Đồng nghĩa của supreme

Alternative for supreme

Tính từ

Highest in rank, authority or superiority
chief leading principal first foremost highest head predominant sovereign top cardinal prime ultimate dominant greatest premier utmost paramount prevailing definitive grand lead master overriding preeminent primary superior unequalled unequaled arch capital central commanding consummate decisive inimitable key main overbearing overmastering presiding surpassing topmost transcendent unmatched unparalleled unrivaled unrivalled absolute best directing governing high incomparable matchless nonpareil peerless primal prior sovran supereminent superlative total unbeatable unsurpassable unsurpassed untouchable perfect towering unconditional uppermost pre-eminent highest ranking number one mother of all numero uno top-drawer great major ruling big outstanding maximum prominent excellent important controlling second to none essential extreme ideal uttermost beyond compare notable eminent utter most unique number-one without equal ascendant complete max illustrious unexampled prevalent vital quintessential authoritative distinguished maximal exceptional finest regnant preponderant fundamental unlimited powerful pivotal crucial extraordinary model influential full renowned exemplary elite nth dominating famous pure outside rare top-notch only significant first-rate celebrated champion biggest focal top-tier core last reigning unqualified classic basic noteworthy critical first-class faultless star stellar unexcelled noble imposing culminating flawless sublime archetypal omnipotent regal all-powerful exquisite optimum predominate exalted prototypical beyond comparison glorious optimal invincible singular splendid very senior impeccable without parallel downright arch- largest superb sheer crowning overruling unrestricted best possible peak royal enormous top-ranking all-out noted autocratic mighty unbeaten par excellence imperial categorical out-and-out outright final unmitigated almighty dictatorial thorough magnificent tiptop classical unconquerable unblemished prepotent respected majestic weighty out of sight impressive idyllic well-known august utopian potent salient high-powered choice apex flat-out fine dignified premium thoroughgoing remarkable intrinsic elevated special lofty categoric record accomplished momentous proper profound stark finished representative famed indispensable immaculate imperious despotic successful unassailable in control indefectible arrant unmatchable unalloyed unadulterated rank effective crack big-time prepollent signal paradigmatic high-level greatest possible front totalitarian magisterial high-ranking puissant in charge authoritarian infinite notorious stately compelling unbounded underlying apical precise undefeated autarchic popular in a class of its own rudimentary elemental requisite tremendous deadly right magnific domineering heroic typical strong definite super assertive unprecedented clean upper integral simple fair honoured dreadful esteemed bodacious blooming select tops alone seminal untainted prestigious of greatest importance copybook guiding stainless spotless revered acclaimed honored whole cotton-picking straight-out heavy world-class radical formidable top-class maxi unrestrained predominating loftiest tyrannical boundless unequalable determining topflight choicest grandiose in the ascendancy epic baronial plumb staple unstoppable proud gallant flat necessary arbitrary aristocratic greater heroical without peer ranking dead regular worthy expert urgent monumental massive Homeric acute alpha furthermost executive headmost honorable honourable blank consequential very great archetypical winning good climactic intervening irreproachable unmarred unparagoned larger prized historic best ever heavy-duty marvellous deciding excelling distinctive must-have valued transcendental emphatic without match fitting marvelous mostest blameless aces immortal ace comprehensive highly regarded exact industry leading iconic eternal textbook major league five-star recognized correct memorable primo No. 1 untarnished world class greatest amount of foolproof all-important all-embracing marked recognised high-class high-grade a cut above the rest all-encompassing top of the line top of the range top drawer monarchical immense of the first rank one and only best-case on the button indomitable widespread efficacious superseding effectual high-octane monarchal current invulnerable unchallenged tyrannous triumphant kingly top-priority elementary monarchial severe intense supervisory forceful divine top-level stone particular impregnable efficient exceeding determined unforgettable rife rampant highest-ranking insuperable administrative redoubtable monocratic autocratical original exciting thrilling concentrated characteristic resplendent tyrannic unconstrained unreserved of note especial emblematic symbolic root venerable crown fantastic high-quality stereotypical striking wonderful first and foremost tsarist czarist unbroken terrific brilliant dazzling treasured of prime importance of supreme importance one-in-a-million standard conventional better seamless insurmountable bulletproof A-1 fabled worthiest official the most stock upmost burning overpowering autarchical eventful trusted reputable high-up unequivocal picture-book picture-perfect letter-perfect hors concours well-connected intact boss high profile resonant storied conspicuous without fault idealized idealised standout upper-class tip-top phenomenal high-profile huge appropriate perpetual one-off crashing unremitting major-league big-name number 1 A1 suitable admired opportune sui generis one of a kind record-breaking first class vintage mandatory top-of-the-range just right true to type out-of-sight on the money in a class of one's own spot on big-league prize-winning sans pareil umpteenth ten skilled skillful out-of-this-world adept paradisiacal experienced skilful paradisiac A-OK defectless sound considerable distinct anti-democratic managing arrogant ascendent marquee of greatest significance general apogean admirable favoured favored chosen extensive telling pioneer unapproached unfettered extravagant inherent strongest lion's share constitutional chad axial hegemonic undiminished opening beginning vulgar overall majority received common public higher bigger elder gilt-edge all-time solid-gold unimpeachable richest exhaustive full-scale immediate serious basal constitutive oustanding farthest keynote material operative strategic magnanimous unflawed victorious in first place top-rank without an equal stand alone beautiful bright epochal unbowed commendable praiseworthy laudable meritorious learned legendary triumphal idealistic one plain demonstrative all-time best resolute unstinted zenithal gubernatorial superintending overseeing conducting ordering regulatory restraining mastering presidential unvanquished unsubdued inveterate horrible gorgeous shining hugest absolutist Grade A superfine of the highest quality blue-ribbon estimable plenipotent holding the reins initial A-list outermost furthest recognizable individual autonomous applaudable very good capable able second-to-none high priority quality A-number-1 inaugural substantial real high-minded well known first rate gifted highly rated big league effulgent radiant splendiferous absolutistic on the throne godlike competent hard unconquered unsullied hotshot hotdog heavyweight out of the ordinary extra special remotest farthermost feted exclusive best-example dream come true fairy-tale pie-in-the-sky fearsome imperative adored time-honored gratifying true signature princely unending endless imitable raging indescribable mortal to the fore trendsetting big-gun big-wheel big-shot hot-dog refined respectable patrician overarching full-blown full-on heavy stuff hot stuff novel of influence eloquent historical rich oratorical four-star VIP cogent predictable unmistakable habitual outmost endmost aftermost sterling undemocratic concluding finishing closing ending determinative pressing meaningful well-suited pertinent apt made to order relevant tailor-made just the job queenly monarchic usual idiosyncratic genteel required prerequisite needed dynamic totemic recognisable irreplaceable at the cutting edge at the leading edge furthest up terminal unaccountable posh high-priority vitally important very important of great consequence life-and-death life-or-death of the utmost importance of the essence much needed earth-shattering far-reaching crowned top-grade top-shelf egregious enterprising energetic driving the best stirring gripping riveting hair-raising apocalyptical apocalyptic dramatic climacteric action-packed insistent high-end top-quality top-of-the-line highbred gentle wellborn highborn upmarket large grave extraordinaire at his best at its best at her best solid first-string accurate aggressive vigorous go-ahead go-getting traditional blue-chip A-grade furthest away farthest away errant perfected positive chronic moving entire intellectual intuitive awe-inspiring uplifting inspiring inspirational primordial obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined innate abstract theoretical approved unheard-of unconventional plenipotentiary purpose-built new sanctioned something else without precedent authorized unrepeatable far-out unimaginable officiating fresh once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate amazing unordinary incredible in a class by itself newfangled fast-track grievous thundering outrageous harsh gross uber preposterous deep overwhelming flagrant veritable hellacious brutal climatical climactical not beatable indelible haunting of a king no end of catchy blue-blooded wholesale unbound pushing driven ambitious pushy error-free well born silk-stocking widely praised well thought of upper-crust of distinction high-born unquestionable peremptory lasting cherished indestructible unyielding faithful scrupulous meticulous unerring beyond grasp robust go-go forcible deep-dyed timeless unfading vivid arresting without blemish valuable everlasting undying on the nail crimeless right on errorless unspotted on target on the mark bang on unguilty just so imperishable enduring enthralling never to be forgotten not to be forgotten spectacular observable legitimate accredited accepted fancy invaluable unspoilt hot unsurmountable highly capable full of get-up-and-go in the saddle remembered rememberable inestimable profitable precious unflinching dauntless indefatigable inviolable unshakeable unbending all out no holds barred bureaucratic ex cathedra departmental legal lawful canonical authorised without limit ex officio straight out stamped on your memory fixed in the mind mind-blowing out of this world red-letter secure safe hot property undefeatable impassable irresistible unshakable unattackable irrepressible have-it-all up to standard up to snuff up to scratch up to par more powerful more important most important most prominent most powerful most influential most excellent most high most extreme most illustrious most significant most favourable most advantageous most appropriate most favorable most obvious most noticeable most skilled most outstanding most typical most valuable most precious most scholarly most reliable

Tính từ

Of the greatest possible degree or amount
big great herculean immense massive colossal enormous extraordinary extreme gigantic incredible intense maximum phenomenal prodigious pronounced stupendous surpassing top tremendous utmost exceptional extensive gargantuan giant humongous humungous monstrous remarkable superb titanic uttermost acute astronomic astronomical excellent ginormous leviathan marvellous marvelous max mountainous outstanding rare severe thumping vast high tall lofty imposing elevated soaring steep striking huge monumental multistorey sky-high impressive sky-scraping fancy unmerciful unconscionable undue baroque devilish mammoth Brobdingnagian excessive paramount overextravagant altitudinous magnificent extravagant overdue insane overweening stiff lavish superior overmuch immoderate intolerable inordinate plethoric exorbitant whopping sublime hulking transcendent stellar towering aerial unmeasurable unmatchable skyscraping ultimate preeminent airy spiring towery fantastic imperial sizeable large considerable sizable ample appreciable voluminous substantial hefty tidy abundant significant whacking grand profuse substantive immeasurable fat goodly king-size elephantine bulky oversize jumbo outsize oversized king size biggish expansive outsized king-sized bumper largish copious bounteous thick meaty respectable bountiful hulky plentiful grandiose liberal good plenteous full handsome generous measurable princely healthy whopping great large-scale whacking great solid consequential major heavy serious strong boundless terrible protracted extended vasty husky numerous spacious walloping mastodonic decided broad Bunyanesque cosmic massy Himalayan galactic bull supersized long brobdingnagian cavernous mondo prolonged heavyweight cosmical monolithic wide lengthy

Tính từ

Very high in quality
mean excellent wonderful great marvellous superb fantastic fine awesome terrific fabulous stellar splendid sensational grand marvelous fab superior neat quality swell topping unsurpassed prime slick capital wizard boss outstanding magnificent brilliant exceptional super wicked smashing tremendous glorious impressive brill amazing sublime magic exquisite admirable champion phenomenal consummate extraordinary formidable able spiffing incredible bosting ripping bonzer spectacular competent notable eminent A1 bad distinguished unparalleled prodigious exemplary preeminent enviable laudable first-class first-rate top-notch top-shelf out of this world high-grade high-quality superlative sterling choice top divine crackerjack cool cracking heavenly tip-top fantabulous lovely beautiful topflight hot supernal frontline famous peachy groovy nifty dandy gilt-edged blue-chip blue-ribbon high-class select ace immense five-star dynamite noble keen dope prizewinning phat primo par excellence radical out-of-sight corking banner righteous prize classic A-OK top-of-the-line accomplished peerless bumper gangbusters brag gangbuster hype bully bonny bang-up jim-dandy gilt-edge first-string four-star good numero uno peachy keen number one boffo down bonnie brave gone world-class perfect elite matchless pre-eminent premium best premier crack very good finest incomparable transcendent leading unrivaled skilful masterly supercalifragilisticexpialidocious unrivalled remarkable skillful rare dazzling of high quality worthy expert striking top-hole virtuoso high adept greatest skilled proficient tiptop master top-quality top-tier on fleek gifted talented topnotch experienced exclusive practised versed masterful practiced applaudable polished dominant priceless deluxe veteran mega complete of the highest quality educated of the highest standard compleat professed delicate flawless dexterous adroit deft A-1 clever stunning of the first water top of the line top of the range valuable estimable lofty noted meritorious attractive unequalled beaut highest sovereign dextrous mind-blowing top-class unequaled too good to be true class highest quality of the first order bodacious desirable invaluable stupendous illustrious rad outrageous artful elegant vintage commendable ideal unreal schmick unmatched genius dreamy bravura sik quintessential belting pearler chillin' winning workmanlike exo solid barrie optimal foremost gorgeous amazeballs splendiferous splendorous too much well versed grade A top-drawer capable professional awesomesauce efficient praiseworthy smart delightful top-level bosker unexcelled optimum surpassing faultless peak tasty upmarket classy upscale model tops crucial top-grade inspired luxurious selected second to none out of sight without equal of the highest order beyond compare top-end big league certified fantastical standout special advanced crowning fancy awe-inspiring astonishing elevated imposing pleasant enjoyable breathtaking ingenious cream star distinctive choicest first pleasurable finished lead really good agreeable satisfying rewarding colossal flagship exalted sound unbeatable inimitable uppermost unique untouchable trained effusive singular extreme excessive extravagant precious major inflated exaggerated worthiest virtuosic wondrous blissful renowned goodly dear costly pricey central expensive better A-list solid gold noteworthy august dainty proud spendy big-ticket in a class all by itself very best exceptionally good super-duper top drawer high-end ultraexpensive prize-winning above and beyond nonpareil of highest order pricy of a high standard award-winning high-ticket reliable key mint legit piked prominent top-of-the-range commanding nice spanking ultimate paragon fly hunky-dory marvy celebrated def fabby beezer gnarly top-flight refined lank kif proper astounding staggering good quality high-caliber a cut above not too shabby tophole banging grade-A sup rior all very well well and good posh far out better than usual improved first class enhanced of the best quality better than average greater top quality eclectic first-line the very best state-of-the-art the best a standout well trained good-quality high-calibre paradisiacal unsurpassable to die for idyllic paradisiac out-of-this-world unexampled superhuman miraculous qualified specialist savvy majestic mind-boggling overwhelming unbelievable beyond description beyond words facile handy schooled seasoned sharp knowledgeable apt rapturous creative a dab hand at highly skilled exceptionally skilled immensely skilled supremely skilled highly qualified extraordinarily skilled very skilled highly trained far-out eye-popping unco big lordly imaginative worthwhile honourable dream honorable meritable venerable deserving creditable respectable resplendent transcendental moving the most holy sacred spiritual uplifting inspiring inspirational stately abstract innovational exciting memorable innovative thrilling best ever ka pai worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas copacetic zero cool hunky dory enthralling innovatory inventive enterprising original resourceful immaculate pleasing coruscating glossy flamboyant aesthetic tasteful decorative splashy very nice lovesome flashy zingy stylish showy esthetic of genius intelligent pick fat gratifying congenial pretty chic welcome delectable enchanting charming delightsome savory alluring way-out savoury grateful blessed dulcet darling blest radiant amusing ravishing felicitous magical delicious scrumptious luscious jolly palatable fun sweet cute frabjous diverting positive satisfactory acceptable favorable entrancing reputable arresting super-eminent shipshape super-excellent recherche plush appealing captivating presentable comely fetching beauteous likable entertaining fascinating engaging foxy fashionable favourable cheery genial paradisal paradisaic good-looking hospitable not bad ducky likeable mighty the dog's bollocks ambrosial yummy lush adorable hip classical superfine quick unblemished agile bewitching well-designed natty convenient spruce unforgettable cheerful entire unbroken up to snuff unimpaired undamaged uninjured whole intact unharmed unhurt bestselling sophisticated ritzy hypnotic unorthodox deep wild splendacious high quality replayable flattering juicy rocking jaw-dropping important well-known really nice hand-picked elect paradisic saintly eloquent surprising agitating most effective simple unmarred principal strong powerful like wow cat's meow eventful above average slap-up handsome high-test favored 10 popular preferred preferential predominant virtuous baller crash hot nang No. 1 to your liking chief hundred-proof handpicked plum favorite enhancing with it pretty cool A-number-1 mostest favoured favourite uncommon cherry-picked unusual graceful 24-karat carefully chosen becoming appropriate well-chosen mild exhilarating joyous tempting comforting affable euphoric fair comfortable glamorous photogenic seductive sunny amiable hunky clear dollish snazzy knockout taking pulchritudinous statuesque well-favored showstopping OK cunning drop-dead eye-catching soothing glamourous intoxicating sightly in order dishy prettyish relief unspoilt glad inviting passable telegenic paradisaical calming elating copasetic recreative ecstatic relishable irie ineffable refreshing trim suitable orderly decent tidy swank prim spotless welcoming clean very pleasant very attractive very agreeable greatly to one's liking very pleasurable most excellent

Tính từ

Characterized by extreme force, degree, or strength
intense fierce acute extreme great severe deep profound harsh powerful concentrated exquisite intensive serious enormous exceptional extraordinary strong almighty blistering consuming drastic dreadful excessive excruciating explosive fearful fearsome ferocious forceful frightful furious ghastly hard heavy heavy-duty hellacious high keen major potent terrible vehement vicious vigorous violent agonising agonizing close full heightened intensified marked protracted tough unqualified all-consuming biting bitter cutting diligent exaggerated forcible penetrating piercing undue pungent sharp shrill stinging strained vivid mother of all passionate overwhelming strenuous searing unbearable ardent tremendous burning harrowing grievous torturous resolute painful energetic insufferable determined overpowering racking zealous rigorous aggressive earnest incredible fiery fervent impassioned awful unendurable dramatic brutal distressing shooting raging stabbing thorough compelling mighty tormenting immoderate grave wholehearted persistent relentless heartfelt remarkable indescribable eager prodigious fanatical all-out fervid intolerable oppressive deep-seated assertive unrelenting unutterable flaming enthusiastic active dire committed wild emotional concerted very great dedicated inordinate total crushing spirited impossible tenacious dynamic titanic assiduous gut-wrenching dogged fast painstaking weighty punishing gutsy telling heated steadfast impressive complete thoroughgoing punchy demanding unwavering unrestrained intemperate pounding perfervid intent hellish excellent resounding emphatic muscular uncontrolled puissant wrenching stirring powerhouse cruel bold onerous poignant difficult brisk radical deep-rooted rough marvelous marvellous ambitious grim bad turbulent savage out-and-out detailed staunch torrid uncontrollable heartrending conscientious hefty hard-hitting hot irresistible vital disturbing robust steady maximum insistent thumping utmost critical smarting big driving minute sincere scrupulous urgent true avid ruthless absorbing formidable sore arduous laborious compulsive devastating devout massive torturing grueling splitting inflamed passional affecting red-hot uncompromising superb unbridled constant gruelling driven full-blooded desperate very bad upsetting firm exhausting loyal faithful taxing consummate inclement cut-throat exacting persuasive rousing galling deeply felt exciting enterprising focused heartbreaking arresting unsparing comprehensive obstinate heart-rending trying stiff exhaustive thrilling careful in-your-face afflicting worrying burdensome tortuous single-minded frenzied gripping meticulous persevering tearing militant purposeful rugged influential unbending uttermost extensive searching unfaltering pronounced focussed stubborn methodical incommunicable abject mean phenomenal pulling no punches stormy in-depth besetting complex enthralling tempestuous tireless significant feverish fixed engrossing all-embracing sweeping sedulous top stupendous abstruse awesome warm devouring immense herculean all-absorbing fascinating mettlesome durable considerable sound complicated dangerous colossal gigantic amazing stark dominating obsessive knifelike high-pressure irrepressible stifling pervasive indefatigable uncommunicable raw riveting intriguing engaging moving touching brilliant outstanding ultimate suffocating towering blunt gargantuan devoted sad warm-blooded tedious unpleasant attentive involving mortal right proper overriding tender fabulous settled strict peracute plucky cloying effective killing high-powered distinct hearty unswerving super troublesome lusty deadly good consequential unforgiving knockout unflagging dependable Herculean merciless sentimental heady unremitting inspiring untiring all out reliable insane cool resolved pushy very strong toilsome wonderful wretched miserable pitiless unyielding distressful thunderous smart hardhanded coercive hardy hurtful tragic daring stressful rotten strong-willed unmerciful hot-blooded pious murderous decisive self-assertive momentous remorseless grinding sure absolute afflictive true-blue down-the-line stalwart stanch calamitous out of this world inhuman offensive struggling unalloyed unadulterated suffering deliberate bound really hard inexorable very hard hard-hearted enduring abiding immovable allegiant first-rate certain unquestioning rigid first-class never-failing industrial-strength real diabolical tumultuous competitive unstoppable frantic dog-eat-dog heavyweight long-lasting indefensible inexcusable reprehensible inexpressible unforgivable scorching boiling baking transcending blustery gusty high-energy shrewd cordial genuine entrenched disgraceful shameful parlous boisterous squally roasting sizzling hard-core unfeigned honest rooted intrenched repressive rampant undescribable amorous contentious blazing sweltering caustic throbbing inveterate bona fide paralyzing paralysing drilling alert tropical parching withering annihilatory gluttonous corrosive voracious insatiable edacious far-reaching deepest stout supportive sudden prickly twingeing tingling scalding wearisome industrious finely tuned pertinacious all-inclusive all-encompassing pressing ablaze tormentous anguishing confirmed bred-in-the-bone valid cogent challenging daunting wearying baking hot blazing hot blistery broiling charged clamorous stringent virile unmixed crucial enthused melodramatic red-blooded achy gnawing hurting recondite solemn labored confused te knotty testing ponderous convincing pleading life-threatening disastrous restless disagreeable very hot boiling hot overemotional emotive destructive crying telescoped crash out and out elaborate widespread preoccupying backbreaking tiring punitive crippling austere nasty beseeching entreating begging obscure mightful like a furnace exigent desolating damaging annihilating magnificent back-breaking fatiguing bruising toilful accelerated speeded-up exorbitant unconscionable swingeing overweening steep draconian strengthy strengthful immersing interesting maximal plausible armed bleak efficient efficacious hazardous threatening ugly captivating vexatious disquieting bludgeoning unwelcome unhappy distasteful yucky chilling unlovely unpleasing yukky traumatic sour wicked unpalatable displeasing uncongenial unsavory very grave climacteric torrential spectacular egregious downright tiresome forbidding thorny operose uphill bothersome staggering upstream wearing intimidating cumbersome draining debilitating hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue devilish importunate whole icky mortifying true blue sobering menacing precarious perilous hypnotic mesmeric spellbinding nauseating extremely painful eloquent conclusive credible unanswerable compulsory entire unsavoury provoking annoying clamant self-asserting pushing pressurizing go-getting crazy fantastic unbelievable unreal utter round-the-clock total-immersion laboured paramount highest greatest hairy energy-consuming sapping killer effortful overbearing shattering sickly astringent acrid sickening nauseous all-powerful copious enchanting entrancing transfixing mesmerizing rich spicy hopped up gung ho rending cringe-making infuriating embarrassing stultifying chastening torturesome toe-curling irritating pushful pressured thrusting incomprehensible enigmatic esoteric abstract thundering outrageous gross uber sheer preposterous arrant rank flagrant veritable pure ridiculous terrific far out dominant commanding sublime superlative breathtaking fetid aromatic unmistakable invincible mephitic hard-working pressurising loud horrendous horrific horrible nagging exclusive addictive lustful teeming bucketing pouring drenching rounded fattening fatty buttery succulent oily creamy sensational splendid not taking no for an answer overshadowing foetid pathetic sovereign fleet whirlwind swift nippy snappy lightning fleet-footed quick speedy breathless rapid-fire galloping zippy rapid flying dizzy breakneck rattling hasty unbroken undistracted collective elemental involved unfathomable arcane trusty mesmerising woeful overmastering appalling irrefutable abominable unmitigated unshared consistent engrossed unreserved swell imposing awe-inspiring groovy dandy delicious lavish glorious primo grand divine striking like wow majestic hunky-dory monumental stately luxurious decided surpassing resilient greatest possible vibrant calorific united absorbed piteous pitiful sonorous resonant set do-or-die positive motivated out unputdownable unanimous continued shocking godawful lousy vile atrocious beastly unshakeable pitiable saddening sorrowful humungous humongous monstrous giant circumspect all vigilant lock stock and barrel dense undivided iron-willed feisty plush obdurate stable liege immobile adamant tried-and-true trustworthy unmovable changeless established telelogical hell-bent on bent on bent upon playing hard ball dead set on undeviating mean business bent calculated be out for blood hell-bent upon nose to the grindstone accomplished impactful mournful tearful hammering lashing hard-nosed unflinching hot and heavy skilled skillful skilful admirable masterly astronomic rare leviathan max vast mountainous ginormous astronomical tear-jerking plaintive sheeting down sagacious self-confident audible clear clarion ace stellar crack world-class expert fine full-bodied agitating nostalgic perturbing expressive strong-minded brave gritty courageous gee-whizz important cracking crash-hot nifty independent perceptive heroic indomitable unhesitating take charge wizard callous stern cold firm in spirit keen as mustard animated confident two-fisted stout-hearted tough-minded ironclad resourceful ringing as clear as a bell bell-like amazeballs crackerjack well-done authoritarian unfeeling unkind implacable hostile cold-blooded affectless desensitised heavy-handed heartless no-nonsense tyrannical stoney browbeating gruff unsympathetic bullying stony-hearted compassionless desensitized hardhearted ironfisted ironhearted uncharitable cold-hearted insensitive stonyhearted take-no-prisoners more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear

Tính từ

Being advanced in development
advanced forward progressive modern state-of-the-art avant-garde sophisticated innovative revolutionary higher developed foremost innovatory latest new newest up-to-date ahead complex evolved futuristic groundbreaking intricate leading newfangled pioneering prime recent cutting-edge radical refined trailblazing avant breakthrough complicated elaborate ingenious pre-eminent excellent exceptional extreme flash improved late nifty paramount precocious principal snazzy leading-edge ultra-modern up to date forward-looking forward-thinking highly developed new-fashioned newly discovered recently developed up to the minute up-to-the-minute far ahead far along high-end well ahead well along ahead of the times contemporary modernistic fresh neoteric original inventive ultramodern novel high-tech cutting edge current innovational creative space-age hot high present-day unconventional unfamiliar unorthodox trendsetting disruptive ground-breaking red-hot experimental unusual mod designer unprecedented off-centre fashionable imaginative new age brand-new trendy modish left-field established stylish different go-ahead unique just out in vogue uncommon visionary technologically advanced leading edge originative perfected in au courant ahead of its time way-out modernized hip now offbeat in fashion all the rage never-before-seen settled modernised singular up-and-coming untried updated happening unknown strange hi-tech popular smart modern-day with it latter-day nouvelle enterprising topical a la mode out-of-the-box out of the ordinary mature liberal enlightened seminal future brand new enhanced voguish dynamic complete chic vanguard highly-developed cool lead 21st-century drastic rare head untested surprising exotic atypical involved faddish unaccustomed in-thing clever inspired unheard-of Promethean breaking new ground science fiction industrialized mould-breaking innovating spearheading gimmicky bleeding edge landmark avant garde unwonted alternative artful today matured present nontraditional timely transformational extant in style industrialised immediate quite recent grown variational extensive out of the common resourceful latter high-level with-it deviceful ongoing bohemian eccentric later the latest this season's new-fangled ambitious entrepreneurial inspiring special refreshing far-out twenty-first century distinctive artistic funky peculiar odd present-time self-regulating robotic automatic enthusiastic vigorous vital spirited driven energetic underground beat hot off press à la mode twenty-first-century bang up to date the newest germinal strategic well-thought-out multifaceted formative well-designed well-planned well-built swinging full-grown full-blown full-fledged automated artificially intelligent powerful difficult daring go-getting bold courageous audacious adventurous intrepid rising high-powered natty far cry mistakenly trendy new wave intelligent kicking hot off the fire last-ditch hot off the press kicky sweeping thorough tony fly spiffy sassy stylin' contemporaneous plugged-in major tricky gumptious capable of learning fundamental unhackneyed better upgraded first game-changing world-shattering bettered forefront augmented better-quality revised remodeled ameliorated enriched reformed computerized technological in first place at the front digital headmost multimedia computerised front amended repaired elaborated reorganized corrected renovated mended reorganised remodelled SOTA fixed up bolstered up value-added made better sharp big groovy elegant snappy swish supercool exclusive swank du jour all the go on fleek classy swell in thing existent de rigueur culty popularized popularised dashing schmick chichi instant prevalent favored faddy favoured latest thing last word existing contempo swanky vogue prevailing upscale hep turned-on favorite def crowd-pleasing favourite le dernier cri glamorous attractive high-class high-toned dapper ritzy massive debonair coeval tasteful customary dressy trig downtown live rakish large pop swagger well-liked at this moment in the mainstream a go-go relevant concurrent coincident trim prompt high-fashion understated flattering commenced started sought-after pressing newborn in the news in favour already usual alive living genteel ad hoc in demand fancy of late in duration going on even now in process under consideration de nos jours for the time being actual dap just released in favor well turned-out up abreast showy hottest earthy fab breathing hippest sexy cosmopolitan lively appealing impressive crisp spruce exciting period young concomitant gnarly last-word desired well groomed well dressed down on trend well turned out smartly dressed celebrated bang up-to-date active just issued synchronous surrealistic high-style ultra modern coexistent posh jaunty shiny big thing simultaneous coexisting newsworthy twenty- first century as if one had just stepped out of a bandbox legendary liked well-known wanted preferred desirable coincidental coetaneous craze fad chi-chi well-dressed well-groomed clean vivacious burning urbane sleek ostentatious pretentious dressed to the teeth fine uptown beautiful jazzy flashy bling steezy slick dressed to kill fancy-pants polished coterminous on the cutting edge in the latest style dernier cri latest fashion latest wrinkle latest fad in with it new look just completed immediately prior just done immediately prior to just finished widespread commercially successful successful well put together coextensive important synchronic awake perceptive familiar observant conscious savvy knowledgeable versed knowing informed apprehensive aware next at present time on hand on front burner buzzworthy common knowledge switched on hep to on to plugged in turned on in the know tuned in up on in on wise to hip to zeitgeisty subjective interesting nominal thematic nowadays being begun occurring recently appearing recently the new balanced holistic planetary astrological supernaturalist spiritual mystic occult Age of Aquarius crystal healing just now styleworthy more recent most recent

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Of, or like, God or a god
divine heavenly godlike holy goddesslike immaculate spiritual angelic celestial godly beatific deific mystical supernatural deitylike mystic sacred saintlike seraphic blessed blissful cosmic empyreal ethereal hallowed immortal saintly superhuman transcendent almighty ambrosial blest cherubic deiform deistic empyrean incorporeal metaphysical omnipotent omnipresent omniscient paradisaical preternatural rapturous supernal supernormal transcendental transmundane unworldly astral elysian extramundane extraterrestrial ghostly immaterial otherworldly superterrestrial unearthly unfleshly unphysical virtuous all-powerful other-worldly beyond human out of this world phenomenal heroic prodigious exceptional great extraordinary stupendous immense enormous uncanny miraculous magical herculean Herculean remarkable formidable bionic staggering sublime glorious paradisiacal paradisal lovely delightful sweet entrancing ravishing excellent wonderful beautiful paradisical paradisiac enjoyable alluring exquisite scrumptious lush adorable yummy luscious delectable delicious darling paradisaic Elysian eternal pure exalted superlunary numinous joyful rapt boundless idyllic Arcadian perfect paranormal occult utopian ineffable angelical innocent ecstatic serene all-knowing illimitable everlasting enduring infinite all-seeing deathless pervading golden ideal non-material non-materialistic socialist reforming progressive angel-like happy charming Erewhonian Edenic Olympian empyral enchanting awe-inspiring uplifting moving inspiring inspirational magic beneficent humble righteous devout self-sacrificing angelly kind radiant angellike archangelic caring appealing weird intangible nonmaterial nonphysical discarnate platonic refined airy disembodied devotional rarefied asomatous more than human

Tính từ

Nonstandard form of indisputable
undisputable undeniable indisputable incontrovertible indubitable irrefutable incontestable positive unquestionable definite conclusive unambiguous absolute clear undoubted unmistakable sure unequivocal evident plain true reliable inarguable unassailable demonstrable guaranteed fixed sound genuine real authoritative unerring ascertained confirmable destined determined establishable firm hard infallible known predestined provable set trustworthy verifiable safe on ice salted away sure thing having down pat in the bag certain unarguable irrefragable unanswerable unchallengeable accomplished obvious beyond doubt beyond question watertight proven final beyond dispute patent manifest not in doubt beyond a shadow of a doubt convincing self-evident compelling airtight clinching undebatable categorical emphatic clear-cut decisive definitive transparent palpable apodictic ultimate unquestioned recognized settled frozen undisputed confirmed flat inexpugnable unchallenged hard-and-fast sealed accepted determinate acknowledged uncontested stable nailed-on not in question as sure as eggs is eggs there are no two ways about it recognised all sewn up decided unqualified assured accurate explicit established express steadfast distinct constant unconditional straightforward authentic complete outright unreserved total dependable pronounced wholehearted factual solid downright steady confident actual apparent concrete precise unshakable inevitable full entire crystal clear marked certified open unwavering specific unfailing valid invariable secure unfaltering enduring observable perfect exact open-and-shut unalterable abiding open and shut sure-fire unchangeable unquestioning good faithful striking direct stated predetermined flat-out immutable no ifs ands or buts out-and-out constructive understood utter irrevocable straight credible practical thorough implied bona fide veritable implicit verified changeless thoroughgoing tacit virtual unmitigated unhesitating nonambiguous ringing resolute unambivalent pure uncompromising lucid perspicuous demonstrative forceful tangible sheer regular significant unimpeachable deadly dead barefaced doubtless stark as plain as a pikestaff peremptory noticeable cogent bald-faced contained unsaid very binding conspicuous trusty undeclared inarticulate latent unexpressed unspoken implicative inferential univocal perceptible unuttered taken for granted attested consummate undoubtable unadulterated responsible inferred rank unalloyed pellucid sensible faultless glaring trustable simple calculable categoric blatant arrant flawless profound specified overt staunch fair plumb never-failing deciding clean dreadful well defined blooming stone bodacious crashing uncontroversial all-out plausible without doubt blank agreed forthright cotton-picking straight-out no catch straight out black-and-white strong irreversible determining unvarying unchanging discernible unswerving veridical cut-and-dried realistic bald effective permanent undoubting well-grounded broad substantiated honest crucial ironclad staring one in the face well-founded unlimited legitimate influential lasting objective unrestricted impeccable loyal telling unbending whole well grounded fail-safe cast-iron hard and fast bright-line undisguised dogmatic inflexible point-blank tried-and-true surefire blunt important all out particular supportable sustainable empirical empiric uncontestable no holds barred no fine print visible inerrant settling irremediable essential preset resounding substantial prearranged arranged no mistake unrectifiable logical assertive luculent existent intelligent cinched axiomatic perceivable strict luminous detectable unreversible unappealable nailed down ardent distinguishable stubborn understandable reputable rigid sure-enough one hundred per cent determinative indelible unrepealable well founded competent for sure stipulated tried dedicated right independent deep-dyed unconstrained bound copper-bottomed critical certifiable demonstrated plenary wide authenticated inescapable obstinate writ large questionless arbitrary tried and true true-blue literal no kicker no strings tried and tested foolproof attestable evincible impregnable corroborated convinced material checkable irreparable defined persuasive tyrannous meticulous sober pivotal key double-checked imperious determinant errorless veracious documented impressive vehement insistent major fated fundamental candid irretrievable compulsory unrepairable correct for a fact earnest prominent inferable ensured truthful affirmed comprehensible sharp strong-minded planned trenchant paramount chief principal prime bold last appreciable given invulnerable prescribed failsafe unfluctuating abrupt incisive wordless recognizable substantive devoted spot-on intent aggressive sagacious minute insured wholesale crisp doomed lost trusted consistent uniform rigorous colorable validated intelligible imperative black and white assumed severe unstinting legit for certain stringent beyond repair rooted tested unconcealed salient as plain as daylight deep-rooted undiluted proper fast straight from the shoulder unyielding recognisable resolved durable without reservations inveterate litmus test clear cut finished honest-to-goodness gross beyond a doubt as plain as the nose on your face sticking out a mile standing out like a sore thumb intense no strings attached as plain as day for real set in stone de facto single-minded believable solid as a rock written all over someone standing out a mile sticking out like a sore thumb clearly expressed inalienable admitted safe to say swift prompt rapid quantified without question freely admitted not disputed limited formative creative developmental foundational seminal testable free from doubt persuaded unshaken satisfied unequivocable runaway powerful obligatory necessary frank unbreakable pegged momentous pat cold superior authenticating deductible clear-thinking capable irresistible invincible dyed-in-the-wool weighty straight-from-the-shoulder validating down pat detailed notable limitless serious distinctive odds-on irrebuttable overwhelming apodeictic secured designated fateful vital without loopholes no two ways about it telltale dutiful unvarnished as plain as the nose on one's face considerable measurable clinched especial intrinsic obtrusive unique comprehensive exhaustive undivided committed unacknowledged iron-clad well-proven from the horse's mouth nonnegotiable beyond a shadow of doubt quantifiable inimitable no ifs and or buts obedient unthinking automatic named delineated identified resolving revealing irrefrangible dinkum real-life real-world with no strings open-ended unconditioned error-free plain to see blinding apprehensible flagrant discernable well documented impervious without reservation unrestrained infernal blessed blasted confounded beyond the shadow of a doubt devout extreme fatal unanxious undoubtful sanguine able carefree hopeful deducible ascertainable racked easily understandable on the nose appointed risk-free scrupulous uncanny entrenched honorable honourable stone cold ostensible seeming as clear as day remarkable arresting shoo-in easy can't-miss can bet on it nailed on concluded in every respect a dead cert full-bore through and through right-down a sure thing mandatory exacting dictated written energetic vigorous low-risk what you see is what you get level stationary go-to unmistaken inerrable just nof ifs ands or buts pious even riskless made certain absolutely certain sewed up locked on creditable rocklike conscientious sturdy self-explanatory forcible hardheaded hardened ingrained deep-seated allegiant down-the-line supportive stanch fortified iron locked matter-of-fact historical sure-footed documentary down-to-earth unembellished nonfictional equable unsubtle seeable immovable stiff on the nail the real McCoy true to life based on facts straight from the horse's mouth fact-based notorious good as one's word to be counted on carrying the load always there calm long-standing long-lived stabile staying put well-defined well-marked graphic clean-cut noteworthy audible undubitable silhouetted vivid allotted pigheaded jelled well-set locked in hidebound stiff-necked unflappable unfabled spot on carved in stone set in concrete decreed violent full-blooded strenuous muscular dynamic dictatorial inalterable incommutable as clear as crystal much in evidence staring you in the face under one's nose staring someone in the face make no bones plain as the nose on your face out in the open clearly defined cut and dried not vague bossy autocratic unblinking undeviating granted sure enough a lock stressed solemn pointed accented potent overbearing high-handed that's a fact unmodifiable unmovable still rational fortress-like domineering irrecoverable irredeemable unrecoverable unredeemable not subject to change writ in stone indemonstrable presupposed tyrannical enlightened justifiable reasoned circumspect intellectual thoughtful philosophic reflective commonsense collected analytic analytical deductive thinking synthetic discerning reasonable ratiocinative reasoning cerebral perspicacious prima facie aphoristic axiomatical apothegmatic proverbial despotic brusque authoritarian commanding for a face incurable commonsensical shrewd coherent levelheaded sincere knowing commonsensible informed imperial magisterial summary brisk no ifs ands or buts about it shaping evaluative defining causal kosher judicious defensible maintainable defendable prudent tenable careful cognitive proved autocratical wilful tyrannic masterful willful arrogant lordly overweening goes without saying approved classic honest-to-God official unblurred intolerant used beyond recall limpid lucent crystal well-advised well-reasoned fanatical tenacious resilient on the level on the up-and-up really-truly sure-thing for-sure no buts about it real stuff tried out put to the test time-honoured safe as houses passionate crystal-clear spirited iron-willed fierce driven zealous feisty high-powered enthusiastic on-target letter-perfect well-thought-out dead-on firm in spirit persistent avid perceptive dogged eager hard-nosed keen as mustard hardy brave tough animated heroic gritty strong-willed courageous pushy self-assertive indomitable unflinching keen gutsy mean irrepressible active two-fisted untiring plucky purposeful stout-hearted tough-minded resourceful self-confident take charge easily understood unmixed out and out most influential

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Being such by habit, long-established, and not likely to change
confirmed hardened seasoned chronic entrenched habitual rooted deep established inveterate settled committed devout firm fixed intrenched lifelong perennial resolute set thorough true ardent complete dedicated devoted earnest enduring faithful fervent immutable incorrigible indelible loyal proved stalwart staunch steadfast uncompromising unwavering unyielding vehement wholehearted compulsive diehard fanatical fiery impenitent ineradicable inexorable intransigent irredeemable longtime obsessive obstinate persistent stubborn thoroughgoing torrid unapologetic unashamed unreformable unshakable unshakeable zealous accustomed definite explicit habituated incurable ingrained inured staid sicker dyed-in-the-wool long-established bona fide hard-core long-standing deep-rooted deep-seated die-hard hard-line deep-set firmly established through and through all-consuming bred-in-the-bone card-carrying deep-dyed well established well-established red-hot hard-shell intense profound heartfelt strong impassioned abject avid acute passionate fervid genuine burning powerful unfeigned honest serious extreme exceptional enthusiastic keen sincere consuming extraordinary heightened severe inflamed deeply felt warm excessive stirring grave great rousing constant pathological inbred abiding lasting inborn unrepentant hopeless addicted tried continuing verified radical unswerving lingering tested long-lasting innate congenital shameless obsessional recurrent ceaseless ever-present continuous continual utter hooked long-lived usual unfaltering out-and-out fundamental reliable dependable built-in inherent irremovable secure true blue inbuilt trustworthy sure demonstrated unabating regular persisting permanent tried-and-true proven routine tenacious recurring unmitigated absolute valid accepted basic protracted rigid abandoned unregenerate obdurate full-bore uncontrite right-down arrant steady trusty subconscious embedded beyond hope mad keen instilled fast good infixed unchangeable through-and-through true-blue keen as mustard pious stanch full-fledged deep-down upright down-the-line sustained dutiful honourable honorable deeply ingrained allegiant out and out experienced unforgettable ineffaceable long-l incessant inannihilable irradicable worn addictive reprobate prolonged dependent uncontrollable long-drawn-out obscene pornographic X-rated irrepressible undying eternal longstanding frequent fortified determined unwaivering slow dragging dyed-in-the wool implanted dug in set firm deep down remaining grounded callous irrational unreasonable indurated old sworn adamant radicated customary lodged in one's brain remorseless unremorseful unrepenting spun-out drawn-out haunting by habit endemic based on intractable unblushing to the core illogical clinical irreformable unabashed brazen irrecoverable unredeemable irretrievable unrecoverable unreformed irremediable conscienceless constitutional bad beyond redemption useless impossible recidivous uncorrectable beastly irreparable loser wicked recognized certified attested checked authentic intrinsic unreasoning uncontrolled pathologic neurotic not contrite undoubted upheld supported verifiable demonstrable establishable orthodox conclusive integral ingrain hardwired essential constitutive natural native indigenous immanent hereditary pure true-hearted recognised incorruptible patriotic truthful solid righteous right straight responsible just trustable moral virtuous ethical nice safe decent brassbound calculable supportive right-minded in the blood indwelling in-built no lie conscientious on the up and up worthy truehearted veridical undistorted liege estimable high-principled up front scrupulous creditable square all right behind one tried and true tried and tested in good faith

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Relating to appeals

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Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
utopian romantic idealistic visionary quixotic fanciful starry-eyed ideal perfect airy dream fairy-tale fantasy idealist idealised idealized imaginary impracticable perfectionist quixotical starry unrealistic chimerical illusory impractical abstract ambitious arcadian best grandiose hopeful ideological impossible lofty model naive otherworldly pie-in-the-sky pretentious transcendental ultimate unfeasible unworkable dreamy fantastic unreal optimistic whimsical imaginative dreaming fantastical extravagant head-in-the-clouds speculative abstracted mythical daydreaming Utopian fabulous improbable unworldly absurd fictitious wild theoretical ivory-towered made-up vague idyllic astral introspective musing high-flown ivory-tower out of touch with reality unreasonable creative inventive non-viable ingenious inspired chimeric enterprising illusive silly far-sighted foolish innovative radical clever original hypothetical insightful resourceful prophetic quintessential pretend invented fantasied phantom mythic phantasmal imagined imaginal fictional notional make-believe phantasmic consummate unpractical half-baked delusory nonrealistic unlikely archetypal dreamlike absolute complete definitive pure poetic not sensible on cloud nine in the clouds prototypical copybook paradigmatic exemplary unviable unrealizable unusable castle-building vain unfounded delusive exaggerated hallucinatory intangible gentle excellent phantasmagoric unsubstantial marvelous woolgathering lulling soothing misty shadowy nightmarish preoccupied pensive immaterial introvertive calming phantasmagorical relaxing out of this world legendary conceptual millenarian millenary revolutionary futuristic fantasizing airy-fairy unbusinesslike Panglossian Micawberish sentimental over-optimistic impulsive chivalrous inoperable illogical irrational senseless fantasising far-fetched unserviceable impetuous useless ineffectual inefficacious ineffective capricious crazy potty classic nonsensical gone reachy floating classical not applicable blue sky marvellous moony unattainable millennial typical representative unachievable optimal flawless untainted prime unsullied optimum essential untarnished unblemished prescient imagal mercurial perceptive discerning penetrating intuitive happy hoping unearthly mental transcendent shrewd gifted wise sharp talented out-of-reach innovatory exalted noble innovational off-centre unorthodox artful unusual vivid nonconformist unconventional originative blue-sky Promethean individual stimulating poetical best possible dream come true best-example offbeat fertile artistic out of the ordinary brain wave inspirational fictive avant-garde breaking ground way out productive with your head in the clouds false misleading fake sham untrue fancied fabricated nonexistent suppositious supposititious fallacious mistaken apparent seeming deceitful ostensible mythological insubstantial deceptive storybook ethereal pretended fabled concocted figmental spectral non-existent dreamed-up pseudo folkloric allegorical traditional apocryphal illusionary ghostly storied semblant artificial specious surreal bogus spiritual ghostlike devised bizarre spurious aerial weird created erroneous deceiving mock simulated incorporeal impalpable supernatural synthetic wraithlike psychedelic incredible symbolic symbolical phoney mythologic made up phony Kafkaesque trumped up ridiculous assumed bodiless heroic flimsy misguided fantasized epic unclear indistinct unbodied deluding beguiling apparitional virtual unsound feigned vaporous faux formless nonphysical discarnate nonmaterial absent hyped up product of someone's imagination inexistent parabolic unbelievable imponderable vampiric imitation wondrous fool's paradise play-play flighty thought up fraudulent all in one's head spooky eerie wraithy curious pipe dream fantasised crackpot strange head in the clouds phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic phantasmagorian phantasm trumped-up hoax deluded chimeral unread mocking imitative misconceived delusional academic estimated manufactured created out of thin air dummy ersatz improvised trick hollow disembodied proverbial queer conceived non-physical non-material unembodied in error mimic man-made factitious substitute counterfeit prepared dreamt up Barmecidal Barmecide float forged larger-than-life in your head acted trancelike trance-like all in the mind extraterrestrial nebulous disincarnate dim hazy insincere preposterous reproduction replica unnatural uncorporeal faint dreamish oneiric hypnagogic unconvincing tall alien flakey far out fairy tale kinky flaky distracted ruminative meditative inattentive thoughtful reflective distrait too good for this world shaky lightweight feeble cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take rapt absent-minded wool-gathering absorbed pie in the sky castles in the air expressive faraway wanting lacking missing without substance unfocused supposed indescribable indefinable lost in thought beautiful superb wistful outlandish extraordinary left-field obscure untouchable far away in a reverie miles away in a brown study dead empty blank ungrounded departed extinguished vacant void null gossamery defunct baseless tenuous negative groundless lost perished extinct fresh exotic in a world of one's own enigmatic astounding figment of someone's imagination eccentric fancy quirky brilliant freaky freakish genius experimental keen ephemeral sensational astonishing awesome spectacular incomprehensible stupendous out there breathtaking romanesque glamourous glamorous far-out astute imperceptible to the touch metaphysical slender infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night idle passed on passed away without foundation weird and wonderful deviating wonderful surprising null and void few and far between too little too late