Từ đồng nghĩa của last straw

Danh từ

The most extreme form of something or the final and most impactful development in a series of events — whether favorable or unfavorable

Danh từ

A person's ruin or downfall
undoing ruin defeat destruction downfall overthrow ruination collapse conquest deposition failure ousting toppling unseating vanquishing annihilation death debasement disgrace elimination end overturn shame humiliation labefaction nemesis reversal Waterloo accident adversity bane blow blunder calamity casualty catastrophe destroyer difficulty doom error fault flaw fumble grief misadventure miscalculation mischance mishap misstep omission reverse slip smash stumble subversion trial trip visitation wreck loss of power bad luck bad omen faux pas final straw fall breakdown crash decline affliction disaster blight degradation scourge curse demise cessation misfortune termination deterioration disintegration trouble woe flop finish dissolution burden plague descent malfunction miscarriage foundering pest flameout cataclysm halt slump disruption interruption harm debacle disorganization rupture seizure folding stoppage comedown comeuppance nonsuccess disorganisation nonachievement bankruptcy shutdown fizzle tribulation distress road to ruin lack of success loss of status cropper non-function breaking down enemy displacement removal disestablishment supplanting suppression dethronement rout subjugation dispossession defenestration extinction removal from office removal from power down extermination torment declination degeneracy declension degeneration devolution despair decadence eclipse extinguishing obliteration ending misery nuisance atrophy extirpation eradication torture humbling belittlement demotion mortification downgrading disadvantage suffering pain menace hardship evil tragedy wiping out bête noire downer loss of face lowering discomfiture reality check letdown pratfall dive reduction waterloo detriment loss of prosperity bête noir nightmare bitter pill headache setback apocalypse contretemps problem holocaust cross to bear bother fatal attraction annoyance irritation rack and ruin destitution shock emergency buffet exigency bale expiration passing decease passage grave mishanter stroke hazard crumbling flood farce upset abyss depression retribution expiry quietus sentence exit injury hurt perdition loss damage cost bad news reverse of fortune shit show the worst heavy blow stroke of ill luck hard luck fell stroke ill luck hot water rough situation act of God wrecking fate curtains sleep perishing buckling giving way cave-in subsidence crackup falling to pieces crumpling yielding falling apart smashup falling down falling great divide ordeal vexation hassle irritant worry aggravation inconvenience bugbear pain in the bum pain in the neck pain in the backside pain in the rear exasperation cancer pestilence botheration peeve canker drag bore cross thorn in your flesh source of annoyance source of irritation agony sorrow irk frustration ruffle thorn aggro rub nudnik skelf tease nark disease bind corruption hair shirt fair cow poison wretchedness stress infliction anguish travail nyaff nag gall provocation punishment contamination virus penalty pollution hell terror horror contagion miasma tormentor besetment albatross excruciation rack straits pinprick blister pill discomfort Gehenna creep goad thorn in side thorn in one's flesh source of vexation bummer source of aggravation bane of one's life hell on earth vengeance infection blast hydra Cancer care illness issue correction cause for concern pet peeve sickness displeasure trauma load vicissitude millstone ills agitation bug chagrin quagmire dilemma hindrance predicament infirmity crux condition weakness plight gauntlet crucible thorn in one's side gripe sore point thorn in your side thorn in the flesh pain in the behind persecution complication cumber septicity toxicity harassment mildew fungus soreness big trouble stroke of bad luck severe test hard time reversal of fortune ill fortune trying time infestation fire gantlet nagging eyesore sight withering dump taint venom impurity trials and tribulations malignancy thorn in someone's side thorn in someone's flesh blot on the landscape malignity balefulness purgatory murder dread bogey phobia hallucination bad influence fantasy vision pet hate succubus phantasm fancy dream illusion bad dream night terror nudnick teaser gadfly annoyer persecutor gnawer pesterer blighter nudge cuss badgerer crashing bore

Tính từ

Furthest from a center
utmost farthest extreme farthermost furthermost outermost furthest ultimate final last remotest uttermost outmost aftermost endmost very terminal absolute all-out chief complete entire exhaustive farthest away furthest away plenary preeminent sheer thorough thoroughgoing too-too total ultra unconditional undiminished unlimited unmitigated unqualified unreserved whole too much worst case out of bounds utter pure downright categorical outright out-and-out supreme unadulterated consummate flat-out maximum profound categoric stark arrant full unequivocal max paramount top nth far-off faraway dead outer outlying matchless rank unalloyed lattermost most mere far unrestricted unrestrained definite hindmost unbounded rearmost fair plumb simple deadly dreadful flat clean end blank blooming positive peerless straight-out cotton-picking outside closing quintessential unabridged undeniable nethermost greatest terminating steadfast unfailing unrelieved bottommost direct solid bodacious conspicuous perfect brute flawless excellent impeccable unsurpassable errant perfected chronic ideal finished inimitable transcendent plain deep-dyed patent undisguised palpable stone regular main only undivided infernal blessed confounded remote outward fringe beyond distant peripheral sovereign superlative predominant strict unbound infinite wholesale boundless unsurpassed tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful omnipotent unconstrained unquestionable peremptory rear egregious trailing behind ulterior hinder posterior hind tail back rearward finishing hindermost without limit no holds barred all out straight out caudal after aft hellacious veritable nearest the rear bringing up the rear furthest behind at the back furthest back at the back of the queue at the end thundering right severe deep proper outrageous brutal overwhelming harsh great tremendous flagrant intense gross acute almighty grievous uber preposterous radical real crashing prize wholehearted dyed-in-the-wool limitless without reservations through and through all-encompassing unfettered all-fired blasted unmixed unmodified full-on without qualification undisputed comprehensive unbroken overarching uninterrupted inclusive totalitarian sweeping in-depth full-blown full-scale emphatic express explicit genuine firm unstinting resounding forthright unambiguous definitive clear conclusive sure decisive overt uncompromising indubitable assured open unmistakable certain apodictic specific no strings no strings attached no fine print one hundred per cent undiluted actual determinate wide clear-cut full-bore right-down in every respect no catch no ifs ands or buts unquestioning point-blank no kicker most distant most remote most far

Từ trái nghĩa của last straw

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