Từ đồng nghĩa của sensational

Alternative for sensational

Tính từ

Very good indeed
lovely wonderful excellent superb amazing dazzling exquisite first-class magnificent marvellous spectacular stunning bewitching captivating charming delightful enchanting entrancing fabulous fine first-rate impressive memorable radiant remarkable striking superlative arresting divine exceptional fab fantastic great outstanding stellar terrific unforgettable unique awesome formidable heavenly masterful masterly mean skilful skillful smashing virtuoso neat stupendous super tremendous ace capital delectable keen scrumptious topping wizard amazeballs bad brill brilliant magic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious swell unreal wicked A-OK bang-up banner beautiful blue-chip blue-ribbon bodacious boffo bonnie bonny bonzer boss brag brave bully bumper champion choice classic cool corking crackerjack cracking dandy dope down dynamite famous fantabulous first-string five-star four-star frontline gangbuster gangbusters gilt-edge gilt-edged gone grand groovy high-class hot hype immense jim-dandy marvelous nifty noble out-of-sight peachy phat prime primo prize prizewinning quality radical righteous ripping slick spiffing splendid sterling superior supernal tip-top top topflight top-hole top-notch top-of-the-line top-shelf unsurpassed agitating breathtaking eloquent extraordinary glorious incredible mind-blowing most moving number one numero uno out of this world par excellence peachy keen surprising unbelievable zero cool phenomenal sublime astonishing wondrous astounding supreme prodigious staggering rad good very good perfect notable awe-inspiring mind-boggling mega peerless gorgeous miraculous world-class admirable rare beaut select bosting matchless schmick dramatic too much unparalleled premium dreamy on fleek best jaw-dropping pre-eminent eye-popping distinguished thrilling enjoyable eminent imposing premier elite unusual crucial unrivaled exo far out sik def unrivalled accomplished eye-catching preeminent noteworthy exciting high-quality high-grade sound uncommon topnotch fantastical crack consummate beezer goodly overwhelming fabby singular startling special eye-opening splendiferous exemplary incomparable A-1 exclusive deluxe commanding conspicuous spanking too good to be true worthy marvy tiptop sovereign colossal of the first water of high quality attractive fascinating pleasant lank kif top-tier out of the ordinary leading top-quality electrifying belting elegant pearler barrie stirring extravagant prominent bizarre finest strange unimaginable A1 pleasing splendorous applaudable greatest chillin' top-drawer dominant wild outlandish bold pleasurable outrageous flawless gee-whizz of the highest quality of the highest standard desirable inconceivable unprecedented class transcendent ideal powerful illustrious winning nice vintage exhilarating top-class luxurious highest emphatic valuable unequalled inspiring top of the line top of the range extraordinaire priceless high considerable unequaled way-out majestic heart-stopping unheard of far-fetched optimal mind-bending peculiar fancy surpassing especial weird noticeable noted laudable highest quality signal agreeable rousing of the first order meritorious marked showy estimable pronounced out of sight abnormal distinctive shocking fly solid splashy top-grade commendable stupefying flamboyant catchy anomalous intoxicating unexcelled enthralling noisy portentous ridiculous lofty awful massive intense unmatched magical suspenseful monumental rip-roaring hair-raising beyond compare enviable spine-tingling out-of-this-world histrionic chic engaging preposterous gripping stimulating invaluable grade A second to none odd exaggerated alluring standout absurd satisfying riveting gratifying praiseworthy sweet to die for top-level faultless unwonted uncustomary theatrical exceeding atypical aberrated freak preternatural aberrant star celebrated awesomesauce superhuman momentous kenspeckle grabby flabbergasting salient renowned bosker unusually good inspired optimum large crazy mad quintessential tops exhilarative tense unco far-out electric exalted gnarly stem-winding farcical extremely good kicky delicious peak solid gold expert precious classy upscale upmarket very best hunky-dory grandiose super-duper climactic heroical the dog's bollocks never to be forgotten emotional without equal hard to swallow beyond belief effective towering sudden ominous proud royal awe-striking selected of the highest order adept lavish affecting stately huge unlikely improbable ravishing implausible able dubious adorable curious fanciful plush mighty competent picturesque skilled important rewarding tasty doubtful glamorous substantial crowning advanced dramaturgical hotshot demon proficient romantic cream blissful really good nonsensical ludicrous lead unrealistic flagship adroit lively unfamiliar idyllic obvious manifest bewildering unbeatable uncanny enticing uppermost rockin observable untouchable blinding whimsical glamourous fat significant blindsiding monstrous effusive excessive extreme offbeat charged galvanic galvanizing insane heady dumbfounding dumfounding attention-grabbing arrestive worthiest inflated unnerving unsettling unthinkable action-packed refined jolting jarring above average unexpected dramaturgic freakish pointed congenial touching deep heavy confounding model heroic vivid award-winning impassioned galvanising unsurpassable high quality top quality major better than expected off the wall classical of a high standard heart-stirring costly foremost central dear pricey expensive the best august of highest order can't miss it resplendent opulent spendy big-ticket the palatine in a class all by itself high-end melodramatic histrionical celestial regal palatial ultraexpensive princely magnific epic theatric solemn kingly swanky sumptuous queenly like wow statuesque above and beyond pricy expressive top-end sightly baronial Homeric comic high-ticket reliable certified mint legit sharp quick coruscating key splendent hypnotic top-of-the-range particular rapturous sophisticated polished beauteous frabjous smart agile deft clever bestselling posh ritzy A-list splendacious fashionable unorthodox rocking foxy juicy disturbing disquieting handy apt stylish well-designed natty convenient ingenious spruce immaculate impeccable well-known cherished crashing pick something else creditable positive really nice sunny dexterous paradisal paradisaic paradisic ambrosial yummy lush spiritual saintly choicest first awing hand-picked elect principal dignified prize-winning eventful chur proper paragon practised compleat versed veteran educated practiced complete experienced master professed dextrous predominant humbling dainty what left-field high-test invigorating amiable unblemished banging providential titantic utmost chief hundred-proof elevated ka pai top-flight popular preferential favored 10 preferred best ever not too shabby joyous A-number-1 mostest sup rior all very well well and good surpassing belief better improved enhanced eximious explosive compelling unaccountable inexplicable the very best state-of-the-art a standout handpicked plum favorite hallucinatory mind-altering with it pretty cool slap-up superfine diverting not bad cat's meow five star of the highest type top grade best-quality highest-quality enigmatic grade-A pure favoured cherry-picked favourite nonpareil paradisiacal inimitable paradisiac unexampled wonderworking numinous supranatural supermundane better than usual first class of the best quality better than average daring absorbing influential profound weighty one in a million in a league of their own what great promising well-favored very agreeable very pleasant very nice carefully chosen first-line sensorial psychedelic arousing cliffhanging dynamic 24-karat chimeric incomprehensible imaginative out there romanesque the utmost nerve-racking envigorating knife-edge some empyreal world class chimerical deviating illusory adrenaline-charged edge-of-the-seat enormous vast luscious pretty mammoth gigantic imperial ostentatious portly venerable extra special discernible baffling befuddling beguiling appealing graphic weird and wonderful measurable perceivable distinguishable appreciable clear unmistakable evident detectable recognizable perceptible plain distinct shock-horror high-octane unforeseen flustering freaky devastating sexy seductive tragic thespian colourful different clear-cut studied unannounced unanticipated inordinate gargantuan delightsome babelicious welcome drop-dead adorbs savory grateful knockout darling blessed dulcet savoury blest jolly felicitous palatable bootylicious breath-taking unconventional off-centre apparent decided palpable visible easily seen undeniable patent spirited animated questionable misleading overblown giant sizeable extremely attractive comely pulchritudinous fair shaking inspirational emotion-charged trembling passionate emotive blatant sensible humongous fishy untruthful untrue embellished fabricated dishonest suspicious dubitable false illogical suspect serious queer funny out-of-the-way unaccustomed irrational avant-garde alternative foreign-looking Bohemian mysterious bizarro shivering vibrating soul-stirring anthemic shuddering quaking inspiriting wacky comical oddball foolish cockamamie zany recognisable unconvincing shady impossible farfetched laughable hyperbolic incoherent flash forby hare-brained frantic swinging blood-tingling oceanic pharaonic gigantesque walloping titanic galactic humungous cosmical cyclopean astronomic Himalayan oversized king-sized cosmic planetary leviathan vasty king-size Brobdingnagian supersize whopping jumbo monster whacking mountainous elephantine supersized astronomical herculean unheard-of off-the-wall make-believe external outside exotic extrinsic extraneous colorful interesting kinky peregrine under one's nose in plain sight in full view right under your nose big as life open and shut immeasurable ginormous flimsy distorted incongruous disputable equivocal embroidered debatable undependable untrustworthy iffy arguable unreliable off beaten path copious profuse king size gross big mortal avant garde way out from abroad cock and bull tall blown up out of the common complicated honorable honourable paramount gifted talented lordly ultimate aristocratic intellectual genteel higher delicate reputable high-ranking prestigious honoured privileged honored courtly main primary discerning handsome seminal rich respected gallant essential esteemed authoritative greater upper-class highly regarded high profile high-level high-powered luxury cultivated bigger cultured advantageous tasteful decorous intelligent graceful polite respectable prevailing cardinal high-minded head recherche finished integral famed recognized favorable favourable learned larger arch- trusted iconic uplifting well-bred high-up senior top-ranking puissant resonant well known grander top drawer recognised more formal topmost brainy largest genius urbane bright gracious astute civil happy consequential shipshape gentlemanly transcendental trained entire up to snuff whole intact capable creative acute modish irreproachable couth pivotal preponderant red-carpet VIP artful workmanlike bravura knowledgeable scholarly imperious core fundamental patrician dashing hulking gentle precocious arch revered penetrating inventive erudite cerebral perspicacious titled airy well-connected notorious prized courteous valued ladylike win-win aesthetic fabled archetypal refreshing snazzy highborn acclaimed suave excelling rational fast alert knowing of influence historical alpha all-important potent magisterial unmatchable industry leading highbred wellborn pompous Einstein sharp-witted well born eggheaded silk-stocking supersmart very intelligent a la mode well versed whip nimble esthetic hyperintelligent quick-witted major league whiz kid blue-blooded whip-smart big-time ultrasmart upper-crust high-born big league far-reaching piked professional best in class definitive outshining loftier unimpeachable artistic tough world efficient seasoned controlling blameless critical eclectic oratorical upper cogent successful of note deciding virtuosic acceptable unimpaired uninjured unharmed unhurt super-eminent unbroken super-excellent undamaged satisfactory pro tophole apex utopian marquee supereminent golden deadly vital beyond words beyond description pretentious number-one biggest streets ahead well trained strong a million dollars like a million dollars a dab hand at habile glittering magnolious tip top without parallel without match beyond comparison without peer only worthwhile ornamented affected ornate debonair a cut above the rest best possible elder supernatural meritable dream intrinsic requisite novel typical prototypical bulkier longer weightier deserving one-in-a-million well-dressed overdone stylized material focal well-born copacetic hunky dory worthy of admiration worthy of commendation cat's pajamas up to standard up to scratch up to par cordon bleu unearthly in a class of its own hors concours one-off irreplaceable indispensable high-priority major-league of high standing heavy-duty earnest big time big-league necessary needed skookum soaring gentlemanlike blue upper crust Brahmin silver-spoon born with a silver spoon in one's mouth knightly ennobled aristocratical festive unmarred of mark of great consequence well thought of in the public eye public steep exacting historic unparagoned sui generis one of a kind no-expense-spared A-grade staid paranormal fortunate lucky astral self-important immodest highest-ranking spesh purpose-built new without precedent unrepeatable fresh one and only once-in-a-lifetime one-of-a-kind unrepeated separate unordinary in a class by itself newfangled reserved ceremonious partisan covetable dominating celebratory sky-high sky-scraping multistorey traditional magnanimous correct decent conventional sedate upright civilized metaphysical irregular mystical otherworldly supernormal unworldly other-worldly preferable immoderate exorbitant unconscionable overextravagant undue plethoric baroque unmerciful altitudinous overmuch overdue overweening stiff intolerable devilish partial ripe mature overbearing primal first rate admired of the first rank prior legendary triumphal idealistic redoubtable highly rated presentable highbrow composed unnatural grandiloquent higher up high up plushy swank cooler sombre somber distingué highfalutin' starchy grave right accepted untypical ghostly occult deviant unrepresentative deviative desired sought-after red-letter swish tony in uptown trendy dicty mod self-respecting just so very fine spiring aerial unmeasurable towery skyscraping of moment tempting in vogue high-toned precise biased discriminatory pukka comme il faut well-respected well-placed exciting envy much to be desired worth having ascendant close progressive rigorous accurate late evolved developed sensitive forward pinpoint spot-on mathematical discriminating fastidious punctilious well-mannered noble-born luminous of noble birth of gentle birth restrained civilised spiffy high-brow well mannered well bred infinite unlimited beyond grasp intuitive absolute eternal original primordial unequalable obscure hypothetical transcending unconfined boundless innate abstract theoretical largish ambitious voluminous sizable outsized biggish boxcar tidy haughty bulky husky oversize outsize hefty more desirable most successful most important most desirable

Tính từ

Very beautiful or aesthetically pleasing
gorgeous beautiful attractive alluring stunning fetching ravishing tantalising tantalizing fair striking adorable beauteous comely cute elegant fine foxy hot knockout sightly esthetic aesthetic babelicious smashing taking beaut eye-catching good-looking drop-dead gorgeous nice-looking easy on the eye aesthetically pleasing lovely bewitching captivating charming seductive enticing enchanting handsome pretty appealing bodacious glamorous entrancing delectable exquisite luring radiant bonny delightful divine likely bonnie scrumptious seemly fabulous lovesome dazzling goodly heavenly good pleasing out of this world drop-dead well-favored very beautiful beguiling prepossessing arresting engaging winning irresistible desirable sexual luscious lush sultry sexy arousing nubile sensual shapely beddable sensuous fanciable fit adorbs pulchritudinous charismatic erotic spunky tasty bootylicious sweet wholesome nice becoming graceful winsome intriguing buxom blooming dishy stylish tempting easy on the eyes fine-looking well favoured a ten come-hither come-to-bed well favored sexually attractive well-favoured as pretty as a picture fab inviting wonderful terrific magnificent amazing incredible fantastic voluptuous provocative suggestive titillating curvaceous provoking kissable flirtatious toothsome naughty slinky racy steamy raunchy coquettish busty saucy risqué dreamy aphrodisiacal curvy bedroom aphrodisiac delicate feline sublime cuddly magnetic on fleek delicious yummy dashing dainty siren studly ripe marriageable flamboyant devastating eligible specious clean-cut hunky ample opulent full-figured full-bosomed Junoesque Rubensesque fleshly carnal sexually mature angelic physically attractive grand gainly well-stacked well-proportioned well formed stimulating resplendent splendid aesthetically appealing statuesque willowy fashionable dollish personable dapper superb camera-friendly classy symmetrical telegenic refined glamourous photogenic fascinating presentable ideal well-formed prettyish showstopping sheen debonair exciting spicy peng adult juicy well turned amorous erotogenic erogenous erotical amatory gamy fruity skin mature libidinous

Tính từ

Presented in a way that is dramatic or exaggerated
overdramatized dramatic exaggerated explicit graphic lurid melodramatic overripe sensationalist sensationalistic unrestrained cheap full-frontal garish kitschy pulp rubbishy shock-horror tasteless trashy yellow juicy tacky whiz-bang pulpish rubbish mushy trash pulpy shocking grisly gruesome macabre disgusting ghastly startling revolting gory hideous extravagant colourful horrifying salacious prurient ribald appalling violent repugnant suggestive filthy savage dirty grim monstrous awful horrible dreadful grotesque terrible horrid nightmare horrific terrific horrendous morbid nightmarish vivid grewsome frightful atrocious unearthly terrifying fiery obscene striking off-color sinister raunchy extreme sanguine colorful deep rough distinct racy bloody offensive salty low-down purple frightening dire unspeakable loathsome sickening harrowing abominable fearful vile distressing abhorrent alarming repulsive nauseating eerie bad scary forbidding odious beastly spine-chilling hellacious heinous unnerving upsetting fearsome repellent hair-raising direful disturbing nasty from hell dark gross formidable spooky godawful cruel daunting disagreeable sick hateful distasteful detestable grievous intimidating disquieting chilling grody unpleasant foul sombre somber gloomy grave wicked weird execrable redoubtable bleak outrageous black traumatic spookish diabolical ghostly hellish funereal morose shadowy sepulchral wretched worrying solemn dread depressing disheartening objectionable despicable ugly ghoulish deplorable severe petrifying dismal egregious nauseous lamentable noxious disgustful loathly mean sick-making abysmal disconcerting vicious scandalous intolerable displeasing evil perturbing serious unsettling unpalatable insufferable contemptible troublesome creepy miserable shameful agitating unbearable obnoxious undesirable unhealthy rotten sad lousy desperate ominous noisome very bad bloodcurdling unwelcome unfortunate troubling barbaric villainous disgraceful inhuman fiendish nefarious dismaying irksome discomforting barbarous cold sickly ruthless infamous sullen brutish sober terrorizing unsightly base merciless devilish annoying sadistic discouraging shady discomposing unacceptable foreboding humourless humorless irritating terrorising sedate unforgivable tragic dreaded glum desolate cheerless flagitious God-awful off-putting unsavory gray mournful grey hairy woeful unsavoury calamitous repellant icky difficult doleful bitter harsh yucky astounding parlous beyond the pale tremendous gut-wrenching overwhelming hostile shuddersome dangerous gut-churning taboo critical poignant bilious unwholesome insalubrious unattractive unhealthful haunting diabolic twisted perverted unthinkable unmentionable iniquitous deathly satanic bestial scaring loud great depraved demoralizing bothersome unkind callous lou terribly bad discommoding unpardonable abject immoral aberrant spine-tingling blood-stained inconvenient disastrous punk excessive lewd wrong vexing strange sublime baleful heavy inexcusable misshapen fugly freaky misproportioned reptilian Kafkaesque frozen gnarly huckery onerous suffocating like death warmed up overpowering demoralising reprehensible nightmarey phantasmagorical unreal like the back end of a bus as ugly as sin worrisome rebarbative exceptionable agonizing stressful torturous uncanny dim faint mortuary haggard wraithlike supernatural deathlike corpselike unnatural anemic weak anaemic stupefying poor crummy distressful uncomfortable mortifying unsatisfactory stinking tormenting heartbreaking troublous unendurable fraught vexatious regrettable stunning rancid astonishing bewildering fulsome amazing staggering surprising tragical uncool yukky grotty unhappy saddening sour pathetic unappealing awkward afflicting uninviting afflictive affecting glaring excruciating hurtful galling concerning agonising anguished sorrowful heartrending painful uncongenial unlovely unpleasing nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking extremely bad nerve-wracking brutal straitened unpropitious dour unfriendly ill-fated hard-pressed inhospitable hard joyless hopeless tough discommodious tortured harmful perilous troubled full of hardship doubtful threatening strained exacting adverse ill-omened treacherous ill-boding injurious austere negative inauspicious oppressive pressing precarious comfortless exigent messy jeopardous unfavorable apocalyptic rocky unfavourable infernal murderous black-hearted flagrant low dreary melancholic melancholy dispirited depressive tenebrous inhumane heartless scurvy butcherly brute truculent wanton pitiless murky drab mirthless lugubrious drear dingy cacodemonic facinorous death-obsessed

Tính từ

Interestingly scandalous
juicy colourful fascinating intriguing provocative racy spicy exciting lurid piquant scandalous suggestive entertaining interesting risqué thrilling vivid hot shock-horror very interesting colorful salacious tantalising tantalizing titillating revealing exposing divulging kiss-and-tell pornographic arousing seductive sensual sexy teasing stimulating erotic tempting sexually arousing sexually exciting sexually stimulating saucy lewd captivating naughty raunchy bawdy gamy ribald dirty indecent smutty vulgar blue fruity indelicate adult rude coarse off colour improper broad immodest wicked salty earthy off-color crude obscene near the knuckle steamy lascivious off gamey filthy off-colored profane indecorous prurient alluring locker-room amorous X-rated inviting raw Rabelaisian lively gross offensive unrestrained uninhibited erogenous erotical erotogenic aphrodisiac aphrodisiacal amatory sexual porny trashy gutter stag wanton impure nasty unprintable foul sensuous unseemly lustful sexually explicit near the bone enticing foul-mouthed purple shady close to the bone carnal scatological sordid sparkling spirited lubricious scatologic nudge-nudge licentious witty arresting scurrilous unbecoming rogue devilish base sly rascally rough scabrous scintillating lecherous taboo low-down and dirty out of line slinky passionate shameless come-hither flirtatious coquettish kinky tarty in bad taste ravishing bootylicious voluptuous beddable lush foxy sultry enchanting encouraging cheeky bewitching beguiling intoxicating heady skin provoking mature kissable libidinous cuddly attractive agreeable desirable pleasing irresistible appetizing pleasant to one's liking mouth-watering appetising pleasurable appealing shocking

Tính từ

That has been described as greater or better than it actually is
exaggerated inflated excessive overblown extravagant hyperbolized overweening overstated bloated fulsome overdone hyped magnified steep pretentious hyperbolic overdrawn overemphasised overemphasized actorly theatrical overplayed overripe extreme OTT dramatic overestimated overwrought amplified overdramatized aggrandized melodramatic tall preposterous sensationalistic exalted sensationalist embellished embroidered fabulous fantastic farfetched hammy histrionic impossible outsize outsized overkill schmaltzy spectacular stylized unrealistic over-elaborate over the top too much highly coloured larger-than-life too-too blown up highly colored a bit thick out of proportion overdramatic overemotional theatric stagey sensationalized sentimental operatic sensationalised over-the-top artificial tragic stagy over-sensational actressy cloak-and-dagger cliff-hanging ham hokey blood-and-thunder acting up affected mannered forced camp ostentatious showy stilted overacted unreal flamboyant unnatural effusive campy gushing staged comic unrestrained farcical animated expressive splashy catchy barnstorming pompous ceremonious superficial legitimate acting emotional dramaturgic vaudeville show amateur meretricious undue inordinate disproportionate immoderate overworked over-enthusiastic over-effusive unreasonable needless laboured unfair unnecessary demonstrative lavish O.T.T. overelaborate beyond the pale gushy elaborate labored prodigal expansive wholehearted unreserved generous hyped up a bit much superfluous beyond all bounds unlimited laid on with a trowel exuberant posturing overacting thespian Daliesque wild camped up far out

Tính từ

Having a striking appearance or style, typically by being excessively bright, colourful, or ostentatious
splurgy extravagant classy dashing flamboyant flash garish gaudy glaring histrionic jazzy loud luxurious meretricious opulent ornate ostentatious overdone overwrought peacocky pompous pretentious resplendent screaming snazzy splashy splendiferous sumptuous swank tawdry tinsel tony conspicuous kenspeckle commanding striking grabby marked pronounced arresting bold remarkable bodacious prominent emphatic brilliant catchy dramatic noisy noticeable eye-catching showy colorful bright multicoloured multicolored spectacular colourful brash flashy vulgar tasteless obtrusive fancy kitsch over-elaborate affected theatrical glitzy OTT fancy-pants swanky superfly ritzy dicty tinselly bling-bling over the top trashy razzle-dazzle lurid tacky cheap flaring florid bling chichi chintzy flaunting grandiose crude glamorous glittery naff elaborate glittering gay rich camp gimcrack brazen outrageous sporty in bad taste exaggerated stylish dazzling expensive exciting superficial specious actorly brummagem artificial blatant catchpenny gross fussy kitschy bombastic raffish crass brassy coarse baroque Brummagem peacockish swashbuckling rococo cheap and nasty flaming luxuriant luscious in poor taste tatty plastic sham pinchbeck vibrant vivid splendid brightly coloured brilliantly coloured flakey flaky gassy pizazzy pizzazzy nifty over-bright violent harsh distasteful unattractive nauseating sickly bilious whimsical sparkling pizzazz frou-frou fakey flaunted pzazz trumpery exhibitionistic jaunty uptown gussied up convivial merry high-flown trendy fashionable deluxe plush posh upmarket high-class elegant arty-farty putting on the ritz embellished adorned ornamented decorated fun overstated busy impressive gingerbread melodramatic stagy exclusive lavish grand swish snappy smart with-it plushy sharp swankish wedding-cake mannered unreal hammy stilted gee-whizz overacted actressy rude low forced ham overripe barnstorming campy stagey uncouth inelegant improper ceremonious rough-hewn insensible unrefined indiscreet unpolished roughneck rough lowbrow common tactless lowbred uncultured uncultivated rugged incult unseemly ill-bred illiberal indecorous indelicate graceless impolite unnatural emotional show amateur over-the-top legitimate acting tragic schmaltzy dramaturgic vaudeville staged comic stupid off-color raunchy unclassy low-down-and-dirty trivial useless hideous foolish unlovely unsightly outlandish barbaric makeshift low-down wild barbarous

Tính từ

Denoting a high degree of seriousness
important serious consequential critical large remarkable urgent worthwhile dire especial far-reaching high-priority momentous monumental overriding uppermost acute considerable conspicuous earnest exceptional extensive grave heavy heavy-duty historic large-scale life-and-death material of great consequence page-one ponderous portentous prodigious special substantial telling tremendous unforgettable unmissable weighty burning capital cardinal decisive determining front-page impressive newsworthy of great import of great moment of import of moment forceful big major sizable fundamental notable noteworthy meaningful landmark appreciable hefty vital extraordinary striking eventful extreme pronounced significant crucial milestone memorable noticeable great pivotal severe all-important signal marked impactful carrying a lot of weight principal imposing ponderable potent conclusive climacteric glaring mighty much fateful strong pressing distinctive glorious headline outstanding high-level preponderant obvious rare earth-shattering unusual intense keynote resonant particular worthy of attention unordinary deep emphatic quantum uncommon generous earthshaking key exigent solemn profound heavyweight of consequence paramount somber sombre sober life and death essential sedate staid of significance humourless humorless no laughing matter no joke of great importance no-nonsense big deal central influential integral prominent primary powerful imperative leading foremost indispensable big-time underlined uncomic big league core intrinsic prime main tough immediate necessary major-league major league pertinent salient top requisite commanding almighty preeminent dominant life-changing top-priority big-league eminent difficult pre-eminent chief hard dynamic invaluable determinative germane glum predominant stern deciding gloomy dour grim supreme premier greatest austere apocalyptic downbeat quiet sad highest cold sober first epoch-making earth-shaking matter of life and death arch super seminal distinguished desperate compelling life-saving high priority reputable noted trusted celebrated illustrious now or never world-shaking world-shattering life-or-death life or death vitally important importunate necessitous emergency imperious drastic sore impelling super colossal valuable mammoth of vital importance crying required parlous emergent terrible clamant driving extremely important honoured needed superior noble top-ranking tectonic demanded strategic high profile highly regarded honourable well known high-ranking top-notch honored high-powered honorable called-for very great of the utmost importance of the essence must-have high-up top-drawer of high standing big time focal puissant skookum sweeping pointed instrumental top-level overshadowing of concern grand high-profile of note dangerous grievous most important


(informal, sarcastic) Used ironically to express disapproval

Từ trái nghĩa của sensational

sensational Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

English Vocalbulary

Từ đồng nghĩa của sense Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitive Từ đồng nghĩa của senseless Từ đồng nghĩa của senselessness Từ đồng nghĩa của sensible Từ đồng nghĩa của sensation Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitivity Từ đồng nghĩa của sensibility Từ đồng nghĩa của sensual Từ đồng nghĩa của sensuous Từ đồng nghĩa của sensory Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitized Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitiveness Từ đồng nghĩa của sensuality Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitize Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalism Từ đồng nghĩa của sensibleness Từ đồng nghĩa của sensorial Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualist Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitization Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitize Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalist Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualistic Từ đồng nghĩa của sensor Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalistic Từ đồng nghĩa của sensuousness Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualism Từ đồng nghĩa của sensical Từ đồng nghĩa của sensibilities Từ đồng nghĩa của sensibly Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitively Từ đồng nghĩa của sensed Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitized Từ đồng nghĩa của senses Từ đồng nghĩa của sensing Từ đồng nghĩa của senselessly Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationless Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationally Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualness Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitization Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitise Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalize Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitisation Từ đồng nghĩa của sensate Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitise Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitised Từ đồng nghĩa của sensations Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitivenesses Từ đồng nghĩa của sensorily Từ đồng nghĩa của sensuousnesses Từ đồng nghĩa của sensorially Từ đồng nghĩa của sensately Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalized Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalised Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalise Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalizing Từ đồng nghĩa của senselessnesses Từ đồng nghĩa của sensually Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitised Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitizing Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitizes Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitizes Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitizations Từ đồng nghĩa của sensuously Từ đồng nghĩa của sensors Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalistically Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualists Từ đồng nghĩa của sensings Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalizes Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalisms Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalises Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitising Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitizing Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitivities Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitising Từ đồng nghĩa của sensationalising Từ đồng nghĩa của desensitises Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualistically Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualities Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitises Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualisms Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitisation Từ đồng nghĩa của sensitizations Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualize Từ đồng nghĩa của sensically Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualizing Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualized Từ đồng nghĩa của sensualizes
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