable opprobrious scrubby villainous sorrowful very poor cataclysmic fearsome redoubtable niffing cringe-making forlorn depressive sepulchral indigent glum scungy irretrievable brutal worrying scary intimidating formidable kitsch scroungy ridiculous vomitous scuzzy affecting pinchbeck brassy spine-chilling powerless inapt humming poverty-stricken half-pie on the nose a dead loss gnarly yecchy gut-churning unable to do something for toffee god-awful vomit-inducing stinking to high heaven a dime a dozen stomach-churning two a penny stomach-turning dime-store ill-smelling beyond contempt showy corny cheeseball garish worst well below par tricky blithering short nominal throwaway dislikeable dislikable commonplace twopenny badly built kitschy sparse slender piddly scrimpy risky precarious hazardous perilous end-of-the-pier flaming ropey thrown together sparing preposterous senseless infernal niggling picayune minute unequal stark pitiless ruthless savage oppressed merciless debased dicey second-best plastic pretentious unconscionable sinful foolish low quality shameless mighty grewsome nightmare footling degenerate unqualified melancholy eye-watering ruinous infamous depraved immoral discreditable iniquitous bloodcurdling grimy slummy second class creepy pressing crucial lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps unrelenting nagging tremendous silly absurd ludicrous foolish-looking eerie crashing bothersome injurious destructive unjustifiable snide impertinent embarrassing abusive insolent biting cutting discourteous insalubrious unstable urgent blah unfitted pesky unlikable dismaying under-strength testing pressured heavy demanding frustrating taxing criminal irredeemable drastic not cutting it currish ungenerous pigpen inproficient blameworthy overwhelming dolorous dreaded surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying not good erroneous diddly crippling devastating ominous stenchful gruelling murderous arduous tiring mangy portentous bodeful exigent not much chop not the best bad news fallacious acid shady sharp bland tart shifty petrifying excessive inconvenient afflicted ruthful tearful suffering distressed tainted stale low-minded no-good dirty rotten oppressing scowling pestilential unable to do something to save one's life craptacular decomposed infested gamy decayed poisonous polluted grueling strong-smelling not proper inconsistent unproductive ill-suited incompatible unable futile unadvantageous inefficacious unsuited discouraging unpromising bedraggled worn-out unkempt decrepit untidy threadbare funereal morbid a stinker of a a bummer of a dreich lugubrious saturnine destitute neglected dumpy bombed-out tumbledown moth-eaten beat-up dog-eared tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels down-at-heel rundown timeworn sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome black elegiacal tenebrific elegiac unsaleable unsellable warped scratched partial torn blemished cracked inoperative deformed catchpenny Cimmerian incomplete unfinished patchy malfunctioning immature undeveloped rudimentary sketchy inexact discomposing humourless humorless sober mortifying injured bottom-of-barrel marred disfigured not working faultful not functioning minus fallible sedate unendurable lesser saddening afflicting uncool awkward few bugs in a state of disrepair minor lowly anguished concerning humble unpretentious secondary subordinate nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking nerve-wracking unimportant junior subservient unassuming low-ranking subsidiary second-string undistinguished ancillary second-fiddle smaller demeaning degrading bottom slighter servile plebeian lower lower-ranking humdrum lower in status undersized lower in rank small-fry dinky third-string low-born subjacent second-banana beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat less important below someone lower-class not so important

Tính từ

Denoting the side of a piece of cloth that faces inwards

Tính từ

(of a falsehood) Concocted to deceive others
invented misleading false untrue fabricated spurious fallacious incorrect concocted inaccurate erroneous deceptive unfounded specious invalid sham unsound untruthful inexact distorted fake counterfeit fraudulent bogus flawed imaginary apocryphal beguiling deceiving deluding delusive delusory deceitful mistaken phoney phony faulty fishy unreal imprecise counterfactual mock feigned forged improper truthless artificial casuistic coloured colored insincere misrepresentative sophistical dishonest simulated faked factitious contrived ersatz cooked-up trumped-up fictitious pseudo imitation assumed affected pirate put-on pretentious not genuine not kosher mythical copied pretended off queer snide made up framed Hollywood plant bent brummagem crock trumped up won't fly soft shell suppositious out misguided equivocal fabulous two-faced mythological in error fictional supposititious baseless cod economical with the truth illusive fanciful dissembling dummy substitute unauthentic pirated pseud inauthentic knock-off contrary to fact off the mark unsubstantiated unverified questionable dubious legendary doubtful unauthenticated not the case not true uncanonical lying confusing made-up debatable ambiguous evasive unfactual nonfactual disingenuous tricky allonymous ungenuine unsupported casuistical sophistic unstraightforward plausible perplexing catchy distracting confounding bewildering mistakable puzzling demagogic illusory credible presumptive likely captious colorable vain hollow nugatory probable apparent sophisticated ostensible empty presumable seeming flattering ostentatious meretricious idle illogical seemingly correct apparently right plausible but wrong quasi- mechanical pretend plastic strained unnatural forced faux would-be quasi virtual wannabe self-styled not legit as it were not real to all intents and purposes

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Able to be regretted, especially deserving of regret
regrettable deplorable distressing lamentable unfortunate woeful disappointing ill-advised sad shameful sorry blameworthy disgraceful distressful dreadful grievous heartbreaking heartrending pitiable reprehensible tragic tragical undesirable unhappy unlucky unwelcome afflictive awful calamitous dire egregious inopportune pitiful regretful terrible unfavorable unfavourable too bad a pity wretched miserable appalling disastrous upsetting pathetic harrowing mournful dismal poor heart-rending frightful shocking grim saddening sorrowful painful agonizing bad atrocious hopeless rotten intolerable catastrophic lousy agonising traumatic melancholy cataclysmic disturbing gloomy doleful abysmal crummy poignant piteous depressing unacceptable ruinous inferior diabolical inadequate moving unsatisfactory unpleasant execrable devastating horrifying tear-jerking disheartening offensive dispiriting discouraging mean substandard fatal grave dolorous bitter mediocre adverse paltry ignominious cheerless disconsolate disquieting desolate outrageous affecting rueful unbearable deadly gut-wrenching horrible contemptible lachrymose lugubrious chronic godawful anguished destructive harmful heart-wrenching plaintive fateful crippling horrendous direful difficult untoward dirty hard alarming cheap melancholic hurtful lame dejecting nasty despicable cruddy scandalous morose excruciating cataclysmal discomposing funereal tough displeasing disagreeable very bad inexcusable objectionable faulty joyless depressed desperate heinous shoddy dolesome God-awful fearful crushing dishonourable dishonorable troublesome frightening damning vexatious sickening opprobrious dissatisfying monstrous rubbish plangent iniquitous dejected despondent junky punk dissatisfactory touching unspeakable forlorn grieving schlocky defective despairing laughable sucky agonized afflicted shattering god-awful cruel amiss disconcerting ridiculous abominable insufferable odious agonised ill-fated ghastly second-rate desolating unpopular undesired cursed jinxed distasteful unpalatable dismaying disillusioning ill-timed glaring abject galling inept disenchanting annihilatory devastative stirring gruesome tortured racked feeble shabby nefarious flagrant gross lethal mortal unsought unwanted unforgivable deathly hapless flagitious blighting earth-shattering pernicious messy senseless inglorious preposterous absurd hideous ludicrous third-rate foolish-looking silly beastly derisory weighty villainous taxing loathsome unpardonable unconscionable foolish abhorrent indefensible detestable sinful ill-starred woebegone frustrating anticlimactic insupportable disgusting wicked ignoble immoral discreditable vile repugnant disreputable crestfallen heartbroken downhearted downcast untimely unjustifiable base meagre hurting meager crying pressing critical crucial weeping blue down teary bewailing heavy-hearted bemoaning wailing tearful funeral aching deploring grief-stricken revolting criminal inauspicious urgent extreme dolent weepy dolorific heartsick heartsore ruthful depressive beyond contempt serious drastic unpropitious unadvantageous disadvantageous injurious grubby scummy scurvy sneaking ratty scabby spine-chilling scary forbidding fearsome terrifying intimidating dread redoubtable formidable hair-raising ominous horrid irretrievable drab demoralizing glum demoralising bleak comfortless deficient hostile detrimental portentous bodeful parlous exigent down in the mouth down in the dumps sombre dreary mirthless dispirited oppressive somber oppressing fierce terrific scowling ugly insufficient weak unsuitable unworthy unpromising inimical imperfect lacking downer stinking overwhelming bummer drear uncomfortable cold black infelicitous catastrophal wack subpar wanting off bush sour impermissible crumby suboptimal inadmissible inappropriate ill useless rubbishy worrying thin damaged horrific derisible dingy mortifying pensive dark trashy duff gimcrack unsound poxy cheesy common schlock coarse trumpery damaging tormenting sleazy pants cheapjack bum not up to par bush-league for the birds no great shakes not good enough no good leaving a lot to be desired not up to scratch below par not much cop unsettling impaired incompetent afflicting stressful a load of pants low-grade concerning haunting cut-rate low-rent nagging confronting el cheapo bargain-basement nerve-racking heart-breaking

Tính từ

Failing to give the proper care and attention that is required
careless lax negligent slack scrappy shoddy slapdash slipshod slovenly unconsidered amateurish cursory disorganised disorganized hasty hurried perfunctory wild derelict disregardful erroneous imprecise inaccurate incorrect inexact lazy neglectful neglecting remiss sketchy scatterbrained sloppy hit-or-miss slap-happy error-ridden thrown together couldn't care less heedless inattentive indifferent irresponsible lackadaisical casual apathetic delinquent unmindful unconcerned thoughtless nonchalant tardy improvident insouciant disinterested laid-back unheeding uncaring offhand regardless incautious indolent reckless slothful carefree behindhand uninterested idle unreliable blithe forgetful oscitant spiritless loose passive feckless untrustworthy undependable messy incompetent weak devil-may-care cool feeble fainéant untidy unthinking good-for-nothing inert lethargic haphazard limp unsystematic listless inefficient ineffectual shiftless easy uncircumspect unobservant unaccountable incurious unthorough inept pococurante improficient faulty inefficacious ineffective dormant unprepared half-hearted free and easy faineant blithely unconcerned without care unorganized unmethodical enervated languid yielding sluggish dilatory inactive aimless inadvertent spineless permissive lymphatic unthoughtful daydreaming relaxed easy-going impassive torpid unorganised effete leisurely lukewarm supine lousy shabby abstracted dull otiose unmeticulous asleep at switch asleep on job languishing do-nothing energyless easygoing inconsiderate disregarding can't hack it unfit incapable inexpert inapt half-baked not cut out for extravagant untrained prodigal unskillful unqualified shooting blanks unskilled barratrous failing blameworthy culpable slow defaultant woolgathering inconsistent reprehensible unfastidious ignoring overlooking omitting slighting detached imperfect botched threadbare junky procrastinating dispassionate languorous lifeless blasé unheedful failing to show proper care and attention careless of one's duty at fault useless couldn't-care-less unenergetic vigourless vacant failing to take proper care superficial all over the shop worthless desultory dreamy any which way any old way unworkmanlike undisciplined mopish all over the place passionless bloodless summary passing mechanical fleeting token quick brief fly-by-night absent neutral phlegmatic bored leaden unenthusiastic insensible uncurious complacent hopeless futile blah sentimental romantic laissez-faire halfhearted Laodicean moony cowboy rapid dismissive wooden out of it lacking energy hamstrung inexpedient counterproductive easy going laid back spring fever meaningless no-good unambitious unpurposed fustian uncareful unenterprising no-account acquiescent submissive docile servile pliant phoning it in walking through it going through the motions procrastinative disorderly badly organized workshy quiescent unprofessional laggard unoccupied quiet peaceful sleepy sedentary motionless tired unresponsive asleep at the wheel asleep on the job soft lenient overindulgent vague indulgent liberal complaisant indefinite broad non-restrictive general nonspecific shapeless flabby over-tolerant flaccid easy-peasy accepting tolerant floppy nonjudgmental oblivious any way paying no mind

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Crazy or behaving irrationally
moonstruck demented crazy mad crazed deranged unbalanced unhinged daft maniacal psychotic wacky frenzied psychopathic confused distraught idiotic insane irrational lunatic touched batty bizarre cuckoo dotty gaga loco loony mental nutty psycho rabid raving screwy wacko whacko whacky balmy bonkers brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky daffy fruity haywire kookie kooky looney maniac meshugge schizophrenic unsound barmy bedlam derailed disordered moonstricken nuts paranoid scatty senseless unsettled wild dazed distracted dreamy fatuous meshuga off preposterous raging slang wud bats mentally ill off one's gourd off one's head around the bend in a daze not all there nutty as a fruitcake off one's rocker of unsound mind out of one's mind sick in the head stark raving mad crazy as a loon in another world looney tunes loony tunes mad as a hatter out to lunch non compos mentis impractical irresponsible unstable disturbed sectionable loopy manic delirious odd schizoid dippy silly schitzy eccentric hysterical neurotic doolally unglued unreasonable uncontrolled stupid frantic queer psychopathological peculiar buggy foolish bananas bushed oddball potty sociopathic gonzo nutso bemused barking sick squirrelly demoniac yarra berserk nutsy porangi out there not right upstairs as daft as a brush off one's nut deprived of one's wits severely mentally ill having a screw loose one card shy of a full deck not quite right in the head foaming at the mouth not right in the head with a screw loose a few cards shy of a full deck off the deep end raving mad off-the-wall as mad as a hatter one sandwich short of a picnic not together manic-depressive in the ozone stark staring mad not the full shilling off the wall mad as a March hare stark mad a few sandwiches short of a picnic round the twist out of one's tree as mad as a March hare barking mad away with the fairies having bats in the belfry having kangaroos in the top paddock not of sound mind mentally deranged out of one's gourd over the edge flipped-out flipped out non compos off one's trolley up the pole round the bend shook up unscrewed unzipped troubled erratic agitated bewildered distressed discombobulated thrown at sea rattled violent overwrought flipped schizo fraught freaked out upset beside oneself muddled panic-stricken mixed up out of control worked up in a tizzy addled fuddled fazed mixed-up flustered nonplussed worried zany flakey frenetic befuddled furious disoriented flaky screwball disorientated hectic excited angry corybantic weird wired zonkers hyper weirded out at wits' end spazzed out keyed up hot under the collar in a stew wigged out hot and bothered dizzy desperate muzzy confounded perplexed dopey off the air all at sea berko pixillated slaphappy pixilated spacey addlepated shell-shocked punchy zonked-out muddleheaded spaced-out punch-drunk spacy zonked dopy anxious distrait hysteric bamboozled flummoxed perturbed shaken gone swivel-eyed shook discomposed floored spaced out fouled up in a state beside yourself not with it at the end of your tether screwed up a bit lacking kinky freaky unnerved paranoiac paranoic ape maddened schizzo daft as a brush nobody home unwise outlandish off your trolley off your chump off the rails unrealistic dingy not in one's right mind off the chain chaotic panicky panic-struck feverish disorganized fevered topsy-turvy fierce uptight ferocious faulty tangled shambolic stupefied undone last-minute het up wound up wonky nonfunctional broken disarranged in a flap having kittens in a tizz addle woolly spaced stunned befogged woozy raddled fogged bedeviled in a flat spin at your wits' end in a cold sweat disorganised amok orderless amiss defective messy not functioning properly out of order slap-happy wooly bedevilled addlebrained in pieces in a mess out of commission on the blink out of whack on the fritz up the spout out of it balled up ruffled annoyed flurried discountenanced discomfited in botheration abashed disconcerted psyched-out caught off balance out of countenance shook-up taken aback thrown off balance messed-up mystified baffled stumped madding lost stuck clueless bollixed mazed wildered gravelled foggy at a loss puzzled in a fog mind-blown graveled without a clue at a complete loss doubtful devastated senile overcome worked-up shattered absent-minded out-of-joint wrought-up verklempt bothered harassed pained tormented concerned in a panic like a chicken with its head cut off very upset out of your mind with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed shot to pieces addle-brained muddle-headed not knowing if one is coming or going

Tính từ

Of or pertaining to perjury
perjurious deceitful false forsworn mendacious treacherous deceptive equivocating misleading perfidious untruthful delusive delusory dissembling dissimulating falsifying fibbing guileful inventing misrepresenting misstating perjured prevaricating shifty tricky unreliable committing perjury double-crossing double-dealing two-faced two-timing dishonest deceiving duplicitous underhand bent Janus-faced disingenuous crooked hollow-hearted sneaky insincere lying fraudulent untrustworthy underhanded shady crafty cunning unscrupulous hypocritical sly devious wily cheating unprincipled roguish corrupt double-faced defrauding faithless sharp designing false-hearted truthless slick rascally artful dishonourable slippery foxy fast rogue dishonorable insidious knavish swindling scheming subtle traitorous recreant indirect immoral disloyal illegal untrue wicked slim counterfeit villainous sneaking dodgy base Punic beguiling disreputable unfair mischievous unfaithful calculating puckish impish devilish unlawful criminal hoodwinking scoundrelly arch shrewd bluffing unethical Machiavellian amoral unveracious waggish sham fallacious feigned furtive pixieish tricksy scampish pixy pixie prankish leprechaunish elvish unctuous shonky malfeasant oblique conniving fickle stealthy inconstant phoney astucious dubious economical with the truth fake phony pretended frolicsome venal snide back-stabbing smart fly exploitative clever canny not candid not frank uncandid paltering unfrank ambidextrous bogus nefarious questionable specious playful terminologically inexact not entirely truthful treasonous illicit salty ornery hostile snaky cheeky dirty unjust deluding contriving undependable left- handed naughty suspicious snidey corruptible buyable grafting illusory jive mealymouthed artificial double mealy backhanded spurious plausible bum seeming serpentine fishy rascal catchy off mock imposturous unloyal betraying slimy iffy ludic teasing coquettish low glib backstabbing unsound collusive unhonest cagey snake in the grass treasonable sportive rakish raffish commiting perjury swearing falsely lip Pecksniffian sinister backbiting elusive fly-by-night iniquitous suborned ruthless evil adulterous falsehearted malicious foul mythomaniac malevolent apostate renegade mean pretending espiègle bearing false witness phoney-baloney double dealing phony-baloney left-handed unregenerate reprobate ignoble bad depraved fiendish shabby discreditable despicable contemptible scurvy dastardly arrant astute clandestine

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Not in a straight or level position
askew crooked slanted tilted oblique lopsided uneven slantwise aslant listing skewed slanting pitched unsymmetrical atilt asymmetrical tipping cockeyed angled misaligned bent skew awry wonky thrawn curved squint askance twisted squiffy buckled skewwhiff turned zigzag askant catawampus crazy off-kilter cock-a-hoop off-centre skew-whiff off-center cock-eyed out of true at an angle to one side out of line off balance off centre on one side at an oblique angle topsy-turvey yaw ways out of alignment sloping tilting inclined canted leaning slant diagonal irregular sloped raked cant graded distorted not straight inclining disproportionate asymmetric unbalanced out of plumb unequal agley cambered out of shape off-balance dipping malformed contorted warped misproportioned misshapen sideways cater-cornered indirect catty-cornered kitty-corner on the slant at a slant twisting declivitous winding meandering disproportional zigzagging curving ill-proportioned acclivous declivous ill-shaped acclivitous tortuous sinuous curvy aslope serpentine devious jagged rambling top-heavy nonsymmetrical overbalanced deformed out of kilter mangled marred not parallel shapeless abnormal on the bias bowed disjointed disorderly transverse fierce destructive one-sided formless odd off course gibbous cross-eyed unevenly balanced unsteady inclinatory shelving pitching strained diverging tipped on the skew gnarled supine downhill on an incline lacking correspondence not proportionate not uniform mutilated sideward misbegotten crossways crosswise knotted on a slope side cornerwise cross bending sidelong spiralling coiled curled looping spiral spiraling coiling curling windy cater-corner cornerways snaking swirling circling corkscrew circuitous roundabout biased bias from corner to corner skewing bevelled transversal kitty-cornered beveled bevel wandering grotesque wry ugly twisty undulating wiggly tacking squiggly snaky monstrous crippled sinuate ogee deviating wavy disfigured unshapely hunchbacked ungainly unsightly bandy ill-made differing flexuous serpentiform anfractuous meandrous blemished damaged oscillating fluctuating erratic waggling serrated crinkled full of twists and turns unalike dissimilar unlike unidentical remaining jerky disparate unsmooth serrate spasmodic harsh asperous mismatched unlevel spotty fitful discrepant scabrous notched not matching not flat not level

Danh từ

An unjust, dishonest, or immoral act
injustice crime sin offence grievance injury misdeed infringement transgression trespass violation abuse bad immorality inequity infraction iniquity bad deed disservice error evil evildoing ill outrage peccadillo tort unjustness villainy atrocity bad act bad action illegal act malefaction malfeasance unlawful act bias blunder cruelty damage delinquency discourtesy harm hurt imposition indecency inhumanity insult libel malevolence miscarriage misdemeanour misdemeanor misdoing mistake offense oppression persecution prejudice raw deal slander slight spite turpitude unjust act faux pas foul play wrongdoing breach fault scandal abomination wickedness felony misconduct unfairness lawbreaking lapse shaft corruption vice enormity depravity vileness criminality affront barbarity monstrosity obscenity misbehavior baseness heinousness misbehaviour illegality horror atrociousness maltreatment malpractice debt mischief impropriety badness brutality act of wickedness lawlessness sinfulness failing unlawfulness peccancy disgrace desecration evilness indignity dereliction negligence act of brutality act of savagery immoral act infamy caper delictum delict indiscretion racket fast one hideousness depravedness diabolicalness ruthlessness railroad contravention viciousness encroachment nefariousness dirty deal evil-doing hit assault mortal sin slip violence foulness criminal act unscrupulousness act of cruelty debasement job iniquitousness illegitimacy ill-treatment case savagery fall from grace wrongness unkindness clandestineness illicitness ruin sellout shame dreadfulness detriment crying shame monstrousness wantonness murder fiendishness grievousness snub cruelness heartlessness savageness impiety pity devilry perversion exploitation antisocial behavior barbarism knavery violation of the law infraction of the law breach of the law e-crime cybercrime guilt mistreatment mismanagement unrighteousness mishandling personality slap in the face dirty deed kick in the teeth neglect act of violence foul indulgence ill treatment improper act sordidness rottenness naughtiness dissolution degeneracy shamefulness dishonesty wrongfulness awfulness break sneak ghastliness frightfulness gruesomeness mercilessness shortcoming evil behavior suppression tyranny repression horridness grisliness omission profanity blasphemy deviltry peccantness mischief-making repulsiveness solecism disfavour impingement act of dereliction act of misconduct bad turn arson rape robbery burglary misuse miscue dirt slipup ill turn charge sacrilege breach of conduct veniality rupture deed obtrusion entrenchment poaching disfavor difficulty misemployment profanation evil deed unlawful activity affliction calamity moral transgression blow catastrophe misusage shadiness crookedness ungodliness odiousness egregiousness outrageousness reprehensibility evil act act inhumane act dirty pool malversation godlessness wrongful entry misutilization act of evil dodginess evil action criminal offense miscreancy pits bummer drag misfortune mischievousness massacre killing act of barbarity inequitableness unreasonableness inequality prostitution excess misdeeds sins faults erring misappropriation travesty of justice bad behaviour offences offenses misapplication turn manipulation tough luck rotten hand bad rap bum deal rum deal rotten luck ill fortune breaking of the law manhandling slur bullying torture wrong use provocation wronging taking advantage epithet hitting beating molestation defilement slap barb dig aspersion brickbat roughing up rough handling ill use rough treatment injuring impairment striking spoiling doing over interference indecent assault assaulting beating up cut sarcasm dis dart diss poke gird name barbarousness truculence sadism shockingness inhumanness put down left-handed compliment backhanded compliment villainousness villianousness outrageous behavior

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The nature of an act that is unjust, dishonest, or immoral
unfairness evil sinfulness vice depravity immorality sin wickedness badness corruption crime dishonesty iniquity injustice misconduct unlawfulness vileness villainy wrongdoing wrongfulness wrongness crookedness transgression turpitude degeneracy iniquitousness viciousness dissolution shadiness baseness perversion dissipation evil-doing unscrupulousness devilishness heinousness devilry impurity degradation ungodliness roguery rascality foulness delinquency debauchery knavery corruptness maleficence offence peccability peccancy malfeasance deviltry licentiousness infamy diablerie profligacy vulgarity offense lewdness decadence lawlessness indecency libertinage libertinism looseness bad double-dealing evilness disgrace venality atrocity pervertedness unholiness godlessness impiety malignity debasement fiendishness profanity malevolence unrighteousness evildoing criminality ill malice unchastity dishonourableness promiscuity wantonness lustfulness villainousness lubricity dissoluteness shamelessness degeneration scandal flagitiousness cruelty misdeed lawbreaking treachery scoundrelism foul play meanness sordidness unseemliness dereliction cheapness shoddiness ignominy low-mindedness squalidness contemptibility unsavouriness tawdriness lechery sordidity lasciviousness immoral behaviour lecherousness trespass antisocial behavior evil behavior pettiness reprobation notoriety disreputableness dishonour nefariousness decay evil act carnality libidinousness immoral act squalor lust malignance rot sensuality despicability obloquy depravation wretchedness curse irreligiousness act of wickedness fall from grace impiousness roguishness hob shenanigans devilment blasphemy sacrilegiousness mischief waggery irreverence waggishness mischievousness impishness dishonor rudeness ignobility cheekiness naughtiness tomfoolery flagrancy

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The rabble, the masses
rascality devilry roguery mischievousness mischief shenanigans wickedness devilment deviltry diablerie roguishness impishness waggery devilishness knavery waggishness hob evil naughtiness wrongdoing misconduct tomfoolery misbehaviour misbehavior friskiness frolicsomeness waywardness playfulness sportiveness prankishness atrocity ill transgression catastrophe fault harm hurt injury misdoing misfortune outrage sabotage vandalism prank gag funny business monkey business high jinks dirty trick pranks tricks sin misdeed offense offence tricksiness larkiness sportfulness coltishness puckishness shenanigan hatred spite animosity malice damage ill will misdemeanour misdemeanor indiscretion delinquency crime iniquity evildoing trouble perversity devilishment magic witchcraft cruelty witchery bad behaviour mischief-making black magic evil magic badness disobedience goings-on hanky-panky jiggery-pokery nonsense carryings-on carry-on monkey tricks larks capers dishonesty corruption trickery chicanery troublemaking impropriety clowning horseplay immorality bad behavior buffoonery joking jesting ill-discipline incivility rudeness indiscipline insubordination acting up villainy unscrupulousness baseness vileness depravity viciousness turpitude corruptness evil-doing swindling double-dealing deceit imposture duplicity deception cheating fraud monkey-business knavishness crookedness monkeyshines foolery monkeying skylarking roughhouse roughhousing clownery hijinks skulduggery slapstick insanity silliness absurdness stupidity ludicrousness absurdity craziness tommyrot irresponsibility foolishness antics lunacy poppycock carrying-on hokey-pokey