Đồng nghĩa của gentle

Alternative for gentle

gentles, gentler, gentlest, gentled, gentling

Đồng nghĩa: amiable, cordial, cultured, friendly, genial, genteel, good-natured, humane, kindly, mild, moderate, noble, polished, refined, soft, sympathetic, tender, well-bred,

Trái nghĩa: hard, harsh, severe, strict,

Tính từ

Having a considerate or kindly disposition
kind affable amiable considerate genial mellow placid pleasant quiet agreeable caring compassionate pleasing soft tender benevolent benign friendly humane kindly laid back lenient lovable meek amicable decent good-natured humble kind-hearted likeable likable mild-mannered modest obliging respectful sociable softhearted unassuming understanding cheerful congenial demure dove-like easygoing lamblike loving merciful moderate non-confrontational pacific peaceable peaceful reverent shy sweet-tempered sympathetic temperate tender-hearted warmhearted angelic bland cool dovelike forbearing forgiving goodhearted good-humored good-humoured gracious harmless kindhearted large-hearted moral retiring tenderhearted soft-spoken unoffensive brotherly fatherly maternal motherly paternal sisterly mild warm tolerant indulgent charitable affectionate generous soft-hearted warm-hearted benignant thoughtful calm easy clement beneficent easy-going sensitive cordial good-hearted patient accommodating compliant sweet helpful fond nice complaisant responsive liberal polite comforting submissive feeling docile approachable magnanimous neighbourly big-hearted neighborly passive good-tempered sentimental well-disposed serene amenable deferential good soothing light empathetic acquiescent humanitarian devoted pitying yielding altruistic all heart doting unselfish balmy permissive supportive subdued courteous hospitable open cooperative resigned manageable tame tractable biddable bleeding-heart tranquil concerned engaging favorable empathic nonbelligerent conciliatory giving favourable long-suffering nurturing urbane lax selfless personable great-hearted peace-loving unreserved well meaning outgoing mollycoddling pampering pacifistic commiserative gregarious pliant condoning equable delightful pardoning even-tempered solicitous jovial longanimous pacifist accepting philanthropic well disposed lovely civil protective bighearted civilized emotional dovish adoring nonaggressive sparing spoiling stoical convivial charming down-to-earth non-aggressive non-violent non-combative non-belligerent conflict-free excusing demonstrative bonhomous obedient relaxed unassertive unresisting civilised anti-war willing companionable subservient uncomplaining humoring receptive delicate unflappable accessible comradely touchy-feely stoic attentive philanthropical humouring smooth natural diplomatic nonabrasive fatherlike benefic human assuaging hearty going easy on sensible still emollient maternalistic well intentioned compromising casual lowly bleeding heart cheery allowing happy permitting sheltering mother chirpy nonresistant persuadable watchful obsequious carefree unobtrusive unwarlike timid amatory spiritless dear undemanding unprotesting cowed self-effacing adaptable pliable unambitious ingratiating social passionate perky spineless malleable soft-shell orderly careful fearful clubbable flexible nonviolent uninhibited unpresumptuous irenic complacent philosophical reverential prepossessing winsome enduring mushy perceptive nonchalant munificent parental matey chummy sweet-natured broad-minded being big buddy-buddy dutiful open-hearted restrained greathearted open-minded big sympathizing condoling self-controlled self-restrained welcoming commiserating ruthful sympathising free and easy loving and giving conversable fair well-mannered happy-go-lucky heart in right place soppy parent lovesome softened refreshing suave company-loving wonderful unconfrontational chilled easy-oasy matriarchal patriarchal unemotional unconstrained easy to get along with jejune vapid dull flat obeisant forbearant assuasive favoring letting reserved nonmalignant appealing nonthreatening unargumentative noncombative noncontentious melting favouring oily unctuous debonair harmonious guiding swell taking captivating winning enchanting palsy palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow unpretentious expansive familiar unaffected couthy live with informal healthful beneficial bright accommodative cosseting gratifying as nice as pie simpatico reasonable pitiful ardent clubby pally communicative composed consoling righteous comprehending appreciative reassuring noble wholesome non-malignant encouraging ductile soft-shelled overpermissive nonjudgmental advantageous deceivable piteous servile gallant dupable having heart in right place placatory hushed hushful silent low-keyed low-pitched low close-mouthed muffled protecting supporting caretaking living with going easy with trusting naive unsuspicious deludable unoppressive unburdensome gullible susceptible fleeceable at ease imperturbable unexcitable intuitive teachable barley-sugar loyal fervent close earnest faithful diffident eleemosynary soft touch without hostility propitious free from strife public-spirited regardful openhearted unstinting chivalrous tactful open-handed lavish princely bounteous bountiful openhanded freehanded auspicious old softie able to live with going along with persistent persevering conformable law-abiding controllable manipulable unresistant fatalistic reconciled non-resistant tolerating placating neutralist peacemaking bloodless inoffensive do-good well-intentioned fiery irritable sensorial perceiving conscious sensory vulnerable reactive high-strung nervous impressionable fragile cognizant sheepish resistless supplicatory equanimous untiring mild-tempered unruffled self-possessed inexcitable mitigative lenitive palliative weak-kneed childlike well-behaved governable milky persuasible usable docious laid-back bound up close-knit profitable timorous sycophantic hesitant tentative apprehensive pabulum Milquetoast nothing wishy-washy zero plain adapted phlegmatic satisfied adjusted renouncing nonresisting quiescent relinquishing accommodated ready impassive philosophic fortitudinous convincible easily manipulated easily handled expressing adoration mim self-conscious with the patience of Job restful undisturbed healing assenting assentive easily influenced amorous ordered pacificatory salutary overindulgent willing to compromise easily persuaded lovey-dovey willing to please weak boneless

Tính từ

(archaic, of a person) Having the characteristics attributed to noble birth
genteel elegant noble aristocratic cultured refined courteous cultivated elite upper-class polished well-born well-bred grand highborn high-born highbred polite titled upmarket upper-crust wellborn well born aristocratical blue-blooded Brahmin civil ennobled great high lofty superior top-drawer upper crust blue exalted gentlemanlike gentlemanly kingly knightly ladylike lordly patrician posh princely queenly regal royal silk-stocking silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth of gentle birth distinguished noble-born of noble birth landed landowning imperial county respectable huntin', shootin', fishin' high-class thoroughbred classy elevated preeminent illustrious eminent top drawer sovereign sovran tweedy mannerly purebred pedigreed privileged bluestocking well-brought-up well-mannered luminous prestigious sophisticated gracious exclusive courtly urbane gallant select top-rank high-up high-ranking top-level baronial top-ranking snobby uptown well-behaved taught considerate trained top-people's leading master prime lead august primary key major dignified predominant chief supreme highest honoured premium premier main esteemed greatest venerable apex prominent notable top famous dominant respected celebrated revered renowned principal central foremost transcendent big arch first capital cardinal focal paramount head big-time biggest core largest primal major league overbearing large well thought of highly regarded widely praised of distinction number-one number one huge well-known overriding honored numero uno overmastering grave pre-eminent important prior outstanding commanding ruling influential essential vital fundamental presiding supereminent ultimate noteworthy pivotal crucial noted uppermost prevailing powerful controlling significant senior famed high-level best topmost basic glorious acclaimed honourable prevalent honorable imposing governing top-tier unsurpassed incomparable critical salient utmost top-notch star peerless matchless unequaled unequalled consummate heavy mighty high-powered intrinsic preponderant high-profile superlative champion consequential authoritative integral ascendant predominate regnant major-league seminal unparalleled reputable arch- weighty notorious potent puissant big-league highest-ranking magnificent astral admired indispensable stellar unrivaled unrivalled directing signal first-class overruling ranking of note serious dominating well known all-important big league worthy underlying necessary elemental decisive rudimentary VIP absolute lionized alpha legendary maximum higher staple majestic urgent surpassing unsurpassable recognized towering big-name top-priority first-rate redoubtable determining material must-have reigning iconic exemplary upper formidable inimitable lionised resonant storied radical recognised heavy-duty of greatest importance No. 1 stately high profile second to none heavyweight far-reaching of great consequence of the first rank inflated intellectual finest immodest exaggerated excessive remarkable four-star successful bright extraordinary high-minded crack unprecedented conspicuous winning total superstar celeb fabled unconditional quintessential meaningful pressing sublime world-class prized valued trusted of high standing big-gun compelling eventful substantial deciding perfect well-connected industry leading headmost especial high-grade momentous effective unbeatable nonpareil distinctive historical of prime importance of supreme importance first and foremost telling almighty popular acute of influence high-priority unexcelled a cut above the rest topflight best possible top-class burning historic instrumental feted life-and-death accomplished expert finished excellent unmatchable number ideal unlimited characteristic inherent favoured favored chosen brilliant front-page special splendid particular strongest simple beginning opening crowning axial infinite unrestricted boundless unrestrained unbounded root strong constitutional prodigious operative keynote strategic elementary resplendent final skookum full utter oustanding public basal constitutive second-to-none eloquent rich memorable oratorical marvelous cogent magnific phenomenal maximal optimal peak super intervening superseding of greatest significance of mark in the public eye energetic dynamic richest monarchical monarchal venerated of repute immortal trendsetting big-wheel big-shot hot-dog record loftiest chad fine ace better world class crown self-important pompous overblown uplifting superb proud good marvellous apical zenithal tiptop complete unassailable optimum reverenced hallowed front guiding monarchial omnipotent official imperious supervisory all-powerful overpowering efficacious arbitrary utopian domineering unexampled initial larger greater bigger elder magnanimous undefeated unbeaten inaugural A-number-1 A-1 pertinent considerable worshipped furthermost grandiloquent primo hotshot hotdog holding the reins heroic triumphal idealistic learned profound sweeping ponderous appreciable imperative upper-level top of the line top of the range top-of-the-range without equal par excellence beyond compare record-breaking first class prize-winning number 1 sans pareil requisite severe large-scale sizable dire intense pronounced exceptional exigent at the cutting edge at the leading edge heavy stuff hot stuff determinative climactic sacred decent reverend sage high up definitive prerequisite mandatory needed required impactful immediate striking worthwhile pointed monumental in charge higher-ranking of higher rank first-string higher-level superordinate loftier unmatched higher up wise much needed earth-shattering vitally important very important life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence gifted first rate highly rated untouchable overshadowing life-changing dangerous grievous of consequence of concern life and death sedate matriarchal experienced patriarchal philosophical admirable worshipful estimable worshiped highest ranking mother of all leonine lionlike celebrious page-oner name redoubted most important most prominent most influential most illustrious most powerful most obvious most noticeable most skilled most excellent most outstanding

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Denotes kindness and generosity
large altruistic magnanimous beneficent benevolent charitable forgiving generous kindly bighearted big-hearted considerate greathearted great-hearted knightly large-hearted munificent noble selfless unselfish decent fair openhanded ungrudging unstinting upright friendly philanthropic kind compassionate humane sympathetic giving kindhearted philanthropical good-hearted kind-hearted humanitarian immaculate obliging merciful self-sacrificing social-minded bounteous unsparing angelical eleemosynary esteemed unerring openhearted creditable pharisaical do-good inoffensive approving freehanded goody-goody bountiful benign free holy moralistic spotless respected liberal tolerant graceful pietistical pietistic unmarred well-disposed pristine gracious chaste goodhearted unflawed untouched prayerful good redeeming virginal unblamable redeemable open-handed lavish free-handed prodigal freehearted fulsome princely open indulgent helpful public-spirited handsome big thoughtful benignant chivalrous profuse caring hospitable loose plenteous soft-touch generous to a fault self-denying abundant warm-hearted ready high-minded extravagant lofty unstinted willing willingly given all heart understanding ample disinterested plentiful affable full open-hearted devoted self-forgetting honest moderate excellent easy honourable reasonable equitable just honorable neighbourly loving incorruptible self-effacing extroverted denying gallant tender-hearted lenient good-natured neighborly over the top soft-hearted rich acceptable warm effusive human good scout Robin Hood bleeding heart accommodating congenial cordial amicable amiable supportive tenderhearted tender warmhearted softhearted beneficient valuable useful well meaning well-meaning very kind self-forgetful overgenerous profligate overabundant immoderate wasteful thriftless unrestrained improvident intemperate almsgiving wild casual unstinging exuberant free-and-easy solicitous donating socially concerned patriotic prosocial contributing public- spirited natural elevated great high sublime lordly excessive unkind unrelenting inexorable cruel procrustean soft clement worthy has heart in right place Santa Claus

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Of or pertaining to a maiden
maidenly demure pure reserved chaste decorous unsullied vestal virginal virtuous decent modest undefiled girlish immaculate intact retiring seemly virgin celibate innocent uncorrupted sinless abstinent unmarried maiden unwed moral self-restrained self-denying pure as the driven snow wholesome clean unblemished continent G-rated incorrupt spotless unaffected good upright uncontaminated guiltless nunlike proper stainless refined quiet elegant simple restrained austere unstained inexperienced neat prudish impotent intemerate controlled subdued monogamous squeaky clean platonic nice single husbandless spouseless wifeless nunnish monklike monkish ascetic monastic untainted flawless faithful free of sin clean-living free from sin righteous honest blameless angelic impeccable ethical exemplary saintly reputable honourable irreproachable upstanding true pious honorable noble worthy guileless unspoilt unblighted inculpable inviolate white unprofaned unspotted squeaky-clean wide-eyed lily white above reproach anti-corruption wet behind ears babe in woods pure as driven snow faultless perfect unimpeachable untarnished lily-white pristine clear respectable principled right-minded just cleanhanded admirable meritorious undamaged high-minded laudable untouched sound praiseworthy right scrupulous excellent above suspicion unmarred whiter than white model correct irreprehensible unpolluted incorruptible trustworthy uncorrupt commendable lawful conscientious estimable indefectible unimpaired straight safe ideal unbroken high-principled unharmed absolute fair law-abiding unflawed unoffending in the clear holy crimeless uncensurable guilt-free classical whole unmarked unspoiled impeccant without fault not guilty uninvolved legitimate beyond reproach unblamable punctilious seamless all right moralistic as pure as the driven snow free of sublime uninjured angelical sterling licit legal picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect equitable unhurt unsoiled superb consummate morally correct right-thinking reliable square stand-up paradigmatic classic quintessential unscathed lofty bueno prototypical neato elevated unbribable dutiful entire fresh unequaled noble-minded splendid peerless beyond criticism not bad self-righteous dependable batting a thousand not too shabby beyond compare true-blue kosher dignified spick-and-span characteristic representative typical illustrative skilled skilful skillful natural undisturbed saintlike godly expert copybook impartial solid unequalled accomplished supreme unassailable conscionable unerring outstanding culminating exceptional matchless ten aces magnanimous creditable respected secure out-of-this-world defectless untouchable finished tip-top polished antiseptic spic-and-span up front balanced shining beautiful snowy infallible without blemish devoted harmless charitable apple-pie unmoved sackless unadulterated accurate spiritual loyal sanitary unchanged free truthful valuable sanctimonious deserving exquisite unmutilated indifferent devout unaltered uninfluenced mint unobjectionable constant reverent trusty unexceptionable sincere clean-cut invaluable not to blame fine straightforward aboveboard distinguished chivalrous proud responsible legit precious gallant unimpressed unstirred as good as new as sound as a bell fitting in perfect condition applaudable on the up and up salt of the earth without a scratch in good condition artless highly respectable paradisiacal utopian foolproof crowning experienced paradisiac A-OK excelling adept rustproof redoubtable gleaming glowing competent proficient rectitudinous angel-like unagitated idealistic unquestionable without sin professional without guilt unwemmed chase clean-handed burnished bright unfailing undiminished polite obedient incorrupted favoring free from guilt free from blame superlative dexterous shiny irreprovable cultivated tractable well-behaved unblackened unchallengeable peaceful error-free masterly reproachless sacred not responsible God-fearing innocent as a lamb discreet sober high snow white lenient sportsmanly favouring religious prim sportsmanlike saving dinkum humane godlike philanthropical philanthropic imitable archetypal textbook definitive archetypical complete scatheless of principle circumspect above board Christian severe coy lordly greathearted at peace calm serene tranquil courteous harmonious morally right morally acceptable true blue in good taste just so worthwhile venerable edifying uplifting very good trusted dapper alright goody-goody esteemed highly regarded inoffensive optimal A1 prime peak optimum delicate beyond question beyond suspicion dextrous well-executed symmetrical justifiable justified perpetual persistent inextinguishable immortal undestroyable unchanging first-class of good report A-1 non-erotic non-violent improving unbiased unprejudiced exact precise absolved cleared exculpated untroubled exonerated objective fair-minded dedicated steady understated plain dry-eyed unconcerned errorless A-okay note-perfect fleckless staunch lovely firm shipshape untried neutral open-minded even-handed non-partisan invigorating ruddy sane practical together fresh-faced envigorating hygienic commonsensical open helpful normal open-faced sensible blooming aesthetic well-proportioned Augustan fast on target anti-discrimination disinterested non-discriminatory adorable entrancing unswerving evenhanded dispassionate nonpartisan equal true-hearted beatific lovable enchanting adorbs candid reasonable all there sensational brilliant magnificent marvellous extraordinary fantastic marvelous fabulous phenomenal great esthetic sure steadfast tried unwavering stanch trustable potable out of danger safe and sound uncolored nondiscriminatory supportive calculable hale and hearty in fine feather in the pink full of integrity tried-and-true truehearted veridical allegiant down-the-line resolute wholehearted ardent undistorted liege confirmed better than expected no lie palatable quaffable gluggable high-quality on the level hot drinkable drinkworthy fancy prized filtered primary without reproach of excellent character indispensable inestimable profitable treasured valued fit to drink safe to drink hot property high-grade up to par up to standard up to snuff up to scratch most valuable most precious

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Acting or done at leisure
leisurely unhurried slow easy relaxed comfortable languid lazy restful easy-going laid-back sedate unrushed crawling creeping dallying dawdling dilatory dillydallying dragging effortless lackadaisical laggard lagging languorous lingering pokey poking poky sluggish snaillike snail-paced tardy undemanding measured steady casual delayed deliberate free lax relaxing slack slackened slow-moving unhasty plodding loitering leisured slow-going slow and steady easygoing nonchalant patient calm chilled unexciting dull ponderous leaden moderate sluggardly laboured tortoise-like listless leaden-footed snail-like lethargic late torpid laggy behindhand slothful idle lollygagging procrastinating apathetic labored phlegmatic tortoiselike drowsy dreamy imperceptible indolent inert delaying postponing passive supine remiss inactive heavy impassive indifferent sleepy unconcerned uninterested limp enervated spiritless slow-paced languishing stagnant energyless unenthusiastic feeble moony flagging offhand negligent careless gradual pococurante slow-footed weary blah weak dopey comatose uncaring shiftless snoozy nebbish lymphatic faint blahs pining sickly infirm wimpy sleepyhead insouciant inattentive slapdash slap-happy disinterested neglectful fainéant faineant laid back otiose workshy regardless moving slowly do-nothing peaceful at your own pace in your own time lumbering cumbersome recreational even regular still tired backward laborious stupid undeveloped dense underprivileged imbecile checked moronic behind arrested underdeveloped feeble-minded subnormal time-wasting unpunctual on hands and knees putting off tarrying amusing frivolous entertaining moratory problem loafing fun work-shy good-for-nothing bone idle non-job related non-work related derelict inefficient slipshod procrastinative incompetent disregardful delinquent disorganized neglecting sloppy disorderly asleep at the wheel disorganised slovenly quiescent asleep on the job unprofessional permissive dormant slithering shuffling quailing inching sneaking grovelling worming skulking writhing slinking wriggling squirming shambling groveling hobbling cavalier artless detached unstudied blasé loose cursory flippant superficial complacent light carefree cool disimpassioned breezy simple informal abstracted half-hearted lukewarm on all fours barely moving happy-go-lucky devil-may-care free and easy passionless bloodless aimless incurious sentimental romantic laissez-faire halfhearted Laodicean daydreaming easy going spring fever

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Giving comfort, or calming in nature
dreamy relaxing calming lulling soothing comforting narcotic pacifying peaceful quieting romantic sedative tranquil tranquilizing tranquillizing soporific calmative restful hypnotic opiate somnolent sleep-inducing somniferous palliative sleepy reassuring quietening ataractic drowsy slumberous anodyne quiet somnific appeasing allaying slumbrous depressant lenitive neuroleptic ataraxic calm numbing analgesic dulling stupefying placid reposeful stupefacient stupefactive mollifying warming relieving consoling easing consolatory remedying painkilling softening anaesthetic pain-relieving stuporific Lethean anesthetic deadening somnifacient somnorific soporiferous encouraging cheering uplifting supportive inspiriting heartening sympathetic understanding helpful caring protective compassionate satisfying gratifying kind kindly mesmerizing fulfilling pleasing mesmerising warm gladdening heartwarming nurturing inspiring sensitive empathetic concerned benevolent dozy snoozy dull boosting stimulating affectionate responsive nodding balmy settling boring monotonous deadly dull heavy mesmeric beneficent giving thoughtful spellbinding attentive empathic maternal indulgent philanthropical gracious philanthropic considerate generous paternal affirmative entrancing enthusiastic cheerful feeling charitable altruistic fascinating compelling appreciative positive approving sleep-producing bewitching irresistible welcome magnetic captivating trance-inducing soporose enthralling absorbing commiserative tender assuaging solicitous condoling rewarding loving heart-warming mitigating analeptic upholding revitalizing curing solacing abating bolstering envigorating revitalising invigorating lightening succouring alleviating revivifying health-giving restoring sustaining succoring freeing refreshing

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Humble in position or status
lowly humble inferior low plebeian proletarian common ignoble lowborn obscure subordinate low-born low-bred mean ordinary plain poor simple baseborn lower-class low-life low-ranking lumpen meek mild modest peasant prole unwashed vulgar docile dutiful submissive unassuming base deprived everyday menial mundane obsequious prosaic retiring reverential servile withdrawing cast down average declassed unpretentious commonplace subservient minor undistinguished lesser working-class second-class low-grade junior lower humdrum lower-ranking secondary insignificant contemptible blue-collar popular ancillary smaller second-rate abject degrading small fawning sycophantic slavish demeaning sorry low-class groveling obeisant unimportant ignominious middling unworthy déclassé lowlife meager grovelling measly inglorious miserable puny paltry shabby wretched subsidiary scrubby pitiful petty reduced poorer blue-singlet meagre second-string second-fiddle plebby supporting of low birth less entry-level bottom-rung less important lower-level crude dishonourable dishonorable obedient self-abasing unresisting ingratiating craven bourgeois cloth-cap philistine unsophisticated traditional banal conventional pedestrian declassé democratic people's grassroots baser unambitious buck subaltern subalternate limited mediocre unskilled diminished boring low-status marginal unaspiring unimposing unexceptional routine dull lessened little lousy bottom slighter sad vile underprivileged dinky small-fry bush-league third-string undersized subjacent minor-league small-time lower in rank lower in status low-level lower-grade unrefined severe rough unremarkable lower rung trivial inconsequential second-banana beneath someone below someone under someone's heel not very important back seat not so important associate uncouth unfit beggarly sordid second supplementary reserve alternative supplemental spare alternate backup substitute fallback attendant auxiliary tedious basic younger accessory extra relief of low rank sub under youngest assistant fall-back vice- sub-

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Suitable for a royal court
courtly elegant refined stately aristocratic ceremonious chivalrous civil cultivated decorous dignified formal gallant polite sophisticated stylish urbane debonair suave affable civilised civilized classy courteous cultured fine genteel gentlemanly graceful gracious handsome honorable honourable ladylike majestic obliging polished tasteful adulatory august complimentary conventional couth flattering highbred high-bred imposing lofty preux prim proper studied well bred well mannered mannerly respectful thoughtful considerate well-bred attentive well-mannered charming noble pleasant well behaved well-behaved smooth deferential distinguished correct tactful kind respectable becoming diplomatic discreet cordial seemly complaisant well-spoken well brought up well spoken protective gentlemanlike accommodating genial impeccable befitting nice developed de rigueur reputable decent soft-spoken conciliatory politic punctilious mild amenable sympathetic well brought-up good-natured neighborly obsequious concerned friendly neighbourly condescending poised amiable sociable bland solicitous good-mannered dashing self-possessed confident self-assured trim smart spruce dapper spiffy swish snappy swanky cool sharp fly attractive svelte trig well groomed well dressed happy casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out sprightly cheerful jaunty on fleek accomplished worldly worldly-wise fitting fit suitable glib slick right moral conforming done comme il faut cosmopolitan distingué snobbish discerning proud appropriate discriminating advanced sedate modest demure orthodox posh comely restrained meet prudish priggish prissy media-savvy balanced metropolitan haughty smooth-tongued smooth-talking educated agreeable silver-tongued finished enlightened privileged well-born aloof soft fulsome oily unctuous ingratiating pleasing cavalier upright virtuous venerable highbrow composed in line by the book straight strait-laced puritanical by the numbers magnanimous well informed well read erudite learned well-educated standard approved accepted apt usual customary stiff stiff-necked stilted traditional starchy kosher OK acceptable right stuff okay careful precise staid reserved affected in good taste accurate evolved pinpoint airy dainty spot-on close late exquisite higher progressive improved sensitive forward mathematical high rigorous good ceremonial au fait seasonable sublime fastidious fashionable patronising pompous ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da artificial intolerant hollow patronizing snooty straitlaced precious stuffy plush high-brow snazzy high-minded superior aesthetic ritzy esthetic experienced

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Slow to reveal emotion or opinions

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Inactive, quiet, at rest
quiescent inactive dormant inert latent motionless quiet sluggish still lethargic peaceful resting serene silent smooth torpid asleep calm deactivated dull fallow idle immobile in abeyance inoperative passive placid sleepy slumbering stagnant tranquil undisturbed lifeless unagitated unmoving unruffled at rest sleeping abeyant hidden lurking undeveloped inherent unseen untapped unexpressed unrevealed unrealized invisible concealed subconscious repressed veiled smoldering secret undiscovered unapparent masked underlying suppressed unconscious immanent unexposed potential smouldering suspended prepatent unused vacant free off dead not sounded out not pronounced indiscernible imperceptible unfulfilled inchoate innermost unacknowledged covert buried inferred vestigial intrinsic involved underdeveloped inferential tacit embryonic immature implied unripe contained likely rudimentary possible not activated out of commission on the shelf implicit undeclared unreserved unspoken understood unsaid constructive unuttered taken for granted complete total wholehearted firm steadfast full fixed entire constant unqualified unshakable unhesitating accurate inevitable implicative inarticulate definite virtual practical unquestioned certain covered camouflaged screened unfaltering unquestioning disguised unconditional absolute shrouded wordless unemployed undoubting undisclosed bottled up under wraps deep subliminal undetectable suggested indirect deducible hinted unoccupied imperceivable cloaked mothballed surreptitious stationary clouded undercover eclipsed undetected not in use out of use hinted at not visible out of sight in the dark out of view unwavering unidentified unbeknown unknown forthright rapid swift prompt confident lost covered up unbeknownst unrecognized resolute relapsing retreating lowering receding regressive ebbing declining falling unrecognised unswerving inbuilt obedient unthinking automatic larvate cryptic incognito cabalistic ingrained fundamental incorporated disused prospective inner future not operating ticking over undivulged probable budding inmost gathering dust unutilized no longer in use fallen into disuse mental recessive unexploited conceivable developing imaginable not made use of untried obscured inconspicuous going begging not in service unspoilt non-functioning in the making unseeable unnoticeable unnoticed indistinguishable unobserved disengaged restrained unobtrusive discreet indistinct nonexistent obscure unperceivable shadowy inappreciable stopped static stifled intangible unobservable ghostly insensible perdu impalpable ethereal vaporous imaginary not in view not in sight unviewable imponderable gaseous impossible to detect turned off on hold low-key in holding pattern insinuated smothered muffled unstated inhibited oblique unvoiced not obvious withheld sheltered pent up bottled-up blocked held back curbed held in allusive adumbrated occult indicative signified figured symbolized foreshadowed significative assumed indicated perceptible meant connoted parallel intended snug tect underground symbolised kept in check not spelt out alluded to taken as read tacitly assumed not on view

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Easily anxious or frightened
timid cowardly scared afraid fearful frightened nervous timorous pusillanimous quaking weak-kneed apprehensive easily frightened faint-hearted gutless lacking courage mousy shrinking lily-livered meek anxious chicken cowering craven cringey fainthearted irresolute jittery mousey panicky pigeonhearted pigeon-hearted sissy skittish spineless trembling tremulous unheroic wimpish wimpy yellow yellow-bellied browbeaten bullied capricious cowed daunted dismayed feeble hesitant intimidated Milquetoast poor-spirited recreant shaky soft spiritless submissive tentative unassured unnerved vacillating wavering weak wet having cold feet shy chicken-livered chicken-hearted scary diffident dastardly chickenhearted fearsome milk-livered poltroon unassertive candy-assed sissified wishy-washy characterless weakling nerveless pathetic namby-pamby boneless limp-wristed effete invertebrate frail ineffectual jumpy bashful milk-and-water retiring self-effacing unmanly weakened reticent weak-willed unconfident coy indecisive ineffective abject base quiet tame wussy modest unassuming impotent feart squeamish nervy spooked antsy white-livered indeterminate faint half-hearted milksoppish unsure lame inept caitiff easily led reserved demure humble trepidatious inadequate declining worried alarmed easily scared excited inefficient incompetent shuddering sheepish uncertain agitated coward funky agog debilitated petrified enervated startled mean-spirited insufficient silly terrified niddering foolish insignificant poltroonish weedy ignoble sookie fickle passive dishonourable dishonorable cringing weak-minded drippy deceitful offensive treacherous sneaking low unprincipled unethical tricky faltering dithering useless cowhearted backward worthless daft nerdy reluctant afraid of one's own shadow doubting withdrawn introverted unforthcoming persuasible persuadable infirm impressionable doubtful compliant powerless undetermined fallible wary suspicious chary paper tiger no guts running scared unobtrusive introvert corruptible supine hemming and hawing waffling yielding unreliable undependable biddable feeble-minded having the willies colourless pale colorless plain quivering twitchy stressy windy distrustful overstrung unquiet keyed up spooky forceless pithless having kittens unconvincing unenthusiastic unsubstantial meager fragile a bundle of nerves in a cold sweat without a will of your own moderate mild flimsy tenuous meagre afraid of one's shadow like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks frightened of one's own shadow low-key languid insipid vapid enfeebled slight wasted sapped delicate asthenic tender softened prostrate prostrated down-and-out jejune limp listless dull innocuous soppy disorganized wasteful epicene simpering swishy snowflake disorganised flabby bland vulnerable errant defenceless susceptible malleable imperfect erring flawed resistless without guts changeable flavourless mediocre watered-down sapless flavorless easily tempted defenseless exhausted drained spent decrepit worn out vitiated washed-out played out lacklustre droopy apathetic lifeless melancholic melancholy passionless dispirited torpid unmoved lackadaisical bloodless despondent languorous depressed mopy desiccated dejected flat unimpassioned wooden languishing dry uninspired anaemic uninspiring unconcerned draggy slothful broken boring blue down lackluster disconsolate dopey subdued inanimate downhearted indifferent sad blah downcast anemic down in the dumps flat tire cast down down in the mouth lacking in vitality

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Very fine in texture or structure, especially of intricate workmanship or quality
delicate fine dainty exquisite intricate elegant subtle airy graceful nice soft detailed nuanced sheer wispy chiffony diaphanous feathery flimsy floaty gauzy gossamer gossamery insubstantial light papery silky thin choice ethereal filmy gauzelike recherche shimmering threadlike translucent transparent fine-grained fine-spun wafer-thin see-through fragile refined cobwebby lightweight ultra-fine frail unsubstantial gossamer-like select rare beautiful slight gossamer-thin tiffany chiffon silken lovely lacy fancy pellucid luxurious opulent fluffy grand charming tasteful transpicuous translucid superior plush lucid classy slim pretty stylish lavish finespun cultivated tenuous sumptuous frothy sleazy waiflike handsome artistic vaporous pleasing floating attractive ornate comely cultured smart polished deluxe lush elaborate sophisticated luxuriant rich discerning recherché fastidious courtly well-made tissuelike high-class chic majestic urbane stately aesthetic pure swanky first-class smooth precise limpid very thin swank posh clear esthetic splendiferous summery frangible superfine skimpy wisplike nebulous cobweblike cottony incorporeal subtile permeable deficient glossy iridescent gauze-like exotic feather-like flyaway filigree floatable attenuated slender far-fetched esoteric arcane fibrous cobweb loose frilly open porous spongy flowing cut-rate slapdash superficial tacky meager unsound rinkydink infirm defective meagre decrepit meshy meticulous paperlike weightless downy atmospheric reedy narrow twiggy fairy aerial rarefied involved papyraceous discriminating lacelike lace-like patterned netlike net net-like intangible impalpable shadowy harmonious chartaceous neat exact hairsplitting methodical exclusive palatial expensive house of cards otherworldly ghostly unworldly wraithlike vapory gaseous eerie trim petite restrained splendid costly fit becoming sensitive fitting paper balletic lithe quality special magnificent luxury well-executed well-crafted paper-thin ultra-thin dinky upmarket plushy Lucullan spiffy quiet snazzy in good taste chaste unaffected gratifying classical unobtrusive subdued uptown luxe loaded palace gorgeous Lucullian swish ritzy fancy-pants pricey Babylonian flowy palatian well appointed luscious super cute sweet bonny darling delightful fair deft tender precious feeble aesthetically pleasing fashionable extravagant classic modish dignified distinguished dashing suave noble decorous ostentatious ornamented genteel affected debonair august schmick aristocratic overdone stylized well-designed well-dressed a la mode well-bred polite civil courteous civilized gracious civilised well bred gentlemanly well mannered proper gallant ladylike mannerly well-mannered seemly chivalrous respectable formal couth correct affable accomplished well-behaved decent befitting tactful de rigueur obliging advanced svelte educated sharp cool prim diplomatic enlightened respectful developed experienced pleasant simple ceremonious understated poised decorative flattering snobbish self-possessed ornamental modest cosmopolitan worldly moving expressive worldly-wise punctilious balanced flashy creative highbred sublime well-born lofty imaginative high fetching snappy enhancing royal conventional media-savvy impeccable ceremonial knowledgeable discreet erudite good-looking on fleek with good taste good tolerant intelligent well behaved comfortable appealing haughty uncluttered handy clever ingenious streamlined well-off proud divine striking womanly privileged aloof honourable honorable aerodynamic flash adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing preux studied finished perfected zooty presentable politic cavalier showy sleek symmetrical agreeable humane good mannered high fashion austere plain confident self-assured appropriate suitable glib slick emotional distingué sedate dapper spruce genial cordial kind well-proportioned Augustan pompous pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow prudish snooty priggish straitlaced prissy condescending stuffy stylistic stunning knockout taking goodly likely bonnie drop-dead lovesome beauteous ravishing sightly considerate deferential thoughtful fly staid demure evolved close progressive improved forward rigorous accurate pinpoint spot-on late higher mathematical complaisant well-chosen trig well groomed well dressed musical pictorial ideal rhythmical stimulating dramatic picturesque reserved beautifying metropolitan bland casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly well spoken soft-spoken well brought up well-spoken elevated figurative symbolic flowery comme il faut right meet conforming moral seasonable au fait done high-brow high-minded sartorial scholarly intellectual jet-set citified blasé highbrow mondaine knowing mature world-weary well-favored well-informed worldly wise been around perceptive profound deep poetic insightful elite upper-class well-read artistically aware learned understanding liberal up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue well-educated traveled appreciative arty well informed well read versed well educated literary informed literate well born highborn upper-crust titled high-born wellborn travelled full of feeling au courant upper crust Brahmin ennobled blue-blooded aristocratical top-drawer great gentlemanlike blue silk-stocking queenly regal lordly exalted silver-spoon princely patrician knightly kingly born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

Tính từ

Very small in amount, level or degree
slight meagre scanty paltry scant small slim sparse negligible insubstantial meager little measly modest minimal tiny exiguous weak inconsiderable insignificant marginal inappreciable nominal faint feeble imperceptible vague infinitesimal minuscule minute subtle poor inadequate slender insufficient deficient skimpy spare limited scarce short stingy light restricted skimp sparing trifling lean puny miserable thin hand-to-mouth piddling bare flimsy tenuous minimum scrimpy wanting mean miserly pitiful pathetic beggarly trivial inconsequential lacking barren fractional in short supply minor reduced unsatisfactory finite implausible token frail shabby unfinished diminutive unproductive mere unfruitful scrimp infertile diminished incomplete too little too late rare thin on the ground irrelevant superficial half-hearted indifferent unconvincing unsubstantial fragmentary narrow petty confined disappointing shallow mild few scattered sporadic lamentable infrequent absolute lowly low ordinary contemptible subnormal base scrubby thinly distributed dispersed occasional uncommon outside incommensurate few and far between measured circumscribed defined rudimentary sketchy patchy definite determinate basic off drained bereft hard to come by at a premium shy needed remote improbable unlikely isolated far-fetched littlest least smallest slightest no more than faulty imperfect partial set ineffectual not making it too few not hacking it too small too little coming up short not enough nugatory lowest incidental tiniest fewest piffling merest basal minutest questionable dubious doubtful only a just a no better than dicey iffy absurd inconceivable next to none least possible very little next to no smallest amount of distant fragile derisory bitty stunted stinted

Tính từ

Lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness
feeble weak frail weakened delicate infirm debilitated enfeebled failing effete powerless puny sickly enervated wasted faint weakly ailing doddering exhausted helpless impotent languid decrepit etiolated poorly shaky unwell asthenic doddery down-and-out incapacitated low prostrate prostrated sapped shilpit slight soft softened tender tottering tottery unsubstantial weedy wimpish wimpy trembling trembly aged dopey emasculated flabby flat fragile half-hearted insufficient lame meagre meager pathetic sapless strengthless vitiated woozy out of gas unconvincing unenthusiastic timorous spiritless timid moderate flimsy tenuous mild tame faint-hearted low-key wishy-washy lily-livered ill unsound nerveless tired drained thin fatigued spineless faltering spent crippled ineffective limp lacklustre lackluster inadequate spindly weary listless irresolute unstable weakling indisposed anemic lackadaisical old anaemic vulnerable anile insecure senile small rickety poor in poor health worn out indifferent weak-kneed unhealthy ineffectual uninterested apathetic passive tepid sick flagging forceless subdued brittle faded unwilling long in the tooth elderly languorous paltry breakable dainty sensitive paralyzed paralysed invertebrate unsteady characterless wet insubstantial shrill out of shape scrawny high namby-pamby past it milk-and-water limp-wristed perfunctory sluggish high-pitched passionless lifeless unexcited lukewarm invalid cool vague wobbly slender depleted reedy defenseless minimal wavering undermined dim reluctant debile vacillating ancient senescent superficial blasé unnerved halting sensile deteriorated inert defenceless declining unable devitalized unfit diminished useless impuissant impassive light hamstrung incapable handcuffed hog-tied laid low shatterable fracturable dull disabled muted crumbly inept gutless pale remote distant friable wan frangible high and dry washed-out hazy played out easily broken without energy drooping encumbered hindered hampered toothless bedridden disorganized boneless wasteful indecisive valetudinarian crook nesh susceptible in declining health fishy shattery wispy wussy meek unpowerful rundown yielding neutral rendered feeble senior withered atrophied deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged easily damaged airy stricken dotard nominal disorganised done in rusty run-down desultory cursory emotionless sinking dying reduced superannuated lacking feeling dispassionate unconcerned dizzy subtle unimpressed unresponsive imperceptible token out of sorts flawed deficient diffuse Laodicean unemotional dimmed diffused gone to seed washed out out of condition on the ropes unmoved untrained mellow broken-down fine shaded burned out tinted glimmering in second childhood in your dotage glowing in bad shape shimmering imperfect unsatisfactory substandard subject tied dependent incompetent injured over the hill no spring chicken disenfranchised unarmed splintery smashable destroyable destructible eggshell dud unproductive infecund supine blank disfranchised chicken without power resistless wimp tinny squeaky blurred hurt bated lambent wounded not able in poor condition bland bad sore stiff bruised paper tiger with no say gloomy unlikely handicapped maimed cracked lethargic wearied worn battered deformed damaged over a barrel improbable tiny languishing pooped knackered beat game dead aweary bushed done dubious slim doubtful negligible poorly lit badly lit wiped out loggy burned-out jaded logy beaten bleary tuckered out burnt-out worn-out all in tapped out precarious physically challenged minuscule exiguous outside perilous nebulous risky suspect unreliable rocky dicey sketchy uncertain dodgy iffy wanting defeated unsuccessful unprosperous easily threatened easily destroyed far-fetched unthriving unavailing not well