Từ đồng nghĩa của looney

Tính từ

Displaying a lack of sensibleness or good judgment
dotty crazy daft mad nutty insane silly lunatic foolish cuckoo wacky loony stupid crackpot kooky senseless dippy daffy absurd whacky kookie fatuous nonsensical witless preposterous brainless asinine balmy demented unhinged unwise deranged unbalanced crazed batty zany screwy harebrained nuts psychotic barmy bonkers simpleminded wacko cracked bubbleheaded mental certifiable lunkheaded crackers cockeyed loopy screwball featherheaded loco gaga touched jerky disturbed tomfool sappy inept unstable bats fool ridiculous frenzied distraught meshuga psychopathic distracted bizarre sectionable raving bananas delirious eccentric frantic manic barking hysterical nutso buggy odd squirrelly nutsy schizoid peculiar weird queer illogical bushed porangi goofy strange yarra unconventional impractical idiosyncratic twisted half-witted half-baked mentally ill non compos mentis weak-minded of unsound mind raving mad sick in the head mad as a hatter not together stark mad not all there stark raving mad away with the fairies round the bend nutty as a fruitcake barking mad off the wall foaming at the mouth mad as a March hare round the twist stark staring mad up the pole not the full shilling not right in the head not quite right in the head not right upstairs as daft as a brush have a screw loose have bats in the belfry have kangaroos in the top paddock mentally unbalanced out of one's head crackbrained maniacal cranky psycho scatty whacko unsound haywire fruity brainsick meshugge bughouse moonstruck maniac wud bedlam slang loony tunes looney tunes irrational idiotic out to lunch off your head around the bend ludicrous off one's gourd inane potty wild hare-brained imbecilic moronic disordered unreasonable out of one's mind mindless pointless off your rocker berserk off your trolley dopey fantastic laughable risible farcical gonzo unintelligent empty-headed cockamamie oddball erratic dumb outlandish glaikit unglued cockamamy foolhardy schizophrenic gormless imprudent out there irresponsible puerile giddy damfool cretinous crazy as a loon off one's nut dim-witted dunderheaded chowderheaded dotish flakey flaky fantastical fanciful madcap paranoid unthinkable unsettled off the air doltish dim thickheaded vacuous comical birdbrained doolally confused thick pea-brained lamebrained divvy wooden-headed outrageous imbecile boneheaded off-the-wall sick dof slow-witted unreal unbelievable rabid off rash reckless derailed thoughtless raging flipped out ill-advised feather-brained cock-eyed a few cards shy of a full deck one card shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic feebleminded clownish simple funny halfwitted derisible dozy muttonheaded incongruous chuckleheaded scatterbrained kinky inconsistent freaky unrealistic flipped schizo incredible meaningless blockheaded implausible unusual sociopathic shocking derisive brain-dead monstrous pathetic fat-headed grotesque derisory astonishing with a screw loose wrong berko way out not in your right mind injudicious troubled indiscreet quirky neurotic childish dull ill-considered infantile amusing comic ignorant off-centre pinheaded immature defective slow simple-minded surreal dappy feeble-minded hilarious far-out mixed up impracticable off your chump unscrewed uncontrolled ill-conceived moonstricken bedlamite psychopathological off beam dazed dreamy fried unsafe freaked out demoniac having bats in the belfry deprived of one's wits manic-depressive over the edge non compos severely mentally ill not of sound mind in another world mentally deranged out of one's gourd having a screw loose in a daze off the deep end in the ozone having kangaroos in the top paddock flipped-out derpy incautious impolitic clueless bathetic clock flighty screwed up rattlebrained unsteady heedless changeable careless unworkable mentally incompetent bugged out dull-witted dunce-like dense soft vapid a bit lacking baked frivolous incomprehensible schitzy avant-garde off the beam invalid aberrant bovine pig-ignorant callow untenable nitwitted goofy loony credulous retarded green light-hearted psyched out maddened ape schizzo offbeat dopy contemptible daft as a brush nobody home bemused waggish chucklesome diverting paranoiac paranoic panic-stricken yampy unaware insipid insensate complacent severely mentally disordered psychoneurotic inexperienced way-out sheepheaded violent foolheaded out of your mind backward extremely foolish full of holes stupidly irresponsible off the rails dilly pie-faced as mad as a March hare one sandwich short of a picnic out of one's tree as mad as a hatter slow on the uptake thick as two short planks not quite right soft in the head chaotic braindead unpredictable freakish unzipped dingy joshing humorous camp witty campy muddle-headed extreme impossible as thick as two short planks feather-headed wet behind the ears disorganized unorthodox Bohemian far out extravagant excessive off the chain outré rum remarkable funky spaced-out queerish quaint off-kilter weirdo out-of-the-way curious bizarro exorbitant topsy-turvy in left field softheaded faulty tangled shambolic donkeyish obstinate touched in the head nonfunctional disarranged wonky broken fuddled out of the question too much taking the cake acting crazy dead from the neck up disorganised out of commission out of whack orderless not functioning properly amiss on the fritz in pieces out of control in a mess on the blink amok messy out of order up the spout thick-witted extraordinary weak baffling abnormal far-fetched unfounded improbable puzzling whimsical unjustifiable groundless inconsequential unjustified inconceivable romantic contradictory visionary fallacious mystifying unreasoning specious fabulous unearthly imaginary baseless vain sophistic unwarranted quixotic illusory unlikely unimaginable unacceptable singular make-believe uncommon bewildering inadequate trifling nonrational flawed unconscionable futile illegitimate unique inconsequent unsustainable imaginative empty droll unscientific inexplicable arbitrary unthinking exotic amazing naive ill-founded reasonless capricious dreamlike original mythical left-field horrendous short-sighted phantasmal phantasmic unfamiliar ambiguous chimerical paradoxical incoherent negligible nominal out of this world insufficient minimal tiny enigmatic confounding unholy uncanny insulting false paltry insupportable God-awful pitiful measly out of the ordinary phenomenal useless miserly miserable token ironic inappropriate small spurious ungodly ineffectual purposeless unwarrantable piddling shaky incorrect gelastic stingy lousy self-contradictory erroneous intolerable creative anomalous nonconformist unconvincing unheard of worthless obtuse indefensible in vain hopeless footling delusory ideal fancy wondrous dubious flimsy irrelevant made-up mingy poxy nickel-and-dime doubtful insignificant perplexing idealistic unaccountable unfeasible counterintuitive delusive unreasoned hollow rare unnecessary pretend invented fantasied fictional imagined imaginal fictitious phantom notional mythic grandiose hallucinatory illusive idle piffling sensational astounding different prodigious suppositious utopian radical unattainable spectacular stupendous uncalled-for non-viable uncustomary poetic beyond the bounds of possibility not on nerdy floating experimental unaccustomed chimeric OTT atypical unexpected freak over the top blue sky on cloud nine unpractical ill-judged unintelligible ornate unsocial inadvisable burlesque misguided unmeaning alternative ill-thought-out unconsidered unarguable undefendable refutable mercurial dimwitted marvelous worthy of scorn crazy-ass wackadoodle wackadoo idiotish inadmissible harum-scarum smoothbrained progressive advanced gothic baroque Gothic idiotical improvident very stupid for the birds Boeotian irregular lamebrain unsmart knuckleheaded inexcusable unforgivable antisocial highly undesirable nonconforming off-center wigged out bird-brained out of all reason beyond all reason dorky vacant crass wishy-washy flat innocuous esoteric untraditional mysterious unpardonable untrue deviant niggling picayune chicken minute peanut petty piddly trivial slight pimping no-account inconsiderable outre huge inaccurate daggy embarrassing incompetent inexpiable not tightly wrapped smooth-brained O.T.T. a bit much devoid of intelligence out of the way off-beat hardly possible contrary to reason breathtaking superb terrific glorious awesome divine splendid wonderful starry-eyed to no avail minor unimportant nasty barbarous late horrid unseemly uncivilised atrocious uncivilized dreadful unsubstantiated deluded sophistical out in left field expressive for grins not feasible bad casuistic unworldly theoretical perfectionist incredulous not to be considered de minimis Mickey Mouse inconclusive unsupported untruthful nonvalid foundationless inexact out riddling conflicting confusing oxymoronic unsubstantial marvellous ambitious unconceivable misleading uncompelling artificial perverse unachievable not worth considering irreconcilable exceptional disconnected disjointed unproved bogus off target wrongly inferred unconnected fresh over-optimistic without foundation without basis great giant massive gone nonrealistic reachy ivory-tower beyond one unsuitable unrealizable unobtainable inspired artistic originative inventive equivocal oracular illegal surprising beyond belief not following not making sense artful fertile genius keen brilliant ingenious innovative Panglossian overoptimistic highly unlikely wide of the mark notable momentous miraculous stunning striking out of sight cock-and-bull innovational vivid revolutionary astute not applicable not sensible unforgettable eye-catching arresting not working special noteworthy unwonted conspicuous foolishly optimistic Promethean fond head in the clouds out of touch with reality blue-sky big exceeding extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial eye-popping unco aberrated preternatural tremendous distorted unnatural deformed amazeballs flash heavy gnarly forby beyond the realm of reason malformed misshapen ugly unheard-of fruitless never to be forgotten not remotely possible hideous unsightly fancied off beaten path unproductive unavailing aimless legendary unprofitable needless misproportioned fairy-tale tall wasted valueless mangled mutilated gnarled mean vaporous shadowy aerial fairy tale fictive immoderate undue steep unhandsome unbeautiful homely unpretty unappealing unattractive unlovely unpleasing vile ill-favored uncomely extortionate impotent redundant superfluous purportless nongermane ineffective inordinate unfair cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take pipe dream fugly huckery unjust disproportionate to no purpose pie in the sky castles in the air flamboyant grody surrealistic gross antic ill-favoured eerie perverted posh intemperate overkill unlawful improper peremptory overmuch absonant pricey unrightful stiff imbalanced too-too wrongful unprovoked without rhyme or reason uncalled for not pertinent too great up to here out of bounds out of all proportion costing an arm and a leg

Tính từ

Favoring fundamental, usually extreme, change in political or social conditions
radical progressive reforming revolutionary extreme militant reformist anarchistic extremist fanatical progressivist revisionist diehard fanatic insurrectionary rabid revolutionist immoderate insubordinate insurgent mutinous rebellious seditious intransigent lawless nihilistic recalcitrant recusant refractory restive riotous ultraist loony swivel-eyed far-out way out rebel dissident anarchic subversive unruly insurrectionist defiant contumacious disloyal disobedient factious treasonable ungovernable unmanageable traitorous wayward renegade wilful anarchical uncontrollable bolshie disorderly resistant iconoclastic intractable rioting turbulent contrary disaffected treasonous froward treacherous obstreperous willful untoward obstinate incompliant balky difficult stubborn warring up in arms fractious bellicose negativistic destructive pessimistic existentialist civil disobedience guerrilla resistance conspiratorial mercenary uncooperative headstrong unbiddable underground black resistive self-willed unwilling incontrollable stroppy bloody-minded obdurate awkward obstinately disobedient perverse pervicacious renitent out of control nonconformist dissentient malcontent noncompliant indomitable insubmissive argumentative undisciplined undisciplinable withstanding resisting opposing wild perfidious incorrigible mutinying threatening pugnacious individualistic armed restless sabotaging quarrelsome alienated attacking inflammatory agitational revolting anarchist reactionary heterodox apostate unfaithful outlaw runaway untraditional schismatic backsliding recreant rabble-rousing troublesome unyielding disruptive rowdy pigheaded delinquent truculent cussed thrawn unreasonable cantankerous naughty unaccommodating ornery inflexible indocile badly behaved out of hand obstructive mulish bull-headed unhelpful non-compliant contrarious errant mischievous boisterous uncompliant violent disobliging unbending stiff-necked tiresome unrestrained irrepressible belligerent ill-disciplined roguish rascally annoying exasperating crabby peevish impossible unpredictable uncompromising opinionated attention-seeking insolent negative hostile immovable uncontrolled scrappy impish problematic unrestrainable trying dissenting mean troublemaking cross-grained ill-natured demanding badly-behaved nonconforming confrontational vexatious adverse irritable capricious reckless rough chaotic rude antagonistic impetuous determined challenging combative inexorable impudent strong-willed petulant tough unbridled bad misbehaving grumpy contentious ill-tempered grouchy tetchy unfavorable unfavourable dissentious fiendish sullen unresponsive noisy intemperate unmalleable bad-tempered cross loud ratty persistent unadaptable choleric impulsive rash heedless narky shirty unamenable impervious imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy unbearable intolerable insuppressible shrewish rock-ribbed out of line aggressive rumbustious feisty disputatious inconsiderate uncontainable bold malicious inimical erratic testy disturbed maladjusted irritating insoluble unpliable touchy irascible crotchety hard-line resolute playful impolite chippy snappy hot-tempered prickly pertinacious querulous tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish gallus wanton wrong captious huffy full of mischief ill-behaved devilish irreconcilable estranged haughty unsubduable morose sulky limit nonobservant heretical maverick unsupportive unorthodox unpersuadable resolved malign malevolent maleficent spiteful dogged untrained stubborn as a mule uncomplying fickle sticky adamant unsteady unschooled impotent rampant bullheaded loath averse reluctant indisposed hesitant untameable inconsistent ungoverned tricky incurable complex burdensome irregular undependable not giving an inch dysfunctional not cooperative excited strong overwhelming intense freaked abandoned overpowering as stubborn as a mule immoral aberrant arbitrary crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk without law and order paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing lacking self-control with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way problem wrongheaded antipathetic converse declinatory refusing divergent impatient objecting declining vociferous tempestuous uproarious raucous whiny beside oneself pat thorny locked tenacious knotty untimely unfortunate impossible to cope with clamorous rampaging socially impaired fierce pesky nasty loudmouthed troublous irksome wearisome rambunctious misbehaved self-indulgent inconvenient inopportune roisterous rackety tumultuous raunchy artful kiddish infantile sly frolicsome foxy bothersome ruffianly thoughtless immature childish disrespectful locked in tough nut hang tough provocative rip-roaring like a loose cannon daring audacious unanticipated ill-timed unexpected rampageous roistering disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy wicked pig-headed anti piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous sinful ready for a fight spoiling for a fight unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed teasing worthless raising the roof raising Cain evil against opposed overbearing unrelenting hard to please fussy grim unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt unsuitable inappropriate rollicking hardheaded boorish rigid hard-nosed tyrannical picky fastidious finicky lively lawbreaking bad-mannered malapropos badly timed unseasonable pitiless strict oafish discontented dissatisfied bearish stiff romping hostile to inimical to opposed to averse to grumbly set in one's ways choosy temperamental uptight unflinching critical unendurable objectionable offensive unpropitious misfortunate disturbing unpleasant hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless importunate strong-minded single-minded finical vexed hard to handle invidious steadfast sensitive uppity disputative sour hypercritical delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy overcritical wrong-headed opinionative perfectionist particular over-particular dictatorial ungracious dead set against disinclined to accept reluctant to accept unenthusiastic about unwilling to accept insupportable terrible painful insufferable excruciating maddening infuriating dreadful improper pettish ill-humoured unacceptable egregious crabbed waspish curmudgeonly disagreeable snappish short-tempered splenetic in a mood peppery crusty quick-tempered scratchy liverish bilious dyspeptic short-fused cranky peckish fretful eggy soreheaded in a bad mood as cross as two sticks miffy waxy snaky thin-skinned complaining ill-humored beyond bearing not to be borne on a short fuse having got out of bed the wrong side like a bear with a sore head

Danh từ

A male who is insane or mentally disturbed
madman maniac nut nutcase nutter headbanger loony lunatic schizophrenic crank cuckoo daredevil devil madcap nutjob psycho psychopath psychotic schizo screwball bedlamite crackpot crazy crazyman dingbat headcase oddball radge raver basket case head case crazy person deranged person insane man psychiatric patient wing nut madwoman fruitcake kook wacko eccentric sicko flake weirdo loon crackbrain fool whacko sickie bug oddity character nutso meshuggener wackadoo wackadoodle dement zany crack weirdie codger original quiz wack zealot neurotic odd bod insane person odd fellow schizoid mad person case madperson geek bigot mental case ding-a-ling lamebrain nut case raving lunatic mental defective non compos hothead individual tearaway Section 8 madling wild man berserker imbecile deranged patient idiot sociopath odd duck piece of work eccentric person moonling demoniac paranoid sociopathic scatterbrain booby simpleton ninnyhammer charley nit ninny doofus turkey jackass simp featherhead charlie ding-dong mooncalf berk nitwit nincompoop goose git dipstick yo-yo half-wit one who has bats in the belfry one who has a screw loose unstable personality disturbed person antisocial personality unbalanced person harebrain non compos mentis individualist nonconformist maverick misfit freak bohemian deviant dropout pervert perv hippy fanatic jock unorthodox person free spirit odd fish one-off queer fish card rare bird nutbag clown oner rara avis loose cannon moron buffoon live one queer odd bird softhead square peg in a round hole dodo galoot anomaly creep peculiar person strange person one numbskull bozo goof dumbbell saphead bonehead blockhead lunkhead caution strange bird insane nutbar zombie sick day spook odd man out birdbrain jester wag joker comedian fish out of water round peg in a square hole gink beatnik hippie loner hotspur featherbrain rattlebrain flibbertigibbet ditz nut ball desperado prankster joculator merry-andrew wisecracker show-off farceur humorist cutup comic odd person queer duck rum customer firebrand gag person practical joker funny person innocent nerd schlemiel stooge silly jerk illiterate twerp sucker boob twit tomfool bore simple lightweight clod victim sap halfwit adrenalin junky easy mark dumb ox fair game

Từ trái nghĩa của looney

looney Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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