Từ đồng nghĩa của exuberant

Alternative for exuberant

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Full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness
irrepressible buoyant spirited ebullient passionate effervescent excited exhilarated sunny vivacious animated ardent breezy eager energetic euphoric frolicsome jaunty sprightly bouncy bubbly cheerful cheery joyful jubilant lively merry vigorous zestful boisterous brash chipper chirpy elated exultant frolic gay gladsome peart peppy sparkling sparky upbeat zingy zippy blithe blithesome gamesome crank enthusiastic smiley turnt zappy feeling one's oats full of beans high-spirited light-hearted of good cheer full of life as merry as a grig in high spirits happy jolly perky joyous gleeful bright airy jovial glad vibrant frisky bright-eyed and bushy-tailed active carefree mirthful playful vital lighthearted cock-a-hoop jocund dynamic full of vim and vigour fun-loving happy-go-lucky genial laughing in good spirits rollicking grinning festive brisk optimistic full of the joys of spring snappy good-humoured radiant sportive animate smiling good-humored bouncing untroubled hopeful positive pert bright and breezy mettlesome kinetic pizazzy pizzazzy zesty jazzy unworried content jocular delighted alert ecstatic springy racy hearty spanking contented overjoyed triumphant dashing thrilled without a care in the world winsome blissful jocose over the moon stoked bubbling spry fun hilarious ludic lightsome high eupeptic canty wild on cloud nine full of fun full of hope outgoing pleased on top of the world flamboyant skittish convivial unruly pleasant swashbuckling riotous loud coltish enraptured rejoicing romping beaming gregarious gratified alive and kicking rowdy quick confident kittenish prankish perk noisy vivid wrapped bold rapturous keen frolicky tickled unrestrained enjoyable extrovert lusty roisterous frivolous rambunctious proud crowing exulting rumbustious knockabout robustious glorying uproarious prideful debonair as lively as a grig devil-may-care hell-raising raucous exalted showy uninhibited full of pep robust fiery rip-roaring scintillating transported boon rhapsodic impish wanton antic elfish larky fay sportful rousing buzzing satisfied jokey larking cheering wonderful wick chuffed forceful thankful spunky daring disorderly go-go sanguine up sporty rough in seventh heaven beside oneself with joy gushing striking elevated extroverted strong venturesome clamorous gallant undisciplined wayward uncontrolled social obstreperous wilful powerful tumultuous hardy effusive gloating fresh friendly affable rakish sparkly enterprising funny exciting light mischievous devilish expressive heartwarming delightful flipping flying pleasurable Pickwickian joshing fantastic abuzz waggish roguish entertaining daffy rhapsodical rapt flourishing humorous enlivening cheerly alive unreserved festal happening humming jumping for joy rosy blessed jumping thriving blissed out walking on air rocking on a high doing handsprings feisty flush gingery tickled pink on cloud seven espiègle lots of laughs red-blooded larkish go-getting excitable in fine fettle hale and hearty full of get-up-and-go raring to go as happy as a clam as happy as a sandboy full of joie de vivre floating on air spritely amused aroused storming overexcited invigorating smug cheered roused frothy agitated abandoned inspired stimulated puffed up psyched pumped bonny impetuous roistering uplifted heartening triumphal heartful saucy sassy fervent clubby party envigorating willful clangorous nimble insouciant agile youthful jumpy wicked aware bucked swinging partyish welcoming pleasure-seeking unconcerned slaphappy inspirited strident vociferous vociferant over-the-top brawling fizzy bullish loony nutty chaffing bantering jollying dizzy facetious impassioned heated industrious hyper frolicking capering forward pushy self-assertive presuming holiday triumphalist roseate zealous puckish welcome pleasing good-natured ostentatious theatrical expansive supple elastic invigorated resilient celebrating in raptures stylish strenuous game vitalized energized activated energised bubbling over tricksy rascally amusing glowing peaceful grooving naughty carbonated off-the-wall dazzling extravagant barnstorming full of zip laid back comical elvish sunny side up glass half full paradisiacal beatific well paradisal paradisaical paradisaic orgasmic saturnalian entranced paradisiac fulfilled enchanted wigged out beside oneself with happiness full of the joy of living blest captivated comfortable entertained magical intoxicated adventurous Panglossian camp fancy-pants awake stirring hopping busy astir bustling in a good mood yeasty open abubble aboil romantic plucky attractive raffish popping unmanageable sociable feel-good at ease as pleased as Punch tickled to death starry-eyed flying high can't complain looking good rose-colored as happy as Larry like a dog with two tails healthy rackety adventuresome audacious swish venturous free-swinging intrepid elegant nerved smart nervy emboldened gutsy going strong still going strong chatty warm sturdy fit strapping tough fine athletic disruptive ungovernable ill-disciplined uncontrollable urbane dapper hail-fellow-well-met cavorting able-bodied blooming unselfconscious in good health over the top badly behaved refractory rampageous swaggering cavalier hale strong as an lion in good trim in good kilter intense tireless strong as an ox indefatigable strong as an horse sound in tip-top condition in good shape in good condition fearless exclusive swank socializing cordial people-oriented virile forcible rollicksome thumping ripping talkative communicative over the top OTT fit as a fiddle persuasive take-over steamroller fighting fit full of energy full of vim take-charge driving ball of fire effective efficient hard-driving in the pink demonstrative amiable touchy-feely trim easy natty wild and woolly flip joking spruce socialising witty stimulating easy-going potent untiring exhilarating coruscating clever flippant relaxed aggressive brilliant on the go free and easy unflagging stalwart volatile high-powered casual dramatic hectic sexy diverting eventful interesting nonchalant chucklesome colourful colorful moving frenetic comic peppery swift graceful laid-back sharp rapid frantic mobile punchy easygoing unthinking rugged unconstrained electrifying buzzy dexterous hard-hitting responsive dextrous neat droll conversible companionable hospitable salacious fancy jazzlike psychedelic glitzy wacky laughable informal fairylike gladdened breathless pertinent dull relevant tight indifferent uncaring unconsidered heedless gritty chaotic excellent fast magnificent new outstanding marvellous whopping marvelous remarkable exceptional mad demoniac motive dynamical locomotive kinematic motile valiant laughter-filled glittering heady insubstantial unserious avid benign occupied fun-filled good burning hot coquettish enlivened agreeable piquant rich poignant tasty pungent distinctive tart tangy fanciful whimsical glimmering glinting fascinating deedful ventilated mellow easy-breezy low-pressure coy sunbeamy full of vim and vigor frenzied flirtatious on the move zoolike furious spicy offhand vehement full of activity noteworthy determined intensive incisive cute to the point vibrating resounding ballsy sensitive emphatic muscular impressive refreshed shallow arch teasing superficial cheeky trivial telling eloquent convincing influential compelling cogent bombastic personable revitalized reinvigorated full-blooded high-octane all-out silly flirty empty-headed demure giddy scatterbrained feather-brained full of spirit have-a-go functional irresistible graphic great effectual authoritative full likable revivified rejuvenated rested restored renewed full of vitality full of ginger congenial extraverted in-your-face childish charged revived revitalised reenergized action-packed likeable operating functioning succinct lithe terse pithy feelgood flexible strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated motivated perked up contemporary sophisticated modern hip handy occupational working diligent operational serviceable operative fabulous gassy adjustable adaptable variable limber light-footed utilitarian practicable well-oiled utile unwearied unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened deft accommodating acrobatic willowy up-to-date trendy fleet nippy quick-moving fleet-footed malleable lissom featly light-foot lissome gracile nimble-footed feline lithesome like new rehabilitated bright-eyed like a new man bushy-tailed twinkle-toed fluid compliant quick-thinking twinkle toes clear-headed quick on the trigger spright winged prompt mercurial quick on the draw easy-moving ready pliant changeable pliable modifiable alterable yielding versatile complaisant tolerant conformable recuperative mutable soaring

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Effusive or exaggerated in one's manner or expression

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Growing luxuriantly or profusely
luxuriant rich abundant lush plentiful copious profuse superabundant teeming prolific riotous abounding rampant dense flourishing overflowing overgrown rank thick thriving vigorous green jungly lavish plenteous verdant diffuse fecund fertile fruitful jungle-like generous bountiful ample liberal bounteous prodigal galore productive plenty aplenty full swarming prosperous weedy excessive cornucopian fulsome overabundant replete opulent crawling with no end lank grown unstinting extravagant bumper considerable flush superfluous sumptuous inexhaustible rife thick with alive with a dime a dozen flowing well-provided fat fructuous leafy immoderate extensive awash filled gushing profusive openhanded extreme heavy fraught numerous great luxurious comfortable thronging lousy a gogo munificent thick on the ground well-supplied surplus in excess extra grassy unsparing boundless spreading bushy infinite abundant in abounding in moneyed fructiferous semitropical tropical coarse junglelike wild vast immense handsome affluent large impenetrable condensed compact concentrated crowded whopping princely tidy packed complete huge proliferous high-growing flushed dripping swamped overrun rolling in money serried impassable effusive rolling brimming saturated inordinate open-handed unrestrained gushy competent swimming unlimited appreciable sufficient chock-full lousy with enough improvident no end of stink with deluged big knee-deep stinking in plenty crawling close-packed over the top substantial manifold many innumerable multitudinous countless multifarious multiple in abundance prolix wordy verbose myriad a mess of coming out of ears generative breeding proliferant spawning verdurous blooming yielding pregnant wealthy childing high-yielding voluminous producing grass-covered reproducing foliate flowering breedy pubescent procreant black feracious virile arable vegetative uberous gravid loamy bearing puberal hebetic bringing forth with child flowing with milk and honey stinking with no end in sight graminaceous gramineous viridescent virid generating proliferating propagative sizeable bosky commodious propagating sprouting pullulating fruit-bearing plenitudinous fruiting progenitive creative inventive fresh broad rural pastoral mucho proliferative reproductive high-volume successful lucrative booming profitable leafed leaved shady shaded remunerative well-off well-to-do summery well-fixed monied deep-pocketed loaded paying fat-cat cushy silk-stocking well-heeled moneymaking juicy economic well-endowed money-spinning gainful springlike umbrageous hidden wooded covered jammy in foliage

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Loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
hearty ardent eager passionate enthusiastic intense spirited avid zealous animated ebullient lively impassioned energetic vivacious dynamic deep devout emphatic loud affable effusive generous jovial unreserved cheerful profound backslapping deepest uninhibited responsive amiable vigorous abiding cheery frank full gay glad gushing honest jolly profuse unrestrained welcoming back-slapping deep-rooted warm-hearted deep-felt good natured keen fervent vehement earnest fanatical wholehearted fiery fervid committed dedicated excited warm perfervid enthused exhilarated devoted gung ho high-spirited forceful rabid sincere burning emotional great fierce obsessed zestful passional pumped intent antsy afire hungry ready willing voracious red-hot interested desirous wild athirst mad keen keen as mustard heartfelt extreme flaming titillated stoked raring motivated violent assiduous agog solicitous active diligent determined aflame impatient nuts anxious ambitious appetent thirsty heated crazy superheated torrid charged religious glowing feverish blazing demonstrative hot-blooded warm-blooded incandescent hot greedy ready and willing deep-seated as keen as mustard keyed up raring to go deeply felt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed champing at the bit hopped up full of beans chomping at the bit effervescent heartful feeling inspired stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized diehard card-carrying ecstatic encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated raw gotta have dying to serious pious hot for tender true blue unfeigned warmhearted habitual militant energised self-driven stirred up galvanised hung up hankering amenable breathless restless inclined disposed happy longing unreluctant pining engaged craving game restive covetous single-minded pushy purposeful obsessive itchy ripe zealotic fired go-ahead frenetic fanatic fireball self-starting possessed gung-ho wild-eyed acute strong coming on strong powerful forcible explosive heavy intensive urgent vicious exquisite overwhelming overpowering abject excruciating hellacious heartrending hard ghastly dreadful furious terrible almighty frightful clamorous outspoken vocal noisy vociferous heavy-duty fearsome very great blistering ferocious fearful forthright insistent strident desperate angry impetuous frantic on the make inflamed full-throated pronounced opinionated potent concentrated hyper delirious thrilled fascinated rhapsodic animate geeked nutty wacky tantalized industrious concerned unqualified yearning juiced conscientious gaga itching driven tantalised pleased sprightly bugged zesty warmblooded turnt gone on hopped-up hot to trot hepped up excitable tempestuous stormy frenzied raging mad rash temperamental consuming tumultuous impulsive fired up on fire manic fevered psyched uncontrollable hectic amped heightened volatile crazed hyperactive messianic irascible acrimonious hysterical dithyrambic volcanic steamed up mercurial hot-tempered wishing amorous hopeful dying desiring intent on overzealous raving uproarious steadfast allegiant agitable neurotic aggressive proactive bullish banzai daft in a frenzy very excited untrammeled untrammelled jumping up and down potty extremely enthusiastic take-charge can-do short-fuse hot-headed high-strung highly strung eventful exciting severe immoderate uncontrolled marked inordinate vivid intemperate penetrating piercing bitter busy excessive melodramatic intensified turbulent rough emotive overemotional sentimental all-consuming ungovernable noteworthy interesting moving inspiring eloquent stirring poignant high-pressure hotblooded expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered convulsive paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage disorderly knock-down-and-drag-out bad-tempered blood-and-guts ill-tempered bang-bang hammer and tongs distracted overactive overwrought full-hearted agitated red-blooded unruly high sultry high as a kite action-packed strenuous ireful indignant wrathful irate wigged-out

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Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm towards doing something
keen eager enthusiastic excited itching anxious pumped raring enthused hungry yearning agog ardent exhilarated passionate vivacious interested longing sprightly zealous animated determined willing ambitious dedicated impatient wholehearted wishing antsy ebullient fervent nuts pleased stoked animate committed desirous lively solicitous thirsty vehement appetent avid dying energetic hot thrilled athirst crazy driven intent juiced motivated titillated wild devoted fanatical geeked ready spirited voracious gung ho hepped up high-spirited hopped-up intent on keyed up mad keen as keen as mustard chomping at the bit keen as mustard raring to go ready and willing earnest aflame full of beans bright-eyed and bushy-tailed great rhapsodic delighted inspired encouraged roused greedy hearty fiery moved dynamic zestful rabid afire fervid stimulated intense champing at the bit stirred inspirited galvanized energized fired up amped-up aroused uplifted influenced activated warm vigorous energised galvanised obsessed stirred up fascinated passional self-driven forceful tantalized industrious concerned unqualified nutty wacky perfervid gaga active diligent tantalised assiduous bugged conscientious zesty warmblooded turnt gone on red-hot hot to trot joyful elated buoyant joyous jovial amped enraptured ecstatic engaged excitable overjoyed enlivened glad euphoric happy craving inclined jolly electrified exultant giddy awakened hung up piqued pining peppy amenable elevated tickled sparky tickled pink bursting disposed on cloud nine restive intoxicated hankering covetous blissful alive jubilant tumultuous devout cock-a-hoop beside oneself big doting fond loyal staunch impassioned faithful resolute true true-blue supportive deep dutiful adoring steadfast desiring gagging breathless aching wishful hopeful thirsting restless itchy desperate rarin' to go straining at the leash psyched ravenous gluttonous acquisitive rapacious insatiable insatiate edacious wanting ravening hoggish piggish swinish feverish dying to expectant esurient psyched up on tenterhooks worked up desirous of heated unquenchable unappeasable burning prodigious self-starting ripe charged high uncontrollable intemperate aspiring lustful wolfish game unsatisfied hoping piggy gutsy gannet-like grasping pumped up in a hurry hankering after juiced up geared up itching for on pins and needles waiting with bated breath in want of dying for cranked up on fire in suspense approving touched atingle aspirant wannabe would-be edgy curious chafing straining impetuous restored refreshed revitalized enthralled diehard aggressive proactive bullish banzai lusting revitalised for ok with sympathetic habitual longful daydreaming take-charge can-do extremely enthusiastic lacking full of enthusiasm all agog all a-gog mad potty spoiling bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless urgently requiring inquisitive quenchless set on bent on chafing at the bit longing for hoping for atremble aquiver consumed with desire unreluctant daft dotty enamoured of nutso hot for smitten with infatuated with devoted to keen on partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust crying out in great need of anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for unslakable inextinguishable inappeasable in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on spoiling for in urgent need up for it ready for willing for avid for importunate clamorous insistent crying pressing urgent unsatisfiable exigent limitless demanding on the edge of one's seat aspiring towards prehensile amorous keen for hopeful for envious never satisfied in favour in favor thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for predatious uncontrolled hungered unfilled unable to be satisfied turned on aspiring to omnivorous compulsive anticipatory devouring covetous of lusting after waiting expecting starving empty starved gorging dog-hungry gross sating in need of with an appetite with a yen awaiting anticipant anticipating agape watchful apprehensive very hungry starved to death on edge with bated breath alert looking for anticipative prepared vigilant waiting on

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Pertaining to the works or period of Rabelais
Rabelaisian bawdy coarse raunchy satirical broad earthy gross racy ribald uninhibited vulgar blue extravagant irreverent lewd lively parodic robust spicy vigorous disrespectful lusty unrestrained indecent obscene dirty smutty salacious filthy rude naughty suggestive crude off colour indelicate offensive improper X-rated near the knuckle raw saucy pornographic profane fruity foul gamy lascivious adult off-color risqué impure locker-room scatological nasty porny wanton scatologic licentious prurient sordid trashy gutter unprintable steamy titillating indecorous nudge-nudge stag sexy near the bone low porn porno scurrilous erotic foul-mouthed abusive vile unseemly salty rough off distasteful off-colored gamey wicked blasphemous colourful tasteless immodest outrageous inappropriate colorful base arousing scabrous explicit cheap obnoxious depraved juicy sensual hard-core Fescennine carnal soft-core scandalous sexual skin concupiscent bad-mannered malodorous sleazy libidinous unbecoming hot immoral uncouth lustful shameless lecherous close to the bone sooty embarrassing unrefined untoward off-colour taboo risque shady page-three unrightful ungodly unjust unrighteous unconventional wrongful unequitable reprehensible rogue devilish crass boorish barro daring out of line low-down and dirty sly rascally sexually explicit unblushing brutish callow lowbred impolite untactful ignorant awkward unsophisticated tactless tacky inelegant grody blunt provocative indiscreet sizzling lurid full-frontal mature undecorous ridiculous shocking foulmouthed ill-bred rank ithyphallic Cyprian XXX in poor taste grown up sexually suggestive vitriolic vituperative invective disparaging derogatory contumelious pejorative insulting denigratory deprecatory opprobrious aphrodisiac lubricious erogenous venomous scurril groundless vituperatory truculent scurrile infamous rousing stimulating erotogenic vituperous offending randy aphrodisiacal venereal kinky venereous fervid fleshly purple horny anacreontic sexually exciting sexually arousing sexually stimulating bad debased dishonourable odious dishonorable sneaking contemptible malicious disgusting slippery villainous discourteous repulsive outlandish unworthy fractious unchaste mean unwholesome degenerate detestable unclean loathsome unsavoury sickening unpleasant despicable abominable unsavory horrible shameful ignoble corrupt dissolute in bad taste disreputable debauched loose evil lowbrow repugnant libertine uncivil revolting sinful ignominious low-down abhorrent atrocious deplorable noisome wretched rakish appalling unscrupulous disgraceful nauseating unpolished sick unprincipled graceless discreditable reprobate hideous common low-minded nefarious scurvy uncultured execrable horrid beastly repellent unacceptable diabolical disagreeable raffish objectionable abject unladylike churlish unmannerly awful monstrous heinous lousy vicious degrading stinking roughneck dreadful yucky dissipated undignified unfitting ungentlemanly profligate unvirtuous wrong perverse gruesome ugly icky tawdry uncultivated poor grotty yucko God-awful perverted goatish incult snide currish paltry rugged dishonest uncivilized loutish shabby mucky fast unsuitable unethical horrendous displeasing barbaric fiendish humiliating voluptuous frightful profaned rotten nauseous dark hateful desecrated barnyard uncivilised sorry black shoddy unfashionable ill-mannered undiplomatic hellish egregious noxious disgustful terrible dire loathly ghastly out of keeping sick-making unstylish cruel savage brutal beyond the pale lubricous satyric passionate itchy hypersexual vulgarian questionable ungracious iniquitous illiberal insensible uncleanly fierce ruthless inhuman incontinent low-down-and-dirty decadent orgiastic ferocious corrupting underhanded bodily off-putting graphic exploitative lowdown and dirty unbefitting grubby merciless deceitful abandoned heartless remorseless bestial demoralized barbarous unpalatable exceptionable crooked uncensored corporeal exciting rough-hewn degraded worthless murderous vomitous unwelcome notorious galling bogging tremendous sneaky deceptive incorrect inapposite inapt unpleasing unspeakable infernal inhumane black-hearted butcherly brute sadistic inglorious gut-churning hellacious scummy repellant inept unfit incongruous unhappy amiss unapt infelicitous malapropos cruddy undesirable flagitious rubbish affronting inexcusable slimy unappetizing pitiless out of place unforgivable alarming distressing rancid fulsome demoralised creepy no-good godawful abysmal skanky festy not pure unsightly godforsaken vomit-inducing scuzzy yecchy out of the way insensitive ill-chosen barbarian toey disorderly base-minded groveling evil-minded profanatory illicit libellous libelous gaudy grovelling gruff seamy seedy dysphemistic bizarre ruttish squalid promiscuous fleshy forward bold amoral dirty-minded entertaining thoughtless sullied warped rakehell jackleg rakehelly crummy dubious suspicious suspect animal defiled Philistine fresh cheeky brazen grimy slavish humble servile petty menial brash tempting seductive oafish excessive strong sacrilegious despisable sour bitter uncongenial unlovely harsh unlettered annoying irritating mannish manlike tomboyish unfeminine unwomanly hoydenish blameworthy tainted farmyard in the gutter wild lowly pitiful plebeian wolfish dastardly dodgy funny iffy malevolent meanspirited lame brackish messy whorish physical unfair colloquial contaminated impious shy unrespectable knavish indefensible louche wounding hurtful exasperating slipshod ratty scabby disdainable malignant unceremonious wayward demeaning personal impudent vexing provoking impertinent slighting insolent sensuous of easy virtue unsettling intemperate flagrant vilifying drunken derisive unutterable serious underhand ill-advised debasing shaming belittling lowering cheapening mortifying trailer-park funky harrowing low-life contemptuous censurable sex grownup material amorous somatic corporal desirous grungy gnarly depressing voyeuristic rowdy ruffian hankering upsetting unhealthy longing cheesy adults-only itching from hell very unpleasant good-for-naught meritless good-for-nothing no-count no-account insupportable horrific dowdy naff unpardonable grievous intolerable genital grisly horrifying uninviting unlikable putrid dismaying squicky rebarbative cloying surfeiting sleazeball macabre styleless bloodthirsty stomach-churning cringe-making stomach-turning ticky-tack ticky-tacky diabolic miserable damnable unlawful

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Not restrained or held in check
rampant unrestrained unbridled unchecked uncontrolled widespread epidemic rife wild aggressive dominant excessive outrageous pandemic raging rank tumultuous violent abandoned flagrant intemperate pervasive prevalent rampaging raw runaway unbounded uncontrollable unhampered unhindered vehement luxuriant profuse riotous ungovernable wanton blustering boisterous clamorous extensive extravagant fecund flourishing furious growing impetuous multiplying out of control predominant proliferating rambling spreading threatening turbulent unruly exceeding bounds out of hand spreading like wildfire on the rampage mass unconstrained unrestricted uninhibited immoderate uncurbed ungoverned undisciplined unimpeded irrepressible profligate unsuppressed chaotic licentious incontinent full-on free untrammelled unmanageable unfettered inordinate untrammeled lawless disorderly reckless disobedient dissolute self-indulgent unstoppable uncontainable unquenchable noisy unlimited unconfined loose not controlled rowdy extreme wayward stubborn overindulgent running wild rough indiscriminate tempestuous anarchic untamed unreasonable dissipated refractory debauched immoral severe passionate uproarious obstreperous mutinous impotent unregulated driverless rabid enthusiastic unconcealed crazed madcap crazy hysterical berserk over-the-top unmanaged depraved corrupt unopposed unobstructed self-willed unconventional heavy incorrigible impulsive reprobate unprincipled sinful wicked unshackled attention-seeking extrovert shameless natural boundless corybantic incautious irrational unbound footloose undue unjustified prodigal unrepressed raving thrilled rash unwarranted spontaneous saturnalian frank plenary open flamboyant exaggerated candid audacious impertinent bizarre limitless blunt giddy flighty unsubmissive egregious lavish imprudent uncalled for dissipative O.T.T. over the top lacking self-control expanding augmented rapid change ascending rapid growth mounting greedy unbalanced rebellious stormy agitated intractable unstable exponential recalcitrant explosive seditious rugged unsettled roller-coaster willful untoward wilful defiant froward contrary rebel recusant insubordinate incompliant balky contumacious restive storming full of confusion fiery excited shaking roughhouse perturbed bitter full of ups and downs full of upheavals full of conflict demonstrative destructive rambunctious raucous vociferous stern termagant in turmoil unrestrainable without law and order fractious

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Sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious
lavish sumptuous luxuriant grand lush luxurious opulent splendid extravagant gorgeous rich wild abundant Babylonian costly deluxe elaborate exaggerated excessive expensive Lucullan Lucullian luxe luxury magnificent ornate palace palatial plush plushy posh prodigal regal silken unreasonable unrestrained wasteful copious fancy immoderate improvident intemperate pretentious profuse showy thriftless effusive first-class impressive openhanded over-the-top profligate profusive ritzy swanky unstinging classy swank grandiose swish lavishly appointed champagne well-appointed ostentatious upholstered frilly riotous velvet de luxe elegant exquisite resplendent stylish chic fine superb upmarket glitzy palatian snazzy spiffy embellished valuable precious high-class beyond price majestic imposing stately upscale monumental exclusive luscious princely awe-inspiring beautiful exorbitant dear splendiferous spectacular striking noble pricey indulgent glorious priceless affluent premium fit for a king extortionate high-end proud massive overpriced august sybaritic epicurean high-priced epic fit for a queen high-cost smart hedonistic choice big-ticket magnific imperial splashy flashy glamorous royal self-indulgent heroic sensual baronial heroical Homeric voluptuous high-ticket breathtaking fashionable high arresting comfortable dazzling select spendy brilliant ultraexpensive fancy-pants kingly pampered big-budget marvelous stunning marvellous overindulgent trendy commanding awesome lux pompous towering steep dignified remarkable gallant extraordinary splendacious magnolious flash highly priced pricy well appointed tony excellent loaded sublime upper-class glittering high-toned splendorous divine pleasure-seeking sensuous pleasure-loving decadent dramatic handsome over the odds exalted terrific amazing lotus-eating easy lordly distinguished stiff swankish great lofty prolific bold plentiful heavenly wealthy invaluable powerful refined dicty worth its weight in gold out of this world tremendous inestimable quality fat sensational stirring fabulous sightly wondrous delicate hedonic superior aristocratic rare gilded modish snappy sharp large dainty ornamented well-off ambitious dissolute flamboyant well-heeled well-fixed fast-living recherche baroque outrageous gratifying pleasurable schmick sovereign special chichi inflated large-scale well-to-do inordinate in the lap of luxury transcendent big complex super cher genteel tasteful self-gratifying fantastic profound egotistic high-falutin' high-flying highly-priced swell up-market bright insane notable eye-catching palatine yuppie queenly statuesque out of sight gaudy stupendous celestial considerable inspiring prodigious formidable incredible absorbing ominous staggering colossal formal solemn spacious courtly illustrious ultra finest peacocky with-it plenteous no-expense-spared snobby high-hat toffee-nosed potty elitist snotty persnickety snooty snobbish graceful classic comfy brave splendrous comfort-seeking high-born magnifico fit for a prince cultivated overdone stuffy upper-crust solid gold fit for a princess elite colorful executive top high fashion slap-up libertine debauched prestigious licentious colourful well-resourced well-furnished luxury-loving bacchanalian voluptuary an arm and leg unfathomable cosmic impenetrable theatrical overwhelming fustian bombastic purple vast costing the earth costing an arm and a leg daylight robbery costing a bomb dissipated prosperous full bountiful ample immodest audacious cherished prizable prized treasured irreplaceable valued treasurable prestige portly venerable cosmopolitan sophisticated parsimonious effete miserly greedy overambitious unrealistic far-reaching on a grand scale well-situated extreme worth a king's ransom of inestimable worth of incalculable value of immeasurable worth of incalculable worth of immeasurable value without price of inestimable value swagger sprauncy plummy larney monied moneyed prime penetrating recherché imperious disproportionate la-di-da top-drawer chi-chi overflowing admirable ballsy fanciful adventurous zealous flush an arm and a leg very expensive pretty penny at a premium astonishing phenomenal well-equipped deep-pocketed bad daring moving influential impassioned ridiculous exciting deep primo momentous like wow crazy far out intense hunky-dory wonderful groovy dandy unreal first-rate delicious rousing touching cool thrilling affecting unbelievable fat-cat silk-stocking well-endowed far-out fantastical dreamy unmitigated prominent startling arrestive surpassing fascinating electrifying confounding perfect overextravagant decorated fussy florid busy rococo detailed elevated complicated adorned gingerbread outstanding over-elaborate overwrought bedizened overdecorated gingerbready gingerbreaded flowery radiant overelaborate high-wrought bedecked aureate wedding-cake jewelled metaphorical glossy ornamental wordy meretricious superficial fancily decorated sparkling verbose coloured decorative tawdry jeweled flaunting embroidered variegated highly wrought colored

Tính từ

Growing thickly
bushy bristling thick fluffy fuzzy rough unruly bristly luxuriant shaggy spreading stiff wiry woolly jungly disordered feathery fringed full furry hairy heavy hirsute leafy nappy prickly rumpled tufted unkempt wooly fleecy unshorn brushy unshaven stubbly cottony bearded furred bewhiskered silky long-haired whiskered pilose downy flocculent pileous lanate hair-covered pappose crinigerous crinite hispid tousled ruffled dishevelled tangled villous pubescent piliferous soft uncut disheveled shrubby coarse brambly scratchy brushlike scrubby whiskery covered with fur pilous barbate stubbled awny beardy barbed goateed beavered untidy shock-headed crinose matted ragged uncombed rugged gossamer gossamery velvety light airy cushiony ethereal lanose flossy floccose pile creamy featherlike velutinous linty puffy slovenly scruffy bedraggled ungroomed daggy messy frowzy scraggly tangly shabby sloppy blowsy slatternly mussed windblown blowzy draggletailed dirty sleazy knotty mussed up ill-groomed satiny silken badly groomed inappropriately dressed poorly dressed ill-clad badly dressed draggle-tailed worse for wear disarrayed straggly windswept disarranged wild dowdy wrinkled knotted hanging loose unsheared laniferous wool-bearing lanigerous frizzy down-covered smooth napped slapdash unbrushed ratty pilate in a mess chaetophorous setarious echinate setose sharp setal setiferous aristate barbellate setaceous spiny slobbish slobby raggedy frowsy sloven grungy dishabille grubby unpolished grotty frayed frazzled ragtag unneat vulgar tatty in rags down-at-heel

Tính từ

Marked by vigorous growth, especially economically or financially
prospering golden booming flourishing halcyon prosperous roaring blooming burgeoning lush successful thriving expanding growing palmy profitable rich boomy healthy luxuriant mushrooming profuse rampant robust doing well in full swing going strong in the pink in top form vigorous rank thrifty active busy strong buoyant developing fruitful going improving progressing lucrative productive triumphant ballooning snowballing fast-growing blossoming going places on a roll going well faring well in the ascendant on the up and up wealthy flush opulent affluent monied substantial fortunate moneyed comfortable well-to-do well-off well-heeled fat loaded remunerative gainful deep-pocketed moneymaking lucky prolific happy privileged snug well-endowed well-fixed fat-cat silk-stocking joyous money-spinning in clover uptown oofy glorious auspicious minted sitting pretty rewarding favoured favored on easy street well off in the money well heeled set for life worthwhile profit-making beneficial joyful idyllic bankable paying boom advantageous juicy economic propertied blessed on top of heap upper-class cash rich on velvet leisure-class quids in stinking rich filthy rich doing it easy rolling in money of means in the chips in easy street worth a bundle rolling in it of substance with deep pockets worth a packet made of money in luck rosy abounding carefree plentiful plenteous blissful contented upmarket prodigal sound working and up promising on the up advancing arrived rolling cooking up-and-coming easy solvent efficient home free gangbusters boffo pecunious providential propitious main-line have it made have the wherewithal high-income fertile advantaged upscale favourable plutocratic financial enviable elite independent socially advantaged in the gravy money-making well-paid ongoing delightful precious best large cost-effective high-paying multi-crore having it made of independent means on Easy Street cushy fecund fructuous cornucopian paradisiac peak favorable encouraging win-win sweet good fatness jammy well paid in the black cost effective

Tính từ

overflowing swarming teeming abounding thronged brimful copious filled full overfull plentiful rife bountiful congested cram-full jammed overcrowded profuse replete superabundant choked crowded overloaded overpeopled overpopulated overrun spilling over crammed full jam-packed running over abundant brimming cornucopian full to bursting full to overflowing inundant inundatory packed like sardines scaturient torrential bulging at the seams like Piccadilly Circus thick on the ground bursting at the seams full to the gunwales like the Black Hole of Calcutta packed crammed stuffed chock-full bursting loaded chock-a-block awash chockablock chockful fat heaving thick mobbed flush overfilled seething inundated populous flooded full of cramped wall-to-wall lousy alive filled to capacity thronging filled to the brim busy crushed filled up crawling full up full to capacity fraught overwhelmed bristling laden solid swamped gorged huddled up to the hilt saturated abounding in hoatching packed out massed chocker multitudinous covered lacking overprovided overstocked full to the top glutted plenteous complete burdened overburdened overrun by lined up to the rafters weighed down deluged oversupplied clogged dense sardined elbow-to-elbow stacked pullulating bounteous filled to the rafters stocked fit to bust well supplied well stocked jampacked compressed heavy tight suffused padded plethoric weighted level with full to the brim chock-full of full to the gills jammed full topped up numerous fruitful topfull overbuilt overstuffed groaning full of commotion charged overladen pregnant flushed abundant in hopping infested bustling encumbered well-provided well-stocked sufficient jumping well provided imbued impregnated buzzing hoaching hotching weighted down knee-deep in solid with people packed to the gunwales bundled tumid arranged rammed consigned chock wrapped overfed lavish supplied luxurious filled with brimming with loaded with fit to burst bloated satisfied to the roof bulging permeated occupied blocked plugged obstructed gridlocked blocked-up impeded thickset SRO clean stuffed-up packed to capacity cram full completely full stopped closed jam-full occluded mucous stoppered blocked up stuffy stopped up mob scene lousy with full house sold out stiff with topped off snarled up up to here standing room only close compact humming deep serried lush heaped great populated generous crawling with cram-full of like sardines having a considerable amount of having a copious amount of condensed concentrated close-packed closely packed tightly packed compacted impenetrable substantial piled consolidated jammed together packed in closely set impermeable fully loaded entire heavily populated unabridged firm thickly populated settled densely populated many multifarious peopled multitudinal legion voluminous several various impregnable overgrown freighted short jungly impassable heavily settled cropped impervious rigid heavy-going set solidified close-knit husky robust rugged jungle-like whole squeezed circumscribed confined secure restricted close-grained particular unyielding full of people hard

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Inclined to be generous or to share in abundance
liberal generous bountiful charitable free kind munificent unsparing unstinting altruistic beneficent extravagant magnanimous unselfish bounteous lavish open-handed prodigal benevolent philanthropic ungrudging big-hearted kind-hearted overgenerous bighearted freehanded free-handed freehearted fulsome immoderate improvident intemperate open openhanded open-hearted overabundant profligate thriftless unrestrained wasteful wild casual eleemosynary free-and-easy giving handsome openhearted princely soft-touch unstinging generous to a fault over the top helpful humanitarian noble considerate kindly selfless humane chivalrous big good self-sacrificing indulgent kindhearted compassionate hospitable public-spirited loving philanthropical decent benignant thoughtful caring gracious benign greathearted tolerant self-denying extroverted disinterested obliging great-hearted devoted denying incorruptible self-effacing self-forgetting sympathetic high-minded lofty all heart warm-hearted friendly profuse loose do-good self-forgetful honourable affable plenteous honest honorable just neighbourly goodhearted abundant gallant willing neighborly large-hearted genial cordial ready easy sociable fair amicable understanding congenial merciful amiable unstinted accommodating willingly given warm tender warmhearted moderate excellent reasonable almsgiving good-hearted ample plentiful well-disposed tenderhearted full lenient upright good-natured lordly elevated great softhearted high welcoming equitable well-meaning soft-hearted effusive moralistic acceptable convivial gentle solicitous affectionate socially concerned pleasant worthy eager natural righteous virtuous courteous respectable upstanding ethical principled cheerful moral soft clement fatherly comforting maternal likable tender-hearted polite likeable motherly well meaning sweet good-humoured nice good-humored rich substantial unreasonable unprejudiced human unkind unrelenting cruel excessive inexorable procrustean immaculate useful beneficient valuable social-minded respected approving holy pharisaical inoffensive goody-goody spotless angelical esteemed unerring creditable welfare nonprofit donating prosocial patriotic contributing bleeding heart good scout Robin Hood amenable not-for-profit non-profit non-profit-making conscientious valiant goodish heroic unmarred pietistical chaste pristine graceful pietistic unflawed well disposed doing good works public- spirited sublime forgiving guestfriendly redeeming virginal untouched prayerful unblamable redeemable knightly wholesome angelic lovable easygoing agreeable mild soft touch cooperative benefic pitying brotherly calm tactful propitious unoffensive mellow dutiful bleeding-heart delightful attentive good-tempered regardful well intentioned fatherlike respectful sweet-tempered heart in right place feeling pleasing supportive engaging patient well-mannered deferential forbearing Santa Claus has heart in right place reputable uncorrupted cultivated redoubtable illustrious outgoing communicative outstanding brave refined courtly talkative hearty remarkable meritorious extraordinary noble-minded stand-up anti-corruption unreserved comradely enthusiastic loquacious garrulous uninhibited fond heartfelt cheery sincere earnest happy wholehearted genuine demonstrative forthcoming inviting companionable approachable chatty voluble extrovert conversational palsy matey amorous deep chummy bonhomous empathetic responsive buddy-buddy paternal palsy-walsy discursive talky effervescent unconstrained expansive gushy gregarious

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Lacking clarity or conciseness
diffuse rambling verbose wordy long-winded prolix meandering circumlocutory discursive loose vague waffling windy circuitous digressive long-drawn-out maundering overlong pleonastic protracted wandering garrulous gassy logorrheic periphrastic roundabout ambagious circumlocutionary diffusive logorrhoeic copious drawn-out dull lavish lengthy long palaverous profuse random redundant turgid tedious tautological tortuous prolonged repetitious voluble loquacious bombastic talkative chatty gabby indirect interminable convoluted boring wearisome inflated tiresome talky excursive desultory digressionary digressional leaping flatulent rhetorical dragged out repetitive expansive oblique ponderous waffly extended pompous sesquipedalian flowery full of verbiage dragging unending roaming spun out circumlocutional circumlocuitous circumlocutious empty superfluous gossipy prosy iterative boastful very long laborious verbal endless king-size elongate oversized elongated king-sized lengthened episodic divergent anecdotal drifting padded longish king size anfractuous tangential orotund prattling blathering jabbering babbling prating gushing circular traveling travelling nomadic mouthy broad spreading deviating free musing erratic roving conversational informal yakking multiloquent big-mouthed gobby wittering multiloquous effusive magniloquent fustian grandiloquent tautologous yacking repeating involved pretentious marathon full of air having kissed the Blarney stone lasting far spun-out time-consuming great lingering long-lived dragged-out long-lasting long-term with the gift of the gab delayed slow overextended boundless tardy dilatory sustained late limitless seemingly endless forever and a day for ages without end communicative chattering forthcoming glib motormouthed blabby vocal loose-lipped gossiping chattery fluent expressive articulate open outgoing eloquent able to talk the hind legs off a donkey informative unreserved slick smooth gibbering full of hot air alliterative reiterating uninhibited having kissed the blarney stone conversable demonstrative gaseous loudmouthed silver-tongued rattling outspoken enduring devious motormouth having kissed the Blarney Stone intimate running oratorical over-talkative disquisitional errant frank noisy drivellous plainspoken communicable enlightening unrestrained uncalled-for reiterative inelegant unneeded unnecessary excessively communicative cooperative helpful obliging candid bigmouthed vociferous newsy tonguey loose-tongued blabbermouth yakkity wind-bag yakky free-spoken spontaneous personal multieloquent relaxed running on flap jaw rhapsodic lyrical familiar everyday ordinary spoken windbag running on at the mouth blessed with the gift of the gab perissological never-ending big mouthed all jaw drawn out stretched out remote stretching far-off stretched extensive towering tall deep stretch expanded lanky outstretched gangling enlarged strung out rangy distant lofty faraway stringy continued high far-reaching cogent complicated spread out coherent effortless persuasive illuminating vivid well-versed natural well-spoken facile smooth-spoken complex mellifluous cursive prompt confident mellifluent smooth-tongued quick disputatious self-assured declamatory assured ambiguous misleading unstraightforward confusing tricky deceptive mazy cunning byzantine involute perverse intricate difficult difficult to follow

Từ trái nghĩa của exuberant

exuberant Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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