Từ đồng nghĩa của uncorrupted

Alternative for uncorrupted

uncorrupted /'ʌnkə'rʌptid/
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Tính từ

Morally pure and free from corruption
innocent pure impeccable sinless immaculate righteous stainless upright impeccant pristine spotless unblemished virtuous faultless unsullied angelical guiltless irreproachable uncorrupt undefiled untainted virginal chaste clean cleanhanded honest inculpable uncensurable uncontaminated wholesome angelic crimeless exemplary good unimpeachable clear lawful legal legitimate licit uninvolved unoffending lily-white not guilty free of above suspicion guilt-free in the clear pure as the driven snow moral blameless decent virgin unstained untarnished squeaky-clean ethical honourable honorable upstanding squeaky clean incorrupt respectable principled above reproach modest flawless perfect just noble worthy white vestal unaffected unpolluted saintly scrupulous demure reputable maidenly celibate high-minded whiter than white unspoilt holy as pure as the driven snow trustworthy proper incorruptible nice G-rated right-minded anti-corruption abstinent pious intact untouched law-abiding fair right self-righteous faithful maiden simple unwed undamaged unmarried self-denying self-restrained unsoiled equitable natural decorous lofty safe antiseptic admirable meritorious laudable continent refined true charitable snowy prudish unspotted beyond criticism morally correct noble-minded straight stand-up fair-minded conscientious unerring on the level godly saintlike religious devout fresh dignified God-fearing elevated impartial dutiful praiseworthy spiritual quiet elegant cultivated sterilized unmarked restrained austere inexperienced neat impotent intemerate controlled monogamous subdued ideal unflawed magnanimous polite beyond reproach irreprehensible reliable spic-and-span estimable spick-and-span dependable sanctimonious free of sin seamless picture-book absolute picture-perfect letter-perfect indefectible without fault moralistic unexceptionable guileless chivalrous gallant lordly reverent aboveboard greathearted all right high proud sincere sterilised above-board of good repute artless unspoiled angel-like whole undisturbed unquestionable gleaming shining harmless unblamable platonic unassailable unwemmed chase without sin free from guilt free free from blame rectitudinous in good taste high-principled not to blame unchallengeable professional unimpaired loyal conscionable responsible honest-to-goodness veracious innocent as a lamb sackless unadulterated favoring obedient balanced right-thinking sound unbribable incorrupted sanitary unmutilated unbroken unharmed sainted taintless germ-free tractable well-behaved unblackened sterile blessed beyond question beyond suspicion unmarred highly regarded respected dapper unobjectionable alright inoffensive clean-cut goody-goody precious esteemed distinguished nunlike in perfect condition as new in mint condition favouring prim lenient sportsmanlike saving dinkum sportsmanly prayerful on up and up true-blue unblighted unprofaned inviolate beatific god-fearing unworldly straightforward exquisite model exact precise divine seraph lily white wide-eyed pure as driven snow wet behind ears babe in woods accurate errorless ten aces correct infallible A-okay note-perfect fleckless apple-pie seemly unbiased unprejudiced on target objective clean-living even-handed free from sin full of good works dispassionate square devoted matchless commendable deserving punctilious philanthropical philanthropic godlike creditable peerless open-minded equal benevolent generous beneficent humane gracious neutral reasonable anti-discrimination nondiscriminatory non-partisan non-discriminatory redoubtable great illustrious evenhanded candid detached nonpartisan legit indifferent kosher outstanding liberal bounteous unselfish brave courtly pukka benign tolerant remarkable sympathetic extraordinary uncolored frank civil rational on the up and up on up-and-up above board according to the rules great-hearted self-sacrificing trusty steady constant staunch steadfast solid sure dedicated tried-and-true calculable firm unwavering truthful fast trustable secure tried excellent committed down-the-line unswerving sensible stanch ardent tried and true tried and tested resolute fitting unfailing trusted venerable stable true blue allegiant stalwart sterling justified rightful civilized orderly certain forthright compliant peaceful duteous classic respectful genuine justifiable civilised never-failing enduring valid well behaved paradigmatic quintessential due well-founded up front bueno neato prototypical classical mannerly recognized proven disciplined fervent zealous established true-hearted unfaltering becoming suitable full of integrity recognised submissive docile deferential wholehearted immovable not bad keen peaceable prestigious fervid batting a thousand not too shabby sporting biddable tested courteous representative typical illustrative characteristic definitive fine befitting commonsensical strong certified attested appropriate competent applaudable approved patriotic genteel well-thought-of copper-bottomed orthodox sober fanatical praisable passionate supportive confirmed fail-safe fit persistent enthusiastic mature levelheaded card-carrying well-mannered liege dyed-in-the-wool comely conforming deep-dyed tried and trusted amenable de rigueur salt of the earth comme il faut level-headed assured notable eminent knightly foolproof guaranteed reasoned reputed name disinterested logical honoured authentic warranted proved commonsense commonsensible informed worthwhile sane helpful stout regardful of principle predictable valuable hard earnest on the up-and-up obdurate redoubted normal deserved merited condign thankworthy intense meritable inexorable honored attentive presentable accepted copybook circumspect open settled august consummate exceptional definite determined strict close fixed tasteful veridical undistorted sworn uncompromising serious well bred sedate failsafe done unchanging pledged hard-core hard-working obligatory bosom sure-fire truehearted staid conventional calm true to life adherent boon well mannered of good report fair and square reserved well grounded serene mad keen always there from the horse's mouth behind one peacekeeping complying acquiescent idealistic creditworthy manageable conformable glorious gentlemanlike credible Christian sporty according to Hoyle needy eligible morally right morally acceptable die-hard concerned clean-handed attached vigorous discreet unflappable invaluable adult unbigoted egalitarian unhesitating valued go-to first-class capable inextinguishable immortal undestroyable untouchable perpetual straight-arrow in good faith reverential tough inflexible stiff expected awaited slated anticipated apt apposite rocklike sturdy admiring consecrated effective unmistakable uncoloured proportionate confiding loving believable affectionate standard avid as thick as thieves inseparable archetypical imitable archetypal textbook not responsible astute unshakable persevering upfront impersonal level even-steven cricket fair-to-middling fastidious critical heedful punctual irreprovable no lie tactful consistent demonstrated A-1 traditional capable of being trusted without fear or favour snow white reproachless string along with palmary prized admired meretorious appreciable high-powered well respected of repute well thought of impervious very good uplifting edifying wise sagacious judicious intelligent used formal polished as good as one's word worthy of trust fly right straight-up boy scout rock solid to be trusted down home meritious winner meedful golden boss choice world-beating pliant filial deferent abiding stubborn immobile unquestioning rigid adamant bound unmovable changeless unbending unqualified intent absolved cleared untroubled good as one's word at peace to be counted on carrying the load tranquil exonerated exculpated prudent emphatic with no axe to grind fair shake square deal eager driven gentlemanly ladylike well known famous well-known renowned popular celebrated acclaimed favored prominent famed high-ranking thinking twice extremely careful defensible defendable warrantable regular tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses binding assiduous diligent perceptive shrewd percipient non-erotic improving non-violent couth without reproach through and through studious purposeful favoured with a good reputation impassioned vindicable major league in limelight big time big name of excellent character top drawer seasonable ceremonial meet well disciplined au fait as keen as mustard single-hearted old faithful true to the end out-and-out single-minded given over to decisive confident well-engineered well-built sanctioned significant fly canonical hardened cogent unequivocal positive careful well trained incumbent on unscathed perfervid unflinching invigorating envigorating hygienic open-faced ruddy practical together fresh-faced blooming deep conclusive unanxious undoubtful sanguine able carefree hopeful in high favor of good standing kind obliging tidy smart spruce active vehement profound neighbourly shoo-in easy high-quality well engineered accommodating well-grounded ordinary moderate sublime mediocre factual rhadamanthine earned requisite coming scheduled heartfelt red-hot in the bag nailed down locked on thoughtful friendly amiable considerate hospitable all there beautiful imperturbable equable learned agreeable indulgent kindly amicable comradely altruistic unmoved unchanged adoring worshipping worshiping venerating heart-and-soul revering pietistic sociable pleasant in the pink hale and hearty in fine feather lovely scholarly poised stolid unimpressed dry-eyed unconcerned unaltered uninjured uninfluenced unhurt unstirred genial companionable neighborly verifiable veritable entrancing adorable full of common sense well balanced collected serious-minded unexcitable down-to-earth having both feet on the ground composed unruffled self-possessed cool out of danger entire without a scratch in good condition shipshape safe and sound untried goody two-shoes authenticated supported convincing documented authoritative circumstantiated validated verified lovable enchanting adorbs straight from horse's mouth well-disposed well-brought-up

Tính từ

(attributive) Bearing a complete and unaltered version of
simple unadulterated candid frank honest direct sincere plain absolute unqualified bald stark undeniable arrant blank blooming bodacious categoric categorical complete consummate cotton-picking crashing dead deadly definite downright dreadful fair flat flat-out naked outright perfect plumb profound rank regular stone thorough thoroughgoing total unconditional unmitigated utter very blunt unadorned wholesome unvarnished all-out out-and-out straight-out unembellished pure sheer unalloyed clean unequivocal positive real deep-dyed entire unreserved unrestricted explicit veritable bare straight forthright full straightforward right genuine unambiguous undiluted mere unlimited upfront extreme dyed-in-the-wool open plain-spoken right-down gross undisguised whole proper surpassing wholesale through and through unquestionable clear blatant outspoken harsh certain infernal unmixed artless brutal full-bore in every respect truthful final comprehensive ultimate transparent overt exhaustive unmistakable indubitable unmodified undecorated inveterate blessed confounded unornamented blasted point-blank clear-cut full-scale basic straight from the shoulder plain vanilla natural patent undiminished emphatic actual ingenuous guileless supreme wholehearted firm unstinting brazen barefaced conclusive unrestrained express innocent sure flagrant uncompromising glaring undivided pure and simple unremitting all out no-nonsense straight out no catch no ifs ands or buts severe sole unfeigned austere unpretentious unbounded unaffected true common rude unveiled unexaggerated prize undissembled realistic lone decisive palpable utmost resolute intense grim infinite limitless assured obvious plainspoken unguarded unconstrained true to life warts and all overarching unbroken plenary determinate wide unquestioning out and out solid up-front without reservations only matter-of-fact perpetual no strings no fine print full-on true-blue full-blown no holds barred eternal on the level no kicker extraordinary pronounced egregious serious all-fired capital insistent adamant fixed assertive vanilla brute maximum determined unregenerate all peremptory unembroidered unstinted monstrous atrocious notorious vile infamous relentless single altogether quite shameless optimum raw rigid unabated rightly so called stone-cold enduring steady steadfast abiding unfaltering never-failing horrible huge folksy homey untempered unmollified unbending unmoderated unabridged concentrated undisputed point blank uninterrupted inclusive totalitarian without reservation oppressive sweeping through-and-through main unconcealed upright unsparing persistent unsoftened unalleviated unrelieved in-depth minimal modest resounding definitive free-spoken easy heartfelt righteous unpretended earnest reliable unimpeachable valid known well-established trustworthy hearty undesigning forthcoming singular solitary in every way uninhibited everlasting unaltered habitual undying double-dyed untarnished untouched confirmed unblemished authentic apodictic specific communicative freehearted openhearted lay it on the line out-front open-and-shut not afraid to call a spade a spade talking turkey above board round accountable naive no strings attached one hundred per cent bluff unmannered brusque unpretending unhypocritical naïve dinkum square universal abrupt curt unceremonious short meaning what one says threadbare worn patchy indelicate terse gruff undiplomatic sharp no fooling on the up and up like it is crisp caustic worldwide widespread snippy hard-hitting to the point brusk short-spoken tactless trenchant impolite crusty up front uncivil unpolished discourteous general snappy brief pulling no punches omnipresent not beating about the bush straight-talking not mincing one's words calling a spade a spade straight-shooting speaking one's mind all-embracing constant decided unwavering incontrovertible incontestable evident indisputable manifest unswerving dedicated exact staunch precise set irrefutable unrelenting resolved unshakeable convincing uttermost unflagging committed unshakable unshaken accurate undoubted unyielding distinct undeviating ardent consistent immovable inexorable established intent overwhelming single-minded dependable devoted dead set on unfailing untiring loyal unchanging unvarying faithful unflinching apparent max pat nth unfluctuating unhesitating top indefatigable tireless detailed last stalwart matchless unvacillating terminal bona fide authoritative fast dogged sustained unflappable verifiable literal persevering straight-from-the-shoulder hard stubborn minute bound straight to the point crystal clear stable open and shut speaking as one finds sovereign undoubting undisputable black-and-white chronic guaranteed omnipotent most unchangeable uncontestable doubtless confident changeless paramount cut-and-dried exclusive deep tangible secure conspicuous beyond question strict demonstrable maximal sound settled inflexible devout major even uniform black and white good unerring peerless outrageous rigorous foursquare whole-hearted unsurpassed proven as sure as eggs is eggs enormous univocal lucid invariant pious perspicuous ringing certified sure-enough certifiable tenacious stanch well defined solemn understandable significant obdurate unalterable down-the-line factual brick-wall concrete grievous inexpugnable preeminent inerrant abundant uncontrolled endless allegiant stated in the bag bent on set in stone call a spade a spade unmovable not beating around the bush without limit hard-and-fast from the hip clearly expressed plenipotentiary neat nonblended strong full-strength incessant bloody continuous true blue telling free from doubt persuaded convinced satisfied for a fact grand unfettered all-encompassing fundamental shallow simplistic drastic staring effusive gushing faultless forward royal overall unconditioned jejune glib crass very great cold unimpaired systematic trusty without qualification without reserve no beating around the bush unblended no lie open-ended excellent unsurpassable errant perfected transcendent flawless ideal inimitable impeccable finished with no strings easily understandable on the nose infallible hellacious quintessential superlative predominant inevitable liege immobile tried-and-true pigheaded mulish stiff-necked pre-eminent unbound tyrannical all-powerful boundless forceful beyond doubt compelling unassailable highest foolproof irrevocable no joke right royal great acute almighty tremendous shocking deciding clinching intrinsic fervent zealous enthusiastic for real biggest supportive durable topmost recognized surefire confirmable energetic vigorous free unevasive audacious heinous establishable inarguable radical preposterous greatest vehement farthest forcible scandalous disgraceful inordinate shameful striking terrible reprehensible warm fail-safe sure-fire can't-miss recognised questionless safe failsafe going all the way meaning business bound and determined thundering uber authenticated especial effective substantiated de facto legitimate perceptible inescapable demonstrated verified existent saying what one thinks calling spade a spade aboveboard bare-faced laying it on the line farthermost exorbitant villainous excessive iniquitous wicked concluding state-of-the-art settling limiting terminating determining completing finishing closing ending impassioned passionate fullhearted unambivalent immoderate outermost furthermost irrefragable nonambiguous greatest amount of greatest possible unquestioned furthest luculent personal immediate obstinate intransigent brass-necked spot-on agreed pellucid unblurred hard-line implacable dominant in earnest purposeful unmalleable unchallengeable aggressive violent full-blooded strenuous muscular dynamic remotest prevailing hardened domineering seasoned bold arranged preset comprehensible luminous intelligible nailed down intricate meticulous experienced uncontested going bent predetermined allotted specified prearranged outmost limpid broad lucent crystal hell-bent on strong-willed bent upon hang tough stand pat do-or-die hell-bent upon hundred percent whole-souled focused undistracted collective pukka on-target echt dead-on so satisfactory pucka defined decreed prescribed dogmatic stressed important impressive pointed sober cogent accented potent intensive extensive endmost aftermost unshared engrossed unarguable persuasive uncontradicted accomplished unanswerable planned inalterable frozen incommutable immutable invariable bald-faced plain-speaking admissible united absorbed focussed unblinking irreversible crystal-clear penetrating firsthand easily understood self-evident bright-line nailed-on no mistake for a face veridical unmistaken undistorted watertight immaculate amen bang on unanimous scrupulous attentive continued concerted unmodifiable hard and fast not subject to change cast-iron writ in stone stipulated still ultra chief too much furthest away last straw out of bounds farthest away too-too worst case deliberate circumspect diligent vigilant encyclopedic particular essential elemental elaborate hands-down right on beyond a doubt special encyclopaedic intimate first-hand lock stock and barrel most extreme most distant

Tính từ

Based on, or displaying, common sense
valid reasonable sound rational logical coherent telling convincing good powerful substantial believable compelling credible justifiable plausible reasoned right sensible strong sustainable bona fide cogent congruent defensible grounded just legit lucid prudent realistic solid viable acceptable accurate arguable astute balanced commonsensical confirmed deductive defendable effective informed irrefutable maintainable perceptive perspicuous persuasive probable proven sane supportable true workable analytical authoritative commonsense conclusive determinative discerning germane justified legitimate levelheaded practical pragmatic reliable weighty analytic commonsensible consequent consistent efficacious firm forceful pertinent relevant sober stable vindicable attested intellectual kosher potent tested trustworthy well advised well-advised well-founded well grounded well-grounded well reasoned well-reasoned well thought out clear-headed down-to-earth able to hold water matter-of-fact holding water proper hard authentic real judicious genuine clear factual actual wise influential impressive tenable verifiable unquestionable intelligent correct honest dependable effectual satisfying fair objective decisive indubitable understandable suitable certain admissible veritable appropriate satisfactory forcible material certified fitting likely faithful precise incontestable warranted indisputable undeniable dinkum concrete fit unmistakable applicable absolute thoughtful definite incontrovertible eloquent official evident demonstrable definitive rightful unanswerable unassailable irresistible accepted categorical sure verified exact circumspect established useful warrantable significant positive sincere sagacious possible apt authenticated certifiable veridical regular level-headed existent lawful supported feasible allowable substantiated systematic clear-cut sure-enough honest-to-goodness unequivocal articulate methodical straight apposite pukka truthful well-established tangible undoubted together discriminating obvious unadulterated well organized salient for real excusable orthodox on the level permissible legal strict righteous de facto trusty emphatic enlightened efficient natural unambiguous orderly advantageous recognized coercive sage puissant shrewd meaningful suasive organized related insightful urgent apropos sharp advisable recognised important pointed sterling literal trenchant inferential helpful knowing palpable cool historical deducible befitting of use worthwhile relative well-thought-out organised perceptible suited verisimilar well-organized necessary holding together appurtenant connected original correlated joined-up linked congruous applicatory creditable up front provable ad rem on the nose to the point to the purpose having direct bearing on having to do with on the button learned validated active mighty energetic pardonable licit compulsive conforming documented artless unaffected simple conceivable straightforward condonable unpretentious undesigning veracious normal confirmable ratiocinative beyond doubt beyond question serviceable inducing physical decent discreet striking convictive above board perspicacious sanctioned glib intelligible productive smooth responsible corporeal smooth-tongued smooth-talking aboveboard sapient stringent demonstrated echt imaginable expedient assuasive establishable thinkable plain pucka moving clever documentary nonfictional felicitous thinking cerebral fair and square substantive incisive beneficial distinct swaying existing politic patent farsighted unimaginary no-nonsense pure rock-solid common-sense unprejudiced operative assured well-informed unqualified real McCoy card-carrying unbiased all there fitted intrinsic scientific colourable on the up-and-up pat becoming clear-sighted clear-eyed full of common sense opportune very within the bounds of possibility compatible well-defined requisite straight from horse's mouth pertaining to right on true-to-life presumable on target in one's right mind from the horse's mouth hard-headed extensional juridicious subtle educated comprehensible uncounterfeited bonafide unfaked knowledgeable copper-bottomed unembellished acknowledged corroborated savvy insistent estimable undistorted conventional respectable identified final allowed passable tolerable permitted tried dispassionate loyal considerable revealing marked formal based on hard data based on hard facts inductive momentous consequential unidealistic well informed potential well balanced inarguable open and shut checked well-expressed considered well-presented prosaic unemotional syllogistic easy heartfelt frank earnest candid known unfeigned unpretended open unimpeachable hearty deliberate philosophic associable cast-iron availing meet well presented well-structured well expressed especial express inescapable sheer unalloyed proved upheld unimpassioned cold crucial accredited straight-shooting upfront authorized square carrying conviction believeable hopeful apropos of formidable great crystalline specious presumptive with both feet on the ground canny serious-minded mature endorsed showing great knowledge with great knowledge sustained devastating conspicuous intuitive decided undisputed infallible ingenious fair-spoken okay tolerated pithy non-spiritual reasoning thought through attentive conversant practicable scholarly correspondent harmonious consonant in point accordant concerning pointful referring conformant cognate like enough supposable very likely constraining virile elemental punchy take-over steamroller titanic take-charge punch gutsy electric powerhouse OK watertight profound faultless flawless impeccable rigorous right as rain telling the truth authorised honest-to-God sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff really-truly preferred phenomenal visible attainable operational achievable realizable au courant de règle well considered lifelike unadorned profitable alleged worthy concedable right-thinking right-minded regulated having all one's marbles steady-going unmannered respected circumstantiated manifest characteristic archetypal representative guileless typical ingenuous archetypical valuable doable manageable operable usable twenty-four-carat honest-to-god checkable sure enough empirical testable empiric circumstantial unvarnished verbatim favorable ordered thorough mathematical true to life violent armed veristic unexaggerated non-fictitious non-fictional explainable forgivable tried-and-true equitable coming on strong ball of fire discernible on the up and up capable dead-on average standard unpretending direct accomplishable anticipated seemly convenient gainful favourable best suggested strategic best suited timely desirable presentable tactical recommended living current unimagined bodily within the law not unlikely not impossible appreciable holding up got it together standing up remissible venial demonstrative aggressive drastic compulsory word for word telling it like it is fact-based true-life as it really happened sworn to vouched for straight-thinking attestable showable evincible functional unconditional within reach within reason dinky-di live present corporal embodied incarnate by the book winning impartial holding up in wash implicit observable measurable vehement vigorous assertive intense militant unarguable percipient moderate restrained conservative controlled reflective temperate competent of help constructive successful of assistance fruitful adequate quantifiable detectable perceivable available unexcessive cognitive making sense standing to reason unextreme thought-out irrefragable impelling silky slick touching silver-tongued evenhanded fair-minded realisable witnessed inveigling suasory enticing actuating stimulating luring wheedling inspiring unctuous alluring seductive open to reason resounding well defined well documented enough based on good sense serious within the realms of possibility within possibility beyond dispute one hundred per cent not taking no for an answer relatable pertaining erudite smart keen brainy businesslike unsentimental acute hardheaded penetrating earthy sharp-witted pragmatical genius hard-boiled bright brilliant philosophical quick quick-witted deep studious careful calculating alert theoretical utilitarian unromantic unfantastic fast gifted supersmart nimble ultrasmart precocious exceptional hard-nosed open-minded argute hyperintelligent sophisticated even-handed studied measured neutral highbrow contemplative heady able academic detached creative indifferent nonpartisan inventive cogitative cautious nondiscriminatory aware piercing whip-smart meticulous gnostic observant mundane deep-thinking cultured talented disinterested skilful colorable impersonal tough-minded equal skillful non-partisan calculated uninvolved intellective understanding eggheaded inferrible tuned in on the ball provident premeditated graceful steady derivable aforethought abstract uncolored mental foresighted inferable introspective scholastic determined ruminative pensive prepense dull flat liberal accountable conceptual fine deadpan dry meditative whiz metaphysical expected lifeless unimaginative critical well judged collected secure predictable cultivated resourceful sharpened considerate foreseeable uncreative impregnable tough accomplished rapier-like clear-thinking pedestrian emotionless humdrum vigilant hard-bitten tolerant razor-sharp well-judged psychological full of insight explicable phrenic composed apparent civilized unembroidered phlegmatic pawky bookish non-discriminatory scrupulous judicial witty expert streetwise well-argued elite adept crack masterly sophic instructed excellent virtuoso a priori earthly ready psychical civilised to be expected worldly-wise superior imaginative conscious quick on the uptake recondite choice whip heads-up long-headed very smart Einstein independent well-read very intelligent clearly stated first-rate seeming whiz kid with one's feet on the ground first-class on the cards assertable real-life educational academical enterprising thoughty naturalistic cluey proportional well-proportioned symmetrical well-adjusted deliberative sensitive visionary healthy musing reflecting pondering solemn museful grave diplomatic robust punctilious cool-headed useable working actionable hip cagey foxy astucious ruminating deliberating deliberated mentally stable cognizant uninfluenced responsive fastidious contemplated detail oriented sensical synthetic trustable esoteric weighed advised investigated examined plain-spoken suss heedful finicky agile experienced tactful judgmatical judgmatic quick off the mark errorless inerrant conjecturable penetrative earth-bound hardboiled plainspoken common genial egghead computed real-world applicative meditating well-balanced probably honest to God calculable explicit seasonable wary delicate upright mild higher-order well chosen thought-through thought-about well a good idea honourable mindly brain knows what's what wise to awake insighted ear to the ground have one's feet on the ground resolute hang tough stand pat intractable locked in tough nut well thought-out clean inevitable intrapersonal experimental anti-discrimination exquisite able to think clearly capable of thought of sound mind able to reason clearly compos mentis comprehending alive without favor unmoved unslanted unbigoted disconnected nondiscriminating on-the-fence unruffled nonpassionate nonaligned odds-on presumed sober-minded benign even-tempered sobersided definable unsurprising bearable endurable supposed postulated suppositional deduced inferred principled letter-perfect spot-on impactful fiduciary credential refined einstein on-target honorable blameless according to the rules civil virtuous on up-and-up having a good head on one's shoulders know how many beans make five having no flies on resolvable interpretable sufficient affordable sufferable brookable broad-minded literate moral ethical expressive self-evident reserved medium even warm modest comfortable constant curbed muted razor-like soluble answerable solvable exciting charming histrionical imposing theatric performant grand high-powered enthusiastic hard-hitting vivid dramatic a good bet in the cards a reasonable bet ostensible a fair bet ten to one quite possible reasonable to think mortal illusory razor sharp based on theory with a ring of truth psychic sharp as a tack intentional explicatable exponible tutored illuminated developed advanced apprised par for the course progressive free-thinking intended wilful purposeful purposive willful willed voluntary unselfish witting lettered literary subconscious ideological knowing what's what hip to wised up in the picture plugged in subliminal stoic naked cold-blooded impassive calm apathetic stolid prosy planned set preconceived donnish intellectualistic highbrowed intellectualist psychologic unconventional volitional geeky clerkly blue nerdish nerdy free from discrimination without fear or favour radical self-conscious done on purpose pre-planned on purpose widely read well read well educated nonconformist individualistic freethinking most likely most correct

Tính từ

Having a naive or unsuspecting nature
naive innocent simple unsophisticated unworldly green unsuspicious childlike credulous inexperienced callow impressionable fond insensible ignorant unwise youthful dewy easy fresh immature raw simpleminded uninformed confiding jejune natural silly unacquainted unfamiliar virginal cute naif naïf nescient plain primitive quaint shallow uncritical uneducated unjaded unschooled unstudied untaught virgin countrified Panglossian wide-eyed dewy-eyed simple-minded starry-eyed like a babe in the woods born yesterday wet behind the ears as green as grass aw-shucks trusting gullible exploitable unwary susceptible gullable unrealistic teary-eyed sinless pure sentimental undefiled soppy dovelike idealistic ingenuous unsuspecting unknowing artless guileless unaffected untrained unfledged young untutored uninitiated unseasoned oblivious unaware unmindful unpretentious juvenile unwitting untried unenlightened incognizant undeveloped unconversant unlearned new benighted trustful unripe tenderfoot clueless unguarded unconscious adolescent uninstructed naïve open unformed unversed unripened illiterate easily taken in unsceptical rookie unread over-trusting accepting unlettered easily deceived thick unpracticed kid unassuming moronic rude puerile amateur unskilled spontaneous nonliterate unqualified witless uncultivated unknowledgeable childish verdant easily led sophomoric undisciplined dense stupid unpretending in the dark modest birdbrained unpractised inexpert unintellectual heedless uncultured inept mindless unaccustomed obtuse genuine imbecilic dupable deceivable cretinous without airs dumb analphabetic wet behind ears lacking experience foolish crude down-to-earth underdeveloped believing unintelligent misinformed over-trustful childly prentice humble folksy homely unused untested apprenticed real true spring chicken unfamiliar with slow infant uncomplicated honest-to-goodness fleeceable unskeptical blind to biting honest rustic unproven unartificial clean frank unquestioning dim dopey homey dark babyish frivolous unscholarly unimposing unostentatious uninitiate sincere dozy unpresumptuous tender backward blind airheaded unweaned unbaked sophomore jellybean not aware easy-going laid-back self-effacing slow on the uptake not dry behind ears idiotic brainless feeble-minded unrehearsed developing junior fledgling budding uninhibited indiscriminating fresh-faced unstudious undeceitful incompetent vulnerable girlish boyish country uncool corn-fed ordinary vernal green as grass impractical dull damp wet moist tenderfooted newly arrived lamblike overtrusting kidstuff wholesome half-witted ill-informed babe in woods vacuous slow-witted thickheaded thick-witted unrefined quiet straightforward lowly imprudent amateurish unskillful dew-covered unpolished gauche uncivilized savage heavy with dew softheaded unsmart nonprofessional unprofessional provincial parochial candid barbarian barbaric simplistic jackleg bush-league corny unadulterated cornball authentic unwarned uncivilised untamed animal brutish austere atavistic fierce undomesticated vestigial wild barbarous uncontrived undesigning unspoiled unobtrusive readily swallowing whole easy mark readily taken in readily falling for swallowing undoubting cracker-barrel inelaborate unambitious down uncomplex unbeautified discreet free-spirited prosaic unembellished taken in off guard up front down home on the up and up brash reckless superstitious inattentive deaf insensitive unobservant unperceptive unresponsive prone to superstition caught napping unconcerned out of it inconversant not all there mooning spacey out to lunch not cognizant not in the loop doped in a daze daydreaming forgetful negligent careless deaf to out cold superficial daft uncomprehending dotish divvy chowderheaded dof hebete glaikit empty-headed pig-ignorant thick as two short planks not the full shilling as thick as two short planks a brick short of a load two sandwiches short of a picnic dead from the neck up

Từ trái nghĩa của uncorrupted

uncorrupted Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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