Từ đồng nghĩa của raw

Alternative for raw

rawer, rawest

Từ đồng nghĩa: bitter, callow, cold, crude, freezing, green, immature, inexperienced, nippy, piercing, uncooked, undeveloped, wintry,

Từ trái nghĩa: ripe,

Tính từ

New to an activity or job and therefore lacking experience or skill
inexperienced immature unseasoned unskilled untrained green new callow ignorant unpractised unfledged unformed unschooled unversed juvenile puerile unconversant unpracticed untested untried untutored young adolescent naive undisciplined unsophisticated unripe unripened untaught lacking experience wet behind the ears inexpert undeveloped innocent amateur fresh unqualified unworldly unacquainted tenderfoot uninformed uninitiated fledgling youthful amateurish inept unfamiliar rookie kid verdant unaccustomed wide-eyed jejune naïve sophomoric unskillful born yesterday ingenuous budding wet behind ears prentice unused artless rude junior spring chicken unfamiliar with unproven incomplete developing unfinished infant crude childlike dewy childish vernal not ripe tender incompetent guileless incapable unprofessional nonprofessional virgin underdeveloped girlish boyish nescient uninitiate unbaked sophomore jellybean unequipped jackleg uneducated uncultivated naif little unweaned primitive unsuspecting half-grown dilettante pubescent early unmellowed inadequate as green as grass teenage growing blooming teen blossoming dewy-eyed just starting out not dry behind ears fatuous unrehearsed nascent emerging virginal unlearned bland tenderfooted newly arrived unready simple unpolished sour vulnerable unwary impressionable younger first-time naïf simpleminded unsuspicious unknowing formative uncritical kidstuff aw-shucks half-formed maturing ineffectual not developed imperfect inefficient unfit premature unapt useless hopeless bungling unproficient partial manual unaccomplished dilettantish menial labouring non-technical not matured not mature weak unchartered unlicensed uncertificated untalented cowboy non-professional lay unhandy laboring inproficient awkward not up to blue-collar teenaged untamed illiterate unprepared novice wild unexperienced youngish babyish young-looking infantile young at heart not trained newborn newish burgeoning not aged in one's salad days not far advanced

Tính từ

Characterized by windy or stormy conditions
stormy tempestuous squally inclement turbulent foul nasty bleak windy breezy wind-swept rough dirty wild blustery rainy gusty blowy unpleasant boisterous blustering wet bad raging thundery tumultuous rugged howling choppy murky bitter cold violent damp filthy intemperate disagreeable furious agitated roaring stormful overcast gloomy misty louring angry storm-wracked storming intense ferocious heavy cyclonic foggy vile fresh windswept wuthering blusterous bracing brisk blowing airy draughty drafty frigid threatening vehement torrid menacing unsettled savage frenzied riproaring wintry severe raining cats and dogs coming down chilly harsh freezing drizzly extreme icy snowy rigorous adverse wintery hard brutal fierce pouring showery drizzling powerful strong miserable forceful gusting grievous raining grim tough trying cruel oppressive excruciating storm-tossed burdensome searing cloudy inhuman hardhanded gray chill grey dark heaving precipitating hellacious blistering thunderous onerous typhonic volatile stiff murderous dangerous unkind hazardous risky boiling squallish disturbed robust hearty rough-and-tumble punishing unforgiving hoarse roily unmusical cacophonous grating stridulent inharmonious gruff discordant rasping husky coarse raucous jarring ugly dry buffeting teeming dank humid ruffled clammy broken acute ripply wavy bucketing muggy roiled uncontrollable bumpy explosive swirling dreadful destructive intensive devastating almighty full of waves chaotic volcanic restless vicious exquisite fearsome ghastly terrible fearful frightful coastal heavy-duty uncomfortable inhospitable hostile discomforting unfriendly biting forbidding austere comfortless painful distressing galling harrowing poignant awful agonizing disturbing heartbreaking vexatious ruthless dire upsetting disquieting heart-rending rotten distasteful unrelenting unpalatable wretched yukky hurtful yucky afflicting heartrending traumatic chilling displeasing uncongenial unlovely unwelcome unhappy merciless unpleasing unsavory tormenting tragic torturous relentless sour sad wicked remorseless icky mortifying great sore distressful agonising offensive unsavoury calamitous hard-hearted gut-wrenching provoking annoying afflictive

Tính từ

Uncomfortably or unpleasantly cold
cold chilly freezing bitter icy biting wintery wintry piercing chill sharp nippy penetrating nipping keen stinging cutting chilling parky bleak harsh shrewd smarting snithy unpleasant perishing icy-cold frosty arctic glacial frigid cool gelid numbing polar snappy coolish coldish ice-cold shivery algid bone-chilling frozen bitterly cold crisp Siberian brumal snowy chilled hyperborean brisk shivering boreal hibernal rimy fierce severe inclement intense sub-zero blasting numb subzero frore hiemal hypothermic hawkish fresh icebox antarctic cold as ice intensely cold siberian acute painful knifelike benumbed frost-bound sleety iced two-dog night one-dog night refrigerated breezy very cold chilled to the bone stormy blighting rough perished tempestuous windy intemperate circumpolar brass monkeys three-dog night bracing extremely cold blowy draughty drafty frigorific sleeted algific frozen to the marrow violent shooting stabbing excruciating agonizing distressing exquisite searing sore gut-wrenching agonising drilling paralyzing paralysing below freezing below zero numbed extreme frozen stiff stone-cold hyperboreal freezing cold hard chilled to the marrow frozen to the bone septentrional like a block of ice northern Hyperborean taters ice-capped hoar icicled frosted refreshing uncomfortable discomforting solid iced up unheated invigorating nasty wild air-conditioned envigorating frozen to the core numb with cold frozen to death chilled to the core white suffering from hypothermia suffering from exposure ice-covered

Tính từ

Frank and realistic in the depiction of unpleasant situations
realistic bare brutal frank naked unembellished unvarnished candid gritty blunt direct forthright harsh honest plain straightforward outspoken true to life warts and all truthful unambiguous unexaggerated unequivocal explicit upfront unqualified stark downright undisguised unveiled straight from the shoulder plain-spoken unadorned simple bald genuine literal exact sincere unconcealed open and shut for real open straight unreserved plainspoken unguarded up-front free-spoken forthcoming openhearted round outright guileless freehearted foursquare no-nonsense matter-of-fact out-front unornamented undecorated straight-talking straight-shooting plain vanilla bluff transparent blatant unsparing uninhibited real brazen upright free flat-out up front not afraid to call a spade a spade severe barefaced patent abrupt rude unstinting bold complete natural unfeigned ingenuous to the point point-blank unfiltered aboveboard bare-faced on the level plain-speaking not beating about the bush on the up and up like it is basic pure authentic flagrant clear grim categorical fundamental heartless palpable total unmodified vocal unprejudiced unbiased obvious sheer manifest evident unpretended frontal parrhesiastic hard not pulling any punches right up front telling it like it is talking turkey austere cold out-and-out undissembled plain-dealing pretenseless right-on dinkum on the square two-fisted level laid on the line undissembling honest-to-goodness straight-arrow square-shooting worn patchy threadbare brusque curt unceremonious short undiplomatic sharp indelicate terse gruff artless crisp caustic snippy hard-hitting trenchant impolite brusk short-spoken tactless crusty unrestricted uncivil unpolished discourteous uncompromising snappy brief easy apparent familiar naive scrupulous heart-to-heart pulling no punches not mincing one's words calling a spade a spade speaking one's mind lay it on the line call a spade a spade saying what one thinks from the hip

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Not restrained or held in check
unrestrained uncontrolled unbridled unchecked rampant intemperate unbounded runaway unhampered unhindered abandoned unrestricted wild unconstrained uncurbed wanton out of control immoderate riotous unimpeded excessive uninhibited violent undisciplined unruly ungoverned uncontrollable incontinent out of hand free full-on untrammelled reckless outrageous extravagant ungovernable irrepressible profligate unsuppressed dissolute licentious untrammeled inordinate self-indulgent unlimited uncontainable unquenchable unstoppable unconfined unfettered loose dissipated debauched turbulent furious boisterous impetuous running wild immoral driverless unsubmissive unobstructed unopposed untamed disobedient stubborn depraved corrupt extreme lacking self-control incorrigible impulsive reprobate unprincipled sinful wicked not controlled shameless unreasonable unjustified undue prodigal severe overindulgent passionate unwarranted tempestuous imprudent egregious lavish O.T.T. uncalled for over the top dissipative unshackled greedy unbalanced natural boundless unbound footloose unrepressed spontaneous saturnalian impertinent frank impotent lawless plenary open bizarre flamboyant indiscriminate exaggerated candid limitless blunt audacious widespread epidemic rife rank aggressive dominant pandemic raging tumultuous pervasive rampaging exuberant prevalent vehement flagrant profuse luxuriant flourishing threatening spreading fecund proliferating clamorous extensive blustering growing multiplying predominant rambling spreading like wildfire on the rampage exceeding bounds madcap rabid enthusiastic unconcealed crazy chaotic noisy unmanageable hysterical berserk crazed exorbitant overmuch unconscionable steep disproportionate stiff plethoric luxurious indulgent towering too much fancy overextravagant insane intolerable overweening overkill devilish overdue superfluous decadent uncalled-for sybaritic hedonistic way out baroque unmerciful unmeasurable extortionate fierce wasteful needless enormous heavy intense dizzying pleasure-seeking unjustifiable unwarrantable improper posh overabundant fiery irrational a bit much epicurean forceful OTT unnecessary gratuitous ferocious preposterous overboard unfair too great unjust superabundant super too-too lotus-eating too many rash voluptuous sensual lush surplus heedless frenzied out of all proportion fast-living over-the-top thriftless strong improvident pretentious explosive powerful deep fanatical unreserved zealous substantial redundant recrementitious stratospheric supernatural extra more abundant sky-high senseless harsh illogical far-out costing an arm and a leg out of bounds absonant pricey unrightful up to here unlawful wrongful peremptory arbitrary grand mighty spendthrift opulent frantic unseemly ardent terrible great burning fulsome voluptuary rich feverish bacchanalian parsimonious effete plush copious pleasure-loving ritzy careless grandiose frivolous self-gratifying profound acute hedonic vast supererogatory emotional plushy over irresponsible desperate louche swanky carefree inflamed sharp immense consuming prodigious unrelenting unmitigated unyielding vigorous flaming potent gross carnal blistering keen huge monumental massive over the odds ludicrous hellacious tremendous heightened serious humongous astronomical nonsensical unusual effusive giant whopping epic intensified high devil-may-care in excess abounding dear illegitimate frenetic mad untempered demonstrative absurd dangerous capricious cavalier unacceptable squandering blind blown up out of all proportion inclement affluent libertine high-rolling unthrifty far-fetched very too a lot large significant imbalanced unprovoked immodest ostentatious de trop sensualist unreasoned supererogative radical considerable volatile voluminous ample lux upmarket classy swish upscale pampered comfortable touchy-feely miserly fluctuating fickle fitful gluttonous gourmandizing unsuitable inappropriate sizable extraordinary sizeable champagne luscious Dionysiac pompous fanciful drastic dire non-essential unneeded brash strict uncompromising stern unbending fit for a queen fit for a king big substantive binge-eating fast exciting fast-paced temerarious daredevil slack salacious gadabout fast and loose foolhardy momentous tough far-reaching unmerited unbecoming undeserved rigid remorseless exceptional consequential gourmand connoisseur foodie sensuous rigorous punishing austere punitive draconian exceeding inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable above average escalated handsome abnormal increased healthy jacked up major fervent impassioned overpowering inflated downright unconventional uncommon thorough absolute remarkable oppressive fervid bloated hyperventilated outsized outsize hyperbolized mass swingeing fabulous utter sheer not required earnest sumptuous overblown overdrawn overstated out-and-out out of proportion torrid marked monstrous infinite immeasurable stupendous fantastic astronomic over-elaborate hyped up heartfelt charged penetrating heated piercing vivid unqualified mega ridiculous mammoth overgenerous thumping silly monster mountainous gargantuan colossal gigantic avid eager enthused melodramatic perfervid passional overemotional sentimental emotive splendid super-duper hopped up spirited red-hot gung ho all-consuming deep-seated true blue hot-blooded deeply felt gorgeous ornate Lucullian elaborate magnificent costly regal luxury luxe palatial deluxe palace silken Lucullan Babylonian expensive resounding excruciating devastating storming vicious exquisite fearsome ghastly overwhelming frightful biting dreadful almighty emphatic fearful showy hot agonizing hard urgent energetic concentrated intensive strenuous peppery convulsive painful enraged blustery ruinous forcible paroxysmal volcanic coercive agonising stormy dynamic aroused first-class unstinging profusive impressive openhanded heavy-duty gale force full of force

Tính từ

Characterized by a fervent and undisguised emotion or quality
fervent intense passionate powerful strong uninhibited unrestrained vehement acute violent primal unconcealed undisguised visceral vivid ardent emotional fervid earnest impassioned enthusiastic heartfelt eager flaming animated fiery burning keen perfervid zealous hot-blooded feverish spirited fanatical excited passional warm torrid demonstrative charged red-hot heated blazing superheated incandescent committed glowing warm-blooded religious sincere devout feeling deep-seated profound wholehearted avid dedicated ecstatic card-carrying deeply felt unfeigned serious warmhearted enthused hearty tender mad keen pious responsive hot for gotta have gung ho keen as mustard hopped up true blue dying to energetic fierce consuming heightened forcible vigorous messianic wild devoted deep crazy lively frenzied nuts extreme voracious furious true hot raging intent forceful desirous pumped obsessed hungry raring obsessive resolute solicitous rabid genuine angry mad steadfast athirst inflamed interested juiced determined antsy unwavering agog assiduous thirsty yearning frenetic longing motivated fired up active faithful great loyal ready impatient driven honest urgent full-hearted vivacious manic exuberant excitable stimulated stirring staunch willing cordial diligent high-spirited afire aroused deep-rooted emphatic stoked as keen as mustard anxious bona fide ebullient ferocious greedy firm explosive impetuous tempestuous potent bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ambitious hopped-up restless zestful hepped up overzealous nutty from the heart itching overenthusiastic uncontrollable craving expressive on fire ablaze all-consuming sprightly delirious appetent geeked fanatic exhilarated temperamental ready and willing fixated frantic warmblooded mettlesome moving stormy stirred gung-ho constant thorough intensive champing at the bit real impulsive sworn keyed up raring to go sentimental dynamic true-blue dutiful fevered pining dying aflame dyed-in-the-wool hankering dinkum immoderate breathless psyched over the top carried away obsessional bigoted amped hot to trot crazed incensed amorous settled obstinate stubborn gone on purposeful significant inveterate deep-dyed excessive hooked single-minded infatuated complete severe uncompromising thrilled eloquent dotty engaged stanch set hard thrilling rousing desiring intemperate unswerving volatile heavy rash hellacious melodramatic uncontrolled unqualified emotive animate diehard blistering potty authentic vocal dithyrambic game stalwart good titillated steady poignant affecting concerned thoroughgoing steamed up pledged whole-souled addicted fond enamoured enamored covetous touching adoring aching loving happy white-hot doting chomping at the bit solid unflinching vociferous industrious strenuous unfaltering unaffected effervescent unruly clamorous full of beans hopeful fixed over-enthusiastic sensitive meaningful extraordinary fuming persistent unadulterated exceptional insistent absorbed aggressive conscientious occupied involved ghastly almighty forthright full inspiring upfront absolute total unpretentious entrenched exquisite engrossed tumultuous militant compulsive rooted dreadful truthful ungovernable biased raving guileless opinionated irascible possessed abject terrible self-starting intrenched extremist distracted vicious fearful pleased stirred up fearsome unpretended tough blunt unbridled fired acquisitive unshakeable loud frightful hyper incorrigible hyperactive brisk hectic bugged excruciating full-throated roused hung up volcanic supreme wrathful habitual enduring hard-core amatory punchy outspoken mercurial wishful heavy-duty overwhelming overpowering inspired fascinated infatuated with itchy hard-hitting fast solemn acrimonious go-ahead overemotional dear addicted to devoted to restive rarin' to go adherent energized whole-hearted deepest down-the-line hooked on activated confirmed studious in-your-face amenable energised disposed bred-in-the-bone hot-tempered supportive unpretending inclined through and through pulling no punches hard-working heart-to-heart out-and-out amped-up mournful bursting wishing enraged effusive proselytizing evangelistic plucky delighted mighty tremendous seething spunky sad aflutter insatiable dramatic red-blooded marked sexy arousing titillating intent on peppery gingery penetrating piercing inordinate bubbling over sultry scintillating susceptible intensified uplifting doleful grave all out thirsting bitter strong-minded resolved dogged decided gritty strong-willed bent on hardboiled tenacious indomitable buckled down set on untiring bent persevering unhesitating allegiant aglow heartrending pushy ravenous grasping hysterical neurotic agitable big exciting heartwarming overcharged bound edgy wild-eyed ripe zealotic fireball expectant rapacious avaricious responsible tried tried-and-true inspirited galvanized verklempt sentient importunate preoccupied soulful knee-deep noisy prepared moved influenced encouraged uplifted intuitive instinctive alight engagé attached touchy-feely very great very angry strident demanding raucous natural straining chafing gagging prepossessed relentless open single-hearted old faithful true to the end given over to mushy romantic agitated overactive overwrought galvanised hot-headed high-strung desperate pronounced concentrated up proselytising evangelical in a hurry straining at the leash vociferant obstreperous compelling coming on strong self-driven turbulent rough glad unreluctant short-fuse highly strung perfectionistic principled ignited precipitate headlong high-pressure high-powered hotblooded quickened major gut participating fain off the air very excited on the warpath untainted artless visionary minded meant worked up paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage convulsive busy drastic foaming at the mouth fit to be tied keen on daft disorderly lit lighted indignant irate ireful wackadoodle wackadoo sharp full-blooded assertive resounding arduous muscular taxing actual undissembled pretensionless undesigning on the make starry-eyed in the mood of a mind pysched up up for on for favourably inclined waiting with bated breath nutso knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts bad-tempered ill-tempered hammer and tongs bang-bang hardened seasoned frank candid contributing influential activist high rigorous all-out exhausting erratic monomaniacal partial headstrong domineering credulous willful contumacious chronic maniacal intolerant crazy about mad about rhapsodic wacky tantalized established twenty-four carat honest to God high as a kite goody-goody worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic employed working gaga tantalised zesty smitten radical perennial lifelong critical in love with revolutionary turnt shook on nutty about very enthusiastic about very keen on nutso over nuts about trustworthy hopping immersed bustling forward indelible proved immutable unyielding idealistic unreasonable illiberal prejudiced one-sided irrational partisan cut-throat beguiled enchanted besotted charmed unquestionable revolutionist nuts for high on turned on impenitent unshakable intransigent unapologetic unashamed irredeemable unreformable ineradicable longtime inexorable mad on in flames infuriated swivel-eyed narrow-minded berko berserk goody two-shoes ingrained definite incurable explicit accustomed inured habituated staid lovesick captivated bewitched wigged-out subjective unstinting unambiguous unreserved categorical infected naked insane corybantic deranged overboard sick poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased sizzling bitten unwell virulent flipped ill sicker tied-up go-getting unlimited unmitigated unrestricted unequivocal positive unconditional undivided taken intoxicated spellbound love-struck enraptured seduced indulgent erotic anacreontic amative sisterly brotherly overindulgent long-established righteous affectionate unalloyed sure utter legitimate long-standing freaked out vital two-fisted hard-line well established die-hard deep-set hard-shell firmly established well-established creditable credible ultra undiluted unquestioning outright up front articulate detail oriented silver-tongued vibrant abiding entire fullhearted buoyant fair dinkum rebel persuasive fluent sparky perky very keen very enthusiastic caring kind airy peppy quick alive sparkling zippy benevolent gentle terrorist bubbly bouncy pregnant revealing graceful friendly nurturing full of life gay hundred percent effective suggestive chirpy bouncing springy snappy go-go frisky jazzy pert racy zappy elated pizzazzy pizazzy chipper kinetic jaunty spanking thoughtful considerate sympathetic peart without reservations never-failing close generous attentive amiable reverential reverent telling revelatory graphic glib lucid smooth-tongued meaning pointed well-spoken alert vitalized zingy warm-hearted tenderhearted bright and breezy indicative well-expressed alive and kicking expressing adoration bound up close-knit grandiloquent rhetorical smooth-spoken well spoken voluble impressive magniloquent well expressed sententious facund full of vim and vigour

Tính từ

Plain or lacking in embellishments
plain simple unembellished unadorned uncluttered clean severe unfussy natural classic undecorated unornamented modest unostentatious basic unpretentious unsophisticated bare stark spartan homespun austere homely everyday penny plain workaday without frills muted chaste unpatterned restrained patternless bare-bones plain vanilla unvarnished naked discreet frugal bald stripped down bare bones dry unelaborate no-nonsense honest spare understated Spartan homestyle no-frills without ornamentation without ornament ascetic functional uncomplicated straightforward clinical elegant ordinary economical meagre pure moderate monastic bleak minimal unrefined meager subdued homey down-to-earth no frills symmetrical sparse unfurnished minimalist practical temperate humble characterless impersonal regular colourless soulless antiseptic puritanical clean-cut colorless cut down ultra-plain unaffected standard low-key toned-down unspectacular artless measly conservative minimum essential unadulterated homemade homecooked fundamental hard barren harsh unembroidered bog-standard utilitarian serviceable useful trim homebrew crisp cold chic unpresumptuous minimalistic graceful harmonious scant scanty insufficient skimpy paltry unglamorous simplistic streamlined smooth au naturel precise rudimentary adequate tasteful exquisite wholesome fresh utility institutional cheap inexpensive undeveloped stylish refined shapely definite hard-wearing uncomplex inelaborate unassuming hearty without airs conventional neat well defined aesthetic well-proportioned balanced Augustan fuel-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving rough and ready acceptable classical esthetic strict abstemious abstinent continent rigid exacting solemn refraining straightlaced celibate strait-laced self-sacrificing self-restrained self-denying hair-shirt self-abnegating non-indulgent self-disciplined

Tính từ

Coarse or crude, especially of language
crude coarse crass foul rude gross improper lewd obscene profane uncouth unrefined vulgar dirty filthy gutter immodest impolite impure indecent indecorous rough tasteless unprintable unseemly unsophisticated rank smutty unpolished unscrupulous blue inelegant low mean pornographic foul-mouthed raunchy ribald bawdy salacious X-rated racy suggestive lascivious offensive earthy nasty indelicate naughty wanton spicy off colour adult scatological porny locker-room prurient off-color near the knuckle scatologic saucy trashy Rabelaisian licentious vile stag porno fruity risqué gamy explicit titillating erotic nudge-nudge porn wicked sordid sexy scurrilous lustful near the bone base shameless disgusting sensual steamy salty scabrous carnal hard-core broad lowbred inappropriate arousing loose unchaste off immoral gamey off-colored unclean roughneck ill-bred raffish lowbrow taboo unwholesome cheap depraved libidinous lecherous scandalous shocking soft-core barnyard concupiscent boisterous bad-mannered common fleshly vulgarian uncultured uncultivated incult rollicking juicy tacky brutish lowdown and dirty churlish loutish lubricious skin rugged distasteful sexual outrageous rough-hewn colourful randy hot loathsome sickening repugnant evil noisome rakish debased obnoxious sleazy unbecoming Fescennine full-frontal ithyphallic Cyprian colorful horrible hideous atrocious in bad taste fast libertine incontinent voluptuous close to the bone barbarian risque embarrassing boorish uncivil gruff uncivilized barbaric daring insensible illiberal untoward off-colour shady sooty goatish dissolute amoral degenerate debauched sexually explicit barro provocative indiscreet sizzling lurid corporeal in the gutter low-minded sick rogue devilish corrupt profligate unblushing callow untactful mature undecorous ridiculous malodorous foulmouthed out of line low-down and dirty sly rascally vicious uncivilised Philistine excessive beyond the pale scurvy graphic bodily evil-minded orgiastic low-down gruesome abusive blasphemous page-three lusty unvirtuous unconventional questionable XXX roisterous unsubtle uncensored in poor taste dirty-minded sexually suggestive grown up bad dishonourable odious dishonorable sneaking contemptible malicious slippery villainous discourteous repulsive outlandish unworthy fractious uninhibited aphrodisiac thoughtless lumpish tactless philistine obtuse erogenous robust rousing stimulating erotogenic aphrodisiacal venereal kinky venereous fervid purple horny anacreontic rowdy sexually exciting sexually arousing sexually stimulating rumbustious rambunctious riotous lively slapstick farcical rough-and-tumble knockabout casual harum-scarum mucky farmyard low-down-and-dirty sinful reprobate dissipated unprincipled perverse abandoned perverted promiscuous disreputable nefarious decadent unethical reprehensible iniquitous wrong wrongful shameful graceless ungodly dishonest demoralized despicable unfitting unsavoury passionate unsavory demoralised criminal unmannerly profaned desecrated unsuitable disgraceful degraded cheeky inapt incorrect lubricous satyric ignoble hypersexual itchy warped unfit ungentlemanly inapposite impious infelicitous malapropos incongruous discreditable lickerish intemperate inept unapt disrespectful brazen undignified uncleanly abominable detestable ignominious impudent sacrilegious defiled unladylike appalling jackleg rakehell irreverent unrestrained rakehelly devious brutal unconscionable corrupting unhappy amiss infamous degrading bold unholy out of keeping deplorable unrighteous forward monstrous unfair abhorrent not pure crooked tempting heinous miscreant rotten seductive exploitative out of place diabolical fresh tawdry insulting brash godless irreligious flagrant ruttish flirtatious unspeakable ill-mannered insolent tainted unacceptable execrable wretched grubby illicit unlawful unbefitting pervy opprobrious unjust fallen fiendish awkward contaminated abject wild underhand wayward dark morally wrong murderous inviting egregious flagitious of easy virtue tantalizing alluring not cricket low-life beastly unabashed unashamed amorous audacious hankering sullied itching blunt desirous derogatory exciting barefaced cruel disparaging unsuited tarty blatant unembarrassed ungracious unhealthy vitiated inconsiderate shabby whorish vituperative underhanded inhuman fierce atheistic remorseless blameworthy contumelious impertinent harsh deceitful corrupted illegal maleficent undisguised grim unutterable voluptuary heathen pagan brassy lowlife dangerous truculent shoddy incorrigible black louche barbarous tantalising swinging unconstrained untimely hurtful presumptuous undue dreadful dastardly unseasonable hateful heartless inexcusable felonious malevolent loud unforgivable affronting indictable lawless ill-advised sneaky deceptive drunken uncomely overbold terrible unhallowed scummy censurable out of the way easy worthless awful slimy noxious fast and loose bent in the fast lane no-good vilifying revealing libellous libelous fleshy entertaining hedonistic profanatory unequitable unrightful grody ignorant freethinking unpleasant ill-suited uncontrollable non-theistic morally bereft scungy improprietous depraving uncontrolled delinquent lawbreaking poor ruffian demonic uncurbed savage despisable disagreeable snide paltry currish hot and heavy perverting culpable under-the-table condemnable infernal satanic lax relaxed unruly animal unmoral disorderly unchivalrous ardent objectionable ferocious lame lousy meanspirited against the law amatory unhandsome clumsy gauche unlovely unworthy of maladroit strong violent colloquial derisive unsettling annoying irritating grimy vitriolic blamable base-minded groveling lacking in propriety demoralizing subversive slipshod scabby malignant ratty cruddy disdainable displeasing craving sadistic pejorative denigratory invective deprecatory hedonic deviant hircine hot-blooded grovelling brusque curt inglorious venomous sorry undesirable callous cold-blooded ruthless merciless wounding exasperating tough indulgent flagitous twisted demoralising erring bloodthirsty bloody bestial galling personal vexing provoking slighting exceptionable humiliating vituperatory scurrile scurril groundless sybaritic sicko unnatural severe hard oafish dour bluff unrespectable knavish indefensible notorious shy ungentlemanlike insensitive diabolic guilty good-for-naught no-count meritless good-for-nothing no-account brute homicidal inhumane butcherly fell illegitimate roguish deteriorated violated open forbidding bearish roughcast stern stiff austere deleterious injurious damaging contemptuous sensuous slinky baneful harmful pernicious mischievous malfeasant scoundrelly stinking prejudicial nocuous adverse baleful fast-living detrimental peccable ill sanguinary offending vituperous defiant louring grievous steely stark untutored intimidating black-hearted bad news self-indulgent pleasure-seeking high living upsetting faulty untamed putrid insubordinate come-hither piquant coquettish pert brazen-faced night owl lacking restraint gone bad gone to the dogs oppressive flinty onerous ungentle heavy artless unceremonious bitter hardhanded rancid repellant repellent nauseating horrendous fulsome horrifying horrid insupportable revolting intolerable ugly nauseous hardened forbidden fraudulent lowering unpardonable frightful desecrating pushy voyeuristic prohibited proscribed overt desperate red hot backbiting untrue crying highly improper maligning traducing detractive gossiping detracting longing beguiling enchanting intoxicating heady intriguing enticing encouraging bewitching interesting cutthroat Machiavellian dodgy arch cocky wise bold-faced sassy nervy cocksure brassbound interdicted banned ineffable censored impenitent arrant unconcealed unrepentant transparent violating irreverential infidel heretical saturnalian indescribable flip meretricious hotshot gritty flashy smart-alecky spunky gutsy bald-faced as bold as brass inopportune inexpedient without shame high-handed frowned on disapproved of out of bounds off limits inapplicable inadvisable unwarranted discordant inharmonious unmentionable impermissible restricted off-limits irregular discrepant erroneous inadmissible imprudent not to be spoken of no go inaccurate abnormal preposterous ludicrous odd false ill-timed uncalled-for out-of-place out-of-season off-base at odds bad form that dare not speak its name

Tính từ

Lacking social grace, elegance or charm
graceless uncultured uncultivated unpolished unrefined coarse crude inelegant loutish rough rude tactless thoughtless uncomfortable uncouth uneasy ungraceful unmannered unmannerly vulgar wooden barbaric barbarous boorish improper inconsiderate shameless stiff uneducated unworldly barbarian impolite indecorous oafish offensive rustic rustical stilted tasteless corrupt outlandish rough-hewn ill-mannered socially awkward socially inept lacking in social graces socially unsure rugged ill-bred unsophisticated gross uncivilized awkward common indelicate roughneck primitive gauche uncivilised crass discourteous philistine uncivil clumsy low provincial lowbred insensible raffish incult lowbrow illiberal stark savage churlish parochial roughhewn maladroit impertinent disrespectful ungainly natural native spartan gawky earthy uncalled-for bad-mannered raunchy loud-mouthed loud heavy-handed rough-and-tumble uncoordinated brutish troglodytic rough and ready gruff plebeian hooligan hard bearish ungenteel ungallant unseemly clownish disgracious ungentlemanly hick yobbish backwoods unladylike classless hillbilly cloddish clodhopping slobbish craggy Neanderthal foul-mouthed heavy gritty sheepish insolent inept geeky callow shy ill-behaved embarrassed nerdy blundering mannerless socially lacking self-conscious socially anxious ill at ease socially incompetent lacking in social grace cheeky badly behaved disagreeable impudent abusive audacious bumbling ignorant unhandsome presumptuous ungracious insensitive tacky cheap inexperienced agrestic inurbane ham-handed blunt brusque curt fresh insulting brash flip contumelious surly malapert sassy short sharp lippy bold saucy offhand pert brazen nervy abrupt cocky sullen brassy insubordinate unchivalrous forward brazen-faced unfriendly unkind harsh arch wise bold-faced cocksure brassbound unceremonious smart-alecky unpleasant thuggish derogatory irreverent wild disparaging disdainful brass-necked crusty undiplomatic arrogant cantankerous ornery contemptuous mouthy out-of-line uncharitable cavalier misbehaved uncomplimentary snippy derisive foul profane indecent irritable underbred illiterate crabbed bad-tempered ill-tempered plebby low-bred dour procacious smart shocking bold as brass benighted lewd Neandertal ill-humoured immodest base unsavoury ill-humored unsavory terse tart testy bluff defiant morose smart-arsed bitter moody heathen inappropriate mean irascible unsuitable swinish grumpy degrading brutal incongruous outrageous inaffable flippant lumpen dirty grouchy obscene snippety heathenish smart-assed vituperative bawdy filthy cruel inhuman lubberly blasphemous truculent perverse overbearing indiscreet naughty barefaced off-base peremptory intrusive ill-natured ugly out of line smart alecky short-tempered beyond the pale charmless sordid impure ordinary overfamiliar low-minded hostile vernacular low-born ballsy assumptive mischievous presumptive baseborn general inhospitable unfortunate scornful poor shoddy obloquious acerbic in-your-face assuming aweless unfilial sacrilegious impious profanatory uncourteous yokelish bounderish vicious untamed merciless trailer-park lacking civility bad mannered nescient uncaring mean-spirited countrified ocker unpoised sketchy backward immature scathing violent berating scurrilous reproachful obnoxious reviling sarcastic denigratory belittling pejorative defamatory snappy imperative breezy magisterial dictatorial sleazy selfish self-centered temeritous bantam abrasive bumptious pointed caustic vituperatory calumniating brief brusk boldfaced unblushing overbold blatant unabashed cool arrant impetuous impatient touchy cussed cross-grained polite miserly unsociable unneighborly put down bungling snappish explicit off stolid antisocial asocial self-centred brisk unconscionable wicked uncontrolled ungodly unholy petulant offish rowdy doltish lumpish bullying breviloquent sulky tough bad risqué unchaste unsettling smutty affronting nasty salacious vilifying suggestive unclean unwholesome off-color tawdry colloquial vile sickening unutterable X-rated direct unthinking common as muck fractious hoonish dense severe ribald careless in a state of nature cross glum prickly crabby scowling choleric short-spoken no-nonsense intolerant forbidding fierce stern austere roughcast grim vulgarian callous unfair unthoughtful heartless heedless reckless unconcerned unmindful incautious unsympathetic hasty personal unsubtle matter-of-fact to the point shrewish splenetic pouty chippy bilious sour dyspeptic untutored intimidating louring grievous steely humourless crotchety humorless tetchy curmudgeonly flinty onerous ungentle artless hardhanded oppressive undignified prying inquisitive interfering meddling meddlesome nosy unsmiling bloody-minded acid saturnine moping mopey pouting unhelpful murderous lowering untoward incorrect loose inapposite immoral unvirtuous inapt unbecoming wrong wanton off base unfit unacceptable unhappy amiss undesirable unapt unfitting infelicitous malapropos out of place out of keeping out of the way in bad taste

Tính từ

Belonging or happening near the beginning of a particular period
early first foundational initial original inaugural maiden preliminary antecedent earliest prior embryonic foundation prefatory pilot prelusive opening precursory undeveloped initiatory nascent precursive inceptive inductive preceding primitive beginning inchoate introductory young preludial trial foremost incipient old test fledgling infant starting brand-new lead-in elementary primary basic rudimentary fundamental preparatory commencing germinal budding headmost developing preparative emergent initiative pioneer virgin leading leadoff emerging immature rudimental premier incomplete aborning essential primal underlying unfinished imperfect elemental proemial uncompleted provisional anterior primordial unformed primeval crude dawning growing basal hasty unpolished prime indigenous aboriginal evolving unrefined quick sketchy cursory abecedarian meat-and-potatoes autochthonous prodromal prelim rough exploratory autochthonic pristine prodromic coarse embryonal primaeval prelusory just beginning underivative underived substratal simplest uncomplicated simple unprocessed uncut rough and ready prolegomenous premature new originating seminal potential experimental advance explorative unindustrialized impending ancient readying preparing newborn prehistoric unfledged up-and-coming burgeoning in its infancy start antediluvian antique native in an early stage lower ur- proto- prefatorial preambular preambulatory larval nuts-and-bolts bog-standard radical primigenial prolegomenal exordial prototype prototypal uncomplex ABCs plain simplified simplex primo clear entry-level uncivilised unevolved barbaric uncivilized previous formless first-hand duck soup child's play meat and potatoes amorphous unshaped shapeless just begun inexact imprecise clumsy unprecise roughhewn makeshift roughly made rough-hewn roughly-made rough-and-tumble rough-and-ready

Tính từ

Having a naive or unsuspecting nature
unworldly green innocent naive unsophisticated simple inexperienced ingenuous trusting artless callow idealistic natural unaffected aw-shucks dewy dewy-eyed gullible immature naif primitive simpleminded uncritical uninitiated unknowing unsuspecting unsuspicious unwary wide-eyed childlike credulous guileless born yesterday clean corn-fed country folksy unartificial uncool unschooled unstudied as green as grass babe in woods wet behind the ears ignorant impressionable unpretentious unguarded trustful nescient over-trusting easily deceived easily taken in insensible confiding uninformed unsceptical unacquainted unfamiliar youthful naïf incognizant easily led untutored plain naïve unwitting unaware unmindful oblivious untaught clueless easy jejune unpretending unconscious exploitable unquestioning unrefined susceptible gullable modest down-to-earth unpolished unassuming gauche parochial provincial rustic green as grass cornball bush-league rookie corny homey unadulterated kid pure genuine without airs authentic undeveloped untrained savage uncivilized dupable deceivable overtrusting uncultivated barbaric barbarian accepting imprudent believing uncivilised fierce unlearned uncultured untamed animal brutish undomesticated vestigial underdeveloped austere atavistic nonliterate wild barbarous fond over-trustful unwise fresh silly virginal easy mark readily taken in readily falling for readily swallowing whole uncorrupted virgin cute quaint shallow unjaded uneducated countrified Panglossian simple-minded starry-eyed like a babe in the woods foolish fleeceable unskeptical biting vulnerable exploitive exploitative exploitatory optimistic indiscriminating undoubting open spontaneous frank uninhibited overcredulous fictile defenceless tender infant juvenile unfledged tenderfoot adolescent young malleable sucker mark easily influenced easily exploited easily controlled tumbling for taken in kidding oneself swallowing whole taking the bait being a sucker defenseless falling hook line and sinker superstitious prone to superstition

Tính từ

Feeling or expressing great anger
inflamed hot sore angry red swollen infected chafing reddened septic angered angry-looking apoplectic ballistic burning choleric enraged festered foaming fuming furious hopping horn-mad incensed indignant infuriate infuriated irate ireful itching itchy livid mad outraged painful rabid rankled riled riley roiled shirty smarting steaming stinging tender ticked wrathful wroth festering fevered puffed up sensitive blistered bloodshot burnt chafed cheesed off irritated scalded steamed up teed off enflamed hopping mad hot under the collar fit to be tied bent out of shape in a huff going crook in a fume in a pet blue in the face raging boiling seething cross tooshie up in arms incandescent annoyed choked foaming at the mouth beside oneself exasperated in high dudgeon wild on the warpath vexed beside yourself frenzied provoked aerated off the air piqued in a temper upset raving steamed ranting maddened browned off in a frenzy very angry irked miffed resentful nettled as cross as two sticks seeing red aggrieved ticked off ropeable peeved crook soreheaded frantic aggravated snaky displeased heated in a lather in a paddy in a bate put out with all guns blazing suppurating passionate hacked offended purulent frustrated bummed out waxy spare hacked off peed off blazing disgruntled vex dissatisfied desperate insane corybantic demented crazed maniac irrational bent unreasonable smoking hurt affronted pained acrimonious up the wall huffy irascible antagonized narked roused splenetic bugged stroppy perturbed scandalized antagonistic hostile scandalised shocked storming ill-humored dark antagonised not best pleased burned up pushed too far worked up in a rage bad-tempered in a towering rage at boiling point hot-tempered fed up raging mad all steamed up overcome with anger ill-tempered blown a gasket wound up boiling mad in a filthy temper beside yourself with rage ill-humoured sombre sullen somber fiery scalding steamy piping air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air airborne poisonous pink bitter agitated berserk maturating gathering ulcerated rousted rancorous bothered black flaming galled dogged uptight buffaloed stung ruffled embittered as black as thunder raving mad bloody rubbed the wrong way at end of one's rope hot and bothered eggy grieved hoha out of control flaming mad blazing mad very upset in a wax full-on all-out uncompromising breakneck energetic concerted manic red-rimmed acrid afflicted weighty grieving brassed off hard annoying distressing troubled extremely angry excited peeling disturbed unhappy distressed discontented gory poisoned putrefying chagrined nasty putrid putrefactive scornful p.o.'d bloodstained ensanguined scarlet aching aroused blistering severe diseased pus-filled toxic exacerbated gangrenous violent vehement fierce vicious frenetic rage sunburned bursting sulky crabby testy sour surly grumpy peevish insulted wounded malcontent moody irritable snuffy petulant injured slighted morose miffy spiteful touchy glowering churlish hateful ratty crabbed glum discontent vitriolic out of humour dour malevolent brooding disappointed unfriendly frowning disgusted gloomy aggressive grouchy querulous dirty cantankerous in a bad mood gnashing one's teeth needled out of sorts pouting grudging rattled anguished unforgiving vindictive tetchy pouty unsociable mopey menacing threatening scunnered malicious uncivil sourpussed unresponsive uncommunicative narky flustered waspish joyless sulking unmannerly snappy venomous belligerent malignant salty prickly malign gruff het up filthy cranky unglued impatient harsh ferocious ill-disposed out of joint hate-filled at daggers drawn hard done by short-tempered quick-tempered in an uproar defiant good and mad mad as hell worried unjustifiably resentful unjustifiably offended unsatisfied unpleased dishonored humiliated snubbed crazy reproachful umbrageous dishonoured ready to be tied disrespected crackers burning with excitement anxious harried wronged harassed hassled smouldering abrupt curt contemptuous disdainful disaffected begrudging snitty harmed tense wrath ill-used woeful saddened jaundiced virulent brusque terse chippy persecuted oppressed victimised depressed victimized cynical sardonic irreconcilable caustic crotchety grousing malcontented crabbing bellyaching uncontent out of temper griping kvetching kicking ungratified critical scathing bilious savage pugnacious mean butthurt impetuous hotheaded unindulgent revengeful scowling smoldering with chip on shoulder grudge-bearing with a chip on one's shoulder forbidding envenomed hurtful catty pernicious censorious huffish bad tempered having short fuse hot under collar stern evil wicked full of hate full of dislike grim impassioned maleficent baleful unkind ill-natured contentious inhospitable temperamental foreboding ominous cheerless intense louring malefic intimidating frightening spirited animated evil-intentioned lively fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought hectic full-hearted feverish hyperactive perfervid passional avid fervent ardent

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Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully
incompetent incapable inept unfit unfitted inexpert unable useless bungling ineffectual blundering unprofessional deficient floundering ineffective inferior substandard unqualified unskilful unskilled cowboy incapacitated lacking lacking ability unsuitable wanting amateurish cack-handed clumsy ham-fisted inadequate inapt inefficient no good pathetic skill-less unproficient unskillful amateur awkward bush-league disqualified helpless hopeless ineligible inexperienced insufficient maladroit unadapted unapt unequipped unhandy uninitiated untrained not good enough undependable unreliable a dead loss less capable not much cop leaving much to be desired not equal to not have it not up to it not up to scratch not up to snuff out to lunch not cut out for unable to do something for toffee bad careless untalented inproficient suboptimal subpar negligent inefficacious weak powerless impotent feeble poor worthless lousy unsuited uncool defective inexpedient not up to improper inappropriate incompatible ill-suited bum unsatisfactory unequal inoperative unsuccessful imperfect feckless hamstrung counterproductive lame faulty duff rotten losing dependent frail naive butterfingers vulnerable can't hack it can't cut it unequal to the task not equal to something not up to something out of one's depth not much chop not know one's arse from one's elbow no great shakes unproductive futile broken flimsy inconsistent junk not proper unadvantageous limited incongruous unbecoming unhappy untoward amiss incorrect wrong indecorous infelicitous unseemly perverse malapropos inapposite unacceptable unbefitting inadequate for unworthy of ineligible for ill-suited to unsuitable for unequipped for unfitted for unprepared for inharmonious out of place inappropriate to ill-adapted not good enough for inapplicable not designed not designed for discordant graceless unsuited to ill-adapted to