Từ đồng nghĩa của insensible

Alternative for insensible

Từ đồng nghĩa: numb, unaware, unconscious, unfeeling, unknowing,

Từ trái nghĩa: sensible,

Tính từ

Without one's mental faculties, typically as a result of injury or intoxication
unconscious insensate insentient senseless benumbed inert numbed comatose numb stupefied inanimate out stunned zonked anaesthetized anesthetized cold dull soporose soporous torpid passed out blacked out knocked out lacking feeling lacking sensation out cold out of it zonked out dead to the world out for the count spark out unfeeling deadened dead insensitive asleep desensitized desensitised paralyzed paralysed frozen dazed immobilized immobilised kayoed lifeless sensationless dopey torpefied drugged drowsy without feeling impassive nonreactive KO'd inactive groggy muzzy dizzy insusceptible incapacitated bewildered befuddled confused crippled catatonic unresponsive laid out immobile sluggish useless chilled petrified lethargic somnolent unimpressionable impassible impervious to immune to unarousable sleepy idle stupid lazy languid out like a light languorous listless passive indolent slothful unsusceptible apathetic heavy in a coma dormant deprived of sensation in shock hardened lacking in feeling lacking in sensation disabled powerless collapsed motionless prostrate flattened helpless palsied lame entranced bombed cataleptic vague fuzzy foggy slack woolly disoriented fuddled quadriplegic diplegic paralytic paraplegic palsified woolly-headed woozy addle bushed distracted out on one's feet keeled over unenergetic slow flat tired enervated flaked out wooly mixed up wooden slaphappy befogged bedeviled stagnant static dilatory laggard lax limp on the canvas down for the count in a trance all at sea pixillated quiet silly pixilated fatigued spacey addlepated punchy muddleheaded depressed bedevilled spacy slow-moving lymphatic weary tardy yawny faineant neurasthenic dozy asthenic quiescent weak logy laid-back indifferent fainéant mixed-up shell-shocked zonked-out spaced-out punch-drunk shiftless supine hibernating sleeping stuporous inconscious hebetudinous slumberous vegged out out to lunch muddled disorientated clouded cloudy blurry addled perplexed fazed discombobulated not with it misty shadowy blurred floored knocked unconscious knocked for six faint reeling frigid glazed unsteady shaky wobbly unemotional dispassionate emotionless unsympathetic spiritless deadpan callous stony hollow inhuman inexpressive staggering whirling bleary swaying hazy blank vacant lukewarm glassy insipid drunken puzzled baffled upset still toneless disorganized dumbfounded bamboozled flummoxed confounded fogged stumped bemused dopy nonplussed raddled disorganised spaced in a stupor at sixes and sevens taken aback at sea thrown off balance not knowing if you are coming or going

Tính từ

Unaware of or indifferent to
unaware oblivious unconscious indifferent unaffected unmindful apathetic clueless ignorant incognizant innocent nescient unacquainted unfeeling uninformed unknowing unresponsive untouched unwitting deaf heedless impassive imperceptive impervious insensitive unimpressible unmoved impercipient obdurate unperceiving ignorant of mindless of unaware of unconscious of unmindful of blind to careless of deaf to impervious to indifferent to oblivious to unaffected by unmoved by unresponsive to unsusceptible untouched by without knowledge of insensitive of negligent of in the dark about in the dark unsuspecting unfamiliar unenlightened uninstructed blind inattentive inconversant unobservant careless negligent forgetful caught napping unperceptive undiscerning naive uneducated unknowledgeable unbriefed daydreaming inexperienced unfamiliar with ill-informed unconversant with unschooled in uninformed about out of it out to lunch not informed not told inexperienced in unenlightened about strange to a stranger to regardless unnoticing unrecognizing unapprised incurious unseeing astigmatic mindless unheeding not observant unschooled blank disregardful disregarding neglectful immovable immune unaccustomed insensible to comatose haphazard undesigned coincidental numb aimless senseless not knowing strange removed from taking no notice detached from unconcerned by unaccustomed to untutored in unused to new to fresh to nescient of in ignorance lost to insusceptible stupid simple unintelligent thick slow dim dense witless incompetent dumb proof against misinformed dopey green unconcerned doped mooning spacey dozy impractical dull not cognizant out cold uninformed of unacquainted with half-witted simple-minded slow on the uptake not in the loop in a daze not all there uninitiated about uninitiated in unknowing of not aware naive about out of the loop of innocent about clueless about without knowledge green about inexperienced of innocent of unwitting of not knowing the first thing about not having the faintest about myopic nearsighted uncomprehending inconsiderate thoughtless purblind unwise obtuse indiscriminate injudicious unreasoning insentient unwary unwarned inattentive to neglectful of benighted superficial uniformed in ignorance of unappreciative unsavvy unconcerned about oblivious of inconsiderate of unwatchful confiding regardless of disregardful of swallowing undoubting unheeding of taking no notice of paying no heed to uncritical ill-advised rash reckless taken in indiscreet hasty unused unversed unskilled at unconversant not associated out of contact not versed in unpracticed uninitiated unversed in unskilled in unpractised in unskilled off guard imprudent inadvisable unsympathetic incautious hot-headed unconsidered brash unhearing unadvised indiscriminating unconcerned with self-willed unwilling intractable strong-willed mulish pigheaded perverse dispassionate about heedless of stubborn obstinate headstrong pertinacious bullheaded to listen blind

Tính từ

Too small or gradual to be perceived
imperceptible impalpable inappreciable indistinguishable unnoticeable inaudible indiscernible invisible negligible unapparent undetectable faint fine inconsequential minuscule slight small subtle tiny unobtrusive imperceivable infinitesimal microscopic minute nanoscopic impossible to detect indistinct shadowy imponderable gradual ephemeral insignificant intangible trivial inconsiderable vague momentary evanescent inconspicuous unobservable obscure unperceivable unclear indefinite hard to make out teeny-weeny teensy-weensy light undistinguishable unintelligible unimportant trifling immaterial minor petty paltry barely perceptible barely visible incomprehensible piffling exiguous piddling soft low inarticulate not worth mentioning of no account not worth bothering about hard to understand hidden concealed obscured unseen shrouded unseeable unnoticed unobserved cloaked clouded surreptitious unexposed discreet disguised masked undercover veiled camouflaged secret undetected nonexistent eclipsed unrevealed not in view ghostly not in sight not visible latent perdu out of sight unviewable screened gaseous in the dark under wraps undisclosed covered out of view covert ethereal vaporous imaginary unperceived undiscovered untraceable covered up incognito secreted not obvious buried privy tucked away private odorless indetectable undiscernible low-key low-profile unfathomable unspotted larvate cryptic cabalistic odourless lurking withheld sheltered implied imagined impenetrable occult dark unsuspected curtained snug underground tect hidden from sight hidden from view lost to view suppressed not on view indirect underlying ill-defined hinted at oblique unrecognizable shielded unrecognisable hooded roundabout on the QT stashed cached ulterior enshrouded recondite hush-hush planted incog guarded hushed up hidden away put in the hole holed up

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Distasteful, crass or vulgar in nature
crass crude rough uncouth gross uncultivated uncultured unpolished unrefined vulgar coarse lowbrow raffish rude rugged tasteless common illiberal incult low lowbred roughneck ill-bred rough-hewn boorish loutish impolite inelegant indelicate unsophisticated ill-mannered churlish indecorous uncivil uncivilized philistine discourteous uncivilised unmannerly oafish loud graceless ungentlemanly unladylike raw unseemly brutish improper bad-mannered blunt ignorant foul-mouthed uneducated tactless primitive lewd offensive rustic provincial yobbish barbaric raunchy cloddish barbarous plebeian dirty obscene filthy foul ungracious brusque curt indecent cheap awkward clumsy barbarian bearish profane ungallant parochial impure plebby insensitive gruff inconsiderate savage harsh ribald bawdy off-color low-down-and-dirty loud-mouthed in bad taste unfinished simple basic ordinary gauche ungraceful low-minded vernacular illiterate low-born thoughtless lumpish obnoxious obtuse unlettered baseborn native general earthy troglodytic agrestic inurbane rough and ready common as muck unmannered sketchy mannerless immature backward low-bred trailer-park tough dour severe hard brutal bluff gaudy stiff forbidding austere fierce roughcast grim vulgarian stern tawdry flashy garish hooligan tacky cruel steely stark untutored intimidating inhuman louring grievous mean ungenteel ungainly impertinent disrespectful clownish disgracious trashy flash ostentatious showy flinty artless onerous unceremonious bitter hardhanded oppressive ungentle heavy backwoods classless gawky hick hillbilly indiscreet meretricious tatty naff disgusting salacious smutty base murderous lowering slobbish clodhopping kitsch risqué inappropriate Neanderthal debased immoral naughty stupid ornate unclassy trivial useless hideous pretentious artificial foolish unlovely unsightly outlandish makeshift low-down wild saucy immodest racy cheap and nasty uncalled-for heavy-handed unsavory vile taboo in poor taste hard-core sordid suggestive lecherous explicit distasteful profligate repulsive questionable ignoble licentious malicious rakish scandalous nasty libidinous randy odious scurrilous colourful unclean shameless gamy adult lascivious unchaste unvirtuous mucky fruity unsavoury blue near the knuckle grimy off colour grubby wanton spicy X-rated colorful nudge-nudge natural abrupt short surly pornographic sharp heathen inept snippy thuggish offhand heathenish snappy crusty Neandertal no-nonsense sullen unfriendly gutter tart unprintable locker-room undiplomatic terse unhandsome bungling impudent porny grave stag brash serious ungodly unsmiling vicious short-spoken blundering maladroit snappish insolent brusk brief unsubtle brisk downright direct steamy unchivalrous swinish insulting sober wicked stony abusive off unbecoming sombre somber scatological to the point callous untamed scatologic Rabelaisian strict ferocious impatient cavalier rigorous abrasive caustic malodorous impetuous audacious cold unsuitable broad lumpen cheeky laconic stringent unrelenting pitiless benighted rash lubberly crabbed hardened crisp disapproving solemn frowning hasty matter-of-fact inexorable untactful fresh unfitting corrupt inapt incorrect outspoken horny carnal unfit untoward voluptuous fleshly aloof devilish stilted plain-spoken perverse incongruous unhappy amiss infelicitous malapropos wrong inapposite unapt frigid icy frosty badly behaved titillating prurient porn porno boisterous bad-tempered feral craggy sensual ill-tempered sour stolid roughhewn snippety short-tempered morose derogatory robust rowdy beastly truculent spartan bestial imprudent breviloquent relentless dense cantankerous ornery monosyllabic countrified undomesticated straightforward burdensome searing trying excruciating unholy disagreeable unbefitting unconscionable nonliterate lippy unpolitic injudicious frank presumptuous sexy erotic rigid uncomfortable uneasy wooden lumbering non-literate underbred contumelious malapert undue impolitic unworldly offish undignified fiendish unenlightened bodily blasphemous unacceptable sickening unfeeling unrestrained rustical unsympathetic glowering menacing saturnine upfront rough-and-tumble rank sexual outrageous uninhabited unpleasant lush mean-looking ill-advised out of place unworthy discreditable lustful poor uncharitable earnest arousing flip obdurate astringent strait-laced sleazy peremptory grim-faced out of keeping skin not afraid to call a spade a spade soft-core salty overbearing hard-nosed corporeal close to the bone straight from the shoulder like a bull in a china shop out-of-line in a state of nature undecorous socially unsure shocking near the bone socially inept lacking in social graces socially awkward unfashionable roisterous rollicking lowdown and dirty ferine fell homespun clipped misbehaved ill-behaved succinct concise testy large subhuman unscrupulous pithy grumpy Philistine pointed nescient ungentlemanlike doltish bullying bourgeois merciless improprietous gloomy dismal shoddy jungli revolting hoonish irascible undeveloped gritty ill-suited unsuited dreary decisive ill-natured uncontrolled ocker unpoised materialist unread commercial unwise inadvisable sooty formal petulant tight-lipped vigorous hard-skinned rough-skinned tough-skinned uncommunicative poker-faced aboriginal crotchety crabby grouchy taciturn exploitative corrupting beyond the pale nauseating pert brassy businesslike bald bumbling off-colour mature disparaging unthinking unperceptive tetchy cross bizarre fast libertine evil-minded orgiastic incontinent reserved juicy arrogant ridiculous foulmouthed gawkish dorky blunderous undexterous klutzy stumbling blockish uncoordinated inartistic anti-intellectual unwholesome colloquial derisive bad degrading unsettling affronting vilifying vituperative unutterable chilly stuffy unemotional rogue careless irritable moody cocky untimely lacking in propriety unfair unworthy of uncomely unseasonable butterfingered dozy gruesome sick gangling clunky purple low-down and dirty off-colored out of line sly scabrous gamey rascally uncomplimentary distant exacting inflexible ill-humoured smart-alecky mouthy smart alecky brazen precipitate dusty insubordinate inaffable disdainful inexpert unskilful uninformed unconventional unjust unrighteous unequitable reprehensible unrightful wrongful melancholic bleak hard-faced dejected glum ugly sulky unforgiving authoritarian unyielding unbending forthright candid open hearty intrusive yokelish bounderish concupiscent angry ill-humored drastic pulling no punches remote solid ramrod unequivocal good-natured genial approachable not mincing one's words speaking one's mind calling a spade a spade not beating about the bush extreme in the gutter ape-like lusty friendly hard-boiled all thumbs with two left feet godless immoderate punishing punitive inordinate crippling blustering barefaced cheery honest sincere threatening unbroken fiery disreputable exorbitant swingeing towering excessive unmerciful strong overweening intolerable steep draconian sinful depraved irreligious impious speaking as one finds calloused fearsome physical animal hardheaded overextravagant extravagant headstrong insane plethoric baroque intractable overmuch overdue frightful frightening irreverent atheistic cutthroat wilding hellish horrible uncompromising epicurean venomous intense great implacable pagan sacrilegious non-theistic shameful ruffian humourless sedate humorless staid repressive sobersided demonic evil iniquitous weighty uncomic free sybaritic luscious sensuous hedonistic luxurious untouched infernal satanic diabolical out of the way overrun overgrown rampant agrarian appetitive Dionysiac unspiritual voluptuary escaped neglected luxuriant indigenous deserted desert waste desolate po-faced malevolent unhallowed moving stirring exciting hedonic stimulating delightful physically gratifying pleasing animalistic hot tactile sensory sharpened debauched

Tính từ

Showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others
callous case-hardened hard-boiled heartless insensitive soulless unfeeling unsympathetic harsh cold cold-blooded hard hard-bitten hardened indifferent indurated obdurate uncaring affectless hard-hearted indurate ruthless stony-hearted uncharitable bloodless brutal cold-hearted compassionless cruel desensitised desensitized hardhearted inhuman inhumane insensate ironhearted merciless pachydermatous pitiless remorseless slash-and-burn stoney stony stonyhearted take-no-prisoners thick-skinned unconcerned unmerciful unsparing unsusceptible apathetic careless impassive impenitent inflexible insentient inured lacking compassion marble-hearted spiritless stiff stubborn torpid tough toughened unaffected unbending uncompassionate unimpressionable unresponsive as hard as nails blind to deaf to with a heart of stone implacable relentless unrelenting inexorable severe unmoved unremitting unpitying barbaric savage unforgiving barbarous frigid coldhearted sadistic dog-eat-dog unkind austere inclement coldblooded satanic cutthroat mean hatchetjob killer instinct vicious grim stern fierce ferocious murderous brutish uncompromising fiendish strict bloodthirsty monstrous truculent unemotional rough rigorous bestial unyielding wanton hard-nosed bitter nasty wicked rigid draconian atrocious beastly malicious steely brute butcherly inconsiderate malevolent oppressive tyrannical violent diabolical hellish vindictive intolerant evil heinous sanguinary malignant flinty adamant exacting cut-throat hurtful fell unfriendly unappeasable spiteful mean-spirited stringent rugged authoritarian unpleasant vile aggressive searing heavy-handed onerous hateful hard as nails obstinate thoughtless grievous wolfish rancorous trying forbidding excruciating adamantine intransigent nefarious dastardly hostile bloody firm infernal gruff immovable iron-fisted horrible resolute revengeful headstrong hardheaded abominable devilish vengeful burdensome punitive dour ghastly hardhanded venomous maleficent determined demanding villainous black-hearted dogged unflinching homicidal heavy base perverse mortal stiff-necked intractable hard-line single-minded sharp illiberal unkindly feral competitive tyrannous drastic punishing despotic wretched ironfisted virulent abusive unwavering repressive dictatorial critical depraved crude coarse extreme unrestrained ill-natured bad troublesome astringent frightful stark unfair frightening pigheaded grave dark mulish ossified opinionated pertinacious bullheaded bleak no-nonsense cutting unloving surly biting caustic stone-hearted icy ungenerous unempathetic dispassionate torturous ramrod unswerving unshakeable flagitious egregious resentful imperturbable intimidating acrimonious without sentiment selfish tormenting acerbic contemptuous devastating unamiable tigerish vitriolic bloody-minded ungentle swingeing indefatigable malign distressing appalling impervious matter-of-fact louring scornful suppressive wounding troubling antagonistic terrible fixed unchristian unruly tactless feelingless fiery threatening hardline dangerous unprincipled demoniac solid hard-headed obtuse lowering catty slaughterous sour exorbitant cold fish deadly immoral destructive voracious black low low-down stressful domineering autocratic bound unmovable pat wilful willful self-willed inconvincible self-opinionated baleful overweening objectionable inattentive fearsome demonic perverted intense vulgar cantankerous crotchety ungracious dismal overbearing crazed ungodly weighty bearish pernicious wrathful unconscionable gruesome difficult criminal imperious irritating grisly galling intensely competitive fiercely competitive argumentative browbeating locked in dead set on bound and determined rude set in stone steadfast dogmatic killer intemperate without pity stonehearted irreconcilable heedless uncommiserating premeditated constant ravening unspeakable self-centred untouched cannibalistic cynical dead arch stingy unrepenting avaricious unregenerate greedy uncontrite unnatural unsentimental ravenous lupine uncouth lifeless cool repellent lukewarm disinterested repugnant halfhearted aversive stolid disagreeable censorious world-weary blank bullying expressionless snide armour-plated invulnerable deadpan churlish anaesthetized deadened uncordial anesthetized sensationless emotionless uncalled-for mechanical mean machine self-centered unsympathizing having a killer instinct gloating crass shabby upsetting frosty summary imperceptive grudge-bearing ill-disposed sworn carnivorous unmindful wild inhospitable uncivil utilitarian inexpressive gray grey faceless subhuman ignorant accursed Mephistophelian odious chilly lacking sentiment hard-edged hard-shelled hard-as-nails benumbed seasoned seeking revenge unsensitive aloof incurious oblivious unplacatable iron-handed unmollifiable inescapable unpacifiable unwelcoming poisonous sanguine sanguineous murdering unrefined uncultured unlettered arbitrary at each other's throats red in tooth and claw Rhadamanthine toughened by experience ill unfaltering menacing furious with a hide like an elephant every person for themselves without mercy ineluctable inured to evil-intentioned avenging disciplinarian resolved hard-core ascetical by the book absolute pressing disciplinary dire dyed-in-the-wool formidable ascetic as tough as old boots grating untamed immoderate undue inordinate crippling poker-faced unchangeable immobile necessary ironclad compulsory blind hard-shell wreakful out for revenge retaliatory grudging malefic rabid towering excessive strong intolerable steep not nice brusque annoying do or die hold one's ground dug in hold the fort unflexible incompliant standing pat crisp sticking to one's guns standing one's ground doctrinaire unswayable hold the line impetuous raging delirious convulsive indifferent to very severe curt raving uncontrollable enraged incessive undomesticated fearful mean business overextravagant extravagant insane plethoric baroque overmuch overdue frantic infuriated rapacious angry mad acerb comfortless insensible to insensible of insensitive of insensitive to heedless of no going back hell bent on biffo animalistic primitive aggers hideous robust great abrasive spiky like death and taxes scathing disregardful of full of spleen incisive rubbing the wrong way hard to take lethal strenuous killing destroying sapping ruinous harrowing arduous butcherous exhausting unjust undemocratic trenchant stinging pointed acid satirical sardonic crushing overwhelming horrendous disconcerting serious solemn humourless sedate humorless staid sober sobersided unblunted piercing corrosive awful horrid discomforting horrific disquieting worrisome dreadful irksome anti-democratic coercive penetrating satiric unsmiling uncomic sarcastic mocking tart high-handed peremptory woeful loathsome agonizing rotten distasteful daunting horrifying unsettling revolting traumatic perturbing miserable unpalatable snarky pungent salty assiduous unflagging unstoppable tireless sedulous gloomy sombre dispiriting ironhanded worrying backbreaking depressive exigent somber depressing confining headache disheartening discouraging hefty superincumbent taxing acidic mordacious edged poor execrable disturbing distressful uncomfortable agitating lousy foul doleful derisive acute roughshod scorching acrid withering po-faced rough going hairy fraught macabre painful troublous nightmarish sinful unscrupulous corrupt debauched belittling scalding mordant pounding tenacious set unabated insistent brick-wall amoral reprobate dishonourable sinister shameless extremely critical tragical hellacious self-indulgent vitiated deceitful unsavoury disparaging delinquent errant crooked exploitative shady libertine slippery scandalous evil-minded infamous self-seeking conscienceless ignoble two-faced morally wrong dodgy decadent defiled despiteful dishonorable unlawful scheming profligate wrong questionable improper unethical corrupted disreputable debased iniquitous licentious dissolute scoundrelly dishonest shameful unrighteous crafty scrofulous sly bent felonious squalid underhanded incorrigible shifty dirty despicable contemptible unconscientious devious unsavory lawless degenerate disdainful hanging tough keen impoverished oppressed agonising poverty-stricken unreasonable unamenable hard to please unaccommodating fussy recalcitrant picky fastidious boorish finicky unreformed defiant unregretful unapologetic unashamed unrepentant defying unremorseful strong-minded irritable tiresome vexed testy unmanageable bull-headed choosy refractory captious snappy temperamental uptight chippy quarrelsome disputative oafish cussed hypercritical prickly querulous thrawn huffy stroppy froward negative delicate indomitable overcritical wrong-headed irascible obstructive particular over-particular bolshie grumbly disobliging importunate set in one's ways finical unpredictable hard to handle invidious contrary sensitive ornery uppity touchy feisty discontented dissatisfied crabby hard to satisfy contrarious impolite opinionative disputatious perfectionist balky fractious obstreperous

Tính từ

Tending to not remember
inclined to forget absent absent-minded dreamy forgetful oblivious preoccupied scatterbrained scatty vague careless neglectful heedless unmindful mooning woolgathering out of it disregardful apt to forget indifferent to negligent pipe dreaming slack negligent about lax nirvanic looking out window inattentive moony remiss in not on the job remiss about unwitting having a memory like a sieve airheaded asleep on the job out to lunch oblivious to like an absent-minded professor sloppy remiss unfocused amnemonic distracted lax about wandering bemused inattentive to slapdash slipshod abstracted absorbed unaware faraway daydreaming distrait in a brown study lost in thought engrossed musing unthinking wool-gathering pensive distant miles away unheeding brooding thoughtful absentminded far away ditzy withdrawn remote vacant unconscious dreaming lost thoughtless unobservant removed inconscient intent immersed rapt somewhere else wrapped up with a mind like a sieve immersed in thought deep in thought not with us blank empty inconsiderate lackadaisical frantic distraught hysteric agitated frenzied hysterical delirious unconcerned indifferent beside oneself inadvertent vacuous hollow omitted minus in short supply deficient bare devoid a million miles away not there taken up fascinated caught up anxious hung up asleep engaged worried wrapped-up in a world of your own bugged spellbound deep elsewhere out in space unsystematic unreliable disorganized undependable giddy feather-headed dizzy empty-headed birdbrained erratic feather-brained dippy dappy baffled bewildered mystified disorganised nonplussed puzzled not with it with one's head in the clouds spacey surroundings idle goofing off space cadet unaware of events head in the clouds with a memory like a sieve

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Showing a lack of care, interest or concern
uninterested disinterested indifferent apathetic dispassionate insouciant unconcerned detached impassive incurious nonchalant blasé distant listless perfunctory unresponsive complacent pococurante uncurious uninvolved weary bored casual apathetic towards hard-hearted unconcerned about distant from incurious about indifferent to nonchalant about unenthusiastic about uninvolved in unmoved by could care less detached from turned off uninvolved with unresponsive to bored by lukewarm about offhand about aloof from phlegmatic about bored stiff going through motions unfeeling uncaring cool lackadaisical lukewarm cold laid-back unmoved offhand passionless unemotional half-hearted lazy passive languid negligent cursory careless callous stolid lax unenthusiastic torpid heedless aloof carefree withdrawn remote sluggish clinical unsympathetic negative unperturbed heartless impervious unaroused selfish hardhearted unimpressible unexcited disimpassioned breezy emotionless flippant slack easygoing airy cavalier relaxed blithe informal phlegmatic stoic stoical loose just watching the clock not giving a damn lethargic non-committal affectless undemonstrative supine unambitious numb impassible cold-blooded inert unmotivated easy-going Laodicean untouched draggy flat droopy dispirited wimpy moony blah lifeless free and easy devil-may-care not caring uninquiring spiritless what the hell couldn't care less objective unprejudiced spaced-out uncommitted reserved unpassioned abstract impartial removed poker-faced spacey staid impersonal unbiased don't give a damn unanimated limp feeble superficial sketchy unthinking wishy-washy vapid bland out of it desultory mechanical fleeting inattentive hurried token hasty quick brief summary passing insensitive slow anaesthetic unkind indolent anesthetic coldhearted bloodless dull wooden rapid slovenly dismissive slipshod walking through it phoning it in going through the motions neutral frigid unimpressed calm unflappable heavy bovine placid tepid groggy lymphatic deadpan uncompassionate desensitized dry tranquil unexcitable unloving not interested unapproachable desensitised lacklustre lackluster restrained icy unenthused cold-hearted damp ardorless thick-skinned impotent inhibited rigid stiff repellent forbidding frosty austere chilly unbending unromantic formal cold-shoulder loveless along for the ride not enthusiastic untroubled unruffled serene unworried happy-go-lucky equitable easy unanxious casual about uncaring about heedless of nonpartisan apathetic about regardless uninterested in lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome oblivious debonair regardless of frivolous about evenhanded candid just equal fair reckless about careless of cavalier about dismissive of square mindless of oblivious to unimpressed by nonplussed weary of nonaligned feckless deaf undisturbed unbothered not bothered at ease hardened blind stony forgetful undaunted self-centred self-centered scornful unsocial silent haughty uncommunicative diffident superior supercilious highbrow without a care in the world not giving a toss cool, calm and collected not giving a monkey's

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Under the influence of drugs
drugged high stoned wasted loaded bombed blitzed ripped zonked intoxicated doped tripping wrecked flying smashed befuddled dazed stupefied euphoric narcotized comatose delirious hallucinating dopey benumbed coked floating unconscious anesthetized anaesthetized drugged up spaced-out strung out under the influence on drugs spaced out on a trip out of it junked-up high as a kite off your face hyped up out to it knocked out blown away charged up freaked out out of your mind blasted zonked-out hopped-up wiped out spaced juiced fried buzzed geeked impaired potted slang reeling jacked sedated out of one's mind turned on off one's head mellow on a high feeling no pain drunk inebriated plastered hammered inebriate tipsy drunken sozzled blotto canned sloshed sottish stewed pickled soused tanked tight squiffy tiddly besotted stiff squiffed wet crocked blind lit cockeyed oiled gassed stinking boozy looped legless merry fuddled steaming woozy crapulous bladdered crapulent tippling paralytic soaked bevvied totaled maudlin incapable mullered toping ratted lashed trolleyed slaughtered fou wired guttered stinko cut bibulous screwed foxed sotted steamed ebriate shickered full shot lekker munted inked monged pixilated ebrious ebriose baked pie-eyed well away having had a skinful well oiled drunk as a lord under the table boozed up tired and emotional drunk as a skunk Brahms and Liszt as tight as a tick half cut blind drunk tanked up lit up rolling drunk gin-soaked as full as a goog dead drunk rat-arsed grogged up worse for drink having had one over the eight half seas over two sheets to the wind cock-eyed monged out three sheets to the wind roaring drunk worse for wear liquored up groggy bashed flushed seeing double muddled laced glazed in one's cups lush sodden half-seas over steamboats in the bag in trashed kaylied langered dronkverdriet mashed broken boozed-up ossified stukkend three sheets in the wind blatted under the weather elephants sauced babalas sat tanked-up in your cups crock swacked zoned Adrian Quist bacchic well-oiled drinking happy red-nosed gone schnockered gin-sodden one over the eight the worse for drink dead to the world feeling good half in the bag half-crocked hooched up out of one's head out of one's skull out of one's box boozing blazed boozed unsober sloppy obliterated tied one on irrigated unsteady intemperate snockered beery polluted slightly drunk hard-drinking half-cut under the influence of intoxicating liquor blown-up out off one's head burned-out out of one's gourd off one's face

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Separated from the body, or not having a physical body
uncorporal immaterial aerial airy apparitional asomatous bodiless celestial disbodied discarnate disembodied dreamlike dreamy ethereal ghostly heavenly impalpable imponderable incorporate incorporeal insubstantial intangible metaphysical nonmaterial nonphysical psychic shadowy spectral spiritlike spiritual subjective supernatural unbodied unearthly unembodied unfleshly unsubstantial unworldly wraithlike formless disincarnate transcendental phantasmic phantasmal discorporate not material invisible abstract untouchable non-physical vague dim phantom indefinite unreal elusive evanescent indeterminate imperceptible to the touch uncertain rare unapparent unobservable hypothetical inappreciable unsure imperceptible abstruse slight evasive eluding unquantifiable slender evading imaginary illusory visionary fanciful mystic chimerical vaporous hallucinatory rarefied otherworldly tenuous mystical numinous transcendent unphysical non-material flimsy extramundane theoretical indefinable imagined magical fancied occult other-worldly magic intellectual conceptual philosophical speculative psychical inner supernal indescribable thin notional obscure indistinct unclear inexistent pure platonic refined academic recondite ideational theoretic conjectural unpractical mysterious inane psychological uncorporeal saintly wispy weightless unrealistic undescribable dainty volatile frail light frivolous fragile diaphanous suppositional conjectured putative suppositive nonconcrete impractical suppositious indiscernible unperceivable delicate imprecise fine nebulous star starry stellar hard to define unable to be touched hard to describe weird divine absent lacking mythical missing wanting fictional ideal figmental illusive non-existent delusive devotional holy sacred ghostlike preternatural gossamery dead defunct baseless empty gone blank negative legendary ungrounded departed groundless extinguished lost vacant perished void null extinct fundamental essential deep basic ephemeral illusionary clairvoyant paranormal extrasensory profound high-flown esoteric universal remote astral cosmological starlike astronomical sidereal starly astrophysical stellular puny false fly-by-night unsound infirm petty idle decrepit supernormal supersensory telepathic nonexistent oversubtle supersensual unexplained out-of-body spiritualistic with second sight telekinetic supersensible with a sixth sense supersensitive necromantic transmundane stargazing supramundane philosophic superhuman suprahuman ontological superior jesuitic eternal supermundane difficult supranatural passed on passed away few and far between null and void without foundation too little too late

Tính từ

Dead or apparently dead
lifeless dead deceased cold defunct extinct departed late gone demised unconscious asleep breathless comatose exanimate fallen inanimate inert low perished stiff insensate brute desert faint limp motionless no more passed away passed on unmoving unresponsive waste in a faint not living out cold out for the count dead as a doornail dead to the world as dead as a doornail lost expired lamented killed slaughtered slain murdered at peace with God pushing up daisies six feet under bygone nonextant under the sod insentient unanimated spiritless not breathing vanished bereft of life resting in peace checked out done bypast buried nonexistent bought the farm done for no longer extant having breathed one's last dead as a dodo bitten the dust casualty stone-dead disintegrated retired turned to dust in the grave laid to rest dear departed much lamented no longer living late lamented still wasted invalid outdated out-of-date redundant kaput cadaverous down mortified erased former finished offed silent reposing liquidated had it down the drain out of commission not existing at rest out of one's misery gone to meet maker cut off gone to reward kicked the bucket bit the dust pushing up the daisies gave up the ghost extinguished inactive exterminated destroyed obsolete quenched doused out died out wiped out passé abolished void terminated no longer existing archaic unknown snuffed out ended superseded dead and gone outmoded disappeared no longer known inexistent vanquished past forgotten earlier ancient olden long-ago foregone old-time gone by of old of yore dated concluded lapsed old primeval primordial prehistoric immemorial antediluvian primigenial primaeval no longer with us long gone irrelevant faded missing ruined over demolished effaced eradicated obliterated wrecked annihilated extirpated run devastated crushed frittered at an end dead and buried a thing of the past ancient history in the past over and done with remote pristine long past long ago long departed previous antiquated one-time completed erstwhile sometime quondam old-fashioned belated forepassed long-gone oldfangled past recall in oblivion out of date sunk in oblivion down memory lane water over the dam water under the bridge

Từ trái nghĩa của insensible

insensible Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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