Từ đồng nghĩa của immediate

Alternative for immediate

Từ trái nghĩa: mediate,

Tính từ

Taking place without delay
instant fast instantaneous prompt quick express speedy expeditious meteoric rapid sudden swift abrupt brisk hasty hurried lightning mercurial overnight precipitate punctual snappy timely whirlwind accelerated alacritous fleet nippy rathe zippy PDQ straightaway on-the-spot split-second rapid-fire breakneck ready nimble direct headlong sharp rushed unhesitating blistering flying hot fleet-footed without delay summary unexpected dizzy galloping rattling breathless splitting high-speed active unanticipated fast-track unforeseen whistle-stop harefooted precipitous expeditive without warning urgent early winged willing impromptu peremptory quickie on the spot rash impulsive lively startling without notice agile rushing violent unlooked-for explosive short-lived quickened fleet of foot double time on the double in nothing flat dramatic efficient alert prevenient diligent anticipatory forthwith crash unpremeditated arbitrary effectual effective spontaneous perfunctory cursory momentary transitory dynamic fleeting hair-trigger volant spirited responsive without formality without hesitation in a flash promptly given surprising spanking quick as a wink light-footed impetuous fast-tracked pronto cracking double-quick screaming barrelling speedball short spasmodic precipitant acute now or never not to be delayed without discussion fast-moving speeded unusual very fast like crazy like mad shaking a leg crisis not bargained for out of the blue ultrasonic supersonic quick-fire lissome speeding nasty extraordinary unpleasant unceremonious frenzied harsh disagreeable crude forceful fiery charged rampant electric dashing brutal emergency unpredicted awful rude brusque unforgiving shocking sprightly brief energetic superficial vigorous passing at speed slapdash turbo drive-by smart hurrying velocious automatic spry reckless flat-out overhasty gadarene helter-skelter pell-mell spur-of-the-moment careless sporty uninterrupted non-stop hypersonic up-tempo animated tantivy vivacious pacey zooming incautious hectic desultory imprudent casual thoughtless offhand unthinking snap haphazard irresponsible ultrarapid ultrafast successive moving hurtling staccato souped-up bustling spectacular excessive adroit dangerous ephemeral transient brilliant flashing dazzling hurricane cyclonic tumultuous tornado going nifty streaming severe excruciating dreadful unbearable terrible intense piercing frightful machine-gun dizzying extremely fast dangerously fast fast-paced furious impatient evanescent mushrooming priority impressive like lightning unswerving undeviating nonstop eager slambang at full tilt incidental the double chop-chop fast and furious like the wind unfussy hit-or-miss purposeless tearing whizzing sailing hastening whisking running darting barnstorming swift as an arrow inattentive half-hearted slight mechanical token uninterested routine sketchy uncritical shallow random half-baked sloppy depthless racing temerarious premature hit or miss subitaneous snatched instinctive extemporaneous capricious involuntary whimsical unplanned intuitive uninhibited emotional freakish injudicious unconsidered adventurous daredevil unprompted unrepressed foolhardy daring unguarded unpredictable madcap abandoned unwary unmeditated ad-lib hot-headed jumping the gun ill-thought-out devil-may-care winging it ill-considered brash passionate wild

Tính từ

Being the most urgent or important in nature
critical urgent key leading main major overriding paramount predominant primary prime principal top central chief foremost greatest premier supreme big burning dominant highest important preeminent first arch capital cardinal commanding high priority crucial significant serious pressing grave fundamental vital essential integral weighty dire acute heavy intense exigent high-priority top-priority life and death life-and-death of great consequence core substantial consequential pertinent pivotal meaningful intrinsic focal considerable large sweeping ponderous appreciable profound material exceptional sizable notable noteworthy heavy-duty severe pronounced large-scale imposing far-reaching striking eventful pointed instrumental mighty telling prominent influential powerful monumental especial impactful heavyweight almighty salient historic determining worthwhile high-profile of note top-level overshadowing high-level big-time all-important of concern life-changing dangerous grievous of consequence big-league big league major-league grand desperate great compelling necessary importunate imperious drastic imperative necessitous emergency extreme sore impelling required parlous emergent terrible clamant driving indispensable crying momentous demanded called-for very great of the utmost importance of the essence must-have pre-eminent earthshaking earth-shattering much decisive tectonic of moment of significance earnest portentous of great import solemn somber sombre outstanding sober remarkable fateful sedate staid no joke no laughing matter basic deciding humourless humorless memorable of great importance no-nonsense relevant conclusive big deal deep epoch-making settling landmark impressive radical blue-chip headline signal final underlined uncomic definitive marked forceful extensive groundbreaking extraordinary front-page active lively useful ground-breaking requisite climacteric hefty tough noticeable conspicuous difficult strong major league hard professional famous staple obvious original four-star high-power strictly business innovative absolute playing hard ball massive certain substantive quintessential pioneering underlying rudimentary elementary dynamic elemental mandatory needed foundational valuable structural determinative dramatic clamorous strenuous indicative milestone inherent energetic constitutional rudimental unforgettable earth-shaking prerequisite constitutive of importance meat-and-potatoes quantum vitally important ultimate life-preserving life-sustaining arresting overwhelming celebrated busy full moving intrusive projecting protruding arrestive jutting obtrusive meaty last clear exciting red-letter super breakthrough valid purposeful eminent renowned famed applicable super colossal mammoth event-filled egregious responsible defining shaping causal evaluative apocalyptic hectic action-packed epochal innovatory revolutionary strategic pithy apposite germane fitting well-known creative testing sententious definite huge appropriate apropos apt world-shaking world-shattering formative trying searching basal trenchant authoritative sizeable psychological solid imaginative decided incisive special carrying a lot of weight ponderable characteristic root primordial primitive organic initial natural compulsory overruling primal tremendous real widespread crisp fatal operative settled peremptory sensational distinctive rare uncommon glaring unusual newsworthy needful obligatory constituent productive stunning devastating earthshattering ruling master climactic firm respectable sturdy sound touchy insistent showdown climatic component connected innate glum beginning introductory abecedarian ingrained litmus test preponderant resonant keynote generous unordinary glorious particular emphatic good durable healthy ample stern touch and go hanging by thread on thin ice now or never worthy of attention potent wide-ranging broad gloomy dour grim vigorous superabundant abundant galvanic vast steady all important at the heart of sustaining axiomatic axiological bottom-line supporting deep-seated substratal substrative grass-roots theoretical bottom underived groundlaying austere blanket all-embracing overarching quiet downbeat sad called for cold sober germinal inspiring inspirational seminal generative far-flung expansive comprehensive ambitious extended wide rangy pervasive wholesale big-deal much needed very important life-or-death matter of life and death far-ranging in-depth across-the-board across the board prevalent controversial topical current harsh urging propulsive violent enterprising motivating impellent instant contemporary disastrous life-threatening distressing live of interest painful brutal bad awful hazardous arduous fierce toilsome threatening bitter bleak ugly taxing sobering worrying perilous intensive peracute exacting punishing menacing excessive precarious grinding competent arterial talented through trunk top-notch able big time excellent effectual of use capable robust number-one stupendous effective splendid splendorous of value skookum top-drawer efficient efficacious most important most influential

Tính từ

Nearest in time, relationship, or rank

Tính từ

Nearest or next to in space
close near nearest proximate adjacent next-door contiguous closest direct nearby neighbouring neighboring next nigh abutting adjoining intimate proximal close-up near-at-hand at hand close by handy beside accessible convenient imminent impending next door close at hand bordering flanking alongside local touching close-by within reach near at hand just round the corner juxtaposed around approximal upcoming approaching next to ready nearly coterminous conterminous close-at-hand available side-by-side warm hard by not far off not far away not far from in close proximity at close quarters within spitting distance within sniffing distance under one's nose a hop, skip and a jump away short-term prospective vincinal abreast not remote within stone's throw within range to hand about almost practically coming in by hard connecting foreseeable nearly here get back on one's feet regain one's health connected peripheral attached on the side back-to-back side by side circumambient encircling outlying encompassing reachable fringe circumjacent fringing enclosing border verging skirting neighbourhood surrounding circumferential circumforaneous neighborhood joining easy to reach within walking distance of just around the corner from on deck a stone's throw from in neighborhood within easy reach of well placed for close to at close quarters to well situated for near to adjacent to central within spitting distance of a hop, skip and a jump away from handy for walkable in the neighbourhood of within reach of within earshot in the vicinity of on the doorstep within close range of within sight around the corner in spitting distance in the ball park cheek by jowl within striking distance a stone's throw away within walking distance across the street give or take a little on your doorstep on hand conjoining readily available at the ready flush vicinal round the corner just a stone's throw away get-at-able approximate on tap bordering on interconnecting joined impinging bounding edging at your fingertips meeting on the brink on the edge of next door to at close range up-close and personal very near community up-close in the vicinity vernacular easy to get to juxtapositional neighbouring on in contact contactual against approximate to abreast of cheek by jowl with by the side of proximate to contiguous with attached to in easy reach in the area hot present in line champing at bit at beck and call close to hand at fingertips on call waiting in place easily available in order in the saddle covered in position

Tính từ

Due to happen or just beginning

Tính từ

At the right or an appropriate time
timely opportune prompt appropriate expedient punctual seasonable suitable apt convenient fitting felicitous speedy timeous judicious propitious auspicious favourable favorable fit likely meet proper prosperous sensible towardly well-timed well timed at the right time in good time up-to-date up-to-the-minute in the nick of time advantageous happy fortunate good lucky beneficial providential right promising helpful befitting useful fortuitous golden heaven-sent profitable relevant applicable benign apposite fair becoming pertinent welcome correct desirable bright encouraging fitted worthwhile gainful just serendipitous apropos handy effective hopeful seemly nice advisable fluky valuable suited productive satisfactory acceptable ripe rosy to the point practical pat flukey constructive conducive favoured pretty rewarding germane favored fruitful jammy commodious strategic efficacious congruous beneficent worthy of benefit full of promise of use successful of service optimistic heartening ideal blessed comme il faut accidental wise wholesome roseate upbeat decent incidental benefic kindly friendly rose-colored instrumental reasonable politic benignant meritorious toward of assistance necessary requisite worth it best pleasing to the purpose prudent perfect agreeable invaluable coincidental chance neat casual pragmatic belonging related enviable unexpected significant positive recommended reassuring hot decorous unforeseen due salutary cheering well-off gratifying spot on serviceable behooveful deserved of help tactical win-win rightful inspiring sufficient of value uplifting legit kosher presentable right on in keeping on the nose on the button thankful privileged charmed healthy equitable provident rehearsed done material merciful usual inspired favouring favoring dexter brave predictable expected seasonal comely adequate preferred appurtenant conformed reconciled accommodated allowable permitted permissible pointed relative well-chosen choice healthful flattering pleasurable pleasureful pleasant accommodating in order well chosen rational reasoned good for you good for one in one's favor on one's side in one's favour telling well put well expressed convincing joyous halcyon comfortable important in luck logical sound well-suited tasteful benevolent supportive essential vital pivotal crucial effectual remunerative lucrative normal for the time of year appropriate to the time of year paramount indispensable imperative critical blessed with good luck born under a lucky star facilitative to one's advantage that's the ticket just what was ordered cheerful gladdening timeful set disposed sagacious compelling best suited valid definitive clear suggested polite genteel inspiriting enlivening appreciated fundamental key respected needed admired in demand exigent arousing elating stirring exciting promiseful full of hope rousing sunny in one's interests in one's best interests crying out central loved held dear estimable esteemed of the essence worth its weight in gold respectable conventional worthful scarce hot property congenial conforming in good taste de rigueur compatible the done thing consistent consonant done thing okay merited inadvertent unintended utilitarian condign righteous swell copacetic uncertain haphazard unlooked-for unanticipated unpremeditated unintentional unplanned unwitting cut out for user friendly fit for purpose right up someone's street up to standard good enough in keeping with in character up to snuff random chancy incalculable variable self-serving to one's own advantage in one's own interests odd contingent tailor-made at the mercy of events born with a silver spoon in your mouth just right qualified made to order competent warranted justified usable connected functional preferable adapted linked ad rem feasible ample tolerable useable well-matched practicable admissible conformable enough prepared passable earned applicatory legitimate justifiable like-minded complementary ready commonsensical workable equipped desired capable employable anticipated recommendable correspondent required carefully selected all right authorized correlated salient congruent exact matched well deserved well earned sympathetic able optimal precise authorised on target operable well realistic deserving achievable having direct bearing on having to do with doable satisfying relating available chosen equal pertaining commendable specified intended viable commensurate commensurable proportionate indicated abundant sustainable sanctioned unobjectionable lawful sufficing selected true cognate approved within reason real legal bounteous licensed authentic obligatory applicative recognized well suited plentiful plenteous average efficient bountiful very model operative furthersome aplenty quintessential licenced recognised called for official canonical orthodox pertaining to supreme bona fide on the money decisive conclusive for the best just the job made well destined favourite favorite workaday allied awaited slated richly-deserved peculiar unique ordinary everyday well-deserved well disposed complimentary laudatory kind relatable cut out utility wearable good for designed behooving beseeming akin bounden counselable associated with prerequisite particular working actionable well qualified well-earned of a kind analogous right and proper in one's interest accurate express sane kindred on-topic OK weighty harmonious accordant concerning pointful referring conformant trained eligible looked-for according to Hoyle solid real-world O.K. utilizable what the doctor ordered great archetypal consummate absolute ultimate prototypical of interest in point in readiness potent active forceful determinative powerful forcible attainable operational realizable fairly good attractive moderately good not bad called-for quantified listed just the thing coming rhadamanthine scheduled fit to be eaten equal to consumable up to comestible versatile fit for human consumption safe to eat approving common capable of edible plenty possible manageable associable sought after in the running in line for accomplishable matching commendatory salubrious hygienic commending protean not too bad apropos of to your advantage copious minimal tenable within reach just what the doctor ordered the very thing just what one needs excellent wonderful indulgent accommodative obliging utilisable level-headed easy enow as much as you need as much as is necessary bearable habitable endorsed accredited formal wealthy luxurious honest moralistic moral virtuous ethical principled noble card-carrying right-minded certified authoritative well grounded realisable well advised of choice authenticated opulent liberal elegant substantial supportable inhabitable sufferable endurable exploitable validated within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility within possibility well thought out holding water on the level twenty-four carat on the up and up in principle optimum documented accepted verified generous licit signed sealed ratified cozy tenantable snug homey enjoyable civilized lodgeable affluent gracious prime peak top genuine constitutional statutory acknowledged -worthy allowed signed and sealed ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared customary cathedral decided ex cathedra definite established and delivered ex officio idyllic foremost cornucopian livable civilised cosy finest choicest well off well-fixed well-situated fit for human habitation worth living best possible free from hardship well-heeled well-to-do pre-eminent best-case de jure most correct

Tính từ

Earliest in time or order
primary original initial earliest basic beginning essential first fundamental direct firsthand introductory primal primaeval primeval primordial aboriginal elemental elementary primitive radical unmediated bog-standard pristine rudimentary early underlying prime foundational basal vital rudimental principal foremost cardinal intrinsic inaugural key indigenous root premier maiden ancient central autochthonous inherent chief autochthonic indispensable necessary embryonic constitutional native virgin headmost meat-and-potatoes initiatory pioneer leadoff innate critical prehistoric abecedarian opening germinal constitutive quintessential nascent main crucial pivotal integral ingrained capital commencing starting structural antediluvian antique old organic underived bottom-line deep-seated primigenial incipient hard-wired important focal staple fledgling salient inchoate preliminary requisite foundation core inceptive substratal natural pilot profound first-hand underivative infant immanent deep-rooted endemic born simple needed past constituent causal prototypal prototype nuts-and-bolts simplest uncompleted larval launching dedicatory nuclear domestic previous nitty-gritty vernacular mother lead head archaic untouched by humans local experimental ultimate significant paramount deep supporting sustaining substrative axiomatic grass-roots theoretical major bottom axiological groundlaying undeveloped immature head-on proto- lower ur- avant-garde budding unformed developing incomplete uncivilised uncivilized unevolved uncomplicated coarse barbaric succeeding resultant emerging seminal potential virginal eyewitness personal straight actual embryonal emergent evolving just beginning unmarried pure intact proving unwed chaste undefiled untapped unused unbroached maidenly fresh untried new straight from the horse's mouth uncensored unabbreviated unabridged unexpurgated preparatory initiative antecedent test trial raw inductive leading young premature lead-in unedited untouched uncut characteristic dominant predominant true built-in deep-down hardwired inborn material inbred connate engrained congenital most important

Tính từ

Done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice
snap impulsive spontaneous abrupt impromptu sudden unconsidered unplanned unpremeditated unprepared unrehearsed unstudied extemporaneous hurried improvisational improvised offhand quick extemporary extempore instant offhanded ad hoc spur-of-the-moment off-the-cuff ad-lib down and dirty improvisatory unscripted ad lib makeshift ad libitum unarranged on-the-spot extemporized extemporised cobbled together thrown together improviso automatic informal made-up off the cuff improv autoschediastic hasty winging it unthinking unexpected casual extemporal rough and ready on impulse by ear impetuous rash involuntary headlong expedient improvisatorial undesigned speedy swift not planned on the spot toss off played by ear off the top of one's head spur of the moment toss out off the top of your head scratch unpracticed make-do emergency throwaway jury-rigged jury made up off guard not thought out unintended unintentional provisional specified specific special from the hip not rehearsed uncontrolled off the top of head without preparation off the hip according to pleasure as one wishes as one thinks best without restraint unforeseen adventitious haphazard unscheduled aleatory random quick and dirty uncontrived natural winged out of the blue rushed vamped candid fast tossed off dashed off thrown off whipped up shot from the hip quick-fire alacritous instantaneous unhesitating cursory prompt precipitate capricious instinctive whimsical incautious intuitive uninhibited adventurous daredevil unprompted emotional unrepressed thoughtless foolhardy freakish injudicious reckless madcap abandoned daring imprudent unwary unguarded unpredictable irresponsible superficial perfunctory unmeditated careless brash passionate wild hectic hot-headed ill-considered devil-may-care jumping the gun ill-thought-out heedless overhasty ill-advised temerarious precipitous harum-scarum foolish hare-brained indiscreet unwise hotheaded negligent inconsiderate improvident irrational knee-jerk harebrained unconscious audacious premature mindless ill-judged inadvertent helter-skelter precipitant reflex silly hell-for-leather misguided kamikaze gadarene flying slapdash drive-by pell-mell senseless unthought-out unwitting venturesome venturous overbold unheeding stupid mechanical headstrong bold carefree flighty reflexive ill-conceived short-sighted scatterbrained overconfident unanticipated furious impolitic over-adventurous indelicate death-or-glory giddy breakneck immature instinctual jumping to conclusions tearaway regardless rushing unconditioned crackbrained unrestrained half-baked frivolous without warning witless brainless previous illogical tactless habitual insouciant reactive fiery frenzied insuppressible determined undiplomatic inattentive inadvisable unreasoned unsafe over-venturesome unreasoning inexpedient graceless unforced uncareful futile birdbrained unlooked-for unmindful not bargained for remiss without notice playing with fire crazy unintelligent idiotic impractical crackpot neglectful nonsensical imbecilic unbridled scatty erratic violent cavalier clueless moronic rapid robotic mechanic ill-timed untimely inept gut unwilled unbidden wanton desperate flippant damfool intemperate subitaneous dippy blind immoderate dotty free adventuresome unannounced easy-going featherbrained light-minded bull-in-a-china-shop fast and loose unreasonable lamebrained unsound idiotical simpleminded meaningless pointless not thought through lamebrain nonrational fruitless out of control dim-witted half-witted free and easy not in the cards feather-brained uncircumspect subconscious unlearned subliminal untaught default surprising heady suicidal unthoughtful risky whirlwind dangerous fearless intrepid courageous off your own bat uncoordinated willing voluntary accidental snatched shortsighted misjudged brave dauntless undaunted autogenetic routine mad naive startling responsive unduly quick eager fierce ardent rough tempestuous unadvisable inconstant divvy meteoric absent-minded impassioned vehement unsystematic unempirical wrong-headed wrong unsuitable inappropriate wide open badly thought out nonchalant unconcerned happy-go-lucky death-defying romping disorderly self-destructive unreflecting off deep end out on limb leaving self wide open off the deep end undesirable dumb fervid restive risk-taking airy insensitive catch-as-catch-can swaggering untroubled breezy unworried indifferent oblivious fly-by-night radge unsubtle infelicitous garrulous nosy too soon inopportune chaotic wacky lively daft overventuresome lackadaisical careless of one's duty half-cocked ditzy dizzy skittish disregardful uncaring irreflective careless of blithe unsmart going off deep end sloppy vacant unmeant blunt untactful feckless brutish outrageous napping seat-of-the-pants uncontrollable easygoing easy unselfconscious unaffected relaxed excitable without regard unwatchful unobservant off-guard blindsiding unheralded unbewised unchosen conditioned uncalculated unalert uncautious wary unvigilant extravagant frothy batty dopey goofy ditsy puerile yeasty unhoped for unlooked for nutty dappy lavish asleep at the switch out to lunch genuine open excited bemused gaga bubbleheaded unscientific fast-and-loose unreserved caught napping asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin pay no mind sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job foot-in-mouth unworkable frantic prodigal unfettered profuse abundant volatile excessive empty-headed light-headed ridiculous unformed sophomoric undeveloped unrealistic underdeveloped footloose and fancy-free sharp lightning accelerated fleet expeditious spasmodic acute quickened poorly planned explosive unusual speeded not fully developed cock-eyed without delay unrestricted depraved raw dissipated unchecked unruly rampant corrupt runaway unhampered dissolute unconstrained unhindered wicked incorrigible reprobate profligate unprincipled sinful unbounded debauched licentious immoral incontinent shameless

Tính từ

Of or pertaining to the near or immediate future
short-term temporary brief momentary passing provisional impermanent interim transient transitory fleeting ephemeral acting evanescent short fugacious fugitive stopgap provisory makeshift substitute provisionary volatile limited alternate temp perishable unstable shifting changeable unfixed overnight slapdash summary mortal supply instant short-lived make-do ad interim pro tem ad hoc pro tempore band-aid short-range for the time being fill-in caretaker flash quick flitting fading stand-in cursory deciduous flying fly-by-night transitional reserve fast deputy surrogate little here today and gone tomorrow meteoric pinch-hitting intervening emergency swift impromptu improvised temporal second-string hasty rapid changeover expediential replacement rough and ready working rushed assistant mutable jury-rigged proxy short and sweet lightning relief wee abrupt rough-and-ready non-permanent adoptive unenduring acute hurried vanishing perfunctory instantaneous curtailed sudden foster flash in the pan tactical small helping representative supporting conditional contingent subordinate depute fly by night holding succinct infinitesimal in-between present pop-up elusive devised rigged jury episodic tenuous adjutant delegated short-lasting short and sharp not permanent inconstant expedient rough-and-tumble practical throwaway flashing quickie cobbled together thrown together of short duration gone in a heartbeat over in a heartbeat short-haul short-run whirlwind prompt here today, gone tomorrow in wink of an eye gone in flash thrown-together moving vacating insubstantial migrating transmigratory emigrating flighty backup supernumerary standby fall-back supplemental tentative ancillary second supplementary additional auxiliary extra alternative substitutive locum going by superficial speedy desultory breakneck casual rash brisk precipitate careless incidental fleet headlong precipitous drive-by whistle-stop offhand expeditious unthinking uninterested sketchy hurrying inattentive mechanical token accelerated fast-track overhasty gadarene slight glancing rathe shallow helter-skelter half-hearted impulsive pell-mell snappy haphazard zippy hot breathless nippy splitting dizzy rattling blistering galloping fleet-footed rapid-fire spectacular erratic brilliant dazzling spasmodic dreamlike double time mushrooming like lightning dramatic impressive irresponsible here-today-gone-tomorrow unfussy purposeless hurricane impetuous cyclonic tumultuous very fast tornado hit-or-miss indifferent unconcerned surface-level lackadaisical disinterested insensible apathetic pococurante uncurious complacent insouciant nonchalant negligent routine automatic incurious slovenly dismissive slipshod wooden heedless uncritical random half-baked sloppy depthless cool impatient fiery urgent phoning it in walking through it laid-back hit or miss pronto agile harefooted eager thoughtless slambang quickened going through the motions chop-chop on the double

Tính từ

Made or occurring as a predictable and automatic response
knee-jerk automatic spontaneous instinctive instinctual involuntary predictable reflex mechanic mechanical robotic unconscious natural unwilled expected habitual mindless thoughtless unthinking impulsive gut intuitive unpremeditated innate unwitting inadvertent reflexive unintentional unconditioned unlearned inherent visceral unmeditated ingrained inborn subconscious intrinsic intuitional congenital unintended rooted accustomed second-nature unprompted hard-wired unplanned subliminal untaught primeval animal primitive native unbidden accidental emotional regular normal typical primaeval subjective uncontrolled uncalculated by seat of one's pants responsive default undeliberate uncalculating unrealized computerized mechanised cybernetic mechanized computerised spur-of-the-moment off-the-cuff from the hip basic internal intimate uncontrollable blind unbewised conditioned unchosen inner heartfelt viscerous interior unforced perfunctory routine autogenetic deep-seated inbred hereditary inherited built-in immanent constitutional deep-rooted essential connate engrained hardwired connatural inbuilt indigenous ingrain constitutive integral primal in the blood in the family characteristic fundamental in-built bred in the bone in one's blood organic elemental original indwelling natural-born in your blood rash careless passionate impromptu precipitate extemporaneous natal impetuous implanted entrenched injudicious fixed imprudent reckless ingrown primordial ill-considered ineradicable unacquired distinctive underlying central dyed-in-the-wool inward wild ingenerate genetic existing from birth innermost physical inwrought raw unsophisticated born core congenite genetous embedded genuine inspired material charged ardent fervent feeling settled established base inmost in one's genes quintessential psychological mental standard firm enduring unfading abiding unshakeable stubborn inveterate deep-down structural inexpungible indelible implicit permanent ineffaceable inseparable hidden spiritual resident unalienable indispensable latent individual elementary integrated untutored cerebral psychologic intellectual native-born driven in part and parcel autogenous personal endogenous unmindful negligent heedless extempore within hasty headlong ill-advised absent-minded foolish unwise hurried capricious snap stupid silly neglectful senseless remiss incautious whimsical uninhibited sudden freakish unconsidered adventurous daredevil unrepressed foolhardy oblivious abrupt daring unguarded unpredictable irresponsible madcap abandoned unwary quick offhand witless swift hectic superficial speedy brash unexpected hot-headed feckless brutish unreasoning indelicate outrageous napping unheeding vacant unmeant blunt untactful ad-lib devil-may-care jumping the gun ill-thought-out winging it

Từ trái nghĩa của immediate

immediate Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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