Từ đồng nghĩa của cretinous

Alternative for cretinous

cretinous /'kretinəs/
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Tính từ

Characteristic of a cretin
idiotic moronic unhinged mad deranged insane simple stupid imbecilic simple-minded witless half-witted dull-witted slow dunce-like touched slow-witted feeble-minded dull dim-witted dopey thick empty-headed nutty vacuous crackers vapid nuts mental cracked dozy cuckoo crazy barmy pig-ignorant birdbrained dim bonkers batty dumb pea-brained bovine wooden-headed chuckleheaded fat-headed brain-dead muttonheaded dunderheaded lamebrained boneheaded gaga brainsick lunatic loco cranky kooky bughouse loony maniac crackbrained psychotic screwy wacko wud looney maniacal moonstruck unsound slang fruity bedlam scatty whacky unbalanced crackpot whacko demented daffy kookie wacky meshugge psycho potty haywire bats crazed meshuga balmy certifiable dotty dippy flakey giddy bedlamite daft not quite right thick as two short planks not all there looney tunes slow on the uptake fried soft in the head flaky loony tunes non compos mentis in the ozone not the full shilling off the wall out of one's gourd unstable disturbed sectionable loopy psychopathic manic frenzied delirious odd schizoid irrational silly schitzy confused distraught eccentric hysterical neurotic doolally rabid unglued raving unreasonable bizarre uncontrolled frantic queer schizophrenic psychopathological peculiar buggy foolish bananas bushed moonstricken oddball unsettled derailed paranoid senseless sociopathic gonzo disordered nutso bemused wild barking sick squirrelly dazed off wrong fatuous demoniac raging dreamy yarra preposterous berserk distracted nutsy porangi raving mad mentally ill off-the-wall barking mad off one's gourd not quite right in the head as mad as a hatter off one's head flipped out up the pole out there not right upstairs as daft as a brush nutty as a fruitcake in a daze out of one's mind around the bend off the deep end stark raving mad manic-depressive stark staring mad off one's rocker stark mad round the twist out of one's tree away with the fairies of unsound mind flipped-out sick in the head one card shy of a full deck foaming at the mouth with a screw loose crazy as a loon as mad as a March hare mad as a hatter not of sound mind in another world mentally deranged out to lunch non compos round the bend off one's nut deprived of one's wits severely mentally ill having a screw loose not right in the head a few cards shy of a full deck one sandwich short of a picnic not together mad as a March hare a few sandwiches short of a picnic having bats in the belfry having kangaroos in the top paddock over the edge off one's trolley

Tính từ

(informal) Lacking in intelligence
stupid thick thick as two short planks dim dumb dopey dozy crazy barmy birdbrained pea-brained pig-ignorant bovine slow on the uptake soft in the head brain-dead boneheaded lamebrained thickheaded chuckleheaded dunderheaded wooden wooden-headed fat-headed muttonheaded daft not the full shilling airheaded Boeotian bubbleheaded dopy dorky knuckleheaded lunkheaded nitwitted pinheaded softheaded thick as mince thick-witted woodenheaded foolish idiotic witless brainless imbecilic unintelligent mindless moronic doltish senseless fatuous half-witted vacuous empty-headed dense dull slow-witted simple dim-witted gormless obtuse weak-minded slow unsmart oafish ignorant dippy bonehead imbecile opaque lamebrain vapid silly dof simple-minded inane soft dotish asinine half-baked blockheaded dunce-like naive dull-witted divvy simpleminded gullible chowderheaded glaikit damfool nonsensical absurd dotty ridiculous puerile ludicrous crackpot goofy preposterous cuckoo nutty thoughtless insane lunatic harebrained braindead daffy sappy halfwitted dead from the neck up as thick as two short planks childish pointless mad kooky loony looney featherheaded kookie screwball jerky wacky zany unwise whacky tomfool cockeyed inept balmy fool blockish thick-skulled feebleminded unthinking loopy scatty immature crass stolid scatterbrained deficient feather-brained pie-faced thick-headed risible infantile laughable meaningless rash imprudent insipid vacant cloddish illogical lumpish unaware irrational insensate irresponsible sluggish screwy dappy dimwitted unreasoning boorish feeble-minded numskulled mentally deficient mentally handicapped not intelligent ill-advised very stupid hare-brained rattlebrained complacent insensitive anencephalic anencephalous numbskulled cockamamy injudicious unreasonable donkeyish obstinate backward idiot negligent careless loggerheaded clottish crackbrained crackers nuts batty cracked potty mental bone-headed neglectful forgetful impassive lethargic torpid fatheaded bonkers addle-pated inattentive unmindful mooning spaced-out out daydreaming moony slow on uptake retarded shallow not bright unintellectual out to lunch out of it giddy mentally slow foolhardy ill-considered reckless flighty erratic unstable cockamamie impractical inconsistent sheepheaded purposeless muddle-headed ill-mannered empty frivolous trifling futile worthless clownish wishy-washy vain weak flat innocuous devoid of intelligence indiscreet incautious clueless short-sighted featherbrained unsound nonrational dizzy impolitic wild unreasoned heedless idiotical ditzy unschooled derisible unconsidered uneducated uncomprehending impulsive fantastic bizarre improvident skittish untutored light-headed ditsy misguided frothy yeasty light-minded hasty illiterate fruitless invalid fallacious credulous without thought lightheaded capricious untaught imperceptive hebetudinous changeable nerdy unearthly whimsical unjustifiable ill-conceived incoherent addle-brained groundless unscientific demented inappropriate know-nothing off-the-wall aberrant childlike crude unstudied unworldly uncomplicated nonliterate surd notional boobish buffoonish unlearned benighted defective analphabetic uninstructed unsteady unlettered unread madcap callow stupefied idiotish squirrelly green rude dark tearaway superficial smoothbrained feeble thick-skinned dummy soppy outrageous blind unperceptive unimaginative inexperienced heavy slumberish comatose shortsighted ignoramus fanciful fantastical extravagant impracticable deranged log-headed hebete unworkable unpractical inadvisable farcical as daft as a brush unreal duncelike poor foolishly stupid unresponsive limited feather-headed fickle smooth-brained excitable flippant bad risky wet behind the ears inconstant derisive derisory comical impetuous insouciant carefree not with it cock-eyed bird-brained pea-brain lacking knowledge pathetic heady excited bemused gaga illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential implausible baseless untenable unfounded arbitrary flakey specious freaky distraught raving reasonless wrong disconnected sophistic delirious disjointed flawed flaky incorrect faulty contradictory ill-thought-out off beam way out off the wall not well thought out without foundation without basis not making sense

Tính từ

Not instructed or educated
uninstructed illiterate ignorant nonliterate uneducated benighted insensible mindless misinformed obtuse unintellectual unlearned unlettered unread unschooled untaught untutored witless apprenticed dark imbecilic naive oblivious uncultivated uncultured unenlightened uninformed unversed unwitting analphabetic inexperienced innocent moronic nescient shallow simple thick unconversant uninitiated unknowledgeable unmindful unsuspecting untrained birdbrained dense green rude unconscious blind to in the dark unaware unscholarly clueless incognizant unknowing unacquainted unstudious unsophisticated stupid superficial unworldly backward unintelligent dim dopey unqualified dumb airheaded daft uncomprehending dozy chowderheaded as thick as two short planks a brick short of a load glaikit divvy slow on the uptake dof thick as two short planks hebete empty-headed dotish not the full shilling pig-ignorant wet behind the ears two sandwiches short of a picnic dead from the neck up as green as grass heedless unfamiliar blind deaf deaf to inattentive forgetful inconversant oblivious to unaffected by impervious to caught napping in the dark about unobservant unaffected unbriefed unresponsive careless insensitive daydreaming negligent impervious indifferent to ill-informed unaware of ignorant of unconscious of not told not informed unfamiliar with out of it out to lunch inexperienced in a stranger to unenlightened about strange to unschooled in unconversant with uninformed about unapprised regardless blank unnoticing undiscerning unrecognizing neglectful unaccustomed not knowing comatose haphazard coincidental aimless undesigned numb senseless inerudite solecistic catachrestic unheeding unable to read and write poorly educated out of the loop philistine vulgar strange disregardful disregarding unaccustomed to unused to untutored in new to fresh to nescient of slow incompetent insensible to removed from taking no notice detached from unconcerned by impractical dull indifferent in ignorance lost to half-witted simple-minded unfeeling apathetic untouched unperceptive impassive unmoved unimpressible imperceptive unconcerned mooning spacey doped obdurate impercipient unperceiving unmindful of mindless of not cognizant out cold unacquainted with uninformed of insensitive of unmoved by unresponsive to without knowledge of careless of negligent of untouched by unsusceptible without knowledge green about inexperienced of naive about out of the loop of not knowing the first thing about uninitiated about innocent about clueless about uninitiated in unknowing of innocent of unwitting of not having the faintest about not all there not in the loop in a daze not aware

Từ trái nghĩa của cretinous

cretinous Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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