Từ đồng nghĩa của dunce like

Tính từ

Lacking in intelligence
stupid unintelligent ignorant dense brainless mindless foolish dull-witted dull slow-witted witless slow simple-minded empty-headed vacuous vapid half-witted idiotic moronic imbecilic imbecile obtuse doltish gullible naive blunt deficient nitwitted oafish opaque simple stolid unsmart weak-minded addle-brained dumb dopey dim cretinous daft lamebrained boneheaded dozy chuckleheaded birdbrained dunderheaded thick dim-witted fat-headed muttonheaded wooden-headed fatuous brain-dead pea-brained thickheaded senseless bonehead bovine dorky dopy pinheaded knuckleheaded airheaded softheaded gormless lunkheaded bubbleheaded soft in the head slow on the uptake thick-witted lamebrain not the full shilling pig-ignorant dippy soft thick as two short planks crazy barmy dotish dof thick-skulled wooden as thick as two short planks blockheaded feebleminded feeble-minded blockish simpleminded unthinking thick-headed nutty crackers nuts cracked mental cuckoo batty half-baked bonkers potty silly lumpish dotty asinine inane unreasoning boorish daffy numskulled dead from the neck up mentally deficient mentally handicapped not intelligent insensitive vacant bone-headed addle-pated goofy dimwitted crass numbskulled halfwitted retarded braindead loggerheaded cloddish clottish impassive lethargic torpid sluggish fatheaded insensate backward mentally slow slow on uptake scatterbrained shallow not bright unintellectual very stupid unhinged deranged insane mad touched brainsick cranky kooky bughouse loony crackbrained psychotic looney slang fruity unbalanced demented wacky haywire bats crazed gaga lunatic loco maniac screwy wacko wud maniacal moonstruck unsound bedlam scatty whacky crackpot whacko kookie meshugge psycho meshuga balmy certifiable flakey giddy bedlamite not quite right not all there looney tunes flaky loony tunes fried non compos mentis in the ozone off the wall out of one's gourd unwise nonsensical thoughtless ridiculous absurd imprudent glaikit chowderheaded injudicious ill-advised harebrained unreasonable ill-considered damfool indiscreet irrational tomfool preposterous divvy inept ludicrous reckless irresponsible rash pointless foolhardy featherheaded incautious short-sighted hare-brained jerky illogical sappy zany feather-brained laughable loopy fool immature impolitic risible puerile clueless screwball cockeyed uneducated flighty misguided improvident childish illiterate impractical uncomprehending idiotical unschooled meaningless weak inappropriate untaught dappy careless cockamamy imperceptive inadvisable featherbrained unlearned nonliterate unconsidered unreasoned nonrational futile negligent hasty unread derisible benighted untutored unlettered fantastic uninformed analphabetic frivolous unaware uninstructed cockamamie superficial hebete inexperienced green pie-faced impulsive heedless dizzy fruitless ill-judged without thought clownish unmindful rude unenlightened blind heavy credulous unresponsive unsophisticated trifling farcical bizarre nerdy unearthly innocent hebetudinous woodenheaded empty inconsistent undesirable unfortunate vain Boeotian unscholarly wishy-washy know-nothing not with it in the dark risky wet behind the ears out to lunch rattlebrained surd invalid notional boobish fallacious buffoonish unperceptive unimaginative underdeveloped ill-mannered erratic unstable tearaway undeveloped callow thick-skinned anencephalic anencephalous lifeless inert derisive derisory comical stupefied idiotish squirrelly duncelike madcap dark phlegmatic placid log-headed slumberish comatose smoothbrained limited pathetic feeble inanimate somnolent dummy soppy ignoramus outrageous forgetful neglectful shortsighted purblind donkeyish obstinate fanciful fantastical extravagant impracticable sheepheaded inactive listless mooning daydreaming inattentive spaced-out out moony unknowing unwitting ditzy skittish idiot thick as mince unworkable unpractical ill-conceived slothful chowderhead as daft as a brush off-the-wall poor incompetent nescient oblivious muddle-headed unreal foolishly stupid untrained unknowledgeable feather-headed out of it incognizant insensible unacquainted smooth-brained bad aberrant wild unconscious pea-brain undiplomatic brash indelicate graceless tactless wrong-headed unworldly lacking knowledge unqualified cock-eyed overhasty unconversant ill-informed uninitiated a brick short of a load as green as grass two sandwiches short of a picnic incongruous glib simplistic schematic lightweight insubstantial trivial infantile facile frothy flimsy cursory surface sketchy oversimplified uncritical hollow purposeless worthless insipid flat innocuous skin-deep petty piddling one-dimensional paltry devoid of intelligence

Từ trái nghĩa của dunce like

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