Từ đồng nghĩa của crazed

Alternative for crazed

crazes, crazed, crazing

Từ đồng nghĩa: cult, delirium, fad, frenzy, furor, furore, fury, hysteria, madden, rage,

Tính từ

Crazy, insane or behaving irrationally
demented crazy mad deranged unbalanced unhinged daft maniacal psychotic sectionable wacky frenzied manic psychopathic distraught hysterical insane irrational lunatic batty cuckoo gaga loco loony mental nutty psycho raving screwy wacko whacko whacky balmy bonkers brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky daffy fruity haywire kookie kooky looney maniac meshugge moonstruck unsound barmy bedlam nuts scatty wild berko berserk meshuga slang wud bats porangi raving mad off one's gourd off one's head around the bend out of one's mind looney tunes loony tunes out to lunch non compos mentis touched disturbed loopy delirious dotty frantic unstable distracted bananas not all there mad as a hatter mentally ill dippy buggy barking nutsy of unsound mind nutty as a fruitcake round the bend round the twist barking mad squirrelly not the full shilling away with the fairies nutso mad as a March hare stark raving mad eccentric off the wall bushed sick in the head as daft as a brush up the pole rabid not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs potty disordered foaming at the mouth stark staring mad stark mad schizoid not together violent unglued off one's rocker furious frenetic yarra gonzo idiotic raging neurotic silly agitated stupid foolish troubled uncontrolled schizophrenic feverish confused flipped out have kangaroos in the top paddock doolally have a screw loose have bats in the belfry paranoid bizarre out there flipped unsettled off one's nut swivel-eyed off one's trolley beside oneself with a screw loose erratic crazy as a loon flaky flakey sick peculiar queer panic-stricken distressed zany off the air freaked out uncontrollable odd senseless overwrought fatuous mixed up preposterous screwball sociopathic oddball fraught off hyper desperate fierce ferocious derailed unscrewed off-the-wall out of control upset worked up strange beside yourself maddened rampant one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic screwed up hectic obsessed ape freaky irrepressible weird overcome schizo psychopathological a bit lacking chaotic excited unreasonable fevered turbulent wrong distrait intense overexcited unzipped hysteric daft as a brush anxious unnerved off the deep end corybantic not in one's right mind not of sound mind out of one's head carried away in a state in a frenzy shook up have bats in one's belfry unrestrained witless severely mentally ill have kangaroos in one's top paddock unwise absurd nonsensical intemperate consumed simple outlandish ridiculous ungovernable unquenchable unstoppable uncontainable half-witted possessed emotional demonic kinky unruly idiosyncratic panic-struck goofy unmanageable moonstricken amok fantastic panicky passionate madcap demoniac dazed dreamy unconventional impractical bedlamite off your trolley perfervid aberrant convulsive fried enthusiastic worried off your rocker disarranged devastated in a panic rattled bothered worked-up touched in the head very upset in a daze manic-depressive flipped-out wound up soft in the head in another world out of one's gourd out of your mind non compos mentally deranged in the ozone having bats in the belfry like one possessed deprived of one's wits not knowing what to do with oneself over the edge at the end of your tether having a screw loose having kangaroos in the top paddock undone paranoiac paranoic daggy psychoneurotic unrealistic mindless dingy schizzo baked gibbering ranting phrenetic hyperactive schitzy demoniacal irresponsible off the chain psyched out unsafe invalid nobody home bemused energetic tumultuous confusing yampy brainless asinine pixilated fanatic flighty off your chump off the rails harebrained disorganized simpleminded severely mentally disordered bubbleheaded offbeat high busy up lunkheaded incoherent two sandwiches short of a picnic off one's chump cockeyed as mad as a hatter featherheaded not in your right mind topsy-turvy jerky aroused not right tomfool imbecilic simple-minded moronic sappy way-out quirky out of one's tree overwhelmed inept off your head babbling fast and furious fool spare faulty tangled shambolic surreal as mad as a March hare dull-witted slow-witted dim-witted feeble-minded dull cretinous slow dunce-like at one's wits' end out of one's wit barro postal crook struck overawed affected stunned incredulous one sandwich short of a picnic far-out funny unusual empty-headed vacuous dopey thick vapid irresistible fired up nonfunctional wonky broken fuddled amusing unpredictable clownish freakish comic illogical dim bovine dozy dumb pig-ignorant birdbrained pea-brained up the wall through the roof on the rampage unorthodox Bohemian far out disorganised orderless amiss defective messy twisted boneheaded chuckleheaded dunderheaded wooden-headed lamebrained fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded turned out hopped up overpowered outré off-centre rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way curious bizarro half-baked weak-minded hot hallucinating restless light-headed rambling wandering lightheaded deviant bewildered hallucinatory deviate strong forceful not functioning properly out of order hare-brained unchecked out of commission out of whack on the fritz in pieces in a mess on the blink up the spout fervid gone destroyed slow on the uptake thick as two short planks giddy not quite right excessive acting crazy way out mentally unbalanced out of one's skull passional uptight unconstrained uncurbed wanton runaway angry last-minute zonkers in a tizzy wired het up fanatical extreme in a flap having kittens in a tizz unrestricted fervent weirded out spazzed out keyed up wigged out in a cold sweat shattered unrestrainable hot under the collar at your wits' end in a stew hot and bothered at wits' end in a flat spin verklempt perturbed harassed pained tormented concerned thrown discomposed wrought-up nonplussed addled flustered muddled unhampered raw full-on unhindered abandoned riotous unbounded uninhibited intolerant uncompromising extremist bigoted over-enthusiastic overzealous diehard licentious unconcealed self-indulgent immoderate undisciplined noisy ungoverned biased prejudiced one-sided zealous partisan illiberal gung-ho fiery impetuous impassioned vehement driven to distraction incensed fuming nervous blazing tempestuous spasmodic seething like a chicken with its head cut off infuriated narrow-minded unbridled dedicated overboard infected naked poisoned smoking mad-dog ultraist diseased ardent sizzling bitten unwell militant virulent ill keen in a fit out of one's wits ludicrous abnormal droll extraordinary singular uncommon laughable comical anomalous irregular whimsical atypical hilarious humorous out of the ordinary unfamiliar unnatural different farcical witty unique left-field risible uncustomary entertaining chucklesome freak fanciful sidesplitting jocular unexpected rare cockamamie facetious diverting rib-tickling out of the way grotesque untypical uncanny light-hearted incongruous exceptional dubious mirthful side-splitting inane humoristic comedic fantastical unco avant-garde uproarious unwonted waggish mystifying puzzling perplexing baffling implausible out in left field jocose unreal mysterious jolly merry eerie surprising capricious unaccountable fishy killing off-center priceless aberrated unaccustomed foolhardy in left field outre joshing camp spooky preternatural extravagant questionable suspicious alternative perverse dilly incredible outrageous unbelievable astonishing slapstick nonconformist antic phenomenal creepy screaming especial campy exceeding original unthinkable extraordinaire good-humored inexplicable untenable good-humoured imprudent lively individual novel bohemian pointless doubtful frivolous quizzical unreasoning pathetic groundless derisory nonrational inconceivable ill-conceived jokey uncharacteristic monstrous unheard of gelastic cock-eyed sparkling radical cheerful meaningless suspect improbable puerile flawed fallacious unlikely injudicious specious impracticable far-fetched exotic alien esoteric amazing unjustifiable derisive unscientific unprecedented illegitimate unfounded inconsequent inconsequential contradictory nonconforming unreasoned sportive foreign derisible cockamamy weak anomalistic tongue-in-cheek slaphappy boffo special nonstandard pleasant full of holes off beam for grins jovial reckless perverted warped individualistic distinctive rash unconvincing ill-advised unhealthy inconclusive spurious dizzy unworkable thoughtless scatterbrained unknown beat characteristic bent playful inconsistent unrepresentative unthinking innovative joking divergent corrupt impossible incautious incorrect shaky isolated rollicking wayward hollow false irreconcilable arbitrary hippy engaging wry obscure eye-popping boho malformed heterodox problematic sophistic aberrational devious hysterically funny non-typical unparalleled a scream bugged out unheard-of grandiose smart clever self-contradictory unimaginable fresh heteroclite shocking off the beaten track out of line off-base off-color out of the common too funny for words gagged up without foundation out of this world without basis not making sense make-believe half-cracked birdy clock oddish intriguing infantile depraved incomprehensible progressive advanced chance animated high-spirited not tightly wrapped maverick informal childish mentally incompetent unordinary kookish experimental old-fashioned custard-pie goofy loony exclusive unsavoury pervy sadistic degenerated degenerate masochistic baseless untraditional eccentrical tenuous unconforming unceremonious vivacious excentrical vagarious changeable teratoid fitful out-there reasonless disconnected disjointed shady vague unpersuasive immoral deviative sicko contemptible something else new unrecognized very unconventional disputable equivocal dodgy dubitable disquieting debatable doubtable laffer riot crack-up scarce ill-thought-out not well thought out ill-considered out of keeping problematical avant garde foolheaded feather-brained extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible inscrutable poor unsatisfactory flimsy lame nebulous farfetched inadequate unsubstantiated feeble unrecognised unpractical unintelligent crinkly twisty unsavory rowdy boisterous like nothing on earth wigged-out imaginary jesting incomparable inimitable illusory indefensible unsustainable unsupportable sketchy teasing funny peculiar deviating ribald sensational astounding romantic ambitious visionary unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial roguish notable momentous prodigious miraculous stunning striking off-key untried impulsive delightful interesting enjoyable suppositious illusive unforgettable eye-catching arresting airy unimpressive reachy vain thin slight groundbreaking distorted off-beat wonderful a laugh light killingly funny goofus ironic fool-headed a hoot gump tongue in cheek diagnostic discriminating classic symptomatic identifying one and only diagnostical barbarous noteworthy spectacular stupendous conspicuous awkward out of sight cock-and-bull ludic jocund unnormal heteromorphic a card a caution serious wondrous tremendous rad hippie ultramodern contemporary groovy modern modernistic deep mod cool daredevil heedless amazeballs frolicsome gleeful cheery festive blithesome laughing gay sunny blithe won't hold water won't wash crazy shtick Mickey Mouse fool around cheering charming beguiling pleasurable pleasing fun gratifying gladdening flash heavy gnarly forby not normal hot-headed off beaten path never to be forgotten agreeable gut-busting enchanting flip joyous mischievous joculous flippant happy lighthearted daring adventurous ditzy featherbrained temerarious audacious brash indiscreet overbold overconfident hasty ditsy cut up erroneous unjustified frothy yeasty radge futile inconsiderate hotheaded sophistical scintillating unproved casuistic irrelevant unconnected unsubstantial beyond belief not following beyond the bounds of possibility light-minded rich laugh-a-minute quick-witted

Tính từ

(keen on) Having an attraction to
keen into attracted besotted bewitched captivated enamored enamoured enticed fond agog drawn mesmerised smitten absorbed caught intrigued predisposed curious fascinated mesmerized riveted spellbound eager gripped interested impressed inquisitive moved roused sold attentive entranced intent obsessed hooked inspired touched affected engrossed lured stimulated excited inspirited mad rapt taken devoted to enthralled by keen on passionate about addicted to fixated by mad about struck on attached to hooked on interested in riveted by attracted to enthusiastic about mesmerized by twitterpated by crazy about gone on nuts about turned on besotted with bewitched by hungry for infatuated with eager for fascinated by intent on smitten with charmed by enchanted by love-struck by sweet on captivated by fond of hung up wild about beguiled by enamored of enamoured of obsessed with taken with gripped by intrigued by partial to in love with infatuated devoted passionate fanatical enthusiastic focused focussed ardent inquiring enquiring avid preoccupied crazy occupied fixated single-minded monomaniacal hypnotized wild wrapped up in intense preoccupied with single-minded about hell-bent preoccupied by obsessive about possessed by hung up on busy questioning probing hypnotised engrossed in caught up in dedicated to immersed in scrutinizing potty about wild on eat sleep and breathe stuck on dotty about zealous investigative nosy snoopy in love enthused beady-eyed nuts inquisitorial immersed consumed very keen on really into scrutinising potty engaged lost enthralled distracted burning with curiosity buried involved concerned deep queer addicted caught up sunk in taken over wrapped up absorbed in up to here heavily into up to here in taken up head over heels focused on locked in tied up involved in dialed in up to your ears wound up deep in thought having a one-track mind attached taken up with prepossessed earnest happy impassioned wackadoodle wackadoo fanatical about paranoid neurotic responsive charmed entertained quizzical interrogative gone awakened fired all ears querying examining inspecting open struck sympathetic dotty fervid fervent overwrought dizzy in the grip of daft on the case nutso hysterical hot for ambitious desirous beside oneself very enthusiastic mad on using prying intrusive snooping wasted abusing jonesing for dependent on shooting up under the influence dependent strung out jonesing on prone habituated with a … habit peering spying over-curious eavesdropping over-interested meddling meddlesome nosy-parkering nosey busybody interfering nosy-parker big-eyed personal speculative challenging analytical searching nebby impertinent forward presumptuous poking officious prurient sifting beguiled enraptured enchanted delighted transfixed thrilled overwhelmed stunned dazzled awestruck awestricken held bedazzled won over transported intoxicated under a spell fixed submerged tantalized seduced titillated concentrated enrapt observant aroused sent wrapped bound-up ravished starstruck absent-minded abstracted in a brown study tantalised moonstruck tempted awed steeped snowed connected set centered overpowered very interested bound up centred enfolded extremely curious sold on very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious breathless amazed rapturous agape ecstatic open-mouthed under someone's spell ensorcelled have a thing about fallen for gaga about rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady blissful ignorant steady absent joyful inattentive carried away dreaming content blissed out daydreaming employed unconscious oblivious watchful concentrating absentminded somewhere else entranced by in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds distracted by wool-gathering not there taken up by distrait miles away dreamy all wound up not with us spellbound by steadfast studious settled alert set on deep in

Tính từ

Damaged and showing lines on the surface from having split without coming apart
cracked broken split damaged fissured cleft flawed fractured splintered chipped defective faulty imperfect ruptured slit unsound bad warped amiss deficient incomplete blemished shoddy malfunctioning weak deformed scratched torn inoperative impaired duff not working not functioning out of order sick injured buckled distorted non-functioning knackered substandard unfinished unfit in disrepair below par gone wrong inexact inadequate fallible lemon marred unreliable on the blink buggy seconds poor abnormal unhealthy subnormal on the bum incorrect inaccurate invalid imprecise wrong erroneous fallacious debased botched rank unretentive frail malformed tainted blamable leaky confused broken-down insufficient contradictory adulterated awry maimed false incoherent lame unsellable second-rate unsaleable inferior shabby partial limited lousy crummy tenth-rate below standard patchy immature undeveloped rubbish ropy rudimentary sketchy disfigured unsatisfactory minus low schlocky junk two-bit vicious garbage faultful bottom-of-barrel dud not up to scratch few bugs not much cop not up to snuff in a state of disrepair inconsistent wanting pathetic useless mediocre execrable dismal lamentable dreadful terrible deplorable suboptimal subpar atrocious dire diabolical leaving much to be desired rotten appalling abysmal unacceptable dissatisfactory awful wretched miserable low-grade pitiful average disagreeable worthless low-quality paltry ordinary sub-par third-rate unexceptional pedestrian below average rubbishy under par junky base second-class direful middling contemptible sorry poorer cheap indifferent downmarket pitiable bargain-basement dodgy low-rent grotty crude poxy sad tawdry hack trashy lacking pants a load of pants good-for-nothing dime-a-dozen déclassé the pits coarse not up to much common schlock low-end failing feeble bust kaput short disappointing meagre scarce busted meager shy restricted ineffective needing scant scanty conked out done for on its last legs unstable sickly weakly unusable slipshod wonky crippled off failed ailing gone phut playing up out of commission gone haywire acting up in poor condition on the fritz not cutting it valueless cheapie no good not in working order inefficient reduced scrappy impotent little ineffectual unsatisfying skimpy unsuitable exiguous unworthy insubstantial inappreciable abject inconsiderable sparing unassembled infrequent unequal rare underprovided undersupplied absent missing not good enough unrefined unpolished not up to standard bodger not acceptable piddling hopeless second string second fiddle outta gas found wanting third string not enough omitted empty cooked gone away needed unfulfilled destitute bankrupt deprived half-baked less bereft devoid not make it not up to par burned out in default cut off not cut out for not up to expectations too little too late out of gas under-strength

Tính từ

Deeply angered but not outwardly displaying it
ireful angry furious irate incensed enraged infuriated mad livid indignant riled wrathful fuming outraged angered choleric ballistic rankled sore apoplectic ticked rabid shirty inflamed roiled foaming hot enflamed infuriate steaming riley hopping wroth raging boiling frenzied maddened steamed frantic hacked violent fierce vehement bent corybantic demented desperate insane irrational maniac smoking unreasonable frenetic rage vicious steamed up teed off horn-mad cheesed off hopping mad going crook hot under the collar bent out of shape beside oneself in a huff up in arms fit to be tied on the warpath blue in the face foaming at the mouth browned off in a fume in a pet bummed out in a towering rage incandescent very angry seething ranting raving choked raving mad cross aerated wild crook in a frenzy soreheaded vex ropeable snaky in a temper tooshie uncompromising in high dudgeon breakneck upset full-on energetic concerted in a lather all-out manic in a paddy up the wall as cross as two sticks extremely angry in a bate beside yourself irritated annoyed exasperated vexed ticked off provoked piqued off the air miffed aggravated aggrieved peeved irked resentful nettled heated put out seeing red displeased hacked off peed off worked up with all guns blazing passionate offended narked fed up frustrated burned up waxy hostile acrimonious spare wound up boiling mad raging mad fiery bitter disgruntled irascible antagonized dissatisfied excited hurt affronted huffy roused pained splenetic hot and bothered brassed off stroppy perturbed scandalized agitated antagonistic bugged scandalised shocked storming ill-humored berserk dark antagonised hot-tempered bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured not best pleased at boiling point all steamed up overcome with anger in a rage beside yourself with rage pushed too far blown a gasket in a filthy temper sombre sullen somber scalding steamy piping mad as hell good and mad air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air airborne ready to be tied ratty rousted black flaming blazing disturbed unhappy distressed discontented dogged uptight buffaloed burning with excitement anxious flustered het up rancorous bothered galled chagrined as black as thunder red swollen stung ruffled embittered scornful p.o.'d eggy grieved rubbed the wrong way at end of one's rope hoha out of control flaming mad blazing mad very upset in a wax raw infected acrid afflicted weighty grieving hard annoying distressing troubled reddened chafing septic festered itchy angry-looking painful itching smarting tender stinging burning impassioned puffed up festering fevered sensitive intense scalded blistered burnt chafed bloodshot spirited animated lively fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought feverish hectic full-hearted hyperactive perfervid passional avid ardent fervent

Tính từ

Evil, fiendish, devilish or diabolical
satanic demonic black demoniac demoniacal devilish fiendish Mephistophelian abominable foul loathsome monstrous nefarious sinful unspeakable vile accursed appalling atrocious awful diabolic diabolical dreadful evil heinous hellish hideous horrible horrifying infernal iniquitous odious shocking wicked abhorrent cacodemonic damnable dark depraved despicable ghastly inhuman malevolent malignant perverted terrible ungodly villainous amoral barbaric bestial black-hearted brutish cruel demonian demonical immoral Luciferian savage vicious barbarous egregious facinorous flagitious frenetic mad maniacal possessed unhallowed malicious unholy execrable beastly serpentine bad Hadean base ghoulish satanical sadistic detestable Stygian nightmarish dastardly implacable impious scandalous ogreish outrageous disgraceful wrong nasty infamous shameful corrupt merciless ruthless degenerate sinister reprobate contemptible rotten unsavory unethical unlawful unrighteous unsavoury ogry ogrish demonlike demonish demonly mephistophelean unpleasant from hell hellacious criminal LaVeyan opprobrious knavish brutal cloven-footed cursed hellborn intolerable underhanded glaring miscreant putrid treacherous flagrant gross perverse reprehensible disreputable heartless pitiless murderous ferocious bloodthirsty wrongful unfeeling inhumane wanton brute butcherly truculent good-for-nothing ignoble horrid terrific horrendous grewsome grisly gruesome nightmare horrific lurid macabre frightful dishonourable wretched desperate obscene ominous aberrant morbid low-down stinking dirty shady nether lower underworld warped bent crooked rancorous wrathful hateful spiteful shadowy peccable morally wrong dishonorable Plutonian bad-hearted subterranean Styxian Tartarean Plutonic chthonian chthonic of hell helly Avernal Acherontic sulphurous sulfurous disgusting grim offensive revolting dire frightening sickening terrifying repugnant fearful repulsive repellent alarming mean distressing deplorable obnoxious nauseating harrowing forbidding spine-chilling scary low distasteful fearsome objectionable disagreeable hair-raising sick disturbing grievous eerie remorseless direful intimidating insufferable sordid noxious unnerving harsh nauseous callous ugly violent unprincipled dissolute creepy fierce formidable disquieting severe scurvy God-awful calamitous unearthly unforgivable upsetting godawful lousy disgustful loathly sick-making daunting lamentable redoubtable noisome ignominious grotesque cold-blooded yucky inexcusable grody chilling abysmal repellant ghostly fulsome spooky dangerous off-putting beyond the pale unscrupulous notorious grave hard-hearted debased miserable unpalatable degraded dread displeasing rancid unmerciful abandoned unkind petrifying tragic discreditable baleful uncaring dishonest menacing malfeasant disconcerting sanguinary hard bloody startling shameless dismaying perturbing undesirable sorry impure bloodcurdling unbearable woeful dismal maleficent extreme very bad animal unsettling yucko unnatural traumatic uncharitable vulgar exceptionable profligate unpardonable coarse unfortunate indescribable scoundrelly fell unacceptable serious lawless unutterable debauched icky unworthy worrying hairy bogging weird gory irreligious strange profane blasphemous striking unsympathetic gut-churning scaring unsparing underhand roguish troublesome shabby hurtful soulless rascally wild filthy insupportable wolfish unhealthy agitating gloomy baneful indecent pernicious dislikeable insensitive sad rebarbative unclean unwholesome skanky not cricket lewd hostile sacrilegious non-mortal subhuman non-human blatant troubling godless unrespectable louche shy shoddy odd bizarre discomforting irksome disastrous threatening degrading illicit inglorious illegal crude indefensible illegitimate unrelenting overwhelming disheartening unpitying cold-hearted obvious boorish hard-boiled unforgiving cold depressing abject loose stony uncompassionate bitter preposterous arrant felonious conspicuous deleterious worthless crying patent sombre somber tremendous distressful poor solemn thick-skinned obdurate compassionless desensitized indurate affectless slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners ironhearted case-hardened pachydermatous insensate stonyhearted stoney unrestrained deadly paltry unwelcome vomitous audacious stern bleak tainted feral demoralized excessive harmful doleful relentless uninviting sleazy rank regrettable snide currish adverse decadent unfair heartbreaking untamed pronounced tragical immodest rough sepulchral funereal stark pathetic desensitised twisted defiled low-minded galling libertine demoralised capital homicidal vomit-inducing vindictive cut-throat blameworthy terrorizing dreaded unconcerned humiliating abased stone-hearted caitiff erring fallen worrisome extravagant indictable prurient uncanny dishonored beyond contempt barefaced foreboding hard-nosed unkindly inconsiderate agonizing stressful torturous terribly bad draconian tasteless destructive discomposing annoying brazen astounding dissipated sullied terrorising furious flinty unbecoming injurious sober ribald enormous shuddersome undisguised utter raunchy questionable uncomfortable difficult outright bold impetuous carnal unendurable naked evident tigerish grotty manifest irritating unconcealed abnormal corrupted complete aggressive desolate exorbitant improper eldritch virulent punk tormenting fraught troublous palpable transparent dishonoured inexpressible immoderate poisonous overt frantic pitiful fiery crummy heartrending unconscionable unruly wayward intemperate gruff sanguine humourless humorless painful mournful unhappy unpleasing sedate licentious sorrowful blood-curdling gut-wrenching rakish jackleg stomach-churning stomach-turning vitiated uncivilised uncivilized spookish off-color with a heart of stone mortuary heart-rending incorrigible excruciating agonising cringe-making death-obsessed uncontrollable dodgy rakehell hated spine-tingling hateable venomous out and out rakehelly out-and-out brass-necked vengeful causing fear Kafkaesque unhuman bone-chilling transgressing sneaky embarrassing unjust ignorant ruffianly blackguardly nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal mercenary critical thievish unrefined uncultured unlettered blood-and-guts blood-and-thunder uncouth eery great discouraging sublime lou culpable peccant awesome piggish gluttonous swinish ferine irrational beneath contempt bothersome demoralizing unbelievable inconceivable senseless dislikable awe-inspiring beast unimaginable ridiculous foolish unseemly venal unsightly discommoding ill-famed tough ineffable catastrophic heavy unlucky very disgusting pitiable cataclysmic naughty drunken impoverished oppressed inconvenient lustful lascivious lecherous bearish tactless indifferent ruinous brackish catty ill-reputed contaminated faulty insubordinate libidinous imposing mean-looking impressive devastating unlikable vexing backbiting untrue maligning vilifying traducing detractive gossiping detracting frozen gnarly unjustifiable detested execrated beyond words preternatural undefinable festy surfeiting sleazeball unappetizing squicky cloying scuzzy untold undescribable otherworldly unsafe highly improper poverty-stricken undignified blood-stained cruddy sensational despised irreverent ravenous lupine voracious onerous yecchy unreasonable indescribably bad indescribably wicked beyond description indescribably evil sucky pits tenth-rate pants chronic cowardly inequitable ornery reviled vice-ridden weighty taxing red hot sheer plain graphic exaggerated guilty abominated loathed abhorred steep like death warmed up intimidatory ill-boding powerful afraid massive rigorous absolute downright inordinate unqualified faint haggard wraithlike supernatural anaemic dim deathlike corpselike anemic weak damaging mortifying demoralising mischievous prejudicial nocuous melodramatic explicit servile inelegant menial maggot detrimental ill apparent unmitigated significant major inconsistent incompatible contradictory opposed unwarranted maddening impossible OTT exasperating defective a load of pants confounded too horrible for words illiberal rigid inflexible intolerant minatory viperous rowdy minacious unsatisfactory vexatious infected ailing diseased averse antipathetic inimical antagonistic O.T.T. extortionate praetorian dreary melancholic dispirited depressive cheerless morose glum melancholy saddening unappealing afflicting afflictive affecting uncool yukky sour awkward punishing strict unfriendly against opposite alien invidious extrinsic counter extraneous unconformable different revulsive unfitted foreign scurrilous too great shaming disgracing debauching depraving debasing contumelious tenebrous sullen anguished unlovely concerning uncongenial bad news self-indulgent deceitful disparaging delinquent errant exploitative slippery evil-minded self-seeking contemptuous conscienceless two-faced despiteful scheming mean-spirited crafty scrofulous sly tyrannical squalid scornful shifty unconscientious devious inexorable disdainful sickly pathological unsound tyrannous punitive unremitting coldhearted constant trashy sensationalist overdramatized colourful rubbishy gray grey murky drab mirthless lugubrious drear dingy distorted deviant over the top nerve-racking nail-biting heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking in opposition cheap salacious kitschy pulp inauspicious rabid steely ungentle moody irascible brooding unusual cannibalistic malign suggestive raging louring delirious dour convulsive austere forlorn cataclysmal unpropitious blue cutthroat raving lowering enraged incessive rugged undomesticated shock-horror tacky vivid juicy stupefying infuriated rapacious angry deviate sicko heartstopping biffo animalistic primitive aggers yellow full-frontal fatal stony-hearted staggering stunning astonishing bewildering amazing lethal deathly surprising bloodless pervy contorted impaired kinky vitiate purple racy salty deep colorful distinct garish unemotional terminal inclement killer misguided rash pestilent slaughterous roughshod risky foolhardy hazardous hasty open killing daring incurable vital reckless flaunting pestilential ostentatious precipitate incautious madcap mortiferous dead headstrong determined life-threatening mortal death-dealing headlong anxious no good unashamed flagitous deliberate flaming noticeable worried venturesome careless distracted bald-faced bare-faced devil-may-care death-defying stick out like sore thumb hanging out

Tính từ

Highly cruel or violent in nature
savage vicious brutal cruel ferocious fierce bloody sadistic inhuman murderous barbarous ruthless brutish harsh heartless merciless violent barbaric bestial bloodthirsty pitiless beastly homicidal malevolent ravening atrocious brute butcherly devilish diabolical fell fiendish grim inhumane malicious truculent wanton callous demoniac remorseless sanguinary destructive hellish infernal unrelenting cold-blooded wild dangerous menacing furious aggressive fiery feral untamed threatening intimidating rough unruly unmerciful malignant rabid terrible forbidding fearsome ungentle steely gruff unrestrained stern severe flinty convulsive impetuous louring raging dour austere baleful frightening frightful delirious monstrous undomesticated incessive uncontrollable raving enraged stark hard lowering rugged fearful cutthroat infuriated horrible angry frantic mad rapacious animalistic biffo tigerish aggers primitive venomous hostile mean stony unsympathetic unfeeling wicked unfriendly unforgiving relentless tough unsparing cut-throat nasty pugnacious hard-hearted bellicose cold warlike uncharitable belligerent grave implacable bitter antagonistic sullen serious combative cantankerous unkind uncompromising stiff vindictive evil unyielding surly inflexible argumentative confrontational stony-hearted unbending strict militant obdurate cold-hearted dark heinous deadly scrappy bad-tempered ghastly ill-tempered inexorable vile uncaring dog-eat-dog unpitying quarrelsome inhospitable contentious wolfish sombre somber feisty insensitive irascible sulky sour mortal chippy sinister agonistic bad cross unsmiling rancorous hard-boiled exacting unappeasable aloof hard-nosed morose hot-tempered grumpy frowning frigid affectless stoney compassionless hateful ironhearted stonyhearted glowering desensitized frosty assaultive discordant rigid stroppy crabby icy stringent rigorous spiteful hardhearted take-no-prisoners bleak disputatious desensitised ominous waspish sanguine gladiatorial murdering extreme coarse competitive sanguineous crude nefarious dire bloody-minded heavy-handed abominable glum villainous rude splenetic indurate soulless slaughterous maleficent pachydermatous insensate testy authoritarian disapproving predatory petulant malign formidable case-hardened ferine ornery thick-skinned awful slash-and-burn drastic gloomy unpleasant quick-tempered brawly foreboding with a heart of stone defiant vulgar desperate killer inclement uncultured distant irritable offensive sober death-dealing virulent grouchy base touchy solemn pernicious gory black dreadful draconian loudmouthed narky chilly crabbed poisonous revengeful dismal unemotional cool unwelcoming scowling moody dirty horrifying depraved critical voracious resolute malefic horrendous heavy mean-looking intense short-tempered oppressive pressing distressing grievous uncompassionate ill-natured lousy terrifying militaristic tetchy lethal abhorrent rebellious browbeating no-nonsense fighting tyrannical evil-intentioned hard-line martial adversarial ugly hideous irreconcilable difficult uncouth arch churlish exasperated spoiling for a fight unrefined inimical carnivorous fractious low black-hearted low-down uncultivated adamant lacking compassion snarly arsey huffy catty ignorant uncivilised uncivilized uncivil killing firm immoral foul glacial curt cranky snappy choleric snappish unprincipled ruinous sworn discourteous vengeful appalling crusty ironfisted despiteful devastating vital lewd indecent dastardly marble-hearted wintry temperamental urgent reserved gelid disdainful gross illiberal shocking disastrous wrathful bearish horrid strait-laced warring indignant aggrieved inconsiderate crucial chill clammy cold-eyed wintery haughty antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed brittle frozen arctic coldish acute punishing uptight piqued bullying saturnine spine-chilling unflinching without mercy grim-faced crying intolerant earnest poison murder miserable indifferent unspeakable every person for themselves uncooperative dejected hard-hitting bolshie two-fisted flagitious iron-fisted ramrod bad-natured insubordinate abandoned battling evil-minded cheerless fiercely competitive solid intractable insolent exigent hardheaded intensely competitive astringent hair-raising hardened determined demanding ratty hard-bitten flip rowdy have a bone to pick ardent shirty on the outs peevish at loggerheads hot have chip on shoulder up in arms have it in for unremitting beastlike maniacal formal without pity brooding wilding unlettered hardline dreary treacherous unbroken thuggish decimating hard-fought involving bloodshed rumbustious unmoved stuffy intransigent uncommunicative poker-faced stone-hearted ravenous lupine overbearing unconcerned tactless unkindly emotionless challenging out-and-out resentful creophagous remote unsentimental egregious at each other's throats great unfavorable unfavourable cannibalistic tight-lipped complicated vexed displeased irked annoyed irate irritated hard as nails grisly melancholic hard-faced to the death galled provoked unrepenting indefatigable avaricious unregenerate greedy uncontrite unsafe adverse disadvantageous disagreeable spirited courageous spunky plucky hawkish bruising gruesome refractory headstrong immutable outraged vitriolic uninviting disputative warmongering dodgy intimidatory ill-boding aggravated uncomfortable daunting acrimonious man-eating gung-ho unapproachable nonliterate non-literate tilting wrestling skirmishing awkward compelling hard-shelled fatal minatory viperous hurtful serpentine minacious obstreperous captious macabre horrific disturbing negative disquieting jarring fuming corrupt oppugnant litigious sabre-rattling on the warpath ready to fight under arms stormy disgusting heathen heathenish barbarian natural eggy hate-filled looking for trouble infamous degraded degenerate worthless untoward depressing deathly tense ireful very grave vehement climacteric profligate sinful debased repellent loathsome repugnant revolting repulsive sickening paramilitary soldierlike battle-hardened uneducated gray grey terminal loutish turbulent volatile morbid murky tumultuous inauspicious itching angerful ranting dyspeptic bristly psyched up frenzied bilious in a temper hot-blooded convulsed contaminated perverse faulty reprobate putrid impure libidinous licentious reprehensible demoralised miscreant impious demoralized ungracious gut-churning blood-and-guts sick-making sick odious blood-and-thunder jungli scathing cowing sharp cussed caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious mordant brusque blunt impolite pestilent ready for a fight bloodless disgustful loathly boorish crass ill-bred alarming steadfast assertive boot-faced offended emotional significant life-threatening considerable active vigorous ribald oafish unpolished indelicate obscene profane indecorous bluff ill-mannered unmannerly moping mopish Neandertal Neanderthal pushy dogged hard-core obstinate single-minded imperious autocratic inelegant roughcast vulgarian bawdy filthy painful consequential major internecine sensitive destroying criminal roughshod radical bad-mannered untutored agitable broody excitable mardy mopey impatient sobering worrying strenuous excessive precarious grinding hazardous weighty arduous big perilous intensive toilsome peracute taxing disciplinarian resolved ascetical immovable domineering by the book absolute mulish ossified disciplinary bullheaded dyed-in-the-wool stiff-necked ascetic catastrophic ultra-active contending forceful extremist combating disobedient blue wounded neurotic mopy huffish mumpish crotchety tooshie kittle skittish tasteless lowbrow lowbred improper onerous foul-mouthed artless insensible unceremonious common hardhanded loud woeful cataclysmic calamitous fanatical embattled zealous enthusiastic abusive miffy roughneck incult unladylike ungentlemanly raffish warrish assertory military revolutionary discouraging off-putting outrageous harrowing direful easily upset easily agitated hot-headed easily frightened ill-humoured high-strung ill-humored pettish hopeless godawful dread wretched scary crippling redoubtable irretrievable uncalled-for unenthusiastic standoffish mean machine having a killer instinct mighty peppery prickly antipathetic contrary fretful soreheaded abysmal portentous bodeful chronic parlous dysfunctional in arms oppressing heartbreaking terrific afflictive lamentable deplorable unfortunate regrettable delinquent naughty undisciplined mischievous badly behaved wayward ill-disciplined cold as ice tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky ill-behaved maladjusted bold unrestrainable stubborn uncontainable wearisome indocile socially impaired trying willful self-willed impudent disruptive badly-behaved misbehaving whiny roguish undisciplinable contumacious problematic troublous incorrigible exasperating irksome uncompliant rascally recalcitrant disorderly

Động từ

Past tense for to cause to go crazy or insane
cracked deranged frenzied locoed maddened unbalanced unhinged unstrung bewildered confused demented distempered distracted enraged infatuated inflamed drove mad driven mad flipped flipped out freaked out broke down unsettled disordered disturbed confounded destabilized destabilised distorted disconcerted flipped one's lid broken down made insane lost control melted down bugged out become insane wigged out lost it become deranged cracked up come apart at the seams drove you out of your mind driven you out of your mind drove insane driven insane blew a fuse blown one's stack blown one's top blown a fuse blew one's stack blew one's top went bonkers fell apart at the seams blown one's mind blew up blew one's mind became deranged gone crazy blown up became insane came apart at the seams gone bonkers went crazy fallen apart at the seams drove round the bend drove someone off their head driven someone off their head driven round the bend collapsed broke up broken up gone to pieces went to pieces crumbled disintegrated had a breakdown burst into tears fallen apart fell apart freaked cried gone mad went mad went off the deep end gone off the deep end crumpled become psychotic had breakdown deteriorated dissolved into tears failed schizzed out become demented come undone sickened declined come apart at seams blew one's cool blown one's cool came undone gone nuts gone off deep end gone off rocker came apart at seams went off rocker went nuts became psychotic became demented went off deep end went out of mind gone out of mind

Động từ

Past tense for to cause to become angry
maddened infuriated enraged incensed inflamed irritated annoyed provoked upset exasperated galled vexed vext aggravated angered narked unhinged agitated enflamed ired irked madded outraged piqued rankled riled roiled bugged drove you crazy driven you crazy bothered distracted frustrated got your goat pestered possessed shattered steamed up ticked off umbraged drove you to distraction driven you to distraction made livid made your blood boil raised your hackles sent into a rage drove crazy driven crazy drove you round the bend driven you round the bend drove you round the twist driven you round the twist got your back up gotten your back up got your dander up hacked you off made someone see red made your hackles rise wound up drove to distraction driven to distraction drove you off your head driven you off your head got your hackles up gotten your hackles up made you see red put your back up drove out of mind driven out of mind drove you out of your mind driven you out of your mind made somebody's blood boil drove somebody up the wall driven somebody up the wall put out put someone's back up displeased antagonized nettled ruffled excited offended miffed peeved fretted hassled needled affronted gravelled graveled bristled empurpled crossed chafed grilled goaded aroused baited burnt boiled burned acerbated embittered exacerbated rubbed up the wrong way antagonised got at teed off hacked off raised hell stirred up got across egged on made someone's blood boil made sore lost one's temper got in someone's hair got under someone's skin rattled someone's cage ruffled someone's feathers made someone's hackles rise driven mad drove mad burnt up burned up drove up the wall got someone gotten someone gotten at driven up the wall gotten across gotten someone's back up got someone's back up blown up got on someone's nerves gotten on someone's nerves blew up gave someone the pip gotten someone's dander up given someone the pip got someone's dander up gotten on one's nerves got on one's nerves gotten up someone's nose got up someone's nose got on someone's wick gotten someone's goat gotten on someone's wick got someone's goat grated got got to disturbed rasped bummed out made angry persecuted harassed spited frosted griped humped troubled gotten gat gotten to itched rid rode ridden perturbed made cross plagued rubbed the wrong way given someone the hump gave someone the hump worried tormented nagged harried ate eaten teased fired up grope gripen dissatisfied distressed disgusted rattled tried got on your nerves gotten on your nerves abraded hurt made blood boil cheesed off driven round the bend drove round the bend made waves got in your hair rankled with roused appalled discomposed hit where one lives insulted put someone's nose out of joint driven round the twist drove round the twist chagrined disgruntled molested pained disquieted gnawed bedevilled bedeviled hounded tried someone's patience badgered asked for it gotten under one's skin got under one's skin turned off got on your wick grated on rubbed you up the wrong way incited depressed dismayed scandalized mortified browned off soured mithered bit beset got someone's hackles up obsessed incommoded worked up whipped up scandalised beleaguered gnawed at tried one's patience put your nose out of joint cut to the quick set one off set on tried your patience gnawn gnew gotten under skin got under skin discouraged got one's goat gotten one's goat given a hard time gave a hard time driven bananas drove bananas misted got under your skin gotten under your skin disheartened dispirited hacked misted up fogged clouded fogged up afflicted made you angry got someone's wick irritated greatly discountenanced pushed one's buttons chilled unnerved unmanned discontented daunted disaffected demoralized festered flustered taunted made one see red rattled one's cage embarrassed tried the patience of fussed repelled winged capped zinged curdled perplexed disobliged disappointed sounded revolted cooled mispleased become misty clouded over become misted misted over niggled bitten chid chided started made discontented demoralised nudged henpecked sticked in one's craw inconvenienced discommoded oppressed besieged burdened gotten in one's hair got in one's hair played dirty setted one's teeth on edge caused resentment to caused annoyance to got up your nose distempered given someone grief gave someone grief tortured aggrieved worked on heated up het up wronged worked into lather messed recurred mixed up got on nerves gotten on nerves got a rise out of gotten a rise out of eaten away at ate away at messed with haunted become covered with condensation weighed heavily on wound somebody up pushed someon's buttons preoccupied weighed on made indignant come back to lied heavy on racked agonised stayed with boiled over got across someone harrowed nagged at caused offense to ruffled one's feathers jarred on agonized caused offence to infested riled up rubbed one the wrong way preyed on discomfited driven nuts drove nuts worn on wore on broke broken brake became misty became misted driven insane drove insane eaten at ate at came back to ate up eaten up gave a bad time given a bad time took a rise out of taken a rise out of given offence to gave offence to gotten on somebody's nerves got on somebody's nerves drove you up the wall driven you up the wall gotten on someone got on someone became covered with condensation

Động từ

Past tense for to break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts

Động từ

Past tense for to excite, disturb, or trouble
agitated upset disturbed perturbed worried alarmed disquieted ruffled troubled disconcerted flustered incited inflamed bothered concerned distracted distressed flurried unnerved unsettled excited fazed roused stimulated ailed alarumed derailed discomforted discomposed dismayed distempered exercised frazzled fussed hagrode hagrid hagridden provoked undid undone unhinged aroused discombobulated fermented rattled worked up bugged confused examined freaked out made anxious moved psyched spooked stirred up ventilated weirded out caused anxiety to bugged up burned up burnt up egged on got to gotten to gave someone grief given someone grief made flip pushed buttons turned on hassled confounded discountenanced hurt put on edge bewildered flipped made waves put into a flap hurt somebody's feelings nonplussed grieved het hurried heated displeased inconvenienced angered offended frightened abashed panicked embarrassed mortified made nervous bustled discomfited pestered harassed annoyed tormented irked vexed fretted vext irritated plagued peeved disappointed miffed afflicted narked indisposed wound wounded frustrated fuddled perplexed mystified puzzled muddled addled pothered debilitated turned cramped incapacitated sickened saddened floored got at fired up wound up picked on ticked off flipped out hacked off bummed out keyed up got across layed up laid up rocked the boat made a scene thrown off balance threw off balance sent into a spin shaken threw shook thrown gotten at gotten across got someone gotten someone gave a hard time given a hard time thrown into a tizz threw into a tizz got on someone's wick gotten on someone's wick worked someone up cut up pained oppressed tortured stressed racked agonized curst tried depressed anguished cursed harried hounded injured strained nagged needled martyred pricked tantalized tantalised strapped dogged desolated aggrieved harrowed agonised pushed caused anguish to caused suffering to made wretched aroused anxiety in weighed on made it tough for made miserable broke broken nit-picked brake eaten at ate at done a number on did a number on

Từ trái nghĩa của crazed

crazed Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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