Từ đồng nghĩa của balky

Alternative for balky

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Refusing to proceed or cooperate
recalcitrant refractory disobedient intractable rebellious contrary defiant insubordinate unruly wayward wilful contumacious ungovernable obstreperous obstinate froward unmanageable perverse stubborn rebel incompliant willful recusant restive untoward inflexible unbending unpredictable negative immovable ornery averse hesitant indisposed loath negativistic reluctant difficult uncooperative bolshie headstrong uncontrollable mutinous fractious awkward obdurate stroppy bloody-minded disorderly pigheaded undisciplined thrawn unyielding unaccommodating self-willed cussed obstructive unhelpful disaffected insurgent contrarious unreasonable resistant mulish disobliging cantankerous intransigent troublesome bull-headed wild noncompliant pervicacious renitent quarrelsome turbulent truculent seditious incontrollable riotous dissident tiresome dissentient non-compliant insurrectionary disruptive stiff-necked nonconformist argumentative uncompromising incorrigible uncompliant out of control annoying factious vexatious revolutionary unbiddable naughty delinquent errant irritable insubmissive determined bellicose pugnacious unrestrained trying irrepressible strong-willed indomitable badly behaved cross-grained opinionated peevish alienated capricious insolent confrontational adverse mischievous rowdy malcontent persistent challenging unmalleable unwilling anarchic subversive contentious hostile antagonistic boisterous nonconforming belligerent undisciplinable insurrectionist lawless dissenting dissentious obstinately disobedient chaotic loud exasperating impish noisy resisting iconoclastic scrappy militant roguish rascally ill-natured crabby disputatious treacherous rumbustious resistive unbridled reckless threatening out of hand radical feisty impetuous hard-line tough resolute prickly pertinacious touchy inexorable chippy hard to handle irreconcilable estranged haughty morose renegade cross unfavorable unfavourable petulant nonobservant shrewish grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky dogged adamant up in arms heretical maverick unpersuadable opposing withstanding unrestrainable erratic fickle resolved malign malevolent maleficent malicious spiteful stubborn as a mule impudent narky bad-tempered ratty shirty choleric impotent rampant unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic traitorous disloyal unresponsive bullheaded aggressive blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying as stubborn as a mule unbearable undependable intolerable impossible not giving an inch without law and order incurable with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way daring provocative audacious bold restless individualistic anarchistic warring armed sabotaging treasonable attacking unconstructive hindering uncomplying unadaptable immoral aberrant arbitrary uncontrolled rock-ribbed combative vociferous rough tempestuous uproarious raucous frustrating making difficulties self-indulgent clamorous rampaging vexing pesky rambunctious insoluble pat thorny unpliable locked problematic tenacious knotty indocile roisterous rackety tumultuous rip-roaring complex bulky discommodious incommodious difficult to handle cramped disagreeable disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy rampageous roistering locked in tough nut hang tough piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous ready for a fight spoiling for a fight paradoxical contrariant discordant arsey disagreeing attention-seeking troublemaking raising the roof raising Cain inimical wrongheaded antipathetic converse lively rollicking romping anarchical heedless lawbreaking impulsive impervious violent rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy mean out of line pig-headed grumbly hardheaded overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways boorish unrelenting rigid finical hard-nosed vexed testy invidious steadfast choosy fiendish captious snappy sensitive hard to please temperamental crotchety uppity uptight unamenable disputative sour oafish discontented demanding tyrannical hypercritical picky dissatisfied rude querulous bearish stiff huffy delicate dogmatic oppressive hard to satisfy irritating fussy unflinching overcritical wrong-headed grim impolite opinionative irascible perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial critical ungracious uninhibited abandoned robustious ill-disciplined wanton immoderate knockabout frenzied unchecked hell-raising ungoverned disordered bad exuberant unconstrained misbehaving unbounded disorganized unhindered furious confused fiery passionate excited rioting disorganised uncurbed playful in turmoil badly-behaved frenetic fierce uncontainable hysterical runaway termagant debauched frisky raw unhampered crazy vicious orgiastic spirited rugged saturnalian animated brawling disturbed frantic unrestricted loudmouthed high-spirited full-on frolicsome mad evil raging energetic rabid explosive deranged hectic enthusiastic messy raving jumbled helter-skelter wrong cluttered untidy disarrayed extreme muddled dishevelled disheveled mussy tousled disarranged messed mussed tumbled vehement littered depraved sloppy rumpled bacchanalian unkempt active in disorder ugly Dionysian ebullient brutal hot-tempered bouncy pell-mell Bacchic higgledy-piggledy upside-down topsy-turvy hugger-mugger in a mess clangorous hard destructive insuppressible disturbing sportive agitated criminal stormy maladjusted excessive bacchic unfettered unstoppable forceful unquenchable vigorous licentious effervescent strong roughhouse madcap berserk wicked out-of-line swashbuckling nihilistic crazed in high spirits out-of-order untamed nuts outrageous fervid warlike ruffianly barbarous savage hotheaded wild and woolly jaunty feverish sinful merry lacking self-control burdensome haywire shambolic brattish perfervid passional scampish puckish prankish tricksy ill-behaved gallus orderless disrupted joyful cheerful devilish excitable purposeless impassioned in disarray in pandemonium in uproar in chaos at sixes and sevens out of joint harum-scarum inconsiderate full of beans in a muddle every which way utterly confused full of mischief quick-tempered in a shambles unsubduable loutish existentialist pessimistic limit robust dangerous untrained unsteady unschooled unsettling upsetting ferocious side-splitting thuggish swaggering cavalier antisocial distracting inconsistent overexcited clattering clattery resounding two-fisted unlawful corrupt turbid uncontained hedonistic divisive vibrant dysfunctional brusque untameable gruff gleeful insurmountable callous hardened radge unprincipled indisciplined dissipated unrepressed rootin'-tootin disrupting off-base unconcealed unconventional shameless misruled misgoverned drunk intense freaked overwhelming overpowering flyaway blind tricky whiny out-of-control extrovert irregular rowdydowdy misbehaved boozy revelling carousing causing trouble corybantic incautious profligate irrational strident vociferant over-the-top beside oneself socially impaired outlandish artful problem thrilled nasty wearisome troublous irksome bibulous dionysian sottish crapulous on-a-tear impossible to cope with bothersome unstable untrammelled untimely unfortunate dilapidated neglected crude in a state messed up worse for wear irresistible flighty giddy like a loose cannon roller-coaster unsettled teasing worthless raunchy offending inconvenient inopportune unlimited unconfined wassailing sinning sly foxy unimpeded unsuppressed incontinent unexpected unanticipated ill-timed erring deviant shaking perturbed infantile strenuous storming kiddish demonstrative stern thoughtless bitter immature childish disrespectful unsubmissive volatile revolting terrorist cruel dissolute untrammeled running wild reveling culpable guilty transgressing maniacal manic full of confusion full of conflict full of upheavals bad-mannered surprising unforeseen disastrous unusual unpredicted mistimed tyrannous despotic terrorizing uncultivated infringing piratical uncivilised heterodox terrorising unregulated unpeaceful uncivilized joyous carefree hearty impatient hasty widespread straying sprightly cavorting jovial hyper deliberate needless unjustified senseless epidemic not controlled full of ups and downs unwelcome infelicitous inapt unsuitable inappropriate unlucky inauspicious rife devil-may-care hot-headed short-fused easily provoked on a short fuse unprovoked exacting tiring carried away pandemic dominant rank rollicksome fun-loving happy glad lighthearted thumping ripping heretic meandering errable shifting stray deviating miscreant devious fallible unreliable fay sportful antic elfish larky prevalent flagrant pervasive gratuitous groundless motiveless malapropos badly timed unseasonable eventful arduous fervent obsessive litigious hog-wild beside yourself luxuriant profuse laborious exhausting unjustifiable spreading blustering exceeding bounds fecund extravagant spreading like wildfire flourishing rambling proliferating predominant extensive multiplying on the rampage growing gladiatorial agonistic cavilling Saturnalian Dionysiac off straight and narrow like one possessed misfortunate hapless luckless unpropitious unpleasant ill-starred star-crossed ludic skittish keen severe testing harsh unsparing taxing buoyant willed unmotivated assaultive pettish controversial polemical polemic battling brawly fighting grouchy eager infatuated devoted ardent fixated dedicated obsessed full bustling flustering madhouse tireless ructious arguesome wrangling bickering brute sadistic inhumane aimless atrocious heartless butcherly inhuman barbaric burning compulsive over-enthusiastic churlish war thin-skinned have chip on shoulder caviling vivacious sunny busy bumpy onerous full on wearing imperious coltish action-packed unjust unfair double-crossing merciless breezy dotty potty visionary hooked zealous gung-ho bubbly cheery zestful bigoted wackadoodle overenthusiastic wackadoo chirpy upbeat peart peppy gladsome sparky chipper sparkling zingy gay blithesome blithe biased nuts for monomaniacal fanatical partial bugged domineering high on credulous fanatic possessed turned on addicted bubbling rhapsodical of good cheer full of life light-hearted as merry as a grig bubbling over

Tính từ

Not bendable
uncompliant intractable obdurate unbending uncompromising firm adamant perverse inflexible dogged implacable headstrong refractory willful rigid unyielding intransigent mulish relentless inexorable recalcitrant unrelenting pertinacious contumacious determined opinionated steadfast fixed adamantine bullheaded hardheaded pigheaded rebellious unmanageable insubordinate incompliant unbendable tenacious iron remorseless cussed unshakable persistent untoward persevering unreasonable cantankerous tough brassbound grim ornery mule stiff-necked single-minded self-willed die-hard set in one's ways obstinate stubborn wilful immovable ossified inconvincible hardened hard bull-headed hard-nosed self-opinionated uncooperative indurate pat bloody-minded unmalleable unpersuadable unshakeable bolshie contrary froward iron-willed strong-minded strong-willed cross-grained resolute steely restive unflinching indomitable stroppy difficult contrarious wrong-headed stubborn as a mule pig-headed unaccommodating unwavering hard-line hardline diehard obstreperous stiff haughty inveterate unbudgeable resolved defiant unreceptive boneheaded unalterable as stubborn as a mule proud aloof dogmatic heady opinionative unmoved unbreakable narrow-minded hard and fast convinced with one's toes dug in locked in dead set on with one's feet dug in deaf to reason unadaptable stalwart awkward rock-ribbed strict unswerving staunch unappeasable harsh indefatigable insistent unswayable rigorous stern unfaltering tireless assiduous unsparing unflagging set bound set in stone severe stringent steady merciless purposeful pitiless ruthless decided sedulous importunate dyed-in-the-wool dead set bound and determined unmovable standing one's ground hanging tough dour draconian cruel unstoppable exacting untiring intent stable unforgiving undeviating cast-iron iron-fisted unchangeable rugged hard as nails hard-core not giving an inch brick-wall standing pat unremitting formidable inalterable hidebound oppressive game stiffened noncompliant resistant blinkered authoritarian non-compliant immutable renitent forbidding disciplinary illiberal picky uptight immalleable durable set in your ways unvacillating unchanging fast unhesitating stout diligent patient puritanical invariable do or die crisp hold the line hold one's ground sticking to one's guns dug in stony hold the fort unflexible doctrinaire thick-skinned sturdy hardy toughened enduring solid unimpressible unpermissive stuffy unrepentant hardhearted bullhead tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion uncompassionate unemotional impertinent mean unmollifiable unplacatable inescapable iron-handed unpacifiable persisting perseverant in for long haul like bad penny sticky no-nonsense heavy-handed ineluctable necessary ironclad mean business no going back hell bent on like death and taxes immobile compulsory unabated mortal hard-headed pounding settled definite whole-hearted assertive true emphatic constant in earnest committed determinate decisive dominant certain prevailing sure unshaken inexpugnable unqualified seasoned domineering stand pat hell-bent on going do-or-die hell-bent upon bent on bent upon hang tough through-and-through explicit bent consistent positive hard-and-fast never-failing strong categorical

Tính từ

(of a person, attitude, or situation) Having the characteristics of a pessimist
negative pessimistic defeatist gloomy gloom-ridden cynical bleak fatalistic dismissive anti antipathetic unwilling uncooperative discouraging obstructive resistive unconstructive resisting unenthusiastic cool cold uninterested weak unresponsive apathetic dejected despondent downbeat depressed hopeless discouraged melancholy demoralized despairing demoralised morose glum lugubrious downhearted black disheartened miserable bearish unhappy desolate sullen disconsolate sad unhopeful dismal dark foreboding suspicious distrustful doubting cheerless alarmist doleful resigned joyless morbid troubled mournful downcast saturnine forlorn dispirited woebegone blue heartbroken brokenhearted desperate inconsolable depressing sombre somber doubtful bitter sepulchral unfortunate wretched gray grey comfortless down crestfallen melancholic low-spirited low disappointed cast down anguished distressed dolorous heavy-hearted upset moody sorrowful heavyhearted droopy heartsick heartsore saddened sulky fed up down in the dumps broken-hearted given to looking on the black side down in the mouth grief-stricken uncertain ineffectual unhelpful unconfident defeated unfavorable unfavourable misanthropic nonconstructive spineless worried looking on the dark side looking on the black side unoptimistic in doldrums hurt down in dumps crabby languished broken emotional out of sorts dysphoric bowed down aggrieved teary in tears languorous triste tristful bereaved listless weepy down-hearted sick at heart languid pensive wistful down in mouth in grief spiritless in the dumps grieved hapless tearful regretful oppressed helpless pained tragic abject crabbed chapfallen long-faced sour weary doomed bad dour grumpy woeful hangdog sorry churlish mirthless surly in low spirits huffy adust chap-fallen ill-humoured unmitigable sunk brassed off ill-humored cheesed off bummed out in the doldrums up the creek in pain long-suffering in despair without hope grim grave dreary drab disheartening dispiriting funereal worrying dim harsh horrid oppressive austere chilly Eeyorish dreich depressive elegiac elegiacal godforsaken solemn drear dire murky chill plutonian Cimmerian darkening tenebrous lonesome sunless lonely cloudy tenebrific unpromising inauspicious devastated doomy disappointing doom-laden saddening distressing sorrowing suicidal moping unlikely unpropitious unencouraging full of despair serious grieving sinister scaremongering demoralizing mourning dirge-like horrible ominous dirgelike daunting crushing atrocious fraught distraught brooding overcome acherontic acheronian sunk in gloom disenchanting off-putting sickening frantic anxious frowning humourless sober in a blue funk having blue devils taciturn humorless singing the blues having the blahs glowering blue funk dragged mopish broody ugly at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end dejecting upsetting no-win strabilious demoralising can't win at the end of your tether weighed down in the pits in the soup not a prayer at end of one's rope shot down panicky exaggerated hysterical

Từ trái nghĩa của balky

balky Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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