Từ đồng nghĩa của burned

Tính từ

heated baked baking boiling broiled broiling burning burnt cooked fiery fired fried hot parched scalding scorched scorching sizzling toasted warmed searing roasting blistering sweltering torrid blazing red-hot sultry flaming red ardent steaming ultrahot piping hot superheated incandescent white-hot parching on fire tropical fervid fervent smoking igneous fevered febrile like an oven piping ovenlike recalescent decalescent calescent white thermogenic very warm boiling hot tropic close warm stuffy feverish feverous humid summery sweltry baking hot withering glowing very hot extremely hot blazing hot violent kindled like a furnace alight ablaze afire intense aflame fierce acute strong extreme explosive dreadful heavy heavy-duty vehement furious intensive terrible excruciating vicious exquisite fearsome profound keen deep hellacious almighty hard ghastly fearful frightful ferocious raging stifling unbearably hot like a blowtorch febrific hectic pyretic uncomfortably warm simmering powerful severe burning up dry arid hellish insufferable unbearable diabolical aboil suffocating barren enkindled kindling smoldering ignited inflamed oppressive unstoppable waterless desert dried enflamed combusting lit conflagrant flushed lighted set on fire flickering empyreal agitable turbulent flaring unrestrained in flames smouldering very great blistery flashing gleaming overheated fiery hot brilliant aglow shining radiant bright luminous roaring lucent live candescent dazzling sweaty lambent effulgent bedazzling lucid refulgent fulgent beaming clear shiny drying ruddy sparking oven-like glaring radiating burning hot red hot oxidizing airless oxidising muggy steamy hot and humid sticky jungle-like stewing perspiring like a Turkish bath vibrant shimmery shimmering glistening rich luculent light splendid sheeny lustrous glowy rutilant intensely hot phosphorescent Day-Glo luminescent fluorescent

Tính từ

In emotional pain
hurt distressed anguished displeased pained sad saddened dejected despondent disheartened distraught forlorn grieving sullen upset worried aggrieved bothered depressed disappointed disconsolate discouraged downcast glum grieved heavyhearted heavy-hearted inconsolable melancholic miserable mournful perturbed sorrowful troubled unhappy bereaved blue brokenhearted broken-hearted cheerless concerned demoralised demoralized dispirited disturbed doleful down downhearted down-hearted emotional heartbroken joyless rueful tearful tormented tristful afflicted antsy bugged cast down contused crestfallen desolate despairing discombobulated droopy gloomy hangdog heartsick heartsore low shook somber sombre sore sorry teary uptight weepy wistful woebegone woeful all torn up cut up down in the dumps down in the mouth grief-stricken in doldrums in grief in tears in the dumps low-spirited shook up melancholy dolorous suffering overwhelmed devastated traumatized disconcerted dismayed gutted plagued morose traumatised impaired broken agonized agonised bummed out in pain overwrought discomposed flustered discountenanced shaken tortured crushed affected bitter discontented irked hurting wounded pessimistic bad down in dumps moody out of sorts destroyed bowed down listless fed up gray languorous grey triste languid comfortless spiritless sulky saturnine stricken cursed rattled dismal injured damaged horrified in a state shattered depressive crummy cast-down elegiac down and out in the pits funereal elegiacal uneasy solemn luckless in a bad way strained dull ruthful ailing racked shell-shocked emotionally defeated sick at heart pensive lugubrious down in mouth morbid hapless on a downer disillusioned regretful dissatisfied disgruntled choked crabby languished black dysphoric negative disenchanted frustrated discomfited chagrined miffed beaten unsatisfied hopeless aghast worsted vanquished baulked chapfallen objecting balked wretched anxious let down vexed ruffled disquieted unnerved agitated taken down as sick as a parrot shot down weeping harassed aflutter wrecked mourning haunted harrowed spooked dolesome jumpy sorrowing aching unglued bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing strung out angst-ridden in a tizzy overcome with sorrow heavy with grief racked with pain in a stew racked with suffering in low spirits cheesed off chap-fallen brassed off lamentable oppressed dragged lachrymose grim in the doldrums long-faced plaintive distressing defeatist depressing mirthless tragic pitiful painful sick as a parrot piteous dreary abject plangent weighed down bleak funeral grumpy deploring bleeding grievous heart-rending pitiable desperate crying in despair harrowing sobbing dour weary sniveling lamenting dolent heartrending snivelling blubbering singing the blues in a blue funk surly subdued howling annoyed heavy suicidal deplorable mopey daunted dispiriting calamitous low in spirits ripped sunk in gloom heartbreaking ticked off teed off browned off blubbing peed off whimpering traumatic upsetting troubling dark torn up lonely pathetic sorry for yourself humourless distressful bawling larmoyant sour agonizing close to tears on the verge of tears shamefaced agonising saddening enervated humorless churlish sepulchral flat tear-jerking regrettable crabbed downbeat sapped defeated mopish broody bereft adust down-in-the-mouth peeved piqued irritated abashed Eeyorish discontent sick exasperated cynical with a long face unconsolable resigned sheepish bummed-out sunk in sorrow in mourning damp overcome full of sorrow hacked off low-down in the toilet sick and tired greeting maudlin lacklustre dim deep drab shadowy colorless tenebrous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre lifeless humdrum awful disturbing disquieting unamused sorry for oneself feel-bad apathetic very sad prostrated glowering scowling heart-sick lovesick undermined without energy mortified remorseful depressant dirgeful grouchy brooding atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging dire dolorific afflictive in distress afflicting torn-up angry cross pining lowered bowed threnodic dirge-like emo godforsaken griefstricken off sluggish moping ugly in anguish taken aback deflated prostrate with grief have the blahs cringing browbeaten guilty cowed frantic fraught affecting bored tired unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy guilty-looking furtive tragical unlucky unfortunate no-win strabilious long-suffering self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing beside oneself with grief ashamed intimidated embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking feeling down full of gloom in a funk ill-humoured huffy helpless lost catastrophic cruel unpleasant disastrous feeble disappointing paltry mean can't win ill-humored cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless lonesome forsaken abandoned not a prayer in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end blue funk friendless destitute uncared-for looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sensitive teary-eyed mawkish with tears in one's eyes blubbery moist watery wet put out jaded narked wearied dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone at end of one's rope at the end of your tether nostalgic surfeited sated satiated blasé not best pleased in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes up to here self-pitying complaining disaffected fretful malcontent envious impatient querulous restless resentful malcontented picky griping kvetching grumbling ungratified out of joint sick to death fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth

Động từ

To have ceased to retain something
lost expended squandered wasted blew burnt depleted drained exhausted outlaid spent burned up consumed dispensed with dissipated laid out ran through shelled out splurged suffered the loss of used up went through burned through coughed up discharged frittered away stopped having threw away wasted away disinherited dispossessed divested fiddled away lavished misspent sacrificed trifled away absorbed devoured absorpt played out got through gotten through gone through been through drew down eaten up drawn down ate up milked bled sucked dry used wore out guzzled frivolled away dried up finished up finished gobbled run through frittered emptied blown thrown away misust misused sapped spent like water employed utilized impoverished spent recklessly spent money as if it were going out of style bled dry put out run out poured down the drain made poor use of utilised spent money as if there were no tomorrow passed devoted misemployed abused killed misapplied frivolled frivoled beguiled payed out paid out trifled spent unwisely put in swallowed up emptied out splashed out washed up spent money as if it grows on trees disbursed burnt up paid payed idled away threw around like confetti thrown around like confetti filled occupied forked out embezzled misappropriated dished out exploited strained ponied up anted up stumped up diddled away gambled away diminished scattered spent freely dried run down worn out put to wrong use sprung for put to use made use of spent money as if it were going out of fashion idled taken up cast away whiled away run up bankrupted played ducks and drakes with took up diverted ran out lay out invested contributed threw down the drain thrown down the drain parted with perverted donated whiled went down the drain gone down the drain lazed given gave prostituted loitered spent foolishly fribbled away profaned distorted warped mishandled garbled wantoned misinterpreted allocated overspent shirked busted syphoned siphoned mismanaged defalcated doled out misrepresented dropped misconstrued voided tapped drawn attenuated slashed drew prodigalized had recourse to catheterized laid something out gone to waste ran up fiddled made bad use of dispersed freed from had no more pumped out kissed goodbye blew through ate poured something down the drain dug into footed the bill dispensed spent as if it were going out of style indulged oneself run dry spent as if it grows on trees lapsed petered out finished off ran down poured money down the drain filtered off chucked something down the drain took last of filled in dallied spent as if there were no tomorrow ebbed spent money as if it grew on trees went to waste used fraudulently blown through spent money like water fooled away taken last of eaten dispelled sprang for filled up threw thrown stole stolen ran dry gone went broke broken brake thrown money at threw money at availed oneself of threw money down the drain thrown money down the drain threw money around thrown money around ate through eaten through gotten rid of gotten last drop drew off drawn off got rid of got last drop dumped

Động từ

Past tense for to be, or cause to be, damaged by heat or fire

Động từ

Past tense for to feel hurt or sore, typically as a result of illness or injury

Động từ

Past tense for to be, or to feel, hot

Động từ

Past tense for to erode with a corrosive substance

Động từ

Past tense for to be emotionally stirred up with a negative emotion, especially anger

Động từ

Past tense for to travel at a fast speed

Từ trái nghĩa của burned

burned Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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