Đồng nghĩa của pointed

Alternative for pointed

points, pointed, pointing

Đồng nghĩa: aim, direct, indicate, show,

Tính từ

Pointed in shape, having a point or points
sharp acute barbed edged pointy acicular acuminate needle-like sharp-cornered spear-like spear-shaped cone-shaped conic conical cuspidate jagged mucronate sharp-edged spiked tapered tapering V-shaped wedge-shaped lanceolate peaked spiky spired subulate tipped aculeate conoid cusped aciculate acuminous arrowlike cornered fine keen piked pronged sagittal sagittate spearlike spiny prickly thorny sharpened honed briery whetted serrated knifelike cuspate razor-sharp unblunted bristly acuate knife-edged brambly keen-edged briary horned needlelike scratchy spinous thinning dwindling thin narrowing stinging spinose splintery tined needle-pointed pyramidal cuspidated stropped cuspated aciculated cutting trenchant edgy apical piercing razor-edged spined ticklish tricky razor-like knife-like bristled thistly difficult knotty lancinating shooting stabbing gnawing salient problematic delicate sensitive tough sticky dodgy tricksy hairy problematical touchy catchy nasty ground fine hobnailed attenuated elongated shaped hooked diminished funnel-shaped ground needle-shaped acute-angled fine-edged toothed notched razor sawtooth sawtoothed snaggy strobilate coned infundibular strobiloid turbinate conoidal trying complicated bristling intricate troublesome awkward involved perplexing bothersome hard baffling spicular spiculate spiniferous complex irksome worrying vexatious taxing concerning bristling with thorns jaggy muricate barbellate setaceous convoluted annoying stimulating echinated nettlesome

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Cutting or incisive
cutting biting trenchant incisive acerbic acid penetrating tart accurate acute caustic keen mordant razor-edged scathing sharp telling venomed venomous acidulous mordacious pertinent piercing snarky critical emphatic insightful insinuating legit meaningful meaty pregnant right-on sarcastic short-and-sweet boiled down in a nutshell on the button on the nose right to it laid on the line calling a spade a spade stinging pungent sardonic bitter vitriolic satiric satirical acrid astringent barbed acrimonious corrosive acidic scalding acerb hurtful cruel nasty smart-mouthed smart-aleck malicious smart-alecky severe vicious devastating spiteful unkind wounding harsh searing virulent savage rude waspish catty poisonous withering scornful poignant mean snappy peppery rapier-like unfriendly rancorous abrasive salty brutal sarky fierce heartless mocking callous belittling forceful unsparing derisive racy polemic snide hateful cynical pernicious crisp disparaging maleficent taunting disrespectful brusque churlish stern stringent piquant hostile zesty ill-natured malevolent evil-intentioned witty provocative salt exciting stimulating pithy strong vigorous savoury zingy pert tangy savory malign baleful splenetic malignant vengeful vindictive bilious unblunted contemptuous ferocious merciless malefic slighting spicy forthright driving clear offensive distressing insulting snappish snippy unpleasant dry testy disapproving acetose short violent explicit powerful distinct effective blunt unrelenting edged potent unequivocal blistering edgy destructive harmful grievous pitiless truculent sadistic grim scorching crushing ruthless wanton extremely critical cold-blooded injurious damaging razor-sharp ironical burlesque irreverent chaffing parodying Hudibrastic ironic Rabelaisian lampooning paradoxical spoof humorous spoofing farcical bantering ridiculing tongue-in-cheek cold squint-eyed slashing abusive sneering scoffing hard rough curt derisory wry burning jeering aggressive derogatory arrogant resentful polemical laconic scurrilous uncomplimentary austere disdainful antagonistic ungracious vituperative contumelious gruff double-edged backhanded argumentative irascible evil inconsiderate carping insensitive ornery drilling terse clear-cut controversial irritable embittered contentious corroding strict exacting prejudicial impertinent rigid rigorous wise disputatious wicked mischievous bad-tempered ill-tempered acetic tonic snarling coruscating painful upsetting tough sharp-worded angry thoughtless sulphurous sulfurous menacing grudging hate-filled grating vinegary twitting saucy needling captious vitriolous unfeeling irritating annoying weisenheiming galling envenomed tactless inappropriate clever implausible ridiculous defiant contradictory exaggerated backbiting alert jibing atypical twisted curious quick-witted unsympathetic comfortless dirty viperous viperish toxicant cussed crabbed spiky obloquious foul dripping with malice dripping venom full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose rubbing the wrong way hard to take insolent degrading berating pejorative reproachful obnoxious reviling denigratory defamatory unmannerly sly subtle deadpan uncivil vituperatory calumniating impolite discourteous vulgar droll abrupt surly deprecating waggish apathetic sour bad-mannered ill-mannered sharp-tongued matter-of-fact straight-faced low-key quietly humorous poker-faced offhand

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Relevant or important with regard to (a subject or matter)
applicable relevant pertinent apposite apropos germane material relative appropriate related to the point appurtenant fitting to the purpose ad rem apt suitable proper significant on the nose on the button admissible connected fit befitting suited felicitous linked applicatory legit kosher right on pertaining relating referring important right opportune cognate applicative correct concerning becoming correlated salient pointful valid congruous congruent pat useful consistent pertaining to on target having direct bearing on having to do with seemly appertaining belonging relatable fitted meet timely dependent contingent about with respect in regard key essential intrinsic vital fundamental meaningful indispensable central primary cardinal substantive associated of consequence requisite allowable compatible harmonious weighty consonant conformant conforming accordant correspondent in point allied akin analogous on-topic kindred that's the ticket of interest good happy expedient convenient propitious just helpful favourable auspicious acceptable favorable well-chosen crucial worthy choice critical seasonable qualified well-timed rightful pretty main pivotal noteworthy deserved ideal advantageous perfect well-suited in keeping adequate carefully selected tailor-made paramount due chief major serviceable decent decorous of use spot on principal remarkable comme il faut arresting influential providential operative beneficial condign notable marked profitable able capable neat timeous fortuitous functional prepared feasible practical worthwhile adapted deserving ready valuable reasonable employable satisfactory productive beneficent best okay of note just right useable available usable conformable commodious made to order handy equal equitable of service good enough justified fairy-tale supplementary peripheral auxiliary accessorial supplemental accessory peculiar unique associable rehearsed benign heaven-sent golden inspired judicious apropos of lucky ripe fortunate associated with connected with desirable well chosen just what was ordered well judged telling joyous well put well expressed convincing well timed kindly welcome benefic usual benignant friendly exact predictable towardly expected win-win prosperous seasonal optimal salutary outstanding noticeable signal striking prominent pronounced conspicuous indicative appropriate to the time of year good for you normal for the time of year good for one precise sufficient advisable merited presentable interesting swell righteous politic copacetic nice predominant very model consummate absolute prototypical quintessential user friendly fit for purpose up to standard in character up to snuff cut out for right up someone's street in keeping with sensational archetypal on the money ultimate supreme just the job momentous topical prime obvious staple dominant basic equipped exploitable operable practicable preferable exciting serious historic urgent buzzworthy extraordinary front-page consequential great far-reaching constructive invaluable leading moving intrusive projecting protruding famous impressive arrestive jutting focal obtrusive imperative effective instrumental newsworthy -worthy allowed passable tolerable permitted permissible conducive behooveful in demand gainful strategic appreciated necessary respected needed rewarding fruitful meritorious admired exigent out of the ordinary of substance pressing of help hot loved esteemed worth its weight in gold of value of benefit of assistance held dear estimable worth it of the essence affiliated justifiable legitimate interconnected immediate standout foremost supportable tenable licit legal defensible lawful tolerated sensible sound worthful hot property scarce recognized OK sanctioned concomitant importunate definite of concern emphatic coupled accompanying corresponding rational possible logical pukka likely probable warranted fair concedable well founded solid vigorous above board recognised within the law by the book not unlikely not impossible high interdependent mutual tied up incident intertwined incidental knit together interrelated joint reciprocal in touch with complementary enmeshed interwoven

Tính từ

(of writing) Relatively brief in extent
short brief concise succinct terse little rapid hasty hurried quick aphoristic compendious crisp decreased incisive apothegmatic clipped compact small compressed diminished summarised summarized summary condensed ephemeral epigrammatic lessened sententious unprolonged compendiary curtailed shortened swift truncated contracted decurtate economical precise sparing abbreviate breviloquent laconic synoptic curt curtate pithy thumbnail abbreviated abridged bare perfunctory transient boiled down cut short not protracted in few words short and sweet to the point cut to the bone in a few well-chosen words in a nutshell monosyllabic capsule telegraphic elliptical elliptic gnomic trenchant sharp snappy witty meaningful meaty brusque abrupt gruff blunt tart potted lapidary finely honed expressive piquant significant cogent honed effective short-and-sweet marrowy epigrammatical down to brass tacks outline limited neat snippy fast rude snappish exact lean close cryptic clear-cut taut forceful axiomatic clever amusing tight quick-witted telling censorious judgmental pretentious critical disapproving abounding pungent ingenious cutting acute apophthegmatic well tuned in well-chosen words making a long story short economic no-nonsense cursory offhand uncivil snippety brisk discourteous recapped precipitate compacted ungracious impatient rehashed run-down controlled straightforward concentrated decisive uncommunicative summarizing memorable catchy businesslike summarising epitomized epitomised shortened form abstracted comprehensive run-through well structured short and to the point basic useful practical brass-tacks rough unceremonious direct bluff cavalier downright harsh surly impolite brusk churlish short-spoken crusty off impetuous crude matter-of-fact

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Rather rude, curt or abrupt in speech or manner
short abrupt blunt brusque curt snappy terse testy abrasive crude uncivil caustic impolite unceremonious brief brusk rough snippy impatient impetuous offhand snippety undiplomatic bluff cavalier sharp snappish churlish irascible tart ungracious brisk discourteous unfriendly gruff harsh petulant breviloquent rude surly thoughtless unmannerly crusty direct graceless bad-mannered bad-tempered ill-mannered ill-tempered no-nonsense short-spoken short-tempered matter-of-fact to the point downright tactless crisp disrespectful impertinent boorish indelicate plain-spoken ill-bred unmannered inconsiderate unhandsome insolent uncalled-for frank outspoken insulting impudent offensive uncouth ungallant ungentlemanly unladylike unkind monosyllabic laconic bearish off sullen derogatory dusty peremptory uncomplimentary upfront unchivalrous disparaging contumelious oafish unpleasant flip fresh unrefined mannerless smart-alecky ignorant decisive pithy acerbic straight from the shoulder abusive clipped businesslike straightforward scathing sarcastic forthright crabbed candid vulgar crass tetchy unequivocal bitter presumptuous brutal bald callous disdainful insensitive trenchant offish nasty audacious honest unpolished not afraid to call a spade a spade cheeky brash coarse pulling no punches loutish malapert ungenteel underbred inaffable uncharitable not beating about the bush calling a spade a spade not mincing one's words speaking one's mind succinct concise vigorous imperious unconstrained inelegant rushed disagreeable sharp-tongued grumpy gauche open hearty hostile good-natured genial approachable friendly ill-natured inhospitable unfortunate arrogant out of sorts cheery sincere blustering barefaced loud obloquious derisive foul crabby grouchy taciturn crotchety cocky uncourteous disgracious belittling degrading violent berating scurrilous pejorative reproachful obnoxious reviling denigratory defamatory indecorous mouthy brazen smart alecky lippy sour cross speaking as one finds overbearing yokelish out-of-line intrusive bounderish insubordinate rustic sassy inurbane vituperative vituperatory calumniating contemptuous unthinking ill-humoured careless intolerant angry boisterous truculent ill-humored morose saturnine unconcerned unmindful unthoughtful unsympathetic heedless point-blank indiscreet bare stark explicit simple unadorned hard-hitting undisguised unvarnished unqualified unembellished incautious unfair heartless hasty reckless uncompromising uncultured gross straight-talking straight-shooting biting cutting barbed mordant astringent sardonic incisive stinging keen acrimonious acrid corrosive snarky acerb wounding acid smart-aleck acidulous smart-mouthed scalding pungent satiric acidic piercing satirical vicious venomous spiteful cruel acetose dry critical disapproving uncivilized uncivilised pert bold misbehaved saucy brassy nervy base uncaring dismissive scornful irritable badly behaved antisocial asocial clownish cloddish classless forward low-bred profane uncultivated bad clodhopping lowbred brazen-faced ornery cantankerous blasphemous common arch wise bold-faced cocksure brassbound tasteless unsavoury shameless procacious smart raunchy unsavory disregardful moody mannish manlike tomboyish unfeminine unwomanly hoydenish objectionable apathetic aloof selfish self-centered ill-behaved irreverent distant cool mean-spirited ill raw roughneck tacky cheap loud-mouthed self-centred lacking civility bad mannered standoffish imperative breezy magisterial off-base dictatorial flippant dour touchy cussed cross-grained polite miserly unsociable unneighborly ugly mean aweless unfilial sacrilegious impious profanatory put down brass-necked personal unsubtle hick unsophisticated barbaric uneducated prying inquisitive incongruous interfering meddling meddlesome unsuitable nosy lumpen barbarous brutish slobbish thuggish inappropriate plebby yobbish swinish philistine clumsy countrified ocker awkward lubberly unpoised Neanderthal provincial off base out of line improper haughty indecent dirty lowbrow supercilious lordly lofty risqué unchaste naughty unsettling shocking immodest smutty affronting salacious sordid vilifying suggestive unclean unwholesome off-color lewd tawdry colloquial obscene bawdy vile sickening impure unutterable X-rated filthy condescending casual patronizing insouciant uninterested indifferent derisory severe vitriolic huffish self-asserting pompous high-hat glib pretentious cursory hifalutin toploftical uppish assumptive high-and-mighty uppity sniffy high-handed overweening huffy bumptious stiff-necked superior perfunctory self-assertive chesty masterful important highfalutin toplofty presuming hurtful hard take-it-or-leave-it pococurante malicious patronising snotty snooty proud mordacious catty sharp-worded peppery double-edged virulent

Tính từ

Having a rough or sharp texture or quality
jagged broken ragged rough uneven craggy barbed spiked irregular snaggy toothed notched serrated spiky denticulate indented nicked scraggy bumpy cleft coarse pebbly ridged roughened rugged sawtooth scraggly lumpy angular asperous crude harsh pointy scabrous sharp unlevel unsmooth saw-edged rocky stony pitted rutted rutty serrate cragged knobby holey unfinished abrasive not smooth jaggy knobbly gnarled gritty crenate saw-toothed precipitous corrugated furrowed serrulate potholed crenulated hilly denticulated holed steep chapped dentate unpolished broken up shingly choppy rough-hewn coarse-grained hard zigzag mountainous knotty gravelly rock-bound dented crooked scarred protuberant odd pitty fragmented crenulate thick lump-filled crenated grating not flat not level scratchy vaulted beamed crinkled cracked bristly nodular nodose nodulous wrinkled serriform sawtoothed hairy roughhewn ribbed chiseled chiselled leathery strong-featured rough-textured cross-grained serrulated serratiform sawlike serried scored rock-strewn boulder-strewn flinty solid lapidarian bouldered stonelike rockbound inflexible petrous petrified lithic rock-ribbed textured knurled grooved knotted striped raised clumpy surfaced eroded marked full of lumps bony cut knaggy bobbly gouged rolling undulating twisted scratched rangy elevated sloping alpine contorted gnarly bent blemished riddled distorted nubbly nubby curdy pockmarked pocky bulging deformed tortured clotted eaten away curdled out of shape grainy granular chunky congealed coagulated covered with lumps

Tính từ

Full of meaning or significance
pregnant meaningful significant eloquent expressive suggestive loaded charged meaning telling revealing weighty imaginative revelatory creative inventive original seminal cogent consequential fecund important momentous redolent rich sententious evocative moving graphic indicative allusive vivid poignant powerful telltale striking silver-tongued articulate strong stirring passionate speaking ardent touching demonstrative symbolic representative signifying deep feeling reminiscent evocatory intriguing haunting emotional artistic intense remindful resonant lively sympathetic energetic descriptive resonant with remindful of fluent persuasive indicating feeling inspired visionary indicating emotion deeply felt forcible emphatic calling up forceful graceful understanding sensitive pathetic animated pictorial full of emotion alive indicating picturesque tender thoughtful representing colourful open masterly showy warm stimulating colorful ingenious easy-to-read full of feeling spirited brilliant dramatic mobile communicative responsive potent effective well-spoken smooth-tongued glib lucid well-expressed magniloquent grandiloquent rhetorical fervid fervent impassioned facund smooth-spoken well spoken voluble outspoken vocal well expressed affecting impressive knowing denoting convincing symptomatic allegorical emblematic token compelling representational figurative insightful symbolical calculating hinting indicatory significatory connoting characteristic valid insinuating giveaway reflective evidential illuminating oracular denotative informative relevant exhibitive pithy solemn purposeful clear inspiring fiery uninhibited realistic lifelike touchy-feely impactful effusive profound loving detailed heartfelt mournful unreserved aesthetic sad gushing unrestrained visual delineated affectionate vehement esthetic sentimental emotive enthusiastic exciting sincere thrilling approachable explicit beautiful forthcoming cuddly friendly elegant fine doleful tasteful stirred illustrative expansive uplifting soulful significative unconstrained candid warmhearted vibrant poetic influential definitive hot-blooded cultivated full cultured refined perceptive inspirational lovey-dovey zealous giving an inkling feverish vigorous flaming fanatical melodramatic graphical heated burning torrid impelling authoritative true to life passional inspiriting punchy distinct active glowing blazing upsetting heart-warming perfervid highly coloured definite incandescent superheated religious heartbreaking irresistible red-hot warm-blooded heart-rending rousing grand heartrending soul-stirring tragic tear-jerking high-powered hard-hitting evoking noticeable narrative sophisticated discerning connotative arty resonating impressionistic warming tactual tactile cheering cheerful gladdening arousing anthemic encouraging insinuative insinuatory tragicomic emotion-charged eager arresting excited committed assiduous earnest dedicated steadfast allegiant heartening instigative elevating enriching inspirative improving stunning gripping breathless provoking affective fierce wild faithful memorable unforgettable authentic frenzied decorative lovely stylish scintillating sharp provoking doubt ornamental exquisite messianic violent interesting fascinating raging tumultuous uncontrollable consuming elevated flowery sly enigmatic cunning hip theatrical fresh pleasing impulsive impetuous ungovernable true-to-life sharply-etched crystal clear steamed up high-pressure stimulated precipitate headlong hotblooded quickened attractive impish arch wise teasing mischievous playful efficient capable subtle aesthetically pleasing able coherent motivational authoritarian pivotal motivating swayful alluring masterful efficacious musical harmonious ideal rhythmical sublime sonorous mellow mellifluous rational reasoned pertinent sufficient successful dynamic temperamental plausible on the ball aggressive logical material charming mighty histrionical trenchant well-founded well reasoned imposing satisfying credible puissant reasonable unanswerable direct theatric sound acute well founded performant powerhouse ringing illustrated bitter painful distressing excitable susceptible full-bodied melodious scenic storming flamboyant exuberant quick piteous pitiful dulcet fruity booming mellifluent pitiable disturbing saddening sorrowful sketched engraved portrayed pictoric painted illustrational blocked-out diagrammatic depicted etched seen pictured pictographic marked-out outlined traced iconographic heartwarming overcharged tempestuous roused effervescent vivacious zestful far-reaching harrowing wretched tearful miserable sentient verklempt ecstatic phat canorous bright rotund silvery zesty animate peppy vital blithe agonizing plaintive gut-wrenching shocking lurid startling perturbing agonising agitating nostalgic buoyant zippy bouncy high-spirited sparky photographic well-drawn well drawn perspicuous comprehensible well defined well delineated unequivocal precise incisive concrete intelligible leaving nothing to the imagination

Tính từ

Clearly noticeable
marked noticeable striking clear decided prominent pronounced remarkable considerable conspicuous noted obvious signal apparent distinct dramatic evident patent blatant manifest notable outstanding salient glaring plain unmistakable great palpable strong substantial arresting bodacious bold brilliant catchy commanding discernible distinguishable emphatic eye-catching flamboyant grabby identifiable kenspeckle noisy recognisable recognizable showy significant splashy open written all over one observable visible perceptible perceivable detectable under one's nose big as life unconcealed seeable visual seen ocular revealed discoverable inescapable macroscopic unhidden obtrusive in sight in view out in the open not hidden viewable to be seen sensational spectacular noteworthy clear-cut easily seen sensible appreciable measurable undeniable arrestive transparent undisguised tangible sticking out like a sore thumb as plain as a pikestaff in evidence self-evident staring someone in the face plain to see on display as plain as the nose on your face on view anywhere to be seen written all over someone writ large standing out a mile impressive in plain sight in full view open and shut can't miss it stunning surprising engaging extraordinary right under your nose breathtaking dazzling imposing awe-inspiring astonishing staggering awesome amazing astounding phenomenal distinctive rare unusual incredible jaw-dropping gee-whizz amazeballs uncommon attention-grabbing attractive out of the ordinary exceptional memorable distinguished grand unforgettable famous momentous monumental glorious noble important splendid fantastic magnificent majestic superb special out of this world marvellous beautiful stately powerful marvelous illustrious wonderful wondrous luxurious singular tremendous stupendous terrific bright resplendent never to be forgotten massive renowned vivid sumptuous fine superior lavish towering august fabulous exciting opulent grandiose prodigious divine extravagant ostentatious preeminent magnific historic moving flashy proud unbelievable super startling gorgeous luminous formidable definite unreal exquisite excellent sublime eminent regal royal epic mind-blowing baronial heroical indelible palatial stirring splendiferous Homeric prime swanky prestigious unique haunting celebrated consequential elevated miraculous star redoubtable loud garish astral imperial primo major heavenly dignified uncanny thrilling heroic not to be forgotten eye-popping electrifying influential elegant princely lofty solemn jazzy fascinating inspiring kingly predominant main ominous essential vital critical crucial captivating dominant leading splendorous sightly weighty paramount relevant pre-eminent radiant superlative smashing ornate colourful charming first-class first-rate exalted wicked colorful famed notorious gaudy blinding peculiar pretentious flash dynamite gilt-edged broad cherished lasting bad swell telling serious gallant groovy dandy cool glitzy lively meaningful treasured big forcible portly enduring unco transcendent effective pompous ritzy positive well known eventful rememberable remembered bizarre profound admirable screaming unheard-of zero cool especial ridiculous forceful flagrant venerable fantastical crazy insane statuesque surpassing confounding fixed in the mind palatine queenly celestial intense absorbing colossal multicoloured multicolored persistent chief primary principal decisive conclusive high exhibitionistic glittery resounding thick picturesque rich lurid storming drop-dead assured exhilarating intoxicating well marked thumping thundering lordly forestanding staple pivotal basic key out of the way compelling cogent penetrating esteemed interesting tense worthy to the fore in the foreground plush posh acclaimed intrusive projecting pertinent protruding central jutting focal glittering magnolious mind-boggling mind-bending spine-tingling suspenseful daring impassioned deep like wow far out hunky-dory delicious rousing touching affecting far-out out of sight dreamy unmitigated perfect utopian splendacious honoured respected topical gripping riveting legendary foremost reputable graphic climactic material urgent buzzworthy front-page far-reaching unfading timeless peerless honored perpetual everlasting immortal undying eternal solid shock-horror stem-winding high-octane heady imperishable enthralling supreme shining newsworthy sudden rip-roaring breath-taking hair-raising action-packed studied major league well-known big name highly regarded big-time nonpareil name talked of aristocratic standout indisputable incontestable incontrovertible world class of note of substance barefaced stamped on your memory red-letter pellucid ringing unambivalent overt perspicuous lucid open-and-shut luculent bright-line straightforward unambiguous bald nonambiguous discernable unequivocal apprehensible bald-faced beyond doubt beyond question stark gross sure plausible believable colorable sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb credible as clear as day ostensible staring one in the face seeming demonstrable crystal clear certain brash vulgar particular tasteless overdone odd staid over-elaborate theatrical kitsch affected fancy strange curious lovely OTT superfly fancy-pants mega overblown overwhelming tinselly bling-bling dicty tawdry improbable fanciful weird snazzy overwrought meretricious classy tony swank tinsel dashing peacocky histrionic absurd dubious unwonted unrealistic uncustomary preposterous wild bewitching delightful enchanting entrancing something else exceeding unlikely extraordinaire unprecedented ludicrous whimsical atypical queer preternatural unaccustomed doubtful offbeat nonsensical implausible abnormal aberrated funny aberrant freak anomalous irrational out-of-the-way stellar fab unthinkable unimaginable inconceivable wacky foolish mad cockamamie unfamiliar zany comical oddball virtuoso skilful skillful masterful masterly mean heavy gnarly forby hare-brained unexpected over the top something to write home about one for the book neat off-the-wall far-fetched off the wall make-believe topping wizard ace capital scrumptious delectable keen off beaten path brill supercalifragilisticexpialidocious magic phat hot out-of-sight gangbusters jim-dandy brag bully down topflight prizewinning gone blue-chip bonzer tip-top peachy high-class brave bonnie champion top top-notch fantabulous top-hole bang-up bumper boffo radical ripping top-shelf cracking quality frontline prize righteous crackerjack classic sterling first-string immense four-star bonny A-OK corking hype slick spiffing blue-ribbon boss five-star gilt-edge choice top-of-the-line unsurpassed gangbuster banner dope nifty supernal eloquent peachy keen par excellence number one agitating most numero uno

Tính từ

Not disguised, plainly visible
undisguised patent explicit manifest out-and-out transparent undeniable unhidden unmistakable unrestrained blatant clear clear-cut complete evident frank naked obvious open overt palpable straightforward unconcealed utter bald barefaced bold flagrant glaring observable recognisable recognizable visible audacious brazen plain shameless stark thoroughgoing unfeigned wholehearted accepted plain to see recognised recognized unchallenged uncontested writ large as clear as day as plain as a pikestaff standing out a mile sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb sticking out like a sore thumb apparent conspicuous downright unequivocal noticeable unambiguous direct honest candid distinct unqualified forthright outspoken pronounced striking blunt gross sheer upfront perceptible bald-faced straight plain-spoken truthful outright arrant definite prominent unreserved straight from the shoulder rank indisputable discernible sincere unambivalent nonambiguous self-evident plainspoken matter-of-fact egregious real open-and-shut crystal clear decided artless absolute unashamed unquestionable lucid up front pellucid perspicuous ringing unmitigated uninhibited forthcoming unguarded openhearted freehearted brash simple unabashed marked unvarnished outrageous free-spoken pure luculent luminous broad unexaggerated guileless perceivable bare-faced bright-line straight-out unsubtle inescapable salient up-front like it is categorical brutal harsh free avowed distinguishable point-blank unveiled ingenuous impudent tangible unblushing genuine insolent staring someone in the face detectable incontrovertible out-front immodest unembarrassed call a spade a spade from the hip brassy dreadful cut-and-dried realistic bluff notorious total brass-necked natural certain thorough unrestricted beyond doubt beyond question foursquare lay it on the line warts and all true to life written all over someone axiomatic perfect saying what one thinks open and shut public unadulterated self-explanatory atrocious unadorned positive unrepentant crying understandable obtrusive bare rude monstrous sensible overbold capital outstanding without shame revealed extreme undiplomatic tactless indubitable conclusive no-nonsense as plain as day clear cut straight-shooting calling spade a spade not afraid to call a spade a spade laying it on the line shocking flaunting heinous enormous scandalous ostentatious forward incontestable unembellished consummate unconditional infamous cheeky terrible reprehensible disgraceful plainly seen dinkum indecent wicked brusque shameful demonstrable blinding unalloyed deliberate iniquitous villainous presumptuous unceremonious literal categoric profound exposed abrupt regular easily seen on view on display all-out glaringly obvious meretricious flashy loud fair plumb protrusive seeable deep-dyed dead flat inordinate aboveboard man-to-man much in evidence excessive bodacious crashing deadly blank very stone clean blooming unevasive right in evidence arresting cotton-picking flat-out out and out raw sure as plain as the nose on one's face clear as a bell undissembling unreticent round square straight-talking as plain as the nose on your face speaking as one finds not beating around the bush point blank straight to the point out in the open under one's nose undoubted brazenfaced easily noticed distinctive ill-disguised above board fundamental full appreciable unmissable comprehensible manifestly temerarious well-known notable dyed-in-the-wool evinced divulged disclosed exact hard crass very great veritable extravagant evidenced prima facie exclusive controlled proper specific serious cold discernable apprehensible express mere grievous vociferous noncontroversial cut and dried whole emphatic irrefutable definitive black-and-white straight-from-the-shoulder exorbitant significant major as clear as crystal make no bones beyond a doubt plain as the nose on your face staring you in the face patently true vocal immoderate plausible believable colorable credible ostensible seeming remarkable for real hardened corrupt abandoned strident opinionated unstudied unaffected published brute talking turkey depraved profligate improper staring one in the face easy familiar naive scrupulous heart-to-heart upright publicized unpretentious true unpretending dissolute impenitent incorrigible remorseless unprincipled entire snazzy gaudy glitzy screaming showy garish reprobate acknowledged unartful unartificial in plain sight utmost publicised known shared broadcast two-fisted laid on the line square-shooting right-on on the level level honest-to-goodness plain-dealing pretenseless on the square on the up and up straight-arrow undissembled plain-speaking unchaste lewd immoral high-handed on show in circulation freely available public knowledge in the public domain in the open widely known viewable seen main only visual discoverable macroscopic signal ocular in view in sight anywhere to be seen not hidden big as life to be seen awful saucy defiant impertinent brazen-faced pert no lie inveterate surpassing flagitious pushy flagitous curt short grody flaming arch cocky wise fresh bold-faced cocksure sassy nervy brassbound unregenerate precise written all over one right under one's nose terse sharp indelicate gruff undiluted vile crisp caustic flip contumelious hotshot tawdry gritty smart-alecky spunky gutsy through and through in every respect full-bore right-down snippy short-spoken trenchant crusty hard-hitting to the point brusk impolite stick out like sore thumb uncivil unpolished discourteous severe as bold as brass hanging out uncompromising snappy brief pulling no punches austere not mincing one's words speaking one's mind not beating about the bush calling a spade a spade unornamented plain vanilla undecorated patchy threadbare worn decisive final assured compelling convincing firm well-defined unanswerable strong intelligible unarguable authoritative cogent well defined proven inarguable dramatic telling irrefragable unassailable eye-catching valid limpid established unchallengeable accurate sound no ifs ands or buts ultimate coherent confirmed lucent accomplished crystalline particular determinate apodictic not in doubt actual vivid pertinent nailed-on undebatable forceful unblurred weighty undisputed audible powerful settled straight out clinching impressive watertight concrete black and white crystal beyond dispute graspable relevant well founded unquestioned effective articulate beyond a shadow of a doubt fixed kenspeckle flamboyant noisy splashy brilliant grabby commanding catchy persuasive defined univocal no catch clearly visible guaranteed bright influential deciding undisputable easily understood set forcible uncontroversial unlimited last rational intelligent clearly expressed provable hard and fast well-marked graphic well-founded transpicuous verifiable uncontestable identifiable no holds barred all out solid no fine print convinced noted confident efficacious resounding undoubtable unquestioning crystal-clear clean-cut demonstrative urgent determined considerable incisive unstinting well-grounded noteworthy unerring consistent necessary airtight satisfying standing out authentic unconstrained translucent not in question deducible settling easy to follow sure thing plenary wide singular see-through liquid factual legitimate no mistake fathomable clearly defined knowable nailed down thick user friendly user-friendly no kicker no strings measurable substantial unshakable without doubt easy to understand pat well focused unchangeable potent assumed great stunning wholesale enduring steadfast abiding steady never-failing unfaltering understood coercive irresistible determining eloquent reasoned in focus ascertainable dogmatic detailed plain as day irrevocable closing energetic unimpeachable confirmable establishable unalterable vehement effectual arrestive logical reasonable concluding strict faultless clear as day for sure faithful determinative unique reliable narrow well reasoned meaningful puissant correct sharply defined hard-and-fast close spelled out veracious infallible aggressive as plain as daylight material important charming without reservations for certain good one hundred per cent bull's-eye on-target no strings attached right on dead-on on the ball on the money dead on spot on on target spot-on bang on on the button comprehendible perspicacious cognizable eminent joined-up undiminished digestible shallow simplistic colourful heavy focused classifiable easily grasped comprehensive questionless crystalling runaway tyrannous admitted arbitrary official principal telltale accessible unproblematic jejune glib enunciated unsparing sensational spectacular obligatory binding compulsory well constructed colorful cinched inimitable focussed surefire unequivocable sure-fire readily comprehensible limitless well-worn freely admitted not disputed safe to say dense heartless attestable evincible holding water perceptive subtle justifiable discriminating judicious germane commonsensical kosher extensional juridicious analytic well-organized analytical congruent legit discerning consequent inferential holding together key on ice peremptory sign-posted easily distinguishable undivided well grounded flawless dependable well-established supposed reputed putative ostensive presumed ascertained legible in the bag beyond the shadow of a doubt vigorous in full view can't miss it prime unconditioned boldface bold face stone cold no beating around the bush diaphanous thin filmy formidable inexpugnable stable frozen sealed superior sure-enough without reservation infernal blessed blasted confounded unwavering unfailing unchanging doubtless free from doubt unvarying persuaded unshaken satisfied constant changeless for a fact finite circumscribed bounded restricted measured limited with no strings open-ended well-proven agreed clearly explained without explanation fit so on the nose just so assertive earnest insistent no ifs and or buts verified right under your nose no two ways about it supreme safe sticking out projecting outwards checkable supportable sustainable empirical empiric hearable minute undubitable silhouetted stated down pat bona fide determinant resolving revealing irrefrangible state-of-the-art limiting terminating terminal completing finishing ending intuitive insightful ingenious assigned prescribed irreversible ardent special divergent discrete ponderable individual having down pat beyond a shadow of doubt astonishing extraordinary inferable efficient violent full-blooded strenuous muscular dynamic not vague litmus test what you see is what you get as sure as eggs is eggs there are no two ways about it all sewn up capable decided upon writ in stone orderly compulsive systematic methodical undoubting stressed solemn sober accented moving impactful able wonderful drop-dead surprising staggering rare memorable uncommon astounding amazing incredible dazzling double-checked veridical unfabled sufficient successful roaring auricular aural deafening carrying sounding given momentous apt justified consequential convictive fitting apposite inducing satisfactory suasive ratiocinative eye-popping jaw-dropping gee-whizz phenomenal for a face exciting punchy mighty histrionical imposing theatric acute performant powerhouse grand high-powered enthusiastic graceful expressive distinguished startling jazzy lofty wondrous dynamite unusual fascinating electrifying confounding bizarre granted that's a fact well organized out of the ordinary no ifs ands or buts about it indemonstrable presupposed loud enough within earshot goes without saying aphoristic axiomatical apothegmatic proverbial able to be heard identical impeccable unmixed errorless verbatim on the nail blow-by-blow on the beam error-free inch-perfect on the mark on the numbers expected hackneyed predictable anticipated foreseen plodding plain as a pikestaff most likely

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Bitingly or humorously intelligent in nature
smart witty cheeky clever facetious flippant ingenious adept incisive mischievous sarcastic sassy smooth agile apt bantering bold brazen droll flip fresh highbrow highbrowed humorous jocular nifty nimble quick-witted saucy sharp cool cute insolent jesting quick ready smart-aleck smart-alecky tongue-in-cheek whimsical smarty-pants pert wise funny playful jokey amusing irreverent comical offhand glib frivolous joking waggish comic jocose ridiculous blithe dismissive joshing lippy entertaining chucklesome light-hearted lighthearted diverting farcical ludicrous impertinent cocky laughable disrespectful campy rude impudent superficial carefree casual brassy inane inappropriate roguish wisecracking satirical silly gay wry lively hilarious breezy merry ironic crazy wacky dry camp pleasant flighty sardonic impish precious cutesy mincingly clever fun putting one on pulling one's leg not serious foolish indecorous punning jolly riotous uproarious jovial comedic humoristic hysterical zany priceless killing risible absurd sidesplitting hysteric antic teasing shallow irresponsible insouciant thoughtless overfamiliar ribald sportive mirthful side-splitting rib-tickling too funny for words tongue in cheek original jocund ludic cheerful puckish sparkling cheery blithesome laughing sunny frolicsome gleeful festive epigrammatic piquant brilliant happy flakey good-humoured good-humored daffy flaky joyous boffo joculous fanciful gagged up for grins scintillating sharp-witted bright penetrating screaming keen piercing slapstick intelligent high-spirited arch unserious in jest in fun spirited sly delightful enjoyable pixieish prankish tricksy scampish pixy pixie leprechaunish rascally devilish knavish wicked elvish rollicking pleasing engaging as a joke to tease snappy for a laugh gelastic light naughty elfin flirtatious interesting good-natured eccentric pixyish clownish beguiling novel cheering gratifying pleasurable charming gladdening lightweight nimble-witted elfish mysterious agreeable gut-busting enchanting odd preposterous quirky quaint snazzy tactful profound racy cutting quick on the draw quick on the uptake cut up off-the-wall oddball kittenish jaunty clowning bubbly gamesome recreative hysterically funny crack-up riot quizzical laffer frisky sprightly capering a card loony jerky goofy fool dippy a scream fool-headed nutty fool around batty killingly funny a hoot gump dizzy screwy goofus crazy shtick Mickey Mouse a caution a laugh trivial trifling full of life happy-go-lucky wanton fun-loving recreational fun-filled animated chipper

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Able to persuade
persuasive cogent compelling convincing effective forceful telling credible eloquent impressive influential plausible sound strong valid weighty winning conclusive decisive effectual efficacious glib impelling inducing logical moving potent powerful satisfying silky silver-tongued slick smooth-talking smooth-tongued touching actuating alluring assuasive believable convictive efficient energetic enticing forcible inspiring inveigling luring seductive smooth stimulating stringent suasive suasory swaying unctuous wheedling not taking no for an answer authoritative reasonable rational well founded articulate irresistible lucid inspirational meaningful coherent fluent solid striking stirring clear acceptable motivating motivational unanswerable reasoned expressive reliable rousing smooth-spoken exciting emphatic encouraging incontestable impactful incontrovertible vocal arousing provoking irrefutable satisfactory puissant dynamic well-spoken pertinent significant vigorous unassailable likely probable possible voluble provocative well-founded hard-hitting tenable affecting vivid trenchant stimulative authentic well reasoned realistic mighty relevant material triggering undeniable suave fast-talking verisimilar colourable inspiriting spirited uplifting imaginable conceivable incisive emotional facile definitive loquacious enlivening passionate trusty feasible affective creditable categorical quick unmistakable urgent talkative garrulous enthusiastic coercive presumable grandiloquent suggestive refreshing justified aggressive unequivocal punchy inciting unquestionable trustworthy pithy animating dramatic powerhouse electric thinkable firm thought-provoking assured soul-stirring revealing within the bounds of possibility faithful able to hold water hard to resist easy ready definite dependable indisputable compulsive urbane insincere important crucial challenging flip graphic pivotal slippery energizing artful graceful certain invigorating exhilarating demonstrative smooth operator vocative hot-air substantial animated communicative swayful masterful galvanizing momentous considerable believeable sensible operative sober consequential impassioned charged justifiable consistent sharp just instigative instigating good electrifying great sustainable presumptive poignant magniloquent capable defensible illuminating well-expressed well-grounded constraining elemental gutsy indubitable flattering supportable understandable able awakening direct critical congruent legit viable grounded true workable successful analytic intelligent supposable clear-cut envigorating galvanising piquing energising pragmatic real vehement purposeful unambiguous far-reaching analytical well grounded disputatious imposing bona fide legitimate coming on strong ball of fire well-defined interesting marked reassuring orderly systematic methodical vivacious zestful cogitable devastating conspicuous ingratiating sycophantic apposite apt fitting insistent obsequious smarmy well organized conjecturable intelligible salient watertight positive airtight active violent armed fawning in-your-face zappy admissible drastic compulsory authenticating driving succinct terse oratorical sufficient factual sincere well-established comprehensible assertive intense militant pat final validating evident formidable crystalline nicely spoken appropriate correct warrantable genuine warranted proper fair heartening emotive neat on the ball unconditional gripping riveting memorable breathtaking intoxicating disingenuous specious honest-to-god straight tried colorable aboveboard fiduciary credential verifiable dinkum rightful accepted hard grand high-powered theatric lively exhilarative galvanic thrilling unarguable shallow superficial oversimplified flippant simplistic fair-spoken kicky anthemic exalting obvious intuitive decided undisputed infallible ingenious insightful distinct propelling pukka acknowledged charming acute sweet-talking virile take-over steamroller titanic take-charge punch vibrant hearty irrefragable instrumental true to life up front with a ring of truth evocative absolute with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney Stone effortless well-versed natural authoritarian resounding mind-blowing mind-bending emotion-charged uncompromising tough histrionical performant guiding like enough very likely serious mind-boggling rip-roaring heart-stopping hair-raising rallying contributory formative beyond doubt beyond question beyond dispute true-to-life carrying conviction hopeful honest frank blunt forthright unsparing one hundred per cent central controlling wordy effusive prompt copious chatty confident verbose self-assured running mellifluous cursive mellifluent declamatory straight-talking condemnatory rationalistic pregnant fateful strongly worded dominant commanding upfront dynamical bullish competent responsible robust monumental argumentative dialectical no holds barred all out pulling no punches revelatory meaning useful not beating about the bush straight from the shoulder indicative right rhetorical fervid fervent well spoken ardent outspoken well expressed sententious facund prudent proven balanced perceptive sane perspicuous deductive commonsensical accurate maintainable defendable confirmed informed arguable astute practical germane determinative levelheaded discerning commonsense contentious polemical vindicable stable consequent commonsensible uncorrupted intellectual kosher attested tested well-reasoned well-advised well thought out well advised dialectic controversial down-to-earth holding water matter-of-fact clear-headed judicious actual wise objective suitable veritable certified precise concrete fit applicable thoughtful official demonstrable sure verified exact circumspect established sagacious authenticated certifiable veridical regular level-headed existent lawful supported allowable substantiated sure-enough honest-to-goodness truthful tangible undoubted together discriminating unadulterated for real excusable orthodox on the level permissible legal strict righteous de facto enlightened advantageous recognized sage shrewd organized related apropos advisable recognised sterling literal inferential helpful knowing palpable cool historical deducible befitting of use worthwhile relative well-thought-out organised perceptible suited well-organized necessary holding together appurtenant connected original correlated joined-up linked congruous applicatory provable ad rem on the nose to the point to the purpose having direct bearing on having to do with on the button learned validated pardonable licit conforming documented artless unaffected simple straightforward condonable unpretentious undesigning veracious normal confirmable ratiocinative serviceable physical decent discreet above board perspicacious sanctioned productive corporeal sapient demonstrated echt expedient establishable plain pucka clever documentary nonfictional felicitous thinking cerebral fair and square substantive beneficial existing politic patent far-sighted unimaginary no-nonsense pure rock-solid common-sense unprejudiced well-informed unqualified real McCoy card-carrying unbiased all there fitted intrinsic scientific on the up-and-up becoming clear-sighted clear-eyed full of common sense opportune very compatible requisite straight from horse's mouth pertaining to right on on target from the horse's mouth hard-headed extensional juridicious subtle educated uncounterfeited bonafide unfaked knowledgeable copper-bottomed unembellished corroborated savvy undistorted estimable conventional respectable identified allowed passable tolerable permitted dispassionate loyal formal based on hard data based on hard facts inductive unidealistic well informed potential well balanced inarguable open and shut checked considered well-presented prosaic unemotional syllogistic heartfelt earnest candid known unfeigned unpretended open unimpeachable deliberate philosophic associable cast-iron availing meet well presented well-structured especial express inescapable sheer unalloyed proved upheld unimpassioned cold accredited straight-shooting authorized square apropos of with both one's feet on the ground endorsed showing great knowledge with great knowledge canny serious-minded mature sustained okay tolerated non-spiritual reasoning thought through practicable scholarly correspondent harmonious consonant in point accordant concerning pointful referring conformant cognate attentive conversant profound faultless flawless impeccable OK rigorous right as rain telling the truth authorised honest-to-God sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff really-truly preferred phenomenal visible attainable operational achievable realizable de règle well considered lifelike unadorned profitable right-thinking right-minded alleged worthy concedable au courant regulated unmannered respected circumstantiated manifest characteristic archetypal representative guileless typical ingenuous archetypical having all one's marbles in right mind steady-going valuable doable manageable operable usable twenty-four-carat checkable sure enough empirical testable empiric circumstantial unvarnished verbatim favorable explainable forgivable ordered thorough mathematical veristic unexaggerated non-fictitious non-fictional tried-and-true equitable discernible on the up and up dead-on average standard unpretending accomplishable anticipated remissible venial seemly convenient gainful favourable best suggested strategic best suited timely desirable presentable tactical recommended holding up got it together standing up living current unimagined bodily within the law not unlikely not impossible appreciable word for word telling it like it is fact-based true-life as it really happened sworn to vouched for straight-thinking attestable showable evincible functional within reach within reason dinky-di live present corporal embodied incarnate by the book holding up in wash impartial implicit observable measurable percipient moderate restrained conservative controlled reflective temperate of help constructive of assistance fruitful adequate quantifiable detectable perceivable available unexcessive cognitive making sense standing to reason unextreme thought-out evenhanded fair-minded realisable witnessed open to reason well defined well documented enough based on good sense in one's right mind within the realms of possibility within possibility relatable pertaining most likely most correct

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(of an object or situation) Significant in degree of importance or urgency
major important significant crucial serious urgent core critical fundamental key big consequential considerable focal grave intrinsic meaningful paramount pertinent pivotal pressing substantial vital weighty appreciable central integral large main material ponderous primary principal profound sweeping capital dire essential exceptional exigent far-reaching heavy heavy-duty high-priority imposing intense large-scale notable noteworthy prime pronounced severe sizable acute almighty burning cardinal determining especial eventful foremost heavyweight historic immediate impactful influential instrumental mighty monumental overriding powerful prominent salient striking telling top-priority worthwhile all-important big league big-league big-time dangerous grand grievous high-level high-profile life and death life-changing major-league of concern of consequence of note overshadowing top-level life-and-death of great consequence momentous earthshaking earth-shattering much decisive chief tectonic of moment of significance earnest great portentous of great import solemn somber sombre outstanding sober leading imperative remarkable fateful sedate staid necessary no joke no laughing matter basic deciding humourless humorless memorable of great importance no-nonsense relevant conclusive big deal deep epoch-making settling landmark impressive radical indispensable blue-chip predominant headline signal final dominant underlined uncomic definitive marked forceful extensive groundbreaking extraordinary compelling front-page active top lively useful ground-breaking requisite climacteric hefty tough noticeable conspicuous difficult strong pre-eminent major league hard professional famous staple obvious original four-star high-power imperious strictly business innovative absolute playing hard ball massive premier certain substantive quintessential supreme pioneering underlying rudimentary necessitous preeminent first elementary dynamic elemental mandatory needed required foundational valuable structural determinative dramatic clamorous strenuous indicative milestone inherent energetic constitutional rudimental extreme unforgettable earth-shaking prerequisite constitutive of importance meat-and-potatoes must-have quantum vitally important ultimate life-preserving life-sustaining arresting overwhelming celebrated busy full moving intrusive projecting protruding arrestive jutting obtrusive meaty last clear exciting red-letter super breakthrough valid purposeful eminent greatest renowned famed drastic applicable highest super colossal mammoth event-filled egregious responsible defining shaping causal evaluative apocalyptic hectic action-packed arch commanding epochal innovatory revolutionary strategic pithy apposite germane fitting well-known creative testing sententious definite huge appropriate apropos apt world-shaking world-shattering formative trying searching basal trenchant authoritative sizeable psychological solid high priority imaginative decided incisive special carrying a lot of weight ponderable characteristic root primordial primitive organic initial natural compulsory desperate overruling primal tremendous real widespread crisp fatal operative settled peremptory sensational distinctive rare uncommon glaring unusual newsworthy needful obligatory constituent productive stunning devastating earthshattering ruling master climactic firm respectable sturdy sound touchy insistent showdown climatic component connected innate glum beginning introductory abecedarian ingrained litmus test preponderant resonant keynote generous unordinary glorious particular emphatic good durable healthy ample stern touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice now or never worthy of attention potent wide-ranging broad gloomy dour grim vigorous superabundant abundant galvanic vast steady all important at the heart of sustaining axiomatic axiological bottom-line supporting deep-seated substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom underived groundlaying austere blanket all-embracing overarching quiet downbeat sad called for cold sober germinal inspiring inspirational seminal generative far-flung expansive comprehensive ambitious extended wide rangy pervasive wholesale big-deal much needed very important life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence clamant matter of life and death importunate far-ranging in-depth across-the-board emergent crying across the board prevalent controversial topical current harsh urging propulsive violent enterprising driving motivating impellent instant contemporary disastrous life-threatening distressing live of interest terrible painful brutal bad awful hazardous arduous fierce toilsome threatening bitter bleak ugly taxing sobering worrying perilous intensive peracute exacting punishing menacing excessive precarious grinding competent arterial talented through trunk top-notch able big time excellent effectual of use capable robust number-one stupendous effective splendid splendorous of value skookum top-drawer efficient efficacious most influential most important

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Thoroughly scrutinizing or inquisitive, especially in a disconcerting way
searching probing inquisitive investigative penetrating piercing analytic explorative deep enquiring exploratory inquiring investigational quizzical thorough minute fact-finding in-depth acute ingenious analytical perspicacious smart clever examining intense perceptive curious incisive judicious researching insightful sensitive intuitive trenchant sharp keen subtle discerning astute quick-witted canny interested discriminating observant alert shrewd trial experimental accurate fine tentative intent test pilot bright penetrative intelligent knowing savvy wise sharp-witted foxy cute brainy pawky hardheaded heady argute clear-sighted clear-eyed heads-up long-headed hard-boiled on the ball aware delicate sensitized empirical preliminary provisional developmental probationary speculative cunning sensible crafty prudent prototype wily fingertip sensitised artful sly sagacious devious scheming laboratory guileful calculating tricky slick sage designing sapient cagey slippery trial and error streetwise beguiling underhand dodgy profound cagy fly smooth under the microscope suss disingenuous farsighted shark astucious inside calculated up on far-sighted wised up media-savvy on top of on the inside in the know far-seeing quick ready apt nimble percipient keen-witted agile nimble-witted rapier-like whip-smart exceptional acuminous fast supersmart ultrasmart brilliant hyperintelligent genius finely honed exact resourceful witty quick off the mark critical quick on the uptake adroit not missing a trick having smarts nobody's fool not born yesterday quick on the trigger knowing how many beans make five with all one's wits about one smart as a tack