Từ đồng nghĩa của primaeval

Alternative for primaeval

  • Cách viết khác : primeval

Tính từ

Of the earliest time in history
ancient earliest primitive first primal primordial original early prehistoric pristine aboriginal antediluvian antique old autochthonic autochthonous indigenous primigenial archaic primary untouched by humans initial past bygone immemorial olden former of yore antiquated earlier old-time native aged fundamental remote of old outmoded superannuated timeworn venerable out-of-date previous prime old-fashioned maiden obsolete hoary inaugural premier foremost age-old opening pioneer forgotten headmost virgin leadoff elementary medieval introductory traditional endemic dateless foregone born mediaeval atavistic embryonic basic historic starting essential elemental radical domestic long-standing underivative underived departed local hoar time-worn of long ago foundational initiatory beginning long-ago oldfangled relic passé outdated vintage old as the hills obsolescent archetypal fossilized gone by long gone very old out of date ancestral fossilised antwacky past its sell-by date out of the ark past one's sell-by date primaeval before the flood vernacular mother immediate firsthand direct proto- lower ur- anterior preceding antecedent long past long ago long departed unmediated nascent prior proleptical home-grown fixed time-honoured rooted quaint bog-standard uncivilised uncivilized underlying substratal unevolved uncomplicated coarse barbaric anachronistic sometime moth-eaten decayed old as Methuselah quondam unoriginal late once hackneyed stale worn-out erstwhile rusty onetime done unfashionable demode dated cast-off crumbling precursory cobwebby well-established long-lived timeless classical congenital unacquired ethnic chthonic connate homegrown inherited old-fangled outworn foregoing forever long-established time-honored budding old-world mouldy retrograde creaky clunky old-school retro elderly old-timey mossy pre-existing early bird old hat moldy behind the times centuries old rooted in the past as old as the hills horse and buggy old as Adam inceptive commencing rudimental prototypal infant rudimentary prototype first-hand extinct defunct prehistorical superseded neolithic démodé deprecated dinosaur fossil had it done for dead and gone Stone Age historical dead Noachian moribund demoded kaputt kaput disused one-time from the past folk deep-rooted usual customary discarded discontinued vanished gone old-style expired out of fashion long-gone bypast established ex- antiquarian way back way back when out distant tired abandoned exhausted musty finished lost vieux jeu past it forepassed unhip completed nonextant ended old-hat has-been no longer in use fallen into disuse out of style recent latter-day older down memory lane gone-by in the olden days back when in the good old days ages ago childhood from way back long forgotten geriatric heritage horse-and-buggy fusty backward out-of-fashion obscure dusty threadbare overused veteran old style removed redundant hacky habitual conventional square unremembered unrecalled deep over lost and gone lost in time consigned to oblivion olde worlde lapsed background past its prime last having seen better days popular classic standard regular widespread accustomed taken for granted universal then unstylish out-of-style not with it bent unusable belated old fashioned wiped out predictable inevitable predetermined fated inescapable ordained certain unavoidable destined ex spent at the time of an earlier time one time once upon a time of a former period unemployed stagnant past recall no more accomplished elapsed in oblivion sunk in oblivion ago whilom other out of commission out of use dead and buried antediluvial over and done with over and done precedent retired conservative water over the dam water under the bridge traditionalistic orthodox as was behind one ancient history familial family ultraconservative unprogressive standpat reactionary lineal brassbound paleoconservative archconservative charming picturesque oral unwritten button-down buttoned-down hidebound mossbacked old-line die-hard handed-down gothic colonial Victorian artful cute baroque ingenious Gothic appealing enchanting captivating affected pleasing pretty

Từ trái nghĩa của primaeval

primaeval Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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