Từ đồng nghĩa của polished

Alternative for polished

polishes, polished, polishing

Từ đồng nghĩa: buff, burnish, furbish, glaze, gloss, rub, shine, wax,

Từ trái nghĩa: tarnish,

Tính từ

Shiny as a result of being rubbed
glossy gleaming shining bright burnished lustrous slippery smooth buffed glassy shiny level enameled enamelled furbished glazed glistening ground japanned lacquered rubbed sanded satin satiny sleek varnished waxed shellacked sheeny brilliant silky sparkling glowing shimmering slick luminous radiant dazzling beaming incandescent refulgent silken glittering effulgent lambent fulgent lucent scintillating nitid clear flashing lucid splendid candescent bedazzling twinkling irradiant velvety glimmering reflecting reflective intense vivid blazing translucent glaring light aglow phosphorescent sunny transparent chatoyant coruscating sparkly vitreous patinated limpid icy glittery slippy glacé resplendent ablaze waxy illuminated lighted illumined golden argent sunlit moonlit beamy auroral fulgid irradiated relucent silvery mirrorlike burning alight agleam planed convey metallized well-groomed satinlike sericeous glossed gilded pearlescent glorious glinting well brushed finished cottony soft velvetlike silklike downy metallic continuous unbroken silky-smooth pellucid greasy vitric slithery slimy wet oily lubricious hyaline unruffled even calm hyaloid skiddy slicked oiled greased lubricated glazy unsafe glass-like crystal clear mirror-like like a skating rink unsteady perilous unstable soapy unctuous ice-covered flickering luminescent fluorescent glistering fulgurant fulgurating fulgurous iridescent lit flaming flashy spangled gaudy glowy opalescent ardent colourful rutilant colorful showy psychedelic rich warm kaleidoscopic shimmery vibrant fervid fervent lurid radiating Day-Glo deep striking dancing strong flamboyant bold garish oleaginous fiery splashy sleeky coruscant splendent scintillant jazzy gay clinquant loud deep-coloured eye-catching starry bright-coloured highly-coloured slippery as an eel highly colored transcendent red-hot white-hot shinning spruce small round cheery aflame gleamy irradiating luminiferous hot white silver healthy crystal beamful stunning blinding splendorous noticeable conspicuous beautiful on fire intensely hot luculent flaring fierce overpowering reflecting light extremely bright Brylcreemed smouldering astral star stellar full of life impassioned dynamic vigorous spirited mantling gaseous entertaining suffused smoldering lit up plastered down beady shot opaline gold gold-plated painted nacreous prismatic pearly rainbow-coloured full alloyed tinsel tinseled plated overlaid rainbow-like many-hued polychromatic variegated multicoloured visual dramatic holographic irised rainbowlike rainbow-colored rainbow many-colored bespangled radiated celestial sidereal stellary stelliform specious meretricious multicolored fine gilt plush silk delicate tender luxurious like silk

Tính từ

Accomplished and skilful
accomplished expert masterly skilful adept flawless impeccable masterful skilled faultless fine outstanding adroit clever deft dextrous dexterous excellent perfect professional proficient superlative consummate exquisite first-rate remarkable superb talented ace class gifted stellar practised practiced skillful well executed able capable virtuoso competent crack experienced efficient master good crackerjack versed mean great trained handy brilliant veteran nifty artful educated complete wizard workmanlike professed sharp savvy compleat slick bravura apt delicate smart wicked genius ingenious tasty seasoned habile well versed quick elite impressive qualified supreme exceptional nimble smooth agile first-class knowledgeable schooled neat magnificent refined finished hot top-notch effective all-around deadly a dab hand at precise superior nimble-fingered peerless brainy facile world-class intelligent multiskilled multitalented effectual accurate sure-handed fitted taught well-rounded tutored all-round suitable old marvellous on the ball big league out of this world fit pro whiz topflight nippy extraordinary marvelous cool keen practical well-versed hotshot finely judged top-hole graceful wised up splendid a hand at formidable useful well-executed astute versant learned effortless bright best unrivaled ready specialist precocious phenomenal au fait dazzling there vet unrivalled demon prompt perceptive dynamite endowed top-drawer exceptionally good extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled class act tuned in highly trained shining at highly qualified pure immaculate prodigious streamlined classic satisfactory proper reliable very well smooth-running quintessential elegant perfected exemplary ultimate handpicked deluxe choice capital balanced certified methodic methodical beautiful painstaking cultivated leading active systematic virtuosic well-organized well organized businesslike perfectly-executed first class shrewd preeminent transcendent urbane right on errorless dead-on spot-on thorough serviceable suited sure-fire well sporting exact on-target trustworthy stringent cunning canny specialized resourceful sly well run cultured versatile dominant A1 star specialised cute fleet forward mature supremely skilled hardy having the know-how employable long-term well trained hep hip having know-how equal having good hands artistic with it out of the ordinary magic have smarts old beyond one's years have the goods got it advanced for one's age ahead of one's peers sufficient crisp cut out for having a knack for know the ropes know one's stuff up to speed no slouch up to it know the answers know one's business know ins and outs know the score all around hot tamale tested conversant hardened creative flexible inventive familiar tried up to snuff long-serving wise battle-scarred ambidextrous alert quick-witted lithe sharp-witted knowing imaginative ingenuous wonderful terrific tremendous lively spry lissom whip-smart sprightly strong light-footed limber acrobatic supple light adaptable smashing awesome established fab fleet-footed equipped multifaceted productive acute ideal lightsome tip-top twinkle-toed very good sophisticated prepared adequate many-sided discerning plastic varied mobile pliable functional elastic all-purpose protean puttylike various instructed fast perspicacious crafty supersmart ultrasmart hyperintelligent fluent old hand champion nimble-footed original complex complicated eligible sensational fantastic fabulous innovative powerful intellectual exercised time-served strict inspired careful clean innovational variable scholarly worldly-wise brill weathered profound erudite penetrating cerebral long-time fertile worldly elaborate rational lissome swift quick-moving innovatory originative Promethean disciplined zippy eggheaded whip subtle lithesome featly light-foot gracile feline brisk very intelligent deviceful knowing the score Einstein whiz kid sharp as a tack not born yesterday on the beam been around no dummy quick on the trigger quick on the uptake confident decent straight decisive impeccably credentialed prolific well-endowed kosher mighty well credentialed pitch-perfect happy express categorical voluble redoubtable notable sure-footed glorious licensed chartered invincible indomitable leet certificated advanced switched-on well-informed acquainted inch-perfect appropriate top topnotch distinguished super sensible habituated drilled phenom sussed universal dynamic ultraefficient organized sik exo easy toughened matured puissant amazing select enterprising intuitive insightful wide-awake vigilant feasible worthy responsible astounding admirable right fitting malleable authorized rounded sport accustomed well up receptive rangé arty untainted ten paradisiacal matchless aces utopian untarnished foolproof crowning beyond compare unmarred unequaled absolute culminating sublime paradisiac A-OK out-of-this-world stainless excelling classical defectless blameless spotless sound indefectible unblemished clever with one's hands good with one's hands adept physically multilayered polygonal manifold multidimensional quick-thinking licenced proved authorised accepted trailblazing razor-sharp rad phat schmick organised teachable killer useable working realizable realisable hyperefficient usable practicable know backwards and forwards highly endowed know one's onions golden desirable preferable up on pioneering the right stuff knowing one's stuff broken in adjustable multiform polymorphic polymorphous nobody's fool quick to learn deep well up in worldly wise been there in the know versed in observant sensitive thinking outside the box nimble-witted quick off the mark all there vigorous smart as a whip wide awake mercurial quick on the draw curt wired very able know stuff steady old-time inured well suited well qualified adapted of long standing past your prime patriarchal full of years athletic discriminating springy sylphlike knows one's stuff from way back wise to ways of the old school tripping artsy-craftsy having the goods knowing the ropes green thumb old-timer having the right stuff like a pistol has what it takes like a one-man band equal to the task up there able to perform unflawed unequalled meticulous fastidious ground-breaking causative teeming constructive avant-garde demiurgic forgetive formative fruitful poetical breaking new ground ultra-fine dainty close finical fine-drawn dead on finicking hairsplitting orderly incorrupted finespun minute hairline definite persnickety winning detailed nice nuanced unerring particular finicky light on one's feet

Tính từ

Refined, sophisticated, or elegant
cultivated refined civilised civilized genteel polite courtly sophisticated suave urbane civil courteous elegant accomplished couth cultured decorous proper respectable finished seemly well-bred cavalier diplomatic politic tactful well bred well mannered gracious mannerly gentlemanly ladylike well-mannered gallant chivalrous dignified respectful debonair affable stylish gentle considerate formal classy well-behaved charming smooth decent worldly obliging discriminating discerning worldly-wise correct cool graceful educated cordial cosmopolitan tasteful experienced aristocratic noble svelte posh nice sensitive enlightened pleasant kind well behaved media-savvy glib self-possessed poised smart befitting slick thoughtful becoming advanced discreet genial mature fine fastidious stately de rigueur handsome exquisite majestic developed distinguished punctilious knowing impeccable well-born spiffy restrained accommodating ingratiating unctuous wise prim bland aware smooth-tongued oily complaisant silver-tongued in good taste snobbish well brought up precise seasoned ceremonious honourable modest swanky highbrow fit fitting judicious learned distingué high aesthetic honorable erudite plush snazzy esthetic delicate unprovincial pleasing attractive perceptive metropolitan superior deferential streetwise attentive smooth-talking self-assured smarmy elitist aesthete sedate chic conventional highborn gentlemanlike highbrowed condescending well travelled blue-blooded patrician highbred deep esthete soft-spoken sociable lofty upper-crust worldly wise well brought-up good-mannered friendly sympathetic royal well-spoken well spoken been around haughty tolerant humane good mannered proud womanly well-brought-up selective privileged aloof reputable agreeable wellmannered amicable soft fulsome well-educated well informed well read consummate appreciative benevolent charitable hospitable persuasive adulatory complimentary high-bred imposing august flattering preux studied assured appropriate suitable taught trained meticulous initiated together smooth-spoken facile composed collected tasty balanced possessed unruffled silky conciliatory mild amenable good-natured obsequious concerned neighborly solicitous neighbourly amiable staid demure knowledgeable equable coolheaded reserved sensible old with experience matured jet-set intelligent citified blasé affected harmonious beautiful dashing comely self-composed mondaine artistic broad-minded liberal unprejudiced confident responsible reliable right meet good conforming moral seasonable ceremonial done world-weary well-travelled fashionable pompous ostentatious pretentious confined la-di-da intolerant patronizing patronising artificial hollow prudish snooty priggish straitlaced precious prissy stuffy adult dependable trim dapper spruce understanding subtle careful having been around been there old hand in the know comme il faut au fait pretty planetary catholic gregarious public ecumenical fly swish snappy sharp astute international traveled global travelled trig well groomed well dressed quiet rich unobtrusive splendiferous uptown swank pure chaste unaffected gratifying classical subdued prudent casual nonchalant detached buoyant well-groomed well turned out cheerful jaunty happy sprightly practical dexterous observant deft skilled skilful adroit savvy skillful cautious insightful tactical elite upper-class well-traveled on fleek aesthetically pleasing dextrous level-headed sagacious grown-up shrewd well born upmarket grand titled high-born wellborn treating with kid gloves treating something with kid gloves blue upper crust silk-stocking Brahmin queenly ennobled regal lordly exalted silver-spoon aristocratical princely born with a silver spoon in one's mouth top-drawer great knightly kingly evolved airy dainty close progressive improved forward rigorous accurate pinpoint spot-on late higher mathematical sublime high-brow high-minded ritzy

Tính từ

Having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress
stylish natty chic fashionable modish smart snappy trendy voguish cool debonair hip trendsetting classy contemporary dapper designer dressy fancy fine flashy in modern schmick sharp snazzy bling funky dashing elegant exclusive fancy-pants flash fly fresh happening kicking kicky nifty now ritzy sassy sophisticated spiffy supercool swell swish tony beautiful big chichi dap groovy jazzy latest mod modernistic new ostentatious pretentious rakish showy sleek slick steezy swank tasteful upscale uptown urbane a la mode in vogue on fleek ultra-modern high-class in the mainstream up to date all the rage au courant dressed to kill in fashion up-to-date well turned-out bang up to date up to the minute with it dressed to the teeth à la mode presentable spruce groomed suave well-dressed well-groomed fashionably dressed neat well-presented clean-cut as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox charming glamorous besuited trim spick and span well-turned-out well-tailored trig soigné spiffed-up dolled up well dressed well turned out attractive swagger swanky jaunty smartly dressed clean crisp dainty well groomed posh spiff high-fashion understated flattering prim sporty smooth up-to-the-minute nice tidy with style in good taste lovely culty snug spry bandbox nobby doggy nimble brisk neat and tidy stunning gorgeous well put together current with-it du jour latest thing faddish last word turned out swinging dressed to nines splashy pizazzy pizzazzy bright loud flamboyant colorful gay colourful clever ingenious crucial spruced up dressed to the nines stylin' excellent distinctive in style first-class

Tính từ

Free from dirt, marks, or stains
clean spotless cleansed cleaned scrubbed washed immaculate pristine sparkling speckless unblemished unstained unsullied dirtless gleaming laundered sanitised sanitized squeaky stainless taintless unsmudged unsoiled unspotted clean as a new pin dirt-free flawless laved showered spic and span spic-and-span spick and span spick-and-span sponged squeaky clean squeaky-clean untarnished as clean as a whistle apple-pie order neat as a button neat as a pin orderly shining shipshape tidy well-kept pure perfect fresh neat mint in perfect condition brand-spanking new like new in tiptop condition as new cleaned up in mint condition impeccable fair chaste antiseptic untainted hygienic spruce sanitary unimpaired undamaged unspoilt glowing virgin unbroken intact unharmed unimpeachable undefiled untouched bright unaffected unmarked unflawed burnished neat and tidy clean and tidy very clean faultless shiny unpolluted unmarred wholesome uncorrupted natural unadulterated unspoiled uncontaminated virginal clear undebased unchanged unused purified sterile unscathed sterilized unmoved unmixed unaltered crisp uninfluenced brand-new excellent new unstirred sterilised straight refined fine brand new uninjured salubrious unprocessed plain sound simple unmodified undiluted unalloyed snowy preserved undisturbed refreshing trim unagitated organic spanking white incorrupt earthy spanking-new original delicate invigorating unimpressed primal restorative envigorating secure untried in good condition mint condition innocent artless unmutilated unblackened native uncultivated first-class distilled unopened disinfected inviolate unworn impregnant span-new firsthand indigenous unseasoned untrodden brand spanking new spanking new impervious immune absolute raw crude wilding agrestal uninfected healthful not liable to not influenced not subject to pasteurised aseptic intemerate healthy pasteurized wild good for you germ-free health-giving sweet luscious not rotten not sour exquisite indifferent unfermented unconcerned dry-eyed unhurt optimal A1 prime seamless optimum as sound as a bell as good as new tip-top peak whole defectless irreproachable finished indefectible good entire out of danger safe and sound without a scratch cleanly vanilla elegant graceful

Tính từ

The best of its kind or class
slick excellent great wonderful marvellous fine superb fantastic awesome splendid fabulous stellar terrific sensational top grand marvelous fantabulous cool sterling choice quality superior fab divine cracking superlative heavenly neat radical lovely swell prime unsurpassed topping nifty dandy beautiful topflight peachy supernal groovy hot mean classic righteous immense dynamite prizewinning crackerjack corking noble dope capital phat keen famous frontline primo bumper banner gangbusters gangbuster wizard prize boss bonny down hype bully boffo bonnie brag brave gone sophisticated first-class gilt-edged first-rate tip-top high-class top-notch out-of-sight A-OK bang-up jim-dandy gilt-edge five-star first-string blue-chip blue-ribbon four-star top-shelf top-of-the-line number one par excellence numero uno peachy keen out of this world outstanding magnificent super exceptional brilliant supreme smashing wicked tremendous exquisite ace select too much glorious brill champion perfect best rad sublime admirable supercalifragilisticexpialidocious very good premier schmick top-hole elite impressive world-class magic peerless bosting spiffing beaut high-quality ripping high-grade topnotch matchless on fleek good mega premium sik top-quality remarkable exclusive amazing top-tier tiptop preeminent bodacious bonzer A-1 top-drawer eminent pre-eminent extraordinary worthy striking finest applaudable deluxe unrivaled of the first water leading phenomenal spectacular incredible exo notable unrivalled belting delightful chillin' mind-blowing consummate stunning unparalleled exemplary rare unreal formidable top of the line top of the range class incomparable sovereign dazzling accomplished top-class highest of high quality pearler amazeballs crack optimal barrie laudable def flawless elegant highest quality bad dominant stupendous valuable A1 transcendent top-grade of the highest quality of the highest standard dreamy high priceless gorgeous awesomesauce greatest top-level chic splendiferous sound winning bosker breathtaking crucial enjoyable attractive too good to be true of the first order grade A commendable meritorious estimable distinguished desirable outrageous prodigious vintage praiseworthy unique lofty nice fly unmatched peak optimum upmarket classy upscale spanking way-out precious luxurious selected hunky-dory the dog's bollocks very best super-duper far out of the highest order skilful skillful enviable ideal fancy pleasing entrancing special illustrious enchanting certified invaluable pleasurable plush radiant legit creditable noted memorable masterly mint fantastical standout unequalled delectable scrumptious top-of-the-range unexcelled solid inspired renowned cream star surpassing far-out lead model flagship faultless unbeatable top quality high quality extravagant major quintessential uppermost tops marvy untouchable fabby effusive goodly beezer singular extreme excessive exalted gnarly dear costly pricey foremost central expensive inflated lank unequaled exaggerated kif worthiest solid gold spendy big-ticket in a class all by itself second to none out of sight high-end without equal top-flight the best beyond compare ultraexpensive above and beyond of highest order pricy award-winning top-end high-ticket sharp quick agile deft clever smart reliable majestic handy well-designed natty convenient adroit apt ingenious stylish spruce prominent key commanding bestselling bewitching captivating charming unforgettable arresting celebrated agreeable pleasant satisfying rewarding colossal virtuoso masterful blissful fashionable unorthodox deep wild advanced crowning A-list refined idyllic rapturous gratifying ravishing alluring mighty posh ritzy really good paragon hand-picked elect foxy juicy rocking pick fat distinctive choicest first tight ka pai out-of-this-world sup rior all very well well and good dainty not too shabby of a high standard really nice best ever like wow cat's meow moving eloquent surprising agitating most unbelievable prize-winning five star of the highest type highest-quality top grade best-quality favored 10 popular preferred preferential ambrosial superhuman yummy paradisal lush adorable spiritual paradisaic paradisic saintly noteworthy with it pretty cool virtuous top drawer baller crash hot nang No. 1 superfine handpicked plum favorite grade-A elevated august splendorous proud zero cool favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual the very best state-of-the-art a standout 24-karat carefully chosen first-line honourable deserving tough honorable pillar meritable thankworthy able deserving congratulations worthy of admiration salt of earth competent imposing important dignified stately expert chief paramount signal adept inimitable unprecedented gifted regal principal predominant powerful skilled royal towering better especial talented exceeding monumental lordly ultimate imperial aristocratic extraordinaire educated awe-inspiring influential intellectual proficient genteel astonishing higher master particular delicate experienced massive reputable high-ranking prestigious magnific heroic big honoured privileged mind-boggling honored dexterous practised marked grandiose courtly main versed epic magical anomalous primary practiced discerning baronial handsome wondrous unexampled seminal rich respected gallant complete essential unsurpassable veteran esteemed well-known heroical professed venerable authoritative compleat greater dextrous upper-class Homeric swanky highly regarded high profile high-level high-powered out of the ordinary luxury cultivated bigger cultured advantageous tasteful abnormal peculiar decorous intelligent astounding odd graceful proper huge enormous polite respectable resplendent prevailing vast cardinal high-minded head recherche atypical aberrated freak unwonted aberrant uncustomary kingly finished integral significant miraculous tasty famed recognized classical favorable favourable preternatural monstrous learned larger nonpareil arch- serious trusted iconic uplifting well-bred high-up senior top-ranking puissant resonant well known grander unimaginable recognised more formal topmost brainy largest genius sumptuous urbane bright opulent gracious gigantic lavish astute staggering palatial civil happy welcome conspicuous unaccountable inexplicable consequential shipshape gentlemanly transcendental trained strange entire up to snuff considerable whole intact giant mountainous princely capable creative acute modish irreproachable couth pivotal mammoth preponderant red-carpet titanic VIP artful workmanlike bravura knowledgeable scholarly imperious heavy to die for core fundamental eventful patrician dashing hulking portentous gentle precocious arch revered Brobdingnagian whopping penetrating inventive profound erudite cerebral perspicacious titled airy well-connected notorious prized courteous valued ladylike improved win-win aesthetic fabled archetypal refreshing snazzy eye-popping eye-opening highborn acclaimed suave banging excelling rational fast alert knowing of influence historical alpha all-important potent magisterial unmatchable world class industry leading unconventional highbred wellborn pompous Einstein sharp-witted well born eggheaded silk-stocking supersmart very intelligent a la mode well versed something else whip nimble esthetic hyperintelligent quick-witted major league whiz kid supermundane blue-blooded whip-smart big-time ultrasmart upper-crust high-born big league far-reaching impeccable piked professional best in class unblemished definitive outshining loftier unimpeachable artistic world efficient seasoned controlling blameless critical amiable high-test eclectic oratorical upper cogent successful of note deciding virtuosic acceptable unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt super-eminent congenial unbroken super-excellent positive undamaged satisfactory paradisiacal paradisiac pro tophole apex coruscating utopian marquee supereminent hotshot golden demon delicious deadly vital beyond words beyond description pretentious number-one biggest better than usual first class enhanced of the best quality streets ahead better than average well trained strong a million dollars like a million dollars awful providential a dab hand at habile glittering magnolious tip top without parallel without match beyond comparison without peer only one in a million unusually good extremely good eximious in a league of their own A-number-1 mostest hundred-proof worthwhile ornamented affected ornate ostentatious comely debonair well-favored very agreeable very pleasant very nice a cut above the rest best possible elder supernatural exciting fascinating thrilling tall dream splendacious intrinsic requisite pretty novel typical prototypical bulkier longer weightier one-in-a-million well-dressed overdone stylized enthralling material focal well-born extra special freakish the utmost wonderworking numinous supranatural stupefying unheard of copacetic hunky dory worthy of commendation cat's pajamas up to standard up to scratch up to par cordon bleu unearthly in a class of its own hors concours one-off irreplaceable indispensable high-priority major-league of high standing heavy-duty earnest big time big-league necessary needed skookum exhilarating theatrical soaring gentlemanlike blue upper crust Brahmin silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth knightly queenly ennobled aristocratical festive unmarred of mark of great consequence well thought of in the public eye public steep awe-striking heart-stopping jaw-dropping exacting momentous historic unparagoned sui generis one of a kind mysterious no-expense-spared A-grade whimsical solemn staid paranormal fortunate lucky blessed pure astral self-important overblown immodest highest-ranking spesh unheard-of purpose-built new without precedent unrepeatable utmost fresh one and only once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate unordinary in a class by itself newfangled reserved ceremonious partisan covetable unthinkable dominating celebratory sky-high sky-scraping multistorey traditional magnanimous correct decent conventional sedate upright civilized weird metaphysical irregular mystical otherworldly uncanny supernormal unworldly other-worldly preferable immoderate exorbitant unconscionable overextravagant undue insane plethoric baroque unmerciful altitudinous inordinate overmuch overdue overweening stiff intolerable devilish partial ripe mature overbearing primal first rate admired of the first rank prior legendary triumphal idealistic redoubtable highly rated presentable highbrow portly composed unnatural grandiloquent higher up high up plushy swank cooler ginormous sombre somber distingué highfalutin' starchy grave right accepted untypical ghostly occult deviant unrepresentative deviative bizarre desired sought-after red-letter swish tony in uptown trendy dicty mod self-respecting just so very fine spiring aerial unmeasurable towery skyscraping of moment tempting in vogue high-toned precise biased discriminatory pukka comme il faut well-respected well-placed exciting envy much to be desired worth having ascendant close progressive rigorous accurate late evolved developed sensitive forward pinpoint spot-on mathematical discriminating fastidious punctilious well-mannered noble-born luminous of noble birth of gentle birth restrained civilised spiffy high-brow well mannered well bred infinite unlimited beyond grasp intuitive inspiring absolute inspirational eternal original primordial unequalable obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined boundless innate abstract theoretical large leviathan substantial oceanic gigantesque largish walloping humungous ambitious astronomic humongous voluminous vasty sizable outsized supersize jumbo sizeable monster whacking biggish elephantine supersized gargantuan astronomical boxcar pharaonic cosmical tidy cyclopean haughty oversized cosmic bulky planetary husky oversize outsize hefty herculean galactic king size Himalayan king-sized king-size more desirable most successful most important most desirable

Tính từ

Thin or below average in width
fine hairline thin narrow needlelike skinny slender slim small paper-thin ultrathin slim-jim papery slimline wafer-thin tenuous tight close limited restricted confined compact cramped constricted confining congested squeezed meagre circumscribed scanty incapacious choked pinched compressed measured scant exiguous jammed tapered defined definite finite determinate bounded sparse tiny spare tapering contracted near strait incommodious narrowing straitened meager taper shrunken fixed threadlike pent paltry narrow-gauged inadequate poky minimal uncomfortable negligible little packed light insufficient slight minute measly piddling pathetic set crowded enclosed demarcated delimited shut in poor deficient modest skimpy precise low scarce sparing stingy specific terminable exact hemmed in skimp hand-to-mouth beggarly miserable puny pitiful petty bare flimsy nominal mingy bound shabby thin on the ground wedged checked suffocating stifling restricting miserly short jam-packed airless flexible long elongated boxy diminutive cell-like bijou oppressive stipulated shallow overcrowded definable remote minuscular marginal frail outside claustrophobic awkward overfull conditioned with no room to swing a cat faint off predictable predetermined not infinite matchbox two-by-four irregular reedy trivial subject to limitations fragile tucked up closed in trifling insignificant express determined jammed in explicit clear-cut established direct confirmed particular concrete clear black-and-white restrained grounded invalided bedfast detained hog-tied chilled indisposed kept compassed held iced sick narrowed cramp hampered curbed bedridden immured derisory sketchy cut-and-dried hard plain outright wretched sorry piffling thinning unimportant pitiable base picayune poxy minor inconsiderable worthless mean assigned convinced well defined prescribed too few too small too little not enough toytown niggling piddly footling pimping ungenerous inappreciable no-account inconsequential chicken peanut mere sealed up in jail bottled up on ice cooped up in chains flattened out locked up laid up rare shy wanting failing scrimpy clearly defined dinky twopenny-halfpenny nickel-and-dime in short supply trashy beyond doubt common shoddy sleazy de minimis ineffectual unconsequential Mickey Mouse few and far between barely sufficient

Tính từ

Precisely accurate or correct
perfect precise proper accurate correct exact true categorical clear-cut distinct spot-on textbook dead-on detailed faultless flawless meticulous picture-perfect strict whole bang on classic model on target on the money picture-book right spot on to a T unbroken unerring bull's-eye close dead right error-free errorless inch-perfect inerrant letter-perfect on the button perfected to a turn impeccable good infallible on-target on the mark reliable faithful veracious scrupulous exactly right certain valid definitive unimpeachable unfailing thorough so definite sure just right unambiguous authentic genuine absolute specific undisputed unrefuted particular rigorous veridical explicit unmistaken consummate word for word verbatim right on dead on assured literal fastidious real uncanny careful certified certifiable painstaking word-perfect deadly methodical acceptable delicate just conclusive irrefutable unquestionable undeniable downright factual actual undistorted amen minute on the beam on the right track on the nail free of error on the nose prepared direct effective omniscient authoritative canonical realistic straight official final convincing without error lifelike accepted unswerving just what the doctor ordered just what we need ideal hunky-dory established inevitable conventional appropriate standard regular OK complete O.K. preferable veristic true to life telling it like it is verisimilar as it really happened dead sure-fire positive trustworthy invariable inerrable utter righteous stone okay legitimate equitable truthful identical out-and-out thoroughgoing fact-based dinkum total unequivocal right stuff along the right lines for sure on track express clear echt honest satisfactory pucka pukka pure unqualified sure-enough veritable sheer unmitigated vérité sharp right as rain on the ball on the right lines cooking with gas according to Hoyle admissible fair sound unalloyed outright arrant undoubted watertight bona fide immaculate indubitable solemn blow-by-blow nailed down on the numbers elaborate refined fine in every respect conscientious subtle punctilious unwavering stringent defined unmistakable judicious skillful dainty finical exquisite nice nuanced finicky skilful rigid systematic ultra-fine hairline fine-drawn persnickety winning superior finicking hairsplitting orderly incorrupted finespun nifty pinpoint formal uncompromising fussy diligent pedantic attentive religious studious exacting ultra-careful punctual laborious assiduous sedulous mathematical heedful undeviating unadulterated scientific unvarnished conscionable searching industrious demanding unembellished credible concrete solid perfectionist hard-working persevering nitpicking picky narrow loving unabridged dependable discriminating matter-of-fact straightforward ceremonious stiff constant exhaustive zealous hard unflagging pernickety kosher deft discriminative justified word-for-word ultraprecise severe simple letter-for-letter busy similar orthodox persistent fixed set creditable well-founded full tied-up active hopping engaged employed working occupied bustling overnice prim stilted decorous stiff-necked well defined formalistic natural steady tireless determined loyal letter for letter tough to the letter hair-splitting starchy critical upright cautious strenuous plugging observant dedicated legit clearly defined high-principled nit-picky normal by the numbers by the book resembling calculated measured nominal unremitting keen indisputable uncounterfeited bonafide unfaked sterling well-established up front original crystal clear ordered controlled earnest in depth deliberate line-for-line fussbudget stickler steadfast univocal provident reputable particularized conforming circumspect intensive thoughtful walking on eggs minding p's and q's hanging in heart and soul into hanging tough playing safe literatim regardful concerned surgical determinate decisive individual selfdisciplined discreet chary line for line line by line well organized swotty in-depth itemized well-defined going to great lengths straight from the horse's mouth the real McCoy for real based on facts civil seemly overconscientious overscrupulous polite courteous unwearied untiring indefatigable microscopic clocklike specialized particularised itemised specialised technical characteristic archetypal representative guileless typical ingenuous archetypical plain grinding whiz artless unaffected duteous stickling de facto average unpretentious undesigning unpretending existent fitting inflexible choosy good eye honest-to-goodness dinky-di real McCoy objective unexaggerated moral bare prompt timely principled honorable eager beaver unelaborated gospel stark puritanical choosey sticklerish priggish prissy honourable ethical crossing the t's white-glove dotting the i's historical documentary nonfictional recognized regimented legal traditional documented authorized prescribed true-blue undeceptive cut-and-dried black-and-white logical reasonable responsible approved lawful sanctioned rational justifiable reasoned defensible warrantable commonsensical firm levelheaded sober defendable warranted commonsense commonsensible sensible informed apparent ordinary unembroidered written usual verbal high-minded incorruptible immediate seasonable on time early speedy ceremonialistic ritualistic ritual authorised routine ceremonial recognised nit-picking vindicable on the level as true as I'm sitting here on the line on the up and up as true as I'm standing here like it is dutiful pious upstanding expeditious recurrent in good time on the dot periodic cyclic quick ready not figurative balanced well grounded cogent well-grounded well founded to schedule in time on schedule when expected well timed spot on time under the wire bang on time

Động từ

To have carried out an action to the end
completed finished concluded achieved finalized fulfilled consummated nailed accomplished did effectuated executed performed settled realized capped perfected actualized crowned ended terminated carried off carried out complemented did thoroughly finalised finished off got through polished off realised rounded off rounded out sewed up sorted out topped off went through with wound up wrapped up added the final touch to added the finishing touch to brought to a conclusion brought to an end brought to fruition brought to maturity called it a day made good on made perfect made up put the finishing touches on put the last touches on put to bed ultimated setted the seal on made good put into effect put lid on put the tin lid on put away put finishing touch on put the finishing touch to sewn up done discharged gone through with done thoroughly went whole hog went the limit gone whole hog gotten through gone the limit clinched closed mopped up called a day buttoned down wrapped wrapt topped it off folded up knocked off cleaned up taken care of canned took care of effected implemented brought about carried through put through pulled off brought off perpetrated put into action followed through with administered put into practice enacted prosecuted enforced applied negotiated put into operation made observed engineered conducted compassed attained committed met wrought imposed put in force kept succeeded in managed followed complied with satisfied acted upon filled transacted reached delivered on caused obeyed inflicted engendered produced contrived made to happen made happen delivered wreaked hit scored conformed to acted in accordance with followed through on lived up to abided by acted out created honored operated heeded redeemed exercised administrated worked honoured exacted catalyzed rendered dispatched catalysed stuck to made it dealt with notched up kept to got there stood by respected affected put in place generated organized reified originated brought incarnated bestowed started held followed up on actionized materialized set up yielded spawned prompted invoked induced served made real undertook engaged answered actioned brought to pass bred cut handled swung dealt out sanctified run with the ball organised brought to bear put over made concrete put screws to materialised acquitted oneself of put on acted according to made it through racked up served out delivered the goods brought to completion adhered to responded to meted out come through carried to completion chalked up cut the mustard clocked up survived kept faith with set in made the grade fit the bill put across had acted on underwent took care of business taken care of business directed established launched objectified unleashed fixed fixt dealt undertaken issued vented tackled pursued formed appeared sprung commenced initiated dawned provoked took called forth employed enabled pulled plied visited expressed occasioned indulged holden symbolized portrayed represented began upheld begun occupied precipitated actuated yolden yold worked on caused to happen caused to occur accommodated acted staged gratified secured minded run officiated begot begat begotten processed exerted adopted acknowledged were responsible for was responsible for transgressed been responsible for presented struck earned kindled hitten swang hat swungen brought on came through translated into assigned brought home the bacon acquitted sailed through started in on followed out brought to life regarded played out turned out squared with doled out done justice to embraced goose-stepped to dispensed brought into play acquited checked with hammered out ticked pressed distributed gained fulfillment pulled something off followed through conquered paid regard to had regard to reorganized cooperated with hacked measured up to wielded coped with fulfilled your potential wrecked got done nailed it authorised passed muster yielded to made a reality prest manipulated landed thrashed out earned wings corporealized submitted to laid on succeeded harmonized with forced upon brought into being deferred to made work forced acquired worked out buttoned up ran with the ball paid attention to matched up to arrived at carried on catered to symbolised brought into effect did justice to logged authorized tallied with seized reorganised turned the trick cohered with disposed of consecrated saw through provided the means for performed according to gotten done commanded chorded with filled the bill accommodated to followed up mediated coincided with seen through undergone arose arisen broke broken sprang brake arranged for given rise to gave rise to upholden stricken took action on taken action on rung up rang up taken notice of took notice of went that route did to a turn done to a turn gone that route taken up took up did proud bore out done proud borne out ran fallen in with fell in with assented to went along with agreed to gone along with taken lay on gave free rein to given free rein to gave vent to given vent to drawn on drew on been through upped and done gone through upped and did went through engagde in engaged in did the trick done to a T did the job done the job did to a T done the trick given life gave life done business did business seen to saw to

Động từ

To have advanced or promoted the growth of
developed elevated improved advanced bettered boosted progressed upgraded enhanced expanded lifted perfected raised augmented fostered improved on refined ameliorated built increased stepped up beefed up brushed up built on built up fast-tracked fine-tuned fortified furthered grew heightened intensified magnified promoted prospered reenforced reinforced scaled up shaped up smartened smartened up straightened out strengthened supplemented touched up updated uplifted worked up amplified compounded cultivated enriched extended made headway made progress made strides moved forward forged ahead worked out lift developt honed worked on embellished put flesh on the bones of sharpened helped expanded on elaborated on fleshed out added detail to added flesh to meliorated enlarged on amended trained broadened revamped embroidered filled out prepared practiced propelled optimized practised optimised holp holpen elaborated rehearsed expatiated on reformed corrected complemented studied rectified put flesh on repeated added to set right made perfect bolstered aggrandized grown endowed polished up on gained ground worked hard at devoted yourself to appreciated got better at brushed up on devoted oneself to run through souped up polished up adjusted revised edited emended recuperated purified exercised exploited utilized worked picked up perked up modified turned the corner wrought groomed deepened pushed on expatiated hastened pushed ahead launched attempted tried iterated mended continued ahead thrived multiplied brought forward forged ahead with pressed on pressed forward made headway with formed detailed changed for the better fixed up excelled transcended exalted parlayed come on took the next step taken the next step tried out went over tightened up envigorated upped warmed up consolidated padded drilled hiked up run over pyramided boosted up illumed walked through ran through fixed invigorated hopped up fixt made better tempered gone through gone over remediated enlarged made richer redressed recited smoothed jazzed up forwarded jacked up inflated mitigated went through burnished run up tuned up vitalized spruced up spiked stimulated added value to worked at assuaged utilised dress rehearsed sweetened been through topped up become seasoned habituated risen rose took off taken off ran up taken to the next level took to the next level drave gave details driven druv drove given details thriven got with it gotten with it throve did again became seasoned ran over done again got ahead of taken it to the next level came on took it to the next level gotten ahead of matured flourished proceeded got ahead spread one's wings evolved blossomed moved ahead went forward gone forward succeeded moved onward become better covered ground made inroads moved on got on moved forward in leaps and bounds hit it big bloomed boomed shined shone burgeoned bourgeoned marched continued fared well pushed forward come of age come along went went places gone places moved spread emerged arrived modernised modernized revolutionized transformed worked one's way flowered became better paced leveled up moved along pulled ahead gotten on shot up cracked on got better made it marched on levelled up turned out well gotten somewhere developed well got somewhere revolutionised scored run riot gone came along done well gotten places been successful did well flew high got places came of age gone on were successful was successful flown high went on went ahead gone ahead climbed unfolded starred moved up stood out figured triumphed profited unrolled changed pushed led leaded prevailed performed altered metamorphosed featured adapted differentiated headed transmogrified passed come gotten going stood out in a crowd cranked it up pressed ahead stepped it up made your way made good speed went to town picked up the pace fared trucked adapted yourself gotten on well got on well bore fruit reigned supreme gone great guns become rich wended kept moving skyrocketed got there made one's way got ran riot kept on gone to town made a go drove forward driven forward journeyed went great guns took steps forward gone off waxed gone well went off shot borne fruit went well derived educed carried on rolled on forged on glowed worked one's way up turned it up travelled propelled forward yielded kept going had a gift boosted one's game hied climbed the ladder continued on made good opened out got along speeded stepped forward kicked it up a notch battened taken steps forward bettered oneself increased one's intensity sped made the big time got going stepped up one's game ripened moved out produced caught on had a gift for had legs elevated one's game mushroomed gotten better raised one's game traveled clumb clomb stolen the show wore the crown stole the show worn the crown went forth gone forth shotten taken it to the limit took it to the limit taken it up a notch took it up a notch rose to the next level risen to the next level comen came grew vigorously grown well did wonders grown rich done wonders became rich yolden grown vigorously yold grew rich grew well gotten went along fore gat gone along faren gone up in the world went up in the world

Động từ

Past tense for to fix, correct, revise or improve (a text or document)
edited revised corrected adapted checked improved redrafted rewrote rewritten condensed emended rephrased reworked rewrought censored assembled cut modified redacted reworded abridged annotated rescripted revamped shortened approved altered amended amplified analysed analyzed assigned blue-pencilled blue-penciled butchered changed compiled composed deleted discarded draughted drafted excised featured fine-tuned finished massaged prepared prescribed proofread published recalibrated rectified refined regulated rehashed reported retouched scrubbed spliced styled tightened trimmed cleaned up ironed out boiled down checked over fixed up flew speck flown speck went over gone over made up set up struck out tidied up wrote over written over prepared for publication recast debugged remedied repaired righted reformed remodeled remodelled bettered adjusted red-penciled red-pencilled upgraded reorganised reorganized set right put right made over touched up set straight set the record straight put in order updated clarified enhanced fixed fixt remade varied refashioned rebranded subedited overhauled scanned scrutinised restyled compared developt perfected reexamined developed laundered scrutinized redressed cured bowdlerized expurgated emendated ameliorated squared looked over brushed up boned up bowdlerised sorted out made good reconstructed reclaimed reviewed helped mended doctored cleared up patched up dealt with turned around made right fiddled with picked up paid dues shaped up straightened out cleaned up act redid redone redrew redrawn went through gone through been through holpen holp done over did over gotten with it got with it lift qualified enriched meliorated tweaked elevated lifted raised rejuvenated redeveloped renewed reinforced revivified revitalized paid one's dues made up for restituted resurrected replaced renovated reconditioned remastered reenforced revitalised doctored up re-created

Động từ

Past tense for to make slight corrections or adjustments to