Từ đồng nghĩa của settled

Alternative for settled

Từ trái nghĩa: unsettled,

settles, settled, settling

Từ đồng nghĩa: colonize, decide, determine, fix, inhabit, locate, mend, occupy, patch up, reconcile, resolve,

Từ trái nghĩa: unfix,

Tính từ

Firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change
entrenched inveterate confirmed rooted deep intrenched deep-rooted deep-seated hard-core bred-in-the-bone fixed established accustomed usual habitual set ingrained ineradicable routine standard dyed-in-the-wool customary typical normal chronic regular conventional stock expected common ordinary wonted general everyday traditional prevailing stubborn accepted familiar long-established persistent enduring firm popular abiding inbred incurable obstinate average hardened seasoned proved commonplace quotidian unshakeable workaday habituated recognized long-standing perennial firmly established unyielding lifelong orthodox long-lasting lasting staid inured constant garden-variety true well established prevalent hard-shell prosaic recognised continuing radical acknowledged inborn household universal long-lived recurring frequent mainstream natural lingering proven unexceptional current unabating plain cut-and-dry cut-and-dried continual daily valid run-of-the-mill standard-issue ceaseless unremarkable day-to-day profound going persisting secure basic ever-present recurrent tenacious continuous unmitigated vested staunch permanent indelible steadfast irradicable irremovable extreme diehard protracted innate explicit uncompromising time-honored unshakable ubiquitous well-established worn implanted regulation deep-set deep-dyed fundamental deeply felt bog-standard dedicated garden variety built-in inbuilt complete gut committed rigid inherent subconscious intransigent approved acceptable sanctioned classic predictable ardent definite determined classical fervent earnest longtime public devout mundane resolute old embedded prolonged hard-line devoted faithful serious irredeemable torrid zealous time-honoured vehement wholehearted common or garden thorough severe fiery fanatical acute immutable die-hard inexorable supreme well-known staple representative thoroughgoing typic bona fide grave vanilla through and through undestroyable indestructible all-consuming unremovable red-hot sustained unfading unforgettable ineffaceable instinctive intrinsic absolute obvious long-drawn-out precise inannihilable longstanding driven in tested demonstrated verified default mechanical obscene pornographic X-rated present slow dragging incessant grounded formulaic mediocre undistinguished garden discreet indifferent inconspicuous humdrum congenital characteristic defined express exact unwaivering deep down comfortable favorite favourite orderly methodical remaining indurated sworn adamant radicated installed inalienable domestic archetypal archetypical based on repeated known certain unending dangerous boilerplate canonical one-size-fits-all lodged in one's brain spun-out drawn-out haunting acquainted alarming dire agreed intense unsophisticated instilled par for the course ensconced plastic matter-of-course grind rife white-bread simple so-so received infixed fortified unchangeable recognizable proverbial never-ending authorized homespun humble native recognisable endorsed understood admitted heartfelt strong impassioned out-and-out dug in out and out through-and-through true blue full-fledged deeply ingrained deep-down set firm well known predominant avid fervid powerful abject passionate genuine burning common variety matter-of-fact old hat fashionable touted prescribed endemic val preferred unopposed passed prescriptive legit okayed authorised honest enthusiastic sincere heightened exceptional consuming unfeigned keen extraordinary stirring inflamed warm rousing excessive great agreed upon tried and true well worn tried and tested in vogue arrived at incorrigible loyal stalwart unwavering obsessive unreformable compulsive unapologetic impenitent unashamed sicker card-carrying official historic stable widely used widespread old-fashioned traditionalistic old-style sound officially recognized overall pervasive ritual rampant stereotyped generic shared extensive traditionary periodic broad steady ritualistic ongoing taken for granted consistent immemorial majority ruling doctrinal dull traditionalist across the board in circulation widely held age-old ancient diurnal pervading scheduled folk vintage ancestral wide seasonal OB uneventful immortal ageless long-l collective tralatitious given used numerous obligatory timeless stereotypical in established usage chosen acquired honored net in use de rigueur hackneyed derived memorable undying deathless family casual banal terrestrial unimaginative informal in force ceremonial circulating renowned believed whitebread honoured vulgar unadventurous conformist periodical past conservative documented stipulated declared identified perceived congruous adopted intermutual mutual embraced united commutual like of choice in the habit of bland a dime a dozen dime-a-dozen nitty-gritty middle-of-the-road allowed realized remembered symptomatic unprogressive preponderant dominant regnant superior unexceptionable anticipated foreseeable indicative foreseen reliable emblematic realised professed repetitious practised practiced reiterative iterated systematic automatic long-term addicting iterative disciplined perfunctory cyclic afoot anodyne distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic proper distinguishing widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted individualistic clichéd cliched about conforming old school in keeping in character bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use going around in the air talked of true to form to be expected only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type backward-looking old line earlier generation on everyone's lips stale blank expressionless nondescript deadpan trite shameless dreary drab characterless boring indistinctive featureless neutral faceless neither one thing nor the other noncommittal reprobate obdurate unregenerate

Tính từ

Established and not likely to experience any changes
fixed set firm final certain stable determinate hard inexpugnable frozen flat hard-and-fast established decided definite agreed predetermined unalterable prearranged determined specified arranged invariable unchangeable conclusive absolute prescribed immutable irreversible inflexible confirmed changeless rigid defined unbending definitive stipulated unwavering decisive fated allotted irrevocable binding abiding permanent constant set in stone sure lasting enduring steady unchanging designated rooted precise assigned irremediable hard and fast decreed ordained explicit unrectifiable planned unreversible unappealable steadfast concrete stubborn peremptory preset immovable indelible unrepealable unvarying stated strict unyielding quantified chosen stationary nailed still stiff fast solid ironclad scheduled express irreparable given unmoving regular ultimate solid as a rock appointed destined irretrievable determining unrepairable resolved predestined categorical commissioned unfluctuating finished inevitable doomed lost nominated exact written uniform beyond repair determinative obstinate secure in the bag uncompromising inveterate deep-rooted undeviating unmovable cast-iron immobile anchored cut-and-dried stabile writ in stone tight pegged contracted granted approved guaranteed irrecoverable irredeemable unredeemable unrecoverable straight consistent clear-cut clear concluded incurable nonnegotiable named selected clinched stringent indicated declared identified usual listed delegated elected installed preordained authorized worked out developmental foundational influential formative constructive seminal creative standard customary beyond recall familiar plotted trite specific exacting dictated mandatory compulsory authorised hard-line rigorous entrenched decided upon level noted determinant predictable routine habitual recommended unswerving even dyed-in-the-wool hard-nosed unbreakable iron-fisted detailed wrapped up sewn up irrefutable durable normal hardheaded ingrained hardened deep-seated safe indisputable incontrovertible nonmoving equable unfaltering unbudging calm set in concrete carved in stone nonmotile crucial unchallengeable well grounded balanced hidebound pigheaded bound jelled unflappable immotile spelled out qualified laid down postulated staying put long-lived long-standing obdurate unanswerable emphatic positive moored secured motionless adamant laid out stiff-necked sorted out done and dusted old hat in the cards static unshakeable braced jammed cemented known limited irremovable tenacious well-set locked in riveted tied unshaking unrelenting distinct unshaken sturdy intent quiet hitched hooked situated located locked attached made fast incommutable inalterable unblinking unqualified unmodifiable never-failing not subject to change

Tính từ

Showing resolute determination and strength of character
decided determined ended established firm mature resolved solid stable steady set intent fixed resolute bent steadfast unwavering tenacious single-minded persistent persevering stubborn strong-willed insistent bent on decisive bound constant unfaltering obstinate purposeful dedicated driven unhesitating strong-minded unflinching dogged serious set on relentless unrelenting committed stalwart unshakeable immovable staunch focused do-or-die enthusiastic hell-bent on dead set on hell-bent upon bent upon earnest indomitable gritty focussed dyed-in-the-wool unswerving obdurate inflexible unyielding unbending adamant intransigent true positive implacable unshaken definite undeviating unshakable deliberate out predisposed tending inclined leaning disposed hellbent obsessed dead set single-minded about hell-bent firm about ambitious motivated enterprising fervent devout passionate inflexible about fixated on fanatical about obsessive about calculated intense telelogical untiring ardent buckled down hardboiled stanch bound and determined nose to the grindstone be out for blood playing hard ball mean business tried gung ho avid fervid impassioned sworn tried-and-true inveterate true-blue responsible pious uncompromising strong indefatigable mettlesome steely perseverant spirited pertinacious undaunted plucky intrepid faithful valiant vigorous unflagging brave purposive bold indurate gutsy courageous persisting loyal spunky unchanging stiff manful immutable strenuous stout unbendable four-square hell bent on tall in the saddle intent on on one's mettle insistent on meaning business determined to bulldog intent upon rock-ribbed committed to the idea of stout-hearted good hopeful strict whole-hearted assertive emphatic hard in earnest hard-line dominant certain unmalleable determinate unalterable prevailing sure inexpugnable unqualified hardened seasoned domineering going explicit consistent hard-and-fast never-failing stand pat hang tough through-and-through

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Able to be depended or relied on
balanced established enduring long-standing permanent sustained dependable firm reliable stable strong steadfast trustworthy durable committed unchangeable secure unfailing immutable sturdy true fixed rigid faithful tried constant stout responsible sure resolute unshakeable lasting staunch stalwart unwavering equable trustable sound steady bulletproof calculable honourable trusty perdurable unfaltering honorable long-lived long-lasting well-built well balanced well-balanced solid deep-rooted devoted loyal dedicated dutiful fast genuine robust good ardent hardened hardy true-blue patriotic unswerving abiding sincere honest toughened inured tried and true tried and tested close trusted hearty tough immovable reinforced devout allegiant rugged truthful loving upright straight tried-and-true well-made well-founded scrupulous incorruptible substantial cast-iron emphatic attached capable tenacious never-failing resistant fervent zealous complete unconditional categorical unflinching absolute total impassioned unreserved thorough unmitigated utter unrestricted vigorous unlimited unstinting unambiguous unadulterated unalloyed passionate unequivocal positive unassailable outright thoroughgoing unfeigned undivided authentic indestructible unqualified infallible steely powerful impregnable undiluted safe airtight heavy inseparable effective true-hearted entire invulnerable fair mighty wholehearted fortified boon unbreakable invincible unshakable veracious out-and-out strengthened true to life hard stark rock-solid heavy-duty imperishable unyielding without reservations hale hard as nails certain obedient down-the-line hard-bitten indefatigable well fortified muscular able unflagging confiding unchanging dyed-in-the-wool conscientious hard-core behind one able-bodied resilient affectionate string along with circumspect on the level seasoned liege unmistakable tested uncompromising fit avid truehearted as thick as thieves true blue bosom pious stanch healthy dear impenetrable hard-wearing armoured lusty correct believable confidential intimate inviolable cohesive impassible knockabout unattackable bombproof concrete armored cherished special treasured valued well made well protected everlasting storm-resistant stormproof well defended well-protected flourishing well-armed fit as a fiddle hale and hearty in fine fettle hefty acclimatised acclimatized well fresh in rude health fighting fit in good health brawny physically fit in good shape in good condition burly downright impervious fanatical familiar irrepressible gritty spirited forceful sensible full real valiant plucky intrepid headstrong consummate arrant credible principled obdurate supportive enthusiastic earnest determined unvarnished stouthearted feisty humble level-headed righteous ethical inexorable cotton-picking rank flat-out bodacious dead categoric crashing deadly definite all-out profound blank pure stone very straight-out plumb dreadful flat regular perfect simple sheer clean blooming potent reputable impartial unpretentious moral uncontrived virtuous decent equitable quick to recover difficult to keep down quick to bounce back rolling with punches persistent influential deep-dyed fervid perfervid important heartfelt serious warm unquestioning infernal express blessed explicit confounded blasted unrestrained clear compelling strict significant fullhearted forcible no catch without reservation no ifs ands or buts energetic cogent keen indubitable whole-hearted strapping hundred percent whole-souled bona fide sinewy active big athletic quality puissant in fine feather well-defined well-constructed well-established

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(attributive) Feeling or exuding self-assurance
confident assured positive assertive poised collected cool calm phlegmatic composed nonchalant unperturbed imperturbable unruffled impassive serene tranquil audacious certain gung ho gutsy relaxed sanguine unhesitating upbeat brave courageous dauntless fearless intrepid self-sufficient unflappable secure self-asserting together unfazed bold can-do sure of yourself nonplussed surefooted sure-footed equanimous at ease believing in oneself cool-headed filled with aplomb laid-back level-headed self-assertive self-assured self-confident self-possessed self-reliant sure of oneself self-respecting cool, calm and collected equable sure unworried controlled placid coolheaded unemotional steady unmoved stable even-tempered sensible dependable sedate reliable sound undisturbed untroubled grounded commonsensical self-controlled limpid peaceful equal unshaken recollected level possessed smooth self-composed easy reasonable realistic sane firm unerring pragmatic sober mature rational circumspect strong practical judicious balanced prudent businesslike wise well-balanced unflustered unbothered unagitated dispassionate levelheaded easygoing solid at peace well balanced full of common sense commanding authoritative cocksure overconfident safe steadfast dignified unafraid urbane suave puffed up undoubtful elegant moderate chilled calmed temperate clearheaded keeping your cool as cool as a cucumber well adjusted well-adjusted complacent hotdog know-it-all hotshot self-secure doubtless pushy implicit brazen clear competent infallible capable unabashed graceful daring cocky believing expecting expectant rosy high straight debonair unshakable plucky aggressive defiant forward pumped up dashing militant with one's feet on the ground with both feet on the ground unperturbable quiet stolid unexcitable nerveless patient serious quieted soothed disimpassioned staid repressed suppressed still strong-willed full of oneself keeping a stiff upper lip cool as cucumber have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on fast unfaltering good-tempered unswerving staunch unwavering reserved no-nonsense cool as a cucumber hard-headed discreet deliberative farsighted all there good definite fixed calculable established conclusive unanxious absolute responsible trustable trusty carefree able trustworthy hopeful resolute tried determined well-founded true shoo-in tried and true nailed down tried and tested locked on tried-and-true in the bag insouciant unconcerned casual easy-going undismayed coherent logical stoical blithe mellow lucid right somber intelligent sombre thoughtful mild proper down-to-earth halcyon compos mentis stilly of sound mind right-minded well-grounded happy-go-lucky hushed able to think clearly seemly in one's right mind lown decorous even knowing normal unexcited informed stiff formal solemn stately devil-may-care valid deliberate reasoned commonsensible just clear-headed analytical analytic mentally sound able to reason clearly right in the head well-advised in possession of all your faculties discerning unstirred pacific astute grave fair unaffected well-thought-out free and easy sagacious justified commonsense matter-of-fact informal in your right mind well grounded fair-minded tolerant low-key uninterrupted unbroken discriminating blasé understated having all one's marbles breezy content undemanding unhurried forbearing constant peaceable trouble-free agreeable without a care in the world unflinching restful gentle downbeat unflurried easy-peasy untouched consistent unfluctuating serious-minded good-natured cogent shrewd centered credible consequent well centred objective steady-going sage advisable plausible hard sapient politic detached in control intellectual in right mind well reasoned playing with a full deck having all marbles well advised with both one's feet on the ground abled undaunted regular fine philosophical unalarmed unchanging unvarying unvexed even-keeled liberal earnest uniform muted subdued undistracted indulgent demure happy measured invariable flexible lenient clubby benign not moved bovine blissful subtle unostentatious inconspicuous complaisant stoic civil euthymic stabile orderly systematic methodical irenic docile unaltering unalterable proportional symmetrical well-proportioned prim stuffy conciliatory amenable permissive well-disposed pellucid satisfied reconciled resting quiescent comfortable stick-in-the-mud boring starchy neutral mild-mannered unimpassioned stress-free passionless sound of mind got head together in possession of one's faculties with all one's marbles easeful reposeful calm and collected broad-minded considerate amiable thick-skinned immovable smug self-satisfied harmonious mentally stable aware cognizant anxiety-free enlightened understanding open-minded cordial good-humored pleasant generous good-humoured cold sober at rest in repose fit playing with full deck both oars in water oriented healthy perceptive played down unpretentious downhome toned down hard as nails stiff upper lip roll with punches unidealistic lax hard-boiled clear-sighted deductive joined-up clear-eyed philosophic common-sense perspicacious affable friendly leisurely equitable tenable acceptable decent far-sighted canny sharp impartial justifiable believable legitimate viable understandable well-informed clever percipient restrained conservative reflective unprejudiced feasible convincing low-pressure thought-out unexcessive evenhanded based on good sense thinking legit cognitive open to reason admissible ratiocinative making sense clear-cut unbiased standing to reason cerebral well thought out unextreme well-reasoned au courant attentive conversant live-and-let-live weighty chilled out telling satisfying satisfactory recognized holding water watertight correct profound holding up holding up in wash got it together faultless unassailable accurate flawless impeccable right-thinking recognised standing up exact precise orthodox accepted well founded whole mentally healthy in good mental health

Tính từ

(of a person) Sensible, reliable, and self-restrained
steady sensible dependable reliable balanced calm sober equable imperturbable mature rational levelheaded poised responsible sedate serene sound staid stolid secure serious calculable collected composed cool good reserved unexcitable unruffled unswerving full of common sense level-headed down-to-earth well balanced having both feet on the ground serious-minded self-possessed self-restrained together stable unflappable even-tempered relaxed sane unflustered placid tranquil unworried untroubled all there cool-headed grounded unbothered unfazed cool, calm and collected reasonable laid-back unagitated well-balanced equanimous undisturbed unperturbed clearheaded at ease practical judicious prudent easy-going wise resolute easygoing lucid coolheaded unmoved coherent right even clear-headed peaceful compos mentis realistic mentally sound in possession of all your faculties able to reason clearly cool as cucumber in one's right mind able to think clearly of sound mind right in the head mellow mild pragmatic circumspect easy well-adjusted commonsensical businesslike complacent possessed logical intelligent confident normal unemotional nonchalant dispassionate moderate phlegmatic nonplussed self-controlled assured well adjusted as cool as a cucumber having all marbles discerning fair-minded playing with a full deck abled right-minded determined earnest no-nonsense chilled hard-headed graceful discreet deliberative farsighted recollected self-composed nerveless leisured regular constant fixed symmetrical proportional well-proportioned unrushed stoic stoical insouciant blithe patient agreeable quiet undismayed unshakable temperate well-thought-out harmonious knowing informed mentally stable having all one's marbles discriminating aware cognizant astute untouched thick-skinned smug disimpassioned self-satisfied immovable unaffected unfluctuating orderly systematic stabile methodical smooth roll with punches hard as nails stiff upper lip fit playing with full deck both oars in water sapient sage sagacious in your right mind oriented healthy well controlled sound of mind matter-of-fact with both one's feet on the ground with both feet on the ground commonsense advisable politic reasoned just valid hard well-founded firm solid thoughtful analytic justified analytical well-grounded commonsensible well-advised common-sense calmed straight limpid equal unshaken level hardheaded mundane earthy pragmatical unidealistic with one's feet on the ground self-confident assertive self-assured plain-spoken unsentimental unromantic earth-bound plainspoken common hardboiled unfantastic have one's feet on the ground fair equitable credible objective tenable acceptable decent thought-out percipient cognitive restrained understandable conservative unexcessive plausible impartial reflective open to reason justifiable evenhanded admissible based on good sense ratiocinative making sense clear-cut unbiased standing to reason believable unprejudiced legitimate cerebral well grounded thinking consistent well thought out well advised legit feasible unextreme well reasoned viable shrewd canny consequent sharp clever well-informed well-reasoned attentive conversant au courant in right mind steady-going

Tính từ

Denotes a termination of something or an action
through over complete completed concluded ended finished done terminated at an end decided determined done with gone past over with up ancient history in the bag wound up wrapped up buttoned up accomplished finalized consummated down fulfilled finalised achieved sewn up realized executed effectuated effected closed realised sorted out resolved polished off in the can brought about finished off discharged over and done with performed carried out wrapped-up attained compassed final all over full-fledged clinched out of the way dead extinct produced perfected made no more established brought to pass built bygone discontinued exhausted depleted spent full in the past handled rendered set prepared effete wrought taken care of organized organised dispatched a wrap used up ceased out of hand lapsed entire satisfied a thing of the past finished with dispensed with come to an end knocked off tied up worked out over and done defunct kaputt obsolete expired kaput consummate all-inclusive sweeping all-embracing that's it fini all over but the shouting home free forgotten elapsed actualized bypast gone by dead and buried former departed ancient earlier olden happy ripe vanished content contented pleased nonextant long-ago foregone of old of yore gratified run out comfortable obtained crowned matured out of date at ease brought to a close made good out-of-the-way materialized substantiated caused materialised run invalid perf relaxed unrenewed void dead and gone passed all up left removed voided induced developed elaborate mature previous lost antiquated one-time dissolved dissipated dried up burned up moved on conclusive thorough faultless fixed arranged ago nonexistent quelled outmoded erstwhile extinguished quashed stifled sometime quondam old-fashioned archaic belated late forepassed out-of-date long-gone old-time dated oldfangled serene placid quenched smothered suppressed past recall delighted reached untroubled rewarded in oblivion sunk in oblivion ready down memory lane put into effect at peace in readiness water over the dam water under the bridge all systems go done and dusted good to go

Tính từ

Known for certain
definite certain unambiguous unequivocal clear positive sure absolute clear-cut conclusive explicit final unquestionable concrete decided decisive firm guaranteed manifest obvious unarguable unmistakable assured black-and-white definitive express patent proven specific univocal confident convinced cut-and-dried audible bold clean-cut crisp distinguishable forthright full graphic incisive known minute noteworthy palpable pronounced recognised recognized ringing severe sharp significant silhouetted stated straightforward tangible undubitable visible vivid well-defined well-grounded well-marked black and white hard and fast as plain as daylight clearly defined crystal clear cut and dried not vague as plain as the nose on your face incontrovertible irrefutable undeniable indubitable indisputable incontestable undoubted evident true inarguable established irrefragable unchallengeable unimpeachable unanswerable fixed beyond doubt beyond question authoritative nailed-on plain accomplished unassailable flat categorical set self-evident real genuine confirmed transparent accurate undisputable demonstrable well-founded not in doubt precise clear cut open-and-shut cut and dry res ipsa loquitur flawless faultless apparent perfect dependable reliable downright undoubtable sure-enough pat cold veritable superior authentic for certain without doubt down pat bona fide undebatable observable factual emphatic beyond a shadow of doubt uncontroversial compelling no ifs ands or buts well grounded beyond a shadow of a doubt beyond dispute well-proven open and shut independent certified watertight crucial unshakable affirmed rigid irrevocable unalterable absolutist influential critical cast-iron secured bound attested momentous important iron-clad key pivotal deciding major unchangeable unmovable forceful determining fail-safe copper-bottomed in the bag sure-fire non-relative non-variable prime imperious fateful imperative trenchant paramount vital principal chief in black and white settling peremptory fatal ascertained litmus test unquestioned frozen undisputed inexpugnable unchallenged hard-and-fast sealed accepted determinate acknowledged hard uncontested stable not in question supreme provable confirmable establishable safe verifiable sure thing having down pat as sure as eggs is eggs there are no two ways about it all sewn up

Tính từ

Packed with inhabitants
populous crowded packed swarming teeming heavily populated crawling jammed populated congested crammed overpopulated seething thronged dense densely populated full jam-packed legion many multifarious multitudinal multitudinous numerous occupied overcrowded peopled several thick thickly populated various voluminous heavily settled full of people like Piccadilly Circus overflowing filled brimming bursting chock-full mobbed stuffed brimful awash cramped busy crushed huddled loaded abundant rife tenanted replete thronging bristling inhabited chock-a-block wall-to-wall chockful chockablock fat massed heaving flooded sardined elbow-to-elbow up to the hilt filled to the rafters full up rented fit to bust fraught flush abounding lousy chocker bursting at the seams swamped overrun alive full of commotion humming deluged jampacked fruitful plentiful pregnant covered choked solid close compact heavy tight serried pullulating lush deep overrun by crawling with like sardines abounding in great compressed cram-full of full of heaped having a considerable amount of having a copious amount of chock-full of generous held colonized developed possessed pioneered owned unavailable engaged taken colonised lived in utilized leased in use tied down utilised overfull overpeopled full to bursting filled to capacity thickset SRO clean mob scene full house sold out lousy with stiff with topped off standing room only bulging at the seams full to the gunwales up to here profuse bounteous lavish copious bountiful superabundant plenteous ample liberal prolific galore rich luxuriant overloaded aplenty plenty opulent inexhaustible exuberant cornucopian comfortable lank packed like sardines bumper infinite thick on the ground prodigal inundated running over complete no end a gogo cram-full considerable large unstinting huge clogged laden a dime a dozen well-provided spilling over crammed full commodious full to overflowing saturated substantial munificent packed out filled up abundant in full to capacity filled to the brim excessive in abundance flowing extravagant stacked fulsome boundless stocked hoatching bustling sizeable burdened overfilled overwhelmed superfluous riotous gorged sufficient bulging sumptuous handsome thick with jammed full topped up charged up to the rafters like the Black Hole of Calcutta glutted flushed immoderate well supplied well stocked extensive extreme profusive openhanded luxurious infested countless big alive with broad fertile productive lined innumerable well-supplied myriad suffused padded plethoric weighted wealthy affluent teeming with fraught with no end of in plenty at full capacity full to the brim frantic stinking with full to the gills level with brimming with no end in sight full to the top loaded with replete with rich in entire surplus in excess overabundant extra groaning unabridged topfull overbuilt unsparing encumbered dripping weighed down hopping gushing well-stocked permeated rolling weighted down jumping whole well provided overburdened buzzing hoaching hotching effusive filled with vast immense spacious stinking overfed supplied roomy unrestricted expansive capacious plenitudinous fecund with inordinate open-handed gushy unrestrained whopping rank princely tidy moneyed bundled tumid arranged rammed consigned chock wrapped decent proliferous knee-deep lacking overprovided overstocked oversupplied to the roof mucho enough and to spare over the top flourishing stink with blocked plugged obstructed knee-deep in gridlocked blocked-up impeded imbued impregnated stuffed-up stopped closed jam-full occluded mucous stoppered blocked up stuffy stopped up competent swimming unlimited appreciable enough improvident packed to capacity cram full completely full solid with people packed to the gunwales snarled up scaturient inundant torrential inundatory overloaded with well provided with rife with crammed with brimful with awash with well stocked with crowded with jam-packed with chocker with chock-a-block with charged with swarming with jammed with bursting with stuffed with overflowing with packed with well supplied with solid with more than enough

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(of a person) Tending to spend much time seated
sedentary desk desk-bound inactive seated sitting motionless stationary torpid deskbound idle lazy sluggish still lethargic passive slothful listless dull sleepy indolent slow inert lifeless unenergetic quiet lax somnolent slack weak enervated spiritless languid lymphatic tired do-nothing lackadaisical lotus situated in situ weary exhausted dilatory slow-going slumberous snoozy unproductive lacklustre debilitated lackluster fatigued without energy heavy flagging drowsy slow-paced slow-moving somnific burned out languorous spent apathetic indifferent negligent careless spineless yielding docile uninterested acquiescent servile pliant submissive effete heedless unoccupied supine unresponsive peaceful dormant dozy quiescent stagnant languishing vegetating limp down draggy blah flat comatose dopey static depressed laggard shiftless dead phlegmatic otiose leaden laid-back impassive yawny slumbersome yawning fainéant plodding slumbrous heavy-eyed asleep tardy narcotic nodding leisurely hebetudinous fallow ponderous out of it bone idle lagging not busy dreamy boring procrastinating sleepyhead immobile sleeping unmoving out loafing work-shy numb remiss asthenic logy uninvolved non-participating neurasthenic half asleep faineant workshy lacking in energy moony stupid crawling dawdling measured creeping having spring fever latent snaillike delaying oscitant resting sluggard moderate easy tortoiselike postponing deliberate loitering declining stagnating benumbed soporific gradual slow-footed dying moribund lumpish placid hypnotic sluggardly stupefied sedative calm opiate weakened paralyzed paralysed good-for-nothing stuporous inattentive stolid somniferous insensible somnifacient dry insensitive neb wooden one-horse asleep on one's feet subdued laissez-faire devitalized impaired dallying dulled trite in the doldrums unassertive dozing unfruitful pointless surplus irrelevant hollow sterile superfluous unreactive unenthusiastic uncreative non-participative barren non-active bovine slumbery bleary-eyed groggy reactive nebbish stretchy wimpy sleepyheaded stiff mooney sullen off drippy hibernating drugged half-awake nodding off half awake easygoing drony drowsing silent serene smooth stock-still inconscious cold deactivated slumbering undisturbed in abeyance inoperative tranquil vegged out out cold backwoods backwater gentle unruffled unagitated dead to the world out to lunch unemotional at rest drained neglectful shot matter-of-fact stoical passionless emotionless stoic inexpressive unexcitable derelict slapdash wearied sapped lumbering dead tired worn out beat shattered pooped tired out kaput inefficient slipshod undemonstrative deadpan catatonic empty blank vacant expressionless procrastinative incompetent disregardful slap-happy delinquent disorganized casual neglecting sloppy offhand disorderly impassible affectless pococurante disorganised slovenly unprofessional regardless permissive asleep at the wheel easy-going asleep on the job cold-blooded tame tedious uninteresting wearisome dreary monotonous tiresome uneventful sodden unhurried wearying ho-hum drab stale unexciting humdrum tiring pedestrian numbing mind-numbing jading unprogressive arid colorless stodgy old colourless drudging monochromatic jejune dusty stuffy dead-and-alive as dry as dust

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Attentively occupied with
intent absorbed focused attentive engrossed enthralled fixed rapt concentrated earnest fascinated occupied steady involved preoccupied consumed enrapt gone gripped lost riveted transfixed watchful captivated concentrating engaged intense intrigued mesmerised mesmerized observant bewitched deep enamoured enamored enchanted enraptured entranced focussed held hypnotised hypnotized immersed infatuated steadfast studious alert enthusiastic enticed spellbound wrapped up caught up dialed in locked in set on deep in hooked on really into head over heels hung up charmed busy hooked beguiled interested fixated taken up buried obsessed tied up up to here all ears into preoccupied by turned on caught up in eat sleep and breathe happy queer delighted submerged devoted fanatical smitten distracted single-minded intent on focused on heavily into up to here in stuck on in a brown study up to your ears deep in thought committed transported riveted by captivated by passionate thrilled sent intoxicated besotted keen bound-up concerned wrapped all wound up absent-minded abstracted monomaniacal preoccupied with sunk in single-minded about taken over hell-bent potty about crazy about engrossed in absorbed in wrapped up in obsessive about passionate about nuts about dedicated to enthusiastic about interested in gone on dotty about involved in possessed by wild on wound up hung up on devoted to immersed in having a one-track mind possessed trapped steeped connected captive set centered bound up centred enfolded ignorant mentally enchanted rapturous firm exclusive whole entire determined undivided all ecstatic resolved inflexible absentminded entranced by fascinated by distracted by taken up by distrait dreamy enthralled by spellbound by obsessive somewhere else in a world of one's own with one's head in the clouds wool-gathering not there miles away not with us rhapsodic giddy elevated euphoric elated exhilarated rhapsodical heady strong-minded persistent dogged dedicated driven intensive motivated resolute blissful ravished dazzled excited overpowered very interested aroused tantalized attracted seduced titillated absent joyful inattentive taken dreaming overwhelmed content daydreaming employed unconscious oblivious tantalised carried away blissed out sedulous diligent assiduous monopolized industrious bugged fond of in love with extremely curious sold on under a spell very inquisitive highly interested extremely interested very curious gripped by engaged with beguiled by monopolised engaged in hypnotized by fixated by fiend for intrigued by mesmerized by taken up with

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(of a sailing ship) Unable to move due to a lack of wind

Tính từ

Well organized or arranged
together organised organized methodical neat orderly ordered tidy arranged efficient fixed sorted out well ordered well organized in sync well-organized no-nonsense systematic structured meticulous methodic logical regular businesslike systematized precise disciplined careful exact systematised well regulated well-regulated trim shipshape methodized planned coherent scrupulous deliberate in order formal well planned systematical by the numbers in apple-pie order painstaking by the book straightened out well thought out punctilious well-kept spruce correct regulated spick-and-span in shape framed slick well-ordered neat as button rangé neat as pin scientific in good shape uniform all together set-up thorough clean to rights alike conventional sorted straight neat and tidy spick and span in good order shipshape and Bristol fashion put to rights coordinated sensible reasonable controlled well run well thought-out consistent clear analytical strict standardized standardised rigorous routine practical rational intelligible comprehensible sound fastidious self-controlled thoroughgoing regimented joined-up skillful skilful effective streamlined legible accurate conscientious standard sedulous diligent industrious lucid analytic valid readable understandable exacting decipherable consequent good complete mathematical fussy judicious objective heedful finicky solid distinct out-and-out well-maintained delimited supervised measured well-arranged rigid steady governed restrained nonrandom law-abiding well-behaved peaceable professional integrated correlated cataloged classified tabulated cohesive smooth-running workaday matter-of-fact severe deductive experimental grouped formed catalogued prearranged prepared formulated competent conscionable punctual demanding reasoning consolidated collective unified cerebral thinking intelligent practised insightful cooperative assimilated combined united harmonious pragmatic firm wise hard productive economic unchanging even unvarying unvaried economical hard-headed straight-thinking resourceful organic laborsaving timesaving expeditious earnest practiced accomplished serious enterprising direct concentrated purposeful intent hardworking monotonous strictly regulated unbroken dull saving restricted closely controlled strictly controlled on a tight rein plain reasoned cost-effective well-planned labour-saving fuel-efficient energy-efficient energy-saving sharp articulate fluent graphic easy to understand unmistakable straightforward easy to read unequivocal explicit simple flowing easily deciphered smooth clear-cut easily read cogent well-grounded well-founded relevant meaningful well reasoned attentive particular identified assiduous exhaustive provident thoughtful faithful dedicated full cautious laborious circumspect intensive religious prim searching observant elaborate regardful concerned picky selfdisciplined chary pernickety persnickety loving nice discreet perfectionist strenuous in-depth going to great lengths

Tính từ

Placid and undisturbed
undisturbed uninterrupted even peaceful placid quiet smooth unbroken unobstructed unruffled untroubled in peace without interruption calm stilly halcyon stationary unagitated flat motionless glassy stagnant mirror-like still level tranquil pacific serene mirrorlike waveless unperturbed dead calm like a millpond cool composed collected together sedate unworried self-possessed unshaken possessed coolheaded recollected equal self-composed limpid unfazed at peace unflappable unflustered equable relaxed at ease nonplussed cool, calm and collected imperturbable poised unmoved nonchalant laid-back unbothered even-tempered steady chilled unemotional equanimous controlled cool-headed unexcitable level-headed dispassionate undismayed as cool as a cucumber hushed lown self-controlled unconcerned phlegmatic restful easygoing impassive confident self-assured levelheaded carefree temperate easy casual insouciant arcadian stable blithe unstirred quieted stolid assured cool as a cucumber unanxious dignified whist sober blasé serious easy-going content constant mild happy-go-lucky peaceable urbane quiescent grounded fair devil-may-care staid mellow sensible trouble-free without a care in the world calmed commonsensical unflurried secure stoical clearheaded self-confident at rest unfluctuating deliberate keeping your cool well-balanced sure of oneself cool as cucumber well balanced unaffected undaunted fine regular sleepy becalmed firm unalarmed resolute unchanging unvarying unflinching untouched gentle unvexed philosophical unexcited uniform undistracted agreeable consistent invariable in control not moved soothed disimpassioned repressed suppressed bovine blissful centered unaltering unalterable elegant suave stabile orderly systematic methodical good-natured detached docile irenic keeping a stiff upper lip have one's act together not turn a hair keeping one's shirt on conciliatory pellucid reconciled centred resting satisfied comfortable patient reserved easeful reposeful anxiety-free sure of yourself in repose earnest balanced practical proper rational reasonable wise pragmatic prudent circumspect mature realistic deathly deathlike businesslike sane judicious reliable sound dependable unperturbable demure seemly decorous downwind deathly still moderate sure sanguine serious-minded grave straight assertive stiff prim formal solemn stuffy boring stick-in-the-mud starchy sombre stately somber well adjusted with one's feet on the ground full of common sense well-adjusted good-tempered cold sober protected leeside shielded screened sheltered safe leeward

Tính từ

Living somewhere on a long-term basis

Động từ

To have demonstrated to be true based on facts
established proved demonstrated showed indicated signified signaled signalled displayed exhibited manifested denoted ascertained attested to corroborated evidenced substantiated determined validated confirmed verified certified affirmed ratified revealed sustained testified to upheld authenticated bespoke evinced justified exposed expressed illustrated proclaimed supported bore out declared made clear made evident presented showed clearly spelled out spelt out underscored vouched for assured backed up cleared up concluded documented endorsed espoused expounded got across guaranteed ostended showcased showed once and for all attested checked warranted beared witness to demonstrated the truth of shown prove proven upholden shown to be true showed to be true shown beyond doubt showed beyond doubt borne out vindicated testified found accredited argued backed witnessed constituted proof of constituted evidence of made sure of shown clearly convinced added up pinned down produced proof had a case witnessed to submitted proof established evidence submitted evidence double-checked developt held up lent weight to resulted developed produced evidence fixed explained sussed out fixt made certain of shown once and for all founden fand given substance to gave substance to bespake bespoken given credence to gave weight to gave credence to gave force to given weight to given force to gotten across disclosed betrayed communicated suggested made known broadcast conveyed represented symbolized intimated betokened divulged symbolised pointed to imparted made plain implied asserted aired registered uncovered laid bare given away gave away announced pointed out read reflected connoted embodied marked personified broadcasted vouched epitomized let out let slip let drop told of let the cat out of the bag exemplified designated typified unveiled instantiated pointed toward projected advertised spilled spilt made manifest published publicized hinted at flagged up publicised epitomised incorporated incarnated meaned meant externalized materialized unmasked told evoked inferred advertized discovered hinted bodied insinuated personalized elucidated noted circumstantiated made obvious exteriorized flashed set forth externalised personalised materialised put on view put across promulgated stated sweared realized pointed at encapsulated unearthed bared released leaked professed predicated pointed blabbed actualized emblematized concretized uttered spelled clarified voiced relayed pinpointed reified related vented reinforced stood for come out with hypostatized witnessed to the fact that objectified demonstrated the truth realised added up to mirrored specified said relaid brandished featured depicted deposed pronounced prescribed talked sayed enunciated bore witness borne witness carried laid out made out heralded alleged asseverated mouthed uncloaked portrayed claimed averred cited exclaimed detailed sounded reported maintained protested paraded brought to light unbosomed disseminated addrest spouted purported addressed put into words passed on put forth signposted put on display referred to put one in mind of put over put in mind of signed spread it around brought out into the open made public smacked of let it all hang out let cat out of bag completed let on about put on show put forward tested beared spieled put you in mind of sworn swore readen came out with spoke gave the game away gave substance to the fact that given the game away spoken alluded to spake given substance to the fact that highlighted articulated unfolded had trumpeted labelled labeled spotlighted spotlit mattered distinguished identified mentioned blazed blazoned informed verbalized avowed vocalized flagged delineated alluded furnished predicted underlined notated characterized described recorded promoted submitted worded remarked limelit pressed vivified prest opined recited limelighted instanced posted annunciated blared circulated placarded shewed detected outed flaunted unclosed conjured up turned up disported portended foretold gave out given out ticked tagged branded imaged tabbed ticketed imported shouted offered phrased mumbled muttered delivered blurted avouched contended chattered cried repeated admitted enounced outlined pleaded orated pled proposed blazed abroad shouted out pegged drawled sounded off shouted something from the rooftops adduced mounted yammered denuded murmured stood up for characterised jawed waved around arranged passed leaded you to believe summoned up allowed to be seen blew wide open referred brought to mind yakked called had the attributes of appeared presented oneself as blurted out emphasised pulled the plug on trotted out reminded one of verbalised engaged asked caught out discussed gestured towards blasted stated on oath reminded pointed in direction of crossed the mind translated naked ventilated shot off mouth popped off soliloquized retold stipulated stumped bodied forth summarised found out talked about resulted from vocalised winked served as evidence of augured reminded you of gabbed showed up brought out promised quoted adverted strutted piped unclothed adumbrated shouted from the housetops called to mind got at leaded to the belief occurred summarized sounded out chirped crossed one's heart bewrayed cracked decreed marked off piped up with checked off spilled the beans on exposed to view passed the word