Từ đồng nghĩa của unwise

Alternative for unwise

Từ đồng nghĩa: foolish, irrational, senseless, unreasonable, unsound,

Từ trái nghĩa: wise,

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sensibleness or judgment
ill-advised foolish imprudent inadvisable silly indiscreet injudicious foolhardy ill-considered irresponsible rash short-sighted ill-judged reckless impolitic stupid hasty misguided senseless brash graceless inane incautious indelicate tactless thoughtless undiplomatic wrong-headed asinine improvident overhasty childish immature inappropriate naive risky undesirable unfortunate unintelligent unsound careless unthinking heedless impulsive inexpedient inconsiderate precipitate hare-brained negligent unconsidered madcap unwary ill-conceived hot-headed harebrained unreasonable temerarious mindless unguarded unsuitable impetuous unheeding devil-may-care headlong irrational nonsensical audacious misconceived harum-scarum unreasoning hotheaded improper inattentive untimely insensitive wrong crackbrained unmindful witless maladroit daredevil inept wild unpolitic ill-thought-out inadvertent illogical pointless neglectful futile precipitous venturesome daring venturous bold kamikaze adventurous regardless death-or-glory over-adventurous over-venturesome impractical hell-for-leather tearaway unadvisable idiotic brainless playing with fire scatterbrained imbecilic misplaced clueless moronic erroneous unsubtle damfool remiss spur-of-the-moment unadvised absent-minded unperceptive blunt untactful confused undiscerning headstrong overconfident overbold slapdash unthought-out unconcerned lamebrained blind unreflective unreasoned meaningless idiotical simpleminded nonrational lamebrain fruitless birdbrained indifferent unsafe dim-witted half-witted adventuresome cavalier unobservant breakneck flighty not thought through badly thought out ill-timed disadvantageous off-the-wall inapt detrimental dumb infelicitous garrulous nosy unsensible inconvenient unrecommended untoward damaging prejudicial harmful inopportune not recommended unseemly out-of-place misdirected misjudged myopic near-sighted giddy featherbrained uncaring unsympathetic offhand spur of the moment ignorant uninformed unaware irreflective crazy crackpot badly planned daft half-baked cock-eyed slipshod feather-brained unwarned unknowing unsuspecting fiery precipitant frenzied premature determined furious insuppressible passionate leaving self wide open off the deep end ditsy overventuresome short-range restricted unsagacious short-term astigmatic limited imperceptive uncontrolled uncareful carefree unsmart happy-go-lucky casual nonchalant deaf apathetic listless gauche gruff crude easy-going out of control helter-skelter fast and loose bull-in-a-china-shop airy flippant insouciant in the dark uncivil unpolished rough harsh sharp mechanical unworried swaggering untroubled breezy instinctive unconscious off the top of one's head crass blundering awkward bungling vulgar clumsy jumping to conclusions lackadaisical unwatchful off-guard unintended automatic not in the loop unalert uncautious wary unvigilant free and easy spontaneous involuntary reflex unpremeditated unintentional unwitting intuitive oblivious unwarranted caught napping asleep at the wheel fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful leading with one's chin any old way off guard asleep on the job foot-in-mouth pay no mind fallacious unfounded desperate mistaken deluded misled feckless brutish outrageous napping vacant unmeant mad erring disinformed stray errant deceived stonewalled straying bum-steer bearded faked-out wide open off deep end out on limb uncalled for off course labouring under a delusion led up the garden path hurried rushed cursory sudden gadarene flying drive-by pell-mell abrupt frivolous capricious blithe perfunctory uncircumspect superficial erratic previous unplanned speedy impromptu quick sloppy forgetful dozy careless of hectic credulous unprepared unrestrained subitaneous swift unexpected abandoned nearsighted boorish shortsighted suicidal radge cool fearless intrepid courageous scatty chaotic wacky lively brave dauntless undaunted heady disregardful haphazard abstracted rushing snatched uncreative unimaginative unduly quick death-defying dotty dippy inconstant divvy without regard self-destructive indiscriminate fly-by-night romping light-minded disorderly risk-taking off one's guard unreliable undiscriminating asleep at the switch out to lunch careless of one's duty extemporaneous snap lacking foresight whimsical uninhibited emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed unselective unexacting unpredictable violent unfussy eager fierce ardent unmeditated impassioned vehement unbridled ad-lib jumping the gun winging it shallow uncritical indiscriminating lax unreflecting unresponsible fervid restive easily pleased heedless of paying no heed to inattentive to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of disregardful of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to going off deep end frantic decadent fast-paced licentious self-indulgent self-gratifying unconstrained fast exciting immoderate intemperate slack extravagant salacious gadabout louche carnal corrupt profligate wanton shameless

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sensibleness or judgment
stupid foolish silly senseless brainless absurd witless crazy daft fatuous nonsensical asinine preposterous nutty insane mad wacky lunatic dippy crackpot daffy dotty cuckoo loony simpleminded zany kooky harebrained lunkheaded looney bubbleheaded whacky featherheaded kookie screwball cockeyed tomfool jerky balmy inept sappy fool half-witted half-baked weak-minded idiotic ridiculous irrational ludicrous mindless unintelligent inane unreasonable imbecilic moronic dumb illogical imprudent dopey injudicious barmy doltish laughable hare-brained thickheaded dim-witted gormless pointless dim foolhardy ill-advised bizarre risible simple ill-considered thoughtless irresponsible screwy cockamamie thick empty-headed loopy birdbrained batty reckless impractical crackbrained rash wild damfool vacuous chowderheaded dotish glaikit lamebrained dense dunderheaded potty pea-brained goofy dull fantastic feebleminded cockamamy indiscreet slow farcical obtuse boneheaded imbecile wooden-headed softheaded incautious unsound brain-dead slow-witted odd chuckleheaded pinheaded dopy strange unstable giddy thick-witted unsmart impolitic lamebrain eccentric madcap knuckleheaded dorky demented soft puerile wacko weird short-sighted ignorant scatty comical halfwitted ill-conceived outlandish fantastical fanciful oafish unreal cretinous bonehead opaque divvy airheaded derisible out to lunch dof off the wall deranged peculiar impracticable incongruous unrealistic outrageous unthinking delirious cracked squirrelly flakey unreasoning flaky braindead flighty weak implausible derisive derisory cock-eyed pathetic inconsistent meaningless unthinkable blockheaded off beam way out simple-minded unhinged unworkable feather-brained mental infantile crazed psychotic misguided certifiable psychopathic inappropriate unbalanced loco gaga doolally gonzo queer disturbed naive nuts oddball meshuga distracted touched sectionable distraught raving unjustifiable buggy nutsy nonrational bushed incoherent unconventional groundless extravagant childish clownish unscientific cranky grotesque funny erratic untenable incredible up the pole aberrant raving mad not all there immature freaky unbelievable hilarious shocking unusual scatterbrained off-the-wall not the full shilling not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs off the air nerdy unearthly slang monstrous as daft as a brush muttonheaded dozy out there backward dappy astonishing feeble-minded dead from the neck up fat-headed clueless bathetic defective clock inadvisable rattlebrained unsteady heedless changeable careless poor unpractical unsafe idiotish vapid bad risky smoothbrained incomprehensible off the beam donkeyish obstinate frivolous callow very stupid extreme impossible credulous retarded green mentally incompetent bugged out featherbrained excessive idiotical improvident quirky unaware insipid insensate complacent exorbitant avant-garde off-centre goofy loony dull-witted inexperienced illegitimate invalid inconsequent inconsequential baseless fallacious unfounded arbitrary amusing light-hearted comic off your head off your trolley extremely foolish full of holes stupidly irresponsible sick far-out psycho nitwitted waggish chucklesome diverting specious reasonless wrong disconnected sophistic disjointed berserk kinky out of the question too much taking the cake as thick as two short planks feather-headed wet behind the ears maniacal smooth-brained brainsick wud bedlam paranoiac meshugge bughouse haywire disordered schizophrenic whacko paranoic paranoid sociopathic dilly pie-faced sheepheaded muddle-headed violent joshing humorous camp witty campy unzipped fruity dingy unglued flipped schizo in left field unreasoned freaked out flipped out off the chain not in one's right mind moonstruck addle-brained flawed incorrect faulty contradictory soft in the head one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic ill-thought-out not well thought out without foundation without basis not making sense bonkers crackers bats frenzied bananas frantic manic barking hysterical nutso schizoid porangi yarra idiosyncratic twisted mentally ill non compos mentis of unsound mind sick in the head mad as a hatter not together stark mad stark raving mad away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake barking mad foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock mentally unbalanced out of one's head improbable far-fetched unlikely extraordinary curious inconceivable unconvincing offbeat doubtful unimaginable dubious questionable freakish remarkable puzzling rum flimsy baffling hard to swallow funky abnormal weirdo way-out spaced-out off-kilter far out out-of-the-way whimsical surreal outré quaint bizarro unorthodox queerish false unjustified fabulous rare vain romantic visionary beyond the bounds of possibility fishy incredulous unconceivable inadequate uncompelling tall singular beyond belief mystifying uncommon unsustainable cock-and-bull imaginary suspect unwarranted unique cock and bull quixotic out of the ordinary illusory slight laboured unacceptable make-believe unsubstantial reachy bewildering labored trifling contemptible spurious unconscionable futile shaky self-contradictory phenomenal negligible nominal imaginative hard to take tiny scarcely credible empty droll insupportable indefensible inexplicable hollow farfetched exotic small amazing ill-founded distorted astounding capricious sensational dreamlike original exaggerated contrived mythical strained equivocal unheard of spectacular left-field horrendous debatable thin phantasmal phantasmic mind-boggling unfamiliar highly unlikely ambiguous chimerical unheard-of paradoxical not on incogitable iffy won't wash out of this world insufficient minimal enigmatic confounding unholy uncanny insulting paltry God-awful pitiful inconclusive measly useless miserly miserable token ironic ungodly ineffectual purposeless unwarrantable untrue piddling unsubstantiated misleading gelastic irreconcilable stingy lousy intolerable creative erroneous anomalous irrelevant nonconformist worthless in vain hopeless footling delusory fabricated ideal fancy wondrous made-up mingy poxy nickel-and-dime unnatural insignificant obscure perplexing idealistic untruthful staggering unaccountable unfeasible breathtaking delusive unnecessary pretend invented fantasied fictional imagined imaginal fictitious phantom notional mythic grandiose artificial hallucinatory illusive idle piffling problematic dubitable unpredictable unimagined different remote prodigious suppositious utopian radical unattainable exceptional minute inconsiderable stupendous uncalled-for forced non-viable uncustomary poetic elaborate insupposable floating experimental unaccustomed chimeric off OTT faint hard to believe not likely atypical won't hold water unexpected freak over the top for the birds unapt not in the least likely blue sky full of it difficult to believe on cloud nine ill-judged unintelligible ornate inauthentic unsocial burlesque tenuous marvelous unmeaning foolheaded alternative unconsidered unarguable undefendable refutable dimwitted inexcusable unforgivable mercurial worthy of scorn vague unpersuasive crazy-ass wackadoodle wackadoo inadmissible harum-scarum unpardonable unplausible progressive advanced unsatisfactory lame nebulous feeble gothic baroque Gothic inexpiable counterintuitive Boeotian inaccurate irregular unsupportable sketchy antisocial highly undesirable overblown nonconforming off-center wigged out vacant crass wishy-washy flat innocuous niggling picayune chicken peanut petty piddly trivial pimping no-account esoteric untraditional mysterious bird-brained out of all reason beyond all reason deviant Bohemian unordinary embellished dishonest suspicious outre airy unimpressive huge maniac daggy embarrassing incompetent superb terrific glorious awesome divine splendid wonderful not tightly wrapped unknowable O.T.T. a bit much devoid of intelligence minor unimportant beyond possibility shady hyperbolic out of the way off-beat off the rails hardly possible contrary to reason starry-eyed overdone hokey loony tunes looney tunes to no avail unsupported nonvalid foundationless inexact out not feasible nasty barbarous late horrid unseemly uncivilised atrocious uncivilized dreadful untoward contrary deluded disputable embroidered undependable untrustworthy histrionic arguable unreliable out in left field caricatural bogus off target wrongly inferred expressive for grins unachievable not worth considering acting crazy de minimis Mickey Mouse marvellous imcomprehensible phony mind-blowing unworldly theoretical perfectionist not to be considered blown up illegal riddling conflicting confusing oxymoronic extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful phoney less likely outside chance ambitious beyond one unsuitable unrealizable unobtainable wide of the mark not to be thought of beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe dreamy fresh over-optimistic complicated doubtable great giant massive gone nonrealistic ivory-tower not working inspired artistic originative inventive oracular surprising uncertain speculative unsure undecided unconfirmed unsettled artful fertile genius keen brilliant ingenious innovative Panglossian overoptimistic uncredible notable momentous miraculous stunning striking outside on thin ice fat chance touch-and-go long shot out of sight unforgettable eye-catching arresting deformed innovational vivid revolutionary astute not applicable not sensible special noteworthy unwonted conspicuous rings phony foolishly optimistic Promethean fond head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky marginal slim exceeding extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial eye-popping unco aberrated preternatural tremendous malformed misshapen ugly fancied beyond the realm of reason big amazeballs sophistical not able to hold water legendary flash heavy gnarly forby hideous unsightly distant imperceptible diminished dicey fractional frail slender meagre isolated meager fragile unproved casuistic not remotely possible fairy-tale never to be forgotten misproportioned perverse unconnected fruitless off beaten path unproductive unavailing aimless shadowy aerial fairy tale fictive mangled mutilated gnarled unprofitable needless not following unhandsome unbeautiful homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile ill-favored uncomely pipe dream wasted valueless mean immoderate undue steep fugly huckery pie in the sky castles in the air extortionate impotent redundant superfluous purportless nongermane ineffective inordinate unfair flamboyant grody surrealistic gross antic ill-favoured eerie perverted unjust disproportionate to no purpose posh intemperate overkill unlawful improper peremptory overmuch absonant pricey unrightful stiff imbalanced too-too wrongful unprovoked without rhyme or reason uncalled for not pertinent too great up to here out of bounds out of all proportion costing an arm and a leg

Tính từ

Having a naive or unsuspecting nature
naive innocent simple unsophisticated unworldly green unsuspicious childlike credulous inexperienced callow impressionable fond insensible ignorant youthful dewy easy fresh immature raw simpleminded uninformed confiding jejune natural silly unacquainted unfamiliar virginal cute naif naïf nescient plain primitive quaint shallow uncorrupted uncritical uneducated unjaded unschooled unstudied untaught virgin countrified Panglossian wide-eyed dewy-eyed simple-minded starry-eyed like a babe in the woods born yesterday wet behind the ears as green as grass aw-shucks ingenuous unsuspecting unknowing unwary artless guileless gullible unaffected untrained unfledged trusting young untutored uninitiated unseasoned oblivious unaware unmindful unpretentious juvenile unwitting untried unenlightened incognizant undeveloped unconversant unlearned new benighted trustful unripe tenderfoot clueless unguarded unconscious adolescent uninstructed naïve open unformed unversed unripened illiterate easily taken in unsceptical rookie unread over-trusting accepting unlettered easily deceived thick unpracticed exploitable kid unassuming moronic rude puerile amateur unskilled spontaneous nonliterate unqualified witless uncultivated unknowledgeable childish verdant easily led sophomoric undisciplined dense stupid unpretending susceptible in the dark modest birdbrained unpractised inexpert unintellectual heedless uncultured inept mindless unaccustomed obtuse genuine imbecilic pure dupable deceivable cretinous without airs dumb analphabetic wet behind ears lacking experience foolish crude down-to-earth underdeveloped believing unintelligent misinformed over-trustful childly prentice humble folksy homely unused untested apprenticed real true spring chicken unfamiliar with slow infant uncomplicated honest-to-goodness fleeceable unskeptical blind to biting honest rustic unproven gullable unartificial clean idealistic frank unquestioning dim dopey homey dark babyish frivolous unscholarly unimposing unostentatious uninitiate sincere dozy unpresumptuous tender backward blind airheaded unweaned unbaked sophomore jellybean not aware easy-going laid-back self-effacing slow on the uptake not dry behind ears idiotic brainless feeble-minded unrehearsed developing junior fledgling budding uninhibited indiscriminating fresh-faced unstudious undeceitful incompetent vulnerable girlish boyish country uncool corn-fed ordinary vernal green as grass impractical dull damp wet moist tenderfooted newly arrived lamblike overtrusting kidstuff wholesome half-witted ill-informed babe in woods vacuous slow-witted thickheaded thick-witted unrefined quiet straightforward lowly imprudent amateurish unskillful dew-covered unpolished gauche uncivilized savage heavy with dew softheaded unsmart nonprofessional unprofessional provincial parochial candid barbarian barbaric simplistic jackleg bush-league corny unadulterated cornball authentic soppy unrealistic teary-eyed sentimental sinless undefiled dovelike unwarned uncivilised untamed animal brutish austere atavistic fierce undomesticated vestigial wild barbarous uncontrived undesigning unspoiled unobtrusive readily swallowing whole easy mark readily taken in readily falling for swallowing undoubting cracker-barrel inelaborate unambitious down uncomplex unbeautified discreet free-spirited prosaic unembellished taken in off guard up front down home on the up and up brash reckless superstitious inattentive deaf insensitive unobservant unperceptive unresponsive prone to superstition caught napping unconcerned out of it inconversant not all there mooning spacey out to lunch not cognizant not in the loop doped in a daze daydreaming forgetful negligent careless deaf to out cold superficial daft uncomprehending dotish divvy chowderheaded dof hebete glaikit empty-headed pig-ignorant thick as two short planks not the full shilling as thick as two short planks a brick short of a load two sandwiches short of a picnic dead from the neck up

Tính từ

Not negotiable
unnegotiable impractical inoperable unserviceable useless unfeasible impossible unattainable abstract absurd chimerical idealistic illogical improbable inapplicable inefficacious infeasible irrealizable nonfunctional nonviable otherworldly quixotic romantic speculative theoretical unbusinesslike unreal visionary wild unworkable unusable ivory-tower no-go starry-eyed won't fly not a prayer out of the question impracticable nonpractical unrealistic non-viable unrealizable unpractical unviable unachievable unsuitable awkward inconvenient undoable ill-considered unreasonable not worth considering impossible to carry out imprudent like herding cats insuperable far-fetched foolish cock-eyed ill-thought-out silly crackpot crazy half-baked inept incompetent clueless no go hopeless unobtainable futile insurmountable utopian fanciful inconceivable unthinkable unimaginable preposterous ridiculous impassable not on perfectionist no-win dreamy irrational insolvable inaccessible Utopian vain unsolvable forlorn insoluble irresoluble impervious inexecutable hardly possible unworldly contrary to reason idealist quixotical starry implausible pointless irresolvable optimistic ineffectual dreaming outrageous naive ludicrous beyond one bootless beyond the bounds of possibility no-way hundred-to-one beyond hope too much way out not having a prayer with no chance of success inappropriate extravagant imaginary impulsive fantastical chivalrous outlandish incredible risible castle-building head-in-the-clouds not feasible impetuous ineffective paradoxical farcical airy-fairy laughable unbelievable idealised abstracted idealized radical senseless out there delusory beyond you not to be thought of not possible hare-brained out of touch with reality potty incomprehensible highly unlikely unacceptable desperate despairing despondent purposeless nonsensical unlikely reachy gone floating nonrealistic unavailable nugatory unsuccessful failed unavailing inapproachable untouchable not applicable not sensible blue sky beyond the realm of reason on cloud nine ungettable unapproachable not remotely possible elusive parlous unreachable bad threatening beyond reach unpromising not at hand sinister menacing beyond uncorrectable irreparable unrecoverable cureless

Từ trái nghĩa của unwise

unwise Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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