Đồng nghĩa của bleak

Alternative for bleak

bleaks, bleaker, bleakest

Đồng nghĩa: bare, chilly, cold, dismal, dreary,

Trái nghĩa: animated,

Tính từ

Having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
black dark depressing dismal gloomy cheerless dreary unpromising discouraging grim sombre disheartening joyless hopeless miserable unfavorable unfavourable unpropitious wretched adverse comfortless disadvantageous inauspicious uninviting chill Cimmerian cloudy cold darkening depressive desolate dire disconsolate drab drear dreich elegiac elegiacal forlorn funereal glum godforsaken gray grey lonely lonesome lugubrious morbid morose murky plutonian portentous saturnine sepulchral solemn somber sullen sunless tenebrific tenebrous foreboding ominous hard melancholy mournful oppressive sad unhappy doleful depressed dispiriting austere despondent dejected forbidding woeful melancholic severe blue harsh dolorous inhospitable distressing unpleasant grave sorrowful stark unwelcoming bad pessimistic dour dull sorry downcast disagreeable woebegone hostile awful bitter pathetic dingy grievous heartbreaking heartrending crestfallen abject uncomfortable dreadful despairing down in the dumps terrible dispirited unfortunate down distressed tough bare saddening upsetting downbeat dim unfriendly mirthless downhearted down in the mouth defeatist rough negative difficult ghastly tearful cynical spartan troublesome tragic horrific threatening harrowing rueful serious teary sinister disturbing sober worrying poor piteous excruciating horrifying stern frightening horrible painful fatalistic macabre trying menacing anguished humourless humorless dejecting troubled daunting low inconsolable horrid rugged dangerous in the dumps cast down frightful shocking gloom-ridden gruesome heartbroken shadowy disappointing grief-stricken brutal onerous hurting cruel lamentable broken-hearted perilous low-spirited mourning distressful horrendous unsmiling loathsome demoralized taxing terrifying nightmarish appalling barren afflicted baleful exacting fierce eerie grisly clinical demoralised impersonal spiritless off-putting direful ill-fated institutional pitiable long-faced burdensome chilling inhuman pitiful lurid brokenhearted jarring moody in low spirits discomforting deserted heavy disquieting searing fearsome spooky foul weighty rotten revolting ill-omened sorrowing irksome displeasing infelicitous crushing desperate solitary sour empty sedate bearish savage devastated scary resigned unlucky inopportune drearisome intimidating offensive abandoned down-and-out ferocious agonizing precarious agonising sulky demoralizing oppressed bland ugly grotesque unenthusiastic draggy mopey gory traumatic poignant disconcerting wintry wintery straitened dirgelike in pain suspicious distrustful awkward demoralising heart-rending hardhanded doubting untoward vexatious poker-faced spookish alarmist critical execrable lousy doubtful worrisome grieving forsaken lachrymose dubious hairy brooding regrettable doomed surly deplorable stony sickening objectionable pained stringent moping unnerving untimely hazardous arduous distasteful unpalatable stiff destitute hangdog monstrous atrocious chap-fallen repulsive impoverished nasty in the pits troubling punishing discouraged bodeful colorless repugnant crabbed saddened grumpy heavy-hearted alarming glowering weary disastrous heavyhearted heartsick heartsore ill-boding calamitous earnest pitiless droopy mean-looking upset colourless problematic tricky in a blue funk uninhabitable lifeless hideous ruined tortuous given to looking on the black side uninhabited lamenting isolated staid rigorous sticky tight waste unearthly squalid ghostly sourpuss muted subdued intolerable sordid thorny prickly delicate deathly shameful stony-faced no-nonsense unoccupied derelict hellish undesirable Eeyorish jinxed bothersome challenging knotty remote creepy inferior moving dirge-like unresponsive unhopeful repellent wild scurvy detestable indigent scungy tragical cursed frowning problematical ticklish dodgy chancy concerning iffy overwhelming taciturn unsettling gruff sick vile gut-wrenching unendurable steely flinty biting uncommunicative grewsome questionable suspect chapfallen in the doldrums dismaying grinding God-awful formidable weird shady sinistrous baneful inexorable dragged ill-starred louring lowering ungentle stressful perturbing helpless bad-tempered acheronian disheartened hapless ill-tempered lackluster lacklustre deep destroyed life-threatening unwelcome hair-raising ruthless merciless mean parlous exigent vicious in despair sunk cut up galling uninspiring boring shot down looking on the black side bummed out unexciting blah uninteresting monotonous long-suffering poverty-stricken humdrum unlikely unencouraging overcast uncaring unimpassioned gaunt plaintive maudlin sterile nostalgic sequestered unmoved intemperate inclement funebrial exequial deathlike threnodic threnodial Stygian hollow obscure disowned touching inimical afflictive disenchanting unoptimistic bereft dolesome sunk in gloom torturous diabolic sadistic diabolical ghoulish twisted perverted insufferable Spartan bare-bones dampening misanthropic broody mopish discomposing phlegmatic agitating abominable crushed lorn worthless gross devilish unrelenting scabrous companionless acherontic pensive heart-wrenching derisible plangent mortifying tormenting fraught wearing unbearable troublous disapproving unsympathetic sorry for oneself suicidal having blue devils having the blahs worried heart-breaking regretful luckless unsuited spineless evil-looking dread spine-chilling redoubtable fearful down-in-the-mouth ruinous unprosperous sickly hellacious singing the blues hard-faced tear-jerking blue funk inconvenient unappealing unappetizing unattractive untempting choked repressing hindering deterring dissuading injurious thrilling gutted frantic anxious hurtful looking on the dark side bleeding fed up out of sorts down and out let-down not happy inapt unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable unmitigable suggestive of evil odious in a bad way out of luck testing bummed powerless downtrodden without hope up the creek ill-suited raging not hopeful intense not encouraging hard-pressed tortured harmful treacherous pressing jeopardous apocalyptic rocky very bad discommodious full of hardship strained messy mephitical irritable unkind repellant perplexing aggravating unpleasing bewildering vexing annoying abhorrent revulsive frustrating unamusing uncongenial irritating weighed down strabilious at the end of your tether no-win can't win not a prayer at end of one's rope in the soup nauseating significant acute considerable stormy despicable contemptible chilly disgraceful consequential major unenticing disgusting trashy shoddy filthy distant unapproachable aloof soulless characterless derisory turbulent malevolent volatile angry tumultuous churlish strict nerve-racking sobering strenuous excessive big intensive toilsome peracute extreme dismissive anti cross fell tyrannical antipathetic unwilling dictatorial repressive uncooperative resolute scowling minatory doomy ill terrific nightmare obstructive resistive unconstructive domineering autocratic controversial sensitive splenetic cantankerous crusty grouchy truculent resisting balky despotic unjust undemocratic draconian unchancy impending evil fateful cool unhealthy boot-faced tyrannous uninterested weak authoritarian iron-fisted overbearing anti-democratic punitive murderous unfair imperious coercive relentless death-obsessed apathetic high-handed peremptory overweening vacant ironhanded backbreaking heavy-handed confining headache rough going demanding hefty superincumbent unfrequented vacated depopulated void evacuated disused forgotten untenanted unpeopled unvisited rejected secluded unused uncomic sobersided urgent important crucial momentous substantial far-reaching vital key heavyweight po-faced profound all-important high-priority no joke life-and-death no laughing matter of consequence of great import of moment of significance pivotal decisive of great importance of great consequence life and death big deal wistful disappointed hurt bereaved weepy quiet underlined unamused serious-minded dry deadpan grieved emotional aggrieved unhumorous tristful crummy frigid icy frosty down-hearted tedious in grief in doldrums crabby in tears formal grim-faced with a long face unfeeling tormented afflicting listless leaden straight dolent material straight-faced reflective appreciable monumental cast-down dysphoric strait-laced eventful bowed down major league heavy-duty thoughtful cold sober torn up heavy-going on a downer routine uniform crepuscular displeased regimented skeptical distraught expressionless impassive sable sceptical perturbed bothered depressant dirgeful blank wicked disturbed concerned sick as a parrot have the blahs uptight bugged shook burned discombobulated sore antsy contused implacable tight-lipped suffering sage dignified wounded discontented contemplative fiery furious down in dumps sick at heart down in mouth shook up all torn up ruthful ailing racked agonised agonized reserved puritanical douce ponderous daunted stuffy unemotional unappeasable cast-iron mortified stone-faced strictly business inflexible weeping emo ripped resolved ruminative unplayful bookish deep in thought introspective composed bound and determined unforgiving illiberal uncharitable rigid unyielding unbending triste languished broken languorous languid solid ramrod let down taken down low in spirits in the toilet low-down hard-nosed obdurate astringent hard-boiled deadly fatal devastating destructive testy peevish unsociable flat paramount unsavory snappish crotchety prosaic unimaginative unsatisfactory abysmal icky stinking unacceptable obnoxious leading powerful super principal prime influential meaningful landmark sizable prominent in sorrow in mourning waspish mardy mumpish grotty godawful grody yucky affecting uncool yukky nauseous full of sorrow ill-humored mundane vapid insipid tame uninspired tired tectonic valuable earthshaking earth-shattering super colossal historic main mammoth strategic fundamental big-time exceptional eminent big league unsavoury unlovely beastly torpid unanimated commonplace ill-humoured nail-biting extremely bad nerve-wracking wearisome vanilla in a bad mood nothing dead undistinguished run-of-the-mill ho-hum matter of life and death

Tính từ

Characterized by windy or stormy conditions

Tính từ

Having a plain and unadorned appearance

Tính từ

Beyond all hope
lost hopeless failed futile helpless impossible pointless fruitless doomed forlorn ill-fated profitless unprofitable wasted hollow ineffective ineffectual unachievable useless worthless beyond remedy despaired of desperate vain losing sincere despairing unlikely unrealistic pious unduly optimistic unsuccessful empty unproductive barren abortive unavailing sterile inefficacious bootless valueless otiose nugatory in vain thwarted idle to no effect impotent unimportant trivial trifling of no use exhausted to no avail unsatisfactory insufficient resultless unneeded unsubstantial unreal impracticable delusive impractical without rhyme or reason to no purpose on a treadmill no good to gundy no dice purposeless meaningless insignificant senseless inadequate inutile aimless inconsequential paltry unrewarding non-successful inefficient inept weak unfruitful counterproductive good-for-nothing inoperative feckless null unfructuous unpurposed unusable foiled needless frivolous powerless inferior feeble irrelevant void lame petty no-good of no avail insubstantial without success vapid incompetent frustrated Sisyphean footling purportless negligible disastrous junky botched unable poor waste unhelpful miserable nothing bungled baulked unremunerative unworkable defeated unnecessary balked unavailable unprolific lazy expendable inane thankless no use motiveless for nought slight chaffy indecisive spineless piddling pathetic bad no-account no-win miscarried wasteful limited not worth the candle null and void no good uninspiring cheap trashy lacklustre wretched misfired invalid bogus ignoble mediocre abandoned unessential dry lackluster lifeless nonfunctional apathetic spiritless unfunctional flat scrap dysfunctional hamstrung inexpedient vacuous unreasonable vacant tame gainless nonsensical inconsiderable measly stupid disadvantageous banal mindless forceless withered neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous anticlimactic blocked nonvalid nonbinding goalless pants minute piffling rambling picayune nickel-and-dime wanky unsuitable defective deficient a dead loss beyond hope flimsy lousy casual redundant superfluous broken of no value drifting Mickey Mouse not having a prayer with no chance of success abject drossy despicable contemptible base uneconomic failing ne'er-do-well impuissant scant bungling unimpressive throwaway frustaneous unlucrative pyrrhic invertebrate unconvincing unserviceable absurd ruined spoiled unsalable specious groundless stillborn nonpractical doubtful dull save one's breath niggling chicken nominal piddly pimping peanut nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly stymied spoilt unuseful inoperable unanimated lustreless listless muted boring insane fatuous thin for naught hindered stonewalled obstructed time-wasting objectless baseless stale misleading unnotable puny shuck delusory messed up of no earthly use unreturned cramped not useful implausible dead unfounded nongermane uninteresting spinning one's wheels wild goose chase insipid not needed going nowhere shiftless irresponsible unmeaning unsound wandering arid tedious commonplace shallow not worth it Pyrrhic parlous not a prayer in vicious circle de minimis lacking foundation adrift dreary drab unstimulating prosaic monotonous humdrum unpromising threatening sinister menacing cancelled nullified rescinded revoked dallying not pertinent unfilled clear slothful indolent emasculate slack-spined without grounds without foundation flaccid fouled up poxy silly rubbishy non-viable terminated discontinued witless indiscriminate designless thoughtless illogical irrational wanton not serious despondent unattainable inactive of no benefit fustian unenterprising reckless unambitious incautious uncareful carefree careless unreliable wild rubbish desultory brainless random no go no way not effective two a penny not much cop ridiculous floundering undirected haphazard off canceled not binding a dime a dozen loafing small junk unfit not proper unadvantageous inconsistent not good enough ill-suited incompatible inapt improper inappropriate unsuited uncalled-for non-functioning not in force wishy-washy uncalled for hit-or-miss not worth a hill of beans minor incidental not in use out of use silent turned off not working out of service small-fry little foolish penny-ante twopenny-halfpenny pettifogging fiddling of little account of no account

Tính từ

Boring or severely lacking in interest
drab boring tedious uninteresting dreary dull unexciting uninspired uninspiring wearisome bland insipid mundane spiritless stale trite vapid feeble lacklustre lifeless limp monotonous pedestrian ponderous sterile tired tiresome unimaginative vacuous characterless dry humdrum lame non-stimulating numbing tame wearying zestless antiseptic arid drudging flat heavy jading leaden mediocre slow stodgy stuffy tiring barren commonplace jejune old prosaic stupid unexceptional unremarkable weary blah desolate dowdy lackluster monochromatic plain unchanging mind-numbing ho-hum nondescript run-of-the-mill middle-of-the-road dull as dishwater colorless colourless dusty banal uneventful routine ordinary vanilla nothing common unvaried featureless plodding unstimulating repetitious everyday workaday prosy unvarying undistinguished ho hum wishy-washy dead wooden weak anaemic bromidic samey laborious draggy as dry as dust dry as dust fatiguing anemic stiff average quotidian hackneyed torpid nowhere expressionless dim bloodless unanimated unmemorable deadly toneless platitudinous repetitive pointless conventional soporific usual apathetic banausic no great shakes monochrome nothing to write home about common or garden mechanical unoriginal irksome interminable zero enervating exhausting derivative laboured lusterless turgid normal typical weariful pabulum dullsville dreich lacking variety gray grey bog-standard lustreless inane garden-variety labored indistinctive inoffensive neutral listless stereotyped plain vanilla soul-destroying soulless muted empty watery uniform stilted sluggish plebeian standard unentertaining unenjoyable unrelieved indistinct milk-and-water dull as ditchwater yawnsome depressing ornery so-so innocuous white-bread simple lacking excitement lacking interest hacky corny static monotone pallid not up to much big yawn garden variety mindless a dime a dozen useless threadbare beige noncommittal flavorless faceless hollow undistinctive serious unproductive mainstream worthless passionless heavy-going unspirited pedantic flavourless downcast deadening stock forced lacking variation middling prolix vacant dragging dismal sapless regular day-to-day OK namby-pamby customary generic unnoteworthy cut-and-dry cut-and-dried standard-issue fuddy-duddy inferior deadly dull treadmill predictable second-rate dime-a-dozen miserable bummer drag cloying drear moth-eaten bomb well-worn difficult unlively unpassioned not fun unromantic trivial puerile earthbound over-serious uninterested tepid annoying irritating unmodulated undemonstrative sombre somber lethargic vague intermediate achromatic indeterminate indistinguishable undefined abstract clumsy unnatural awkward artificial uncreative boresome vexatious droning quiet slack sleepy depressed stolid solemn unimpassioned modest overlong matter-of-fact stagnant raw dispiriting wintry wintery sorrowful damp oppressive windy waterish nerdy wimpy unappealing half-pie homespun indifferent run of the mill worn-out unobjectionable unprogressive inactive formal unexceptionable harmless poor half-hearted inadequate cold unpretentious mortal poky snooze safe anodyne halfhearted diluted unfeeling mat unexpressive matte unexcited dulled staid without variety truistic one-horse futile straightforward inexpressive emotionless lacking vitality passive endless cardboard crude meagre simplistic meager uninflected homely fair reiterated samely monotonic all the same recurrent sing-song unchanged soft mild drivelling nebbish driveling fatuous tenuous slight subdued verbose not so hot boiled down without punch dead-and-alive passable vain profitless unseasoned whitebread unpalatable blind general two-dimensional weighty humble suburban puts one to sleep flat as pancake hack unrewarding heavy going run-of-the-mine medium tolerable run-of-mine second-class businesslike slothful spent overused familiar lead balloon overworked devoid of feeling devoid of emotion not bad hard to digest fruitless long-drawn-out plastic garden mean blank deadpan clichéd aimless valueless unprofitable purposeless diddly practical lowly actual practicable square matter-of- fact prose yawn clean accustomed ineffectual otiose unavailing unsuccessful bootless inefficacious ineffective abortive neither one thing nor the other out of date outdated unfruitful unfilled unprolific clear old-fashioned outmoded archaic obsolete defunct extinct unimportant antiquated antediluvian insignificant superannuated hoary unimpressive passé cliché-ridden timeworn irrelevant inconsiderable paltry inconsequential piddling immaterial antwacky forgettable out of the ark played out old hat time-worn worn out cut and dried meaningless whatever unadorned stark nameless nothing special of little consequence of little importance of no consequence not worth mentioning of no importance of no great concern not much cop of no account bog standard tasteless unemotional no-nonsense sober uncomic impassive down-to-earth humourless factual languid unsentimental humorless unamusing distasteful unappetizing literal sedate unsavoury inert unembellished straight unresponsive phlegmatic unsavory conservative desiccated grave uninviting disagreeable unpleasant inedible unvarnished unattractive level-headed hard-headed uneatable unenthusiastic numb realistic pragmatic insensitive pathetic hardheaded pragmatical indecisive calm stern earthy flat tire gross grim unfunny severe enervated long-winded unidealistic cold-blooded slow-moving uncomedic unwitty unsmiling terrestrial nitty-gritty off-putting earnest unadventurous disgusting serious-minded constant restrained repeated stoical nauseating glassy savourless rational sensible yucky unobtrusive loathsome revolting faithful stoic institutional peaceful frigid nasty foul commonsensical backwoods iterative benumbed placid lackadaisical unexcitable unmoved ceaseless reiterative insistent continual languorous understated dispassionate spineless impassible savorless lacking in vitality sick-making unostentatious affectless watered-down irresolute unembroidered undistorted unaffected exact lukewarm intense sullen straight-thinking repressed lazy droopy unflashy low-keyed languishing mournful elementary dour sour unconcerned hard-boiled cowardly down behind the times austere low-key with both feet on the ground toned-down folksy long steady slow but sure literal-minded unidentified unspecified prosing usual thing pompous dry-as-dust shiftless menial sickening clinical uninventive unartistic wordy unfulfilling disheartening unsatisfying demoralizing glassy-eyed unpoetic least Milquetoast repugnant derived trying frustrating workday unspecial logical duplicative backward vile comatose unfateful noneventful inconclusive cautious in the doldrums unambitious noisome circumspect fishy reserved prudent demoralising chary lacking personality lacking charisma attentive thin timid unmotivated catatonic effete glazed subtle incomprehensible inarticulate incoherent run-of-the mill gingerly wary considerate careful heedful calculating light discreet backwater wet limp-wristed weak-kneed sobersided bovine unflavoured drawly regimented dense unreadable unenterprising unsympathetic inconspicuous puritanical douce strict supine wimpish weakened nerveless frail invertebrate weakling unnoticeable unkind indolent coldhearted not amounting to much anaesthetic insensible anesthetic unflappable unpleasurable leery badly written governmental utilitarian rudimentary corporate functional ugly innocent twangy imitative twanging callous numbed stony asleep inhuman po-faced unhumorous repulsive desensitized groggy disinterested tranquil uninvolved uncompassionate lymphatic uncharismatic senseless anesthetized yucko along for the ride desensitised detached without spice big zero peaceable unoffending vacillating wavering retiring drawling brackish detestable yukky abhorrent anaesthetized paralysed paralyzed still frequentative standard issue unrefined robust unsophisticated rough natural grody unenticing stinky icky innoxious nonprovocative meek direct uninhibited slavish inelaborate pure and simple normophilic uncluttered unornamented rustic your basic unelaborate uncomplicated undecorated submissive melancholic dispirited despondent mopy low dejected melancholy white non-aggressive non-violent benign non-combative hurtless blue disconsolate gutless dopey broken sad drippy inanimate downhearted withdrawn tempered pensive fogeyish out-of-date backward-looking crusty gentle friendly pleasant frank chastened creaky mouldy old-fogeyish controlled home folk basic homey funky lowbred easygoing lusty down home outdoorsy dated antique fusty moldy past it old-time inobtrusive down in the mouth down in the dumps cast down lacking originality naked accurate impersonal feasible truthful

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sympathy, empathy or general emotions
soulless unfeeling callous inhuman hard heartless insensitive unsympathetic affectless case-hardened cold-blooded compassionless dead desensitised desensitized hard-boiled hard-hearted indurate inhumane insensate ironhearted merciless obdurate pachydermatous pitiless remorseless ruthless slash-and-burn stoney stony stonyhearted take-no-prisoners thick-skinned uncharitable unmerciful unsparing cold cruel harsh lifeless mechanical spiritless unkind faceless feral gray grey inexpressive subhuman utilitarian uncaring brutal cold-hearted unforgiving hardhearted stony-hearted unpitying severe uncompassionate hardened savage unemotional barbarous inflexible with a heart of stone tough indifferent stern unmoved lacking compassion unconcerned relentless unbending implacable sadistic unrelenting mean inconsiderate hard-nosed unresponsive inexorable barbaric uncompromising unfriendly coldhearted impassive apathetic steely fierce monstrous marble-hearted unyielding grim intolerant vicious hard as nails evil hard-bitten wicked fiendish unsusceptible frigid thoughtless unremitting dispassionate rigorous cutthroat mean-spirited cut-throat bestial dog-eat-dog rigid wanton austere strict as hard as nails vindictive emotionless sanguinary poker-faced matter-of-fact blank indurated deadpan expressionless insensible cool bloodless diabolical adamant stiff ferocious inured toughened unaffected inclement unappeasable heinous selfish fixed icy unsentimental bloodthirsty aloof unloving firm stone-hearted atrocious stolid draconian illiberal impervious frosty exacting surly fell unkindly brute truculent beastly dastardly butcherly wooden unwelcoming obtuse imperturbable flagitious egregious hurtful feelingless without sentiment inattentive cold fish stringent demanding uncommiserating ungenerous untouched depraved hellish solid brutish hatchetjob coldblooded satanic heedless unimpressionable torpid stubborn insentient careless impenitent cynical premeditated unpleasant self-centred appalling disinterested repellent halfhearted lukewarm aversive repugnant armour-plated invulnerable killer rancorous mortal ironfisted malevolent revengeful punishing stingy unfair ungracious killer instinct unnatural hard-headed world-weary tyrannous punitive constant vengeful blind to deaf to benumbed hard-as-nails seasoned unchristian censorious crass without pity avaricious unregenerate murderous greedy forbidding unrepenting bloody indefatigable uncontrite sour tyrannical tactless imperceptive anesthetized unamiable churlish sensationless crotchety anaesthetized deadened cantankerous unempathetic uncordial unsympathizing spiteful self-centered lacking sentiment hard-line hard-edged hard-shelled rough obstinate headstrong incurious unsensitive oblivious with a hide like an elephant unflinching toughened by experience wolfish malicious malign cannibalistic malignant hateful inured to as tough as old boots iron-fisted uncalled-for empty mean machine having a killer instinct vacant bland flinty chilly hostile unreadable inscrutable inanimate unexpressive adamantine Rhadamanthine catatonic glazed numb remote straight-faced flat devoid dull distant withdrawn reserved businesslike formal passionless neutral restrained self-controlled stilted detached starchy gelid bureaucratic clinical stand-offish featureless depersonalized uncolored strictly business colourless straight impartial depersonalised impersonal inhospitable candid equal measured nondiscriminatory cold turkey uncongenial unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous careful monolithic nasty phlegmatic violent vile stoical gruff stoic despicable base heavy-handed horrible undemonstrative uninterested unruffled authoritarian calm listless contemptible impassible laid-back dour uninvolved aggressive bad foul coarse rugged dangerous low sharp abominable homicidal unimpressed dishonourable low-down wild horrid serene catty nonchalant rotten snide degenerate terrible unstirred immoral maleficent dirty frightful collected unmindful detestable unflappable execrable dishonorable threatening ramrod oppressive pococurante heedless of virulent disdainful frightening obnoxious impenetrable resolute exploitative blah hideous disagreeable ghastly devilish shabby insouciant rowdy untroubled loathsome deplorable unperturbed haughty supercilious indelicate composed awful dreadful odious blasé abrasive negligent scummy crude degraded unruly intimidating glacial unaroused unexcitable unworried ill-natured objective uncommunicative ungentle rude curt wounding nefarious corrupt lawless louring inert indiscreet uncivil perverted infernal abusive ignominious low-minded fiery stark boorish dry criminal perverse villainous passive oblivious to sinful abhorrent untamed petty lowering fearful shameful extreme antipathetic reticent grisly gruesome equable hardy strong cast-iron vigorous sturdy stout currish drastic pernicious brash unprincipled debased reprobate unrestrained fearsome not nice infamous hasty wrathful ignoble nonplussed scornful casual profligate lethargic licentious blind lackadaisical uncontrollable despiteful languid impious intractable supine crazed no-nonsense browbeating formidable venomous hardheaded wimpy moony draggy cool, calm and collected could care less contemptuous couldn't care less dire don't give a damn what the hell unhappy intemperate casehardened stonehearted competitive loveless intense bearish upsetting stone-faced ice-cold unjust excessive forceful heavy dry-eyed undismayed horny ravening bullying controlled ill tormenting torturous stony-eyed hard-hitting demoniac unreasonable gloating disorderly immune cat-and-mouse accustomed habituated uninfluenced destructive level-headed cool-headed not caring despotic dictatorial suppressive onerous rational unagitated sober ruffianly lawbreaking bored non-committal half-hearted sluggish immune to impervious to unambitious unmotivated menacing furious cutting tranquil abject disgraceful desperate refractory immutable pugnacious proof against unmindful of critical experienced biting red in tooth and claw Laodicean two-fisted unmanageable indifferent to quiet chill marble caustic hardhanded droopy dispirited lazy numbed hollow asleep shocking horrific rabid wretched meanspirited self-contained acclimatized coarsened used impetuous raging delirious convulsive baleful insensible to insensible of insensitive of insensitive to disregardful of grating unfazed raving enraged incessive undomesticated cold-faced insipid glassy senseless hard-shell grubby sordid vitriolic bitter frantic infuriated rapacious angry mad along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches steady easy-going nonaffected unexcited inaccessible acclimatised steeled irreverent resistant unashamed unsubmissive prepared brusque annoying irritating acerbic horrendous horrifying harrowing tigerish biffo animalistic primitive aggers shrewd practical realistic toneless paralysed paralyzed still worthless grave galling unimpressible insusceptible cheap lame lousy narrow-minded down-to-earth carefree acerb comfortless blithe hair-raising macabre nightmarish unrevealing sedate placid taciturn inexcitable disciplinarian resolved dogged hard-core steadfast ascetical immovable domineering by the book absolute mulish ossified determined pressing astringent disciplinary bullheaded single-minded imperious dyed-in-the-wool stiff-necked ascetic autocratic contaminated faulty lewd putrid insubordinate impure libidinous indecent reprehensible demoralised miscreant abandoned demoralized spiky argumentative relaxed compacted packed hard-handed compact rocky set iron concentrated consolidated compressed scurvy scabby scungy ratty terrifying unspeakable repulsive alarming unscrupulous debauched graceless amoral sinister shameless rubbing the wrong way hard to take devil-may-care happy-go-lucky terrific grewsome spine-chilling revolting lurid nightmare unanxious easy deceitful unlawful wrong unethical iniquitous dishonest devious nauseating terrorizing sickening lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair unsophisticated unsavoury delinquent crooked shady slippery scandalous unconscionable two-faced defiled scheming improper disreputable unrighteous sly felonious underhanded shifty unconscientious gross unclubbable antisocial standoffish buttoned-up unsociable asocial standoff from hell lou bloodcurdling terrorising eerie unthinking unenthusiastic inept clumsy gauche unsubtle maladroit self-indulgent vitiated disparaging errant libertine demonic evil-minded self-seeking conscienceless morally wrong objectionable dodgy decadent questionable corrupted dissolute scoundrelly crafty scrofulous black-hearted bent squalid incorrigible ungodly unsavory dark clammy cold-eyed antiseptic hard-eyed brittle tasteless uncouth unbothered not bothered forgetful feckless deaf at ease undisturbed undaunted offish slaughterous impolite discourteous roughshod bungling unpolished blundering awkward unthoughtful disrespectful without a care in the world not giving a toss precipitate vulgar untactful rash straightforward unhandsome unmannered impertinent undiplomatic unmannerly incautious short reckless ignorant unceremonious unconcerned about equitable unbiased uninvolved with apathetic towards apathetic about nonchalant about unprejudiced offhand about casual about nonpartisan regardless uncaring about uninvolved in uninterested in like a bull in a china shop bored by dismissive of mindless of careless of square frivolous about evenhanded just reckless about unimpressed by regardless of fair cavalier about ill-mannered ill-bred weary of unenthusiastic about unresponsive to lukewarm about unmoved by phlegmatic about nonaligned unsocial highbrow diffident silent superior not giving a monkey's

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