Từ đồng nghĩa của detached

Alternative for detached

Từ trái nghĩa: selfish,

detaches, detached, detaching

Từ đồng nghĩa: assign, delegate, disconnect, draft, separate, unfasten,

Từ trái nghĩa: attach,

Tính từ

Disconnected and not attached to anything
separate disconnected unattached separated isolated unconnected free discrete freestanding apart removed loose parted divided single disengaged disjoined alone unhitched uncoupled unfastened untied loosened unhooked loosed unbuttoned undone unzipped undivided emancipated unaccompanied not attached standing alone standing apart distinct divorced distant disjointed severed segregated independent cut off split disparate individual different dissociated sundered disunited divergent solitary disassociated self-contained withdrawn lonely scattered remote partitioned unsecured broken up distributed disembodied by itself diverse sequestered deserted abstracted inaccessible free-standing discontinuous autonomous unrelated insulated not joined set apart secluded foreign unique distinctive alien unassociated insular unglued outside companionless friendless forsaken estranged lonesome apportioned unsociable introverted retired hermitic selfstanding cut apart all alone put asunder standalone by oneself living apart released astray open unconsolidated not together unbound respective untethered unknotted incoherent closed not fixed abandoned disrupted disbanded desolate individualized adrift forlorn self-sufficient dispersed individualised destitute no longer together split up living separately marked at loggerheads at odds irrelevant quiet cloistered hidden covert secret sheltered not related extrinsic extraneous disjunct several various to one side specific non-continuous dissimilar precise particular retreated distinguishable faraway unalike unlike nonidentical sole contrasting unexplored exotic unaffiliated offbeat other uncommitted unallied sui generis nonnative unknown neutral non-aligned poles apart self-ruling non-partisan self-governing reclusive far-off far-removed antisocial immune uninvolved unassociated with independent of uncommited fancy-free footloose well away strange external at liberty on one's own off the hook asunder shut off far between fenced off set asunder in halves cut in two

Tính từ

Having been severed or cut off

Tính từ

Cold or aloof in manner or behavior
aloof cold distant reserved unsociable withdrawn frosty antisocial standoffish indifferent unemotional offish unclubbable dispassionate unbending asocial standoff impersonal impassive apathetic cool stolid disinterested remote staid incurious casual outside abstract unconcerned unpassioned dry spacey uncurious buttoned-up cold-eyed poker-faced laid-back spaced-out out of it unfriendly uncommunicative unresponsive frigid unapproachable stand-offish unforthcoming undemonstrative chilly formal restrained reticent unfeeling stiff cold-blooded unsympathetic haughty emotionless icy passionless solitary austere introverted taciturn glacial forbidding phlegmatic wooden chill retiring unwelcoming uninterested quiet reclusive affectless silent calm secretive stoical impassible stoic numb uninvolved shy gelid controlled lukewarm inhospitable disdainful unenthusiastic supercilious stuffy uncordial uppity guarded misanthropic heartless introvert private uncompanionable clammy brittle antiseptic media-shy self-controlled hard-eyed unloving unmoved collected businesslike offhand stony sober Olympian insensitive self-contained close diffident composed insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious hard-hearted demure unexpressive conventional clinical callous unsocial tight-lipped inaccessible deadpan cold-hearted closemouthed thick-skinned hostile snobbish laconic unimpassioned rigid close-mouthed inapproachable flat inhibited laid back retired starchy matter-of-fact objective cool, calm and collected uncaring abstracted preoccupied rational unkind proud stony-hearted dumb tranquil snooty sedate off uncongenial shrinking inhuman wintery hardhearted unsentimental neutral wintry self-restrained constrained dead blank bland hollow vacant expressionless toneless eremitic ceremonious modest cautious unexcitable prim timid self-effacing stuck-up nowhere unaffected imperturbable nonemotional immovable brooding hard-boiled serene coldish frozen strait-laced nongregarious impartial bashful backward arctic stilted stuck up putting on airs keeping people at arm's length eremetic stony-eyed conservative avoidant focused introspective unaffectionate contained negative half-hearted tepid moderate uptight temperate unenthused hesitant unaffable unamiable superior muted laissez-faire noninterventionist timorous inward-looking unneighbourly focussed removed discreet insociable arrogant sheepish coy recessive independent rude uncivil mopey mopish unneighborly cold as ice ardorless impervious impotent repellent unromantic cold-shoulder passive loveless socially inhibited alienated mean-looking isolated harsh put on airs distrustful scowling mute ungregarious insular spiritless aseptic retreated thoughtful recluse level-headed cool-headed hard-headed hermit-like hermitic hermitical cynical ascetic disagreeable hermitlike suspicious antagonistic close-lipped inarticulate unruffled unagitated unrevealing uncharitable hard equable unimpressionable dour untalkative exact precise unwilling to mix with other people correct proper impenetrable remorseless cruel ruthless non-communicative self-sufficient all alone coldhearted obdurate marble uncompassionate listless inexpressive blah bureaucratic curt dried-up mom speechless sententious sullen sparing inflexible hands-off starched affected featureless depersonalized uncolored gray colourless straight depersonalised faceless candid grey equal measured nondiscriminatory colorless anonymous careful soulless monolithic seemly official serious mum polite straight arrow stiff-necked by the numbers clammed up along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches strictly business cold turkey pokerfaced lofty with a heart of stone gentle mild soft-spoken peaceful noncommittal placid on ice cold fish lone wolf straight-faced terse cloistered meek stern lone seclusive unreceptive unamicable ungenial severe unhappy hateful depressing mousy flinty steely unsmiling discouraging fierce off-putting inimical abrupt lifeless unassuming contemptuous withering unassertive insecure secluded sequestered brusque repressed self-conscious embarrassed abashed pompous dismissive discourteous ungracious monastic ungainly impolite indrawn lonely alone tongue-tied unconversational contemplative sceptical pensive self-absorbed self-interested short secret secluse anchoritic hermetic eremitical companionless wordless tight-mouthed dark clamlike jaundiced malevolent meditative reflective ruminative inner-directed self-centred friendless unaccompanied mumchance dried up on the QT buttoned up at a loss for words evasive hush-hush inhumane pessimistic lonesome shut away self-centered selfish hating grouchy egotistical egoistic narrow-minded misanthropical sarcastic sardonic unique singular one one-off sole special only skeptical by itself by oneself stag separate forsaken sui generis lorn on its own unattended out-of-the-way particular deserted

Tính từ

Objective or unbiased in one's judgment
unbiased impartial objective unprejudiced neutral equitable just fair uninvolved non-partisan even-handed fair-minded open-minded with no axe to grind dispassionate disinterested nonpartisan evenhanded indifferent balanced non-discriminatory independent uncommitted equal impersonal square nonaligned uncolored on the fence unaligned unallied disengaged candid without favouritism nondiscriminatory unaffiliated straight without fear or favour unconcerned undecided pacifistic inactive clinical bystanding unbigoted anti-discrimination nondiscriminating nonchalant poker-faced middle-of-the-road on-the-fence uninfluenced on sidelines free from discrimination inert removed non-aligned noncombatant nonbelligerent non-participating collected middle-of-road easy cool nonparticipating calm neuter relaxed aloof autonomous upright unslanted honest unconnected honourable without favor reasonable virtuous aboveboard honorable rational on the level nonpolitical distant impassive unswayed unincluded open steady equalized equalised unrelated in proportion even level that takes everything into account well balanced trustworthy right justifiable fair-and-square legitimate proper non-allied lawful clean good non-interventionist legal legit kosher non-combatant righteous principled pukka on the up-and-up fair and square non-belligerent uncorrupted sincere frank civil blameless scrupulous non-combative above board non-fighting on up-and-up on the up and up according to the rules anti-war unemotional sitting on the fence disconnected non-discriminating broad-minded uninterested not taking sides unimplicated unaffected

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Objective or fair, after taking everything into account
open-minded unbiased impartial unprejudiced objective neutral dispassionate disinterested balanced reasonable liberal tolerant enlightened accepting catholic free permissive undogmatic unprescriptive acceptant acceptive observant perceptive understanding even-handed non-partisan non-discriminatory fair-minded anti-discrimination non-aligned prejudice-free non-judgemental fair equitable just evenhanded nonpartisan equal indifferent square nondiscriminatory uninvolved impersonal candid uncolored honest with no axe to grind unbigoted without fear or favour upright honourable honorable independent straight on the level nondiscriminating on the fence free from discrimination decent trustworthy good unselfish right without favouritism unemotional scrupulous virtuous uncommitted on-the-fence unslanted rational nonaligned without favor broad-minded fair and square on the up and up righteous egalitarian proper legitimate ethical principled lawful judicial moral conscientious clinical outside uncoloured cold middle-of-the-road uninterested sincere aloof blameless aboveboard above board justifiable unallied disconnected sensible progressive free-thinking freethinking unswayed moderate fair-and-square rightful selfless due unprepossessed upstanding on the up-and-up proportionate right-minded free from self-interest without prejudice sitting on the fence pure strictly business cool fair-to-middling even-steven upfront cricket level stable respectable conscionable incorruptible noble unruffled composed level-headed logical unmoved nonpassionate true truthful even equalised equalized in proportion that takes everything into account square deal fair shake disengaged reliable dependable autonomous full of integrity stand-up unconcerned bystanding non-discriminating clean removed non-participating unaligned undecided unconnected uninfluenced legal legit kosher on sidelines pukka inactive nonchalant not taking sides poker-faced uncorrupted frank civil on up-and-up according to the rules unaffiliated faithful law-abiding inert straightforward noncombatant nonbelligerent middle-of-road easy calm neuter collected nonparticipating pacifistic relaxed steady equable genuine reputable dutiful floating vacillating uncertain undeclared worthy unattached high-minded nice anti-corruption exemplary punctilious middle of the road all right nonpolitical impassive distant unrelated open unaffected unimplicated unincluded well balanced matching without distinction nonbiased forthright sportsmanlike sporting gracious mannerly dinkum middle correct equalitarian chivalrous gentlemanlike gallant sportsmanly firm high-principled classless unimpeachable right and proper on the square on-the-level straddling the fence sporty according to Hoyle of principle true-blue circumspect up front responsible democratic credible unfailing humble steadfast veracious authentic unpretentious uncontrived unfeigned enduring dedicated unwavering trusty constant resolute patriotic wavering indecisive equal-opportunity split torn unsure mild conservative midway controlled compromising cautious noncommittal disciplined modest inexpensive iffy quality in two minds in doubt centrist in a quandary in a dilemma innocent free-floating blowing hot and cold angelic sinless saintly guiltless faultless irreproachable non-radical non-extreme restrained apathetic casual free-spirited fence-sitting laid-back God-fearing squeaky-clean pious noble-minded not involved non-reactionary central not excessive devoted reverent matchless commendable deserving holy meritorious charitable philanthropical devout philanthropic laudable godlike creditable peerless praiseworthy spiritual cut loose middle ground don't care pacific safe uncontroversial open to reason

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Showing no concern or interest
indifferent dispassionate aloof distant cold cool callous impartial unmoved disinterested equitable objective unbiased unconcerned unconcerned about unresponsive unsympathetic apathetic about apathetic towards careless casual about heedless of impassive insouciant nonchalant about nonpartisan offhand about passionless regardless uncaring about unemotional unfeeling unimpressed uninterested in uninvolved in uninvolved with unprejudiced apathetic bored by candid careless of cavalier about dismissive of emotionless equal evenhanded fair frivolous about impervious just mindless of neutral oblivious to reckless about regardless of square uncaring unimpressed by uninterested blasé heedless inattentive lukewarm about nonaligned phlegmatic about pococurante unenthusiastic about uninvolved unmoved by unresponsive to weary of diffident haughty heartless highbrow listless phlegmatic scornful silent stoical supercilious superior unaroused uncommunicative unsocial not giving a monkey's nonchalant casual incurious insensible carefree offhand remote relaxed impersonal open-minded even-handed laid-back lukewarm uncurious fair-minded complacent lackadaisical balanced non-partisan bored cavalier perfunctory nondiscriminatory negligent lax calm unruffled cursory clinical non-discriminatory rational devil-may-care unexcited weary unperturbed uncolored without fear or favour slack unworried blithe disimpassioned passive serene unenthusiastic nonplussed laid back breezy easygoing flippant informal unselfish loose outside judicial incurious about composed happy-go-lucky forgetful supine hard-hearted independent logical easy-going honest unbigoted free from discrimination free and easy with no axe to grind undemonstrative selfish hardhearted lifeless airy trivializing dismissive trivialising unimpressible withdrawn negative not caring unswayed indifferent about not surprised unvexed selfless straight glutted jaded unprepossessed uncoloured placid tranquil strictly business world-weary analytic free from self-interest without prejudice on the level just watching the clock not giving a damn indifferent to distant from sitting on the fence on the fence cloyed turned off detached from could care less artless unstudied unmindful of dispassionate about deaf to removed bored stiff going through motions aloof from effortless leisurely superficial light languid unslanted nondiscriminating level-headed without favor on-the-fence reasonable nonpassionate sensible disconnected indolent simple unsentimental sober businesslike antiseptic unsurprised untroubled moderate neglectful hard-headed thoughtless remiss disregardful non-emotional derelict easy unanxious unmindful lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair delinquent irresponsible slapdash slipshod sloppy unthinking lazy unflappable oscitant insensitive feckless reserved deaf undisturbed unbothered not bothered at ease hardened blind stony undaunted self-centred self-centered slovenly behindhand neglecting unheedful cool, calm and collected without a care in the world not giving a toss failing to take proper care asleep at switch

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Separated or disconnected from the moment
oblivious inattentive abstracted indifferent unheeding absent absorbed distracted insensitive unconcerned careless disregardful neglectful unmindful absentminded dreamy gone preoccupied removed spacey blank vacant bemused daydreaming musing unaware vague distant faraway distrait absent-minded heedless forgetful woolgathering scatterbrained lost in thought in a brown study unthinking wool-gathering scatty miles away engrossed negligent dreaming pensive unobservant out to lunch thoughtless unconscious ditzy lost brooding thoughtful remote far away mooning airheaded moony not with us insensible reckless withdrawn intent inadvertent incautious distraught irresponsible immersed rapt inclined to forget inconscient imprudent somewhere else regardless wrapped up remiss apt to forget immersed in thought deep in thought sloppy pipe dreaming with a mind like a sieve not there out in space frantic frenzied hysteric agitated hysterical delirious empty unseeing beside oneself casual surroundings idle vacuous a million miles away hasty absentee nonchalant untroubled omitted minus bare hollow deficient devoid impetuous mindless unguarded unwary space cadet goofing off worried wrapped-up spellbound deep taken up fascinated caught up anxious asleep engaged bugged elsewhere uncircumspect injudicious improvident rash unaware of events napping unreflective head in the clouds unsystematic disorganized unreliable undependable in short supply uncaring unworried hung up giddy feather-headed empty-headed erratic dizzy birdbrained feather-brained with a memory like a sieve dippy dappy devil-may-care cool slapdash slipshod lax in a world of your own mystified disorganised nonplussed puzzled baffled bewildered unfocused amnemonic inattentive to slack wandering negligent about nirvanic unwitting oblivious to blithe not with it with one's head in the clouds remiss in indifferent to remiss about lax about out of it looking out window having a memory like a sieve asleep on the job not on the job like an absent-minded professor diverted inobservant unobserving unwatchful unperceiving undiscerning unnoticing apathetic bored listless dozy lacking concentration not concentrating off-guard off in a world of one's own

Tính từ

Having no companions
lone single solitary solo unaccompanied alone lonely sole companionless distinct individual isolated lonesome one separate unescorted unique only abandoned all alone by itself by oneself discrete forsaken onliest particular single-handed stag without companions by yourself unattended partnerless unchaperoned solus unwatched unguarded isolate loner apart hermit odd removed deserted without an escort left alone traveling light a cappella on one's own on your own independent reclusive withdrawn singular unsociable introverted hermitic exclusive special unitary retiring specific antisocial hermitical private unassisted unaided unsocial friendless distinguished one-off cloistered sequestered disparate forlorn secluded distinctive especial misanthropic separated reserved standoffish express me myself and I me and my shadow definite lorn on its own by one's lonesome on one's lonesome introvert deliberate standalone on my own respective specified fixed purposeful clear-cut single-handedly hermit-like eremitic desolate unmarried undisturbed personal autonomous on one's jack on one's Jack Jones on one's pat on one's tod on one's Pat Malone uninterrupted remaining spare surplus unpaired extra in solitary in a solitary state monastic seclusive recluse ascetic particularised leftover select selfstanding diacritic particularized singlehanded unhelped without help unused unmatched uneven secluse anchoritic hermetic eremitical outcast without disturbance without interruption estranged rejected destitute distant eremetic offish out-of-the-way sui generis retired self-sufficient uncompanionable aloof self-contained shut away unbefriended uncherished orra renounced left comfortless troglodytic down empty godforsaken homeless disconsolate onetime characteristic pure once-off once-only one-shot unmixed signature undivided distinguishing simple unshared unalloyed unblended uncompounded one and only only one one only singled-out

Tính từ

Arrogantly superior and disdainful
haughty proud arrogant lofty imperious supercilious conceited stuck-up superior contemptuous disdainful overweening snobbish pompous scornful cavalier egotistical lordly self-important sniffy snooty uppish uppity condescending high-handed hoity-toity overbearing vain patronising patronizing smug chesty hifalutin high highfalutin assumptive big-headed bumptious cocky fancy-pants high-and-mighty high-hat huffish huffy important la-di-da masterful peremptory presuming presumptuous pretentious prideful self-asserting self-assertive stiff-necked swollen-headed toffee-nosed toploftical toplofty above oneself vainglorious assuming distant egotistic full of oneself indifferent puffed up reserved self-aggrandizing snotty high and mighty on high horse on your high horse boastful insolent domineering snobby egoistic egoistical narcissistic overconfident self-satisfied opinionated swaggering affected bossy aloof self-opinionated magisterial bigheaded swellheaded self-centered self-conceited autocratic self-centred audacious bragging egocentric forward biggity pushy brash biggety assured dictatorial selfish bold pontifical complacent snippy immodest ostentatious impudent cocksure cheeky elitist know-it-all inflated authoritarian grandiose tyrannical despotic self-confident impertinent hubristic stuck up blustering brazen consequential confident bloated full of yourself self-serving self-congratulatory dismissive officious self-loving sneering brassy self-assured mocking self-admiring sassy self-contented persnickety oppressive aristocratic saucy boasting contumelious self-righteous self-affected self-promoting self-engrossed self-adulatory self-glorifying posh fresh scoffing cool holier-than-thou self-regarding self-absorbed swanky arbitrary swollen commanding authoritative egomaniacal stuck on oneself tyrannous autocratical tyrannic nervy sententious self-obsessed smarty strutting too big for your boots rude showy wrapped up in oneself potty ritzy inner-directed stuffy inconsiderate cold-shoulder orgulous pushful dogmatic dominating wise guy puffed-up smart-alecky solipsistic self-interested on an ego trip introverted derisive blusterous stiff individualistic withering self-involved self-oriented self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-concerned wise slighting insulting self-seeking disparaging gracious jeering bullish disrespectful rigid portentous iron-handed heavy-handed jumped up abhorrent willful wilful repressive puffy pontificating strict draconian inflexible flaunting severe harsh imperial belittling full of contempt la-de-da sure high-minded imperative braggart braggy putting on airs pleased with oneself personal uncivil refined smart exclusive brassbound arch coercive undemocratic highhanded derisory malapert anti-democratic priggish goody-goody loudmouth autarchic egomaniac peacockish dominant thoughtless forceful scathing flatulent brazen-faced hotshot assertive remote tony pert bold-faced iron-fisted demeaning degrading derogative snide depreciative denigratory detractive derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative regnant doctrinaire high-flown unyielding sardonic highfaluting opprobrious in love with oneself inward-looking pleased with yourself demanding throwing one's weight around self-respecting think too highly of oneself snot-nosed think a lot of oneself full of hot air too big for one's breeches subjective obsessive have an excessively high opinion of oneself intimate intrinsic too big for one's boots isolated self-complacent self-flattering self-applauding extraverted bombastic self-pleased unreserved self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted uninhibited offhand standoffish stooping ambitious vaunting absolute elitist casual curt poncey windy airy puffed dicty unconcerned insouciant uninterested honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty obnoxious loud disciplinarian totalitarian cliquish unceremonious discourteous la-dee-da complaisant wiseguy illiberal denigrating abrupt brusque glib terse cursory off perfunctory ungracious high falutin defiant bullying blowing one's own horn offensively self-assertive flip unabashed take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish sarcastic overproud ironhanded boldfaced barefaced procacious unblushing cynical hypercritical lording it careless swollen with pride on a high horse on one's high horse majestic regal imposing august judicial stately dignified familiar free overbold too big for one's britches nose in the air grand spectacular magnificent splendid exaggerated flowery overstated abusive despicable malicious preponderant ascendant prevalent rash overfamiliar impolite highfalutin' compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory inborn ingrained inherent idiosyncratic uncaring unthinking impetuous overhasty precipitate previous premature hasty foolhardy think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas presumptive looking after number one wisenheimer throwing one's weight about improper inappropriate shameless Neronian dogmatical clamorous crack-the-whip stern firm throwing weight around dictative rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating genteel mannered contrived artificial chichi precious schmaltzy campy grandstanding well pleased proud of oneself self-approving positive certain jaunty independent taunting lah-di-dah self-indulgent self-sufficient having a swelled head wrapped up with oneself hypocritical pious pietistic sanctimonious crowing flamboyant big self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop turning up your nose at looking down your nose at high falutin' upper-class smart aleck smart guy smarty pants subjugating controlling hard-nosed hard temperamental disapproving upstage gone Hollywood over-refined full of airs and graces strong-willed high hat dog it pharisaic mealy-mouthed pi moralizing unctuous windbag brag boast conceity ham phony gall phoney preachy Pharisaic noble canting Tartuffian Pharisaical in driver's seat crack the whip moralising big talking blowing one's own trumpet too good to be true lippy irreverent flippant insubordinate bold as brass mouthy blatant brass-necked fearless arrant unmannerly brave ill-mannered offensive unshrinking daring aggressive crude gritty bad-mannered mannerless facetious plucky courageous mischievous obtrusive dauntless ballsy gutsy undaunted out-of-line out of line cute spunky smart-aleck unafraid smarty-pants smart-arsed thrusting intrepid valiant unflinching smart-assed heroic gallant off-base intrusive crusty dashing game crass unembarrassed unashamed impulsive outrageous flagrant tactless heedless mettlesome pushing valorous in-your-face breezy doughty stout strident daredevil lionhearted temerarious meddlesome stouthearted aweless as bold as brass ill-bred undiplomatic feisty stout-hearted playful loudmouthed gutty witty jocular jokey hotheaded whimsical tongue-in-cheek frivolous impolitic funny humorous ridiculous silly impish reckless satirical comical shocking snippety iconoclastic brazenfaced madcap carefree bright sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous untactful vivacious loud-mouthed poised stalwart unblenching spirited flashy enterprising forthright composed irreverential unhallowed ungodly unholy manful bald-faced coarse unmannered prying interfering meddling nosy bantam uncalled-for venturous unhandsome greathearted heroical over-assertive disgracious have-a-go insistent undauntable smart alecky go-ahead coming on strong too big for your breeches icy perky naughty indulgent overindulgent over-free relaxed insufferable lacking civility bad mannered temeritous blowhard undisguised driven combative volatile weisenheiming smart-mouthed tolerant free-and-easy clever inane riding for a fall overoptimistic chirpy dapper keen unsubtle overassertive direct protrusive nosey busy intruding snoopy swanking big-mouthed effervescent trashy headlong incautious maladroit overfriendly high-pressure fierce go-getting militant meretricious indecent tawdry adventurous wisecracking put down exultant inquisitive incongruous unsuitable frightless overpowering emphatic bare-faced steely unworried unapprehensive indomitable sharp-elbowed undismayed wry roguish joking waggish jocose lighthearted droll cutesy jesting venturesome off base impervious fire-eating resolute undisturbed unalarmed lion-hearted noisy blaring heading for a fall hot stuff self-reliant not backwards in coming forwards mincingly clever blithe grating jarring adventuresome stubborn on ego trip can-do secure self-possessed unrepentant unawed piercing raucous tenacious hardy free-swinging nerved peppy emboldened believing expectant expecting well-balanced cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill ridiculing amusing depraved dissolute unchaste hardened incorrigible lewd immoral abashless reprobate unaffected abandoned profligate wanton unshamed unprincipled unrestrained gaudy ear-splitting vulgar discordant salty fire eating as game as Ned Kelly go for broke hot shot dareful out on a limb jibing churlish disagreeable jazzy tinny garish superficial sure of yourself believing in oneself sure of oneself blunt teasing detracting pillorying shallow irresponsible graceless high-pitched metallic flirtatious unpleasant absurd ludicrous cockamamie pathetic lampooning cockamamy caustic laughable risible farcical preposterous puckish unfearing unabashed by unshakable undaunted by snidey gally sarky light-hearted unchivalrous uncharitable boorish unscared unalarmed by unfrightened uncouth unrefined unladylike ungenteel loutish ungallant surly sullen oafish indecorous indelicate rough gruff ungentlemanly underbred inaffable sharp ignorant short crabbed yokelish bounderish for the birds having nerves of steel not scared

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Polite, elegant, and sophisticated in manner
debonair suave urbane charming courteous refined smooth sophisticated cultured dashing elegant civil confident gracious self-assured self-possessed chivalrous courtly dignified gallant genteel gentlemanly polished dapper smart spruce stylish trim well mannered attractive cool fly sharp snappy spiffy svelte swanky swish well bred affable gentle mannerly trig well-bred well dressed well groomed buoyant casual cheerful cultivated happy jaunty nonchalant pleasant sprightly well-groomed well turned out on fleek polite civilized civilised decorous worldly worldly-wise obliging poised tactful diplomatic bland graceful ladylike glib slick fine formal unctuous ingratiating oily agreeable genial respectful aristocratic well-mannered cordial amiable classy considerate media-savvy cosmopolitan smooth-tongued stately silver-tongued tasteful pleasing friendly composed handsome sociable politic engaging charismatic together soft-spoken persuasive majestic likeable likable collected unruffled decent proper deferential witty fetching august lovely equable thoughtful good-natured nice kind chic discreet complaisant well behaved well-behaved well brought up well spoken larger than life well-spoken congenial unemotional smooth-talking haughty snobbish soft impeccable fulsome distingué proud balanced metropolitan privileged well-born aloof respectable ceremonious smarmy facile silky possessed honourable honorable coolheaded sedate royal seductive self-composed enlightened experienced highbred couth prim flattering preux adulatory complimentary lofty high-bred imposing studied conventional calm knowledgeable citified jet-set intelligent blasé mondaine erudite knowing mature beautiful world-weary fashionable artistic worldly wise conciliatory mild amenable neighborly obsequious solicitous attentive punctilious sympathetic concerned neighbourly condescending good-mannered discerning serene self-confident been around captivating luxurious well brought-up self-controlled cool-headed unfazed assured opulent classic modish sumptuous exquisite enchanting impassive unperturbed tranquil delicate distinguished endearing imperturbable unflappable plush grand aesthetic cute sweet prepossessing winning appealing bewitching adorable select choice noble equanimous at ease nonplussed lovable delectable enticing absorbing alluring entrancing dreamy ornate dainty rare ostentatious comely ornamented fancy affected easygoing controlled placid beguiling winsome divine adorbs luring irresistible superior high-class schmick recherche esthetic overdone stylized cool, calm and collected a la mode well-designed well-dressed magnetic inviting bonny delightful magnetising couthy electrifying magnetizing accommodating kindly benevolent seemly hospitable amicable benign helpful understanding indulgent warm correct accomplished cooperative easy good-humoured mellow charitable approachable good-humored unselfish good bonhomous generous tolerant tender warm-hearted sensitive dutiful regardful well-disposed compliant comradely convivial magnanimous easy-going advanced careful virtuous warmhearted good-tempered posh social orderly educated obedient affectionate willing caring beneficent peaceful restrained law-abiding unreserved compassionate kind-hearted peaceable companionable welcoming loving becoming knightly precise befitting well-brought-up just jovial big-hearted good-hearted gentlemanlike conscientious high-minded open subtle scrupulous judicious noble-minded true discriminating developed prudent high courageous lenient right heroic well disposed de rigueur moral observant liberal valiant cautious straight brave heedful disciplined intrepid bold acquiescent gregarious outgoing valorous tractable accessible personable clubbable forthcoming matey chummy natural accommodative buddy-buddy docile exact clubby highborn modest cheery honest submissive pompous giving reputable upright blue-blooded brotherly humane patrician manageable upper-crust mindful chirpy ethical principled righteous perceptive stilted starchy prudish priggish prissy sublime big great kindhearted regal stiff conversable eager to please lordly greathearted upstanding selfless accurate altruistic learned worthy merciful benignant perky trustworthy rigorous mathematical fastidious well-educated well informed well read skilful skillful eager to help stiff-necked tactical dexterous deft savvy great-hearted artful conscionable bountiful dextrous shrewd guileful wily astute open-handed calculating treating with kid gloves stand-up clean-living all right princely right-minded protective sensible wellmannered finished fearless stout-hearted dauntless company-loving temperate womanly cavalier easy to get along with mild-mannered good mannered taught trained adaptable pliable biddable thoughty devoted chivalric guestfriendly reverential handy accepting long-suffering assent quiet non-violent responsible daring loyal elevated fair responsive nonviolent ruly constant receptive user friendly on tap on deck harmonious evolved airy close progressive improved forward pinpoint spot-on late higher clever fit spirited manly quixotic willing to help suitable demure fitting at peace fraternal adept elite upper-class orthodox wary foresighted palsy non-hostile palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met collegial hail-fellow hearty high-brow snazzy ritzy informal arch intriguing capable crafty sly contriving brainy cunning strategic conniving scheming cagey opportunistic scholarly intellectual conforming done pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow snooty straitlaced precious stuffy wholesome humanitarian incorrupt dependable pure conflict-free softly-softly kid-glove pally communicative relaxed uninhibited highbrow puritanical like-minded empathic concordant cozy agreeing pacific accordant regular cosy softhearted bleeding-heart well meaning well intentioned feeling tenderhearted tender-hearted soft-hearted philanthropic all heart munificent moralistic exemplary irreproachable chaste blameless incorruptible well born upmarket titled high-born wellborn solemn comme il faut meet by the numbers in line by the book strait-laced innocent truthful sinless meticulous well-informed eleemosynary angelic soft touch propitious unoffensive goodhearted public-spirited motherly fatherly sweet-tempered openhearted supportive forbearing comforting unstinting benefic maternal pitying lavish bounteous large-hearted philanthropical fatherlike clement heart in right place openhanded freehanded patient holy pious faultless laudable aboveboard spiritual saintly guiltless meritorious praiseworthy upper crust Brahmin ennobled aristocratical top-drawer diligent thorough painstaking immaculate square shooting right nice blue silk-stocking queenly exalted silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth kingly commendable true-blue kosher salt of the earth squeaky-clean square imperial strict ultra-careful studious fussy particular well-read artistically aware ritual up-to-date lettered savant blue-stocking intellectually aware able distingue traveled appreciative arty versed well educated literary informed literate on the up and up squeaky clean religious persnickety detailed perfectionist finicky methodical wise skilled adroit insightful aware rigid deliberate measured travelled pedantic hair-splitting finical nitpicking demanding exacting pernickety with good taste au courant overnice laborious imperious grandiose right on assiduous formalistic good eye overconscientious overscrupulous punctual treating something with kid gloves slow-moving just so

Động từ

Past tense for disconnect, cut off
separated freed removed disengaged disconnected loosened unfastened severed parted uncoupled unhitched disunited isolated loosed segregated disjoined divided unbuttoned undid undone unhooked untied unzipped disentangled cut off tore off torn off unbridled abstracted chopped off clipped off decoupled disassembled disassociated dismounted hacked off nipped off pruned off pulled off sundered unfixed withdrew withdrawn broke off broken off stripped off stript off took apart taken apart ripped off split unyoked unlinked divorced dissociated released dissevered disjointed resolved ramified extricated set free set apart unloosed extracted unclasped cut let out split up pulled out unbound broke up broken up cleaved liberated distanced unclicked unfettered rent rended let go untangled let loose amputated unlocked unstrapped extraught disentwined disaffiliated partitioned alienated unbuckled excised come apart rived untethered split in two unbolted disenthralled disarticulated unleashed set at odds pulled unbounden cut out set loose put at a distance unchained dismembered plucked out cut in two unlaced disbanded cleared unloosened unlashed unshackled dissected unstuck unravelled unraveled lopped off unmanacled sliced took off taken off hewed off sheared off sliced off broke broken brake tugged out prised out yanked out unpinned distinguished unscrewed pruned trimmed disembarrassed uncorked unsnapped discharged come away untwined secluded emancipated estranged docked unwrapped disrupted unknotted opened delivered dichotomized set against manumitted rescued dissolved spread enfranchised came apart dismantled riven rove divided in two avoided splintered hoicked out cut loose put away uncaged split off sectioned kept apart segmented unshut taken out took out ransomed sprung moved away setted at variance set at large put asunder cut away dug out cast loose drawn drew demarcated ended things broke apart broken apart unlatched skimmed snapped off unpegged come off ruptured bifurcated came away grouped sorted stood between roped off parted company insulated sequestered unbarred mitigated untightened uncombined eased disembedded truncated pulled apart bisected broke away broken away disgruntled soured aliened disaffected unmoored turned away unpenned worked free worked loose quarantined saved solved scattered unmarried sucked pumped tapped eliminated lopped abscised removed surgically lopt curtailed carved become disconnected become detached unsealed come loose become unfastened slackened off diverged teared disburdened discumbered dispersed embroiled weaned antagonized antagonised shied expelled luxated screened off sectioned off clipt clipped unpicked unstopped unclosed unblocked dislocated stripped subdivided stript particularised articulated itemised particularized itemized portioned sprang redeemed enlarged casted off setted adrift moved apart pushed away made unfriendly turned off come between made hostile to made indifferent saved one's neck wedged apart freed up bailed out snipped out walked away placed far off allowed to leave kept at arm's length turned your back on turned loose setted at liberty carved out befreed unplugged came off went your separate ways gone your separate ways gone separate ways went separate ways corve carven came loose became unfastened torn tore became disconnected became detached saw off driven apart drove apart drew back drawn back sowed dissension sown dissension broken open broke open drew apart drawn apart gotten out from under given rights to got out from under gave rights to bailed one out broke from broken from broke with broken with came between withdrawn from withdrew from withdrawn the affections of withdrew the affections of drove a wedge between driven a wedge between tore out torn out drew off drawn off took away taken away

Động từ

Past tense for to separate for a special object or use

Động từ

Past tense for detach

Từ trái nghĩa của detached

detached Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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