Từ đồng nghĩa của agonized

Alternative for agonized

agonizes, agonized, agonizing

Từ trái nghĩa: comfort, console, relieve, solace,

Tính từ

Manifesting, suffering, or characterized by great physical or mental pain
anguished aching bemoaning bewailing bitter deploring distressed doleful dolesome dolorous funeral grief-stricken grieving heartbroken lamentable lugubrious mournful plaintive plangent racked regretful rueful sorrowful sorry suffering tormented tortured wailing weeping woeful wounded angst-ridden broken-hearted wretched in pain sad miserable despairing unhappy desolate brokenhearted melancholy woebegone disconsolate afflicted dejected despondent depressed down heartsick dismal inconsolable troubled devastated forlorn cheerless sorrowing upset grievous gloomy tearful downcast morose downhearted crestfallen blue heavyhearted harrowed distraught down in the dumps down in the mouth lamenting traumatized mourning heart-rending melancholic broken pained traumatised racked with suffering glum hurting heavy with grief cut up hurt low-spirited heartsore saddened out of sorts painful anxious pathetic crushed pitiful distressing overwhelmed harassed bereaved piteous harrowing racked with pain gutted overcome with sorrow saddening heartrending deplorable regrettable elegiac heavy-hearted calamitous low ruthful bad joyless sullen destroyed cast down bummed out pensive heavy bleeding in distress wistful in anguish tragic grousing cranky crabby grumpy bellyaching beefing cantankerous nostalgic depressive heartbreaking shaken disconcerted vexed perturbed bothered ruffled disquieted unnerved agitated discomposed droopy sombre hangdog solemn somber luckless careworn worried lachrymose teary strained discontented dull discombobulated flustered irked concerned uptight aflutter wrecked grieved discountenanced plagued remorseful mortified bowed down fed up ailing on a downer dolent weepy dire afflictive dolorific haunted shook spooked bugged pitiable ground down anxiety-ridden overcome pining traumatic upsetting distressful depressing jumpy antsy unglued persecuted tragical unlucky tear-jerking unfortunate in a tizzy strung out all torn up shook up in a stew agonizing worn down hag-ridden down in dumps gray moody crummy emotional disappointed dispirited aggrieved cast-down down and out languorous in the pits grey triste tristful listless funereal down-hearted elegiacal languid discouraged comfortless pessimistic spiritless in the dumps disheartened demoralized sulky saturnine demoralised uneasy agonising disastrous catastrophic cruel unpleasant grim feeble disappointing paltry mean worn out agonised in low spirits cheesed off chap-fallen brassed off hopeless oppressed dragged chapfallen choked in the doldrums long-faced defeatist mirthless sick as a parrot dreary abject in tears morbid dismayed weighed down bleak shot down desperate crying in despair sobbing displeased dour disgruntled as sick as a parrot weary sniveling black snivelling blubbering sick at heart singing the blues in a blue funk surly subdued taken down howling annoyed suicidal disillusioned mopey daunted dispiriting dissatisfied low in spirits ripped sunk in gloom dysphoric disturbed ticked off teed off browned off blubbing peed off whimpering in grief in doldrums troubling dark torn up lonely sorry for yourself let down humourless bawling larmoyant sour close to tears on the verge of tears shamefaced enervated humorless churlish sepulchral flat shattered crabbed downbeat sapped defeated mopish broody bereft disenchanted adust down-in-the-mouth peeved piqued irritated abashed Eeyorish discontent sick exasperated cynical with a long face unconsolable resigned sheepish bummed-out frustrated sunk chagrined in sorrow in mourning damp unsatisfied full of sorrow negative hacked off low-down in the toilet sick and tired greeting maudlin lacklustre dim deep drab shadowy colorless tenebrous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring colourless boring monotonous dingy lackluster macabre lifeless humdrum awful disturbing disquieting unamused sorry for oneself feel-bad apathetic very sad prostrated glowering scowling heart-sick lovesick sore burned contused undermined without energy depressant dirgeful grouchy brooding atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging afflicting torn-up angry cross lowered bowed threnodic dirge-like emo godforsaken griefstricken off sluggish moping ugly taken aback deflated prostrate with grief have the blahs cringing browbeaten guilty cowed frantic fraught affected down in mouth hapless affecting bored tired unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy guilty-looking furtive discomfited miffed no-win strabilious long-suffering self-indulgent self-absorbed wallowing beside oneself with grief in a state ashamed intimidated embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking feeling down full of gloom in a funk aghast beaten ill-humoured huffy helpless lost worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked can't win ill-humored cowering humiliated conscience-stricken forgotten homeless lonesome forsaken abandoned languished not a prayer in the soup at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end blue funk friendless destitute uncared-for in a bad way looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny sensitive teary-eyed mawkish with tears in one's eyes blubbery moist watery wet put out jaded narked wearied dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone at end of one's rope at the end of your tether surfeited sated satiated blasé not best pleased in floods of tears easily moved with tears in your eyes up to here self-pitying complaining disaffected fretful malcontent envious impatient querulous restless resentful malcontented picky griping kvetching grumbling ungratified out of joint sick to death fed up to the teeth with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth

Động từ

Past tense for to cause anguish or distress to
worried distressed excruciated anguished disturbed beset strained fretted pained plagued crucified fussed harrowed persecuted suffered tormented afflicted bedeviled bedevilled besieged labored laboured mused racked tortured cursed squirmed tried martyred upset troubled bothered hurt vexed harassed oppressed annoyed irked wound wounded irritated pestered bugged harried grieved perturbed caused suffering to hassled beleaguered agitated burdened stressed aggrieved ailed disquieted hounded perplexed exasperated mortified saddened nagged fazed discomposed depressed wrung got to badgered injured galled cut to the quick haunted caused agony to concerned aggravated disconcerted mistreated devastated gnawed at needled displeased dogged discommoded discomfited caused pain to cut up weighed down unsettled hurt someone's feelings nagged at picked on maltreated offended abused molested flustered blighted rattled riled miffed angered pursued crushed ill-treated peeved given someone grief gave someone grief dismayed alarmed nettled provoked inflicted anguish on chafed ticked off wringed gotten to lied heavy on weighed heavily on weighed on made anxious made uneasy outraged victimized taxed affected rended rent traumatized disgruntled affronted teared smote smit smited smitten teased disgusted shocked burned up burnt up stung driven up the wall drove up the wall given a hard time gave a hard time assailed hurt deeply punished cut wronged discombobulated frustrated niggled sweat put the squeeze on devilled deviled unnerved hectored ruffled possessed victimised disheartened made unhappy cast down spooked traumatised inconvenienced put into a funk put a damper on unhinged frazzled distempered derailed flurried preyed on caused anguish to hagrid hit hard infested inflicted pain on inflicted suffering on made wretched made miserable stirred up caused discomfort to caused concern to weirded out made uncomfortable freaked out put down put a strain on appalled put off put through wringer eaten at ate at shattered hunted tested gripped stabbed pierced pressed torn tore convulsed struck obsessed seared visited damaged buffeted buffetted attacked horrified rocked gutted embarrassed taunted baited caused trouble to dejected scourged tyrannized overwhelmed ridiculed lampooned browbeat entangled hampered bullied scorned ribbed chaffed slighted repelled repulsed nauseated piqued disobliged sickened jarred aggressed suffered from chivvied shaken shook rode ridden sapped stretched exhausted drained wearied importuned discriminated against tyrannised lambasted caused sorrow caused offense bled turned off caused anguish mourned caused suffering stewed feared sweated dispirited mithered tired brought down jumped on one's case bloodied puzzled discomforted alarumed discountenanced distracted ragged despaired buttonholed kept after started in on pushed the buttons of scarred psyched grinded ground confounded brought one down dampened spirits agonised caused disquiet to heckled boned gnawed made your heart bleed broke broken brake gave a bad time given a bad time made blue discouraged bummed out narked dragged down interrupted strapped pushed tantalised exercised indisposed pricked tantalized desolated recurred hagridden hagrode misused incommoded disserved harmed broke the heart of broken the heart of thumbed nose at made waves hacked off chastened rubbed salt in wound made severe demands on ill-used caused injury to lashed out at maddened flipped out psyched out got in your hair preoccupied pushed buttons leaded someone a merry dance come back to tired out stayed with trampled on aroused anxiety in got at made demands on hacked you off made it tough for bent someone's ear treated roughly caused anxiety to crossed up played cat and mouse laid a finger on niggled at stricken took taken browbeaten given offence to gave offence to broke one's heart broken one's heart gnawn thrown threw undone nit-picked undid came back to driven bananas drove bananas threw off thrown off wore out worn out did violence to done violence to given one the business gave one the business got on your nerves driven round the bend drove round the bend gotten on your nerves fell upon fallen on fell on fallen upon gotten at done a number on thrown off balance threw off balance did a number on given the needle gave the needle intimidated goaded put out terrorized cowed scared threatened terrorised frightened got bulldozed leaned on wound up menaced pressurized chivied grated kept on at hung over domineered coerced rankled pressurised pushed around spited infuriated incensed dragooned dominated strong-armed inflamed rankled with rubbed up the wrong way insulted dunned got across rasped terrified enraged frosted griped itched gotten bullyragged railroaded beat blackjacked abraded graveled gravelled criticized ate eaten mau-maued burned burnt put the screws on put pressure on blustered pressured hit where one lives hurt one's feelings nudged moved antagonized daunted criticised bogarted kicked around hazed chagrined pothered breathed down someone's neck excited pushed about went on at gone on at brutalised brutalized dashed steamrollered dissed worked on grated on harped on at had it in for forced antagonised bit had a down on dumped on roiled constrained got down suppressed made someone see red enforced used strong-arm tactics on prodded mocked faced excoriated fascinated scolded confronted henpecked smothered ruined ruled berated exploited manhandled gotten across panicked carped at subjugated mishandled martyrized pecked at mutilated grope touched confused maimed mangled imposed on picked at subdued intruded upon gibed abased caused pain pressed down on festered chid chided grilled wrecked killed compelled disrupted caused anxiety overpowered rode roughshod over ridden roughshod over obliged affrighted dissatisfied exacerbated enslaved stirred taken over took over awed egged on compromised made angry chilled made gloomy made despondent rattled one's cage bludgeoned put your back up debilitated put on the rack messed over made desolate preyed on your mind incapacitated cramped bruised made things hot for someone floored got someone down insisted on given someone the hump gave someone the hump treated harshly shook up shaken up got in someone's hair tried someone's patience knocked for six put into a flap put someone off their stroke made someone's blood boil scared the bejesus out of set one off cast a gloom upon beat down twisted someone's arm set on put someone's back up hurt somebody's feelings put screws to put the fear of God into put heat on put the heat on issued threats to deeply upset put someone out tyrannized over put the frighteners on walked all over put upon hurt the feelings of bossed around bossed about disapproved of titillated enticed driven round the twist drove round the twist bitten took control of taken control of monopolized consumed engrossed carped manipulated humiliated violated destroyed beared a grudge towards ravaged felt ill will towards kicked about brainwashed bedogged guyed suffocated did in done in absorbed absorpt belittled allured tempted beguiled led on intrigued lured punished unfairly derided baffled thwarted charmed curdled grizzled stressed out bored grumbled at ached crossed hindered impeded infatuated caviled cavilled fixated rousted inflicted controlled held petrified throbbed impaled jeered whipped lacerated macerated forayed despoiled noodged dishonored disparaged smarted flirted with razzed wreaked imposed wrought reminded barracked booed insisted obtruded encroached singled out intruded monopolised accosted got on your wick yapped at scratched around ragged on reproached reviled worked over bounced searched high heaven caused to panic dishonoured smashed disabled impaired shouted down jerked around hustled demoralized found fault with kept hanging made cross beaten upbraided lied found fault lied heavily on pushed someone around marred weighed crowded fast-talked scarified slapped disrespected frighted startled hissed made fun of messed with got on the nerves of overawed buffaloed brought pressure to bear on wheedled cajoled impelled made swaggered disappointed stepped on the toes of spoiled repressed warned spoilt ate up deformed eaten up caused discomfort pinched periled ventured imperiled jeoparded hazarded imperilled jeopardized adventured endangered risked incited kept hanging on made mouth water sweated out got in the hair of had a hold on become an obsession with had a grip on hegemonized overcome mastered argued obligated drove crazy driven crazy dampened vitiated flawed endamaged disfigured blemished madded enflamed ired crabbed embittered defaced crippled overcharged punished repeatedly and unfairly bewildered crazed turned flipped eaten away at ate away at roused thrilled addled worn wore started avenged subjected prickled made nervous twinged deranged frenzied darkened enervated damped dragged demoralised dulled fired up jibed at shouted at muscled impressed talked swayed sandbagged scathed weakened caused annoyance to caused resentment to knackered gotten under one's skin got under one's skin laid a bad trip on mixed up humped gotten in one's hair got in one's hair kept down played up run down reduced to tears keyed up layed up turned on laid up made someone's mouth water kept someone hanging on gotten on one's nerves got on one's nerves made it hot for someone scared off portended growled worked into lather tried one's patience whipped around distorted steamed up made threats to encumbered blackmailed made threats against knocked the stuffing out of shouted catcalls at saddled brought someone to their knees knocked sideways trampled underfoot overloaded loomed prevailed on fouled up stumped beaten down admonished inflicted trauma dished it out butted in snarled brought under the yoke forced upon brought down on got your goat battered inspired panic in uttered threats to totaled waxed gotten on someone's wick sent into a rage made someone's hackles rise got under someone's skin fuddled contorted rubbed the wrong way got on someone's wick got on someone's nerves made someone fed up got someone's hackles up despotized fulminated made threat descended upon brought to heel held down impended made sad prejudiced played the heavy with dished out ground down scowled preyed on one's mind frilled comminated flummoxed looked daggers descended on turned one off kept under ruled with an iron hand made blood boil furbelowed caused someone distress held sway over totalled gotten someone's back up handicapped poured cold water on ruffled someone's feathers rocked the boat scared to death made a scene gotten on someone's nerves threatened to harm trampled gambled with harshed someone's mellow forewarned made game of fouled had someone do something lowered stuck it to hacked up ruled with a rod of iron come at flexed muscles got across someone cautioned caused someone to lose their composure walked heavy teed off nicked jeopardised threatened to kill got someone's back up brought tears to your eyes scared hell out of ruled over frightened out of your wits filled with terror weighed heavy upon trodden on trod on showed antagonism to shown antagonism to shown ill will towards showed ill will towards aken bore smort smorten befallen befell overbore overborne overrode overridden taken the mickey out of took the mickey out of done an injustice to taken advantage of did an injustice to took advantage of driven drove took the piss out of taken the piss out of overcame broke in broken in got on nerves gotten on nerves driven to distraction drove to distraction struck terror in stricken terror in struck terror into stricken terror into gave someone the works given someone the works gotten your back up got your back up drove mad driven mad got someone gotten someone given pain to gave pain to got one's goat gotten one's goat overthrown overthrew became an obsession with thrown into tizzy thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz threw into tizzy given it to gave it to shaken fist at shook fist at gave the business given the business came at did mischief to drew blood drawn blood done mischief to took the heart out of taken the heart out of got up someone's nose gotten up someone's nose gotten someone's dander up got someone's dander up given someone the pip gave someone the pip ran down gave no quarter given no quarter went for jugular gone for jugular took a rise out of got a rise out of taken a rise out of gotten a rise out of drove you up the wall driven you up the wall bore down gave someone the blues thrown cold water on broken someone's heart broke someone's heart threw cold water on borne down given someone the blues tore to pieces torn to pieces

Động từ

Past tense for to feel anguish or distress
worried fretted stressed brooded stewed feared fussed obsessed sweated sweat lamented labored laboured felt uneasy upset oneself exercised oneself wrestled with oneself carried on stewed over tormented yourself tortured yourself ate heart out eaten heart out went through the mill gone through the mill sang the blues sung the blues took it badly taken it badly troubled bothered lost sleep grappled wrestled panicked chafed suffered fumed concerned oneself upset yourself got overwrought got in a fluster got in a flap got in a tizz got in a panic lost sleep over tortured oneself tormented oneself got in a tizzy got in a sweat anguished moped sighed pined complained sorrowed whined felt unhappy grumbled dithered bled carped hassled grieved chagrined affronted abided tortured stood endured stomached exerted dreaded tolerated brooked abode dwelled on felt peeved made a fuss distressed yourself had qualms distressed oneself got worked up gotten worked up got stressed sweated it out got in a state gotten in a state gotten steamed up got steamed up carried a heavy load stayed the course stuck it out got in a lather got in a tiz-woz gotten in a lather took went gone taken bitten one's nails bit one's nails took on taken on ate one's heart out gotten into a dither eaten one's heart out got into a dither agonised raged abraded excoriated galled irritated cared minded burdened oneself busied oneself concerned yourself troubled oneself worried oneself troubled yourself burdened yourself inconvenienced yourself blown a fuse blew a fuse occupies oneself occupied oneself given a rap gave a rap went to the trouble given a hoot gave a hang gone to the trouble given a hang gave a hoot

Động từ

Past tense for to feel deep sadness, distress or anguish
grieved mourned suffered anguished sorrowed hurt bled ached lamented regretted shed tears bemoaned weeped wept aken wailed bewailed sobbed cried pined carried on weeped and wailed rued keened moaned repined felt wretched felt sad cried a river yearned sighed fretted languished complained blubbered missed despaired beared deplored pained groaned felt pain wrung hands longed for grieved over endured agony went through the mill gone through the mill sung the blues sang the blues experienced hardship eaten your heart out ate your heart out took it hard taken it hard had a bad time borne bore wore black worn black ate heart out eaten heart out went through a lot gone through a lot ate one's heart out eaten one's heart out agonised wept over howled grieved for shed tears for repented wailed for complained about wailed about grumbled cried over whined soughed plained sulked brooded ululated wept for pouted rained bawled roared pined for mooned idled grumped cried for kicked self beat one's breast moped desponded chafed hung around wailed over keened over felt apologetic about kicked oneself felt sorry reproached oneself for felt remorse sighed over expressed sorrow expressed regret about felt remorseful about kicked oneself for apologized sorrowed over stewed over apologised sweated over repented of pined away expressed sorrow for felt remorse for plained over had a long face felt sorry about expressed woe for lost heart moaned about sorrowed for wasted time sung sang beaten one's breast sunken sunk sank worn a long face wore a long face went about like a half-shut knife gone about like a half-shut knife

Động từ

Past tense for to think or contemplate deeply about something
thought contemplated brooded cogitated pondered ruminated speculated mulled over weighed up chewed over dwelled on puzzled over stewed over pored on meditated mused considered deliberated reflected thought about meditated on mused on worried ruminated on worried about ruminated over pored over revolved studied pondered over deliberated on obsessed turned debated weighed reflected on eyed pondered on cerebrated perpended deliberated about reviewed puzzled questioned entertained moped fretted agonized over imagined envisaged brooded on conceived brainstormed brooded over reasoned figured ruminated about envisioned moped over languished over grieved over mooned over repined fretted about sulked about speculated about chewed on wrestled with kicked around gloomed sulked bled languished daydreamed desponded daydreamt sighed dreamt lamented grieved dreamed felt despondent about flashed on noodled around chewed the cud thought over dwelt upon sweated out sweated over beat one's brains out about dwelled upon thought upon chafed inwardly given consideration to given thought to gave thought to gave consideration to looked at eaten one's heart out eaten your heart out ate one's heart out ate your heart out beaten one's brains out about agonised turned over excogitated cogitated about cogitated on put on thinking cap appraised thought out evaluated examined judged thought through sized up thought on turned over in one's mind assessed rolled meditated over summed up deliberated over considered the pros and cons of racked brains wondered minded brooded about investigated researched surveyed scrutinized probed explored analysed tracked mooned compared discussed enquired into looked into consulted argued scrutinised analyzed sweat meditated upon wondered about hammered away at sorted out poured it on turned over in your mind knocked around asked oneself about thought hard talked over reflected upon mused over run up a flagpole planned designed schemed purposed intended devised digested proposed projected plotted supported engaged in contemplation viewed monitored debated with oneself bethought maintained had in mind entertained idea thought deeply harbored held harboured fostered dissected perused said to oneself mooted countenanced cherished brooked tolerated reflected about conceived of suffered inspected expected percolated pored ruminated upon anticipated pictured dived into experimented canvassed conducted research into delved into rehashed recognized sweated eyed up heeded recognised estimated entertained the idea of rated dwelt mulled dwelled woolgathered mulled over things deliberated upon made enquiries into chewed over things stewed about allowed yourself to consider batted about given much thought to contemplated on asked oneself chewed stewed used one's head hashed over conducted a survey of ran up a flagpole took stock of kicked about batted it around turned over in mind looked at as an example cooled out taken stock of dealt with thought of gave much thought to considered as an example kept in mind holden took something under advisement taken something under advisement taken took given some thought to gave some thought to chewn batted around done research did research aspired to took in taken in approved of took into consideration agreed to taken into consideration taken as an example took as an example bore in mind born in mind

Động từ

Past tense for wriggle or twist the body from side to side, especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort

Từ trái nghĩa của agonized

agonized Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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