Đồng nghĩa của companionless

Tính từ

Without a companion
lonely solitary lonesome unaccompanied friendless alone by oneself isolated lone all alone single forsaken solo deserted abandoned unattended forlorn withdrawn desolate on one's own unescorted estranged sole partnerless unchaperoned lorn detached by itself stag individual reclusive unsociable outcast unsocial introverted rejected destitute hermitic only unbefriended separate single-handed independent apart solus cut off without companions without an escort by yourself without a friend in the world antisocial unique one unattached retired uncherished unpopular unwanted unloved unmarried particular secluded unwatched me myself and I me and my shadow without friends on its own hermit on your own with no one to turn to by one's lonesome on one's lonesome distinct on my own immune insulated segregated discrete onliest unconnected sequestered insular shunned alienated unguarded spurned uncared-for ostracized to one side loner odd isolate removed undisturbed adrift marooned remote lost homesick left alone sad uninterrupted ostracised without ties with no ties despondent a cappella traveling light private unhappy on one's jack on one's Jack Jones on one's pat on your tod on one's Pat Malone without disturbance without interruption all by one's self feeling friendless unassisted unaided unwedded unwed in solitary unhitched husbandless widowed wifeless uncoupled in a solitary state cloistered retiring singular one-off special hermitical distant reserved eremetic misanthropic offish out-of-the-way sui generis standoffish self-sufficient uncompanionable aloof self-contained renounced left comfortless troglodytic down empty godforsaken homeless disconsolate quiet hidden secret covert sheltered shy seclusive unfrequented hermetic one and only hermit-like exclusive recluse secluse off the beaten track eremitic introvert tucked away shut off monastic anchoritic concealed uncommunicative reticent blockaded unapproachable demure ascetic personal uninhabited only possible restrained exceptional screened cool unrepeatable out of the way definite cloistral contemplative set apart abnormal anomalous close closet beleaguered quarantined silent secretive inward-looking unforthcoming one of a kind uncommon confidential incommunicado meditative timorous diffident cautious bashful taciturn cold media-shy retreated sheepish modest timid coy backward self-effacing recessive cut-off out on a limb thoughtful stand-offish undemonstrative one shot close-mouthed off the grid closed inaccessible stranded certain respective original protected confined restricted shielded high and dry incomparable never-to-be-repeated limited-edition once-in-a-lifetime shut-off unshared unworldly departed remaining ace one-of-a-kind inconspicuous shrinking nonce peculiar precise specific eremitical only one austere shrouded final monkish celibate hard to find hidden away shut away unusual atypical peaceful taken out socially inhibited random last simple only remaining unconcerned aseptic disinterested incurious inhibited nongregarious uncurious casual uninterested indifferent untypical freak sole remaining only surviving only one left cenobitic conventual introspective unrelated stray monachal coenobitic once in a lifetime unrepeated meek indrawn Spartan frugal oblate discreet pensive self-absorbed self-interested onetime closemouthed constrained reflective soft-spoken collected ruminative inner-directed self-centred unfriendly ungregarious laconic self-restrained guarded self-centered unrevealing snobbish one-shot non-communicative tight-lipped once-off once-only

Tính từ

Feeling or showing great unhappiness or loneliness
desolate miserable gloomy disconsolate forlorn comfortless depressed melancholy wretched despondent dejected downcast glum lonely lonesome sad bereft dismal mournful unhappy broken-hearted cheerless despairing devastated dispirited downhearted grief-stricken heavy-hearted inconsolable anguished black bleak blue chill Cimmerian cloudy cold crestfallen crushed dark darkening depressing depressive dire distressed down drear dreary dreich elegiac elegiacal funereal godforsaken gray grey grieving lorn lugubrious morbid morose murky plutonian saturnine sepulchral solemn somber sombre sullen sunless tenebrific tenebrous upset woebegone cast down acheronian austere dolorous forbidding hurting joyless tragic unwelcoming cut up in low spirits down in the dumps in a blue funk doleful sorrowful grim woeful melancholic heartbroken sorry down in the mouth heartsick low low-spirited brokenhearted drab heartsore saddened heavyhearted bad disheartened discouraged disheartening droopy hopeless hangdog tearful dispiriting uninviting rueful pessimistic dull abject dour stark demoralized discouraging disappointed pathetic troubled demoralised moody chap-fallen distressing oppressive piteous dingy inhospitable lamentable heartrending afflicted bitter bare grievous heartbreaking grave in the dumps harrowing severe teary saddening sorrowing pitiful long-faced unfortunate mirthless agonized dim fed up plaintive in the doldrums painful weeping regretful spiritless oppressed mourning in pain distraught agonised dolesome plangent terrible dreadful uncomfortable pained harsh bereaved wailing grieved bewailing bemoaning aching bummed out defeatist wistful deplorable impersonal dragged clinical unpromising humourless humorless choked sulky serious in the pits pitiable institutional funeral barren sober deploring pensive chapfallen appalling awful broken heart-rending weary tormented disagreeable hurt unpleasant negative poor hostile sick at heart weepy suffering brassed off cheesed off sedate spartan moving weighed down lamenting upsetting down-hearted dejecting distressful mopey desperate calamitous hard downbeat unfavorable unfavourable foreboding gruesome shocking colourless overwhelmed colorless moping lachrymose poignant empty aggrieved adverse inauspicious emotional dolent drearisome tristful destroyed sick as a parrot all torn up overcome shadowy bland earnest ill-fated down and out horrible excruciating draggy ghastly unsmiling gutted angst-ridden agonizing subdued weighty shattered wintry jarring wintery traumatized horrific anxious tortured frightful regrettable dirgelike ruinous disturbing horrendous crushing atrocious crabbed dirge-like devastating horrid mopish broody surly ominous grumpy hapless traumatised tear-jerking resigned agonising Eeyorish unpropitious troublesome sunk in gloom down-and-out ugly nightmarish listless out of sorts monotonous crummy worrying in grief in doldrums lifeless in despair cast-down shot down singing the blues macabre in tears destructive ill-starred stern ruined disastrous sterile traumatic squalid catastrophic affecting staid sordid dismayed hideous uninhabitable cataclysmic perturbed bothered sourpuss muted cynical intolerable shameful nostalgic threnodic shaken brooding disappointing harrowed grisly unconsolable heavy with grief overcome with sorrow unlucky execrable inferior lousy stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced suicidal gut-wrenching concerned wounded heavy horrifying tough sinister indigent scurvy scungy impoverished displeasing detestable low in spirits rotten daunted stricken discombobulated uptight difficult taciturn vexatious destitute bugged shook doomed monstrous lurid adust antsy ripped fatal deathly afflictive deadly bleeding ruthful crabby shook up sunk dysphoric in sorrow in mourning racked with suffering racked with pain bowed down taken down down in dumps lacklustre deep lackluster unfriendly chilling full of sorrow blue funk long-suffering direful torn up languorous triste dangerous unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring boring ill-omened at the end of your tether languid humdrum uncaring abandoned deserted displeased unimpassioned waste worried unmoved solitary formal sapped tragical prostrated disadvantageous threnodial bummed-out drained disturbed undermined abashed demoralizing demoralising prostrate with grief maudlin overcast heart-sick lovesick portentous touching Stygian obscure hollow devitalized fraught routine uniform sour frowning glowering sheepish defeated sorry for yourself exequial deathlike funebrial bad-tempered uncommunicative sore burned contused unable to be comforted unable to be consoled mortified remorseful churlish dolorific shamefaced disillusioned taken aback deflated grousing cranky bellyaching cantankerous beefing ill-humoured huffy down-in-the-mouth helpless phlegmatic ill-tempered unresponsive dirgeful atrabilious clouded dampened drooping dashed sagging regimented off-putting gaunt galling discomposing ill-humored beside oneself with grief bearish pining flat gloom-ridden given to looking on the black side unsatisfied torn-up discontent stirring troubling uneasy down in mouth derisible mortifying heart-wrenching having the blahs having blue devils fatalistic lethal mortal unmitigable uninhabited looking on the black side acherontic abominable at wits' end in a funk fateful abhorrent emo as sick as a parrot feel-bad up the creek without hope tortuous moved heart-stricken heart-struck frantic unoccupied inimical languished heinous very sad let down in the toilet on a downer low-down afflicting foul despicable contemptible feeling down full of gloom looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny vexed unnerved agitated discomposed disconcerted ruffled disquieted sobering urgent strenuous unamusing acute critical far-reaching no-win strabilious suspicious alarmist distrustful doubting disgraceful vile characterless soulless unenthusiastic chilly cataclysmal trashy shoddy filthy harassed irked wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued onerous burdensome derisory perilous injurious can't win haunted spooked not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup straitened hard-pressed unwelcome discommodious harmful undesirable full of hardship doubtful threatening objectionable strained exacting treacherous ill-boding parlous pressing precarious exigent messy jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad jumpy persecuted unglued trying rough inhuman rugged stringent frightening unearthly strung out poverty-stricken overwhelming Spartan bare-bones insufferable searing grinding eerie luckless grotesque ghostly terrifying gory in a stew in a tizzy fearsome revolting wearing unbearable unendurable pitiless grewsome loathsome repulsive terrific repugnant nightmare cursed spookish weird scary shady spooky offensive sickening jinxed forsaken unprosperous sick unhealthy snakebitten unsuccessful God-awful death-obsessed awkward snakebit burdened worthless hard luck star-crossed out of luck in a bad way sad sack uncomic sobersided significant important consequential crucial stony major momentous substantial considerable vital key steely heavyweight flinty fierce intimidating stiff po-faced profound ungentle all-important high-priority no joke life-and-death no laughing matter of consequence of great import of moment of significance pivotal daunting decisive gruff louring of great importance of great consequence life and death big deal lowering disconcerting unnerving intense aloof disapproving menacing quiet underlined unamused serious-minded scowling grouchy dry strict cruel deadpan discomforting unhumorous frigid icy frosty tedious mean-looking inexorable mean grim-faced hefty with a long face alarming disenchanting diabolical disquieting hellish gross cross ferocious distant unfeeling crusty irritable unrelenting rigorous unsympathetic leaden irksome stressful distasteful perturbing unpalatable straight overbearing repellent annoying irritating savage material straight-faced authoritarian reflective appreciable monumental resolute repellant strait-laced unpleasing uncongenial eventful heart-breaking angry major league heavy-duty big thoughtful cold sober heavy-handed boot-faced heavy-going crepuscular skeptical diabolic sadistic ghoulish twisted perverted expressionless impassive sable sceptical depressant devilish hard-faced blank wicked unapproachable formidable sickly dismaying have the blahs bummed powerless downtrodden fell implacable scabrous tight-lipped testing sage dignified discontented contemplative fiery furious splenetic vicious truculent mephitical unkind perplexing aggravating bewildering vexing revulsive frustrating ailing racked reserved puritanical douce ponderous stuffy unemotional biting unappeasable cast-iron stone-faced strictly business inflexible resolved ruminative unplayful bookish deep in thought introspective composed bound and determined unforgiving illiberal uncharitable rigid unyielding unbending raging remote solid ramrod hard-nosed obdurate astringent hard-boiled worrisome turbulent malevolent volatile stormy tumultuous baleful testy peevish unsociable unsettling torturous paramount nasty agitating odious unsavory snappish crotchety prosaic unimaginative unsatisfactory nauseating abysmal hairy tormenting icky stinking disgusting unacceptable obnoxious troublous brutal leading powerful super principal prime influential meaningful landmark sizable prominent waspish mardy mumpish grotty godawful grody unappealing yucky uncool yukky hellacious nauseous mundane vapid insipid tame uninspired tired tyrannical tectonic valuable earthshaking earth-shattering super colossal historic main mammoth strategic fundamental big-time exceptional eminent big league unsavoury hurtful unlovely concerning beastly dictatorial repressive torpid apathetic unanimated commonplace domineering autocratic despotic unjust undemocratic draconian nerve-racking nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking wearisome vanilla tyrannous iron-fisted in a bad mood nothing dead undistinguished anti-democratic punitive murderous unfair imperious ruthless coercive relentless hardhanded merciless high-handed peremptory overweening run-of-the-mill ho-hum ironhanded backbreaking confining headache rough going demanding superincumbent taxing matter of life and death

Trái nghĩa của companionless

companionless Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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