Từ đồng nghĩa của bewildered

Alternative for bewildered

bewilders, bewildered, bewildering

Từ đồng nghĩa: baffle, confound, confuse, mystify, perplex, puzzle,

Tính từ

Having a feeling of being baffled or confused
confused baffled bemused flummoxed mystified nonplussed perplexed puzzled bamboozled befuddled confounded discombobulated stumped astonished disoriented dumbstruck flabbergasted flustered lost rattled speechless startled thrown addled agape aghast agog astounded awed bedevilled bedeviled befogged dazed dazzled disconcerted disorientated dumbfounded floored fuddled muddled shocked stunned stupefied surprised wildered addlepated bushed distracted dizzy dopey dopy dumb gaga giddy hazy mazed staggered thunderstruck uncertain at sea shell-shocked at sixes and sevens awe-struck mixed-up taken aback thrown off balance at a loss bowled over in a dither off balance off-balance muzzy muddleheaded slaphappy punchy silly zonked punch-drunk spacey pixilated fogged spacy raddled pixillated spaced-out addle spaced zonked-out fazed groggy woozy amazed out of it shaken discomposed all at sea gobsmacked not with it clueless benumbed overwhelmed numb mixed up fuzzy shaken up foggy unnerved numbed awestruck beaten troubled open-mouthed dismayed woolly vague overcome awestricken wooly stuck wide-eyed blown away uncomprehending upset absent-minded unsteady knocked for six wobbly staggering dumfounded disturbed at a loss for words woolly-headed foxed unsettled openmouthed discomfited adrift faint light-headed shaky stupid reeling unhinged breathless unglued lightheaded addlebrained wonderstruck marveling marvelling wondering unbalanced goggle-eyed blank hard-pressed clouded shook up lost for words preoccupied spaced out nonplused cloudy worried beat blurry inattentive doubtful dreamy hard put disorganized incredulous slap-happy weak-kneed tipsy disorganised unstable astray filled with astonishment filled with amazement filled with wonder filled with awe out to lunch out-of-joint caught on the hop weak in the knees caught on the wrong foot off-course engrossed demented abstracted woolly-minded deranged stymied drugged vexed weak insensible paralyzed paralysed discountenanced ruffled vertiginous frozen senile gravelled shook whirling absorbed graveled alarmed buffaloed faraway gone swimming jolted distant blinded blind light fouled up addle-brained horrified bleary in amazement struck dumb confusional in a muddle muddle-headed out of control in a state of confusion at a complete loss unable to believe one's ears without ideas impressed defeated sailing embarrassed trippy eccentric not adjusted off-beam shattered distraught maladjusted intoxicated frustrated drowsy electrified senseless swimmy aswoon half-asleep foolish cold petrified touched impish capricious whimsical pixyish daft puckish prankish stuporous bedazzled besotted had their heads messed with simple overawed tongue-tied asea bollixed got caused to be at a stand confusticated thrown off come apart unfeeling dozy nonsensical delirious enthralled staring off-track balled up made to scratch their head frightened left speechless unable to believe one's eyes swaying slow sleepy tired insensitive in shock put to it unsound irrational taken by surprise drunken tottering adhered mind-blown without a clue crazy psychotic turbid teetering rooted to the spot perturbed unresponsive deadened unable to believe your eyes annoyed flurried whacko at your wits' end uncertain which way to turn in a fog brought to a standstill not knowing if you are coming or going dead torpid asleep distressed at one's wits' end up against a brick wall without an answer all over the place going round in circles not knowing whether one is coming or going with Alzheimer's disease licked knocked out knocked immobilized anaesthetized in a stupor unzipped abashed knocked sideways with rubbery legs glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed absent agitated diverted wooden anesthetized immobilised with legs like jelly distrait shook-up weak at the knees not knowing if one is coming or going psyched-out caught off balance out of countenance messed-up in botheration in a tizzy absentminded harassed tormented pestered hassled miles away sidetracked unfocused musing unaware vacant forgetful undependable unsystematic scatterbrained unreliable in a flap driven to distraction empty-headed erratic daydreaming scatty feather-headed birdbrained feather-brained oblivious unthinking dappy heedless dippy unheeding with a mind like a sieve with one's head in the clouds pensive

Tính từ

Without purpose, direction, or guidance
adrift directionless lost aimless drifting purposeless confused disorientated disoriented rootless unsettled goalless off course off track at sea floating wandering all at sea off the right track without goal without purpose in limbo without direction at a loose end at loose ends astray off-course perplexed at a loss off-track going round in circles out undirected unguided objectless stray having lost one's bearings having lost one's way thrown unstable unhinged rudderless going in circles unbalanced discombobulated nonplussed not adjusted off-beam mixed-up out-of-joint wildered mazed mixed up in a muddle in a state of confusion not knowing whether one is coming or going all over the place befuddled dazed muddled confounded puzzled baffled stupefied bemused bushed addled stumped stunned bamboozled distracted fuddled flummoxed disconcerted dizzy mystified muddleheaded dopey addlepated dopy bedeviled befogged flustered shell-shocked thrown off balance at sixes and sevens bedevilled dumbfounded astonished astounded shaken floored fazed taken aback silly muzzy pixillated slaphappy pixilated spacey punchy zonked-out spaced-out punch-drunk spacy zonked fogged discomposed discomfited unnerved troubled clueless surprised shaken up absent-minded addle spaced raddled rattled out to lunch not with it demented unglued deranged dumbstruck flabbergasted startled staggered speechless foxed vexed shocked beaten gone uncertain muddle-headed spaced out shook up fouled up bowled over in a dither dismayed embarrassed hard-pressed discountenanced strayed woolly woozy foolish disturbed upset hard put frustrated slap-happy shook wooly addlebrained dazzled agog aghast awed agape maladjusted distraught giddy thunderstruck gaga hazy dumb come apart disorganised disorganized roaming roving lost one's bearing out of it balled up confusional off-balance awe-struck off balance overwhelmed amazed blown away had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted confusticated got caused to be at a stand gravelled beat graveled buffaloed thrown off made to scratch their head preoccupied engrossed fuzzy delirious irrational unsound senile psychotic crazy whacko with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed addle-brained not knowing if one is coming or going

Tính từ

In an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence
delirious feverish mad frenzied incoherent raving wild babbling demented deranged insane irrational unhinged crazed ferocious fierce frantic frenetic furious hysterical rabid violent swivel-eyed aberrant confused crazy deviant deviate disarranged disordered disturbed fevered flipped hallucinating hallucinatory hot lightheaded light-headed lunatic maniac maniacal manic rambling restless unreasonable unsettled wandering flipped out off one's head out of one's head out of one's skull unbalanced nutty distraught nuts mental cuckoo distracted psychotic unstable barmy batty daft wacko loopy wacky screwy loco gaga kooky certifiable psychopathic bonkers loony unsound crackpot cracked crackers berserk whacko bats meshuga psycho looney cranky crackbrained sectionable daffy touched non compos mentis bananas haywire buggy fruity scatty barking dippy nutsy whacky kookie balmy meshugge brainsick bughouse moonstruck bushed squirrelly wud dotty barking mad raving mad of unsound mind bedlam nutso round the bend not all there not right in the head not quite right in the head up the pole not right upstairs not together porangi stark mad not the full shilling excited round the twist schizoid agitated mad as a hatter as daft as a brush away with the fairies mentally ill foaming at the mouth nutty as a fruitcake off the wall slang mad as a March hare looney tunes loony tunes uncontrolled stark raving mad stark staring mad sick in the head unglued yarra fanatical overwrought silly energetic fraught unrestrained eccentric have kangaroos in the top paddock raging out to lunch panic-stricken beside oneself unscrewed worked up foolish hectic have a screw loose have bats in the belfry passionate corybantic freaked out sick stupid shook up anxious zealous desperate out of control unzipped hyper potty distrait ardent hyperactive hysteric distressed off one's gourd out of one's mind around the bend off one's nut off one's trolley sociopathic angry intense fervent gonzo doolally berko flakey in a tizzy wired keyed up weird flaky pumped lively perfervid weirded out wigged out out there obsessed spirited uncontrollable in a frenzy enthusiastic voracious idiotic unwise overcome zany upset preposterous juiced senseless schizophrenic turbulent psychopathological tumultuous zonkers spazzed out hot under the collar in a stew hot and bothered at wits' end off-the-wall in a state beside yourself off one's rocker one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck have bats in one's belfry severely mentally ill a few sandwiches short of a picnic have kangaroos in one's top paddock with a screw loose psyched absurd raring nonsensical illogical amped screwball vivacious diseased neurotic emotional nervous muddled fatuous paranoid brainless fired up addled obsessive panic-struck exciting impatient dazed panicky bizarre ridiculous erratic odd confusing rampant phrenetic invalid keen peculiar convulsive maddened queer strange mindless schizo demoniac on fire devastated overexcited chaotic vehement worried wrong oddball not in one's right mind in a panic rattled bothered worked-up ape very upset carried away fast and furious wound up having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits not knowing what to do with oneself manic-depressive over the edge non compos not of sound mind mentally deranged at the end of your tether having a screw loose having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out dysfunctional madding twitchy panicked paranoiac paranoic outlandish unrealistic unchecked unbridled dingy inflamed baked fried schizzo consumed off the chain unsafe fantastic psyched out over the top daggy screwed up furibund yampy schitzy abandoned off the air off your trolley off your chump off the rails derailed bemused moonstricken at one's wits' end out of one's wit overwhelmed off dreamy lost it boisterous bedlamite struck overawed affected stunned incredulous in a lather witless asinine ebullient full-on overwhelming overpowering uninhibited eager touched in the head harebrained as mad as a hatter as mad as a March hare crazy as a loon one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree in another world out of one's gourd in a daze off the deep end in the ozone simpleminded bubbleheaded overpowered unreasoning lunkheaded shattered gay riotous cockeyed featherheaded jerky extreme uptight verklempt perturbed harassed pained tormented concerned thrown discomposed troubled wrought-up nonplussed flustered tomfool unthinking sappy inept avid agog enthused fool unjustifiable ludicrous injudicious desirous antsy exhilarated stoked last-minute het up unrestrainable in a flap having kittens in a tizz illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential unscientific nonrational implausible baseless untenable fallacious groundless unfounded laughable weak arbitrary thirsty athirst like a chicken with its head cut off out of your mind intolerant uncompromising extremist bigoted destroyed goofy in a cold sweat unconventional ready impractical idiosyncratic twisted geeked hungry solicitous uproarious at your wits' end in a flat spin half-witted over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard specious freaky cockamamie reasonless disconnected sophistic disjointed half-baked sprightly disorderly weak-minded untrammeled untrammelled biased prejudiced one-sided partisan illiberal gung-ho effervescent irrepressible fiery impetuous impassioned driven to distraction incensed fuming unnerved possessed blazing tempestuous spasmodic seething heated very excited hepped up jumping up and down hopped-up gung ho infuriated intemperate narrow-minded unruly high game mentally unbalanced stirred up high as a kite dedicated overboard infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist sizzling bitten unwell militant virulent ill overactive high-spirited in a fit stirred out of one's wits busy steamed up wigged-out disoriented disorientated high-strung like one possessed befuddled at sea discombobulated all at sea senile absent-minded out-of-joint with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed pixilated muzzy gone addlepated shell-shocked punchy shot to pieces dopey zonked fouled up pixillated slaphappy spaced out mixed-up spacey zonked-out muddleheaded spaced-out dizzy punch-drunk spacy dopy not with it not knowing if one is coming or going addle-brained muddle-headed gibbering ranting remarkable curious offbeat kinky funny extraordinary fantastical out-of-the-way hare-brained quirky moronic mixed up unusual incredible unbelievable far-out rum amazing bizarro way-out funky queerish quaint weirdo off-kilter unreal unthinkable outré imbecilic off-centre irresponsible unorthodox a bit lacking fanciful freakish uncommon far-fetched singular dubious daft as a brush doubtful way out simple dim-witted dim dumb pea-brained wooden-headed pointless avant-garde inane amok wondrous clownish giddy astonishing extravagant off your rocker unlikely sensational astounding far out soft in the head improbable prodigious spectacular stupendous unique whimsical rare inconceivable uncanny abnormal grandiose out of this world left-field atypical anomalous unimaginable comical surprising different unfamiliar uncustomary freak unexpected unco unaccustomed make-believe out of sight out of the ordinary cock-eyed clock psychoneurotic imprudent unintelligent incautious thoughtless indiscreet fanatic flighty dilly demonic demoniacal ill-advised rash reckless impolitic ill-considered foolhardy nobody home simple-minded original derisible risible not right dull-witted slow-witted feeble-minded dull cretinous slow dunce-like disorganized madcap sublime gormless thickheaded damfool empty-headed vacuous thick vapid progressive advanced surreal topsy-turvy mentally incompetent bugged out bovine dozy pig-ignorant birdbrained experimental goofy loony up glaikit severely mentally disordered faulty tangled shambolic dope amusing unpredictable comic boneheaded chuckleheaded dunderheaded lamebrained fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded two sandwiches short of a picnic farcical Bohemian not in your right mind chowderheaded dotish impracticable off one's chump nonfunctional wonky broken fuddled nonconformist untraditional esoteric exotic excellent irresistible spare disorganised orderless amiss defective messy barro postal crook ungovernable slow on the uptake thick as two short planks not quite right not functioning properly out of order up the wall through the roof on the rampage turned out hopped up strong unmanageable forceful unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable suspicious acting crazy ill-conceived out of commission on the fritz in pieces up the spout mysterious puzzling extremely foolish off beam full of holes stupidly irresponsible fishy eerie unnatural questionable fervid untypical irregular out of whack in a mess on the blink exceptional incongruous mystifying perplexing baffling unaccountable marvelous phenomenal shady passional dubitable creepy disputable disquieting debatable shaky spooky doubtable equivocal dodgy suspect very good problematical problematic droll outre out of the way stunning notable striking momentous miraculous unforgettable eye-catching arresting special unwonted noteworthy conspicuous exceeding extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial eye-popping preternatural aberrated tremendous imaginary amazeballs unconvincing illusory heavy flash gnarly forby unconceivable misleading romantic capricious ambitious visionary uncompelling artificial off beaten path never to be forgotten unheard-of awesome divine splendid breathtaking wonderful fabulous superb terrific glorious illusive suppositious marvellous cock-and-bull

Động từ

On the ocean or sea, typically of a ship or person aboard a ship
at sea disconcerted dumbfounded nonplussed perplexed adrift baffled bamboozled beaten bemused bushed confused discombobulated disoriented fazed flummoxed mystified puzzled stumped distracted lost mazed wildered at a loss not following at sixes and sevens beat upset confounded stupefied vexed flustered vext befuddled gravelled fuddled graveled muddled buffaloed addled foxed stunned fogged rattled befogged flabbergasted dazed floored obfuscated snowed posed surprised muddied frustrated got ruffled setted thinking messed with one's head made punchy brought up short staggered made someone scratch their head mixed up balled up inebriated disturbed stymied setted someone thinking caused to be at a stand disorientated bothered intoxicated threw thrown snown snew gotten threw off blown one's mind shaken blew one's mind took aback shook gone to one's head threw off balance went to one's head thrown off balance thrown off gat taken aback amazed astounded astonished discomposed put off startled discomfited unnerved perturbed dismayed worried agitated unsettled shocked discountenanced overwhelmed embarrassed flurried appalled bowled over obscured got to knocked for six abashed troubled blurred clouded disquieted knocked sideways distressed alarmed mortified eluded beclouded exercised unhinged annoyed shook up shaken up paralysed caught off balance stopped someone in their tracks put into a flap put someone off their stroke put out of countenance let down paralyzed concerned horrified devastated fussed discomforted ailed deranged fouled up dizzied overpowered frazzled distempered irked bugged demoralized left open-mouthed complicated boggled made uneasy weirded out freaked out made unclear demoralised gotten to overcome frightened affected excited daunted scared stirred chagrined rocked distorted dazzled jumbled discouraged panicked surprized disheartened tangled messed up disordered foiled hagrid alarumed derailed beset benumbed shattered defeated made nervous crushed afflicted galled psyched spooked left aghast pained provoked pothered balked struck dumb knocked out stricken dumb irritated taken by surprise blown away took by surprise blew away boggled the mind of screwed up hit for six put on edge put someone off psyched out knocked the stuffing out of upset apple cart put in a spot put someone off their stride put in a hole put on the spot hit like a ton of bricks stirred up sticked put at a loss put the wind up someone distracted from stumbled stuck depressed muddied the waters baulked undone undid muddled up threw into a tizzy thrown into a tizzy shamed moved prostrated humiliated hassled saddened overcame preoccupied burdened touched struck impressed dispirited bedevilled disrupted disorganized bedeviled snookered unmanned unbalanced hurried harassed heated dumfounded overmastered spellbound swamped whelmed oppressed demeaned tried occupied disappointed dashed thunderstricken thunderstruck outwitted bustled snafued jolted dislocated chilled disillusioned hagridden terrified hagrode involved thickened made emotional dishonoured discredited intricated confusticated numbed chafed disenchanted disgruntled disarranged affrighted hindered encumbered entangled made uncomfortable owned showed up made awkward made self-conscious made ashamed intimidated deterred conquered gathered wool worked up rendered speechless knocked the stuffing out of someone mucked gnawed at steamrollered loused up caused to lose your bearings outraged destroyed made anxious made waves ravelled thrown into a tizz interfered escaped run circles around boggled the mind snarled up crazed killed knocked for a loop threw into a tizz setted one thinking consternated made a monkey of terrorized mixed you up convoluted caught somebody off balance lied heavy on wrecked caught somebody unawares knocked over with feather badgered left speechless teased hung up subordinated dishonored piqued stuck it to profundicated got at caught one short taken someone's breath away stopped daydreamed raveled brought someone up short caused someone to lose their composure intruded took someone's breath away aroused snowed under filled with consternation setted someone back on their heels mooned mulled tired dulled wondered flipped swept someone off their feet daydreamt grinded roused petrified downgraded terrorised thwarted ground mucked up grieved sent into a spin confuscated plagued stricken mistaken mistook gave someone a turn given someone a turn own gotten at thrown for loop threw for loop gave a bad time given a hard time gave a hard time given a bad time gotten in the way burned up got in the way burnt up did in ran circles around done in took breath away took someone aback taken someone aback given a shock gave a shock taken breath away

Từ trái nghĩa của bewildered

bewildered Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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