Đồng nghĩa của evil

Alternative for evil


Đồng nghĩa: bad, sinful, wicked, wrong,

Trái nghĩa: good, virtue, virtuous,

Tính từ

Morally depraved
wicked bad wrong wrongful immoral sinful ungodly unholy foul vile base ignoble dishonorable dishonourable corrupt iniquitous depraved degenerate villainous nefarious sinister vicious malicious malevolent demonic devilish diabolic diabolical fiendish dark black-hearted monstrous shocking despicable atrocious heinous odious contemptible horrible execrable low-down stinking dirty shady warped bent rotten unethical unlawful unrighteous unsavoury unsavory crooked dastardly reprobate black damnable hateful hellish infernal rancorous satanic spiteful wrathful egregious flagitious shadowy peccable morally wrong bad-hearted unprincipled abominable criminal dissolute perverted dishonest loathsome dreadful reprehensible unscrupulous outrageous debauched terrible detestable debased shameful abhorrent appalling impure disgusting infamous beastly nasty offensive profane mean scandalous awful dissipated disreputable barbarous perverse obscene cruel sordid impious unspeakable low hideous wanton repugnant indecent irreligious amoral improper disgraceful abandoned decadent horrid gross revolting unwholesome inhuman underhand sick blasphemous degraded licentious ghastly unclean godless illegal loose sacrilegious horrifying frightful lawless savage repellent rakish obnoxious unconscionable shameless repulsive libertine unfair profligate miscreant lewd cacodemonic accursed tainted demoralized devious unhealthy irreverent horrendous unchaste sickening Mephistophelian demoniac malfeasant culpable illicit murderous felonious demoralised scoundrelly erring dodgy lascivious insufferable corrupted coarse unpleasant ignominious intolerable jackleg rascally lustful roguish demoniacal rakehell rakehelly frightening dire deplorable sullied illegitimate fearful gruesome maleficent not cricket barbaric alarming brutish deceitful vulgar treacherous deviant underhanded horrific noisome ruthless unworthy aberrant twisted defiled unhallowed nauseating intemperate guilty nightmarish noxious discreditable ugly wretched untrustworthy grisly fallen pervy scurvy distasteful kinky abnormal sicko venal vitiated fraudulent atheistic malignant delinquent blameworthy immodest unjust unutterable bestial unnatural filthy objectionable calamitous distorted indictable abject facinorous deleterious sadistic demonian lecherous cutthroat prurient wayward Machiavellian Luciferian salacious snide paltry currish censurable flagrant baneful brutal disagreeable macabre pernicious forbidding lawbreaking fast indescribable sly opprobrious low-minded heathen non-theistic unseemly wild two-faced questionable pagan mercenary grewsome errant unrestrained louche knavish scurrilous hellacious unforgivable self-indulgent serpentine godawful disgustful loathly desperate profaned violent shabby desecrated degrading exploitative demonical merciless uncleanly uncivilised uncivilized shifty conscienceless blameful harmful cheating inexcusable blamable slippery promiscuous notorious cursed bawdy unvirtuous injurious crude smutty vice-ridden undesirable condemnable worthless pornographic crafty sleazy ominous ribald terrific lurid nightmare terrifying sorry yucky raunchy grim off-putting heartless sybaritic peccant under-the-table impaired nauseous unwarranted God-awful from hell sick-making intimidating dangerous fast-living rancid repellant fulsome X-rated contaminated blackguardly beyond the pale gone bad abased boorish dishonored uncharitable lamentable unprofessional faithless menacing naughty depraving grotesque malign indefensible cheap praetorian transgressing threatening lowlife hedonic disrespectful unconscientious guileful servile menial furtive petty Hadean libidinous putrid dishonoured creepy perfidious scheming sneaky reproachable carnal glaring disorderly self-seeking shoddy good-for-nothing no good riotous possessed suggestive responsible fearsome raffish tricky against the law offending double-dealing anarchic unreasonable Stygian bogging squalid morbid scatological scatologic poisonous unruly detrimental scary overwhelming distressing unconstrained unpardonable low-life disturbing damaging blameable answerable yucko unsettling blue unrefined inhumane indelicate abysmal insupportable unnerving caitiff incorrigible drunken open cussed blasted confounded indulgent anarchical rebellious at fault baleful direful double-crossing harsh voluptuary insurgent two-timing dirty-dealing hurtful crying unbearable chargeable raw porno rank barnyard scabrous excessive insubordinate mutinous unacceptable spine-chilling inexpressible in the fast lane fast and loose high living redoubtable seditious vindictive to blame insurrectionary disruptive terrorist pleasure-seeking lacking restraint hair-raising mutinying ungoverned venomous virulent untamed ornery anarchistic noncompliant nonconformist in the wrong gone to the dogs disobedient turbulent nihilistic uncultivated infringing piratical traitorous warlike contumacious unregulated unpeaceful disordered recusant night owl fierce not pure out of line uncontrollable without law and order ruffianly diseased thievish cunning wrongdoing deviate contorted vitiate corrupting suspect implacable mephistophelean risqué selfish arrant casuistic recreant amiss demeritorious sinning unregenerate grave eerie misguided demonlike demonly demonish tawdry agnostic sceptical unbelieving stop-at-nothing mercentary light frenetic maniacal crazed mad morally bereft irreverential secular unblessed unsanctified unconsecrated undignified unbecoming bribable humble slavish cowardly inequitable perverting harrowing spooky bone-chilling undecorous indecorous rough dislikeable unpalatable non-believing inappropriate heretical beyond contempt infidel barbarian groundless inelegant unrespectable shy bloodcurdling brute butcherly truculent poor trashy pitiful plebeian lowly common miserable humiliating heathenish idolatrous untold undescribable gut-churning icky ill-famed exceptionable demoralizing subversive grievous beneath contempt LaVeyan negligent vomitous lousy ghostly eery ghoulish hateable skanky unjustified callous hairy grody backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting ill-reputed hostile fishy slick flimflam scam epicurean overindulgent hedonistic luxurious hated reviled displeasing dubious unfeeling unkind bloodthirsty tyrannical inexorable highly improper religionless iconoclastic nonreligious unnecessary undue undeserved off-color shrewish surly bad-tempered churlish incorrect crabbed ill-tempered ill-natured unaccommodating aggressive feral unsafe ungovernable shuddersome resentful pesky uncool pestiferous invidious bitter red hot demoralising cold-blooded pitiless hard-hearted vengeful moribund declining decaying lost mischievous prejudicial nocuous adverse undevout nullifidian freethinking revolutionary disquieting ill steep intimidatory ill-boding foreboding whorish vomit-inducing unbelievable inconceivable immoderate exorbitant unendurable Janus-faced insalubrious chaotic reckless fly-by-night stupefying skeptical uncalled for free-thinking unspiritual unimaginable extravagant maddening impossible OTT preposterous exasperating minatory deadly viperous rowdy minacious ferocious reprovable heartstopping perturbing upsetting saturnalian graceless O.T.T. extortionate startling agitating staggering stunning astonishing bewildering amazing formidable ineffable grafting swindling sharp rogue deceptive corruptible defrauding false buyable duplicitous liable convicted surprising too great shaming disgracing debauching debasing contumelious extreme evil-minded tyrannous despotic uncontrolled terrorizing unorthodox heterodox terrorising tempestuous unnourishing accountable beyond words preternatural undefinable disparaging contemptuous despiteful mean-spirited scrofulous scornful disdainful over the top very bad incriminated innutritious insanitary deserving blame indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil bad news on one's head impeached in error caught doomed censured convictable accusable condemned accurst freaking darned cotton-picking doggoned durn doggone goddamned deuced curst danged durned dang darn of easy virtue untruthful suborned lying indirect sickly ruinous junk unhygienic unhealthful destructive too horrible for words concupiscent anathematized lethal spoiled septic unnutritious flagitous swinging pathological inimical unsound toxic spoilt decayed blamed under a curse blessed dratted deteriorated violated easy dirty-minded prohibited in the gutter unlicensed contraband clandestine forbidden impermissible banned outlawed punishable unsanctioned unauthorized actionable interdicted unofficial proscribed verboten taboo adulterous violating bootleg wildcat unauthorised heavy criminogenic racketeering under-the-counter under the table off base contrary to law haram not acceptable under the counter smoking gun ruled out tapu in violation of law off limits black-market not permitted against the rules not allowed

Tính từ

Carrying an intent to harm
harmful hurtful injurious detrimental deleterious inimical bad mischievous pernicious malignant malign baleful venomous noxious poisonous corrupting subversive baneful calamitous damaging dangerous ill nocuous prejudicial disastrous destructive ruinous malefic maleficent prejudicious wicked deadly malicious adverse virulent fatal toxic malevolent lethal vicious unfavourable unfavorable disadvantageous wounding unwholesome negative cancerous unfortunate sinister mortal pestilential unhealthy vindictive nasty hostile spiteful undesirable pestiferous counterproductive hazardous nocent menacing evil-intentioned dire crippling noisome devastating rancorous bitter mean threatening cruel vitriolic corruptive viperous environmentally unfriendly catty catastrophic cataclysmic perilous toxicant poison pestilent antagonistic corroding iniquitous annihilative eradicative extirpative suicidal undermining mephitic corrupt septic infectious infective invidious unfriendly miasmatic parlous critical painful immoral unjust wrongful opprobrious dicey internecine corrosive incendiary toxiferous murderous terminal untoward peccant troublesome hate-filled acrimonious fell diseased hateful mephitical morbid unsafe risky ominous vengeful unkind vituperative foul lethiferous wreckful wrackful slaughterous unpropitious savage insidious ill-natured inopportune inexpedient ruining destroying killer scathel vital deathly disturbing frightening forbidding intimidating uncontrollable unlucky vile contaminating tainting defamatory intimidatory minatory artful bodeful minacious louring contagious bothersome reprobate cantankerous woeful hard aching hurting afflictive invasive ill-intentioned killing offensive miasmic nefarious counter unsympathetic life-threatening metastatic incurable irremediable cataclysmal violent contaminated epidemic communicable annihilatory fateful ravaging devastative brutal fierce damning catching spreading erosive cutthroat consumptive precarious grudging resentful plague-like disease-ridden acid unpleasant tart waspish sharp acerbic death-dealing biting caustic razor-edged barbed astringent cutting insalubrious harassing sinful dirty ornery viperish cussed despiteful antipathetic aspersive dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose inconvenient inauspicious adversarial untimely opposed inhospitable contrary adversary unseasonable unsuitable jaundiced disavowing disapproving objectionable discommodious disparaging uncomplimentary naysaying opposing regrettable ill-disposed inconducive infelicitous improper unpromising derogatory pejorative harsh unseemly repugnant unhappy unsuited unfit malapropos inapt wrong inappropriate gloomy inadvisable ill-advised poor discouraging unflattering very bad ill-suited low enemy uncongenial alien competitive rival obstructive ill-timed oppositional unwelcoming impeding hindering detracting debit-side dyslogistic depreciative slighting depreciatory unprofitable downside unhelpful imperilling imperiling anti inimicable inimic not conducive disaffected at odds oppugnant grievous grave jeopardizing recusant unsound on the debit side severe serious troubling thorny jeopardising jeopardous discommoding remote unhandy vexatious tiresome awkward embarrassing unmanageable cumbersome unwieldy annoying difficult incommodious libelous libellous slanderous libeling insulting maligning vilifying libelling

Tính từ

(of a smell or sight) Extremely unpleasant, offensive or repugnant
unpleasant disagreeable nasty horrible foul filthy vile inclement abhorrent abominable appalling awful disgusting distasteful dreadful fulsome gross hideous horrendous horrid loathsome nauseating nauseous noisome obnoxious obscene offensive rancid repellant repellent repugnant repulsive revolting scandalous sickening ugly mephitic pestilential putrid odious shocking noxious objectionable terrible ghastly God-awful disgustful yucky beastly hateful detestable loathly frightful yucko off-putting despicable sick-making contemptible execrable bogging rotten uninviting reprehensible stinking unsavoury atrocious gruesome heinous unpalatable skanky displeasing unsavory deplorable lousy icky bad stomach-turning grotty stomach-churning vomitous vomit-inducing wicked rebarbative festy gut-churning malodorous wretched fetid grisly horrifying scurvy foetid unappetizing rank unpleasing diabolical grody invidious hellish sleazy on the nose monstrous unspeakable abysmal intolerable smelly pitiful creepy outrageous sorry cringe-making niffy unwelcome sordid olid mean grungy beyond the pale dirty poor insufferable undesirable very bad hellacious emetic dire chronic dislikeable base squalid foul-smelling evil-smelling sick acrid grubby polluted godawful cruddy pongy stinky whiffy pestiferous smudged bedraggled stained mucky unsportsmanlike besmirched black dingy yukky draggled befouled sneaking smutty bitter unfair grimy blackened funky miasmal ratty sullied uncongenial unlovely harsh scabby muddy cheap begrimed scummy illegal bemired dusty unclean uncleanly sour soiled paltry lame pitiable poison bum ungodly unholy disgraceful lamentable hopeless inadequate unsatisfactory pathetic crummy woeful inferior shameful horrific useless pits duff poxy unacceptable slimy pants poisonous egregious exceptionable rubbish vulgar macabre grievous unsightly dislikable biting embarrassing cutting unlikable tasteless galling annoying unbearable upsetting pesky from hell revulsive off-color damnable very unpleasant hated substandard laughable loathed detested abominated execrated despised catty sickly gut-wrenching shameless terrifying fearful chunderous insupportable discouraging uncool harmful forbidding malevolent offending opprobrious inexcusable unpardonable insolent abusive impertinent irritating discourteous repelling disconcerting spiteful vicious hurtful injurious deleterious mischievous reeking unhealthy pernicious very disgusting unforgivable scabrous brackish woozy rocky baneful unwholesome dismaying censurable diseased tainted dishonourable indescribable terribly bad sleazeball squicky scuzzy cloying surfeiting hateable immoral deadly insalutary dangerous miserable accursed brutal villainous hairy grim cursed yecchy heel pill ornery flavourless yicky painful savorless flavorless flat afflictive insipid animal beast bestial morbid ropy third-rate tremendous alarming serious distressing dishonorable harrowing raunchy gnarly godforsaken depressing incompatible adverse contradictory inconsistent hostile opposed a load of pants not up to snuff antipathetic inimical averse antagonistic opposite unfriendly extrinsic unfitted counter against extraneous alien unconformable foreign different in opposition

Tính từ

Marked by something that makes conditions difficult or inconvenient

Tính từ

Falling on hard or difficult times
unlucky unfortunate unfavorable unfavourable adverse unhappy disastrous catastrophic painful ruinous sorrowful calamitous unpropitious inauspicious dire woeful ominous menacing threatening baleful sinister portentous foreboding direful minatory doomy ill ill-boding bodeful unpromising black forbidding gloomy minacious baneful apocalyptic bad disturbing ill-omened dark infelicitous ill-fated sinistrous nasty lowering fateful untoward discouraging unhealthy unwholesome disheartening untimely bleak inopportune disadvantageous ill-starred unchancy impending brooding glowering heavy wintry ugly thunderous pessimistic bullying dangerous intimidatory grim comminatory terrorizing lowery portending near wintery loury overhanging terrorising aggressive close scowling hostile forthcoming impendent upcoming at hand disquieting frightening alarming eerie creepy malign evil-looking malignant scary spooky eldritch minatorial malevolent injurious obnoxious suggestive of evil malefic harmful doomful hurtful dishonest pernicious perverse deleterious poisonous blackhearted mischievous inconvenient troublesome unseasonable doomed dismal inexpedient inappropriate unsuitable depressing destructive hopeless dreadful detrimental malapropos ill-timed awkward regrettable hapless unfriendly negative damaging inapt difficult improper objectionable terrible dreary unseemly inimical jinxed unfit sombre contrary somber sad mistimed unsuited prejudicial inhospitable luckless disagreeable wretched discommodious unwelcome cheerless wrong counter worrying awful cursed uninviting tragic off-putting unpleasant warning daunting dispiriting miserable perilous bothersome ill-chosen badly timed cataclysmic melancholy horrible glum morose ghastly morbid upsetting devastating disappointing star-crossed desolate opposed harsh inadvisable lamentable disparaging ill-advised intimidating grievous problematic cataclysmal deplorable poor tough joyless frightful distressing depressive hard ill-suited comfortless very bad oppressive shocking inconducive mournful uncomplimentary appalling premonitory troubled demoralizing unadvantageous blighted antagonistic fatal augural suggestive doubtful prophetic haunting fearful unsympathetic early premature saddening snakebitten hard luck snakebit heartbreaking heartrending uncongenial damning fearsome precocious dejecting drear funereal horrendous distressful looming annoying terrifying mean-looking unkind forlorn dismaying horrific demoralising irritating troubling murky sullen gray grey solemn sorry misfortunate unprofitable severe chilling abhorrent discommoding unhelpful gruesome nightmarish abortive unbecoming harrowing austere ferocious doleful undue testing bitter parlous desperate unlikely unencouraging downbeat crushing dubious unhopeful alien disenchanting sickening unsatisfactory tardy late low cautionary admonitory moody ravaging doom and gloom louring bringing bad luck incommoding unsafe imminent condemned unoptimistic approaching annihilatory devastative unsuccessful challenging ruined destroyed afflicted forsaken destitute unprosperous momentous significant foreshadowing prohibitive predictive prognosticatory important crucial teary tearful pathetic foredoomed unwelcoming incommodious trying out of luck in a bad way spine-chilling dread redoubtable formidable hair-raising horrifying dyslogistic depreciative slighting downside derogatory detracting pejorative debit-side depreciatory bedevilled dampening misplaced incongruous unbefitting unfitting ill-fitted sorrowing horrid afflictive dour exciting intriguing fated exhilarating extraordinary inspiring remarkable phenomenal destined thrilling hideous disconcerting unanticipated unexpected precursive malificent presaging clouded prescient disruptive raging atrocious repulsive offensive odious life-threatening straitened hard-pressed lurid shadowy tortured undesirable full of hardship strained exacting treacherous pressing precarious exigent messy jeopardous rocky grave abominable unforeseen unpredictable unusual surprising unpredicted bedeviled grisly tragical monstrous stormy displeasing repressing dissuading hindering deterring heinous on the debit side willful intractable unmanageable unruly refractory headstrong incontrollable ungovernable wilful wayward froward uncontrollable recalcitrant mephitical hellish irritable repellant melancholic repellent bewildering loathsome vexing agonizing unnerving poignant galling perturbing agonising perplexing distasteful unpalatable revulsive frustrating macabre unamusing aggravating unpleasing irksome distressed repugnant deadly catastrophal angry turbulent fierce savage tumultuous volatile crippling shattering not hopeful not encouraging blue vexatious undisciplined unpliable stubborn unyielding fractious indocile wild advance too early early on anachronistic intrusive out-of-date too late soon a bit previous before time overearly too soon early bird bright and early previous oversoon chill dreich sunless disconsolate drab darkening plutonian lugubrious tenebrous godforsaken saturnine lonesome Cimmerian tenebrific elegiac cold sepulchral lonely elegiacal cloudy

Tính từ

Inflicting suffering onto others without conscience
cruel brutal savage inhuman barbaric barbarous brutish bloodthirsty murderous homicidal cut-throat vicious ferocious fierce wicked fiendish devilish diabolical heinous abominable monstrous atrocious vile hideous ghastly nasty spiteful mean callous malicious sadistic ruthless merciless unmerciful pitiless malevolent unsparing unrelenting remorseless uncaring unsympathetic malignant uncharitable heartless stony-hearted hard-hearted cold-hearted cold-blooded nefarious bloodless unfeeling unemotional unkind inhumane severe harsh stern inclement flinty draconian beastly dastardly bestial depraved immoral maleficent pernicious sanguinary truculent slaughterous uncompassionate violent wolfish wrathful brute butcherly hateful roughshod virulent wanton poisonous rancorous malign venomous vindictive bitter bad hostile catty baleful malefic despiteful hellish ill-natured evil-intentioned vengeful hurtful dirty ornery bad-natured defamatory evil-minded satanic demonic unfriendly infernal grim wounding unforgiving vitriolic inconsiderate revengeful soulless implacable waspish hard shrewish sinister lousy rough acrimonious cussed ill-disposed resentful snide backbiting diabolic barbed cutting demonical slanderous hard-boiled acid ghoulish satanical unpitying stone-hearted insensitive insensate thick-skinned stonyhearted stoney hard-nosed obdurate unkindly stony affectless slash-and-burn compassionless desensitized take-no-prisoners ironhearted indurate case-hardened pachydermatous unpleasant splenetic flagitious egregious fell horrid desensitised poison murder menacing relentless destructive harmful with a heart of stone injurious ogreish snarky ogry ogrish aggressive unspeakable appalling unconcerned black-hearted bilious villainous caustic grudge-bearing cold angry squint-eyed spleenful ungodly hate-filled inimical mean-spirited accursed odious demoniac base Mephistophelian wretched avenging scathy tough wilful full of hate unnatural needless deliberate unjustified senseless arbitrary wreakful retaliatory grudging out for revenge of evil intent accidentally on purpose unprovoked gratuitous groundless motiveless cannibalistic unjustifiable full of spleen viperous green-eyed jealous willed unmotivated mischievous aimless noxious insolent wayward undisciplined perverse unruly double-crossing unfair contrary unjust awful deleterious low gross detrimental uncool envious petty inexorable inflexible uncompromising unbending rigorous oppressive grievous strict rigid onerous unyielding excruciating intolerant unappeasable unmoved stiff rugged exacting torturous unremitting heavy steely hardhearted illiberal burdensome harrowing searing lacking compassion mortal intense austere grave painful trying difficult tormenting cutthroat hardhanded dog-eat-dog frigid coldhearted authoritarian marble-hearted punishing irreconcilable agonizing distressing solemn deadly serious heavy-handed terrible extreme no-nonsense sworn agonising stringent firm indifferent tyrannous adamant sharp tyrannical dour tortuous arch dire galling icy adamantine frosty ironfisted killer intransigent crushing despotic chilly ramrod acute upsetting repressive rotten afflicting unsmiling distressful forbidding calamitous afflictive grueling sober gruff dreadful astringent sombre somber gruelling biting out-and-out very bad strong bloody ravening constant punitive surly feral crazed insensible hatchetjob coldblooded browbeating bullying without pity abusive dictatorial forceful abrasive excessive killer instinct suppressive hard-line hardline antagonistic critical cool impassive unresponsive rowdy curt blank expressionless formal deadpan to the death hardened bleak hard-shell at each other's throats reserved unwelcoming fixed stuffy Rhadamanthine distant aloof louring poker-faced straitened inhospitable spartan scabrous disastrous unendurable uncomfortable comfortless discomforting horrific horrible horrendous nagging remote solid intimidating lowering earnest ungentle mean-looking woeful shocking godawful worrying troublesome piercing intolerable unbearable penetrating insufferable disagreeable wrenching stinging burning consuming blistering poignant demanding disturbing heartbreaking racking pounding disquieting heart-rending vexatious challenging taxing yukky traumatic unwelcome unhappy sour miserable distasteful unpalatable yucky heartrending chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory tragic sad unflinching icky sore mortifying great arduous testing laborious unsavoury intemperate provoking annoying offensive tall strenuous toilsome backbreaking formidable herculean iron-fisted gut-wrenching uncalled-for humourless sedate humorless staid sobersided mean machine having a killer instinct back-breaking uphill moiling sweaty hefty hellacious effortful grinding weighty uncomic very difficult pick-and-shovel domineering Augean po-faced

Tính từ

Contemptuously ridiculing or mocking someone or something
scoffing mocking sardonic scornful cynical sneering satirical derisive caustic contemptuous jeering disparaging taunting sharp ironical biting cutting mordant acerbic satiric disrespectful trenchant offensive mean contumelious scorching corrosive arrogant bitter salty carping acid acerb irascible backhanded acrimonious brusque needling saucy scurrilous chaffing twitting austere captious ornery disillusioned cussed severe weisenheiming hostile snarling smart-alecky sarcastic scathing snarky barbed smart-mouthed scalding acidulous acrid smart-aleck stinging pungent acidic tart ironic wry wise dry sarky mordacious nasty derisory malicious disdainful vitriolic harsh incisive critical venomous virulent astringent keen spiteful piercing hurtful vicious cruel pointed searing withering devastating unkind wounding catty penetrating waspish snide razor-edged savage poisonous rude abrasive insulting polemic fierce rancorous belittling double-edged rapier-like ridiculing tongue-in-cheek hateful irreverent laconic hard derogatory abusive unfriendly blistering droll pessimistic sceptical acute suspicious stern witty poignant vindictive sour misanthropic slighting misanthropical malign unsparing skeptical uncomplimentary opprobrious sly insolent denigratory slashing subtle heartless callous polemical ferocious condescending twisted unbelieving brutal truculent distrustful grim teasing jibing humorous malignant stringent pernicious doubtful burlesque rough maleficent jaundiced burning ridiculous detracting defiant malefic telling churlish squint-eyed dismissive lampooning farcical snappy splenetic crisp pithy malevolent forceful ill-natured supercilious evil-intentioned peppery snippy disapproving demeaning degrading derogative abhorrent depreciative detractive haughty decrying pejorative depreciatory deprecatory denigrative snotty sniffy cheeky snooty full of contempt sharp-tongued terse drilling clear-cut contemptible yelling controversial wicked quizzical raucous impertinent contentious corroding cynic strict exacting ill-tempered bad-tempered uncivil argumentative disputatious rigid rigorous curt contorted antagonistic overwhelming overpowering aggressive snappish testy acetose unpleasant short unblunted vengeful bilious baleful merciless sharp-worded angry thoughtless inconsiderate ungracious distorted crooked warped uneven deformed acetic tonic provocative salt exciting stimulating racy violent vitriolous unrelenting edged awry aslant askew skewwhiff pawky parodying paradoxical spoof bantering spoofing pitiless envenomed contradictory backbiting alert atypical spicy clever implausible exaggerated curious quick-witted sadistic highly effective strong vigorous crabbed ruthless wanton cold cold-blooded extremely critical cavalier emphatic Hudibrastic Rabelaisian dripping with malice driving forthright clear pillorying powerful effective blunt explicit distinct vain imperious proud edgy potent unequivocal deadpan absurd ludicrous cockamamie pathetic silly cockamamy laughable risible comical preposterous ambiguous oblique indirect high hat hard-nosed on your high horse audacious high and mighty temperamental uppity on high horse cold-shoulder dog it bold snobbish cool upstage razor-sharp crushing equivocal out-of-line flip cocky fresh snidey crusty gally smart sassy nervy waggish deprecating vituperatory scurrile scurril invective censorious defamatory apathetic two-edged scolding obloquious castigating upbraiding slanderous reproachful calumniating reviling maligning libellous vilifying traducing ranting denunciatory calumniatory libelous antisocial disbelieving unsociable for the birds straight-faced vituperative doubting negative incredulous poker-faced superior matter-of-fact low-key quietly humorous sneaky underhanded disenchanted hardened world-weary hard-bitten overbearing hypercritical egotistic unneighbourly inhumane inhospitable uncongenial reclusive hard-boiled black bleak mistrustful despicable reserved selfish hating egoistic solitary standoffish grouchy egotistical narrow-minded eremitic nonbelieving with tongue in cheek

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Tending to misbehave or act badly
naughty bad disobedient mischievous wayward misbehaving fractious insubordinate misbehaved unruly contrary defiant disorderly errant refractory ungovernable unmanageable delinquent disruptive exasperating obstreperous perverse playful recalcitrant unbiddable uncontrollable undisciplined wilful difficult impish mutinous troublesome wild awkward impolite incorrigible rascally roguish rude wicked annoying brattish froward intractable prankish puckish scampish sinful tricksy contumacious fiendish gallus headstrong rowdy teasing wanton willful worthless rough tough wrong badly behaved self-willed bad-mannered ill-disciplined attention-seeking full of mischief devilish arch sly waggish rebellious knavish pixieish elvish frolicsome leprechaunish pixy pixie elfin uncooperative cheeky sportive uncompliant ludic turbulent noncompliant elfish bolshie untoward rebel recusant incompliant balky restive badly-behaved erratic ill-behaved knowing non-compliant rakish raffish troublemaking artful saucy cunning riotous flippant trying irksome stubborn aberrant pert out of control insolent impudent vexatious violent pawky insurgent tongue-in-cheek seditious limit nonobservant affected coy wily resistive uncontrolled treacherous factious disaffected dissentious uncomplying unrestrained bothersome untrained raunchy unsteady capricious unschooled obdurate unpredictable fickle obstinate foxy stroppy coquettish ungoverned inconsistent out of hand frisky ruffianly kiddish thoughtless immature childish infantile ill-natured inconsiderate disrespectful mischief-making coltish incontrollable intolerable impossible unbearable undependable underhanded shifty beguiling crooked untruthful lying slick deceiving crafty espiègle underhand fraudulent sneaky deceptive tricky mulish giddy pixilated devil-may-care jaunty fresh casual implike offhand lacking self-control rollicking immoral cross-grained self-indulgent strong-willed ornery arbitrary sportful dysfunctional larky free and easy offending antic sinning fay pugnacious whiny petulant problematic erring deviant belligerent aggressive confrontational combative cantankerous bellicose culpable lawbreaking guilty lawless criminal transgressing whimsical socially impaired maladjusted argumentative hot-tempered disturbed truculent fierce scrappy hostile straying troublous tiresome bold malicious unrestrainable pesky uncontainable sullen peevish undisciplinable nasty loudmouthed wearisome demanding mean indocile pixyish mysterious unorthodox miscreant shifting stray heretic devious fallible deviating unreliable meandering errable off straight and narrow boisterous unyielding pigheaded bloody-minded resistant noisy intransigent irrepressible unreasonable insurrectionary pervicacious bull-headed inflexible renitent cussed contrarious thrawn impetuous unaccommodating dissident quarrelsome loud anarchic chaotic uproarious revolutionary stiff-necked rumbustious unbridled dissentient opinionated nonconformist raucous antagonistic inimical adverse unhelpful obstructive disobliging unbending roisterous clamorous rambunctious insubmissive rash determined subversive indomitable uncompromising insurrectionist reckless radical immovable intemperate iconoclastic contradictory unwilling unfavorable unfavourable obstinately disobedient alienated lively exuberant unmalleable uninhibited persistent malevolent resisting heedless spiteful contentious knockabout romping malcontent inappropriate impulsive impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy inexorable robustious tumultuous negative rackety rampant nonconforming unpersuadable irrational hell-raising rip-roaring infelicitous inapt unsuitable vociferous challenging anarchical roistering excited dogged dissenting adamant malapropos out of line disloyal abandoned maleficent stubborn as a mule rampageous anarchistic improper pertinacious militant traitorous bullheaded insoluble unpliable treasonable rioting threatening pat up in arms pig-headed inimitable irreconcilable estranged haughty morose shrewish crabby cross renegade opposing withstanding disputatious robust unresponsive resolved malign heretical maverick incurable swaggering swashbuckling cavalier impotent mutinying apostate schismatic unadaptable rock-ribbed crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk loath negativistic averse reluctant indisposed hesitant as stubborn as a mule complex burdensome antisocial without law and order tempestuous incorrect implacable wild and woolly daring provocative audacious hard-line thorny locked resolute tenacious knotty with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way rampaging unconstrained immoderate unchecked unhindered unconventional uncurbed unbounded active animated unlawful strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked overpowering unfettered extrovert untimely unfortunate unrelenting overexcited bouncy indisciplined locked in tough nut hang tough licentious corybantic incautious profligate ebullient spirited vibrant high-spirited inconvenient inopportune impossible to cope with feisty like a loose cannon beside oneself termagant hardheaded adamantine inconvincible hardened hard ossified piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing drunk out-of-line out-of-order on-a-tear out-of-control thrilled raving hard-nosed self-opinionated deaf to reason inept unfit inapposite incongruous unhappy amiss unanticipated unapt indecorous graceless illogical unbecoming wrong-headed ill-timed unseemly unexpected wrongheaded antipathetic converse restless individualistic warring armed sabotaging attacking raising Cain disregardful dareful sassy gutsy flighty raising the roof unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed ready for a fight in high spirits clangorous irregular spoiling for a fight unlucky unwelcome inauspicious irritating effervescent strident energetic vociferant over-the-top brawling badly timed unseasonable unhealthy rotten vicious cruel unendurable objectionable offensive unpropitious misfortunate disturbing unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless insupportable terrible painful insufferable needless deliberate unjustified senseless excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful unprovoked gratuitous groundless motiveless unacceptable egregious unjustifiable willed unmotivated beyond bearing not to be borne inhumane aimless atrocious heartless savage butcherly barbarous brute brutal sadistic inhuman barbaric unfair double-crossing unjust merciless

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A force deemed to be profoundly malevolent or morally corrupt in nature
wickedness bad badness wrong wrongdoing sin sinfulness ungodliness immorality vice iniquity turpitude degeneracy vileness baseness perversion corruption depravity villainy nefariousness atrocity heinousness maleficence malevolence malignity viciousness devilishness shadiness crookedness devilry diablerie impiety peccability peccancy iniquitousness profligacy debauchery dissipation dissolution degradation corruptness crime decadence offence dishonesty pervertedness licentiousness criminality libertinism libertinage offense evilness degeneration dissoluteness delinquency impurity ill lewdness misconduct evil-doing infamy transgression unscrupulousness debasement evildoing outrage injustice malfeasance atrociousness profanity indecency lawlessness misdeed monstrosity deviltry abomination impropriety knavery foulness scandal wantonness mischief rakishness degenerateness decadency dissipatedness abjection demoralization enormity violation vulgarity unrighteousness godlessness hideousness diabolicalness depravedness looseness demoralisation lechery rascality roguery trespass infringement lasciviousness unholiness unfairness naughtiness injury abuse disgrace sordidness dereliction tort infraction promiscuity fiendishness lecherousness lubricity misdemeanor double-dealing irreligiousness impiousness irreverence misdemeanour blasphemy meanness sacrilegiousness harm wrongness felony fault cruelty unjust act unlawfulness obscenity outrageousness shamelessness lustfulness breach depravation flagitiousness decay grievance malefaction disservice libidinousness intemperance roguishness miscarriage sensuality evil behavior unlawful act antisocial behavior self-indulgence venality bad behavior foul play malice hob waggery waggishness impishness shenanigans devilment mischievousness wrongfulness dreadfulness contemptibility dishonourableness unchastity indignity villainousness misbehaviour despicability shamefulness malversation unjustness monstrousness inequity malpractice perniciousness caper hit racket unethical behaviour misbehavior delictum delict maltreatment flagrancy loucheness illegality error decline improbity affront deterioration abandonment misdoing moral decay mortal sin fast one excess damage insult oppression bad deed lack of morals lack of principles raw deal extravagance overindulgence bad act illegal act faux pas rottenness peccantness mischief-making ugliness perversity diabolism coarseness lawbreaking mercilessness ruthlessness treachery scoundrelism lowness hell darkness trickery imposture duplicity deception swindling deceit chicanery cheating fraud misfortune bastardization rankness deviance knavishness decrease worsening prurience salaciousness vitiation recklessness wastefulness grossness contravention odium sacrilege brutishness brutality perviness fallenness imperfection foible profanation desecration ill-treatment horror case break sneak job contamination odiousness egregiousness reprehensibility abasement inferiority poorness damnation covetousness sloth demerit disobedience pride immoderation drunkenness peccadillo wildness unseemliness criminal act illegitimacy clandestineness illicitness indulgence bad action immoderateness sybaritism fall mismanagement miscreancy shaft shoddiness ignominy low-mindedness squalidness unsavouriness tawdriness cheapness immoral behaviour hurt discourtesy bias mistake slight inhumanity slander prejudice persecution spite imposition libel blunder sordidity unprofessionalism negligence maladministration hedonism epicureanism voluptuousness retrogression free-living lavishness life in the fast lane self-gratification prodigality to hell in handbasket high-living suppression railroad tyranny repression pettiness reprobation dishonour notoriety disreputableness incontinence lack of self-control regression gluttony lack of control lack of restraint unprofessional behaviour malignance evil act carnality immoral act squalor lust rot obloquy wretchedness dereliction of duty act of wickedness fall from grace dirty deal curse breach of ethics dishonor ignobility rudeness tomfoolery cheekiness abandon immodesty bawdiness lapse salacity laxity animalism sinning disorder irresponsibility anarchy unruliness unrestraint forwardness presumptuousness boldness effrontery audacity arrogance refractoriness sauciness slackness temerity complacency nastiness indiscretion concupiscence fast living crudeness smuttiness smut dirtiness ribaldry crudity venial sin raunchiness filthiness impureness dirt blueness raunch relaxation relaxedness revel filth bestiality carousal binge revelry bender slip tear pleasure-seeking la dolce vita life in fast lane failing grave sin omission solecism dirty-mindedness deviation abnormality dodginess deadly sin cardinal sin awfulness blackness cybercrime unlawful activity barbarism brutalism unnaturalness kinkiness e-crime barbarousness savagery horribleness bribery fraudulency profiteering misstep irreligion profaneness atheism disrespect disbelief paganism heathenism non-belief agnosticism apostasy defilement minor wrong scepticism unbelief doubt heresy skepticism encroachment debt erring bad behaviour breaking of the law

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(count noun) Something which prevents a being from experiencing happiness or good in their lives, or inflicting harm
harm pain hurt misery sorrow suffering trauma trouble disaster detriment destruction loss misfortune catastrophe calamity act of cruelty affliction brutality cruelty horror mischief woe ruin evildoing hardship ills injury adversity damage problem mishap distress mischance trial misadventure grief worry unpleasantness tragedy anguish grievance strain tribulation malice knock ill bad luck ill luck torment hassle shock wrong difficulty setback heartache disability issue upset torture burden accident blow travails bummer tough luck dire straits bad break anxiety agony impairment disquiet annoyance irritation vexation sadness unhappiness agitation disfigurement wounding incapacity disablement disturbance pangs struggle failure hangover aftereffect disadvantage scar effect legacy debacle infelicity inconvenience commotion mishappening cataclysm bother tumult hitch snag bad news offense offence ill-treatment disservice prejudice travail persecution boo-boo straits rotten luck hot water disbenefit hard luck reverse wretchedness heartbreak reversal crisis cross hell hardness asperity rigor buffet vicissitude danger jam drag stress contretemps dolour crunch stroke of bad luck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions ill-luck pain in the backside clutch downer hard knocks poison nakba tough situation hell on earth deep water jinx pain in the rear evil eye the worst ill fortune reversal of fortune can of worms rigour trials and tribulations ill-fortune pain in the neck hurting stroke of ill luck skids hard times

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(count noun) The negative impact of an action or event
abomination atrocity obscenity outrage enormity crime monstrosity barbarity barbarism torment curse bane wrong offense vulgarity indecency offence coarseness impurity smut lewdness bawdiness smuttiness profanity vileness foulness affront filthiness dirtiness blueness licentiousness pornography impropriety indelicacy immodesty prurience grossness salacity lubricity blight scurrility sleaze suggestiveness porn four-letter word dirty word swearword dirty name scatology X-rating filth ribaldry dirt crudity crudeness lasciviousness wantonness nastiness impureness raunchiness raunch profaneness vulgarness horror violation scurrilousness abuse brutality act of brutality act of savagery wrongdoing villainy disgrace rudeness cruelty injustice scandal act of wickedness act of cruelty salaciousness act of violence wickedness bawdry massacre killing murder offensiveness shame iniquity transgression injury tort malfeasance depravity unseemliness evilness immorality raciness violence coprology expletive sensuality cuss bestiality sin cussword vulgarism oath swear misdeed assault lubrici broadness earthiness naughtiness blasphemy epithet titillation spiciness indecorousness gross indecency outrageousness indecent behaviour billingsgate bawdy jokes bawdy remarks bawdy songs pity indecorum anathema sauciness fruitiness unsuitability incivility drunkenness debauchery plague bugbear inhumanity personality bad language lechery carnality profligacy evildoing mischief sacrilege misdoing immoral act sinfulness hideousness diabolicalness badness depravedness heinousness atrociousness profanation desecration bête noire unchastity evil action infamy ruthlessness act of barbarity eyesore bother nuisance inhumane act voluptuousness boorishness corruptness lecherousness eroticism dissoluteness brutishness lustfulness erotism fleshliness libidinousness ruttishness grubbiness incontinency incontinence pederasty concupiscence satyriasis pruriency

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The rabble, the masses
rascality devilry roguery mischievousness mischief shenanigans wickedness devilment deviltry diablerie roguishness impishness waggery devilishness knavery waggishness hob naughtiness wrong wrongdoing misconduct tomfoolery misbehaviour misbehavior friskiness frolicsomeness waywardness playfulness sportiveness prankishness atrocity ill transgression catastrophe fault harm hurt injury misdoing misfortune outrage sabotage vandalism prank gag funny business monkey business high jinks dirty trick pranks tricks trouble damage tricksiness larkiness sportfulness coltishness puckishness shenanigan hatred spite animosity malice ill will sin iniquity evildoing misdeed devilishment magic offense witchcraft cruelty witchery offence mischief-making black magic evil magic detriment vexation disadvantage disruption impairment badness agitation destruction incapacitation monkeyshines horseplay antics horsing around trickery clowning foolery skylarking buffoonery carry-on hanky-panky nonsense monkeying roughhouse roughhousing clownery slapstick silliness carryings-on capers monkey tricks fun larks stunts escapades romps frolics practical jokes to-do larking about joking around messing about escapade frolic fun and games caper stunt antic harlequinades didoes foolish behaviour practical joke no good dishonesty goings-on chicanery misdemeanour hijinks skulduggery fooling around jiggery-pokery insanity absurdness stupidity ludicrousness absurdity craziness tommyrot irresponsibility foolishness lunacy poppycock carrying-on hokey-pokey monkeyshine inanity disobedience misdemeanor clowning around horse feathers

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A desire to cause hurt, harm or injury, or the act of doing so
maliciousness malice spite malevolence spitefulness venom malignity viciousness malignancy nastiness spleen hate meanness hatred cattiness malignance hatefulness despite hostility enmity unkindness cruelty unpleasantness venomousness indignity maleficence poisonousness wickedness brutality hurtfulness rancorousness badness perniciousness shrewishness ill will vindictiveness despitefulness rancour rancor bitterness vengefulness animosity ill feeling revenge animus unfriendliness bad blood grudge violence ill nature orneriness cussedness anger harmfulness toxicity deadliness injuriousness noxiousness balefulness revengefulness virulence menace distortion warp disagreeableness fierceness brutishness wildness ferociousness ferocity mean-spiritedness churlishness rudeness depravity bad-temperedness cantankerousness abusiveness offensiveness ill temper devilment devilry backbiting gall ill humour bad temper obnoxiousness mordacity bane bile repugnance antipathy poison implacability dislike down evilness dirt umbrage mischievousness resentment acerbity malintent antagonism evil intentions evil intent ugliness aversion detestation acrimony abhorrence loathing jaundice opposition odium pugnaciousness pique warpath estrangement disaffection militancy bellicosity inimicality bellicoseness aggression war truculency vitriol pugnacity scorn truculence militance contempt revulsion abomination disgust resentfulness horror execration repulsion objection combativeness bad feeling sourness belligerency contentiousness displeasure mislike rankling frost envy disrelish no love lost wrath belligerence disdain friction vexation feud rivalry choler anathema repellency coldness repellence hard feelings irritant grievance trouble bugbear bother gripe pain nuisance bete noire nasty look black beast prejudice repugnancy harshness annoyance uncharitableness inhospitality irritability irascibility peevishness heartlessness callousness irritation crossness aggressiveness testiness conflict contention ruthlessness dissension discord beastliness vengeance tetchiness embitterment acrimoniousness savagery embitteredness moodiness outrage oppugnancy temper bad mood grumpiness iciness warlikeness grudges indignation grievances needle distaste grudgingness alienation asperity disapproval bad will harsh feeling hateful feeling invidiousness despisal insensitivity inhumanity disaccord oppugnation vendetta ill-disposedness distrust hurt peeve unfeelingness argumentativeness intimidation blame remoteness unsociability compassionlessness cold-heartedness shabbiness pitilessness mercilessness hard-heartedness dudgeon bitter feeling aloofness surliness inconsiderateness unkindliness ungenerousness hardheartedness savageness retaliation variance competition chip on your shoulder disfavor ignominy frostiness coolness bad vibes bad chemistry blood feud personality conflict mutual hostility hardness of heart disfavour antithesis contradistinction contrariety clashing difference resistance disagreement incongruity strong aversion intense dislike ill-will dissatisfaction petulance pettishness enemyship enemyhood foeship uncordiality daggers waspishness snappishness sullenness querulousness touchiness crabbiness acidity biliousness pungency causticity covetousness ire shame fury rage jealousy vituperation enviousness exasperation huff milt melancholy lien caprice whim depression tantrum strong dislike extreme dislike baseness dyspepsia iniquity lowliness wax green-eyed monster desire disrepute shamelessness knavishness unscrupulousness smallmindedness abjection degeneracy degradation unworthiness corruptness debasement lowness infamy contemptibleness blowout strop grump paddy bate pet mard discontent scrappiness disputatiousness fight hawkishness quarrelsomeness attack assaultiveness defiance warmongering force assault feistiness militantness ill-temper jaundiced eye heartburn coveting evil eye lusting grudging greed fit of pique hissy fit invasion encroachment infringement offence destructiveness denigration disparagement opprobrium ridicule disrespect scornfulness derision disregard deprecation attitude offense push

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A cause of great distress or misfortune
curse affliction misfortune trouble trial bane misery calamity burden tribulation scourge ordeal hardship plague torment disaster blight blow problem nemesis setback cancer canker vexation cross pestilence poison cross to bear bitter pill pest menace nuisance visitation woe corruption suffering distress disease adversity torture rot ruin pain sickness bother annoyance wretchedness downfall punishment terror penalty destruction infliction tormentor correction despair ruination corrosion malignancy death aggravation botheration hydra exasperation blast besetment irritant Cancer bête noire smutch thorn in your side thorn in your flesh bête noir nightmare headache undoing irritation contamination thorn in side fatal attraction pollution depression mildew contagion fungus infestation cataclysm tragedy catastrophe sight eyesore withering dump mishap mischance misadventure crisis blot on the landscape debacle accident apocalypse wreck curtains waterloo nakba reverse mishanter reversal of fortune bale devastating blow collapse reverse of fortune blue ruin stroke of bad luck unholy mess the worst holy mess car crash hassle worry inconvenience bugbear pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the backside pain in the rear peeve drag bore difficulty grief source of annoyance source of irritation agony sorrow irk frustration ruffle thorn aggro rub nudnik skelf tease nark bind hair shirt fair cow defeat stress anguish travail nyaff nag gall provocation Waterloo failure virus bad news hell horror miasma overthrow albatross hurt excruciation rack straits pinprick blister pill discomfort fall Gehenna creep disgrace vanquishing unseating road to ruin goad conquest toppling ousting end deposition debasement annihilation reversal thorn in one's flesh source of vexation bummer elimination crash casualty labefaction slip source of aggravation bane of one's life hell on earth bad luck loss of power doom retribution vengeance infection care illness issue cause for concern pet peeve displeasure trauma load vicissitude millstone ills agitation bug chagrin quagmire dilemma hindrance predicament infirmity crux condition weakness plight gauntlet crucible thorn in one's side gripe sore point thorn in the flesh pain in the behind persecution complication cumber septicity toxicity harassment soreness big trouble severe test hard time ill fortune trying time fire gantlet nagging taint venom impurity trials and tribulations descent decline declination demise breakdown deterioration degeneracy declension degeneration devolution thorn in someone's side thorn in someone's flesh malignity balefulness comedown decadence comeuppance degradation eclipse flameout rack and ruin atrophy loss of status loss of prosperity purgatory murder dread bogey phobia hallucination bad influence fantasy vision pet hate succubus phantasm fancy dream illusion bad dream overturn shame night terror humiliation stumble trip misstep bad omen destroyer miscalculation omission last straw flaw smash faux pas fumble final straw error blunder fault subversion contretemps holocaust shock emergency buffet exigency stroke hazard flood farce harm upset abyss shit show heavy blow stroke of ill luck hard luck fell stroke ill luck hot water rough situation act of God nudnick teaser gadfly annoyer persecutor gnawer pesterer blighter nudge cuss badgerer crashing bore

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The lack of compassion
inhumanity brutality cruelty heartlessness viciousness atrocity barbarism harshness ruthlessness bestiality cold-bloodedness monstrousness sadism savagery severity unkindness barbarity brutishness evilness fiendishness hard-heartedness heinousness pitilessness remorselessness wickedness atrociousness barbarousness beastliness callousness cold-heartedness cruelness inconsiderateness inhumanness mercilessness savageness stone-heartedness truculence uncaringness unforgivingness unkindliness wantonness bloodthirstiness dastardliness egregiousness ferocity flagitiousness hardheartedness maliciousness violence lack of compassion lack of feeling lack of sympathy baseness badness iniquity abuse horror wrong murderousness transgression villainy wrongdoing enormity fierceness infamy ferociousness spite relentlessness lawlessness nefariousness crime shockingness inclemency depravity nastiness injustice grievousness malefaction villainousness malfeasance black-heartedness blackness spitefulness devilishness villianousness ferity insensibility venom animality rancor malice lack of regard unfeelingness insensitiveness despotism coldness malignity lack of charity masochism meanness persecution rancour coarseness vindictiveness torture outrageous behavior truculency crudity vileness carnality schadenfreude perversion sadomasochism brutalism ghastliness hellishness boorishness vulgarity crudeness misuse corruption outrage solecism vulgarism swinishness animalism catachresis impropriety localism misusage provincialism malapropism uncivilizedness vernacularity vernacularism primitive culture inhumaneness grossness rough treatment cruel treatment third degree choke hold

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(pathology) An abnormal condition of a human, animal or plant that causes discomfort or dysfunction
disease disorder illness complaint condition sickness affliction ailment malady infection infirmity plague upset blight bug indisposition trouble cancer canker abnormality affection ail contagion debility defect disability complication decrepitude epidemic ill lurgy pestilence scourge virus ache bane contamination curse distemper distemperature endemic fever pathosis problem sickliness syndrome wog attack breakdown Cancer coath collapse convulsions feebleness fit flu haemorrhage hemorrhage inflammation misery rot seizure spell stroke unhealthiness unsoundness visitation medical condition silent killer ill health menace malaise weakness diseasedness unhealth unwellness frailty ailing fragility delicacy frailness vulnerability debilitation poor health shortcoming deficiency flimsiness failing imperfection fault confinement decay puniness delicateness what's going around fragileness unsubstantiality weakliness insubstantiality failing health disturbance health condition injury valetudinarianism dysfunction bad health lightness thinness smallness slightness littleness fineness diminutiveness failure health issue health complaint queasiness pollution plight septicity sepsis irregularity poison dose unhealthfulness cachexia paroxysm convulsion predicament mild sickness health problem symptoms complex prognostics pattern diagnostics sign incapacity disablement handicap impairment set of symptoms incompetence inability restriction inexperience impotence incompetency detriment invalidity drawback disadvantage unfitness lack learning difficulties disqualification special needs learning disability relapse