Đồng nghĩa của labor

Alternative for labor

Đồng nghĩa: effort, employment, industry, task, toil, work,

Trái nghĩa: relax, rest,

Danh từ

A piece of work or assignment to be done or undertaken
job task undertaking work assignment exercise mission charge occupation duty commission project brief function errand detail responsibility employment goal objective labour business office operation engagement post enterprise chore piece of work pursuit vocation calling endeavour endeavor stint piece of business venture quest profession position service process trade thing secondment employ role appointment obligation scheme act practice beat campaign performance of one's duties expedition trip action deed odd job set task purpose exploit aim journey trust end lifework maneuver affair doing antic manoeuvre situation line person's task activity career craft livelihood racket field lay game métier avocation setup province onus gig effort day job what one is into line of work fun and games long row to hoe concern capacity burden place commitment contract part devoir station incumbency pigeon proceeding procedure imperative directive play instruction berth plan consignment programme program need step implementation exploration tour coordination care command use billet move target department course of action drill niche baby placement formal order contribution requirement share object utility shift run turn raison d'être stretch spell adventure sphere matter mark connection preserve worry bailiwick area trial interest bag walk ground plan game plan tour of duty art area of interest participation involvement warrant lesson do issue system message action point right posting case committal pledge custody remit briefing shopping collection delivery prerogative productivity progress settlement induction privilege behavior faculty liability meaning power behaviour solution designation feat taskwork accountability field of expertise legation embassy moral obligation placing line of country understanding promise appointee candidate expertise competency competence experience skillset workflow culpability stunt accomplishment action item delegate representative office-holder nominee must ought accountableness answerability chores industry workplace attempt skill forte dodge period of enlistment period of service servitude focus rôle movement transaction officeholder moral imperative wish ambition aspiration hope pretension ideal holy grail intention desire intent lot reason lookout happening deal experiment essay try proposition outfit shop striving hazard struggle hassle dealings deployment maneuvering problem area of activity domain realm proceedings event good benefit advantage line of business entanglement manoeuvring piece output product specialization result outcome jurisdiction routine housework voyage pain nine-to-five domestic work territory homework thing to be done KP trek usefulness avail worth merit behoof effect value chosen work living contracting hiring specialisation means of earning one's living recruitment day gig daily grind term gauntlet test load trouble albatross inconvenience difficult task bother hardship challenge headache specialism speciality gain peregrination batch portion allotment time analysis experimentation research return profit terrain demesne fief barony firmament precinct specialty discipline element circle arena fiefdom kingdom front odyssey period turf travels safari passage area of responsibility class classification spot walk of life slot administration sphere of activity dominion survey hike bit hitch tenure crusade swing picnic cavalcade caravan patrol entrada travel cruise quota session watch piece of research

Danh từ

Effort or energy expended on work, a task, or a goal
effort exertion work trouble pains sweat endeavour endeavor labour struggle industry energy diligence drudgery grind slog moil toiling travail while expenditure graft hard work blood, sweat and tears hard labour elbow grease donkey work donkey-work toil application striving strain yakka persistence determination assiduity conscientiousness perseverance tenacity industriousness activity stress attempt undertaking donkeywork drudge push strength enterprise force hard yakka assiduousness doggedness sweat of one's brow dedication sedulousness slavery service bother blood, swear, and tears zeal fatigue spadework exercise muscle trial venture power commitment drive resolve attention resoluteness try shot occupation resolution battle steadiness gruntwork bid fuss crack assay stab go earnestness intentness operation vigour fling bash whack pass discipline rigour whirl pain hardship vigor hard graft rigor offer single-mindedness busyness essay one's all one's level best struggling labouring chores hard slog painstaking slaving doing oomph drag Herculean task laboring responsibility hack work sweated labour physical effort elbow juice tirelessness sedulity charge control nine-to-five action slogging tribulation stretch foray hard labor manual labor salt mines grit intensity dynamism employment suffering ordeal enthusiasm purposefulness wholeheartedness vocation pursuit productiveness pertinacity privation tears distress duty backbone keenness ardor crusade laboriousness perseveration rigorousness dirty work grunt work job chore value attempts continuance ardour toils best shot preoccupation try-on crash project dry run campaign hard pull long pull physical exertion pangs trials and tribulations scut work thankless task purpose back-breaking task steadfastness movement thought care inconvenience labour of Hercules pull tension strife welly backbreaking work staying power hassle throes old college try grief ado attentiveness devotion hitch flurry bustle snag study patience endurance concentration deliberation tryout aim try on

Danh từ

Workers, especially manual workers, considered collectively
labour manpower personnel workforce staff worker employees workers hands laborers labourers workmen help proletariat operatives labor force human resources rank and file wage-earners hired hands work force labour force working people blue collar blue-collar workers hard hat manual workers working class hands on deck force crew team people recruits operator staff member member of staff hired man hired person hired help employee labourer pool laborer hireling man hired hand foot soldier member of the workforce hand workman group liveware corps troop office faculty organization talent person underling troops cadre members helper shop subordinate organisation representative men and women human capital human resource blue-collar worker gang squad cavalry payroll jobholder aide attendant cast apprentices agents attendants interns operative officers assistants jobholders servants deputies hirelings assistant helpers cog resource peopleware meatware paysheet body HR forces outfit band party colleague abettor factory floor working stiff office workers job-holders white-collar workers labor pool trained workers hired gun company person shop floor collaborator deputy mate helpmate adjutant partner ally hack apprentice toiler breadwinner prentice supporter right-hand person staff members wage-earner job-holder staffs members of staff breadwinners operators peons wage earners retainers representatives workforces employes supporters cogs underlings roustabouts resources labor forces rouseabouts labour forces work forces hard hats toilers mazdoors aides navvies khalasis drudges foot soldiers working classes clerks providers salespersons subordinates earners craftspersons mechanics hacks workhorses hired guns talents slaves prentices artisans domestics farmhands manual laborers men workwomen desk jockeys meal tickets cottiers kanakas menials cottars participants insiders proletarians stiffs supervisees managees serfs dogsbodies benefactors billpayers mainstays mates allies partners adjutants colleagues parties outfits collaborators bands helpmates pools abettors gangers day labourers hodmen diggers craftsmen field hands mechanicals workpersons artificers crewmen sailors wageworkers plugs staffers wage slaves grunts longshoremen stevedores campaigners dockworkers crusaders dockers workingmen rousters soldiers working girls dockhands workingwomen migrant workers

Danh từ

Something made, achieved or produced through effort
product work handiwork production yield affair fruit output produce thing labour creation result artefact outcome artifact by-product harvest crop productivity fabrication concoction consequence invention realization realisation effect legacy achievement outturn commodity upshot issue end result accomplishment profit solutions gain amount manufacture offshoot quantity produced amount produced formulation origination construction bounty service fruits contrivance design services doing handicraft action handwork craft craftwork deed workmanship personal work outcomes offshoots by-products things results spin-off outgrowth conclusion corollary sequel aftereffect resultant aftermath returns fate spinoff backwash development sequence precipitate brand child manufacturing return volume out-turn works oeuvre making take turnout producing writings gross domestic product gross national product repercussion ramification fallout end product end after-effect payoff side effect culmination reverberation reaction pay-off concomitant termination eventuality denouement implication impact follow-up aftershock success sequelae event matter of course chain reaction derivative trail ending causatum derivation footprint wake derivate ripple response blowback reward hangover fruition reverberations byproduct waves final result auxiliary adjunct descendant branch appendage offspring revenue effects turnover earnings afterglow remainder income feat takings finish side reaction receipts sequent triumph fulfillment ripple effect residual climax attainment flak gains finished product final product act proceeds finale gate incomings fulfilment knock-on effect follow through can of worms emergence progeny spawn influence deliverable extension working completion residuum emanation benefit pursuance reflex backlash followup weight imprint impression bearing future complication first fruits sequela accompaniment destiny destination delayed response final outcome mark power advantages externality inference induction deduction correlate consummation net result deserts dénouement quota aggregate analogy connection annexe annex lot dole doom due aftercome payback afterclap consequences advantage vestige relic remnant result of echo maturing pay subsidiary product wave bottom line actualization brainchild leftover heritage art conception innovation application remains residue genesis article follow-on performance profits production quota supplement complement trickle-down effect flow-on effect skill products appurtenance net sideshoot coup exploit undertaking enterprise job aspiration execution implementation gate money till interest gate receipts handle lucre split box office artisanship handcraft trade opus craftsmanship vocation calling métier craftship profession ability artwork effort dividend stroke of genius positive result master stroke haul catch vintage pickings receipt bunce fruitage intake crops garnering gleaning reaping gathering financial return year's growth annual production season's growth

Danh từ

The state or condition of being difficult
difficulty hardship pain strain awkwardness labour pains problems stress aggravation arduousness laboriousness strenuousness strife struggle struggling trouble ado anxiety bother frustration grievance hassle pressure setback toil worry dolour hangup painfulness travails annoyance bafflement exigency imbroglio inconvenience irritation jam puzzle weight trials and tribulations mental burden to-do adversity misfortune tribulation misery oppression distress need rigor hazard vicissitude hardness asperity rigour dire straits quandary crisis predicament dilemma plight quagmire extremity pickle impasse exertion muddle emergency knot a spot a stew scrape barricade a hole embarrassment deep water crux deadlock hot water discouragement a scrape harassment strait a fix a jam mess a pickle stew sweat hard times depression dead end suffering austerity privation affliction destitution calamity torment want persecution burden penury trial deprivation neediness discomfort beggary impecuniousness impecuniosity poverty ruination trials ruin disaster wretchedness sorrow danger drudgery injury grief curse accident travail peril mischance lack catastrophe fatigue hard knocks tough luck tough break rotten luck uphill battle Herculean task rainy day financial distress problem drag albatross load crunch bad luck encumbrance drain liability millstone ill luck punishment thorn in one's side indigence difficulties impoverishment straits downer pinch tension throe bummer heat demands unholy mess hard time ticklish spot holy mess urgency can of worms ill-fortune ill-luck hurt harm pressure cooker mishap damage mischief tragedy misadventure unpleasantness onus anguish trauma destruction woe evil obligation duty malice cumber cruelty ill knock unwanted responsibility concern deadweight cross to bear ball and chain responsibility accountability chain charge dead weight hindrance mental weight task blame shackle cross

Danh từ

The cultivation of arable land by plowing, sowing and raising crops

Động từ

To apply great and continuous effort towards work, a task, or a goal
toil labour strive struggle work drudge slave slog strain sweat endeavor moil travail plod grind hustle plough plow grub endeavour plug tug hump push graft drive fight trudge lumber stagger overwork grapple exert oneself beaver away peg away work hard try hard make an effort apply oneself plug away slog away bang away go all out make every effort dig away bend over backwards sweat blood do all one can work like a Trojan keep at it work like a dog plod away slave away lean over backwards kill oneself go for it grind away put oneself out bear down be at pains exert yourself pull out all the stops fall over backwards grub away do your best break your back pour it on sweat away peg along plug along work like a slave give it one's all give something one's all work one's fingers to the bone put one's back into something drag yourself work oneself to the bone burn the candle at both ends knock oneself out go for broke spare no effort aim try bust a gut persevere attempt seek undertake knuckle down beaver venture persist work day and night hammer away buckle down essay aspire move heaven and earth bullock assay make a great effort push oneself make an all-out effort rupture yourself knock yourself out give it your best shot give it your all have a crack battle do your damnedest break your neck do one's best work your fingers to the bone set out scramble have a go have a shot soldier on take pains go hard keep your head down go ham keep your nose to the grindstone apply hammer have a stab have a shot at push yourself trail take it on oneself have a crack at take on do one's utmost have a go at have a stab at give one's all keep one's nose to the grindstone go for the doctor do your utmost apply yourself wade footslog concentrate drudge away get down to it get your head down exert have a bash peg show dedication be industrious show commitment be diligent drag oneself study hard be assiduous buckle to give it one's best shot leave no stone unturned dig jump through hoops commit oneself devote oneself break one's neck make a run at put one's back into it skivvy muck schlepp give it a fly give it a burl carry on plough away press on graft away make a supreme effort get stuck in make effort plough through keep at use some elbow grease bust one's chops shoot for work one's socks off break sweat go hammer and tongs give best shot work one's nuts off work one's butt off drive oneself give it a whirl do one's damnedest do one's darnedest give all one's got do all you can take care suffer take great pains bang on putter trawl purpose roll wheel roll along rattle cultivate tend put yourself out endure toll devote withstand campaign soldier compete contend commit give acquit yourself roll up one's sleeves shape up belly up to the bar get one's act together pull up one's socks grovel persist with persevere with toil away work away jockey dedicate stand up to drag trample hike pound perform offer tackle work very hard overwork oneself go all-out for work fingers to bone work your guts out be servile address dig in work one's guts out grind out pitch in plod along old college try work hard to empty the tank go the whole nine yards give your all go all-out peg away at apply yourself to go all out for put up a fight against go to war break one's back have a swing at keep one's head down try one's hardest have one's nose to grindstone go the limit try for go for the jugular bend direct get one's head down stick with it keep on trek try very hard drive oneself to the limit keep nose to grindstone go back to the salt mines embark on make an attempt at take a stab at put to the test take a whack at try out have at it plough on with soldier on with keep on with chip away strain every nerve push oneself to the limit study lift a finger make an attempt chip away at go for have a whack vie for front up make a pass at make a bid go after drive for take a crack at kill oneself with stumble do one's durnedest stick at work one's socks off on not cease tramp traipse head-down proceed laboriously trundle flounder bumble clump blunder keep going pull out all stops give old college try put one's back in it put one's shoulder to the wheel hit the ball trog yomp schlep pay attention be attentive put in effort plow away put in work put effort put effort into something move with difficulty clamber sputter battle one's way fight one's way limp plug away at make one's way with difficulty shinny toil away at proceed with difficulty work through dive in give it all one has work one's way fight your way work at give something a whirl give something one's best shot overstrain overextend overload overtask work too hard overtax oneself drive oneself too hard wear oneself out overburden oneself run oneself into the ground strain oneself do too much burn the midnight oil practice presenteeism overdo it bite off more than you can chew wear oneself to a shadow overload oneself push oneself too hard overtax one's strength overstrain oneself drive oneself into the ground work oneself into the ground work one's tail off overtire oneself burn out work like a horse drive oneself too far

Động từ

To greatly emphasize a point or issue
labour overdo stress overplay overstress belabour exaggerate overemphasise overemphasize accentuate belabor elaborate underline emphasise emphasize expand highlight impress strain dwell on over-elaborate harp on make too much of expound on go on about attach too much importance to attach too much weight to harp on about play up point up drive home go on place too much emphasis on make a federal case of lay too much emphasis on make a production out of overdramatize overstate make a big thing of dwell upon amplify magnify inflate rehash pound repeat overwork hyperbolize over-emphasize beat a dead horse hammer home blow up out of all proportion expand on linger over discuss at length go over the top about make a mountain out of a molehill lay too much stress on make something out of nothing make a big thing about go on and on about lay it on with a trowel do over tarry over flog to death drag out hammer away at blow out of all proportion embroider embellish overestimate overdraw dramatize colour catastrophize enlarge exalt pad put on color hike boost heighten brag misrepresent misreport misquote lie boast puff fudge fabricate dramatise build up lay it on thick blow out of proportion overvalue aggrandize oversell stretch overpitch add colour elaborate on romance distort intensify scam falsify romanticise up caricature romanticize corrupt overexaggerate pyramid pile it on stretch the truth lay on pretty up draw the longbow cook up loud talk pile it on about shoot a line go to extremes lay it on thick about lay it on with a shovel big up blow something out of all proportion make a drama out of a crisis lay it on with a trowel about enhance blow up emphasize too much draw the long bow make a big thing out of

Động từ

To persevere or continue with a task or stance despite it being menial, difficult, or boring
plough on persist continue persevere remain endure maintain grind stay beaver drudge finish labour stick toil insist press on go on keep going carry on plow on press ahead keep on not give up hold on plug away struggle on keep at it be persistent plod on be determined hold out soldier on hammer away grind away peg away be tenacious stand firm be pertinacious follow something through see something through stand fast show determination stay with something hang on keep going with keep on at not cease from not falter in see through show determination in go the distance stay the course bash on stick at it keep it up hang in there stick it out be patient stop at nothing be diligent leave no stone unturned not take no for an answer stand one's ground stick to one's guns persist with persevere with continue with be steadfast in stick at last be pertinacious in be persistent in slave be resolute in complete peg away at soldier on with press on with bash on with slave away at work away at be steadfast struggle on with keep your nose to the grindstone stick to plough through plow through plug away at carry on with keep at hammer away at proceed advance progress forge ahead move forward push on make progress make headway move onward go forward march on go ahead go move push forward push move along push ahead move ahead forge on gain ground crack on journey march drive speed shoot travel press forward go forth make inroads cover ground get on head navigate cross propel pass move on continue on come along storm dispatch make one's way edge stick with it stick with hang tough hang in see it through hold fast come forward gut it out develop stay with it carry on doggedly be resolute transit track stick to your guns peregrinate traverse perambulate proceed along cut across forge work follow walk pursue your goal keep your hand in be stubborn go to the mat go for broke keep driving remain firm go for it be resolved pursue fly fare work one's way progress towards play cruise pace go along get along run through go off truck gather way work towards make inroads into launch pass on continue ahead move out drive forward keep running run along extend tarry be project hold perdure take run on perpetuate live bide exist recur stay around be prolonged linger live on abide have no end drag on stick around sustain protract repeat stay on increase speed advance rapidly make swift progress progress quickly come to the fore put a spurt on take the lead

Động từ

To move around or sideways unsteadily
lurch pitch roll sway toss list rock careen heel keel labour reel seesaw tilt veer wabble wobble flounder lean pitchpole swerve make heavy weather plunge wallow stagger toss about teeter welter tumble yaw totter stumble buck dive move sound dip lunge tip vault drive drop slump fall away swagger billow waddle lumber swing rove incline roam stray surge range wave heave ramble jibe sprawl blunder loll roll about move around in roll around in dodder weave falter shake waver quiver oscillate tremble quaver vibrate jiggle convulse jolt jerk jounce agitate walk unsteadily topple shudder bob quake undulate toddle see-saw hesitate slip joggle judder bucket slide titubate jog zigzag wheel shimmy balance fluctuate move clumsily flutter move back and forth dither move up and down move to and fro shift pendulate bend traverse pulsate wind vary rotate whiffle pivot stot move from side to side walk falteringly shamble shuffle feel giddy go around wiggle dangle hover roll along dodge bumble duck tremble precariously hobble shiver trip move to the side lie splash flicker twitter flitter bump jar flit churn flap tremor commove stir whip succuss ruffle flaunt palpitate writhe wade stir up set in motion put in motion pause push and pull move backwards and forwards delay stall vacillate haver yo-yo dilly-dally shilly-shally tergiversate think twice pitch and toss bobble hang back change one's mind be irresolute pussyfoot around get cold feet sit on the fence halt blow hot and cold scruple be indecisive hum and haw be undecided

Động từ

To move or squirm around restlessly
toss squirm writhe wriggle twitch jiggle twist fidget wiggle thrash thresh jig squiggle fiddle quiver roll labour move restlessly thrash about jerk convulse flail flounder toss and turn worm shake struggle wobble joggle twist and turn shudder wag flutter jolt waggle jounce contort turn agonize zigzag agonise lurch jump worry heave shimmy plunge quake wave wabble judder vibrate rattle agitate bobble shift slide slither distort skew wind grope fumble feel uncomfortable recoil suffer bend wince pitch stagger tumble flap cast about shiver tremble spasm quaver blink move spasmodically nip contract clutch seize grasp grip kick twinge grab tic beat move convulsively clasp pain vellicate palpitate lug snap shuffle play fuss toy twiddle trifle fret bustle chafe jitter be jittery be agitated stir fool about fool around be anxious hitch mess about mess around be wired play around be like a cat on hot bricks be on pins and needles be spooked be nervous be antsy move around move about be hyper have ants in one's pants swish swing whip throb pulsate jog bob bounce oscillate pump buck waver flinch undulate pulse flop thrill flick ripple move from side to side switch brandish pound start bucket bolt thump jostle twitter pitter-patter hammer thud quop race pit-a-pat pitapat beat rapidly pitpat go pit-a-pat rock sway lash move dangle flicker nod seesaw bat flourish wave to and fro blow jigger shimmer fly hoick bump fluctuate drum reverberate pant thrum move up and down move suddenly splash rustle flitter stumble blunder startle budge tick fish-tail dither resonate quave tremor tingle hang work move slightly ruffle locomote be pendent change one's position be suspended drift flail about yank wave rapidly bang fling twirl shake like a leaf jar balk shrink cringe shirk shy blench baulk

Trái nghĩa của labor

labor Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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