Từ đồng nghĩa của screwed up

Động từ

Past tense for to make a mess of
botched bungled confused flubbed fluffed fumbled muddled spoiled spoilt blundered boggled boobed booted bumbled butchered dubbed erred foozled mangled murdered stumbled tripped blew blown bobbled bollixed fouled up goofed goofed up loused loused up made hash of messed messed up mishandled mismanaged mucked up muffed queered snafued bollixed up slipped up tripped up dropped the ball made a mess of ruined made a hash of ballsed up miscalculated made a muck of marred made a Horlicks of wrecked made a mistake bodged made a blunder made a boo-boo misjudged made a nonsense of misconducted misdirected misgoverned gummed up made a pig's ear of jumbled mixed up made an error dropped a clanger put your foot in it went wrong gone wrong snarled bollocksed up got something wrong gotten something wrong made a bloomer floundered failed got it wrong gotten it wrong muddled up balled up botched up hashed tumbled maladministered mutilated done badly managed badly did badly misruled got things wrong fluffed something damaged made a botch of blew it blown it boo-booed nodded made a dog's dinner of overlooked confounded fudged mishit dropped a brick missed destroyed slipped put a spanner in the works made a hash of something mistaken mistook stuffed up misfielded veiled made a howler muffled grappled misapprehended patched misapplied distorted mended misconstrued miscomputed misconjectured went astray gone astray deviated careened errored misemployed perverted exploited prostituted blotted your copybook barked up the wrong tree snarled up lost the handle pulled a boner lapsed made a slip squandered made a faux pas lost wasted misust misused made a boner jacked up miscarried made mistake delivered badly muffed something up choked got wrong gotten wrong faltered fouled miscued scuppered made a false move done clumsily did clumsily fallen down fell down threw away thrown away did something badly done something badly threw thrown gotten the wrong end of the stick got the wrong end of the stick misread misunderstood misstated stumbled through misestimated mispronounced said wrong misinterpreted hashed up underestimated overestimated underrated undervalued overvalued overrated missed by a mile misreckoned disregarded miscounted discounted disturbed disordered tangled misgauged misconceived mismeasured misdeemed bolloxed bolixed up bolloxed up bolixed gotten signals crossed got signals crossed misstepped missteped estimated wrongly made a dog's breakfast calculated wrongly made a mistake about made a pig's ear made a mess

Động từ

Past tense for completely disrupt
played havoc with disarranged disordered disorganized disrupted disturbed interfered with convulsed delayed hampered held up impeded obstructed retarded slowed unsettled upset deranged ruined slowed down turned upside-down blighted caused confusion in caused turmoil in crushed dashed frustrated marred quashed quelled spoiled spoilt threw into confusion thrown into confusion threw into disarray thrown into disarray threw into disorder thrown into disorder undid undone wrecked demolished devastated fouled up loused up made a mess of messed up sabotaged scotched shattered banjaxed did in done in nixed queered scuppered stymied cruelled dished euchred made a hash of put paid to blew a hole in blown a hole in put the kibosh on put the lid on threw a spanner in the works of thrown a spanner in the works of threw a monkey wrench in the works of thrown a monkey wrench in the works of destroyed smashed thwarted hindered crippled put a stop to brought to naught foiled damaged impaired injured prevented put an end to mucked up put a damper on torpedoed blocked defeated stopped nullified annihilated vitiated harmed checked done for did for neutralized blasted poisoned ravaged disappointed disfigured baffled baulked derailed trashed wreaked havoc on balked beat discomfited hurt cramped rattled neutralised upset the apple cart put a spoke in someone's wheel put a brake on put the mockers on undermined subverted ended countered blemished brake overturned circumvented barred defaced decimated snookered tainted mullered curbed checkmated restrained bollixed crabbed outwitted halted crimped ballsed up hung up nipped in the bud stood in the way of broke broken eradicated cancelled out canceled out incapacitated obliterated rendered ineffective put at risk scarred disabled forestalled compromised reduced to nothing negated tarnished abolished impoverished totalled totaled flawed annulled inhibited botched afflicted stained suppressed blew blown fettered wrought havoc on wrought havoc extinguished opposed deterred razed endamaged bloodied hamstrung hamstringed offset hobbled debased wracked obviated nobbled cast a pall over cast a shadow over wasted desolated squashed brought to an end desecrated crossed up despoiled intruded on fazed defiled put the stopper on put out of action cut short cut off put off put out of commission disconcerted cramped one's style shut off upset the applecart brought down shut down put end to upset one's apple cart interrupted terminated attacked dispatched destabilized weakened eliminated toppled darkened jeopardized squelched threatened braked diminished deteriorated debilitated clouded confused killed encumbered devitalized dismantled wound wounded enervated corroded depressed corrupted jumbled trammeled cumbered trammelled discomposed aborted vaporized debarred invalidated contravened scuttled muddled handicapped stifled shackled confronted touched pulverized disarrayed broke down dishevelled disheveled repelled repressed decayed confounded eluded busted ruinated flattened beaten outmanoeuvred sapped withered abated outfoxed crazed unbuilt skinned inconvenienced outsmarted scorched offsetted enfeebled shocked battered had overreached outmaneuvered clogged manacled mussed rumpled dilapidated overwhelmed ravished mangled nuked disfeatured overthrown overthrew broke up broken up repulsed parried shuffled rooted traversed dammed interfered handcuffed stonewalled borked tousled levelled scourged leveled reduced bodged dislocated scrambled promoted shaken left desolate spoliated prejudiced canceled cleaned out licked tumbled wiped out smashed up plundered rattled one's cage roughed up made waves pillaged run circles around left in ruins blotted skipped laid in ruins bound worked against glitched up counteracted shuffled off discombobulated psyched out hashed prohibited cancelled crossed depleted embarrassed conquered tied up run rings around rained on someone's parade pulled down closed off precluded stumped halted in its tracks arrested agitated rubbed out counterplotted disgraced dashed one's hope buried bilked mutilated short-circuited overcome ducked saddled with knocked down hog-tied wreaked havoc upon shook caused detriment to brought to nothing rendered null and void jeopardised juked chained muddied the waters mixed up entangled rummaged vaporised ditched dodged destabilised sacked made of no use or value held back brought to ruin buffaloed laid waste reduced to rubble cooked someone's goose forbid caused setback made useless pulverised detracted from maimed beat down depredated disjointed sank sunken sunk broken down creamed thrown threw taken apart took apart beaten down got the better of gotten the better of took wind out of sails taken wind out of sails torn down tore down frozen froze given the run around gave the run around forbidden forbade overcame took out did harm to thrown a monkey wrench into shook up threw a monkey wrench into done harm to shaken up taken out gotten in the way given a hard time got in the way gave a hard time bounden got in the way of gotten in the way of took the edge off took the shine off took the pleasure out of took the enjoyment out of taken the pleasure out of taken the shine off taken the enjoyment out of taken the edge off given the run-around shaken off given the slip gave the slip ran circles around thrown monkey wrench in threw a spanner in the works thrown a monkey wrench in the works threw monkey wrench in shook off ran rings around threw a monkey wrench in the works thrown a spanner in the works gave the run-around restricted shut out stalled staved off stove off constrained bridled headed off set back warded off averted fended off limited resisted avoided intercepted held off curtailed deflected put down defied withstood stayed fought escaped interdicted withheld clobbered forfended subdued put to flight ruled out smothered put up a fight against bucked caught suspended diverted pre-empted confined challenged helped combated combatted disputed anticipated paused sandbagged reined in shelved chilled stemmed held rebuffed choked held down held in defended against kept lid on cooled kept at bay kept off denied evaded stilled negatived sidestepped bypassed discouraged contested controlled dampened cornered forecast obscured foughten hit skirted duelled dueled preempted reined rebutted impugned kept contained tied remitted bottlenecked governed second-guessed straitened tamed regulated intermitted weighed down countervailed withholden put the damper on steered clear of fought back strangled at birth shut in hemmed in let refused fought off abrogated forced back got in before warded put on brakes put an stop to pulled up pulled in put on hold beat back fetched up turned aside provided against bottled up beat off choked off corked stemmed the flow of picked off dragged one's feet stood off thrusted back turned away turned back put on back burner cut overruled beat someone to it kept back made ineffective beat someone to the punch beat someone to the draw put half nelson on sent packing redressed countermoved put the brakes on put back poured cold water on struggled against turned down cast aside counterchecked brushed off holp holpen stamped out cracked down on taken down took down holden surpassed worsted finished off finished something nipped something in the bud contradicted disaffirmed shunned exceeded counterbalanced puzzled affected influenced tampered mystified eschewed wreaked havoc with throttled vanquished gained counterpoised triumphed screened jammed incommoded discommoded conflicted troubled complicated nonplussed voided discontinued dissuaded circumnavigated made an end of brought to a close predicted preoccupied expected monopolized forecasted envisioned projected flummoxed rescinded spiked beggared repealed stultified missed fenced stood balanced compensated for imprisoned measured constricted incarcerated ruled interned ensnared enmeshed netted captured reversed pigeonholed dead-ended played off monopolised enjoined outlawed tabooed bit bitted muffled swallowed muzzled burdened leashed snagged retracted revoked took wind out of taken wind out of brought an end to moderated monkeyed with staunched damped declined rejected entrapped crashed countermanded brought up tackled protested kept in drove back driven away drove away driven back commandeered hung fire drew up drawn up disallowed choked back immured gaoled fenced in postponed banned jailed locked in shotgunned concussed necessitated closed in deprived cooped up saved tethered made up for turned corrected veered shunted gotten ahead of got ahead of battled relucted detained warred oppugned ceased tied one's hands kept in check cheated gone against went against beaten back stole a march on stolen a march on locked up disadvised scared dissolved nulled vacated disannulled beaten off resolved come to a standstill protracted deferred counterweighed equalized balanced out kept a lid on slackened pace kept under control petered out not moved heave-hoed kicked dismissed disowned rendered invalid thrown cold water on threw cold water on prorogued cooled off beaten someone to it boxed in disempowered whittled away prevented from making progress brought to a standstill beaten someone to the draw beaten someone to the punch knocked the bottom out of deactivated mined brought to screeching halt rolled back acted in advance of clipped one's wings fought against baulked at seen off emasculated prepared for defused removed dug out struck down objected to coped with played for time evened up kept away dissented with forefended blackballed beat somebody to it tunneled locked horns with dinged drove off dragged through the mud kept at arm's length squared up forced away attenuated hollowed out chased away battled against held over stood up to strove against contended with dented queered the pitch of softened counterweighted disproved dug in one's heels stood up against refused to accept bogged down belied faced down demoralised tunnelled dug slowed up brought to an end to equalised backed off striven against made a stand against shoved aside turned off turned from looked away kicked against headed off at pass poked full of holes saw off made late forced off turned thumbs down rebelled against prolonged demoralized staved blunted held off on stove chipped away at talked out of acted against gotten out of got out of gainsaid snafued hitten hat foresaw foreseen thrown a curve threw a curve letten leet retardated bitten back bit back came to a standstill eaten away ate away beaten somebody to it thrown a spoke in the wheel of threw a spoke in the wheel of taken out of play took out of play overrode overridden thrown back threw back acted like a wet blanket worn wore flown in the face of dumped flew in the face of broke with disproven stricken down broken with given cold shoulder to gave cold shoulder to took a stand against took up arms against taken issue with took on spoke out against took issue with taken on taken up arms against spoken out against taken a stand against

Động từ

Past tense for to fail, especially in spectacular fashion
flunked failed flopped foundered missed busted bombed collapsed cratered folded plowed ploughed tanked underperformed underachieved fell short fallen short flamed out struck out washed out did badly done badly dropped out not made the grade not passed not came up to scratch not come up to scratch fizzled floundered fluffed fizzled out missed the mark not succeeded broke down felled miscarried flatlined come unstuck lacked success come to naught come to nothing turned out badly blundered misfired crumpled aborted fell flat fallen flat fallen through fell through hit the skids broken down tripped up come a cropper slipped up come to grief hit rock bottom fouled up come apart at the seams fell fallen came unstuck came to naught came to nothing gone down like a lead balloon went down like a lead balloon puckered yielded bungled buckled dissatisfied backfired disappointed slipped sagged ended run aground flagged terminated gone belly-up went belly-up languished went down nose-dived gone down missed the boat suffered defeat fell by the wayside fallen by the wayside gone to pieces caved in went to pieces brought to naught looked sad met with disaster come to a halt not showed looked miserable laid an egg gone awry came to grief came a cropper came apart at the seams went awry yold yolden went wrong gone wrong came to a halt gave given fallen short of expectations fallen down fell short of fell short of expectations fallen short of fell down ran aground bitten the dust bit the dust went downhill went astray gone downhill gone astray went by the board gone up in smoke gone by the board fell flat on your face went up in smoke gone pear-shaped went pear-shaped fallen flat on your face crashed closed flummoxed cut out pauperized impoverished broke broken brake stopped halted lost stalled not worked lost money went to the wall gone to the wall died petered out lost power run down faded away conked out come apart failed miserably seized up ceased to function stopped working stopped functioning packed up faded out came apart gone bust went bust went kaput gone phut ran down gone kaput gave up the ghost given out went phut gave out given up the ghost gone bump went bump went belly up gone belly up went out of business gone out of business sank without trace blew it blown it sunk without trace

Động từ

Flopped in

Động từ

Past tense for to draw or make tight or taut

Động từ

Past tense for to frown or show displeasure facially

Động từ

Past tense for to make fast or more secure

Động từ

Past tense for to make an effort to produce (a particular quality or reaction) from within oneself

Tính từ

Not having a sound state of mind
unbalanced demented deranged insane mad unhinged crazed psychotic unstable crazy daft disturbed nutty troubled batty cracked crackpot loony nuts bonkers cuckoo loopy mental neurotic non compos mentis screwy bananas barmy crackers dippy mentally ill dotty of unsound mind potty raving mad wacko mixed up sectionable balmy barking bats bedlam brainsick bughouse certifiable crackbrained cranky daffy fruity gaga haywire kookie kooky loco looney lunatic mad as a hatter maniac maniacal meshuga meshugge moonstruck not all there nutso nutsy psycho scatty slang squirrelly touched unsound wacky whacko whacky wud buggy mad as a March hare nutty as a fruitcake out to lunch a bit lacking barking mad eccentric erratic flaky flakey freaky irrational kinky looney tunes loony tunes round the bend round the twist unglued unscrewed with a screw loose away with the fairies daft as a brush nobody home not the full shilling distracted psychopathic dysfunctional delirious sick diseased unsettled disordered incoherent raving frenzied bushed porangi hysterical off the wall manic distraught not right upstairs not quite right in the head not right in the head as daft as a brush stark raving mad frantic stark staring mad up the pole foaming at the mouth stark mad not together schizoid sick in the head yarra have kangaroos in the top paddock off one's nut off one's trolley have a screw loose stupid out of one's mind have bats in the belfry off one's gourd off one's head around the bend silly foolish off one's rocker schizophrenic berserk sociopathic gonzo flipped out one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic idiotic odd doolally peculiar queer psychopathological paranoid out there have bats in one's belfry severely mentally ill have kangaroos in one's top paddock senseless zany unwise screwball fatuous preposterous bizarre wild rabid oddball berko derailed raging freaked out out of one's head off-the-wall not in one's right mind manic-depressive flipped-out not of sound mind non compos mentally deranged having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits having a screw loose having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge bedlamite absurd mindless nonsensical witless brainless asinine harebrained simpleminded ape maddened schizzo bubbleheaded baked fried lunkheaded cockeyed featherheaded jerky touched in the head tomfool sappy inept psyched out fool ridiculous schitzy confused weird uncontrolled unreasonable illogical goofy strange severely mentally disordered unconventional impractical idiosyncratic twisted two sandwiches short of a picnic off one's chump moonstricken bemused half-witted half-baked weak-minded demoniac dazed off wrong dreamy paranoiac paranoic unsafe aberrant invalid fantastic violent outlandish panic-stricken yampy unrealistic as mad as a hatter mentally unbalanced dingy unzipped flipped schizo out of one's tree out of one's gourd in a daze off the deep end as mad as a March hare in another world in the ozone crazy as a loon one sandwich short of a picnic off the chain

Tính từ

Not working
broken defective faulty inoperative kaput malfunctioning broken-down bust damaged non-functioning unsound busted in disrepair inoperable not working disabled down finished imperfect not functioning out ruined wonky knackered out of commission out of kilter shot spent wracked duff exhausted feeble gone haywire unsatisfactory unusable weak acting up conked out done for gone haywire not in working order on the blink out of order playing up run-down worn-out coming unglued coming unstuck conked-out fallen apart had it gone phut gone to pieces gone to pot in the shop on the fritz on the shelf out of whack in need of repair on its last legs unserviceable out of action non-functional gone kaput out of service dud broken down useless nonfunctional kaputt impaired sunk flawed nonfunctioning nonoperating dead jiggered inactive out of use doomed done wrecked smashed injured ineffective hurt spoiled marred dilapidated destroyed spoilt worn out toast no good bonkers kerflooey blemished up the spout incapacitated totaled wiped out beat-up dashed lost not functional defeated devastated tumbledown ramshackle done in not in operation crumbling harmed in ruins unavailable for use in flames in a state of disrepair gone to rack and ruin given up the ghost at an end not in use stopped working washed up packed up falling to pieces down the tubes not in service down for the count down the drain gone bust past its best old failed bad rumpty buggy worthless clapped out scratched dented inoperational valueless darned unavailable debilitated dinged snafued bent flubbed unoperational unfunctional S U off unproductive unavailing crashed dysfunctional scrap bootless abortive loused up messed up glitched in smithereens in poor condition fouled up mucked up wounded no go non-operational doesn't work in repair decommissioned invalid on the bum unworkable ineffectual nonactive inefficacious shattered through crushed null and void over bankrupt hors de combat beaten undone drained thwarted empty liquidated over with in pieces dead and buried over the hill played out gone to the wall past it washed-up wound up derelict in shreds in tatters in ashes dead in the water ruinous disintegrating decaying neglected shambly uncared-for decrepit deteriorated munted shacky blasted decayed run down battered botched mutilated robbed uninhabited plundered pillaged harried abandoned falling apart defaced ill-maintained badly maintained poorly maintained worse for wear defunct cooked ended extinct floored on the skids out of circulation burned out belly-up out of business down and out all washed up

Từ trái nghĩa của screwed up

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