Đồng nghĩa của weak

Alternative for weak

weaker, weakest

Đồng nghĩa: debilitated, feeble, fragile, impotent, powerless,

Trái nghĩa: robust, strong,

Tính từ

(of a person) Lacking in physical strength or energy
frail feeble helpless puny delicate emasculated enfeebled weakly scrawny slight wimpy effete etiolated fragile strengthless weedy wimpish debile forceless rickety sapless spindly weakling debilitated infirm weakened soft faint enervated sapped wasted prostrate languid unsubstantial asthenic prostrated tender shaky softened low down-and-out unsteady unstable wobbly ailing tottering sickly decrepit unsound flimsy tottery exhausted ill unwell insecure unhealthy trembly wavering poorly precarious failing jerry-built incapacitated impotent rocky ramshackle vulnerable lame insubstantial flabby yielding fatigued breakable sick doddering trembling light powerless unfit out of shape tired weak-kneed spent unsafe wonky shaking impressionable indisposed anemic limp dizzy anaemic spineless defenseless pathetic out of condition nerveless defenceless sensitive doddery vacillating weary vitiated namby-pamby woozy teetery wishy-washy wobbling quaking dodgy makeshift drained faltering crippled imperfect drooping invertebrate gimcrack characterless wet shoddy gentle limp-wristed worn out tremulous tenuous dainty quavery meager in poor condition in poor health laid low sluggish aquiver quivery atremble shuddery wabbling wabbly shuddering meagre small quivering giddy milk-and-water badly built waxen unreliable invalid languorous meek thrown together flawed bockety unenthusiastic flagging poor loose deficient shivering irresolute inadequate broken-down depleted aged paralyzed paralysed susceptible jittery anile dilapidated undermined halting sensile unnerved slack perilous devitalized cheap lax frangible hazardous brittle wispy thin vertiginous flaccid tremorous unsecured lightheaded unbalanced dopey diminished muzzy tumbledown exposed mild light-headed unfirm groggy half-hearted tame moderate rattletrap nervous fluctuant rootless out of gas easily damaged quavering unsettled vibrating weak at the knees all of a tremble all of a quiver ticklish tricky ineffectual toothless bedridden crook in poor shape slender indecisive pliable superficial unpowerful burned out in declining health errant malleable fallible lacklustre lackluster valetudinarian easily broken washed-out declining waxy fishy shatterable fracturable shattery nesh rundown unsatisfactory substandard down erring resistless played out withered atrophied faded deteriorating wilted haggard degenerative ravaged stricken sinking dying reduced easily tempted easily led deteriorated done in rusty run-down below par unguarded unprotected shilpit awry superannuated derelict out of sorts rendered feeble pampered on its last legs jumpy fluttering elderly old ancient senescent senile insufficient flat disabled gone to seed washed out on the ropes doubtful inconstant staggering like jelly podgy overindulged unconvincing timorous droopy without energy aflutter disintegrating decaying crumbling broken ruinous with rubbery legs stifled muted subdued insufficiently powered not strong enough low-powered excited tremulant cowardly aspen palpitating floppy sagging timid spiritless in bad shape past it hushed graceful indistinct muffled rachitic rumpty tumble-down shacky shambly geriatric saggy pendulous toneless lank paralytic neurasthenic sclerotic atonic diseased rheumatic spastic arthritic teetering reedy long in the tooth over the hill no spring chicken wilting loosened slackened relaxed movable unfastened tinny squeaky shrill irresilient quaggy inelastic dangerous endangered immature low-key faint-hearted woolly reeling falling to pieces high moving mobile slippery wiggly risky lubricious not fixed not secure out of tone out of training lily-livered palsied lethargic wooly cracked at risk underpowered off-balance high-pitched jellylike aquake ashake unsure woolly-headed lackadaisical listless passionless not set all aquiver tepid unexcited uninterested unwilling blasé apathetic untrained

Tính từ

Physically ill or weakened
sick ill fatigued incapacitated indisposed infirm sickly unwell ailing enervated exhausted tired debilitated decrepit spent unhealthy weakened bad lousy rotten weary anemic beat bedridden depleted down drained enfeebled faint languorous pooped sapped shaky sluggish anaemic asthenic below par broken-down burned out down-and-out in poor health laid low laid-up languid low-energy off-color prostrate prostrated run down run-down under the weather unsteady wasted worn out worn-out a wreck out-of-action out of commission out of gas out of sorts sick as a dog tired out tuckered out feeble frail poorly wearied peaky worn effete peaked diseased crook limp dead delicate knackered invalid shot dead tired bushed bleary impaired dog-tired wabbit disabled all in rundown off colour sickened kaput seedy queasy nauseated ready to drop out on one's feet bone-weary nauseous unsound aweary frazzled shattered crippled funny valetudinarian not oneself crummy outta gas worn-down done for done in queer not well burnt-out in a bad way wiped out logy infected burned-out washed-out washed out flat unsubstantial ropy pale laid up under par loggy beaten jaded done feverish off weariful had it rocky liverish green about the gills rough grotty played out tapped out peculiar groggy not very well slight not up to par dull not up to snuff pallid low suffering on the sick list listless sallow faded like death warmed up tender disordered rickety whacked worn to a frazzle punk dragging zonked wan not in good shape declining ashen off-colour lethargic pasty bloodless unfit inactive white out of action wimpish soft softened wimpy waxen on your last legs dead beat afflicted grey colourless hospitalized weakly incurable gray confined lacklustre lackluster colorless invalided haggard etiolated iffy broken down under medication handicapped hospitalised tuckered peakish grim terrible without energy woozy jiggered bummed creamcrackered awful slack clapped out fagged out at death's door slow giddy quiet mean lifeless ashy bleached deathlike torpid whitish cadaverous blanched qualmish stagnant static tottering imperfect defective wobbly ghastly lurid doughy green livid injured not so hot lame languishing depressed hurt pasty-faced sickish chalk-white chalky apathetic whey-faced breathless puffed panting puffing drawn gasping maimed indolent bushwhacked sleepy careworn flagging slow-moving heavy whipped stonkered fordone rooted fried toilworn dog-weary fagged squeamish drowsy inert feeling awful pinched wrinkled droopy out of shape fretted out of condition hacked lymphatic peely-wally puffing and blowing dead-beat knocked out shagged out far-gone dead-tired whacked out out on your feet puffed out running on empty bone-tired jet-lagged gasping for breath wiped-out extremely tired out of breath zonked out deteriorated fit to drop encumbered hindered hampered faltering valetudinary lackadaisical dizzy dying hipped splenetic hippish strange dreadful ugly bedraggled overtired not feeling well unsightly wasting bland the worse for wear achy in pain hypochondriacal in bad health hollow-eyed lassitudinous dropping blasé puny poor dim waxlike ineffectual spectral inadequate insubstantial thin watery ineffective raddled down with insipid white-faced ashen-faced waxy devitalized cranky chronically ill always ill pining often ill laid-low paled corpse-like mealy wounded in ill health in poor shape in poor condition wheyfaced wretched anodyne lusterless sore stiff bruised ill-looking deathly pale immobilized lacking in energy in a decline not healthy lumbering unenergetic idle battered deformed damaged waterish dilatory laggard lax somnolent lazy passive game wooden physically challenged slothful paralysed tardy dormant quiescent laid-back indifferent helpless incapable undermined wornout sidelined impotent paralyzed powerless harmed wishy-washy neurasthenic dozy unresponsive insensitive insensible yawny faineant fainéant hors de combat immobilised queerish queazy in bad shape not feeling up to snuff milky jaundiced asleep on one's feet on one's last legs on sick list got the bug off one's feet feeling rotten running temperature feeling terrible ghostly tired-looking deathly characterless white as a ghost white as a sheet

Tính từ

(of a faculty or part of the body) Reduced in quality or efficacy
inadequate poor deficient inferior bad imperfect inefficient limited reduced substandard defective faulty feeble flawed impotent ineffectual insufficient little lousy low mediocre suboptimal subpar abject inappreciable inconsiderable ineffective insubstantial lacking meager meagre paltry restricted sparing unsatisfactory wanting abysmal appalling atrocious awful deplorable diabolical dire dismal dreadful execrable hopeless lamentable miserable piddling shabby shoddy subnormal terrible disappointing dissatisfactory low-grade pathetic pitiful rotten rubbish wretched below par under-strength below standard inept lame incompetent incapable duff useless unacceptable second-rate inefficacious unfit no good crummy not up to scratch damaged crumby off powerless bush-league unsound worthless amiss unworthy inexpert wrong bush wack punk inapt junky cheap incomplete unsuitable unskillful unskilled displeasing sour ill bum unproficient unqualified schlocky nasty not cut out for not up to par pants not good enough a load of pants below average not up to snuff unsuccessful broken feckless hamstrung inexpedient counterproductive malfunctioning crude cracked scratched deformed buckled warped torn inoperative non-functioning impaired trashy sad rubbishy unskilful blemished jerry-built knackered not working frightful not functioning ropy unequal offensive unfinished injured undesirable sleazy middling distressing in disrepair scant gone wrong unimpressive inproficient tenth-rate grotty out of order common under par schlock less-than-stellar cheesy gimcrack cheapjack coarse trumpery found wanting cut-rate el cheapo bargain-basement a dead loss low-rent low-quality on the blink not up to standard leaving much to be desired no great shakes second rate not much cop distorted chipped amateurish inconsistent can't hack it slovenly disorganized slipshod slack half-baked extravagant unprepared untrained prodigal shooting blanks careless improficient sloppy improvident not much chop unfitted less than ideal base trifling unable to do something for toffee very poor unable to do something to save one's life very bad undistinguished uninspired unsatisfying negligible junk lemon trivial minimal insignificant not okay objectionable laughable not acceptable too little bereft not oneself under the weather off-form dissatisfying minor league small potatoes from hunger not satisfying poor-quality minor-league dilapidated unspeakable disagreeable horrible abominable sorry sucky yucky beastly impermissible intolerable insufferable inadmissible inappropriate lacking ability thin disturbing disconcerting disquieting regrettable run down disastrous horrendous dirty flimsy shlocky calamitous woeful seedy hideous ghastly ratty shlock God-awful cruddy unsightly grubby scabby scummy scurvy repulsive gross gruesome sordid godforsaken down at heel mean unworkmanlike disorganised third-rate tinny tatty for the birds leaving a lot to be desired valueless craptacular direful egregious short scarce buggy sketchy weak sauce abnormal sick seconds unhealthy unreliable needing shy scrappy scanty skimpy exiguous unassembled infrequent rare underprovided undersupplied marred on the bum second string second fiddle outta gas third string not enough not make it contemptible despicable pitiable poxy vile tawdry unpleasant two-bit disgraceful chronic tacky sneaking second-class detestable odious loathsome ordinary reprehensible measly shocking shameful abhorrent average scruffy good-for-nothing squalid obnoxious unfortunate grungy ignoble dingy poorer petty dime-a-dozen neglected indifferent sub-par disgusting hack hateful ignominious dishonorable dishonourable godawful horrid inconsequential dodgy ramshackle rundown foul tumbledown distasteful déclassé revolting not up to much run-down stinking unimportant derisory disreputable repugnant sickening the pits footling grievous slummy vulgar no-account grim piffling tattered malicious scrubby bodger low-down desperate heinous no-good discreditable cruel insalubrious beggarly downmarket tinhorn scandalous threadbare low-end puny dinky pedestrian unexceptional pits scuzzy noisome cursed minor broken-down heartbreaking unkind beat-up mingy degenerate spiteful mangy twopenny-halfpenny shacky inexcusable uncared-for decayed uncharitable hurtful rickety repellent ugly dumpy tatterdemalion decaying obscene outrageous horrifying timeworn inglorious mean-spirited naff cheapo unfavourable unfavorable unlucky tragic unmaintained accursed damnable worn-out moth-eaten slight unsavoury down-at-the-heels bombed-out down-at-heel grave poor quality small mournful cheap and nasty unfair degrading alarming malevolent shambly picayune immoral nothing afflictive niggling chicken minute peanut nominal piddly pimping a dime a dozen vicious unsavory malignant nauseating decrepit poisonous poverty-stricken rough noxious bedraggled nauseous commonplace gaudy nickel-and-dime meretricious fulsome repellant ragged rancid catty catastrophic blithering brummagem wicked de minimis Mickey Mouse worse piss-poor piteous flaming garbage god-awful infernal confounded pointless futile Brummagem unavailing meaningless dog-eared indefensible hellacious half-pie seamy unproductive nugatory cheapie melancholy unusable despisable grody inutile bogus sterile unprofitable profitless barren unessential waste abandoned two a penny of a sort upsetting entry-level bottom-rung unscrupulous unprincipled skanky critical underhanded disdainable harrowing subsidiary lowly shameless blameworthy unethical deceitful unwarranted poorly dislikable menial ungenerous mere harmful unwelcome hostile worn unbearable opprobrious unkempt unfriendly tasteless crumbling fair rude exceptionable crying inconsiderate surly slumlike sneaky deceptive depraved indecent crass graceless downer bummer filthy nefarious monstrous churlish deteriorated unseemly unpretentious abusive malign ruinous vindictive senseless wanky plebeian cantankerous humble makeshift deteriorating ruined slimy evil desolate improper unforgivable cataclysmic hairy tough insupportable venomous stupid parlous low-ranking too bad wounding villainous degenerated empty ridiculous reject slum-like humdrum uncalled for dirty rotten dud ill-humored strictly for the birds silly cheap-jack scurrilous stinky irremediable icky below the belt low-born hellish low-minded kitsch scroungy bad-tempered low-life gone to rack and ruin pinchbeck brassy gone to seed evil-minded drossy all the worse for wear ill-tempered ill-natured ill-humoured rinky-dink dime-store lower-class worse for wear forlorn overcrowded depressed ne'er-do-well stark outcast peripheral wet misbegotten off-colour crook off colour out of sorts scungy garbagy unhappy negligent corny cheeseball showy hard unpopular undesired dislikeable uncomfortable garish well below par bungling badly built kitschy dicey pettifogging of little account dishonest worst tremendous dishevelled disheveled brackish throwaway overwhelming dolorous end-of-the-pier thrown together preposterous ropey untoward unpalatable tinpot twopenny unstable inopportune jinxed impoverished destitute unpardonable unconscionable sinful foolish ill-advised thoughtless second-best iniquitous depressing needy poopy revulsive brutal crooked plastic pretentious shady underhand extremely bad unjustifiable off-color disgustful rebarbative loathly so-so blah second class ill-timed criminal rueful affecting absurd ludicrous foolish-looking not good erroneous not the best raunchy diddly bad news fallacious penniless beggared indigent meanspirited disrespectful unsought unwanted run-of-the-mine passable medium run-of-the-mill run-of-mine lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps belligerent aggressive antagonistic beyond contempt penurious impecunious simple outclassed uninspiring bog-standard inhospitable wrathful confrontational bellicose vitriolic combative pugnacious dubious unreasonable questionable from hell frayed proletarian condemnable out needful broke down-and-out famished skint pauperized dirt-poor necessitous distressed inacceptable unappealing uninviting rancorous joyless angry unsociable bitter militant uncongenial unsympathetic modest faded baseborn underprivileged fair to middling viperous furious hard up not cricket beyond the pale won't do of low quality not on of poor quality over the fence not quite the done thing unrefined severe unremarkable unwashed lesser tired unbefitting lowborn obscure prole disfigured bare good-for-naught no-count meritless pot cure lumpen plebby uncouth pressing crucial fearful of low birth working-class of low rank unbecoming secondary subordinate urgent extreme incongruous unfitting incompatible gloomy serious drastic junior subservient unassuming second-string untidy snide despiteful annoying currish virulent fruitless no use forbidding terrifying dread hair-raising spine-chilling scary fearsome crippling intimidating devastating frightening redoubtable formidable ominous irretrievable beneath undeserving hollow portentous bodeful exigent ancillary second-fiddle smaller demeaning bottom ineligible sarcastic ornery ruthless chaffy vain null banal oppressing fierce terrific scowling of no benefit bootless unfructuous to no avail unfitting to blamable out of place unmerited out of character with out of keeping unsuitable for out of character not deserving not worth recreant improper to out of place with unbecoming to not fit inappropriate to slighter servile lower lower-ranking heartrending distressful lower in status undersized lower in rank small-fry small-time third-string subjacent sorrowful not worth a hill of beans tragical second-banana beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat less important below someone not so important toytown hurting gut-wrenching narrow unconsequential set

Tính từ

Unconvincing from a logical perspective
implausible preposterous questionable tenuous unconvincing untenable dubious flawed improbable irrational unbelievable unpersuasive unreasonable vague absurd contradictory doubtful farfetched far-fetched faulty feeble flimsy illogical inadequate inconclusive incredible lame ludicrous nebulous nonsensical poor suspect unlikely unsatisfactory unsound unsubstantiated false fantastic fishy groundless hollow impossible inconceivable incongruous indefensible invalid irreconcilable obscure puzzling senseless shaky sketchy specious spurious unsupportable unsustainable airy fallacious fatuous illegitimate inconsequent inconsequential nonrational nutty pathetic problematic reachy slight thin unfounded unimpressive unreasoned unreasoning vain wacky full of holes off the wall self-contradictory won't hold water won't wash unsupported unsubstantial wrong baseless defective uncertain iffy unreliable unjustifiable dodgy incorrect paltry erroneous ridiculous shallow trifling ill-founded silly insufficient inaccurate unimaginable unthinkable fallible debatable stupid unjustified incoherent mad untrue half-baked open to question open to doubt ineffectual undependable idiotic hard to swallow fantastical incredulous uncompelling unwarranted fragile daft insignificant unconceivable foundationless transparent unclear remote ungrounded insubstantial frail imprecise sophistic without foundation foolish crazy inexact trivial fanciful inane brainless without basis insupportable equivocal flakey insane flaky wide of the mark phony negligible imbecilic unconfirmed uncorroborated hard to believe beyond belief phoney ill-considered ill-defined kooky full of it frivolous slim harebrained superficial controvertible indefinite unscientific mistaken inconsistent unsuccessful disputable flat unintelligent imperfect arbitrary witless unwise unstable untrustworthy speculative reasonless dubitable indistinct injudicious sham light moronic confused asinine unwarrantable loony cock-and-bull too much cockamamie scarcely credible for the birds inexcusable unforgivable tame ineffective difficult to believe faint inept unpardonable hazy chancy risky rocky disreputable outside small distant unacceptable puerile deceptive futile bad vapid indeterminate inexpiable unbacked arguable distorted wishful casuistic nonvalid dicey unrealistic conjectural disjointed slender minute amiss contemptible assailable weakly meaningless mindless unestablished laboured impaired pseudo ambiguous faltering doubtable strained unsure controversial suspicious forced wrongly inferred unsettled dotty laughable thoughtless off-target incomprehensible imprudent off beam staggering perverse mind-boggling barmy problematical shady queer not likely vacant way out indiscreet suppositive suppositious zany incautious labored unimagined strange unintelligible far out extraordinary indecisive dim cockeyed screwy perplexing incogitable mind-blowing rare hesitant in doubt shadowy lunatic dippy daffy jerky short-sighted ill-advised half-witted nerdy doltish unearthly softheaded beyond the bounds of possibility feebleminded tomfool simple insecure without justification unspecific threadbare unarguable undefendable refutable tiny unsafe contrived inauthentic inadmissible minimal meagre meager contentious borderline tall unplausible wrongly deduced uncalled-for minuscule exiguous weak-kneed lacking substance puny unthinking issuable moot sophistical useless fruitless profitless ponderous feeble-minded unproved untested unverified negotiable astonishing amazing wild irrelevant unconnected outlandish unreal cock and bull unattested unproven enigmatic blurred reaching infeasible unapt inefficient flabby unpleasing unsuitable subject to debate open to debate open to suspicion eye-popping scatterbrained lamebrained past belief jaw-dropping demented off-the-wall freaky distraught raving aberrant disconnected delirious untruthful off out presumed assumed not validated not following hard to take not convincing bogus off target slim and none not expected outside chance unheard of impracticable hundred-to-one not making sense woolly bleary foggy cloudy illegal falsified fake purposeless unheard-of unknowable wooly fuzzy not reliable not dependable not backed up by evidence erratic loose capricious bad-tempered stroppy quirky not working empty out of the question imcomprehensible insupposable ill-tempered hesitating halting vacuous extremely implausible extremely unlikely extremely doubtful worthless loopy cockamamy not to be thought of beyond reason won't fly extremely difficult to believe not in the least likely all wet cretinous pointless risible stuttering stammering inarticulate casual minor petty unimportant shoestring inconsiderable full of hot air empty-headed goofy gormless infantile dumb damfool divvy childish insincere dof glaikit insipid crass wishy-washy immature innocuous sappy hypocritical artificial cynical garbled stumbling devoid of intelligence deceitful feigned pretended inexplicit debased rank unretentive unfit adulterated awry lemon sick malformed injured tainted blamable broken-down warped marred botched blemished incomplete cracked leaky deficient maimed pretend dissimulating dissembling counterfeit unpredictable unforeseeable indistinguishable unresolved incalculable cryptic arcane abstruse undetermined undefined mysterious mumbled muttered broken poorly spoken treacherous undecided unknown confusing muffled double-dealing devoid of validity two-faced hollow-hearted faithless intangible indiscernible wavering irresolute equivocating elusive vacillating below par up in the air in the balance simpleminded lunkheaded bubbleheaded rash crackpot reckless cuckoo weak-minded looney whacky kookie featherheaded screwball balmy irresponsible foolhardy hare-brained fool impulsive hasty heedless impractical unconsidered farcical outrageous improvident madcap misguided careless excessive bizarre exorbitant extreme dim-witted dopey crackbrained birdbrained ill-conceived random overhasty undue immoderate premature hotheaded thickheaded unconscionable inordinate steep overmuch stiff impetuous unworkable precipitate uncalled for derisory extravagant comical unwary derisive naive unnecessary harum-scarum slapdash obtuse subjective dunderheaded potty unfair extortionate wanton lamebrain intemperate far-out unjust flighty slow-witted unfeasible clueless haphazard giddy unguarded headstrong scatty halfwitted headlong hit-or-miss temerarious needless devil-may-care discretionary featherbrained disproportionate negligent monstrous shocking non-viable optional personal idiotical fiery frenzied jumping to conclusions insuppressible passionate determined furious chowderheaded dotish cock-eyed unsystematic chuckleheaded boneheaded intolerable thick pinheaded supercilious offhand approximate wayward unaccountable posh absonant overkill pricey unrightful too-too unlawful wrongful improper peremptory precipitant ill-judged out to lunch OTT too great costing an arm and a leg out of bounds up to here hot-headed feather-brained over the top brain-dead thick-witted idealistic romantic daring bold uninformed illusory aimless inappropriate slang audacious adventurous venturous brash venturesome unprovoked unattainable dense motiveless grotesque weird indiscriminate desultory impolitic batty helter-skelter unusual dull blind imbecile inattentive dappy oafish slow gratuitous overextravagant overdue overweening plethoric towering baroque lavish fancy unmerciful devilish bonehead opaque unsmart ditsy unthought-out dear absent-minded dorky knuckleheaded airheaded dopy reactive contrary to reason soft hardly possible out of all proportion ad hoc wooden-headed knee-jerk pea-brained willful judgemental ignorant inadvisable judgmental shot-in-the-dark muttonheaded ill-thought-out wrong-headed misjudged derisible braindead abstract blockheaded hilarious funny worthy of scorn intuitive instinctive unempirical tearaway soft in the head extremely foolish stupidly irresponsible precipitous not well thought out badly thought out not thought through insensate stolid donkeyish obstinate taking the cake shortsighted inconsiderate over-adventurous fat-headed starry-eyed quixotic dead from the neck up overbold eccentric unauthorized hurried pell-mell cursory spur-of-the-moment gadarene flying drive-by rushed peculiar odd doolally gonzo wacko utopian visionary unworldly theoretical perfectionist delusory unrestrained sudden seat-of-the-pants chimerical imaginary idle regardless unmindful off your head off your trolley uncivilised appalling sneaky conscienceless beyond the pale knavish reprehensible wicked barbarous uncivilized ungodly over-the-top horrifying unholy criminal off the air up the pole bottomless not backed up causeless goalless gone nonrealistic ivory-tower floating remiss tactless neglectful without reason without cause unauthorised forgetful dizzy unachievable irreflective purportless valueless designless otiose slipshod inadvertent undiscerning unreflective unobservant unheeding dreamy disorganized without explanation overabundant unrestricted superfluous unobtainable unprofitable feckless inutile unhelpful not applicable not sensible blue sky unconcerned indifferent frothy light-headed wool-gathering light-minded ditzy feather-headed lightheaded slaphappy yeasty hopeless unviable unlimited overindulgent untempered dizzying surplus uncurbed supererogatory unmeasurable wasteful on cloud nine deaf apathetic undiplomatic listless floundering drifting wanky undirected unpurposed barren forlorn undoable insurmountable woolly-headed bird-brained unrealizable insuperable irresoluble insolvable unsolvable paradoxical irresolvable disorganised a bit much impervious insoluble inaccessible inexecutable impassable irrealizable chance good-for-nothing without rhyme or reason not with it not thinking clearly with a mind like a sieve not on not possible no-way not a prayer not worth considering beyond one no-go like herding cats beyond you whimsical unmotivated stray scattered catch-as-catch-can discretional wilful imbalanced

Tính từ

Lacking strength of character to follow one's own principles
irresolute indecisive spineless unassertive cowardly fickle gutless impotent ineffectual meek passive timid weak-willed craven dithering faltering ineffective inept soft spiritless tame useless wishy-washy effete fallible indeterminate invertebrate nerveless pathetic powerless pusillanimous timorous undetermined vacillating wavering weakling characterless chicken-hearted corruptible faint-hearted hemming and hawing lily-livered limp-wristed milk-and-water namby-pamby supine undependable unreliable unsure waffling weak-kneed wet yellow yellow-bellied yielding chicken easily led wimpish wimpy feeble frail fearful weakened sissy candy-assed boneless wussy pigeon-hearted submissive poor-spirited chicken-livered cowering recreant sissified quaking trembling afraid hesitant nervous shrinking unheroic poltroon dastardly tentative chickenhearted milk-livered frightened weedy apprehensive enervated scared uncertain shy insipid weak-minded fainthearted abject compliant diffident unmanly jittery doubtful inadequate cowed retiring vapid halting anxious half-hearted jejune debilitated daunted easily frightened nerdy persuasible persuadable impressionable milksoppish caitiff pithless mousy infirm biddable mousey skittish tremulous undecided lacking courage panicky pigeonhearted feeble-minded hesitating intimidated dismayed equivocating changeable teetering divided ambivalent fluctuating uncommitted unresolved torn shaky unassured iffy shilly-shallying unstable having cold feet in two minds sitting on the fence in a quandary in a dilemma blowing hot and cold innocuous inefficient incompetent silly disorganized wasteful foolish petrified coward insufficient epicene insignificant lame simpering colourless drippy swishy snowflake daft jumpy feart easily scared nervy broken bland stumbling limp mean-spirited disorganised flabby spooked lifeless inert niddering colorless cringey funky coy poltroonish white-livered sookie ignoble flavourless mediocre watered-down listless sapless flavorless languid dull gentle browbeaten Milquetoast capricious bullied unnerved base scary fearsome dishonourable dishonorable cringing deceitful offensive treacherous sneaking low unprincipled unethical tricky stammering cowhearted backward worthless pussyfooting uneventful astraddle unresisting afraid of one's own shadow hot and cold of two minds on the fence obedient paper tiger no guts running scared acquiescent tractable unprotesting deferential having the willies insecure unconfident lacking feeling squeamish forceless self-conscious self-doubting lacking assurance lacking self-confidence not confident not self-assured lacking in confidence lacking confidence like a lamb to the slaughter without a will of your own afraid of one's shadow unsteady unsettled doubting changing halfhearted wobbly on-the-fence in doubt full of doubt hot-and-cold without guts

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Lacking in enthusiasm or energy
unenthusiastic feeble half-hearted indifferent subdued unconvincing apathetic emotionless lackadaisical lifeless limp passionless passive perfunctory reluctant tepid unexcited uninterested flat lame listless lukewarm spiritless unimpressed unresponsive weakly blasé cool impassive irresolute lackluster lacklustre meagre meager paltry tame unmoved unwilling dull dry boring wooden insipid languid unimpassioned uninspiring unconcerned neutral superficial desultory cursory casual unenthused dispassionate faint nonchalant lethargic Laodicean unemotional damp drab toneless monotonous undemonstrative tedious unvarying static unmodulated expressionless devoid of emotion devoid of feeling droopy meek characterless colourless depressed mopy desiccated dejected submissive low spineless melancholic melancholy languishing dispirited torpid vapid bloodless uninspired despondent anaemic languorous enervated gutless dopey pathetic draggy slothful broken blue down inanimate downhearted sad blah drippy indecisive cowardly disconsolate downcast colorless anemic wishy-washy down in the dumps down in the mouth flat tire lacking in vitality cast down offhand phlegmatic laid-back lazy disinterested indolent halfhearted sluggish cold bored uncaring unfeeling inert uninvolved idle uneager abstracted insouciant pococurante moony shiftless careless insensible easygoing inattentive energyless supine non-committal unlively unanimated bland vague minimal slight insensitive slow anaesthetic unkind anesthetic coldhearted hesitant uncertain chilly uncommitted unresolved laodicean undecided nominal vigourless vacant unenergetic lymphatic stoic stoical token imperceptible not enthusiastic detached out of it leaden slack absent lacking energy heedless effete mopish dormant affectless stolid unambitious numb impassible cold-blooded unmotivated mild untouched wimpy callous what the hell could care less don't give a damn couldn't care less leisurely dreamy aimless slap-happy lax relaxed incurious sentimental daydreaming romantic faineant laissez-faire fainéant slapdash easy going laid back spring fever

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Very low in quantity
low small inconsiderable measly minimal miserly negligible nominal inadequate inappreciable insufficient limited little paltry sparse stingy tiny trivial derisory frugal incidental insignificant meager minimum miserable modest piddling poor scant scanty trifling ungenerous insubstantial mingy nugatory picayune piffling skimpy tenuous unsubstantial bitty little bitty meagre smallish exiguous slim scarce feeble wanting spare short faint slight bare subtle barren unproductive deficient slender skimp light sparing failing puny stunted lacking flimsy hand-to-mouth stinted shabby scrimpy unfinished mere unfruitful scrimp infertile thin too little too late marginal imperceptible few vague infinitesimal minuscule minute gentle incomplete restricted sketchy incommensurate not much hardly any little or no sporadic pathetic laughable shy lame depleted parsimonious junk dry not enough too few too little in short supply bush-league defeated mean unsuccessful unprosperous unthriving unavailing not well pitiful inconsequential lean beggarly petty reduced thin on the ground rare at a premium poxy few and far between worthless piddly pitiable infrequent uncommon minor niggling base hard to come by dinky occasional diminished wretched sorry scattered footling hard to find unimportant tight fractional subnormal pimping lowly narrow chicken peanut no-account de minimis Mickey Mouse lamentable contemptible lousy ordinary dwindling diminutive unsufficient token middling straggling nickel-and-dime shoddy unfrequent seldom seen low in numbers like gold dust running low not to be had seldom met with no more than not to be had for love nor money inferior despicable subsidiary peripheral confined useless basal on the small side of little account pettifogging scrubby thinly distributed dispersed disappointing fragmentary economical mediocre toytown humble thinning cut next to no twopenny-halfpenny too small next to none trashy set common sleazy ineffectual unconsequential basic very small close run-down just only superficial truncated threatened shortened seldom semioccasional very missing barely sufficient absolute at a low level microscopic diddly with an insufficiency jejune less two-bit rinky-dink unusual no better than only a just a seldom found with too little … wanting in with too few … lacking in in the minority widely spaced out of the ordinary

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Not exciting, adventurous, or controversial
tame boring dull uninteresting tedious monotonous flat humdrum dreary wearisome tiresome pedestrian drab dry insipid stale unexciting slow ponderous bland lifeless leaden heavy stodgy prosaic tiring jejune wearying uninspiring colorless vapid stuffy numbing uninspired jading old colourless arid drudging monochromatic weary dusty stupid spiritless feeble routine ordinary limp dead bloodless mediocre conventional inoffensive unobjectionable harmless mainstream safe diluted halfhearted ho-hum mind-numbing run-of-the-mill wishy-washy white-bread boiled down without punch watery tasteless anaemic unimaginative flavourless lacklustre anemic flavorless lackluster pallid tired milk-and-water trite vacuous lame sterile zestless thin banal pale lustreless watered-down nothing inane savourless mild plain unflavoured unappetizing namby-pamby unpalatable poor blah inadequate characterless commonplace driveling drivelling barren half-hearted vacant mundane savorless unsavory innocuous zero vanilla unsavoury puny ineffectual ineffective torpid unanimated pathetic pointless nondescript antiseptic middle-of-the-road etiolated lusterless flat tire nowhere subdued prosy undistinctive unstimulating featureless mat matte faded muted washed-out pabulum sapless unseasoned spiceless distasteful washed out ho hum watered down non-stimulating impotent powerless vigourless unmemorable enervated least Milquetoast faint wan inferior droning wersh toneless hackneyed hacky wearish soporific empty uniform depressing weariful soft nebbish beige corny fatuous tenuous slight dry as dust unfeeling unchanging dim unexcited expressionless dulled unexpressive samey deadly uninflected unvaried common or garden draggy blind whitebread unimpressive lead balloon unpleasurable without spice plain vanilla big zero sombre unappealing waterish unremarkable nerdy wimpy sour dark somber dull as dishwater ashen gloomy gray dingy ashy grey bleak spoiled bleached illustrous black mousy pastel grimy washy light dowdy muddy toned-down sooty unlustrous dun sober cold subfusc toned down turned off foetid spoilt stinking stenchy fetid dried parched malodorous reeking smelly noisome bromidic passionless soulless matter-of-fact unoriginal workaday undistinguished irksome uneventful derivative as dry as dust run of the mill platitudinous threadbare well-worn plebeian everyday uncreative plodding uninventive unadventurous derived unromantic unexceptional stiff unspirited yawnsome deadening common lacking excitement lacking interest neutral no great shakes usual predictable unartistic moth-eaten interminable repetitious bomb bummer drag cloying stereotyped drear mechanical bog-standard monochrome soul-destroying wooden square uninterested tepid unrelieved apathetic listless earthbound unpoetic nitty-gritty literal terrestrial unemotional unsentimental unvarnished factual unembellished clear unadorned nothing to write home about a dime a dozen deadpan unenjoyable unentertaining fruitless futile worthless fatiguing dull as ditchwater lacking variation lacking variety lacking personality dreich big yawn dullsville lacking charisma not amounting to much worn-out ornery prolix run-of-the mill not up to much flaccid second-rate desolate quotidian indifferent stock unimpressed unmoved heavy-handed yawn phoned in old hat

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Lacking initiative or strength of character
inutile futile unproductive fruitless vain unavailing ineffective profitless ineffectual pointless unprofitable bootless worthless abortive valueless meaningless purposeless inept feckless hopeless counterproductive idle inoperative unpurposed nonfunctional unfunctional unusable impractical dysfunctional expendable scrap incompetent waste unavailable unworkable disadvantageous stupid impracticable good-for-nothing no good of no use useless unsuccessful inadequate inefficient feeble inefficacious spineless powerless non-successful failed hamstrung inexpedient barren empty otiose lame unfructuous unfruitful forceless withered nugatory neutralised innocuous neutralized unable void null defeasible inferior limited paltry indecisive anticlimactic impotent to no effect impuissant emasculate slack-spined not effective to no avail no go no way invertebrate null and void shiftless aimless irresponsible lazy indolent slothful apathetic spiritless fustian lousy uncareful unenterprising no-good carefree unambitious incautious no-account careless unreliable reckless wild trifling insignificant sterile trivial inconsequential poor miserable trashy unimportant wretched bogus mediocre abandoned nothing unessential ignoble measly negligible petty piddling senseless pathetic junky pants wanky despicable contemptible base cheap abject drossy ne'er-do-well bungled bungling insufficient unimpressive uneconomic unrewarding nominal niggling piddly slight footling picayune pimping piffling inconsiderable chicken peanut minute unremunerative unsuitable frustaneous unlucrative dry gainless unserviceable de minimis Mickey Mouse stillborn nonpractical broken unuseful inoperable in vain not useful to no purpose Sisyphean needless unnecessary goalless vacuous unreasonable nonsensical designless purportless mindless thoughtless witless illogical frivolous irrational wanton indiscriminate vapid desultory brainless random inane motiveless unhelpful no use unsatisfactory insubstantial hollow deficient defective undirected ridiculous floundering haphazard drifting silly chaffy poxy rubbishy nickel-and-dime banal of no benefit wishy-washy uncalled for uncalled-for without rhyme or reason hit-or-miss rubbish not worth a hill of beans a dime a dozen a dead loss two a penny not much cop

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(situational) Anxious or apprehensive
nervous anxious apprehensive edgy worried fearful tense uneasy agitated stressed uptight annoyed bothered fidgety insecure toey disturbed excitable jumpy ruffled timorous nervy overwrought spooked timid upset hysterical overstrung perturbed restless sensitive dithery panicky queazy twitchy wired febrile flustered irritable jittery queasy afraid concerned scared taut fussy hesitant shaky adrenalized antsy distressed frightened strained unquiet highly strung on edge strung out strung up worked up alarmed mistrustful stressy foreboding disquieted suspicious troubled trepidatious terrified doubtful neurotic uncertain stiff frozen angst-ridden having stage fright lily-livered on tenterhooks biting nails worried sick hung up having cold feet having a funny feeling having butterflies in a dither in a cold sweat running scared in a sweat discomposed ill at ease unsettled shaken distraught disconcerted aflutter rattled fretful atwitter tormented shook up goosey hinky uncomfortable harassed dismayed het up unnerved vexed in a tizzy discombobulated saddened unglued in a state keyed up sad unhappy flurried confused plagued hurt irked distracted angsty anguished frantic cut up discountenanced restive grieved beset in a flap bugged thrown disappointed beside oneself in a stew on pins and needles fazed gutted shy discomfited in a tizz afflicted hassled disconsolate hot and bothered pained all of a dither tortured muddled harried self-conscious bummed out all torn up embarrassed despondent miserable depressed pressured fraught under stress having kittens frenzied dejected displeased aghast perplexed dispirited inconsolable shocked heartbroken devastated miffed choked like a fish out of water hounded overcome overwhelmed traumatized irritated cheerless beleaguered shook mad emotional inconvenienced down blue high-strung broken-hearted with one's heart in one's mouth traumatised fretting skittish bashful unsure skittery careful fluttery excited withdrawn awkward wavering trembling angstful solicitous unrestful disheartened spooky squirrelly windy put upon discouraged downcast in a twitter exercised in a spin shivery a wreck a bundle of nerves grieving forlorn hyper heavyhearted sorrowful in a twit in a state of agitation in a flat spin riled in turmoil glum wretched downhearted mournful unrelaxed doleful all of a lather horrified in a panic desperate raving hysteric consumed bereaved wrecked rueful hard-pressed crestfallen desolate melancholy low hag-ridden unbalanced despairing heartsick worried stiff like a cat on a hot tin roof panic-stricken brokenhearted haunted crazed crushed chagrined distrait angered dolorous woeful harrowed delirious wounded verklempt unzipped with one's stomach in knots woebegone cast down shot down shattered worked-up with butterflies in one's stomach put out insane shaking in one's shoes out of one's mind under pressure up against it down in the dumps broken up low-spirited under the cosh grief-stricken pessimistic burdened impatient indecisive tentative caught up palpitant wrung peevish irascible graceless dithering vacillating irresolute shaking all nerves watchful dreading in suspense unsteady turbulent swithering in a state of nerves inflamed on the qui vive reserved retiring introverted disorderly a basket case sweating bullets overactive hectic heated feverish hyperactive shot to pieces flighty unpeaceful stirred up flapping like a cat on hot bricks moved aroused overemotional brittle spasmodic having butterflies in the stomach peeved dragged ripped disorientated out of place discomforted unconfident in a lather worrying angry falling apart irrational histrionic mousy all of a flutter unconsolable up the wall bundle of nerves basket case asea disoriented bewildered hot under the collar exacerbated puzzled aggravated mortified pestered provoked tied up in knots butterflies in stomach biting one's nails disillusioned discontented easily frightened easily agitated strange lost disgruntled dissatisfied lacking social skills tongue-tied berserk disenchanted sullen unhinged demented frustrated browbeaten pressurized melancholic heavy-hearted aggrieved carried away frenetic at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself wound up in a frenzy out of one's wit unsatisfied hopeless beaten hurried frayed rushed strict conventional cautious wild worsted vanquished as sick as a parrot chapfallen let down taken down baulked objecting balked stressed out at the end of one's tether with one's back up against the wall pressurised hunted at the end of one's rope joyless tearful demoralised tristful down-hearted demoralized intimidated petrified offended fretted creeped out shell-shocked emotionally defeated cowardly gloomy droopy sombre teary sorry weepy sore hangdog heartsore burned wistful somber contused daunted deranged crazy wrought-up swivel-eyed nonplussed nuts addled unscrewed quaking startled cowering like a chicken with its head cut off very upset beside yourself at the end of your tether out of your mind terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed old-fashioned in disorder amazed chicken afeared on the defensive at wit's end yellow feart stunned frit terrorised morose broken bitter in tears down in the mouth in grief in doldrums in the dumps come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens apprehensive about intimidated by alarmed at terror-stricken scared to death in a fluster scared stiff weeping hurting clutched in a funk faint-hearted scared witless horror-struck in a blue funk horror-stricken terror-struck mourning agonized dolesome in awe shaking like a leaf bricking oneself sorrowing in pain heavy with grief bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised racked with suffering suffering aching overcome with sorrow racked with pain possessed gripped scared out of one's wits frightened out of one's wits preoccupied controlled dominated cursed seized dogged bedevilled affected overpowered surrounded bedeviled held devoured paranoid bewitched violent fiendish in the grip of taken over under a spell obsessed

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Lacking energy or enthusiasm
lymphatic lethargic apathetic listless sluggish inactive slow indifferent inert enervated lazy impassive spiritless torpid limp lackadaisical weary heavy languorous supine languishing blah uninterested phlegmatic unconcerned energyless leaden dopey comatose flagging snoozy blahs easy faint feeble infirm leisurely moony nebbish pining sickly sleepyhead unenthusiastic unhurried wimpy laid-back languid tired sleepy passive slothful sedentary dull still dreamy relaxed exhausted slow-going unproductive lacklustre debilitated without energy unenergetic slow-paced slow-moving somnific burned out somnolent dilatory slumberous lackluster fatigued lifeless drowsy spent spineless yielding negligent careless idle acquiescent submissive indolent docile servile pliant effete heedless unoccupied slack do-nothing quiet motionless lax unresponsive peaceful dormant laggard shiftless lagging procrastinating ponderous plodding dawdling measured creeping stagnant crawling tardy deliberate snaillike delaying moderate loitering tortoiselike postponing numb otiose stolid gradual slow-footed unemotional inattentive vacant work-shy sleeping emotionless lukewarm stoical stoic bored hibernating passionless stupefied quiescent undemonstrative dallying half-hearted impassible affectless unambitious unmotivated narcotic insensible fainéant cold pococurante Laodicean draggy cold-blooded out of it stupid stuporous hebetudinous bone idle faineant droopy loafing lacking in energy laid back stretchy unmoving vigourless drugged having spring fever matter-of-fact inexpressive unexcitable mopish insouciant inconscious out vegged out dead to the world out to lunch out cold deadpan catatonic empty blank expressionless absent neutral abstracted wooden placid easygoing gentle steady sedate calm benumbed sluggardly tortoise-like unrushed laboured comfortable undemanding asleep unindustrious pokey dragging leaden-footed snail-paced poking poky snail-like dillydallying paralyzed static sodden latent paralysed insensitive dry laggy lollygagging labored late behindhand imperceptible remiss unworksome unaspiring parasitic useless procrastinative good-for-nothing workshy bone-idle lacking energy slumbering dozing napping resting unmoved unfeeling cool reposing disinterested uninvolved uncaring detached non-committal dispassionate aestivating dispirited callous untouched flat what the hell could care less don't give a damn couldn't care less

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Small and weak
puny little diminutive undersized feeble frail pint-sized small stunted dwarfish pygmy slight underfed weakly fun size sickly underdeveloped tiny undernourished bantam delicate dinky fine fragile half-pint Lilliputian pint-size pocket pocket-size pocket-sized shrimpy smallish subnormal toylike undersize undeveloped weedy inferior infirm meagre meager minor niggling nothing peanut peewee picayune runt scrawny shrimp small-fry two-bit unconsequential unsound unsubstantial useless wee worthless zero zilch small time slightly built thin skinny midget light short infantile unused unfledged immature twiggy small-boned petite meek homuncular lank squat elfin reedy stubby dwarf runtish mere a slip of a … miniature mini minute teeny teensy-weensy minuscule teeny-weeny teensy itsy-bitsy microscopic bitty bitsy infinitesimal itty-bitty weeny toy baby weensy minuscular microscopical minikin fun-size atomic little-bitty microminiature little bitty titchy tiddly pee-wee runty negligible small-scale compact nanoscopic vest-pocket trifling insignificant yea big eensy micro eensy-weensy minimum very small pintsize bite-sized pintsized knee-high to a grasshopper miniaturized miniaturised imperceptible dainty scaled-down ickle scrubby reduced portable bitesize dwarfed skimpy sawn-off cramped low nano bijou knee high to a grasshopper slender neat trim bite-size stocky cute lilliputian measly embryonic babyish shriveled wizened invisible shrivelled squatty not large not big mite teeny weeny poky spindly pygmyish atrophied underweight tincy teentsy handy abridged potted microbic concise condensed capsule insufficient molecular piddling piffling inconsiderable sparse inappreciable limited slim pygmaean minim exiguous scant spare nanosized teenty attenuate snub truncated young infant fleeting junior hasty brief gracile smaller stick skeleton broomstick dear adorable bonsai flyspeck boxy narrow with no room to swing a cat short-lived knee-high youthful dumpy model hardly any efficient lesser secondary bush-league adorbs minor-league small-time natty invisible to the naked eye fubsy very little nickel-and-dime not worth bothering about economic of space size-zero runted scrub shot undergrown lightly-built itsy bitsy incy wincy tincy wincy teensy weensy not heavy shallow munchkin yea high small fry low-lying not long low-slung second rate not tall knee high to a gnat sawed-off close to the ground button

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Showing a lack of common sense
crazy foolish idiotic asinine brainless bubbleheaded featherheaded half-witted inept jerky lunkheaded sappy simpleminded tomfool weak-minded airheaded birdbrained boobish brain-dead buffoonish chowderheaded chuckleheaded clownish clueless dense dim dim-witted doltish dopey dopy dorky dull dumb dunderheaded empty-headed fallacious feebleminded gormless idiotical ill-advised imbecile invalid knuckleheaded lamebrain lamebrained mindless moronic nonrational notional oafish obtuse opaque pinheaded simple slow slow-witted soft softheaded surd thick thickheaded thoughtless unconsidered unintelligent unreasoned unreasoning vacuous thick-witted stupid daft boneheaded fatuous unsmart witless senseless imbecilic bonehead silly cretinous dozy pea-brained dippy muttonheaded wooden-headed soft in the head barmy thick as two short planks bovine pig-ignorant slow on the uptake wooden fat-headed not the full shilling ignorant vapid naive inane gullible dull-witted dunce-like simple-minded dotish dof loopy dotty scatty unwise daffy harebrained goofy blockheaded halfwitted fool childish half-baked puerile immature mad crackpot feeble-minded damfool divvy rattlebrained braindead glaikit scatterbrained screwy feather-brained giddy slow on uptake boorish soppy dimwitted imprudent clottish blockish unthinking loggerheaded cloddish injudicious mentally deficient as thick as two short planks thick-skulled not intelligent deficient thick-headed mentally handicapped very stupid cockamamy short-sighted irrational ridiculous unreasonable indiscreet ludicrous Boeotian thick as mince woodenheaded nitwitted sluggish stolid dead from the neck up uncomprehending insensitive shallow lumpish illiterate uneducated unschooled untaught imperceptive hebetudinous crass lethargic torpid vacant insensate numskulled nonliterate unlearned benighted analphabetic uninstructed ill-mannered unread unlettered rude untutored dark credulous feeble stupefied numbskulled comatose heavy slumberish blind unperceptive unimaginative anencephalic anencephalous impassive fatheaded foolishly stupid dummy thick-skinned not bright backward unintellectual laughable shortsighted batty dappy log-headed out to lunch superficial not with it duncelike unresponsive limited dizzy frivolous featherbrained skittish ditzy flighty hebete know-nothing hare-brained pea-brain without thought pie-faced negligent careless neglectful forgetful inattentive unmindful mooning rash unaware spaced-out out daydreaming moony out of it