Đồng nghĩa của stuffy

Alternative for stuffy

stuffier, stuffiest

Đồng nghĩa: airless, close, dull, oppressive, pompous, prim, staid, stifling, stodgy, suffocating, unimaginative,

Tính từ

Muggy, stuffy, with bad ventilation
stifling airless close suffocating heavy stale sultry muggy oppressive breathless foetid fetid frowsty frowzy fuggy musty unventilated confined humid stagnant thick fusty sticky damp steamy moldy mouldy mildewed smelly dank clammy rank malodorous mucky soggy soupy mildewy like a sauna like a Turkish bath moist sweltering sweaty unaired decayed dingy funky foul smoky shabby noisome seedy unfresh rotten putrid mucid claggy wet dirty dampish hot boiling hot and humid mouldering noxious warm smoke-filled hazy foggy sprouting old fungal festering growing decaying neglected rotting crumbling ill-smelling very hot roasting badly ventilated poorly ventilated torrid moldering overpowering sweltry sodden misty tropical irriguous watery choky uncomfortable stale-smelling very damp sweat box steam bath stinking strong ripe reeking stenchy frowsy stinky reeky drab gloomy dark dull squalid spoilt spoiled filthy dim smothering tacky badly lit poorly lit run down rancid foul-smelling mephitic whiffy olid evil-smelling pongy pungent off miasmic miasmal high niffy offensive festy strong-smelling sour bad humming acrid nasty disgusting niffing nauseating repulsive tainted revolting decomposing decomposed putrescent gamy turned vile stinking to high heaven lousy curdled unsavoury stenchful polluted unsavory obnoxious sickening poisonous unpleasant loathsome grimy disagreeable grubby pestilential putrefying feculent skanky grotty fermented yucko graveolent nauseous gross odoriferous icky odiferous overripe yecchy nidorous rotted contaminated skunky soured carious odorous putrefied impure putrefactive smutty blighted baneful disused miasmatic evil- baleful infested acid bitter spoiling harsh acidic insalubrious maggoty worm-eaten flyblown inedible unfit for human consumption mouldered corrupt addled wormy moldered degenerated gangrenous putrefacient grody scuzzy unclean unhealthy clabbered unwholesome miry soiled gone off gone bad muddy scurvy repellent abhorrent horrible abominable dreadful repugnant awful horrendous hideous appalling detestable distasteful odious atrocious horrid terrible frightful objectionable yucky vomitous ghastly gruesome unpalatable repellant God-awful diabolical unappetizing fulsome disgustful shocking obscene uninviting beastly loathly scandalous ugly pigpen gut-churning off-putting on the nose sick-making stomach-churning vomit-inducing stomach-turning

Tính từ

Overly formal, pompous or conventional
staid conventional old-fashioned formal pompous prim priggish strait-laced impersonal reserved sedate sober stiff conformist conservative deadly fogeyish musty stilted fuddy-duddy fusty humourless square starchy straight niminy-piminy old-fogeyish stick-in-the-mud uptight arrogant bloated foetid fetid genteel hot humorless important magisterial narrow narrow-minded prissy prudish puffy puritanical self-important smelly smoky smug straitlaced strict supercilious Victorian warm of the old school as dry as dust prim and proper proper goody-goody old-maidish Grundyish schoolmarmish schoolmistressy moralistic governessy rigid bluenosed straightlaced mimsy traditional nice-nelly decorous severe austere demure tight-laced censorious bigoted Pecksniffian overnice correct bourgeois puritan respectable ceremonious self-righteous sententious orthodox holier-than-thou pietistic hypocritical sanctimonious stern old-maid dignified Pharisaic precise fastidious self-satisfied overmodest artificial precious conforming buttoned-down traditionalist po-faced nice unadventurous square-toed ceremonial goody-two-shoes Pooterish button-down shockable overscrupulous ascetic forbidding disapproving fanatical pedantic spartan hair-shirt complacent vain mainstream moral abstemious abstinent squeamish distinguished overexact simpering mincing scrupulous offish affected rigorous finicky pretentious illiberal socially acceptable fussy particular august stately imposing suburban parochial stodgy dogmatic doctrinal Biedermeier punctilious blue-nose spic-and-span polite snobbish spruce meticulous wooden cleanly good dapper upright stickling nit-picking choosy forced small-town comme il faut straight-laced bien pensant portly unnatural mannered laboured strained solemn frigid unrelaxed icy pi labored unctuous pious epicene moralizing Tartuffian churchy diehard boring stiff-necked pharisaical mealy-mouthed canting insincere superior dated namby-pamby deceiving preachy religiose Pharisaical false moralising out of date out of the ark out-of-date behind the times too good to be true to keep up appearances

Tính từ

Boring or severely lacking in interest
boring monotonous tedious tiresome uninteresting wearisome dreary dull humdrum pedestrian drab leaden ponderous slow tiring wearying colourless colorless flat heavy drudging jading jejune monochromatic numbing old stale stodgy arid dry dusty weary stupid tame mind-numbing ho-hum prosaic unexciting insipid lifeless vapid banal commonplace uneventful run-of-the-mill routine bland lacklustre lackluster uninspiring unvaried unimaginative plodding trite mundane uninspired repetitious unremarkable characterless spiritless blah bromidic samey ho hum unvarying tired deadly sterile fatiguing common laborious dead ordinary as dry as dust repetitive nowhere unstimulating workaday quotidian wooden soporific featureless stiff banausic dry as dust platitudinous dull as dishwater unoriginal derivative hackneyed nothing monochrome everyday enervating exhausting wishy-washy prosy dim dullsville dreich draggy lacking variety conventional laboured stilted turgid fuddy-duddy uniform irksome mediocre mechanical unchanging verbose soul-destroying weariful lame unrelieved labored vanilla depressing windy unenjoyable unentertaining nondescript barren yawnsome inane monotone staid lacking excitement lacking interest stereotyped big yawn nothing to write home about no great shakes mindless threadbare interminable plebeian pedantic vacuous feeble limp bloodless weak forced toneless soulless usual dull as ditchwater bog-standard sluggish empty passionless desolate dragging deadly dull white-bread unexceptional unspirited day-to-day deadening dismal prolix downcast innocuous lacking variation treadmill ornery plain vanilla common or garden not up to much sedate moth-eaten bomb zero bummer drag cloying well-worn drear undistinctive neutral indistinct pompous square unlively unpassioned unmemorable unnatural awkward artificial clumsy serious stolid solemn depressed unanimated uninterested tepid normal typical customary regular declamatory worn-out droning uncreative zestless non-stimulating garden variety garden-variety quiet sleepy slack irritating annoying antiseptic average overlong wintery raw sorrowful dispiriting damp oppressive wintry cardboard matter-of-fact without variety stagnant pointless vacant bleak dowdy plain simplistic crude meager meagre a dime a dozen half-pie OK so-so monotonic all the same reiterated recurrent sing-song samely unchanged gray anemic grey anaemic unproductive unprogressive inactive pabulum mortal poky snooze unfeeling lusterless milk-and-water watery unexcited expressionless mat dulled unexpressive matte boresome vexatious hack middle-of-the-road overused uninflected endless overworked one-horse dead-and-alive truistic heavy-going formal flat as pancake puts one to sleep unseasoned unpalatable blind sapless muted whitebread not so hot clichéd long-drawn-out lead balloon namby-pamby weighty stock heavy going out of date inoffensive outdated unobjectionable old-fashioned harmless outmoded mainstream archaic safe obsolete halfhearted diluted defunct extinct hard to digest antiquated antediluvian superannuated boiled down without punch hoary passé cliché-ridden timeworn corny hacky antwacky out of the ark worn out played out old hat cut and dried time-worn apathetic torpid flavourless flavorless undistinguished listless deadpan tasteless unemotional no-nonsense sober emotionless pallid unimpassioned static indifferent uncomic cold unadorned subdued impassive down-to-earth passive humourless factual languid unsentimental humorless lustreless inexpressive unamusing distasteful somber unappetizing unappealing literal simple sombre predictable indistinctive unsavoury inert blank unembellished mild straightforward practical straight unresponsive phlegmatic unsavory conservative hollow unpretentious desiccated grave uninviting lethargic disagreeable unpleasant inedible unvarnished undemonstrative unattractive beige level-headed hard-headed uneatable unexceptionable unenthusiastic noncommittal numb faceless driveling drivelling realistic pragmatic insensitive businesslike anodyne soft pathetic half-hearted hardheaded pragmatical indecisive calm difficult stern earthy flat tire gross grim unfunny severe run of the mill enervated long-winded unidealistic cold-blooded slow-moving uncomedic unwitty clean clear unsmiling terrestrial nitty-gritty off-putting earnest unadventurous disgusting serious-minded constant restrained repeated familiar ineffectual stoical nauseating glassy savourless rational sensible yucky unromantic unobtrusive loathsome revolting faithful stoic institutional ineffective peaceful frigid slothful nasty foul commonsensical backwoods iterative benumbed placid lackadaisical standard unexcitable unmoved ceaseless reiterative insistent continual languorous understated dispassionate spineless impassible wimpy savorless lacking in vitality sick-making lowly unostentatious affectless watered-down irresolute unembroidered undistorted unaffected exact lukewarm intense sullen straight-thinking repressed lazy droopy humble unflashy low-keyed languishing mournful elementary dour sour unconcerned hard-boiled cowardly down behind the times homely austere low-key with both feet on the ground toned-down folksy miserable long steady slow but sure literal-minded unidentified unspecified prosing usual thing dry-as-dust unmodulated earthbound shiftless menial sickening clinical uninventive unartistic wordy unfulfilling disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing glassy-eyed not fun unpoetic least Milquetoast repugnant derived over-serious trying frustrating workday unspecial logical lacking vitality useless duplicative backward vile poor inadequate general futile two-dimensional comatose unnoteworthy unfateful noneventful inconclusive cautious in the doldrums generic profitless vain unambitious noisome circumspect fatuous tenuous nebbish slight spent fishy standard-issue cut-and-dry cut-and-dried reserved prudent demoralising unrewarding trivial puerile chary devoid of feeling devoid of emotion waterish nerdy fruitless worthless lacking personality lacking charisma attentive thin accustomed valueless unprofitable purposeless aimless actual practicable yawn diddly prose timid unmotivated catatonic effete glazed subtle incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent run-of-the mill gingerly wary considerate careful heedful calculating unavailing bootless otiose unsuccessful inefficacious abortive neither one thing nor the other light discreet backwater wet limp-wristed weak-kneed sobersided bovine unflavoured drawly regimented dense unreadable unfruitful unfilled unprolific unenterprising matter-of- fact unsympathetic inconspicuous puritanical douce strict supine wimpish weakened nerveless frail invertebrate weakling unnoticeable unkind indolent coldhearted not amounting to much anaesthetic insensible anesthetic unflappable unpleasurable leery badly written governmental utilitarian rudimentary corporate functional ugly innocent twangy imitative twanging callous numbed stony asleep inhuman po-faced unhumorous repulsive desensitized groggy disinterested tranquil uninvolved uncompassionate lymphatic uncharismatic senseless anesthetized yucko along for the ride desensitised detached without spice big zero peaceable unoffending vacillating wavering retiring drawling brackish detestable yukky abhorrent anaesthetized paralysed paralyzed still frequentative standard issue unrefined robust unsophisticated rough natural grody unenticing stinky icky forgettable innoxious nonprovocative meek direct uninhibited slavish inelaborate pure and simple normophilic uncluttered unornamented rustic your basic modest unelaborate uncomplicated undecorated submissive melancholic dispirited despondent mopy low dejected melancholy white non-aggressive non-violent benign non-combative hurtless stark nameless blue disconsolate gutless dopey broken sad drippy inanimate downhearted withdrawn tempered pensive fogeyish out-of-date backward-looking crusty gentle friendly pleasant frank chastened creaky mouldy old-fogeyish controlled home folk basic homey funky lowbred easygoing lusty down home outdoorsy dated antique fusty moldy past it old-time inobtrusive down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down lacking originality naked accurate impersonal feasible truthful

Tính từ

Having a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
irritable grumpy irascible testy cross peevish cranky ratty grouchy petulant crabby choleric prickly fiery snappy snappish crotchety pettish waspish perverse snarky snippy snippety raspy short-tempered quick-tempered touchy tetchy bad-tempered cantankerous ill-tempered crabbed chippy narky crusty fractious ill-humoured ill-humored liverish eggy soreheaded splenetic peppery huffy miffy snaky peckish surly dyspeptic ill-natured disagreeable querulous curmudgeonly bilious out of sorts impatient moody like a bear with a sore head hot-tempered sullen sulky fretful shirty ornery stroppy out of humor churlish edgy captious waxy angry scratchy on a short fuse shrewish complaining whingy sour brusque in a bad mood quarrelsome morose bearish mardy short-fused as cross as two sticks volatile sorehead cross-grained bitter on edge temperamental miserable snarling difficult whingeing fussy mean awkward uptight out of temper thin-skinned argumentative obstinate grumbling hotheaded uncooperative contrary acrimonious passionate spiteful cavilling caviling waspy in a mood vinegary hot-blooded critical disgruntled annoyed harsh displeased ireful truculent whining sensitive excitable iracund iracundulous sore tart short sharp cussed nasty mumpish dour acid ugly fault-finding hot under the collar hot-headed curt huffish feisty bristly discontented glum unsociable gruff pouty resentful misanthropic cynical pertinacious impulsive whiny crybaby ungracious exasperated inflammable arsey tooshie pouting gloomy tough malicious venomous malignant vindictive hasty grousing dissatisfied acrid trying carping griping growling fretting childish saturnine blunt chuffy obstreperous having got out of bed on the wrong side easily upset nasty-tempered out of humour bloody-minded foul-tempered out-of-sorts having got out of bed the wrong side aggressive vinegarish uncontrollable furious tense apt to fly off the handle impetuous forceful bad-humored salty contentious oversensitive hypercritical got up on wrong side of bed like a bear brooding disputatious filthy easily offended vexed peeved put out irritated piqued irate upset irked galled livid apoplectic riled mad steamed wild crook steamed up vex ropeable hoha wroth jumpy faultfinding aerated in a paddy in a lather up in arms bent out of shape on the warpath teed off fit to be tied foaming at the mouth hacked off not best pleased in a bate ticked off hopping mad unpleasant indignant enraged incensed infuriated wrathful cheesed off aggravated angered miffed in a huff aggrieved outraged narked nettled in high dudgeon fuming provoked browned off offended fed up peed off hostile in a temper unfriendly rabid ballistic rankled inflamed ticked steaming roiled affronted brassed off bothered foaming riley enflamed antagonistic seething raging ruffled hot infuriate maddened hopping boiling snuffy horn-mad choked beside oneself hurt distressed belligerent agitated rude incandescent unhappy frustrated glowering troubled malevolent rancorous bellicose worked up pugnacious stung mopey in a frenzy scrappy disturbed scunnered unkind vicious frenzied fierce going crook raving beside yourself combative in a fume blue in the face in a pet flustered harassed ranting wound up vitriolic embittered moping discourteous wrath uncivil impolite scowling insulted malign worried defiant uncommunicative pained hateful confrontational very angry perturbed abrupt disappointed threatening inhospitable violent militant seeing red frowning poisonous aloof dark uncongenial warlike off the air joyless unmannerly injured unsympathetic unresponsive catty wounded censorious unsmiling rattled spare inimical menacing agonistic ticklish discordant taciturn ferocious assaultive obnoxious sourpussed harried antipathetic distant humourless humorless afflicted sulking cruel unapproachable hurtful sarcastic heated mean-spirited needled severe anxious burned up negative restive grieved het up boiling mad destructive slighted raging mad with all guns blazing restless abusive cold depressed adversarial wicked mopish cool disobliging unattractive snarly dejected envenomed chilly hard cheerless louring atrabilious disaffected bad frosty stern black inconsiderate scathing boorish unhelpful unneighbourly frigid sombre somber unruly gladiatorial discouraged unlikable dismal savage berserk brawly chafed annoying withdrawn tormented blue chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid brittle frozen icy arctic glacial coldish hot and bothered intimidating scornful fretted ungratified jaundiced uncharitable roused hate-filled grudging frantic antagonized stiff hacked bugged insane down in the mouth storming ready for a fight antagonised ill-disposed up the wall bummed out sharp-tongued in a rage all steamed up blown a gasket beside yourself with rage gnashing one's teeth pushed too far at boiling point in a filthy temper loudmouthed anguished goaded burning with excitement excited unsavoury uneasy reproachful offensive virulent distraught uncomfortable overwrought objectionable malcontent snubbed mighty good and mad mad as hell vehement stressed fidgety hassled foul unlikeable snitty confused disrespected terse disrespectful perplexed brief hypersensitive blazing crazy pernicious spunky acute acerbic ready to be tied lugubrious wrought up ill at ease unsettled no-nonsense laconic rough bluff unindulgent ungenerous tempersome zowerswopped discontent chagrined adverse disheartened recalcitrant offhand Eeyorish pessimistic sober wreck unquiet overstrung twitchy nervous refractory crackers p.o.'d viperous perversely irritable emotional crabbing bellyaching uncontent kicking malcontented kvetching ill-mannered out of countenance unceremonious froward rousted plaintive murmuring stewed toey indomitable indocile uncompliant ill flaming dogged scandalized buffaloed offish off unfulfilled defeated perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe unpredictable highly strung unsavory shocked scandalised blazing mad flaming mad litigious out of joint bad tempered agitable broody disgusted at daggers drawn dirty unglued with a long face sharp-tempered raving mad crude boisterous unsatisfied unsated disputative in a funk in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks having short fuse unlovable evil-minded neurotic mopy kittle skittish out of control very upset grieving distressing weighty warring factious wired up as black as thunder moaning wailing crying deploring lamenting grumbly bemoaning whimpering eristic hot under collar carrying a chip on your shoulder hung up rubbed the wrong way overcome with anger at end of one's rope in a wax in a towering rage bundle of nerves desperate demented uncompromising energetic unreasonable corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking manic breakneck irrational concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful irritating controversial polemical polemic battling dissentious fighting unloveable ructious arguesome wrangling bickering tempestuous extremely angry impassioned turbulent war brawling high-strung long-faced hard to please easily agitated easily frightened have chip on shoulder forbidding evil despondent huffy irascible maleficent baleful steely uninviting flinty disconsolate sad downcast disillusioned malefic serious formidable melancholic forlorn low down saddened strict stony evil-intentioned sinister stark lowering solemn ungentle fell austere grave unamicable antisocial inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable bolshie itching aggers resolute bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent frightening browbeating bullying mordant gray grey grim supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking boot-faced against conflicting opposite estranged competitive unpromising vengeful opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms disparaging overcritical deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting nitpicking criticizing judgemental judgmental disapproving rejective pernickety pass-remarkable nitpicky thorny exceptive criticising exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty demanding trivial cavillous finicky tricky

Tính từ

(of a person's nose) Blocked up and making breathing difficult

Tính từ

Not friendly or sociable
aloof cold distant cool reserved remote detached unfriendly indifferent frosty withdrawn unsociable uncommunicative frigid unresponsive antisocial standoffish unsympathetic unforthcoming chilly unapproachable impersonal offish unconcerned unbending stiff unclubbable formal asocial haughty standoff uninterested dry forbidding austere disdainful supercilious incurious uppity proud snooty lofty stand-offish cold-eyed buttoned-up hard-hearted hard-boiled thick-skinned laid back on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs conventional strait-laced undemonstrative restrained reticent taciturn keeping people at arm's length unfeeling unemotional uptight icy uncompanionable ceremonious insociable arrogant stuck-up mean-looking put on airs prim staid exact precise correct proper inflexible stilted affected starchy starched official serious unsocial seemly polite straight arrow stiff-necked by the numbers dispassionate cold-blooded glacial apathetic emotionless impassive unwelcoming chill passionless antiseptic uncordial inhospitable clammy gelid brittle hostile hard-eyed uninvolved wintry wintery solitary phlegmatic disinterested wooden uncongenial coldish frozen arctic stony lukewarm calm stolid laid-back unneighbourly offhand neutral nonchalant stoical affectless unmoved misanthropic unenthusiastic poker-faced impartial clinical unaffable stoic numb impassible reclusive casual removed Olympian off unloving uncivil objective uncaring callous introverted insouciant rude cold-hearted rigid antagonistic self-controlled heartless pococurante relaxed unruffled disagreeable careless unkind businesslike negative annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious insolent unbiased sober unsentimental unprejudiced serene discourteous ungracious stern cool, calm and collected impervious controlled heedless inimical blasé unneighborly unpassioned abstract unamiable deadpan uncurious listless matter-of-fact flat guarded insensitive unpleasant regardless uncommitted nonpartisan evenhanded unaffectionate nonaligned unworried collected carefree unamicable easy obnoxious weary abstracted preoccupied bored introvert nasty nonplussed brusque steely secretive ill-natured impolite composed tranquil severe superior candid equal rational unexpressive retiring antipathetic jaundiced mortal adversary adversarial unexcitable cross ill-disposed uncharitable hateful unconcerned about diffident apathetic towards hard-headed silent inattentive offhand about uninvolved with nonchalant about uninvolved in dead blank bland vacant expressionless toneless hollow supine bored by spacey nowhere imperturbable unimpassioned immovable unaffected nonemotional passive unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about quiet repellent insensible perfunctory spaced-out inapproachable out of it complacent cold-shoulder inaccessible impotent cold as ice stony-eyed conservative avoidant introspective half-hearted tepid self-contained contained unsavoury ungenial close objectionable unattractive unenthused hesitant abrupt analytic muted unlikeable hard fierce eremitic snobbish curt unhappy depressing unvexed not surprised undecided inactive inert flinty ungenerous unsmiling cheerless lifeless laissez-faire noninterventionist glutted jaded xenophobic bad-tempered placid private spiritless hardhearted terse dismissive logical unreceptive level-headed cool-headed world-weary stony-hearted sexually unresponsive uninquiring mopey mopish unagitated short unfavorable unfavourable ill-tempered unsavory cloyed unexcited nongregarious brooding distrustful scowling equable unimpressionable easygoing alienated neuter on sidelines nonparticipating nonbelligerent on the fence unincluded middle-of-road unaligned fair-minded noncombatant bystanding disengaged pacifistic ardorless inhibited loveless unromantic contemptuous withering seclusive suspicious coldhearted obdurate marble uncompassionate inexpressive blah non-emotional cynical shy eremetic ascetic hermitlike outside unsurprised bureaucratic inhuman unwilling to mix with other people along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches featureless uncolored straight depersonalised faceless colorless careful soulless depersonalized gray colourless grey measured nondiscriminatory anonymous monolithic hands-off going through motions aloof from could care less indifferent to bored stiff turned off detached from incurious about distant from untroubled pokerfaced unperturbed blithe surly sour strictly business cold turkey devil-may-care happy-go-lucky aggressive straight-faced unanxious quarrelsome lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair unflappable menacing unmannerly deaf unbothered not bothered at ease hardened forgetful self-centered feckless undisturbed lackadaisical blind negligent undaunted self-centred competitive unpromising contrary against warlike vengeful conflicting acrimonious opposed opposite estranged censorious grouchy combative grudging gruff malicious disaffected malignant spiteful without a care in the world not giving a toss equitable not on speaking terms unimpressed casual about apathetic about uncaring about heedless of uninterested in frivolous about just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of fair careless of cavalier about square oblivious to weary of unaroused highbrow scornful not giving a monkey's

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Severe or strict in manner or attitude
austere stern severe strict harsh cold hard formal grim flinty grave rigorous serious stiff unfeeling forbidding solemn dour reserved steely stony chilly frigid frosty icy stringent unemotional unfriendly unrelenting unsmiling aloof distant exacting inflexible unsympathetic authoritarian fierce gruff illiberal louring rigid tough unbending uncharitable unforgiving unyielding intimidating lowering ramrod remote rough rugged solid astringent earnest inexorable obdurate somber sombre ungentle hard-boiled hard-nosed heavy-handed mean-looking no-nonsense oppressive uncompromising draconian firm disciplinary uptight adamant picky determined fixed adamantine bullheaded headstrong intransigent hardline indurate intractable invariable pertinacious obstinate puritanical relentless resolute set steadfast undeviating stubborn unadaptable unpermissive unsparing unpersuadable unshakeable unwavering dead set cast-iron iron-fisted hard-line cruel merciless ruthless immovable implacable pitiless brassbound extreme demanding heartless brutal hard-hearted hardened single-minded callous onerous hardheaded unchangeable tyrannical hard and fast punishing remorseless drastic hard-and-fast dogged unalterable forceful immutable definite burdensome inhuman set in stone stiff-necked savage insensitive unmerciful mulish pigheaded ironclad excessive trying murderous opinionated heavy binding domineering ossified self-opinionated weighty cold-blooded dogmatic bound unvarying dyed-in-the-wool arduous despotic strong punitive diehard unchanging taxing locked in tenacious wilful difficult perverse willful sedate unkind unswerving settled inconvincible hardhanded pat staid insistent challenging humourless humorless self-willed determinate uncomic sober sobersided grievous inexpugnable searing stoney affectless compassionless desensitized stonyhearted ironhearted tight take-no-prisoners bitter exigent radical desensitised dead set on strenuous cold-hearted po-faced ferocious repressive entrenched gruelling tiring unpitying uncaring inhumane draining grinding staunch stable unappeasable concrete case-hardened final narrow unflinching resolved hard-core brick-wall rooted certain enervative wearing uphill stressful crushing vicious thick-skinned soulless pachydermatous insensate slash-and-burn doctrinaire established sharp hellish crippling sapping stony-hearted excruciating by the book killing nasty desperate back-breaking grueling immoderate dire inconsiderate unsentimental swingeing pontifical fanatical unfaltering dictatorial hard-hitting imperious arbitrary really hard incommutable ingrained refractory decided coercive unmalleable hard-bitten formidable hidebound iron-handed inalterable autocratic incompliant hurtful frozen flat unswayable deep-rooted iron unmoving indomitable biased constant deep-seated iron-willed intolerant hard-shelled authoritative decisive truculent unmovable vindictive stand pat sadistic hardhearted hard-headed browbeating businesslike standing one's ground compulsory hard as nails not giving an inch absolute well-set bound and determined clear-cut incontestable incontrovertible systematic meticulous scrupulous painstaking ungiving militant spartan unfair abrasive unjust abusive Draconian inordinate unreasonable intense ironhanded summary hard to please ordered disciplined unvacillating extortionate outrageous fast forcible rowdy curt cynical suppressive exorbitant punitory brutish blinkered unaccommodating assiduous tireless sedulous unflagging unstoppable hostile inclement bullying unbreakable locked preconceived barbarous pressing cool virulent cut-throat world-weary uncompliant recalcitrant unplacatable unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable irreversible exact compelling poignant valid powerful acrimonious drawing convincing confining ironfisted mean penal static testing crisp unflexible unabated pounding mortal indefatigable wearying overburdening debilitating overbearing tactless indurated very hard ascetical ascetic pugnacious changeless unmoved very severe dreary douce inveterate jelled unflappable ineluctable monstrous tyrannous coldhearted bloodthirsty vengeful bestial unremitting high-handed disciplinarian two-fisted lacking compassion lacking sentiment hard-edged as tough as old boots toughened by experience as hard as nails superincumbent tricky sky-high set in one's ways hanging tough dug in standing pat unhumorous dull set in your ways necessary immobile thoughtless do or die hold the line hold one's ground hold the fort serious-minded tough nut to crack writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced decided upon inept undiplomatic bungling with a heart of stone by the numbers sticking to one's guns mean business overstrict OTT solid as a rock no going back like death and taxes hell bent on regimental dictated mandatory irrevocable carved in stone conclusive written set in concrete prejudiced impractical speculative dogmatical theoretical opinionative opinioned over the top uninviting zealous ideological unpragmatic unrealistic swivel-eyed hypothetical complex rule-bound surly sullen unapproachable caustic acerbic crabbed sour threatening glum churlish mordant complicated one-sided magisterial holding fixed views dictative bigoted grumpy cross fell sinister menacing stark enforceable traditional customary conventional limiting classical cutting morose bleak scowling sulky bureaucratic officious involved scathing trenchant sarcastic stinging penetrating sardonic piercing incisive splenetic cantankerous glowering crusty gray grouchy grey categorical bad-tempered legislating sanctioned didactic preceptive bossy normative accepted prescribed acerb wounding poisonous waspish spiteful ill-tempered bull-headed snarky catty mordacious sarky acidulous bloody-minded boot-faced die-hard toilsome wearisome prescriptive acrid acetic biting tonic stalwart assertive true whole-hearted emphatic in earnest committed dominant purposeful intent prevailing persistent sure unshaken persevering unshakable unqualified seasoned going bent positive explicit consistent strong-willed do-or-die never-failing bent on bent upon through-and-through hell-bent on hell-bent upon hang tough

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button-down conservative traditional orthodox unprogressive reactionary ultraconservative brassbound paleoconservative standpat hidebound archconservative traditionalistic mossbacked conformist unimaginative boring old-fashioned old-school old-line buttoned-down die-hard strait-laced conventional right traditionalist fogyish Tory inflexible illiberal bourgeois fuddy-duddy dyed-in-the-wool firm diehard rightist uncompromising rigid straight square intransigent established right-wing blimpish proper ultra-conservative correct stable obscurantist intolerant doctrinal unchanging middle-of-the-road timid sober quiet unadventurous guarded retrogressive outdated regressive counterrevolutionary uncreative controlled steady redneck undaring unchangeable obstinate constant fearful bien pensant dogmatic old line old guard stick-in-the-mud out-of-date narrow-minded white bread holding to not extreme hard hat Pooterish parochial right of center in a rut extremist convinced immovable philistine unreconstructed narrow out of date out of the ark fogeyish dated behind the times prejudiced biased fundamentalist set in your ways intractable hard-line set petty-minded jaundiced fanatical close-minded set in one's opinions individualistic small-minded fixed in one's views puritan alt-right counter-revolutionary Birchite backward-looking medieval prehistoric unreceptive mediaeval bigoted unreasonable historical former ancestral formal comme il faut strict Biedermeier straight-laced respectable conforming ceremonial puritanical ceremonious small-town genteel suburban staid stodgy decorous of the old school past old ancient folk from the past old-world familial outmoded prior historic family long-established lineal bygone old-style oral of yore unwritten handed-down cautious moderate prudent unenterprising safe careful temperate received accepted approved popular common set in one's ways stick in the mud recognized mainstream normal regular official authoritative usual customary prevailing standard authorized prevalent canonical unoriginal familiar ordinary acknowledged unheretical routine derivative well established well-established kosher religious sanctioned admitted recognised pious punctilious legitimate rightful sound authorised straight arrow in line according to the book by the numbers general stock habitual typical expected average classical everyday accustomed characteristic commonplace classic universal widespread representative current natural archetypal archetypical wonted unexceptional fitting suitable quintessential model standardized ideal fixed typic prototypical emblematic indicative standardised befitting prescriptive fit exemplary matter-of-course ubiquitous prototypal time-honoured true predominant settled acceptable confirmed illustrative run-of-the-mill symbolic appropriate paradigmatic bog-standard apt essential going in keeping in character old hat suggestive archetypic regulation patterned prototypic seemly de rigueur overall majority shared time-honored decent fashionable legal public becoming rife household vanilla done well-known standard-issue proverbial chronic widely held lawful ruling polite stereotypical proven refined just understood prosaic valid daily unremarkable predictable plain legit garden-variety warranted frequent allowed moral cut-and-dried cut-and-dry garden variety in circulation in vogue statutory due wide collective generic endorsed nice fair pervasive broad reliable ritual widely used good staple basic mannerly sensible quotidian applicable licensed judicious prescribed workaday accredited stereotyped vulgar precise simple documented meet well-mannered de règle civilized OK virtuous stipulated common or garden comely permitted day-to-day honest agreed upon civilised well worn okay licenced tried and true tried and tested on the level par for the course across the board by the book in force on the up and up lamestream favoured extensive central definitive undoubted uncontested undisputed unquestioned canonic core textbook agreed ethnocentric purist imitable dominant primary circumspect discerning net protocol in order plastic white-bread so-so grind favored great signature touted boilerplate presentational socially acceptable couth courtly unopposed passed okayed preferred discreet abiding favourite comfortable favorite done thing one-size-fits-all standard operating procedure playing it safe sop same old wont in the groove according to Hoyle acquired honored enduring immortal ageless mutual diplomatic stilted stiff stiff-necked starchy tralatitious apposite hackneyed derived lasting timeless traditionary known inveterate inherent symptomatic consistent tasteful dignified right stuff honoured congruous adopted intermutual embraced united commutual like renowned believed immemorial anticipated foreseeable foreseen arrived at mass pukka presentable dependable in established usage entrenched formulaic distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing declared recognizable identified perceived serious highbrow right-leaning authentic memorable unforgettable ritualistic undying deathless native clichéd cliched realized remembered certified national blanket communal overarching global joint outright heavy symphonic concert heavyweight authenticated realised recognisable professed deserved comprehensive rampant true to form to be expected validated obedient to the right trustworthy right wing unquestioning astute merited only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type total sweeping epidemic nationwide societal wholesale verified widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted deep-rooted ingrained compulsory signed sealed ratified wise sagacious intelligent officially recognized bona fide rooted secure unshakable vested permanent signed and sealed ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared decisive cathedral positive real decided conclusive ex cathedra definite and delivered ex officio obligatory mandatory necessary required condign competent justified earned broad-spectrum across-the-board broad-brush all-round all-around percipient perceptive shrewd licit permissible allowable legalized admissible reasonable constitutional upright socially obligatory a must called for au fait holding water requisite fly moralistic faithful tried-and-true ethical principled noble reputable twenty-four carat significant well deserved card-carrying in principle equitable well earned right-minded legalised within the law conforming to accepted standards above board going by the rules accurate exact gentlemanly qualified felicitous pretty desired suited ladylike demure modest honourable sedate honorable courteous prim prudish priggish prissy most common

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Bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced
narrow-minded illiberal intolerant provincial insular parochial petty small-minded conservative reactionary narrow prejudiced biased bigoted short-sighted conventional hidebound blinkered close-minded localist petty-minded small-town ultra-conservative diehard dyed-in-the-wool inward-looking myopic sectarian strait-laced dogmatic entrenched inflexible limited partisan restricted rigid discriminatory moralistic priggish prim prudish puritanical starchy blimpish chauvinist chauvinistic Lilliputian little nationalistic opinionated parish-pump picayune prissy racialist racist sexist shockable small claustral jerkwater closed-minded pigheaded unenlarged obdurate puritan borné inexorable one-sided unsympathetic uncompromising xenophobic dictatorial partial fanatical unfair unforgiving uncharitable unjust short-fuse contemptuous antipathetic individualistic snappy unforbearing hateful irritable irate indignant averse fractious upset jaundiced unwilling disdainful worked-up waspish outraged tilted unindulgent distorted warped anti-Semitic parti pris anti-gay homophobic heterosexist weighted closed doctrinaire jingoistic inequitable discriminating slanted prejudicial selfish mean coloured obstinate grudging colored blind twisted nationalist ethnocentric isolationist influenced ungenerous predisposed loaded unsophisticated preferential non-objective preconceived ageist disablist prepossessed set invidious tendentious extreme classist sceptical base sectional local skeptical deaf unpersuadable resistant stubborn shortsighted swayed subjective embittered skewed unimaginative introverted favouring racially prejudiced racially discriminatory ethnocentrist shallow regional hick factional circumscribed ignoble racially bigoted jingo set in one's ways contracted secluded sequestered confined separated clannish cliquish favoring flag-waving nasty vulgar schismatic jingoist superpatriotic exclusive extremist fanatic denominational suburban woman-hating anti-feminist excessively nationalistic excessively patriotic misogynist discriminational uninformed male chauvinist differential discriminate upcountry corn-fed excludent homespun rude unpolished outmoded pastoral bucolic simple homegrown unfashionable unobjective male supremacist religious nonconforming dissident nonconformist splinter conditioned resentful discriminative fattist cynical bitter jealous inclined presupposing intransigent leaning envious suspicious fundamentalist unenlightened authoritarian tight sordid strict despotic undemocratic parsimonious miserly stingy alt-right anti-democratic oppressive repressive tightfisted totalitarian disenchanted soured disillusioned hostile pessimistic close-fisted draconian fascist tyrannical distrustful disappointed misanthropic green-eyed covetous proscriptive greedy antiliberal penny-pinching spiteful yellow unenthusiastic unindifferent tainted jaded opprobrious disapproving unequal iniquitous unwarranted unprincipled undue dishonorable unbalanced dishonest unlawful discreditable uneven devious improper fraudulent unethical cheating arbitrary bad blameworthy culpable unrightful immoral deceitful dishonourable inexcusable vicious cruel injurious shameful false low vile wrongful wrong criminal grievous wicked shameless uncalled-for

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Oppressively sticky
sweltering hot boiling burning roasting sultry torrid airless baking humid oppressive scorching searing stifling suffocating muggy steamy tropical ardent blistering broiling close fervent fervid fiery jungle-like parching red red-hot scalding sizzling steaming sticky superheated ultrahot white-hot perspiring stewing sweaty sweltry piping hot burning up like an oven very hot like a Turkish bath flaming summery warm tropic very warm blazing white igneous heated ovenlike recalescent incandescent thermogenic decalescent feverish smoking febrile fevered calescent feverous piping on fire boiling hot blazing hot baking hot extremely hot withering balmy oven-like unbearably hot claggy like a blowtorch like a furnace febrific hectic pyretic scorched ablaze afire inflamed aflame kindled glowing ignited parched warmed toasted alight enflamed dry combusting raging conflagrant violent toasty lukewarm melting lit lighted empyreal flushed in flames drying burnt fired baked burned broiled cooked fried aboil burning hot arid hot and humid uncomfortably warm barren browning frying steeping grilling heating toasting simmering brewing waterless desert dried mellow warmish hottish tepid thermic snug flashing intense gurgling evaporating bubbling gleaming overheated fierce acute ferocious moderately hot sweating fiery hot strong extreme flickering agitable turbulent flaring unrestrained explosive dreadful heavy heavy-duty vehement furious intensive terrible excruciating vicious exquisite fearsome profound keen deep hellacious almighty hard ghastly fearful frightful thermal very great cooking blistery red hot at boiling point

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Not offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
unadventurous wary cagey circumspect prudent tentative careful cautious chary hesitant timid unenterprising conventional timorous traditional unexciting unimaginative boring conservative limited narrow-minded restrained safe square stay-at-home straight strait-laced uncreative shy stick-in-the-mud uptight attentive tedious dead tiring ho-hum routine stale flat wearisome repetitious tiresome insipid mind-numbing unvaried old uninteresting monotonous humdrum dull gingerly considerate calculating heedful leery guarded alert vigilant watchful discreet observant canny mindful politic suspicious on guard on the lookout aware thoughtful reluctant on the qui vive judicious reserved scrupulous apprehensive moderate measured discriminating on the alert on your toes on the watch sly shrewd fastidious delicate diplomatic tactful reticent intelligent unhurried temperate frugal deliberate thrifty sagacious sparing perceptive wise controlled provident noncommittal awake precautious softly-softly with reservations keeping a weather eye on walking on eggs playing safe watching one's step watching out all ears with eyes peeled thinking twice keeping on one's toes handling with kid gloves squeamish dainty protective wide-awake non-committal sage doubting unwasteful saving vague unrevealing wide awake sensible punctilious overcareful overcautious playing one's cards close to one's chest strategic close-lipped judgmatic discerning close-mouthed judgmatical kid-glove having foresight like a clam civil reasonable on lookout worldly-wise not rash cunning designing manipulative devious crafty scheming Machiavellian uneasy prepared ready keeping one's eyes peeled psyched up on the job on one's toes open-eyed wired tentie keeping a weather eye open fast on the draw switched on keeping one's eyes open hip tenty Argus-eyed conscientious regardful loath distrustful sceptical dubious mistrustful doubtful paying attention taking notice afraid nervous averse disinclined mean disingenuous artful conniving slippery slick guileful sharp unscrupulous foxy contriving wily parsimonious stingy iffy inhibited miserly constrained skeptical economical particular subtle premeditating slim suspecting forethoughtful on your guard belt-and-braces hedging one's bets walking on egg shells with one's eyes peeled taking it slow

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Calm, dignified, and unhurried
sedate calm composed tranquil placid serene serious dignified earnest unruffled collected proper sober cool demure imperturbable staid unflappable decorous quiet seemly steady grave serious-minded coolheaded equal formal level limpid peaceful possessed prim recollected self-composed self-possessed smooth solemn stiff together undisturbed unperturbed unshaken untroubled unworried boring starchy stick-in-the-mud deliberate dispassionate somber sombre stately cold sober cool as cucumber relaxed unfazed unflustered equable at peace unmoved unagitated poised cool, calm and collected nonplussed at ease unemotional laid-back chilled unbothered still unexcitable even-tempered controlled cool-headed nonchalant impassive easygoing self-controlled equanimous level-headed phlegmatic undismayed stoical stolid levelheaded easy unconcerned as cool as a cucumber halcyon stilly temperate hushed pacific assured sensible easy-going unexcited self-assured even restful casual rational resolute confident lown detached grounded carefree balanced stable cool as a cucumber constant unanxious unstirred unaffected gentle stoic peaceable clearheaded happy-go-lucky devil-may-care reserved patient sleepy relaxing regular soothing insouciant moderate blithe uninterrupted unbroken undemonstrative blasé untouched retired mild contented disimpassioned comfortable trouble-free keeping your cool without a care in the world urbane reliable dependable unimpassioned fair content reasonable unshakable calmed realistic mature free from interference free from interruption free from disturbance commonsensical practical businesslike unflurried sound philosophical wise reposeful secure passionless self-confident centered centred mellow well-balanced in control sure of oneself full of common sense down-to-earth well balanced determined undaunted unchanging unvarying fine firm unalarmed uniform unflinching undistracted unvexed consistent invariable measured not moved nerveless elegant suave bovine civil complacent unfluctuating unaltering unalterable breezy good-natured docile irenic hard-boiled unperturbable blissful unhurried calming settled sure of yourself neutral stress-free mild-mannered pragmatic prudent circumspect sure sanguine quieted soothed repressed suppressed pellucid reconciled resting satisfied quiescent conciliatory sane judicious thick-skinned smug self-satisfied immovable easeful pleasant leisurely arcadian languid tranquillizing responsible low-pressure straight at rest anxiety-free in repose assertive fixed leisured soporific inactive motionless unswerving good calculable resigned keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on roll with punches hard as nails stiff upper lip unrushed having both feet on the ground self-restrained tranquilizing good-tempered well adjusted with one's feet on the ground well-adjusted restrained logical tolerant long-suffering accommodating forbearing fatalistic indulgent emotionless accepting enlightened philosophic profound deep deep-thinking learned uncomplaining moral ethical apathetic callous impassible indifferent cold-blooded aloof self-contained affectless inscrutable numb unfeeling insensible poker-faced unimpressible insusceptible indurated unrevealing matter-of-fact reticent hardened taciturn cold heartless inexcitable spiritless dry unresponsive remote fearless distant flat deadpan insensitive frigid unafraid laid back impersonal unimpressed stony uninterested hard-hearted expressionless harmonious passive lackadaisical gutsy comforting glacial unsentimental certain upbeat chill unsympathetic blank vacant wooden icy supine heedless positive uncaring careless balmy complaisant free and easy unwavering brave courageous reassuring lulling pacifying clinical sedative intrepid benign hard-headed inexpressive debonair audacious lazy bold self-reliant self-asserting disinterested dauntless unhesitating unfaltering unexpressive dull filled with aplomb gung ho lifeless gay stabile dead bland toneless hollow unserious pococurante incurious oblivious nowhere nonemotional uninvolved impervious rigid enduring stony-eyed amenable free from strife tension-free worry-free stressless not surprised idyllic daring plucky graceful even-keeled unstressed clubby agreeable imperturbed unabashed not dismayed orderly systematic methodical happy uninfluenced without problems cocksure doubtless pushy implicit brazen clear unshrinking unsurprised well-disposed unenthusiastic lukewarm subdued tepid euthymic waveless overconfident empty catatonic rosy high fun dry-eyed nonpassionate unpassionate puffed up pumped up stony-hearted unblinking lethargic torpid heavy indomitable calm and collected analytical scientific lighthearted slaphappy lightsome cold fish nonaffected inert not afraid unloving tough abstract iceberg immune pokerfaced light non-emotional airy deaf not bothered forgetful self-centered feckless inattentive blind negligent self-centred narcotic quieting dreamy unapproachable unmindful tender like a millpond cold-fish cool cat couldn't care less withdrawn immune to insensate unmindful of impervious to heedless of stubborn unyielding proof against deaf to oblivious to sunny light-hearted not giving a toss straight-faced impartial cold-hearted lacking concern buoyant uncurious jaunty perfunctory frivolous warming consolatory softening relieving easing remedying mollifying consoling unelectrified ardorless inhibited repellent forbidding chilly cold-shoulder loveless impotent frosty austere unbending unromantic thoughtless free from worry free from care self-sufficient steadfast can-do informal plain surefooted sure-footed stationary believing in oneself self-assertive lax self-respecting unimpressionable affable mundane prosaic set immutable friendly straightforward unvarnished no-nonsense unembellished literal unimaginative factual abiding changeless durable permanent coldhearted obdurate marble uncompassionate blah objective listless undemanding understated determinate lasting frozen established downbeat hardheaded earthy pragmatical uncreative unadorned deep-rooted long-lived hard well grounded staying put solid as a rock unchangeable long-standing hard-and-fast set in stone humdrum pedestrian faithful naked straight-thinking truthful accurate with both feet on the ground unembroidered undistorted exact prosy feasible unidealistic low-key easy-peasy live-and-let-live chilled out along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches

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Having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements
smug conceited pompous proud vainglorious egotistical vain egoistic egotistic overweening egoistical complacent bigheaded important prideful arrogant assured biggity biggety swellheaded haughty consequential superior snobbish priggish wisenheimer hotshot self-satisfied self-important stuck-up self-conceited self-opinionated self-righteous puffed up goody-goody self-congratulatory holier-than-thou pleased with oneself self-approving puffed-up full of yourself well pleased self-assured proud of oneself self-contented stuck on oneself cocky pretentious swaggering supercilious narcissistic snooty boastful uppity high-and-mighty imperious presumptuous self-centered cavalier egocentric lordly uppish bumptious bragging huffy high and mighty high-hat self-centred disdainful lofty highfalutin sniffy high-handed swollen-headed self-admiring overbearing patronizing domineering hifalutin immodest peremptory chesty huffish snotty toplofty presuming toploftical masterful bossy pietistic self-loving sanctimonious pious strutting aloof inflated affected too big for your boots condescending patronising unctuous snobby confident overconfident selfish Pharisaic toffee-nosed self-assertive preachy self-regarding self-asserting self-absorbed big-headed pleased with yourself know-it-all opinionated insolent cocksure content pleased boasting hoity-toity snippy hypocritical magisterial peacockish self-confident forward ostentatious impertinent hubristic brash pi self-pleased religiose moralizing full of oneself above oneself stuck up mealy-mouthed Tartuffian in love with oneself canting Pharisaical contemptuous moralising individualistic swollen satisfied persnickety aristocratic assumptive egomaniac inner-directed audacious autocratic too good to be true cheeky stiff-necked smart-alecky think too highly of oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself self-serving self-involved self-seeking think a lot of oneself braggart bombastic saucy braggy self-affected pontificating self-complacent pontifical impudent self-promoting self-adulatory unreserved self-glorifying self-flattering self-engrossed self-gratulatory self-dramatizing authoritarian blustery self-applauding dominating extroverted extraverted blusterous uninhibited pharisaic noble standoffish vaunting crowing commanding airy self-opinioned scornful la-di-da dismissive flushed posh self-obsessed wiseguy egomaniacal blustering swanky insufferable ingrained obsessive personal intimate inborn inherent idiosyncratic intrinsic isolated introverted subjective happy officious dictatorial blowing one's own horn wrapped up in oneself bloated assuming cool smarty gratified too big for your breeches too big for one's britches nose in the air too big for your britches bold too big for one's boots contented serene secure think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift well-pleased gloating triumphant unconcerned sure pushy highhanded obsequious proud of yourself I'm all right, Jack flushed with success like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream cold-shoulder certain wise guy on an ego trip on one's high horse self-respecting squeaky-clean elitist pleased as Punch pietistical judgmental artificial simon-pure like the cat that swallowed the canary potty easy-going self-possessed churchy resting on your laurels like the cat that got the cream ritzy pharisaical insincere sassy unco guid fresh highfalutin' censorious false deceiving bigoted Pecksniffian high falutin la-de-da loudmouth windbag to keep up appearances brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet full of hot air big talking

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Fastidious and hard to please
delicate fastidious discriminating finicky fussy picky choosy dainty demanding critical discerning nice sensitive exacting fine inflexible pernickety choosey finical keen particular persnickety prim prudish pure puritanical refined scrupulous selective sharp acute careful faddish faddy finicking fussbudgety meticulous pedantic perceptive perfectionist prissy proper punctilious squeamish hypercritical nitpicking overdelicate overnice overparticular hard to please nit-picking over-particular nit-picky schoolmarmish strait-laced old-maidish Victorian difficult to please impossible to please difficult painstaking precise over-fastidious overcritical pass-remarkable stickling fiddly detailed assiduous hair-splitting exact captious fussbudget complex complicated cautious fault-finding niggling select eclectic sophisticated cultured educated carping awkward mincing sedulous tricky choicy overprecise hairsplitting sticklerish tough rough enlightened impeccable exquisite queasy thorough overfastidious obsessive fretful heedful picky-picky conscionable trivial fuddy-duddy old maidish punctual conscientious principled old womanish very careful easily disgusted honourable upstanding high-minded upright honorable moral righteous ethical right-minded rigorous strict methodical diligent correct accurate laborious attentive studious ultra-careful religious severe cavilling industrious judicious searching orderly elaborate thoroughgoing loving strenuous quibbling mathematical censorious stiff disparaging nagging overscrupulous faultfinding judgmental rejective caviling disapproving observant cavillous exceptive sarcastic by the book by the numbers discriminatory astute microscopic tasteful uncompromising duteous stringent rigid fixed priggish scientific white-glove dotting the i's crossing the t's stiff-necked ceremonious stilted formal decorous starchy systematic deliberate exhaustive provident ordered controlled thoughtful faithful dedicated full circumspect intensive solid regardful concerned overconscientious polite civil seemly formalistic courteous conventional selfdisciplined chary discreet close earnest persevering minute hard-working in-depth going to great lengths deprecating stickler right on good eye pettifogging well organized judgemental criticizing criticising irritable crabby nitpicky testy perverse thorny negative unfair contrary unjust touchy cantankerous peevish very critical petty acrimonious petulant cross over-censorious over-exacting scolding humbling diagnostic demeaning calumniatory belittling biting cynical censuring derogatory analytical lowering critic judgy harsh reproachful trenchant cutting penetrating contemptuous choleric condemning withering satirical stern

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Elegant and luxurious
ritzy deluxe gorgeous luxury palatial costly glittering magnificent splendid aristocratic classy elitist expensive fancy fancy-pants glamorous glitzy grandiose high-hat lavish lavishly appointed lush luxurious opulent persnickety plush plushy posh potty rich snobbish snobby snooty snotty stylish sumptuous swank swanky swish toffee-nosed upmarket chic choice cultivated dignified elaborate elegant exquisite fine grand handsome high-class Lucullan ornamented ornate ostentatious overdone palatian refined snazzy stately exclusive upscale luxuriant extravagant smart majestic pretentious fashionable luxe trendy impressive silken Babylonian imposing resplendent Lucullian superior luscious showy splendiferous palace tony flashy superb select princely sophisticated regal pompous prestigious proud fit for a queen fit for a king de luxe beautiful high-toned sharp modish glorious noble dazzling immoderate spectacular dicty splashy upper-class stuck-up monumental affluent indulgent snappy well-appointed awe-inspiring arrogant uppity schmick high and mighty condescending prodigal conceited haughty august breathtaking lux imperial tinselled distinguished cosmopolitan first-class glossy elite splendacious magnolious sybaritic chichi well appointed comfortable swankish epicurean flamboyant patronizing flash la-di-da sensuous special quality supercilious high-end formal hoity-toity striking up-market exalted royal tasteful spiffy upholstered kingly epic exciting exuberant massive gallant baronial patronising heroic heroical magnific hedonistic Homeric tinsel attractive pampered bling swell fascinating self-indulgent courtly with-it disdainful high-quality champagne illustrious sensual affected voguish aloof jet-setting voluptuous top-drawer cliquish dashing graceful intemperate in cool fresh genteel profligate uppish embellished egotistic toplofty self-important snippy lofty sassy brilliant profuse abundant baroque great in the lap of luxury sovereign upper-crust frilly sublime yuppie towering profusive a la mode posh-looking peacocky spacious five-star artistic coffee-table finest heavenly overindulgent hedonic large-scale selective happening supercool hip egotistical cavalier high pleasure-seeking comfy arty classic prestige high-born premier pricey loaded high fashion high-society trendsetting well-off valuable precious famous velvet riotous fit for a prince lordly rich-looking dainty rare super delicate recherche highbrow discriminatory limited fit for a princess well produced stunning elevated marvelous dear ultra beyond price wild private on a high horse outstanding awesome uptown mod divine transcendent radiant unreasonable exaggerated excessive wasteful unrestrained au courant swishy commanding arresting cliquey