Từ đồng nghĩa của prickly

Alternative for prickly

pricklier, prickliest

Từ đồng nghĩa: sharp, stinging,

Tính từ

Requiring great skill or finesse in handling or treatment
ticklish tricky difficult knotty thorny problematic complicated delicate sensitive tough trying awkward intricate involved troublesome baffling bothersome dodgy hard perplexing sticky catchy complex concerning hairy irksome nasty problematical spiny taxing touchy tricksy vexatious worrying convoluted annoying briery echinated nettlesome pointed stimulating unpleasant precarious controversial upsetting distressing uncertain disturbing worrisome chancy embarrassing dicey critical risky uncomfortable harassing dangerous vexed scary rough perturbing alarming unsettling disquieting hazardous daunting touch-and-go harrowing perilous dismaying niggling traumatic harrying grave unpredictable nerve-racking iffy volatile fiddly disagreeable troubling grievous gnarly bitter anxious-making puzzling tight bleak dire contentious onerous grim challenging forbidding arduous painful uneasy emotive awful dark punishing formidable unstable discomforting tormenting rocky unfriendly suspect questionable spartan hostile dubious nerve-wracking irritating wearisome intractable mystifying paradoxical sophisticated profound unsafe high-risk severe subtle unchancy loaded parlous provocative like herding cats penetrating searching quirky undependable heated kid-glove divisive scandalous nice unsound fraught with danger treacherous unhealthy jeopardous wicked barro troublous nagging discomposing unsteady heavy laborious operose rugged strenuous vexing capricious fickle temperamental inconstant mercurial variable changeable burdensome agonising apprehensive inconvenient tiresome agonizing hair-trigger charged tense unnerving tickly flustering torturous discomfiting galling disconcerting fraught dolorous bumpy confronting distressed itchy afflictive incommodious scratchy causing discomfort ill-fitting distressful dreadful frightening agitating terrible stressful shocking creepy serious aggravating anxious horrible ghastly appalling discouraging frightful harsh startling depressing gloomy nail-biting sinister ugly weighty threatening horrendous foreboding demanding toilsome horrifying bad terrifying exasperating exacting oppressive nervous restless provoking ominous excruciating menacing chilling intimidating horrid discommoding direful woeful brutal cruel gut-wrenching horrific macabre crushing consequential hideous unfortunate afflicting sad fearful sombre somber petrifying displeasing gruesome frustrating fearsome heartbreaking maddening atrocious disruptive mean tragic pesky monstrous solemn disheartening hurtful redoubtable acute extreme heart-rending plaguy grisly wearing exigent pessimistic dismal intrusive impeding lamentable objectionable disappointing testing lurid regrettable wretched repugnant dread hellish distasteful unwelcome heartrending nightmarish scaring off-putting pestiferous pestilential exhausting strained deplorable spine-chilling hair-raising prophetic pestilent tedious bewildering gruelling disgusting sober grueling gnawing carking tiring unpalatable pressing abominable vile sickening loathsome rigorous unfavorable unfavourable sedate unlucky bloodcurdling godawful intense searing infuriating rankling superincumbent unpropitious inauspicious back-breaking life-threatening very bad confusing ill-fated sobering abrasive riling exciting persistent unspeakable draining significant chafing nettling enervating peeving pressured knife-edge teasing repressive unfathomable hectic sapping humourless humorless damaging explosive foul revolting urgent nauseating uphill impenetrable poignant saddening affecting racking rebarbative pesty plaguey eerie nauseous tragical torturing messy stiff mind-bending poor raging wrenching unrelenting devastating inhuman spooky injurious backbreaking morbid unbearable dispiriting miserable rotten unhappy harmful austere repellent doleful lousy unendurable murderous hardhanded unkind killing heart-breaking peracute ruinous adverse undesirable baleful hefty blood-curdling spine-tingling repellant abhorrent cheerless inhospitable beastly uncongenial unpleasing hopeless troubled glum depressive anxiety-ridden tearing fierce morose causing fear unamusing desolate anxiety-inducing bothering panicky distracting embittering gory grating infernal irking intolerable stringent enraging antagonizing jarring edgy anxiety provoking eldritch Herculean confounded unforgiving strong soaring a nuisance persnickety importunate festering antipathetic grewsome terrific awesome imposing fatiguing an imposition undisciplined murder rowdy infestive ungovernable disorderly considerable disastrous unsatisfying cussed unattractive impossible antagonising wearying melancholic big intensive excessive major grinding cliffhanging dramatic enough to try the patience of a saint enough to drive you up the wall drastic irritable dour negative execrable crummy repulsive offensive odious detestable unsavory mortifying earnest deadly fatal forlorn ill-starred destructive far-reaching unsatisfactory icky stinking unacceptable abysmal obnoxious diabolical gross white-knuckle demoralizing disadvantageous overwrought straitened hard-pressed joyless shadowy discommodious tortured full of hardship doubtful gray mournful black ill-omened ill-boding grey comfortless apocalyptic mephitical dreary sullen melancholy revulsive important uncool yukky grotty grody sour pathetic unappealing yucky hellacious uninviting untimely pulse-pounding inflammable grotesque unsightly unsavoury anguished sorrowful unlovely desperate shivery shuddery untoward unsuited tyrannical elaborate extremely bad inopportune infelicitous volcanic combustible dictatorial weird strange catastrophic piercing insufferable domineering autocratic unpromising ill-suited inapt unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable murky hidden concealed sore exquisite despotic undemocratic unjust draconian insidious lurking lingering inexplicable mysterious hateful demoralising real violent vehement tortuous suffering struggling tyrannous overwhelming uncanny esoteric tangled inscrutable recondite fathomless authoritarian iron-fisted peculiar odd funny unaccountable labyrinthine highly charged overbearing pitiless unfair imperious ruthless coercive relentless anti-democratic punitive merciless inexorable sneaking high-handed overweening peremptory enigmatic deep abstruse untold undecipherable ironhanded rough going heavy-handed confining headache pitiful difficult to understand Byzantine wildering befuddling confounding hard to understand as clear as mud slight but persistent beyond one haunting more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand

Tính từ

Having a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered
irritable petulant cantankerous edgy fractious grumpy peevish bad-tempered crabby cross crotchety irascible pettish fretful touchy waspish crabbed snappish tetchy curmudgeonly disagreeable grouchy impatient miserable morose peppery ratty snappy testy bitter chippy choleric complaining huffy ill-natured ill-tempered moody querulous scratchy stroppy churlish cranky ill-humored ill-humoured liverish on edge shirty sour sulky sullen surly bilious crusty dyspeptic splenetic arsey eggy fiery narky peckish perverse quick-tempered raspy short-tempered snarky snippety snippy soreheaded stuffy whingeing whingy miffy snaky waxy hot-tempered ornery captious like a bear with a sore head out of sorts angry shrewish bearish thin-skinned brusque quarrelsome on a short fuse cross-grained in a bad mood uptight temperamental volatile mean short-fused out of humor curt difficult bloody-minded acid snarling annoyed sorehead argumentative gruff as cross as two sticks contrary oversensitive sensitive exasperated nasty short fussy awkward spiteful mardy truculent disgruntled grumbling in a mood critical obstinate hotheaded out of temper sharp cussed tense uncooperative harsh irritated feisty hot-blooded discontented acrimonious displeased excitable trying ungracious dour passionate vinegary waspy cavilling ugly caviling unfriendly unpleasant out of humour whining hypersensitive piqued disobliging peeved ticklish scrappy resentful ireful whiny saturnine contentious tart irked vexed dissatisfied tough tooshie disputatious easily offended belligerent sore having got out of bed the wrong side fault-finding bellicose glum hot under the collar pouty huffish abrupt neurotic rude cynical unhelpful carping pouting aggressive upset impolite iracund iracundulous narked vulnerable acrid pertinacious blunt grousing unpredictable jumpy mumpish emotional vicious refractory riled froward put out obstreperous hot-headed easily upset having got out of bed on the wrong side pugnacious combative paranoid confrontational hostile antagonistic militant twitchy defiant umbrageous threatening defensive warlike bristly snarly discourteous unsociable aggravated assaultive agonistic discordant unreasonable misanthropic sarcastic impulsive crybaby irate moping furious stubborn inflammable offended restive indignant boorish salty miffed obstructive galled nettled gloomy malicious venomous malignant vindictive mad highly strung hasty troubled angered intractable troublesome unaccommodating growling griping fretting childish chuffy impetuous wild hurt provoked recalcitrant agitated tiresome thrawn restless ropeable grumbly negative disputative delicate hypercritical obdurate unmanageable indomitable balky bolshie crook steamed up foul-tempered wound up hard to handle hard to please nasty-tempered foaming at the mouth hacked off not best pleased ticked off in a lather bent out of shape teed off out-of-sorts catty mean-spirited vinegarish cruel scowling vehement uncontrollable tempersome unruly unlikable violent destructive uncivil terse atrabilious zowerswopped vitriolic spunky acerbic acute bad-humored eristic forceful inhospitable inimical fierce loudmouthed adversarial humourless humorless disrespectful perversely irritable factious uncompliant indocile choked abusive malevolent unindulgent unsmiling mopey apt to fly off the handle litigious toey brooding like a bear offensive filthy wrangling tender susceptible dicey hazardous unsafe perturbable sharp-tongued sharp-tempered bickering battling fighting warring brief scornful got up on wrong side of bed rancorous unkind mighty antipathetic ill-mannered plaintive murmuring aggrieved livid apoplectic soft supersensitive easily hurt having short fuse hot under collar censorious brawly gladiatorial wired up stewed insulted wrathful bothered affronted enraged flustered steamed bundle of nerves maddened disturbed frustrated harried ruffled vex hoha wroth ultrasensitive infuriated incensed harassed fed up hassled faultfinding aerated ready for a fight naysaying moaning bemoaning whimpering wailing crying deploring lamenting snuffy snitty in a paddy up in arms on the warpath in a bate hopping mad fit to be tied scunnered wrath quick to take offence self-justifying worked up brassed off in high dudgeon in a huff in a temper cheesed off browned off peed off huffy irascible nervous anxious annoying exasperating uneasy hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways unrelenting rigid hard-line inflexible finical hard-nosed pigheaded invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uncompromising uppity headstrong unamenable resolute immovable oafish demanding tyrannical picky stiff opinionated stiff-necked dogmatic intransigent oppressive hard to satisfy irritating unflinching contrarious overcritical wrong-headed inexorable grim unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial nervy insecure ill at ease wired apprehensive unsettled skittish unstable brittle fidgety vexing pesky hysterical antsy jittery hinky unquiet goosey keyed up perturbed worried dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter contumacious vexatious renitent pervicacious stressy adrenalized excited hung up overstrung high-strung het up on tenterhooks stressed complex bulky discommodious incommodious cramped like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks on pins and needles difficult to handle outraged fuming rabid ballistic rankled inflamed ticked steaming roiled foaming riley enflamed seething raging hot infuriate hopping boiling horn-mad beside oneself distressed incandescent unhappy glowering stung in a frenzy frenzied going crook raving beside yourself in a fume blue in the face in a pet ranting embittered malign uncommunicative pained hateful very angry disappointed seeing red frowning poisonous aloof dark uncongenial off the air joyless unmannerly injured unsympathetic unresponsive wounded rattled spare menacing taciturn ferocious obnoxious sourpussed distant afflicted sulking unapproachable hurtful heated needled severe burned up grieved boiling mad slighted raging mad with all guns blazing cold depressed wicked mopish cool unattractive dejected envenomed chilly hard cheerless louring disaffected bad frosty stern black inconsiderate scathing unneighbourly frigid sombre somber discouraged dismal savage berserk chafed withdrawn tormented blue chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid frozen icy arctic glacial coldish hot and bothered intimidating fretted ungratified jaundiced uncharitable roused hate-filled grudging frantic antagonized hacked bugged insane down in the mouth storming antagonised ill-disposed up the wall bummed out in a rage all steamed up blown a gasket beside yourself with rage gnashing one's teeth pushed too far at boiling point in a filthy temper anguished goaded burning with excitement unsavoury reproachful virulent distraught uncomfortable overwrought objectionable malcontent snubbed good and mad mad as hell foul unlikeable confused disrespected perplexed blazing crazy pernicious ready to be tied lugubrious wrought up no-nonsense laconic rough bluff ungenerous discontent chagrined adverse disheartened offhand Eeyorish pessimistic sober wreck crackers p.o.'d viperous crabbing bellyaching uncontent kicking malcontented kvetching out of countenance unceremonious rousted ill flaming dogged scandalized buffaloed offish off unfulfilled defeated unsavory shocked scandalised blazing mad flaming mad out of joint bad tempered agitable broody disgusted at daggers drawn dirty unglued with a long face raving mad crude boisterous unsatisfied unsated in a funk in the sulks in a strop having a fit of the sulks unlovable evil-minded mopy kittle out of control very upset grieving distressing weighty as black as thunder carrying a chip on your shoulder rubbed the wrong way overcome with anger at end of one's rope in a wax in a towering rage desperate demented energetic corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking manic breakneck irrational concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful controversial polemical polemic dissentious unloveable ructious arguesome tempestuous extremely angry impassioned turbulent war brawling long-faced easily agitated easily frightened have chip on shoulder forbidding evil despondent maleficent baleful steely uninviting flinty disconsolate sad downcast disillusioned malefic serious formidable melancholic forlorn low down saddened stony evil-intentioned sinister stark lowering solemn ungentle fell austere grave unamicable antisocial inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable itching aggers bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent frightening browbeating bullying mordant gray grey supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking boot-faced against conflicting opposite estranged competitive unpromising vengeful opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms disparaging deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting nitpicking criticizing judgemental judgmental disapproving rejective pernickety pass-remarkable nitpicky thorny exceptive criticising exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty trivial cavillous tricky

Từ trái nghĩa của prickly

prickly Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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