Đồng nghĩa của consistent

Alternative for consistent

Trái nghĩa: inconsistent,

Tính từ

Unchanging in nature, standard, or effect
constant stable steady dependable even regular reliable unchanging undeviating uniform homogeneous persistent unswerving unvarying orderly predictable unfailing unfluctuating unwavering invariable same true expected true to type fixed changeless invariant continuous perpetual uninterrupted set unvaried unchanged continual unfaltering unbroken unalterable eternal steadfast immutable immovable static firm resolute rhythmic equable inflexible ceaseless permanent abiding enduring unchangeable smooth monotonous continuing habitual unremitting sustained decided relentless stationary lasting stabile standardized standardised level hard-and-fast sure unshaken never-ending straight solid staunch unrelenting unshakable never-failing rigid metrical incessant systematic settled equal unmodifiable nonstop endless resolved unflagging determined unfading unyielding certain unshakeable unqualified single-minded unaltered regulated set in stone frozen dead set on identical similar unaffected fast tranquil alike incommutable unrelieved inalterable untiring irreversible symmetrical undiversified matching unceasing methodical faithful homogenous repeated unhesitating unaltering periodical periodic established unending balanced compatible consonant measured dedicated indefatigable tireless unvacillating arranged undying dogged pat inexorable intense unflappable steady-going hard determinate inexpugnable definite brick-wall on an even keel hard and fast dyed-in-the-wool flowing fluent fluid frictionless unmodified unbothered unmoved untouched graded everlasting standing timeless perennial indefinite long-lasting regularized regularised deep-rooted cast-iron interminable unabated unabating non-stop cadenced solid as rock moderate temperate rhythmical plain inevitable strong indestructible ineradicable imperishable like the Rock of Gibralter fair non-extreme never-changing ageless lifelong perdurable unmovable cadent recurring systematized calm infallible patterned boundless agreed final equivalent inexhaustible systematised congruous alternating punctual mechanical harmonious precise cyclic successive accordant serial metric composed specified exact deliberate incorrigible fateful well-proportioned ordered ossified fated normal plumb monolithic well-balanced unruffled serene predetermined nonnegotiable preset flat fail-safe loyal unlimited surefire can't-miss unerring in order bottomless coolheaded undisturbed limpid peaceful unemotional sedate collected recollected cool untroubled placid possessed tried and true diligent tried and tested assiduous absolute tried-and-true delivering there come-through trustworthy counted on rock solid of a piece strict unworried unperturbed together frequent adamant unflinching obdurate unbending nonrandom stalwart akin undistinguishable comparable self-possessed self-composed even-tempered insistent whole-hearted assertive emphatic intransigent stubborn obstinate analogous cognate kindred in earnest hard-line committed implacable bound decisive dominant unmalleable purposeful intent prevailing hardened tenacious seasoned domineering persevering not changing all alike harmonised harmonized stand pat hell-bent on going strong-willed do-or-die hell-bent upon bent on bent upon hang tough through-and-through explicit bent positive all the same all one much the same all-year-round round-the-clock of the same kind all of a piece much of a muchness uncompromising pertinacious devoted vigorous earnest spirited indomitable ardent driven strong-minded tough zealous forceful undaunted indurate devout willful steely hard-nosed bold stout stiff headstrong bullheaded mulish enthusiastic rock-ribbed stiff-necked dead set true-blue pigheaded keen intractable rigorous passionate wholehearted wilful adamantine serious fervent gutsy gritty grim iron-willed self-willed mettlesome trusty valiant perseverant patient fanatical plucky sedulous opinionated sturdy full of determination hardheaded inconvincible bound and determined industrious pious courageous diehard persisting secure good stringent active deep-dyed stout-hearted unappeasable perverse durable dutiful brave stanch ruthless self-opinionated stern motivated avid long-standing strenuous confirmed inveterate genuine allegiant exacting down-the-line hardline ambitious card-carrying harsh purposive aggressive spunky unwearied enterprising eager doughty energetic lionhearted complete manful pushy entrenched severe sworn true blue fervid unsparing hell-bent obsessed fierce ironclad unbendable focused continued bulldog go-getting importunate unstoppable militant sincere hard-working confident hard-core focussed die-hard unquestioning locked in unpersuadable hanging tough iron fearless mad keen hard-driving thorough running self-starting long-established ongoing self-driven rooted goal-oriented self-assertive thoroughgoing chronic unadaptable ingrained remorseless high-spirited vehement aspiring rugged long-lived set on meaning business out-and-out out unswayable unafraid immortal total through and through impassive hearty immobile conscientious resilient impassioned tried tight close draconian long-term unblinking indelible deep patriotic impervious merciless sound unswervable four-square utter weariless unwearying compulsive dynamic attached dateless bloody-minded pitiless adherent thirsty brassbound inspired pledged hungry desirous obsessive striving iron-fisted unapologetic unashamed incurable unshrinking irremovable never-tiring not giving an inch red-hot irrepressible robust unreserved trusted eager beaver orthodox full responsible impermeable keen as mustard stop at nothing unconditional remaining true-hearted intrepid prearranged surviving uncooperative planned entire cruel sealed stated dour rock-solid impenetrable unequivocal in the bag unquenchable stiffened refractory profound unwaning redoubtable lusty categorical authoritarian daring painstaking fiery bull-headed impregnable heroic gung ho unforgiving recurrent unsinkable still ferocious unmoving supportive concrete laborious staying repetitive revering monomaniacal burning quiescent venerating heartfelt sempiternal honorable honourable full-bore unrepentant independent feisty studious undeterred unpermissive assured liege resistant arrant right-down oft-repeated around-the-clock progressive pioneering bosom tough nut dug in heavy-handed boon tough-minded bred-in-the-bone incompliant self-confident deep-seated well-established round the clock standing pat mean business bona fide hardy self-asserting hell bent on self-seeking get up and go power-hungry ever-abiding writ in stone hard as nails power-loving high-reaching unassailable direct hardboiled buckled down self-disciplined firmly-based well-founded restless unaccommodating ever-enduring recalcitrant bombproof emotionless realistic immoveable unbudgeable gallant day-and-night unintimidated mullish radical oppressive valorous perseverative hopeless cocksure balky uninfluenced Herculean consecutive unalleviated connected aeonian forbidding disciplinary illiberal dauntless perfervid hardworking imperturbable nerveless hellbent uptight picky narrow-minded formidable hopeful cohesive renitent stony-hearted unimpressionable adventurous immoderate extreme game coherent immalleable uncompliant without respite high-powered unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable trustable true to life uncontrollable iron-jawed puritanical possessive unforgetful austere thrusting unsentimental dinkum beyond hope self-motivated safe hard-boiled ungiving inseparable prolonged pounding mortal hard-headed stubborn as a mule real unstinting unambiguous going all the way audacious steamroller nervy powerhouse calculable bulletproof sticky world-without-end amaranthine ramrod honest truthful upright incorruptible nose to grindstone telelogical calculated stuffy ineluctable adoring goody-goody worshipping worshiping heart-and-soul pietistic undiscouraged pressing urgent demanding plugging jumping go-go grind unstinted hyper perky fireball plodding sagacious unmitigated unrestricted undivided manly greathearted gutty stouthearted undauntable heroical intent on single-minded about firm about like a ball of fire on the make desiring success necessary compulsory regimented inexpungible indissoluble longstanding old forever pig-headed well balanced well-built stick to guns set in concrete unalloyed unadulterated undismayed no-nonsense clear-sighted in place in position all out flat-out straight out engagé dyed-in-the wool on a treadmill day and night tough nut to crack decided upon cut-and-dried strait-laced playing hard ball be out for blood nose to the grindstone allotted lion-hearted tall in the saddle on one's mettle insistent on intent upon determined to committed to the idea of fundamentalist never give up as thick as thieves truehearted thick-skinned toughened behind one disciplined controlled nonmoving well grounded dogmatic unflexible crisp doctrinaire interminate unfeigned undiluted warm outright exigent goody two-shoes defined decreed prescribed religious consumed compelled firm in spirit perceptive animated mean two-fisted resourceful take charge not put off not discouraged perfectionistic principled poised unbudging single-hearted old faithful in good faith intrenched traditional conservative reverent in for long haul express inextinguishable unconstrained in a straight line instilled congenital infixed deep-down full-fledged like bad penny as keen as mustard true to the end given over to authentic fullhearted confining binding never-ceasing nonmotile pure prayerful in for the long haul till the cows come home obsessive about inflexible about fixated on fanatical about proved competitive do or die hold one's ground hold the fort sticking to one's guns standing one's ground hold the line no going back galvanized impelled torrid impenitent supreme irredeemable unreformable longtime definitive stipulated immotile like death and taxes pushful peremptory cutthroat unmanageable insuppressible unrestrainable uncontainable unrestrained staying put solid as a rock to the core out and out deeply ingrained bitter stony furious granite induced fixated obsessional accustomed inured habituated staid motionless statuelike bloodthirsty not subject to change living sicker imperative clamant crying resounding reiterative imperious dire pushed steered guided impulsive besetting galvanised defiant warlike gladiatorial brutal scrappy hundred percent whole-souled wild massed without reservations solidified husky taut cut-throat self-assured can-do closely controlled strictly controlled rigidly enforced idealistic well established deep-set hard-shell all-consuming firmly established full-blooded intensely competitive in-your-face fiercely competitive having killer instinct dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure go for broke implicit blocked out of control concentrated remove compact dimensional consolidated urged on long-running anchored compacted rocklike impliable nailed quiet hitched hooked situated locked located thick congealed made fast swift forthright prompt rapid dense jellied brick wall rock-hard non-flexible detail oriented like a rock on one's side water-resistant imperviable watertight invulnerable waterproof really hard very hard constructive undeclared taken for granted tacit accurate implied understood inarticulate unquestioned latent contained unexpressed unspoken virtual undoubting practical implicative inferential unuttered inferred unsaid immune closed water-repellent impassable unreceptive hermetic proof unfeeling unpierceable inaccessible unapproachable hermetically sealed rainproof

Tính từ

(consistent with) Compatible or in agreement with something
consonant harmonious compatible accordant congruous agreeing coherent congruent concordant logical nonconflicting reconcilable agreeable conformable congenial equable like matching sympathetic conformable to conforming to corresponding to in accord in harmony in keeping in line in tune according to conforming with correspondent to correspondent with of a piece all of a piece corresponding similar correspondent identical in agreement uniform comparable alike parallel analogous same suitable akin kindred equivalent equal homogeneous homogenous complementary conforming fitting appropriate matched undifferentiated proper cognate in step indistinguishable duplicate related resemblant fit harmonizing harmonising homologous resembling concurring selfsame commensurate cooperative coordinated close near synonymous suchlike ditto interchangeable connate tantamount the same undiverse substitutable unvaried meet much the same harmonised harmonized befitting proportionate such twinlike undifferenced like-minded in time on the same wavelength cut from the same cloth on par much of a muchness apt becoming according coincident attuned agnate unvarying seemly standardised standardized companionable friendly adapted coordinating symphonious well-suited nice pleasing unanimous united exact reminiscent analogical coequal double on the same page one and the same coming from the same direction singing the same song of one mind of the same mind of a kind coinciding concurrent symmetrical in conformity in concert treadmill mated almost identical exchangeable supportive in parallel in balance tallying corroborative corroboratory relatable like peas in a pod impossible to tell apart like two peas in a pod same difference of like mind approximative reciprocal twin corroborating complementing confirmational supporting coordinative melodious interoperable together well-matched adaptable companion jibing even correlative musical euphonious allied equaling substitute equalling tuneful cotton to euphonic congeneric congenerous allying kin relating coextensive having good vibes in sync with in the groove hitting it off getting along with symphonic decent carbon copy not unlike Xerox invariant dead ringer approximating connatural fungible canorous decorous correct polite genteel right apposite blending respectable suited conventional toning acceptable harmonious with in accordance with congruous with compatible with according with consistent with accordant with concordant with comme il faut in good taste de rigueur timely the done thing done thing in rapport in harmony with at one with in agreement with kindly sociable pleasant convivial genial hospitable comradely neighbourly amiable good-natured personable affable likeable frictionless cordial amicable simpatico complaisant sympathique well suited favourable neighborly easy to get along with clubby regular fellow right neighborly likable mellow happy favorable amical conversable gracious good-humoured good-humored jovial social more or less the same

Tính từ

Based on, or displaying, common sense, logic, or rationality
coherent rational logical reasonable reasoned sound articulate lucid orderly systematic clear comprehensible intelligible analytic analytical cogent consequent good methodical organised organized relevant sensible valid well-founded well-grounded joined-up meaningful well reasoned identified well organized plausible commonsensical convincing compelling justified pertinent justifiable judicious legit legitimate telling solid just commonsense sober intelligent informed commonsensible levelheaded congruent perceptive perspicuous wise fair discerning kosher well thought out holding water credible firm germane inferential deducible discriminating holding together strong effective conclusive forceful powerful persuasive weighty efficacious potent authoritative ratiocinative practical realistic believable prudent acceptable well founded viable right grounded sane probable deductive well-thought-out well grounded well-advised well advised well-reasoned extensional juridicious necessary subtle obvious well-organized hard well-expressed considered well-presented well presented well expressed well-structured plain substantial sustainable thought through bona fide defensible accurate supportable maintainable proven balanced defendable irrefutable confirmed arguable true workable astute pragmatic reliable determinative vindicable stable uncorrupted attested tested intellectual trustworthy equitable objective tenable decent influential impressive irresistible down-to-earth clear-headed advisable understandable thoughtful impartial sapient able to hold water matter-of-fact percipient moderate restrained conservative controlled reflective temperate unprejudiced feasible eloquent unanswerable cognitive unexcessive admissible making sense unbiased standing to reason politic knowing cerebral thinking together cool circumspect unextreme thought-out compulsive decisive urgent forcible satisfying level-headed fair-minded evenhanded clear-cut open to reason in one's right mind based on good sense full of common sense apt puissant satisfactory significant apposite suasive momentous consequential inducing convictive fitting inductive likely syllogistic possible sagacious shrewd practicable conceivable proper warranted appropriate suitable doable imaginable sage achievable expedient fit attainable rightful within the bounds of possibility accomplishable realizable cautious warrantable befitting thinkable correct enlightened realisable reasoning canny discreet applicable allowable creditable excusable insightful far-sighted explainable careful permissible due merited within the realms of possibility perspicacious deserved manageable calculating condign common-sense supposable desirable verisimilar useful vigilant considerate presumable okay mature explicable responsible modest usable potential obtainable condonable clever lawful efficient presumptive tactical precise sharp straight no-nonsense within reason within reach felicitous provident convenient steady clear-sighted accountable tolerable worldly-wise dispassionate advantageous handy requisite mild savvy passable substantiated pardonable functional smart cogitable strategic factual reachable sincere useable all there working meticulous even seemly actionable serviceable unassailable acquirable earned colourable middle-of-the-road opportune judgmatical judgmatic exact thorough authentic applicative regular timely disciplined meet apparent competent empirical colorable validated reserved gettable anticipated earthly suited happy seasonable well judged pragmatical clear-eyed utile hard-headed fitted trusty well deserved well earned dinkum normal sufficient graceful genuine forgivable definable safe legal licit incontrovertible beneficial venial worthwhile corroborated healthy benign permitted having all one's marbles collected diplomatic bearable constructive accepted favourable deliberate remissible faultless philosophic recognized pukka central keen expected incontestable accessible veridical veracious impeccable well-informed secure unquestionable odds-on well-judged procurable securable specious unimpassioned comfortable recognised nonpartisan promising wary operative measured assuasive compromising mortal serious-minded predictable profound unidealistic favorable performable noncommittal emphatic businesslike presumed empiric steady-going real-world attentive open worthy stringent foreseeable centrist orthodox dependable commodious acute solvable faithful tried aboveboard helpful right-minded heedful easy believeable hopeful applied within limits rock-solid get-at-able honest ostensible farsighted on the ball seeming moving well-timed well timed punchy mighty powerhouse righteous user friendly ultrapractical vindicated up front in the cards uncontroversial not excessive well thought-out on the cards assertable reassuring educated operational unsurprising knowledgeable learned operable fair enough verifiable recommended profitable well-earned estimable allowed enterprising mental supported real acknowledged proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted impregnable gainful of use intuitive undeniable endurable well informed conceptual punctilious comprehendible conjecturable resourceful brainy well balanced mentally stable cognizant harmonious aware affordable sufferable brookable undistorted strict hard-nosed scrupulous fastidious implicit prosaic straightforward unemotional tolerated qualified cluey thoughty studious based on hard data based on hard facts certain synthetic infallible trustable inferrible well a good idea probably within possibility finicky visionary incisive conversant utilizable utilisable OK sanctioned cold cast-iron rigorous errorless sure truthful inerrant verified derivable inferable true-to-life carrying conviction swaying well-balanced tolerant favourite favorite au courant deep honest-to-god fiduciary credential concedable insistent with both feet on the ground with one's feet on the ground with both one's feet on the ground showing great knowledge with great knowledge certified definite calculable explicit flawless watertight established non-extreme non-radical honest to God minor slight hardheaded heady within the realm of possibility in right mind lenient abstinent peaceable perfect thinking twice leery playing safe hedging one's bets within the limits above board practiced remittable winnable at hand right-thinking propitious untroubled detail oriented well considered available utilized used exercised non-reactionary within the law not unlikely not impossible agreeable becoming ideal guarded low reprievable exculpatory vindicatory trivial sober-minded composed even-tempered sobersided not given to excesses ordered within realm of possibility graspable true to life with a ring of truth tactful conducive fortunate golden lucky accommodating auspicious higher-order adapted correlated related experiential pithy by the book methodic up to standard swell in character up to snuff good enough copacetic in keeping fit for purpose cut out for right up someone's street to the point in keeping with nice presentable pawky skilful holding up got it together standing up ripe done providential constraining virile take-over steamroller titanic gutsy electric elemental take-charge punch argute pacific all right not too bad practised utilised structured on-target letter-perfect dead-on spot-on chary skillful sophisticated judicial neutral midway indifferent inexpensive to be expected a good bet a reasonable bet a fair bet ten to one quite possible reasonable to think illusory capable philosophical holding up in wash moralistic official moral authorized virtuous ethical principled canonical noble authorised card-carrying up for grabs cherry pie no problem duck soup no sweat systematized coordinated non-theoretical brought to bear hands-on enforced smooth able to think clearly capable of thought of sound mind able to reason clearly compos mentis medium warm checked regulated constant curbed muted close-lipped comely best adequate coming on strong ball of fire impactful striking able resolvable interpretable piece of cake unexaggerated understated contemplative introspective on the level twenty-four carat on the up and up in principle glib close-mouthed quick-witted successful well-deserved heaven-sent abstemious smooth-talking smooth-tongued a priori soluble answerable ruminative deliberative pensive heads-up long-headed utilitarian softly-softly kid-glove delicate comme il faut aggressive exciting charming energetic histrionical imposing direct theatric important performant vehement grand material trenchant definitive high-powered enthusiastic hard-hitting vivid dramatic expressive inconsiderable gingerly on lookout watchful cagey awake like a clam civil alert observant having foresight not rash precautious cultured ruminating cogitative deliberating fair-spoken assumed explicatable exponible systematised meditative supposed non-excessive well ordered straightened out well regulated well run conformist unromantic on the fence understood prospective believed very likely like enough meditating user-friendly discernible decipherable awaited hypothetical inferred within due limits both feet on the ground nuts and bolts step-by-step circumstantial assumptive presumptuous mainstream able to be done most likely

Tính từ

Carried out using a planned, ordered procedure
ordered arranged controlled efficient orderly organised organized regimented regular rigid self-controlled steady strict structured well-arranged well-ordered disciplined systematised systematized tidy well thought-out all together businesslike in good shape in order law-abiding methodical neat peaceable precise shipshape systematic well-behaved well-organized standardized coherent coordinated methodized standardised planned routine standard methodic formal careful practical logical fastidious analytical thoroughgoing meticulous exact complete well organized out-and-out well ordered joined-up well thought out integrated cohesive consolidated collective unified harmonious cooperative united assimilated combined organic regulated fixed together spick-and-span well-regulated effective supervised scrupulous systematical governed well-kept measured painstaking well regulated trim deliberate delimited clean classified restricted formulated severe closely controlled well planned on a tight rein in apple-pie order skillful directed skilful managed settled strictly controlled uniform uncluttered punctilious correct spruce thorough prim kempt trig immaculate straightened out crisp tidied straight groomed snug smug bandbox antiseptic slick tricksy chipper well-groomed sorted out well kept in good order neat and tidy spick and span picked up by the book by the numbers shipshape and Bristol fashion to rights as neat as a new pin well-maintained restrained reduced nonrandom harsh monitored spotless superintended adapted set adjusted piloted administered Bristol fashion as fresh as paint in tip-top condition sensible in sync no-nonsense guided exacting rigorous reasonable professional ruled correlated cataloged tabulated conscientious well run regimental framed alike rangé scientific set-up conventional negotiated contrived enforced grouped formed catalogued prearranged prepared workaday matter-of-fact unchanging even unvarying unvaried competent monotonous strictly regulated unbroken dull in shape neat as button neat as pin heedful conscionable punctual fussy finicky demanding practised pragmatic sedulous diligent expeditious earnest practiced accomplished serious enterprising direct industrious concentrated purposeful intent hardworking sleek cleanly presentable well-turned-out well arranged apple-pie order neat as a pin

Tính từ

Devoted completely to one object
undivided whole entire complete concentrated full total exclusive collective focused thorough unbroken undistracted wholehearted absolute engrossed unadulterated unalloyed unmitigated unqualified unreserved unshared absorbed consummate dedicated focussed sincere unflagging united unswerving attentive committed concerted continued scrupulous unanimous all circumspect deliberate detailed diligent fast fixed intense intent minute rigid steady vigilant out-and-out lock stock and barrel utter categorical outright unconditional thoroughgoing solid pure perfect sheer downright all-out arrant categoric unequivocal unlimited unrestricted positive profound stark clean definite unambiguous flat-out straight-out deep-dyed flat dead rank undiluted dreadful without reservations steadfast unstinting real ultimate veritable deadly plumb blooming fair simple even regular cotton-picking full-on dyed-in-the-wool straight out exact earnest determined emphatic round exhaustive comprehensive firm sure unfaltering unvarnished enduring full-blown abiding bodacious blank stone very precise full-scale crashing unabridged proper right never-failing through and through no catch without reservation utmost grand strict effusive gushing resounding overwhelming faultless decided conclusive overall plenary to the exclusion of everything else terminal infernal express blessed explicit confounded blasted certain unrestrained clear surpassing inveterate systematic unimpaired maximal unmixed unmodified unconstrained undiminished unsurpassed true-blue full-bore rightly so called right-down in every respect no ifs ands or buts stone-cold no joke without limit without qualification all out observant concentrating enrapt single-minded studious preoccupied occupied fixated watchful resolved inflexible deep alert immersed unshakeable true genuine enthusiastic staunch fervent unflinching zealous hearty obsessive fanatical obsessed devoted unwavering heartfelt ardent serious warm stalwart unfeigned unquestioning strong-minded persistent dogged wrapped up driven intensive motivated resolute fullhearted loyal impassioned constant passionate authentic whole-hearted hundred percent whole-souled bona fide prize undisputed infinite overarching limitless uninterrupted inclusive totalitarian sweeping in-depth plain direct straightforward unmistakable extreme blunt unquestionable frank straight undisguised decisive candid indubitable clear-cut open forthright honest undeniable patent bald gross supreme upfront naked obvious straight from the shoulder outspoken definitive final blatant point-blank plain-spoken overt incontrovertible incontestable glaring evident palpable wholesale unremitting harsh indisputable manifest flagrant assured set uncompromising truthful unbounded transparent matter-of-fact brutal determinate maximum valid barefaced unexaggerated irrefutable unrelenting relentless specific unconcealed convincing no-nonsense severe reliable uttermost no holds barred unveiled unshakable unshaken brazen unadorned unrelieved accurate plainspoken bluff all-fired undoubted forthcoming unyielding distinct undeviating openhearted actual realistic uninhibited unbending undiplomatic immovable tactless freehearted inexorable point blank established confirmed dependable free-spoken warts and all no fine print true to life dead set on unfailing untiring unchanging unvarying egregious faithful apparent assertive insistent max pat nth unfluctuating unhesitating top indefatigable tireless wide unembellished last matchless unvacillating adamant unguarded out and out authoritative bare sustained unflappable verifiable literal persevering straight-from-the-shoulder hard stubborn bound up-front out-front straight to the point crystal clear stable open and shut straight-talking straight-shooting no kicker no strings speaking as one finds not afraid to call a spade a spade sovereign undoubting undisputable black-and-white chronic guaranteed omnipotent mere most apodictic unchangeable uncontestable austere doubtless confident unalleviated changeless paramount cut-and-dried abrupt pronounced tangible secure shameless conspicuous beyond question peremptory artless demonstrable sound atrocious settled unblemished devout monstrous major capital uniform black and white good unerring everlasting double-dyed peerless outrageous rigorous foursquare proven as sure as eggs is eggs enormous univocal lucid invariant rude pious perspicuous ringing trenchant certified sure-enough certifiable tenacious stanch well defined solemn understandable significant obdurate unalterable down-the-line factual brick-wall raw concrete through-and-through grievous one hundred per cent inexpugnable preeminent inerrant abundant uncontrolled endless extraordinary allegiant stated no strings attached in the bag bent on eternal up front set in stone perpetual call a spade a spade unmovable not beating around the bush hard-and-fast from the hip like it is clearly expressed plenipotentiary neat nonblended strong full-strength incessant bloody continuous true blue telling free from doubt persuaded convinced satisfied for a fact quite single altogether unfettered all-encompassing fundamental shallow simplistic drastic staring unstinted unregenerate optimum infamous notorious vile forward royal unconditioned jejune naive glib huge crass very great uncorrupted wholesome unabated cold trusty untempered unmoderated unmollified without reserve no beating around the bush unblended no lie open-ended excellent unsurpassable errant perfected transcendent flawless ideal inimitable impeccable finished oppressive unornamented plain vanilla undecorated with no strings horrible easily understandable on the nose infallible grim unsoftened untarnished untouched unaltered habitual undying hellacious quintessential superlative predominant patchy threadbare worn inevitable liege immobile tried-and-true trustworthy pigheaded mulish stiff-necked pre-eminent unbound tyrannical all-powerful boundless forceful beyond doubt compelling unassailable highest foolproof irrevocable right royal great acute almighty tremendous shocking deciding clinching intrinsic for real biggest supportive durable topmost recognized surefire confirmable energetic vigorous free natural unevasive audacious heinous establishable inarguable radical preposterous greatest vehement guileless ingenuous farthest in every way forcible scandalous disgraceful inordinate shameful striking terrible reprehensible fail-safe sure-fire can't-miss recognised questionless safe failsafe going all the way meaning business bound and determined thundering uber authenticated especial effective substantiated de facto legitimate perceptible inescapable demonstrated verified existent saying what one thinks calling spade a spade lay it on the line aboveboard bare-faced laying it on the line farthermost exorbitant villainous excessive iniquitous wicked concluding state-of-the-art settling limiting terminating determining completing finishing closing ending unambivalent immoderate outermost furthermost irrefragable nonambiguous greatest amount of greatest possible unquestioned furthest luculent brusque personal immediate obstinate intransigent brass-necked spot-on agreed pellucid unblurred hard-line implacable dominant in earnest purposeful unmalleable unchallengeable aggressive violent full-blooded strenuous muscular dynamic remotest prevailing hardened domineering seasoned bold arranged preset comprehensible luminous intelligible short curt unceremonious dinkum nailed down intricate meticulous experienced uncontested going bent predetermined allotted specified prearranged outmost limpid broad lucent crystal hell-bent on strong-willed bent upon hang tough stand pat do-or-die hell-bent upon pukka on-target echt dead-on so satisfactory pucka defined decreed prescribed dogmatic stressed important impressive pointed sober cogent accented potent extensive endmost aftermost sharp indelicate terse gruff unarguable persuasive uncontradicted accomplished unanswerable planned inalterable frozen incommutable immutable invariable bald-faced plain-speaking admissible caustic crisp unblinking irreversible open-and-shut crystal-clear penetrating firsthand short-spoken brusk snippy crusty hard-hitting to the point impolite easily understood self-evident bright-line nailed-on no mistake for a face veridical unmistaken undistorted watertight immaculate amen bang on unmodifiable hard and fast not subject to change cast-iron writ in stone stipulated still unpolished uncivil discourteous ultra chief too much furthest away last straw out of bounds farthest away too-too worst case encyclopedic particular essential elemental elaborate snappy brief hands-down pulling no punches right on beyond a doubt special encyclopaedic intimate first-hand not mincing one's words speaking one's mind calling a spade a spade not beating about the bush most extreme most distant

Tính từ

Characteristic of a particular person or thing
typical characteristic customary common standard usual accepted average conventional expected familiar habitual inherent natural normal ordinary orthodox prevalent representative routine stock symptomatic traditional accustomed anticipated chronic commonplace emblematic everyday foreseeable foreseen frequent indicative predictable prescriptive reliable unremarkable distinctive distinguishing established formulaic idiosyncratic likely proper proverbial regular steady ubiquitous unexceptional unsurprising acknowledged cliched clichéd individualistic native recognised recognized set wonted in character in keeping bog-standard to be expected true to form par for the course time-honoured true to type run-of-the-mill standard-issue cut-and-dried cut-and-dry on the cards only to be expected old hat … all over fixed constant repeated periodic general periodical disciplined mechanical reiterative ongoing iterative perfunctory addicting seasoned iterated methodical repetitious rooted automatic systematic practised permanent cyclic long-term practiced popular quotidian prevailing household settled garden-variety classic daily universal common or garden workaday mainstream prosaic classical plain day-to-day widespread time-honored long-established garden variety old ritual prescribed confirmed stereotyped stereotypical rife archetypical public mundane historic vanilla rampant ritualistic true archetypal pervasive current proven age-old going received regulation folk enduring ancestral lasting tried and true tried and tested overall majority generic acceptable undistinguished sanctioned ruling garden humdrum typic simple ancient staple widely used matter-of-course homespun dull middle-of-the-road inveterate agreed endemic vintage taken for granted persistent long-lived old-world long-standing old-time approved recurring extensive admitted scheduled ingrained domestic traditionary essential favourite favorite stable preferred collective well-known fashionable shared well established predominant uneventful old-fashioned so-so basic standardized mediocre indifferent immemorial characterless modest monotonous doctrinal humble standardised vulgar well worn a dime a dozen no great shakes in vogue widely held diurnal obvious respected gut default venerable comfortable discreet inconspicuous orderly seasonal diagnostic numerous recurrent acquired honored abiding known given used habituated perpetual OB hackneyed derived authorized immortal ageless in use boilerplate canonical staid endorsed understood acquainted chosen honoured timeless inferior fair mean ceremonial reiterated incessant profuse continual unsophisticated obligatory one-size-fits-all decided unadventurous conformist touted recognizable adopted family casual banal terrestrial unimaginative informal arranged specified past conservative unopposed passed legit okayed authorised recognisable unpretentious colourless nondescript perennial memorable unforgettable undying deathless predetermined de rigueur whitebread of choice in the habit of well known uninteresting boring unmemorable pedestrian unprogressive determined appointed dime-a-dozen nitty-gritty homely OK uninspiring plastic white-bread grind agreed upon prearranged appropriate inborn local inbred innate ornery common variety matter-of-fact mass wide conforming old school colorless trivial arrived at defined broad congruous not up to much nothing to write home about planned old line quintessential national blanket communal overarching global joint outright assigned recommended backward-looking earlier generation exemplary signature comprehensive stipulated unmistakable model textbook definitive consummate symbolic absolute ultimate prototypical broad-spectrum across-the-board total in circulation across the board sweeping in force epidemic broad-brush all-round nationwide societal wholesale all-around official paradigmatic ideal fundamental supreme dyed-in-the-wool entrenched well-established at its best at her best at his best deep-rooted traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized secure unshakable vested most common most typical

Tính từ

Likely to perform in difficult circumstances
go-to reliable dependable trusty clutch faithful steady solid steadfast unfailing calculable infallible trustable tried-and-true likely to perform safe as houses always there to be counted on attested recognized trustworthy sound proven responsible established reputable secure safe tried recognised honest stable strong sterling sure true trusted certain tested good proved constant approved staunch certified demonstrated failsafe classic tried and true used put to the test tried out fail-safe true-blue tried and tested time-honoured sturdy durable long-lasting robust firm stout resolute indestructible well-built well-made imperishable enduring honourable honorable lasting loyal fixed substantial toughened inured well-founded hardened perdurable tough well built resilient hard-wearing resistant heavy-duty sensible hardy unwavering unassailable well made settled strongly made steely competent reinforced conscientious airtight stalwart impregnable creditworthy definite fortified invulnerable unbreakable bulletproof invincible strengthened rock-solid conclusive cast-iron well constructed well fortified impervious bombproof built to last made to last flawless unswerving inexpugnable rocklike copper-bottomed carrying the load good as one's word assured perduring diuturnal long-continued tenacious confirmed verified checked authentic foolproof confident committed undoubted upheld supported verifiable demonstrable valid establishable accepted rugged immutable unchangeable rigid unanxious absolute undoubtful sanguine carefree able hopeful sustained compelling effective easy determined shoo-in impenetrable hard heavy immovable unshakeable armoured unshakable cogent balanced permanent indubitable inviolable hard as nails unyielding equable nailed down locked on error-tolerant cohesive fast impassible knockabout unattackable concrete armored rational unfaltering everlasting storm-resistant stormproof well defended well-protected well protected flourishing well-armed seasoned hard-bitten sane reasonable long-lived long-standing in the bag well balanced well-balanced deep-rooted mature well-defined well-constructed well-established well founded discreet adult capable upright capable of being trusted level-headed

Tính từ

Relevant or important with regard to (a subject or matter)
applicable appropriate fitting relevant apt befitting pertinent suitable apposite felicitous germane useful fit material related apropos significant suited becoming connected proper applicatory appurtenant associable compatible congruent congruous correlated fitted good helpful linked relative right salient valid kosher legit meet apropos of of use ad rem on target right on to the point to the purpose having to do with on the button on the nose having direct bearing on admissible important pointed pat pertaining to opportune pertaining relatable requisite consonant correct cognate allowable conformant pointful harmonious conforming accordant referring weighty concerning correspondent in point timely happy expedient convenient seemly propitious just favourable essential vital auspicious acceptable favorable well-chosen belonging key relating crucial worthy choice critical seasonable central qualified well-timed rightful pretty main primary pivotal noteworthy deserved ideal advantageous fundamental perfect well-suited in keeping adequate carefully selected tailor-made paramount due chief major serviceable decent decorous appertaining spot on principal remarkable comme il faut allied arresting influential providential operative beneficial condign notable applicative marked profitable indispensable able associated meaningful capable of interest neat dependent timeous fortuitous functional prepared feasible practical worthwhile adapted deserving ready valuable reasonable employable satisfactory productive beneficent best okay of note just right useable available usable conformable commodious made to order handy that's the ticket equal equitable of service good enough justified fairy-tale supplementary peripheral auxiliary accessorial supplemental accessory peculiar unique contingent rehearsed benign heaven-sent golden intrinsic inspired judicious about akin lucky ripe fortunate associated with connected with cardinal substantive desirable with respect in regard well chosen analogous just what was ordered well judged telling joyous well put well expressed convincing kindred on-topic of consequence well timed kindly welcome benefic usual benignant friendly exact predictable towardly expected win-win prosperous seasonal optimal salutary outstanding noticeable signal striking prominent pronounced conspicuous indicative appropriate to the time of year good for you normal for the time of year good for one precise sufficient advisable merited presentable interesting swell righteous politic copacetic nice predominant very model consummate absolute prototypical quintessential user friendly fit for purpose up to standard in character up to snuff cut out for right up someone's street in keeping with sensational archetypal on the money ultimate supreme just the job momentous topical prime obvious staple dominant basic equipped exploitable operable practicable preferable exciting serious historic urgent buzzworthy extraordinary front-page consequential great far-reaching constructive invaluable leading moving intrusive projecting protruding famous impressive arrestive jutting focal obtrusive imperative effective instrumental newsworthy -worthy allowed passable tolerable permitted permissible conducive behooveful in demand gainful strategic appreciated necessary respected needed rewarding fruitful meritorious admired exigent out of the ordinary of substance pressing of help hot loved esteemed worth its weight in gold of value of benefit of assistance held dear estimable worth it of the essence affiliated justifiable legitimate interconnected immediate standout foremost supportable tenable licit legal defensible lawful tolerated sensible sound worthful hot property scarce recognized OK sanctioned concomitant importunate definite of concern emphatic coupled accompanying corresponding rational possible logical pukka likely probable warranted fair concedable well founded solid vigorous above board recognised within the law by the book not unlikely not impossible high interdependent mutual tied up incident intertwined incidental knit together interrelated joint reciprocal in touch with complementary enmeshed interwoven

Tính từ

Free from defect or error
seamless perfect flawless impeccable faultless unblemished immaculate ideal irreproachable indefectible absolute coherent harmonious logical ordered smooth uniform uninterrupted picture-perfect picture-book letter-perfect spotless stainless pure exemplary model untarnished unsullied without fault squeaky clean innocent guiltless consummate sinless copybook intact whole without blemish unmarred above reproach blameless unimpeachable accurate correct incorrupt precise exact lily-white virtuous unerring sound undamaged pristine squeaky-clean clean unimpaired excellent exquisite clear unflawed beyond reproach unspoiled whiter than white undefiled classic error-free uncontaminated unbroken unmarked unpolluted supreme inculpable mint superlative cleanhanded unspoilt unspotted optimal uncorrupted errorless tip-top just so as sound as a bell as good as new on target as pure as the driven snow unexceptionable superb masterly outstanding entire meritorious exceptional honourable admirable honorable defectless prepared A1 untainted prime optimum spick-and-span finished peak irreprehensible irreprovable meticulous faithful scrupulous archetypal ultimate righteous good unblamable reproachless untouched foolproof quintessential complete idyllic fitting word-perfect snow white bang on spot on crimeless unguilty textbook best prototypical unstained representative modest uninjured decent unhurt chaste classical right on on the mark on the nail on the button pure as the driven snow have-it-all best possible moral upright white ten fleckless beyond criticism right nice aces apple-pie infallible A-okay note-perfect above suspicion virgin unharmed fresh unaffected unsoiled as new in perfect condition unscathed wholesome unchanged virginal fair spic-and-span in mint condition sanitary unmutilated proper in tiptop condition uncorrupt antiseptic definitive paradigmatic very natural requisite shining unassailable shipshape top original brand-new finest new foremost like new choicest typical preserved inviolate archetypical choice unaltered full polished pre-eminent fine gleaming sterile crisp comprehensive best-case sparkling refreshing sterilized without a scratch brand-spanking new total recent integral scatheless unadulterated honest grand taintless plenary unused unmoved compleat solid holy standard span-new just out undisturbed appropriate sterilised snowy brand new characteristic uninfluenced spanking opportune imitable spanking-new vintage regular suitable signature unimpressed unstirred shiny secure stock untried prototypal essential just right sublime in good condition neat on the money cleaned up hygienic brand spanking new spanking new without errors untouchable operational unhindered working on point cleared unquestionable unagitated ethical highly respectable reputable upstanding free unchallengeable trustworthy first-class sacred unprofaned glowing unblackened reliable dependable as good as before disinfected artless fleek burnished bright firsthand beyond question beyond suspicion impeccant well-preserved relevant demure transcendental utopian idealized idealised angelic unassuming uninfected healthful salubrious indifferent mint condition unseasoned untrodden pertinent apt sackless unoffending dry-eyed unconcerned intemerate pasteurised aseptic healthy undebased pasteurized ultra-clean commendable laudable young unstudied unprocessed latest free of not guilty free of sin snow-white snowy-white estimable praiseworthy unviolated health-giving good for you germ-free perfectly clean speckless well-suited made to order tailor-made just the job sterling spick and span freshly laundered clean as a new pin together unsevered punctilious applaudable out of danger worthy bueno very good neato neat and tidy clean and tidy tidy very clean spruce cleaned safe and sound indiscrete imperforate uncut raw infrangible immune inviolable not bad current in one piece batting a thousand not too shabby all in one piece late newfound distinctive usual hot off the fire newborn hot off the press true distinguishing distinct identifying indicative idiosyncratic illustrative dinki-di staple unmistakable symbolic identifiable emblematic particular stereotypical diagnostic discriminating archetypic suggestive diagnostical prototypic stereotyped stereotypic familiar standardized conventional standardised common peculiar patterned typic individual true to form most favorable most excellent most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most typical

Tính từ

(of a building) Very large and characterless
monolithic giant huge gigantic massive colossal monumental enormous immense vast imposing mammoth solid substantial characterless faceless featureless immovable impenetrable intractable big bulky elephantine gargantuan grand great hulking permanent titanic towering whopping sizable humongous monstrous cosmic prodigious ginormous sizeable oversized astronomical tremendous vasty husky walloping mastodonic broad Bunyanesque galactic humungous strong stupendous brobdingnagian leviathan extreme cavernous mountainous heavyweight astronomic cosmical wide spacious thumping oversize jumbo appreciable biggish largish outsized goodly king-size king-sized large king size numerous decided fat abundant massy protracted excessive Himalayan bull supersized extended long outsize boundless extensive voluminous herculean high whacking terrible expansive pronounced mondo prolonged ample bumper considerable lengthy super lofty mighty monster grandiose inordinate tall overgrown muscular sturdy thick meaty Herculean muscly fleshy pharaonic heavy beefy chunky weighty cyclopean hulky staggering powerful brawny formidable strapping commodious heavyset stout thickset burly stellar capacious well-built liberal roomy Falstaffian boxcar fubsy paunchy flabby hunky greater larger zaftig buxom whacking great giant-sized man-size whopping great thumping great giant-size gross of considerable size blimp man-sized dirty great barn door not inconsiderable roly-poly corn-fed solidly built well upholstered big and strong broad in the beam powerfully built muscle-bound broad-shouldered well fed hefty mega handsome Brobdingnagian generous heroic extraordinary epic heroical gigantesque tidy supersize oceanic planetary super-duper very large significant major profuse very big plentiful lavish immeasurable full plenteous infinite intense copious impressive serious magnificent remarkable marked noble deep bountiful superabundant overwhelming substantive elevated fantastic incredible terrific gallant sublime comfortable almighty large-scale exceptional princely bounteous very great respectable healthy profound limitless ponderous splendid acute awesome severe dramatic good prolific lordly far-reaching superb rich comprehensive indescribable phenomenal inexhaustible wonderful marvellous supreme overflowing complete august majestic marvelous sweeping extravagant magnanimous exorbitant glorious teeming chivalrous cornucopian lank outstanding much striking imperial consequential stately magnific material widespread unwieldy Homeric regal open noticeable greathearted galore opulent aplenty plenty royal impossible abounding flush immoderate unutterable utmost awful expanded palatial cumbersome reasonable baronial astounding important stunning notable sufficient natural unlimited decent high-minded meaningful superior not to be sneezed at proud luxuriant crucial rife thorough dreadful statuesque critical amazing exalted behemothic a gogo endless fabulous momentous spectacular thick on the ground kingly sensational unreal outrageous mind-blowing surpassing paramount behemoth spread out earthshaking portentous earth-shattering replete far vital dignified exceeding worthwhile excellent thundering fearful no end prosperous profitable incalculable uncrowded wide-ranging long-lasting unbelievable cumbrous distinguished miraculous advantageous lucrative entire roaring airy marathon wondrous maximum shocking whole productive titan rip-roaring unusual countless resounding breathtaking innumerable sky-high full-size uttermost mind-boggling myriad historic decisive awe-inspiring pythonic well built packed lengthened top eventful far-flung real multitudinous memorable larger-than-life lumbering stuffed very long incommunicable great big whopper chock-full no end of awkward clumsy a whale of a superlative ungainly a dime a dozen super colossal gaping soaring frightful yawning eminent deadly long-drawn-out outspread unqualified chasmal ultimate fundamental out-and-out resplendent ambitious unreasonable eternal illustrious astonishing urgent uncommunicable cracking long-term rare long-lived long-drawn interminable pressing harsh mortal steep illimitable abnormal increased sovereign magisterial extra-large measureless wholesale splendiferous brilliant stiff thunderous lumpish sumptuous sky-scraping spacey portly jumbo-sized mesomorphic transcendent Cyclopean unbounded of considerable length super-colossal multistorey all-embracing universal well-provided munificent exhaustive extremely large wide open altitudinous fancy many socking great fertile unrestricted thewy inclusive fair mahoosive stalwart crammed skyscraping prodigal several Gargantuan pivotal grave rangy outstretched bonny fruitful all-inclusive noteworthy swarming steady exuberant fateful conclusive emphatic smashing fab all-encompassing unstinting swelling buff ripped shredded tectonic dense forceful wealthy affluent legion rambling crowded interdisciplinary multidisciplinary radical towery jacked detailed eye-opening headline cross-disciplinary scopious scopic lush principal impactful megalithic lots of good-size good-sized in abundance all-important stinking with distinct a lot of plenty of brimming awash populous lousy with whale of a spread-out out of this world no end in sight crawling with heavy-duty a great deal of adequate rewarding paying max laborious disproportionate daunting remunerative gainful aristocratic Moby OS unrestrained maxi imperious elephantic pre-eminent inexpressible cavelike moving renowned irresistible dynamic extra large drastic ecstatic well-stocked undescribable startling Brobdignagian whaling decent-sized prime heightened intemperate escalated jacked up classic oafish unsparing wide-open rank unmistakable appalling arduous fierce horrific philanthropic well-supplied in plenty high-ceilinged flabbergasting what legit loutish heavily built clodhopping clunky fairly large mundo robust tolerable billowing booming deafening ear-splitting ear-piercing fantabulous proliferous mucho pretty global sensible above average intensified central essential unco stark streets ahead fine all that and a bag of chips surprising pleasing wicked baggy measurable dripping crashing through the ceiling gorgeous life-size shattering never-ending incorrigible dire showy unmitigated solemn maestoso telling ominous stocky rolling plenitudinous the extremely big Olympian sonorous fair-sized family-sized economy-size swelled family-size fair-size economy-sized wide-reaching mass stretched-out haughty stink with very loud devastating eloquent formal high-flown queenly right latitudinous beamy what great tough amazeballs jaw-dropping ascending rising raised high-rise loose-fitting ultra nationwide pompous key ridiculous silly titantic dynamite abysmal desperate loud ceremonious cool worth taking into account something else unconscionable overextravagant undue insane plethoric baroque unmerciful overmuch overdue overweening intolerable devilish firm sound surpassing belief rugged proper high-reaching leading intercontinental worldwide across-the-board international sundry simple various convoluted multifarious covering far reaching wide physically too much unhandy useful durable valuable obese overweight exciting paralyzing crushing paralysing overcoming athletic sinewy unmanageable inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating corpulent unmanoeuvrable competent swimming fulsome superfluous enough flowing improvident incommodious preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable unmeasurable girthy overpowering hearty outlandish preposterous absurd high rise upraised alpine uplifted stretchy extendable enlargeable distending landmark pervasive faraway redoubtable big-deal major-league preponderant obvious cardinal especial high-priority special unforgettable capital keynote burning milestone glaring high-level newsworthy particular distinctive earnest signal resonant worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon front-page unordinary ponderable potent climacteric conspicuous dilatant unsuppressed sprawling expansile unrepressed apocalyptic blubbery pudgy