Đồng nghĩa của out

Alternative for out

outs, outed, outing

Trái nghĩa: in, safe,

Phó từ

To an absolute extent or degree
completely entirely thoroughly totally utterly fully well altogether perfectly soundly wholly clean dead plumb all flat enough exactly fast quite wide through and through all over heartily full entire even all of absolutely downright one hundred per cent comprehensively to the hilt in all respects all the way just unconditionally consummately unmitigatedly wholeheartedly unrestrictedly undisputedly stark totes bang in every respect in toto roundly unqualifiedly radically every inch to the maximum extent all in all exhaustively systematically sweepingly detailedly really minutely extremely very unreservedly right inside out outright at length without reservation in every way to the core lock, stock and barrel top to bottom terribly without exception at all extensively in depth in detail reservedly uniquely undividedly flat-out full blast unconstrainedly without qualification one-hundred percent heart and soul from A to Z immensely exceedingly decidedly to pieces to the max for fair to bits in whole down the line down to the ground uncommonly extraordinarily most very much unco fair mighty majorly jolly real seriously to the fullest extent exceeding lekker powerful devilish way ever so categorically implicitly veritably limitlessly unlimitedly infinitely ultimately purely to the nth degree precisely truly literally accurately definitely correctly strictly scrupulously faithfully explicitly smack-dab expressly sharp truthfully rigorously squarely unequivocally due prompt faultlessly specifically methodically unerringly veraciously positively severely carefully on the nail square indeed spot on on the money for sure the ticket on the dot bang on to a T for certain on the nose for a fact to the letter no mistake on the button outrightly thoroughgoingly downrightly sheerly profoundly unadulteratedly arrantly simply starkly fairly unalloyedly rankly cleanly dreadfully bloomingly regularly deadly flatly wholy bodaciously blankly verily properly universally solidly unquestionably broadly rightly conclusively generally plainly clearly globally genuinely supremely unambiguously unbrokenly directly plenarily decisively undeniably unrestrainedly blanketly inclusively overarchingly widely surely grossly exclusively grandly utmostly commonly deeply firmly finally unboundedly certainly encyclopedically intensely undilutedly intensively plain emphatically undoubtedly blastedly encyclopaedically integrally meticulously infernally incontrovertibly painstakingly compleatly blessedly confoundedly panoramically effectively prevalently openly catholicly pervasively endlessly concentratedly indiscriminately blatantly generically compendiously a hundred per cent unremittingly unmistakably truely indubitably maximumly in full continuously predominantly to the limit to the end unmixedly definitively resolutely collectively unstintingly up and down royally rampantly overwhelmingly internationally amply violently steadily nakedly solely in entirety heavily flagrantly nationwidely only matchlessly on all counts closely strongly earnestly from the ground up from stem to stern alone sincerely rifely merely paramountly boundlessly conscientiously sovereignly honestly popularly actually bloodily without a doubt concertedly surpassingly authentically unrelievedly ubiquitously committedly unifiedly uncompromisingly constantly epidemically prevailingly omnipresently maximally straightly particularly integratedly dedicatedly inveterately unblemishedly fixedly from beginning to end patently pandemically overtly glaringly unquestioningly perpetually customarily enduringly preeminently en masse peerlessly without omission enthusiastically body and soul to the full unimpairedly manifestly chiefly obviously uncontrolledly abundantly drastically without question out-and-out individually efficiently assiduously vehemently resoundingly but incessantly determinedly greatly sedulously unswervingly uninterruptedly singly unfeignedly expansively unanimously all-firedly essentially unbridledly personally forcefully almightily steadfastly assuredly brazenly inescapably hellaciously barefacedly everlastingly palpably undisguisedly unsurpassedly in all capitally fastly undyingly usually determinately ecumenically terminally acceptedly diffusely from top to bottom unsurpassably eternally principally uniformly vigorously experiencedly zealously frankly strenuously flamingly candidly fervently richly dominantly soly irrefutably consistently unitedly unimpededly bleedingly muscularly convincingly leadingly unwaveringly indisputably beyond any doubt infallibly staunchly adamantly viciously fiercely robustly longly straightforwardly bigly firstly foremostly pronouncedly forthrightly without reserve validly rulingly certifiably aggregately enormously unarguably blinkingly bluntly hugely frightfully furiously blisteringly ferociously heartfeltly cardinally powerfully freely jointly unobstructedly warmly extendedly egregiously barely assertively onliest singularly baldly throughout ceaselessly flawlessly specially ardently evenly unendingly clear apodictically no doubt plentifully desperately stringently lastly chronically ghastlily excruciatingly fearsomely explosively superlatively intimately primarily masterly unadornedly insistently elaborately draconianly all out centrally archly overbearingly mainly omnipotently unflaggingly unconfinedly inviolately unfalteringly unmistakenly blitheringly rigidly priorly primally continuedly cosmically no more than acutely hardly fearfully uninhibitedly transparently pre-eminently superiorly publically peremptorily hook, line and sinker hook line and sinker continually highly seamlessly loyally transcendently commandingly interdisciplinarily inimitably ruddily in fact persistently naturally straight out abidingly in great detail in great depth leaving no stone unturned worldlily with attention to detail habitually harshly to the exclusion of everything else brutally mundanely astronomically in and out independently on the whole plum alpha and omega without demur stupidly critically in its entirety hook, line, and sinker lock stock and barrel eagerly immediately round industriously brightly headly punctiliously potently lustily intricately primely markedly largely without hesitation cordially quintessentially finely tyrannically virginly wholistically repletely full on austerely relentlessly without restraint headily plushly unfailingly excessively togetherly unshakeably hard unrelentingly confirmedly unabatedly penetratingly rangily inarguably horribly irrefragably dependably undisputably with open arms as far as possible as much as possible to the furthest extent pristinely unsparingly suitably appropriately unflinchingly undoubtingly reliably plenteously copiously adequately crassly unchangingly one and only doubtless demonstrably easily gushingly effusively unbendingly up iconoclastically unregenerately no strings attached come hell or high water no ifs ands or buts satisfactorily goodly unhesitatingly inherently elementally legitly unchallengeably with a fine-tooth comb quantitatively eclectically wholesomely unceasingly doubtlessly devotedly supereminently unbeatably untouchably incomparably unvaryingly stellarly uprightly planetarily terrestrially celestially adultly guilelessly ripely maturely outspokenly holistically oppressively uncontestedly incontestably monstrously notoriously vilely atrociously infamously dynamically aggressively energetically admissibly factually combinedly compositely to a marked degree unfetteredly shamelessly without doubt toweringly systemically stalwartly all told in truth significantly averagely orthodoxly grimly unguardedly forthcomingly heartlessly plainspokenly arrogantly single-handedly beyond question solemnly veridically immaculately persuasively tangibly unanswerably grievously thunderingly outrageously preposterously uberly tremendously undisturbedly runningly successively conspicuously in reality passionately for nothing other than nothing but demandingly encirclingly synoptically discursively securely antipodal opposite in full measure standardly nationally communally wontedly from first to last untroubledly ongoingly progressively invariantly matter-of-factly root and branch organically indivisibly whole-heartedly excellently errantly impeccably ideally in spades whole hog smoothly hands down beyond a doubt far and away long-termly revolutionarily nonspecifically unopposedly out and out beyond doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt competently ordinarily conventionally routinely permanently vitally virilely hardily from soup to nuts sublimely unshakably keenly searchingly exquisitely slackly loosely flexibly laxly relaxedly to the exclusion of everyone else diametrically irrevocably vulgarly societally commonplacely typically acceleratedly qualifiedly harmoniously for ever inexorably mutually passably restrictedly privately conjunctly liberally ably uncommittedly undeviatingly for good congenially undistractedly immeasurably illimitably restrictively discriminatively once for all settled cooperatively homogeneously measurelessly concordantly prohibitively exclusionarily especially peculiarly absorbedly conjugately vastly done with with conviction past regret beyond recall conjointly cohesively attentively congruently beyond shadow of doubt beyond the shadow of a doubt for all time once and for all preferentially deliberately circumspectly intently diligently vigilantly interminably inestimably inexhaustibly fathomlessly bottomlessly unfathomably lavishly indefinitely regally imperially multitudinously countlessly immortally monotonously deathlessly numberlessly indeterminately incalculably monarchically loftily majestically predominately preponderantly

Tính từ

Inaccurate or incorrect
inaccurate incorrect wrong faulty mistaken erroneous off in error off target off the mark wide of the mark inexact fallacious false unsound untrue invalid flawed untruthful off beam unfounded off-target specious off-beam misguided imprecise misleading abroad full of holes unreliable awry defective spurious illogical distorted counterfactual off-base not exact not accurate off base way out way off fabricated off course invented concocted baseless falsified wide fictitious bogus imperfect askew off track iffy fabulous made up mythological mythical trumped up way off-beam all wet without foundation economical with the truth misinformed indefinite far astray amiss wanting cold dicey phoney unfitting dodgy improper phony nowhere near wide of the target wrong number all off inappropriate getting cold way off beam wrongly identified wide of mark barking up wrong tree labouring under a misapprehension barking up the wrong tree in the wrong not trustworthy lying sham dishonest deceptive on the wrong track apocryphal unfactual fictional nonfactual imaginary unconvincing weak inadequate unsubstantiated irrational ill-founded unwarranted untenable unjustified unreasonable unscientific groundless nonrational inconsistent inconsequent illegitimate inconsequential unreasoning absurd foundationless nonvalid unsupported preposterous wrongly inferred unsustainable mad unreasoned illegal reasonless sophistic not working unfaithful careless wild adrift discrepant garbled way-out not true untrustworthy way-off not right doesn't wash delusive delusory unreal illusory deceitful deceiving sophistical deluding beguiling unproven ungrounded questionable without basis flimsy fraudulent fake chimerical implausible fishy uncorroborated casuistic tenuous illusive idle imagined hollow vain seeming apparent truthless fanciful fallible unjustifiable insincere trumped-up gratuitous bottomless counterfeit delusional forged untested unverified unconfirmed unattested impaired misrepresentative colored dubious doubtful conjectural illusionary bad coloured suspect speculative cooked-up inane empty chancy shaky risky rocky disreputable contradictory unsubstantial erring confused perverse incongruous undependable uncalled-for uncertain unfit ostensible mendacious sick flakey pseudo unstable flaky not backed up by evidence open to question open to doubt deluded dissembling superstitious unassured unsure chimeric wrong-headed unread mocking unprovoked contrary to fact erratic without substantiation without merit unauthorized fluffed terminologically inexact not the case misfigured goofed misconstrued mishandled miscalculated hallucinatory uncalled for not backed up causeless not precise at fault out of commission out of line without justification without reason without cause unauthorised plausible without explanation fancied non-existent ostentatious pretentious meretricious likely captious colorable presumable credible probable sophisticated flattering presumptive nugatory notional seemingly correct untoward unsuitable Barmecidal supposititious whimsical semblant suppositious ideal fantastic visionary Barmecide fictive float inconceivable incredible frivolous controvertible plausible but wrong apparently right superficial unbelievable rotten blue sky pipe dream unbacked wishful feeble unsatisfactory inept inapposite unhappy unapt indecorous infelicitous malapropos graceless inapt unbecoming unseemly unpersuasive contemptible assailable weakly crooked unfair foul unlawful haywire mock feigned senseless meaningless glitched up out of order artificial simulated faked debased rank unretentive adulterated lemon frail malformed injured tainted blamable broken-down warped lame marred botched blemished incomplete insufficient cracked leaky deficient maimed incoherent factitious contrived ersatz lacking substance inconclusive insane impossible below par stupid ridiculous foolish crazy imbecilic nonsensical idiotic silly unproved nutty wacky ludicrous irrelevant unconnected barmy irreconcilable self-contradictory daft beyond belief fatuous cockeyed screwy not following not making sense beyond the bounds of possibility off the wall

Tính từ

Fully committed or determined in achieving a goal
resolved intent determined resolute bound firm set purposeful decisive single-minded bent on do-or-die bent upon hell-bent on hell-bent upon strong-willed steadfast committed persistent fixed strong-minded tenacious unwavering dogged obstinate unfaltering stubborn unshakeable dedicated driven uncompromising persevering unswerving obdurate decided intransigent stalwart staunch bent unrelenting inflexible unbending focused unyielding steady focussed intent on insistent on set on dead set on determined to relentless positive earnest indefatigable pertinacious insistent immovable deliberate unhesitating unflinching undaunted settled undeviating indurate unshaken unflagging hell bent on on one's mettle hell-bent rock-ribbed committed to the idea of going for broke forceful emphatic devoted unmalleable assured obsessed monomaniacal hellbent flat-out dead set clear-sighted all out straight out obsessive tireless fanatical full of determination go-getting rigid pigheaded pig-headed eager keen industrious minding inflexible about fixated on committed to single-minded about obsessed with resolved on out to intending to fixed on fanatical about fixed upon decisive about impatient to resolved to anxious to obsessive about firm about determined on strong constant mettlesome steely perseverant spirited indomitable plucky intrepid gritty faithful implacable valiant true vigorous brave purposive unshakable adamant bold gutsy courageous persisting loyal spunky unchanging stiff manful serious definite immutable strenuous stout unbendable four-square tall in the saddle meaning business bulldog intent upon stout-hearted enthusiastic ambitious motivated enterprising calculated intense telelogical nose to the grindstone be out for blood playing hard ball mean business tough untiring inexorable zealous ardent hard daring fearless heroic lionhearted doughty hardened gallant willful valorous headstrong assiduous hard-nosed dauntless solid hardy sure enduring stiff-necked mulish intractable assertive game bullheaded feisty reliable stable devout rigorous strict active stouthearted fast wilful self-willed diligent true-blue energetic passionate dependable audacious adamantine unfailing hardheaded unremitting ballsy gutty unafraid hard-line perverse trusty confident iron-willed wholehearted sturdy pat fervent vehement opinionated dutiful aggressive ossified adventurous fierce heroical dyed-in-the-wool greathearted trustworthy inconvincible undauntable self-opinionated powerful grim sincere good robust sedulous ruthless nervy unchangeable genuine patient lion-hearted deep unshrinking resilient hard-working importunate dynamic refractory stringent avid pious rugged concentrated fervid demanding set in stone unvarying bound and determined severe manly diehard pushy abiding stern allegiant sound harsh tried and true tried and tested venturous cast-iron dashing certain conscientious bloody-minded stanch unflappable iron hardline daredevil unalterable responsible consistent unappeasable secure unadaptable intensive self-assertive have-a-go fiery bull-headed unfearful unmovable down-the-line unqualified exacting hard-core locked in high-spirited tried unpersuadable deep-dyed honest unvacillating permanent honorable honourable unwearied hard and fast venturesome incessant invariable never-failing inexhaustible recalcitrant sworn durable weariless impassioned patriotic draconian unalarmed unsparing merciless redoubtable unswayable straight hanging tough scrupulous tried-and-true muscular dour uncooperative unabashed pitiless inveterate domineering close no-nonsense contrary fixated all-out impervious hard-driving established self-starting red-blooded trusted unwearying goal-oriented self-driven continuing absolute sustained authoritarian jumping grind hyper perky aspiring ferocious wild unaccommodating changeless true-hearted well-built balky militant sensible invincible deep-rooted chivalrous self-confident upright iron-fisted brick-wall trustable supportive calculable undismayed long-lasting unforgiving adventuresome continuous two-fisted lusty cool Herculean card-carrying unceasing unfluctuating attached engrossed unmoved static forcible die-hard red-hot formidable true blue set in one's ways tough nut heavy-handed entrenched unswervable complete perpetual violent uniform potent unstoppable eternal invariant concerted lasting as game as Ned Kelly fire-eating profound compulsive resounding thirsty unquestioning inspired hungry bulletproof desirous full-blooded furious direct radical regular perdurable adherent unchanged ironclad stubborn as a mule pledged striving pressing terrible hearty imperious hard-hitting inured cantankerous truthful oppressive cruel studious uncompliant long-standing unassailable self-possessed sedate resistant in earnest unsentimental explicit on the go ball of fire froward incorruptible hard-and-fast unconquerable unblenching death-or-glory spartan dire safe macho defiant toughened confirmed temerarious in-your-face austere incompliant foolhardy frozen virile mad keen clamorous liege hard-bitten stand pat well built hard as nails noble collected strapping aweless standing one's ground eager beaver unsurpassable invulnerable male hang tough painstaking impregnable commanding entreating composed worthy thorough absorbed indelible religious awkward ingrained unaffected full attentive fearsome exigent stiffened well-founded forbidding independent total preoccupied masculine concentrating pure forward impassive bombproof dreadful fearful restive urgent immersed bolshie undefeatable even blunt uncontrolled unbridled unrestrained possessed gung ho occupied thoroughgoing peremptory butch seasoned overbearing ethical righteous laborious ornery burning swashbuckling concrete moral virtuous decent inevitable perfervid ghastly frightful picky level-headed veracious rooted disciplinary irreversible punchy stony undisturbed contumacious entire explosive indestructible perennial uptight irrepressible torrid serious-minded high-powered extreme revering cussed dominant intrenched never-tiring lively ineradicable inexpugnable unmodifiable brisk lifelong venerating unending infallible reckless unpermissive heavy-duty undeterred clamant ungovernable difficult unworried remorseless not giving an inch inalterable stony-hearted incurable progressive pioneering self-assured true to life unabated vicious exquisite high-pressure brassbound tough-minded unfearing can-do peppery gingery hopeful hard-boiled dug in out-and-out rash drastic deep-seated standing pat bred-in-the-bone wrapped up heartfelt free-swinging brash emboldened nerved fractious herolike callous unsympathetic pulling no punches dogmatic through and through adoring unmanageable obstreperous ramrod impavid obedient self-asserting rough go-ahead tyrannical desperate self-seeking get up and go power-hungry high-reaching confiding built to last loving circumspect on the level stop at nothing hard-hearted behind one strongly made truehearted power-loving puissant affectionate carefree string along with self-disciplined hardboiled buckled down predisposed tending inclined leaning disposed repeated uncomplaining long-suffering firmly-based mullish restless realistic unbeatable not joking unblinking immoveable bravehearted unaltered sporting unbudgeable unintimidated irremovable cocksure incommutable vital uninfluenced perseverative unretiring cohesive narrow-minded unfading renitent great hardworking coherent illiberal hidebound immalleable resolute about unbothered untouched unvaried uninterrupted unmodified steamroller powerhouse Ramboesque iron-jawed blinkered untameable insurmountable insuperable possessive unforgetful sticky unthinking quick hasty snap unimpressionable sagacious brassy frightless impassable quiescent cross-grained self-motivated undiscouraged observant puritanical pounding mortal hard-headed fundamentalist orthodox plugging go-go unstinted fireball continued plodding fit effective unmistakable tested imperturbable nerveless orped perceptive mean take charge capable competitive all exclusive enrapt whole undivided madcap consumed compelled riveted dinkum stuffy traditional conservative reverent in for long haul obscene pornographic X-rated unflexible crisp doctrinaire bullish unsinkable in place in position cynical on one's side going all the way insistent about prayerful thick-skinned meaning what one says foolproof cutthroat devil-may-care risky whole-hearted firm in spirit animated resourceful thrusting goody-goody worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic unstinting stick to guns set in concrete watchful alert unconcerned unapprehensive exact imposing authoritative bloodthirsty on task engaged enthralled galvanized impelled everlasting timeless standing stationary like bad penny unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable flinty determinate imprudent chin-up fortitudinous controlling frisky sprightly mettled overbold overconfident warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy balanced set in your ways grave prevailing single-hearted old faithful not put off not discouraged keen as mustard cocky icy never give up unwaivering induced obsessional bossy unmoving going as keen as mustard true to the end given over to pushful equable engagé feverish difficult to keep down death-defying do or die hold one's ground hold the fort hold the line impatient unruly wayward pleading unquenchable bitter granite goody two-shoes as thick as thieves boon inseparable bosom pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised cold regimented ineluctable sticking to one's guns doting rabid fond big exuberant rolling with punches quick to recover quick to bounce back disciplinarian ascetical by the book hardhearted astringent uncharitable browbeating ascetic autocratic bantam assuming tough nut to crack decided upon writ in stone cut-and-dried strait-laced exhaustive cut-throat indefinite imperative crying reiterative monotonous correct believable right just nice imperishable like a ball of fire on the make desiring success superheated ungoverned uncurbed tough as old boots uncaring poised like death and taxes immobile no going back necessary compulsory disciplined controlled beseeching begging right-minded disobedient uncontrollable intensely competitive fiercely competitive having killer instinct dog-eat-dog hang-tough go for broke chronic habitual long-lived error-tolerant hard-wearing well made arduous taxing never-ending endless pugnacious tight substantial through-and-through veridical no lie undistorted up front square creditable all right on the up and up estimable high-principled well balanced well-balanced undisciplined charged heated warm volatile emotional demonstrative warm-blooded hot-blooded as tough as old boots confining binding hard-shelled exhausting persuasive detailed in-depth comprehensive in the bag shoo-in conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine easy nailed down able locked on rebellious untoward rebel insubordinate recusant proved incorrigible incandescent passional principled credible self-reliant urged on massed impermeable all-absorbing all-inclusive all-encompassing mannish muscly all-male manlike impenitent supreme unapologetic unashamed irredeemable unreformable longtime well-made humble authentic solidified husky taut cool-headed implicit accustomed habituated staid insoluble thorny indocile unpliable locked problematic knotty sealed blocked impartial unfeigned uncontrived equitable unpretentious reputable fair all-embracing minute meticulous methodical man-size hunky brawny ripped man-sized on an even keel well constructed sicker made to last compact dimensional consolidated long-established sharp-witted sharp shrewd smart heady canny savvy clear-eyed knowing astute buff jacked shredded searching sweeping blistering acute almighty excruciating elaborate heavy widespread careful extensive hellacious compacted rocklike impliable closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced mighty alarming bona fide thick congealed stud hairy beefcake ape boyish caveman hunk generative adult jock stallion swift forthright prompt rapid dense accelerated speeded-up impressive remove well established deep-set hard-shell all-consuming firmly established well-established jellied impenetrable categorical awful shocking terrifying awe-inspiring horrendous dread hair-raising daunting horrifying spine-chilling scary intimidating horrible frightening direful tremendous brick wall rock-solid rock-hard non-flexible unreserved quality like a rock calm really hard very hard unreasonable unamenable hard to please fussy rational logical businesslike sober constructive undeclared taken for granted tacit accurate implied understood inarticulate unquestioned latent contained unexpressed unspoken virtual undoubting practical implicative unconditional inferential unuttered inferred unsaid imminent awesome fastidious boorish argumentative finicky irritable tiresome vexed testy choosy captious snappy temperamental chippy quarrelsome disputative oafish hypercritical prickly querulous bearish thrawn huffy stroppy negative delicate overcritical wrong-headed irascible obstructive particular over-particular dictatorial critical ungracious grumbly disobliging trying finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious fiendish sensitive ill-natured crotchety uppity touchy troublesome sour discontented dissatisfied rude crabby hard to satisfy irritating contrarious impolite opinionative disputatious perfectionist unperturbed unruffled peaceful recollected untroubled coolheaded serene limpid equal tranquil unfazed together placid self-composed level smooth at peace

Tính từ

Not permitted
forbidden impermissible prohibited proscribed banned barred disallowed unacceptable verboten vetoed contraband taboo censored prevented not allowed ruled out not permitted not advisable not on outlawed debarred unsanctioned interdicted unauthorized tapu unlawful criminal haram illegal illicit tabu illegitimate closed-down no-no closed-up not acceptable refused closed no go unauthorised out of bounds off limits non licet against the law felonious wrongful crooked unofficial unlicensed actionable unwarranted lawless black-market bootleg restricted shady excluded dishonest unconstitutional under the counter lawbreaking wildcat under-the-table precluded overruled under the table prosecutable dirty violating fraudulent malfeasant bent off-limits heavy improper unutterable unmentionable smuggled ineffable out of line hot clandestine furtive indictable culpable racket corrupt inadmissible dodgy wrong not legal under-the-counter not approved guilty unspeakable against the rules reserved rude indecorous impolite rejected offensive frowned on disapproved of beyond the pale disapproved unwarrantable irregular extralegal sly delinquent nefarious villainous immoral wicked miscreant flagitious adulterous sub rosa punishable outside the law off base contrary to law in violation of law undemocratic secret closed off out-of-bounds unallowed embargoed unclean bootlegged controlled unpermitted dishonourable unapproved closed down uncertified unaccredited inaccessible blameworthy dishonorable criminalized disqualified criminalised unjustified pirated penal shut out disgraceful shocking shameful scandalous not accepted obscene indecent convictable chargeable off the record no-go indescribable immodest unprintable embarrassing X-rated condemned responsible not sanctioned appalling filthy disreputable unthinkable anathema over the line atrocious untouchable distasteful not to be spoken of not to be said not to be spoken not to be uttered unethical disorderly iniquitous unsavory that dare not speak its name anarchic terrorist black unruly dark bad seditious disruptive mutinying insurgent insurrectionary vile insubordinate anarchical mutinous rebellious noncompliant peccant vicious revolting unrighteous nonconformist sinful evil savage anarchistic barbarous ungoverned uncivilised disobedient rotten unsavoury turbulent violent unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized nihilistic disordered racketeering excessive recusant uncultivated warlike infringing contumacious piratical criminogenic transgressing traitorous smoking gun without law and order bogus

Tính từ

No longer in fashion
dated outdated unfashionable outmoded passé square antiquated démodé dead expired unhip demode finished not in old-fashioned old hat old-hat out of date out of fashion no longer in fashion out of style behind the times not with it at an end archaic obsolete outworn superannuated bygone obsolescent prehistoric antediluvian ancient out-of-date medieval old defunct out of the ark moth-eaten mossy old-fangled old-time musty mouldy anachronistic mediaeval moldy olde worlde fusty superseded vieux jeu frumpy demoded past old-world quaint old-fogeyish crusted feudal antique backward-looking creaky clunky horse-and-buggy unstylish frumpish rinky-dink square-toed kaput has-been fossilized oldfangled prehistorical extinct moribund rusty neolithic kaputt Noachian former behindhand vintage out-of-style fossilised Stone Age olden conservative corny dowdy not current passe stale unpopular of the old school old-school last year's disused odd worn-out tired dinosaur crusty retro back-number primitive rococo disapproved neglected of old not modern grown old of olden days out of it past it antwacky gone horse and buggy done to death aged faded discarded discontinued parachronistic anachronous geriatric backwards backward deprecated fallen into disuse timeworn out-of-fashion fossil obscure dusty no longer in use back number retrograde old-timey had it done for old school no longer fashionable past its sell-by date dead and gone exhausted abandoned hackneyed bent unusable out of commission out of use drained tacky tasteless cheesy styleless trashy overfamiliar empty inelegant yesterday's duff flat run out used up dud ticky-tacky ticky-tack not fashionable traditional venerable hoary immemorial of yore historic late historical age-old elderly primeval primordial dateless relic old as the hills primaeval as old as the hills previous early hoar redundant cobwebby erstwhile senescent decrepit old-style lost dull very old fogeyish unprogressive on its last legs departed passé antiquarian forgotten drab ancestral one-time remote heritage folk done established sometime long-gone quondam veteran earlier past its prime orthodox prior belated period nostalgic vanished foregone retrogressive fogyish long in the tooth past one's sell-by date button-down way back over the hill boring anachronistical yesterday overused threadbare inflexible broken-down classic long-standing well-established archaistic antediluvial hacky enduring timeless aboriginal pristine time-worn crumbling decayed old as Methuselah unoriginal once onetime original cast-off gothic barbaric dry as dust old fashioned having seen better days ageless stuck in time old as Adam clapped out no longer used withdrawn written off dropped unobtainable time-honoured classical old style waning declining primal decommissioned of yesteryear in period style old world evocative atavistic deceased earliest dying out of long ago grizzled silver-haired grey-haired white-haired silvery-haired grizzly senior doddering completed long-ago becoming obsolete ageing disappearing getting on longevous doddery bypast nonextant gone by demised on the wane on the way out undesirable on the decline of an advanced age advanced in years worn older lot of mileage oldie traditionalistic unremembered ex- unrecalled in oblivion forepassed water over the dam sunk in oblivion past recall water under the bridge down memory lane breathless cold fallen asleep low lifeless aging not long for this world past your prime not as young as one used to be not as young as one was no spring chicken nonexistent familial family deemed obsolete going out of use going out of fashion growing old way back when latter-day lost in time consigned to oblivion lost and gone gone-by back delayed preceding elapsed overdue invalid down the drain inanimate exanimate from the past ultraconservative reactionary lineal oral unwritten buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line long-established standpat die-hard brassbound paleoconservative archconservative handed-down ingrained ossified fixed deep-seated hard-and-fast bourgeois conventional straight stick-in-the-mud unadventurous Pooterish traditionalist fuddy-duddy conformist strait-laced diehard stuffy mumsy dreary shabby dingy daggy scruffy badly dressed blowsy homely stodgy poorly dressed badly-dressed baggy plain poky unkempt sloppy

Tính từ

Openly gay

Tính từ

Not physically functioning or working
unusable inoperable broken defective faulty malfunctioning nonfunctional damaged inoperative unavailable busted down unfunctional unsound disabled kaput unavailing unproductive abortive bootless dysfunctional scrap knackered wonky broken-down doesn't work non-functioning out of commission in disrepair acting up conked out not functioning not working out of kilter not in working order shot spent haywire gone to pieces in need of repair on the blink fallen apart in the shop out of whack playing up on the fritz on the shelf run-down out of order bust imperfect finished ruined wracked exhausted gone phut unsatisfactory on its last legs had it gone done for screwed up worn-out duff weak gone to pot feeble gone haywire conked-out coming unglued coming unstuck wrecked nonoperating nonfunctioning bonkers kerflooey kaputt unserviceable out of action non-functional gone kaput out of service dud broken down useless impaired sunk flawed dead jiggered inactive out of use doomed done smashed injured ineffective hurt spoiled marred dilapidated destroyed spoilt worn out toast no good blemished up the spout incapacitated totaled wiped out beat-up dashed lost not functional defeated devastated tumbledown ramshackle done in not in operation crumbling harmed in ruins unavailable for use in flames in a state of disrepair gone to rack and ruin given up the ghost at an end not in use stopped working washed up packed up falling to pieces down the tubes not in service down for the count down the drain gone bust past its best old failed bad rumpty buggy worthless clapped out scratched dented inoperational valueless darned debilitated dinged snafued bent flubbed unoperational S U off crashed loused up messed up glitched in smithereens in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go non-operational in repair decommissioned invalid on the bum unworkable ineffectual nonactive inefficacious shattered through crushed null and void over bankrupt hors de combat beaten undone drained thwarted empty liquidated over with in pieces dead and buried over the hill played out gone to the wall past it washed-up wound up derelict in shreds in tatters in ashes dead in the water ruinous disintegrating decaying neglected shambly uncared-for decrepit deteriorated munted shacky blasted decayed run down battered botched mutilated robbed uninhabited plundered pillaged harried abandoned falling apart defaced ill-maintained badly maintained poorly maintained worse for wear defunct cooked ended extinct floored on the skids out of circulation burned out belly-up out of business down and out all washed up

Tính từ

More than is reasonable
a bit much intolerable unacceptable insufferable insupportable not on objectionable undesirable unreasonable unsatisfactory not cricket out of order too much a bit off a bit thick off over the top not quite the done thing OTT substandard dissatisfactory unseemly suboptimal subpar deficient inferior wanting deplorable displeasing inadequate disgraceful impermissible exceptionable distasteful offensive disagreeable obnoxious improper inadmissible unsuitable inappropriate mediocre amateurish bad awful imperfect poor dreadful lousy woeful abject wretched unimpressive terrible dismal insufficient reprehensible faulty horrible execrable abysmal pathetic stinking rotten cruddy laughable pitiable low meager dire crummy dodgy abominable questionable dubious nasty repugnant lamentable diabolical meagre contemptible appalling shoddy sorry pitiful hopeless atrocious lame condemnable scurrilous miserable trashy horrid disastrous horrendous crude damnable cheapo vile wrong odious wack defective gross irremediable grotty garbage rubbishy crumby punk loathsome sad disappointing indefensible stinky paltry worthless tatty below par won't do low-quality not up to scratch over the fence poor quality low-grade God-awful inacceptable not up to par half-baked second rate unappealing tenth-rate bush-league below standard uninviting second-rate less-than-stellar two-bit of poor quality from hunger not up to standard beyond the pale bush of low quality below average third-rate poor-quality reject not up to snuff second-class under par sour rubbish ill cheap ropy duff junky shabby unjustifiable pants unworthy useless unsound outrageous coarse low-rent inexcusable frightful schlocky bargain-basement a load of pants unpardonable unforgivable bum regrettable poxy direful flawed common schlock weak unjustified sub-par unwarrantable scandalous base cheapjack blameworthy egregious junk unwarranted not up to much leaving much to be desired bodger cut-rate subnormal dime-a-dozen jerry-built not much cop average cheesy lacking indifferent lemon middling ordinary unconscionable uncalled for el cheapo unexceptional pedestrian censurable tawdry dishonourable distressing sleazy gimcrack trumpery the pits excessive dishonorable unprovoked vulgar shameful poorer downmarket inexpiable culpable rude remiss shocking tinny detestable disreputable hack ignoble discreditable good-for-nothing déclassé opprobrious chronic degrading impolite unsatisfying indiscreet without justification unjust unspeakable indelicate gratuitous crass unfortunate insulting no good not good enough careless immoderate half-pie grubby dirty groundless rough cheap and nasty iniquitous tasteless low-end baseless unfounded incompetent sickening despicable revolting ignominious tacky humiliating disgusting untenable without cause not acceptable without reason senseless preposterous unrefined flimsy damaged calamitous very bad uncalled-for grim piss-poor sucky unfair uncouth tactless irregular unnecessary tinhorn beastly undiplomatic no great shakes negligent grievous for the birds unsustainable hateful sick disrespectful poorly harmful pits shaky piddling trifling indecorous derogatory discourteous sinful negligible hurtful invalid ill-founded inexpert heartbreaking provocative impudent impertinent affronting insolent inglorious wounding shy trivial minimal illogical horrifying abhorrent amiss scummy scurvy ratty scabby mean provoking slighting wicked blamable criminal absurd specious implausible unpleasant insignificant uncivil vexing unmannerly unbearable mournful irrational repulsive gruesome inept out of line impaired valueless feeble upsetting end-of-the-pier indecent unwelcome downer bummer godawful failing fallacious weak sauce bereft scant strictly for the birds minor-league minor league in bad taste small potatoes of a sort not satisfying out of sorts off-colour crook off colour inordinate undue extreme below the belt not done unskilful doubtful unarguable undefendable refutable slovenly uncomfortable ineffectual incorrect out of turn over-the-top dissatisfying very great unhappy infamous desperate naff commonplace ropey dilapidated puny melancholy sneaking iffy needless injudicious broken criticizable unpermissible unallowable not the done thing tragic repellant repellent stupid shady unrespectable louche notorious not cutting it disturbing disconcerting disquieting thin yucky second-best unprincipled monstrous ridiculous foolish off-color overwhelming dolorous afflictive shlocky hideous ghastly unsightly sordid godforsaken seedy shlock blah cheapie less than ideal underwhelming cheap-jack immoral heinous second class raunchy icky diddly grody bad news grungy not good erroneous not the best hellish rancid rebarbative disgustful hellacious loathly not quite the thing unbecoming arbitrary run down down at heel anticlimactic found wanting not okay insubstantial inconsiderable too little unbefitting unceremonious unfulfilling demeaning undignified unladylike unfitting ungentlemanly bathetic uninteresting ineffective leaving a lot to be desired craptacular debasing shaming belittling lowering cheapening mortifying not all it's cracked up to be falling short disillusioning untoward beyond contempt abusive annoying irritating lowbrow exasperating graceless personal galling embarrassing disparaging contemptuous nauseating gaudy ungrounded unmerited errant lowbred bizarre sketchy patchy incomplete erring short absent unfinished missing restricted scarce limited needing unpolished reproachable scanty omitted empty gone unfulfilled less devoid cooked away needed destitute bankrupt deprived delinquent blameable reprovable burned out in default cut off out of gas not up to expectations too little too late demeritorious guilty unholy at fault

Tính từ

Not following the planned, or intended, route
off course adrift astray at sea disoriented lost confused bewildered unsettled disorientated off-course all at sea perplexed off-track at a loss off the right track going round in circles thrown unstable unhinged stray unbalanced discombobulated having lost one's bearings having lost one's way going in circles not adjusted out-of-joint off-beam mixed-up nonplussed mazed wildered mixed up in a state of confusion not knowing whether one is coming or going all over the place in a muddle directionless aimless purposeless drifting rootless off track goalless floating wandering without direction in limbo at a loose end without goal without purpose at loose ends befuddled dazed muddled confounded puzzled baffled stupefied bemused bushed addled stumped stunned bamboozled distracted fuddled flummoxed disconcerted dizzy mystified muddleheaded dopey addlepated dopy bedeviled befogged flustered shell-shocked thrown off balance at sixes and sevens bedevilled dumbfounded astonished astounded shaken floored fazed taken aback silly muzzy pixillated slaphappy pixilated spacey punchy zonked-out spaced-out punch-drunk spacy zonked fogged discomposed discomfited unnerved troubled clueless surprised shaken up absent-minded addle spaced raddled rattled out to lunch not with it demented unglued deranged dumbstruck flabbergasted startled staggered speechless foxed vexed shocked beaten gone uncertain muddle-headed spaced out shook up fouled up bowled over in a dither dismayed embarrassed hard-pressed discountenanced strayed woolly woozy foolish disturbed upset hard put frustrated slap-happy shook wooly addlebrained dazzled agog aghast awed agape maladjusted distraught giddy thunderstruck gaga hazy dumb come apart disorganised disorganized roaming roving lost one's bearing out of it balled up confusional off-balance awe-struck off balance overwhelmed amazed blown away had their heads messed with uncomprehending besotted confusticated got caused to be at a stand gravelled beat graveled buffaloed thrown off made to scratch their head preoccupied engrossed fuzzy delirious irrational unsound senile psychotic crazy whacko with Alzheimer's disease glassy-eyed shot to pieces screwy unscrewed addle-brained not knowing if one is coming or going

Tính từ

Not liked or popular
unpopular avoided cold-shouldered detested disliked rejected shunned unloved unwanted unwelcome friendless unbefriended uncherished unliked despised hated ignored loathed out of favour spurned unattractive undesirable abhorred creepy disesteemed disfavored drip dumpy execrated gross loser lousy nerdy obnoxious ostracised ostracized out in the cold scorned sent to Coventry unaccepted unvalued weird wimpy unsought after not sought out uncared for in bad odor in bad odour out of favor not in the swim forsaken outcast uncared-for abandoned in the doghouse in disgrace in the dogbox abhorrent in someone's black books in someone's bad books despicable isolated lonesome forlorn companionless lonely estranged desolate all alone without friends with no one to turn to without a friend in the world blackballed abominated condemned cursed anathematized neglected offensive useless jilted unbeloved loveless superfluous unappreciated withdrawn destitute sad despondent unnecessary unhappy lorn not loved unsocial unneeded without companions by yourself feeling friendless nonessential annoying discarded surplus to requirements de trop alone solitary deserted unattached disgraced alienated lone single by oneself cut off in trouble adrift marooned without ties with no ties all by one's self disregarded refused turned down rebuffed forgotten disdained overlooked unnoticed denied unrecognized unconsidered unrecognised passed over unheeded lovelorn vacant derelict vacated void disused disobeyed unobserved unfollowed unnoted untaken dropped returned unremarked slighted unheard underestimated undervalued not accepted unsung lapsed dismissed decayed evaded omitted depreciated unused deferred deteriorated unkempt tossed aside unwatched postponed cast aside declined uncared affronted

Tính từ

Causing or inducing sleep, normally with harmful overtones
somniferous soporific somnolent hypnotic narcotic drowsy opiate sedative sleepy slumberous slumbrous somnific dozy snoozy slumbersome somnifacient quiet heavy sleeping asleep blah comatose dopey draggy inactive lethargic listless sleepyhead slow sluggish torpid yawning out of it nodding slumbery inert lifeless lazy languid idle apathetic stupefied shiftless indolent slothful languorous insensible supine drugged hibernating passive dormant hebetudinous stupid stuporous vegged out out cold cold inconscious out to lunch dead to the world enervated tired dull lackadaisical indifferent laid-back weary impassive moony phlegmatic leaden spiritless limp slow-moving unenthusiastic unhurried fatigued unenergetic yawny lymphatic nebbish quiescent laggard heavy-eyed languishing uninterested wimpy dead unconcerned faint energyless debilitated dreamy easy blahs pining dilatory having spring fever half asleep relaxed weak flagging leisurely sickly infirm feeble exhausted unconscious groggy unresponsive inanimate oscitant insensate otiose motionless unmoving neb stiff lacking in energy still work-shy stagnant do-nothing pococurante Laodicean insentient droopy laid back numb inattentive lagging dallying slack procrastinating loafing senseless fainéant benumbed sluggardly bovine neurasthenic asthenic paralyzed static faineant sodden latent paralysed bone idle logy asleep on one's feet half-awake nodding off half awake sleepyheaded down lumpish mooney sullen off sluggard drippy lacklustre lackluster stretchy stolid without energy dozing dazed knackered dopy deceased restful defunct dog-tired ready for bed half-asleep done in dead beat all in extinct hardly able to keep one's eyes open late departed gone demised breathless fallen low perished exanimate no more passed on desert passed away brute waste not living dead as a doornail as dead as a doornail in a faint out for the count

Tính từ

Acting or done without justification and with no concern for the consequences
mindless unintelligent stupid idiotic obtuse witless asinine foolish brainless imbecilic dull empty-headed half-witted moronic slow-witted vacuous weak-minded brain-dead doltish dumb imbecile thick birdbrained dim dim-witted dopey pinheaded thickheaded blockish boneheaded chuckleheaded cretinous dunderheaded feather-brained lamebrained pig-ignorant careless dippy fat-headed inane negligent pea-brained pie-faced thoughtless airheaded blockheaded bonehead bubbleheaded damfool dense divvy dopy dorky fatuous forgetful glaikit gormless knuckleheaded lamebrain lunkheaded muttonheaded neglectful oafish opaque senseless simple slow soft softheaded thick-witted unsmart wooden-headed braindead chowderheaded dof dotish daydreaming inattentive mooning moony nitwitted rash silly spaced-out unaware unmindful out of it dead from the neck up daft crazy ignorant unwise nonsensical ridiculous naive absurd simpleminded half-baked dozy unreasonable injudicious imprudent dull-witted vapid unthinking irrational harebrained preposterous dotty mad wacky reckless simple-minded pointless nutty ludicrous ill-advised bovine crackpot barmy daffy insane laughable featherheaded tomfool slow on the uptake inept irresponsible unreasoning hare-brained ill-considered illogical kooky sappy lunatic cuckoo scatterbrained foolhardy loony dunce-like not the full shilling gullible fool soft in the head whacky crackbrained risible goofy jerky heedless looney kookie stolid zany balmy shallow puerile screwy thick as two short planks clueless screwball illiterate cockeyed feebleminded loopy uneducated indiscreet flighty unconsidered incautious unreasoned uninformed giddy untaught unschooled halfwitted sluggish unlearned as thick as two short planks wild benighted scatty unread unlettered insensitive innocent unsound nonrational unintellectual lumpish wooden impractical insensible oblivious blind bizarre unwitting short-sighted childish hasty impolitic unenlightened derisible idiotical immature meaningless untrained unconscious unknowledgeable nescient uninstructed inexperienced batty imperceptive unconversant uninitiated thick-skulled uncomprehending green crass deficient insensate cockamamy cockamamie ill-conceived nonliterate undiscerning untutored misinformed futile thick-headed impulsive in the dark analphabetic uncultured feeble-minded madcap improvident weak apprenticed uncultivated unsuspecting boorish vacant misguided farcical rude torpid impracticable fantastic dappy superficial lethargic fanciful fantastical listless dimwitted potty featherbrained indiscriminate unstable hebete backward blind to cock-eyed very stupid uncritical unknowing undiscriminating credulous dark infantile frivolous incognizant fruitless inconsiderate coarse invalid fallacious unheeding unacquainted insipid unworkable outrageous clownish unperceptive comical remiss heavy inappropriate hebetudinous derisive regardless unscholarly pathetic unjustifiable unrealistic derisory cloddish incoherent inadvertent unreal groundless ill-thought-out slipshod shortsighted rattlebrained unscientific demented implausible untenable addle-brained unresponsive deaf unthinkable Boeotian numskulled off the wall off-the-wall aberrant out to lunch slow on uptake off beam way out not intelligent mentally deficient mentally handicapped ill-judged surd notional boobish buffoonish soppy unstudious extravagant inadvisable complacent purposeless unpractical impetuous ill-mannered blundering stupefied donkeyish obstinate anencephalic anencephalous idiotish squirrelly tearaway prejudiced wholesale unquestioning lifeless inert slumberish comatose gross unimaginative dummy harum-scarum numbskulled feeble smoothbrained phlegmatic placid outlandish unversed loggerheaded clottish empty deranged thick-skinned fatheaded impassive inanimate somnolent poor ditzy dizzy skittish log-headed trifling worthless without thought insouciant implicit woodenheaded duncelike unrefined inactive bad risky foolishly stupid grotesque surreal contemptible as daft as a brush not bright limited slothful chowderhead disregarding uninterested erratic unsteady changeable weird monstrous astonishing shocking incredible foolheaded unbelievable indelicate thick as mince not with it know-nothing smooth-brained slang unfeeling derelict nonobservant vain wishy-washy flat innocuous airy unsophisticated pea-brain delinquent unworldly inconsistent devoid of intelligence unqualified extremely foolish full of holes stupidly irresponsible illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential baseless unfounded arbitrary sheepheaded flakey specious freaky distraught raving reasonless wrong disconnected sophistic delirious disjointed muddle-headed flaky slack crude lax flawed tactless a brick short of a load as green as grass wet behind the ears two sandwiches short of a picnic incorrect faulty irreflective contradictory slapdash unreflective precipitate unobservant casual unselective unexacting unconcerned ditsy indifferent apathetic undiplomatic cursory unfussy offhand perfunctory absent-minded not well thought out without foundation without basis not making sense indiscriminating hot-headed easily pleased odd eccentric wacko strange mental peculiar unbalanced cracked unhinged crazed incongruous queer nuts loco gaga cranky psychotic maniacal bonkers crackers psycho certifiable oddball whacko haywire gonzo fruity meshuga bats berserk out there doolally nutsy brainsick meshugge bughouse brash bedlam wud moonstruck funny off the air disturbed psychopathic wrong-headed undesirable non compos mentis unusual quirky distracted up the pole maniac hysterical raving mad round the bend dreamy freakish comic rum loony tunes looney tunes unconventional sectionable touched sick buggy graceless disordered bushed overhasty impossible unglued inexpedient barking not all there not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs sick in the head mad as a hatter barking mad stark raving mad away with the fairies nutty as a fruitcake foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad droll incomprehensible off one's gourd off one's head around the bend out of one's mind uncontrolled offbeat unfortunate hilarious frenzied curious idiosyncratic manic amusing bird-brained funky weirdo outré remarkable off-centre gelastic nerdy unearthly schizoid frantic diverting bananas useless nutso schizophrenic flipped schizo kinky paranoid sociopathic improper unsuitable over the top off-kilter off your trolley daredevil joshing camp campy yarra porangi far-out mentally ill incompetent of unsound mind idle confused not together stark mad temerarious exorbitant flipped out not in one's right mind far-fetched unsafe audacious overbold overconfident daring adventurous perverse hotheaded one card shy of a full deck too much off the deep end a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic off one's rocker off one's trolley off one's nut doty bathetic defective clock nerdish burlesque callow unintelligible way-out retarded off the beam avant-garde light-hearted bugged out mentally incompetent unmeaning unpredictable ineffectual unseemly off your head waggish chucklesome huge unorthodox Bohemian far out extreme paranoiac paranoic unadvisable goofy loony queerish quaint out-of-the-way bizarro excessive violent ignoramus whimsical mercurial dilly disadvantageous spurious crazy-ass mystifying abnormal puzzling wackadoodle bewildering nonconformist extraordinary unique baffling wackadoo phenomenal embarrassing in vain humorous witty dreamlike inconceivable quixotic erroneous unjustified badly planne