Từ đồng nghĩa của various

Alternative for various

Từ đồng nghĩa: different, diverse, many, several,

Từ trái nghĩa: uniform,

Tính từ

Differing from one another or a broad range of
diverse diversified different differing varied varying dissimilar disparate assorted distinctive mixed multifarious omnifarious variant sundry miscellaneous distinct manifold variegated heterogeneous divers all manner of a mixture of an assortment of a number of a range of a variety of motley multitudinous numerous several myriad divergent many eclectic indiscriminate unlike multiple legion some multiplex patchwork ragtag contrasting multiform unalike irregular unrelated incongruous piebald raggle-taggle kitchen-sink magpie promiscuous contrastive unsimilar unequal farraginous multifold multifaceted jumbled inconsistent diversiform separate a few opposed conglomerate mismatched odd contrary distant poles apart alternative confused distinguishable unique colorful varicolored incompatible mingled individual unconnected conflicting inharmonious clashing loose discrepant unmatched polymorphic polymorphous uneven random aberrant other colourful antithetical wide-ranging contradictory discordant deviating lopsided many and various dissonant opposite weird at odds discrete like night and day at variance a mixed bag of a choice of countless abundant copious multivarious complex multiplied varietal haphazard omniform variform collected a mixed bag anthologized jarring many different voluminous compound disagreeing hybrid quite a few scrambled disordered scattered muddled unsorted composite contrasted independent mongrel mosaic amalgamate unallied not very many a handful of morefold plural beaucoup multitudinal collective populous protean of every description many and different a small group of ill-matched diverging ill-assorted unsuited untypical unnatural off-key factious in opposition opposing atypical anomalous factional a couple of fluctuating unidentical variable nonidentical not similar marked offbeat antonymous mismated unsteady unbalanced erratic unstable changing unsymmetrical asymmetrical unattached detached disconnected not alike asymmetric off-balance unjust misallied one-sided inequitable unreconcilable derived modified certain far from far cry inequal unequivalent not uniform not matching incommensurate not capable of comparison distinguishing discriminable discontinuous out of keeping upwards of like chalk and cheese alternate unassociated disproportionate adapted mutant altered revised exotic march to a different drummer non-identical deviant exceptional rogue free freestanding single disjunct isolated disjoined optional abnormal non-continuous a little bit a little a quantity of a skosh a bit not the same many-sided peculiar changeable complicated intricate convoluted compounded mixed-up entangled circuitous multipartite not alone dual not singular broad extensive comprehensive general labyrinthian sophisticated byzantine baroque involved elaborate daedal tangled labyrinthine knotty complicate catholic all-embracing interwoven liberal wide broad-ranging universal chaotic dense winding multipart knotted detailed fancy sinuous nuanced meandering mazy broad-based inclusive encyclopedic disorganized confusing disarranged interdisciplinary non-exclusive multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary selective dilettantish combined blended alloyed united fused cosmopolitan encyclopaedic incorporated amalgamated kaleidoscopic disorganised many-faceted multicultural assimilated hybridized multinational transfused multiracial hybridised joint brewed unsegregated heterogenous merged infused woven crossed embodied interdenominational interracial married international kneaded integrated tied Daedalian involute tortuous more than one

Tính từ

Characterized by many different colors
chromatic colourful colorful coloured colored kaleidoscopic prismatic multicoloured multicolored polychromatic polychrome rainbow motley multihued varicolored psychedelic variegated varied mottled dappled particolored versicolor speckled flecked pied marbled piebald checkered chequered streaked spotted many-hued veined multicolour multicolor particoloured parti-colored varicoloured many-coloured polychromous versicolored polychromic assorted mixed diversified harlequin diverse rainbow-like multichromatic polyhued iridescent miscellaneous disparate heterogeneous phantasmagoric sundry unlike mingled jazzy of all the colours of the rainbow multi-coloured spectral variegation polychromatous splodgy patchy striated splotchy blotched blotchy dissimilar many-splendoured like an explosion in a paint factory many-colored looking like an explosion in a paint factory parti-coloured marled poikilo- discrepant multiform conglomerate contrasting patched striped changeable brilliant bright vivid rich intense vibrant flashy gaudy showy splashy radiant glowing flamboyant garish gay glaring loud deep-coloured bright-coloured eye-catching lustrous lurid resplendent striking deep bedazzling strong clear irradiant sheeny bold warm dazzling glittering glossy gleaming incandescent luminescent candescent luminous blazing flaming shiny lambent glistering sparkling refulgent beaming ablaze shining highly-coloured highly colored rainbow-colored full brindled skewbald brindle visual dramatic tabby pinto florid hued brightly coloured picturesque Day-glo scintillating lucid

Tính từ

Belonging or relating separately to each of two or more people or things
respective individual separate corresponding own particular personal relevant several specific different special appropriate each one-to-one singular distinct distinctive unique peculiar characteristic exclusive disparate idiosyncratic individualized independent individualised single discrete distinguished personalized private especial patented personalised express solitary distinguishing proper signature individualistic subjective select particularized privy particularised sole autonomous innate isolated lone categorical only typical representative intrinsic identifying essential inherent definite identifiable emblematic original idiomatic precise distinguishable usual regular resident endemic one classic discriminating disconnected very own claimed one-off alone detached apart divorced unrelated unconnected free unrepeatable certain solo divided disjointed diverse dispersed sui generis selfstanding diacritic unitary patent inimitable exceptional notable inborn recognizable recognisable unmistakable inbred symptomatic diagnostic diagnostical undivided restricted uncommon customized set concrete full differentiating extraordinary whole entire complete total unshared absolute dedicated remarkable noteworthy customised separated odd one and only indicative demonstrative determining monogrammed tailor-made impressionistic marked internal natural unusual local conspicuous reserved focussed concentrated wholehearted focused privately owned privately-owned in person pure unmixed simple unalloyed unblended uncompounded dissimilar left alone only one one only by itself singled-out unalike unlike unassociated nonidentical contrasting divergent distant unattached exclusory restrictive discriminative segregated offbeat other disunited prohibitive circumscribed closed exclusionary confined licenced preferential licensed noninclusive uninclusive privileged poles apart

Tính từ

Packed with inhabitants
populous crowded packed swarming teeming heavily populated crawling jammed populated congested crammed overpopulated seething thronged dense densely populated full jam-packed legion many multifarious multitudinal multitudinous numerous occupied overcrowded peopled settled several thick thickly populated voluminous heavily settled full of people like Piccadilly Circus overflowing filled brimming bursting chock-full mobbed stuffed brimful awash cramped busy crushed huddled loaded abundant rife tenanted replete thronging bristling inhabited chock-a-block wall-to-wall chockful chockablock fat massed heaving flooded sardined elbow-to-elbow up to the hilt filled to the rafters full up rented fit to bust fraught flush abounding lousy chocker bursting at the seams swamped overrun alive full of commotion humming deluged jampacked fruitful plentiful pregnant covered choked solid close compact heavy tight serried pullulating lush deep overrun by crawling with like sardines abounding in great compressed cram-full of full of heaped having a considerable amount of having a copious amount of chock-full of generous held colonized developed possessed pioneered owned unavailable engaged taken colonised lived in utilized leased in use tied down utilised overfull overpeopled full to bursting filled to capacity thickset SRO clean mob scene full house sold out lousy with stiff with topped off standing room only bulging at the seams full to the gunwales up to here profuse bounteous lavish copious bountiful superabundant plenteous ample liberal prolific galore rich luxuriant overloaded aplenty plenty opulent inexhaustible exuberant cornucopian comfortable lank packed like sardines bumper infinite thick on the ground prodigal inundated running over complete no end a gogo cram-full considerable large unstinting huge clogged laden a dime a dozen well-provided spilling over crammed full commodious full to overflowing saturated substantial munificent packed out filled up abundant in full to capacity filled to the brim excessive in abundance flowing extravagant stacked fulsome boundless stocked hoatching bustling sizeable burdened overfilled overwhelmed superfluous riotous gorged sufficient bulging sumptuous handsome thick with jammed full topped up charged up to the rafters like the Black Hole of Calcutta glutted flushed immoderate well supplied well stocked extensive extreme profusive openhanded luxurious infested countless big alive with broad fertile productive lined innumerable well-supplied myriad suffused padded plethoric weighted wealthy affluent teeming with fraught with no end of in plenty at full capacity full to the brim frantic stinking with full to the gills level with brimming with no end in sight full to the top loaded with replete with rich in entire surplus in excess overabundant extra groaning unabridged topfull overbuilt unsparing encumbered dripping weighed down hopping gushing well-stocked permeated rolling weighted down jumping whole well provided overburdened buzzing hoaching hotching effusive filled with vast immense spacious stinking overfed supplied roomy unrestricted expansive capacious plenitudinous fecund with inordinate open-handed gushy unrestrained whopping rank princely tidy moneyed bundled tumid arranged rammed consigned chock wrapped decent proliferous knee-deep lacking overprovided overstocked oversupplied to the roof mucho enough and to spare over the top flourishing stink with blocked plugged obstructed knee-deep in gridlocked blocked-up impeded imbued impregnated stuffed-up stopped closed jam-full occluded mucous stoppered blocked up stuffy stopped up competent swimming unlimited appreciable enough improvident packed to capacity cram full completely full solid with people packed to the gunwales snarled up scaturient inundant torrential inundatory overloaded with well provided with rife with crammed with brimful with awash with well stocked with crowded with jam-packed with chocker with chock-a-block with charged with swarming with jammed with bursting with stuffed with overflowing with packed with well supplied with solid with more than enough

Tính từ

Greater than average in size, amount, value or degree
voluminous large big ample capacious full roomy vast billowing bulky sizeable spacious baggy commodious biggish boxcar considerable copious extensive generous goodly grand great handsome hefty hulking husky immense largish massive outsize outsized oversize oversized sizable substantial tidy abundant cavernous loose-fitting plentiful profuse prolific spacey comprehensive convoluted covering expansive huge legion many multifarious multitudinous numerous several simple sundry swelling enormous colossal broad plenteous significant wide gigantic immeasurable whopping mammoth monumental prodigious lavish major bumper jumbo heavy bountiful tremendous boundless liberal substantive giant elephantine monstrous astronomical titanic humongous king-size infinite gargantuan king-sized king size large-scale superabundant whacking bounteous astronomic gross mountainous comfortable respectable healthy monster excessive limitless herculean epic good mega solid Brobdingnagian rich weighty exorbitant appreciable galore loose high myriad overflowing teeming ginormous extravagant stupendous extended ponderous thumping serious sweeping whopping great unwieldy unlimited inordinate walloping cumbersome whacking great mighty countless aplenty innumerable populous abounding long deep inexhaustible grandiose marked Himalayan fat thumping great supersized sufficient opulent overgrown incalculable thick on the ground plenty imposing shapeless cornucopian humungous multiple towering leviathan cosmic lank cosmical pharaonic cyclopean supersize galactic burly extreme floppy strapping widespread endless princely multifold super far-reaching not to be sneezed at generously cut decent almighty noticeable gigantesque rife very large beaucoup flush luxuriant numberless vasty beefy ballooning slack global sloppy a gogo wide-ranging mondo awkward manifold no end super-duper slouchy expanded measureless extraordinary reasonable rambling prosperous profitable multiplex advantageous cumbrous lucrative entire oceanic untold whole heroic umpteen heroical Herculean planetary formless very big giant-sized unstinting pronounced wealthy affluent uncountable complete thick heavyweight open plenitudinous stinking with a dime a dozen super colossal a whale of a no end in sight worthwhile brawny flowing cavelike ungainly notable wholesale airy immoderate outspread sturdy stout easy-fitting strong uncrowded diverse varied exhaustive outstretched magnificent mesomorphic hunky palatial bagging unhandy assorted well built wide-reaching unmanageable sagging flabby miscellaneous mixed powerfully built solidly built thewy divers ill-fitting hanging sack-like important munificent innumerous bonny kingly uncounted motley man-size of considerable size man-sized unnumbered far-flung spread out giant-size dirty great extra-large detailed unbounded extremely large magnific lofty multitudinal hulky in abundance tall no end of spread-out megalithic not fitting Bunyanesque not tight good-size good-sized all kinds of full-size bull very many brobdingnagian whopper quite a few massy thundering mastodonic Homeric much adequate rewarding paying prominent material disproportionate stiff dilatable distensible expandable puffy balloon-like remunerative gainful high-ceilinged muscular decent-sized steep steady maxi lumbering clumsy goodish rank OS terrible fairly large unrestricted extra large lax unsparing mucho consequential booming macro productive fertile not inconsiderable sensible buff portly robust ripped shredded spectacular heightened severe intemperate unreasonable escalated increased jacked up meaty measurable fruitful fair stellar protracted majestic glorious oafish lumpish enough and to spare rolling stalwart jacked impressive splendid stately powerful unrestricting swelled great big socking great fair-sized family-sized family-size fair-size economy-size life-size economy-sized staggering prolonged eternal unnumberable heaps latitudinous beamy loutish heavily built clodhopping clunky striking noble superb stocky thickset statuesque behemothic behemoth blimp above average abnormal unusual intensified boyfriend lengthy decided monolithic mahoosive titan mass unco stark generously proportioned eminent far reaching wide physically larger-than-life jumbo-sized extremely big barn door Cyclopean super-colossal illimitable terrific universal nationwide fine regal august a thousand and one resplendent elevated imperial gorgeous lordly superior proud awesome overwhelming interminable formidable leading heavy-duty packed across-the-board international chock-full stuffed intercontinental awash all-encompassing worldwide brimming crowded royal ambitious sublime gallant baronial dignified mundo Gargantuan droopy splendiferous exalted haughty illustrious meaningful drooping different unreal in plenty awe-inspiring something else never-ending very great compound yawning hollow thorough saggy whale of a stretched-out gaping sepulchral heterogeneous diversified all-inclusive all-embracing inclusive unfathomable dark loosened prevalent diversiform multiform indiscriminate morefold plural polymorphic polymorphous variegated collective slackened unshapely inflatable expanding stretching elastic dilating rangy bulging gloomy concave resonant echoing reverberant sunken dismal multiplied tentlike interdisciplinary extendable stretchy enlargeable distending multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary chambered deep-set alveolate chasmal socketed well-provided well-supplied dilatant scopic expansile scopious unsuppressed sprawling unrepressed incomputable disparate rampant replete unremitting frequent tent-like sacklike stacks of millions of loads of a shedload of scores of a great many lousy with infinite numbers of a great deal of billions of oodles of a swag of a bunch of zillions of an abundance of gazillions of a lot of a profusion of lots of a multitude of a multiplicity of heaps of bazillions of plenty of masses of a slew of bags of quantities of a quantity of dozens of tons of a great number of hundreds of piles of thousands of scads of curved inward unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy intense remarkable fantastic incredible exceptional profound acute dramatic indescribable phenomenal wonderful marvellous supreme marvelous magnanimous chivalrous outstanding greathearted impossible unutterable utmost awful astounding stunning natural high-minded crucial dreadful critical amazing fabulous momentous sensational outrageous mind-blowing surpassing paramount earthshaking portentous earth-shattering far vital exceeding excellent fearful long-lasting unbelievable distinguished miraculous roaring marathon wondrous maximum shocking rip-roaring resounding breathtaking sky-high uttermost mind-boggling historic decisive pythonic lengthened top eventful real memorable very long incommunicable fleshy superlative soaring frightful deadly long-drawn-out unqualified ultimate fundamental out-and-out fubsy astonishing urgent roly-poly uncommunicable cracking long-term rare long-lived long-drawn pressing harsh mortal sovereign magisterial brilliant thunderous sumptuous sky-scraping transcendent of considerable length multistorey wide open altitudinous fancy crammed skyscraping prodigal pivotal grave noteworthy swarming exuberant fateful conclusive emphatic smashing fab tectonic dense forceful radical towery eye-opening headline lush principal impactful all-important distinct out of this world crawling with max laborious daunting aristocratic Moby unrestrained imperious elephantic pre-eminent inexpressible moving renowned irresistible dynamic drastic ecstatic muscly heavyset chunky well-stocked well-built undescribable startling Brobdignagian whaling prime classic Falstaffian paunchy wide-open unmistakable appalling arduous fierce horrific philanthropic larger buxom greater zaftig flabbergasting what legit tolerable deafening ear-splitting ear-piercing fantabulous proliferous pretty central essential streets ahead all that and a bag of chips surprising big and strong muscle-bound broad in the beam broad-shouldered corn-fed well upholstered well fed pleasing wicked dripping crashing through the ceiling shattering incorrigible dire showy unmitigated solemn maestoso telling ominous the Olympian sonorous stink with very loud devastating eloquent formal high-flown queenly right what great tough amazeballs jaw-dropping ascending rising raised high-rise ultra pompous key ridiculous silly titantic dynamite abysmal desperate loud ceremonious cool worth taking into account unconscionable overextravagant undue insane plethoric baroque unmerciful overmuch overdue overweening intolerable devilish firm sound surpassing belief rugged proper high-reaching too much useful durable valuable obese overweight featureless immovable impenetrable intractable faceless characterless exciting paralyzing crushing paralysing overcoming athletic sinewy corpulent competent swimming fulsome superfluous enough improvident preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable unmeasurable overpowering hearty outlandish preposterous absurd high rise upraised alpine uplifted consistent permanent landmark pervasive faraway redoubtable big-deal major-league preponderant obvious cardinal especial high-priority special unforgettable capital keynote burning milestone glaring high-level newsworthy particular distinctive earnest signal worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon front-page unordinary ponderable potent climacteric conspicuous apocalyptic blubbery pudgy tubby podgy blanket lasting distant transcendental supernatural godlike uncanny preternatural unearthly supernormal magical obdurate full-blooded manly lusty manful epochal catholic comprising across the board porky plump chubby bloated lardy rotund round maximal pursy abdominous earth-shaking unexclusive omnipotent superhuman bionic porcine adipose life-and-death life-changing of consequence epoch-making of moment world-shaking of importance world-shattering of significance highest greatest wall to wall lard-arsed elongated beyond human consummate enlarged elongate filled raging covered unfurled proffered widened drawn-out unrolled conferred crawling jammed choked thronged seething greatest possible stretched drawn out dragged out spread unfolded strung out stretched out spun out continued close bursting congested compact bristling fraught tight pullulating lousy serried thronging mother of all jam-packed like Piccadilly Circus heaped overrun by abounding in bursting at the seams chock-full of cram-full of chock-a-block having a considerable amount of full of having a copious amount of like sardines chocker compressed populated a fair amount of more than enough more than human


A certain proportion of, at least one
some a few certain a minority of a quantity of a trickle of hardly any not many not much one or two a choice of a proportion of a majority of a range of individual numerous specific not all a handful of a number of a couple of miscellaneous an assortment of a variety of multiple all manner of a mixture of several many manifold considerable quite a lot of more than a few quite a few a lot of lots of innumerable a wealth of a generous amount of a trillion of beaucoup an excess of a huge amount of reams of untold amounts of an army of no end of considerable amounts of an amount of a superabundance of a whole load of copious amounts of bags of stacks of umpteen an accumulation of unusually high amounts of a jillion of a ton of a batch of droves of a overflowing amount of a stack of great quantities of a great deal of countless amounts of acres of an infinite amount of billions of unreasonable amounts of superabundant amounts of slathers of a volume of millions of an inexhaustible amount of oodles of a whole bunch of a plenteous amount of dozens of a large number of legions of a whole batch of a rich amount of an exuberant amount of a multiplicity of a swag of a liberal amount of uncountable amounts of inordinate amounts of a cargo of loads of voluminous amounts of crowds of tons of incalculable amounts of a good deal of enough of a bundle of surfeit amounts of a bushel of excessive amounts of heaps of bountiful amounts of untold a stash of stock of a horde of diverse amounts of a shedload of a load of a heap of bazillions of countless a great number of gobs of hundreds of a large amount of an ample amount of a lump of undue amounts of a lavish amount of scores of superfluous amounts of unnumbered frequent zillions of endless exorbitant amounts of a wad of a swarm of a legion of a clump of piles of thousands of plenty of a whole slew of uncountable gazillions of a buildup of a whole bundle of a bulk of surplus amounts of a bonanza of a great quantity of a cluster of a hunk of a store of large numbers of infinite amounts of masses of scads of sufficient amounts of

Từ trái nghĩa của various

various Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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