Từ đồng nghĩa của unreserved

Alternative for unreserved

unreserved /' nri'z :vd/
  • tính từ
    • không dành riêng (ghế, chỗ ngồi...)
    • không hạn chế, hoàn toàn
      • the unreserved approval: sự tán thành hoàn toàn
    • không dè dặt, cởi mở (người)

Tính từ

Frank and open in nature
open frank candid outspoken forthright unrestrained straight unguarded bold demonstrative direct forthcoming honest plainspoken straightforward unconstrained uninhibited foursquare free freehearted openhearted plain unreticent open-hearted out-front up-front free-spoken blunt plain-spoken upfront sincere downright guileless truthful unambiguous up front ingenuous unequivocal straight from the shoulder explicit artless matter-of-fact real transparent undisguised unconcealed bald round like it is natural unvarnished no-nonsense bluff lay it on the line bare-faced genuine unrestricted outright from the hip not afraid to call a spade a spade straight-shooting clear unqualified call a spade a spade saying what one thinks categorical aboveboard brazen point-blank straight-talking undiplomatic upright on the level straight-out unevasive simple abrupt undissembling man-to-man tactless undissembled heart-to-heart unfiltered blatant square unsparing brutal point blank scrupulous straight to the point talking turkey unfeigned flat-out speaking as one finds laying it on the line on the up and up calling spade a spade innocent vocal specific distinct patent unembellished straight-from-the-shoulder true unadorned barefaced naked unstinting easy apparent familiar naive complete stark plain-speaking not beating around the bush forward personal intimate free-speaking vociferous indiscreet authentic brusque unceremonious opinionated strident woman-to-woman basic unaffected unstudied insensitive impolitic no beating around the bush bare no lie unpretending unpretentious unbiased unprejudiced flagrant unmistakable harsh grim to the point no holds barred palpable severe heartless total warts and all unpretended frontal parrhesiastic unartificial unartful communicative pretenseless level right up front fair plain-dealing on the square two-fisted laid on the line straight-arrow square-shooting right-on dinkum honest-to-goodness trustworthy out-and-out above board telling it like it is clear-cut open-and-shut faithful reliable accountable veracious definite absolute express literal truth-telling righteous true-blue proper just believable precise meaning what one says realistic legit veritable kosher curt rude short gruff sharp terse loud snippy vigorous clamorous true to life noisy crusty impolite snappy uncivil discourteous vehement rough unexaggerated unveiled insistent caustic indelicate short-spoken crisp tart enthusiastic emphatic raw raucous voluble not beating about the bush calling a spade a spade snappish brusk unsympathetic brisk brief offhand abrasive pulling no punches not mincing one's words speaking one's mind gritty brutally honest decisive unmodified businesslike surly cavalier austere churlish clamant obstreperous speaking straight from the shoulder hearty dusty exact not pulling any punches unmannerly unornamented plain vanilla undecorated earnest eager loudmouthed monosyllabic good-natured genial approachable threadbare worn patchy full-throated vociferant vociferating caterwauling loud-mouthed yowling yawping uproarious yauping shouting squawking ranting demanding friendly cheery bearish snippety blustering breviloquent laconic unhypocritical naïve peremptory boisterous distracting rowdy shrill no fooling for real open and shut forceful zealous expressive articulate keen eloquent inconsiderate facile fluent smooth-spoken glib venting stentorian disrespectful critical hard-hitting trenchant unfeeling impertinent unpolished uncomplimentary uncaring unkind thoughtless hurtful uncompromising uncharitable unladylike cruel uncivilized unconsiderate ungentlemanly unfavourable attacking uncivilised scathing biting hostile disapproving uncalled for faultfinding unappealing unflattering insulting unfavorable

Tính từ

Extroverted in personality or nature
extroverted outgoing open affable extrovert chatty warm boisterous exuberant unselfconscious communicative ebullient expressive loud talkative touchy-feely effusive expansive loquacious garrulous forthcoming demonstrative conversational voluble gushing talky sociable friendly uninhibited gregarious verbose gossipy gabby mouthy unrestrained windy gassy multiloquent multiloquous genial social lavish amiable gushy generous communicable glib able to talk the hind legs off a donkey lively vocal hail-fellow-well-met informative cordial socializing people-oriented gossiping frank conversable motormouthed blabby informal newsy hearty enlightening spontaneous personal multieloquent intimate relaxed loose-lipped convivial socialising candid exaggerated excessive extravagant fulsome fluent wordy articulate long-winded actorly prodigal wholehearted theatrical dramatic chattery chattering extroversive extrovertive extravertive extraversive extraverted prattling blathering jabbering babbling superfluous overdone eloquent silver-tongued yakking big-mouthed gobby wittering unlimited slick bigmouthed prolix vociferous verbal smooth rambling over the top free running on with the gift of the gab blessed with the gift of the gab full of hot air having kissed the Blarney Stone OTT easy discursive effervescent unconstrained liberal magnanimous profuse gibbering loudmouthed having kissed the blarney stone taletelling gaseous outspoken rattling yacking motormouth over-talkative noisy ranting casual conversational ordinary familiar everyday spoken drivellous plainspoken excessively communicative cooperative helpful obliging confabulatory free-spoken prating colloquial dishy tonguey bombastic yakkity prosy wind-bag loose-tongued yakky blabbermouth spilling talebearing whispering blabbing flap jaw giving away running on at the mouth spilling the beans

Tính từ

Complete and without holding back any doubts
absolute complete unconditional unlimited unqualified total wholehearted categorical entire positive unadulterated unambiguous unequivocal unrestricted thorough thoroughgoing unalloyed undiluted unstinting unvarnished utter downright full outright sheer solid undivided arrant consummate perfect effusive gushing deep-dyed out-and-out through and through without reservations without reservation unmitigated pure flat-out all-out stark definite straight-out categoric dead flat blooming ultimate profound whole rank clean crashing dreadful simple regular fair plumb straight out deadly utmost explicit clear cotton-picking certain blank stone very infernal express plain real no catch decisive unmistakable unrestrained unquestionable unconstrained bodacious blasted blessed confounded plenary genuine unbounded all out no ifs ands or buts no holds barred unrelieved indubitable open all-fired right dyed-in-the-wool steadfast emphatic direct no fine print sure wholesale extreme steady unquestioning final assured determinate wide unbroken limitless veritable clear-cut infinite undiminished point-blank proper no strings full-on no kicker undeniable constant committed unabridged blunt sincere unfaltering forthright unswerving dedicated enduring firm patent definitive straightforward abiding uttermost straight supreme palpable specific candid actual prize never-failing decided unsurpassed terminal well defined abundant uncontrolled endless exhaustive preeminent crystal clear in every respect no strings attached without limit full-bore right-down straight from the shoulder mere incessant chronic frank unfailing unremitting continuous abrupt unrelenting unconditioned strict straight-from-the-shoulder unmixed unmodified no joke surpassing inveterate open-ended with no strings without qualification true-blue rightly so called stone-cold unalleviated undisputed comprehensive overarching uninterrupted inclusive totalitarian sweeping unshakeable true resounding in-depth full-blown full-scale enthusiastic staunch fervent earnest determined unflinching zealous hearty conclusive sovereign overt uncompromising devoted unwavering farthest superlative predominant apodictic heartfelt ardent serious warm stalwart unfeigned farthermost unbound boundless peerless tyrannical pre-eminent all-powerful omnipotent matchless peremptory fullhearted loyal impassioned passionate authentic furthermost outermost furthest maximum remotest last most whole-hearted outmost one hundred per cent hundred percent whole-souled bona fide nth major endmost aftermost highest top maximal concentrated topmost enormous max biggest too much farthest away last straw too-too worst case furthest away ultra out of bounds chief exclusive greatest undistracted collective focused incontrovertible manifest engrossed unshared consistent unambivalent indisputable evident unflagging united focussed absorbed nonambiguous distinct obvious lucid luculent greatest amount of greatest possible unanimous attentive continued concerted scrupulous pellucid apparent transparent perspicuous unblurred barefaced bald diligent rigid fast fixed detailed deliberate circumspect intense all vigilant intent minute understandable ringing luminous comprehensible univocal incontestable uncontestable undisputable intelligible lucent limpid broad crystal bald-faced lock stock and barrel easily understood black and white self-evident cut-and-dried open-and-shut bright-line crystal-clear nailed-on open and shut black-and-white clearly expressed honest resolute devout full-hearted from the heart unaffected cordial dinkum upfront strong unpretended deep resolved vehement strenuous eager persistent solemn persevering unpretentious insistent truthful guileless indefatigable forceful trustworthy assertive aggressive vigorous tenacious faithful artless dogged untiring unpretending reliable up front dependable stubborn deeply felt set pious adamant stanch inexorable down-the-line driven meaning business allegiant tireless energetic keen righteous uncontrived fervid unhesitating unforced natural purposeful bold creditable violent muscular dynamic in earnest single-minded relentless unyielding conscientious full-blooded trusty good unflappable obdurate unbending immovable bound heart-to-heart supportive unmovable tried-and-true liege uninhibited not joking sworn convinced full-frontal urgent formal deepest untainted individual industrious burning perfervid passional unstilted unartificial pukka special particular durable unfluctuating assiduous restless enterprising ambitious rigorous painstaking unassumed unvacillating sedulous without airs meaning what one says hell-bent serious-minded pigheaded sustained mulish stiff-necked daring radical militant laborious all-embracing hard-hitting unbridled personal active on the level dear virile hardy robust powerful vital sound bound and determined bent on dead set on going all the way hard-working meant legitimate in person out and out credible pretensionless undesigning undissembled changeless stable established immobile forcible pulling no punches fair dinkum twenty-four carat upright dutiful true-hearted honest to God honourable responsible just moral tried virtuous ethical decent honorable secure trustable nice safe calculable right-minded worthy truehearted veridical all right no lie on the up and up undistorted confirmed estimable high-principled square confident trenchant impressive pointed glaring sober significant cogent accented dogmatic potent stressed important no mistake for a face unswervable undaunted pertinacious strong-minded strong-willed steely purposive obstinate inflexible intransigent implacable spirited brave manful courageous plucky stout bulldog unshaken indomitable four-square stout-hearted mettlesome gritty unbendable indurate stiff unshakable valiant gutsy undeviating compulsive unchanging rock-ribbed full of determination grim perseverant spunky most distant most extreme

Tính từ

Having a kindly disposition
friendly affectionate affable amiable genial congenial cordial warm convivial companionable company-loving sociable gregarious outgoing clubbable comradely neighbourly hospitable approachable easy to get along with accessible open easy-going good-natured amicable kindly benign amenable nice agreeable obliging sympathetic cheerful well disposed benevolent good-humored good-humoured couthy warmhearted warm-hearted cheery gracious chirpy likeable likable lovable social easygoing jovial engaging courteous decent gentle mellow pleasant complaisant mild conversable neighborly perky polite bonhomous kind receptive welcoming well-disposed personable clubby extroverted easy extraverted relaxed clubable natural urbane casual informal good-tempered uninhibited unconstrained civil talkative familiar sweet free and easy charming boon tolerant pally matey chummy free buddy-buddy extrovert unrestrained lively hail-fellow-well-met fun unceremonious at ease pleasing lovely considerate sensible helpful peaceful demonstrative communicative soft delightful civilized calm temperate expressive expansive mild-mannered civilised comfortable recognized recognizable bombastic comforting snug comfy happy vivacious boisterous non-formal humble carefree attention-seeking witty cozy cosy laid-back loose unflappable humoring down-to-earth waggish sprightly spirited blithe unpretentious simple relaxing great-hearted gassy fabulous not formal at home recognisable recognised diplomatic nonchalant undemanding unaffected humouring free-and-easy happy-go-lucky tender accommodating balmy moderate compassionate clement thoughtful generous hearty caring unselfish understanding cooperative bland equable indulgent mannerly kind-hearted intimate lenient loving chivalrous respectful charitable tender-hearted good peaceable cool gallant appealing winning harmonious smooth soft-hearted tranquil well mannered palsy-walsy gentlemanly tactful patient placid suave polished favorable softhearted kindhearted good-hearted pacific favourable palsy winsome homelike unassuming well-bred supportive homely soothing well-mannered attractive cushy big-hearted debonair genteel collegial easy to get on with courtly deferential serene goodhearted fine cultivated light sunny restful hail-fellow conciliatory modest refined delicate ladylike homestyle even-tempered magnanimous bright harmless entertaining forbearing selfless tenderhearted large-hearted meek amical sweet-tempered merciful well bred fond docile sweet-natured liberal solicitous sensitive responsive summery simpatico humane tame homey beneficent subdued cultured available decorous chilled eager to please bighearted ingratiating attentive unctuous nonabrasive eager to help formal unstuffy forgiving angelic down-home fatherly fair compatible unoffensive maternal buoyant breezy motherly politic close altruistic hilarious kindred brotherly all heart like-minded soft-spoken jolly enjoyable refreshing merry sophisticated amusing diverting measured confident jocund canny taking quiet willing self-possessed enthusiastic heartfelt feeling cheering earnest wholehearted sincere communal dignified unpresumptuous inviting unhurried accommodative lamblike demure reverent non-hostile oily eager elegant secure open-minded compliant untroubled retiring easeful prepossessing snuggly svelte poised swell smiling regular paternal non-confrontational discreet all right laid back home-like moral flat well meaning well intentioned snug as a bug in a rug giving noble regardful well behaved well-behaved well spoken well brought up downright neighborly benignant well-spoken clear charismatic relishable preferable assent bubbly unemotional approving wonderful festive uplifting loyal confiding faithful jocose attached vibrant funny comical jocular on good terms facile festal fun-loving conversible gay mirthful flexible insouciant domestic healthful shared public couth good-looking self-effacing imperturbable unconcerned unruffled unworried permissive glowing confidential jammy untaxing homespun homy downhome wellmannered affectious sultry forthcoming stately smooth-tongued worldly worldly-wise presentable safe captivating enchanting broad-minded easy-peasy unexcitable acquiescent copacetic sheltered door's always open glad-handering easy-oasy shy dove-like mushy as nice as pie reasonable bluff smooth-talking softie marshmallow handsome red-carpet fraternal caressing scented fragrant perfumed good company plum lush sedate adaptable pliable submissive jejune vapid dull subservient spiritless obeisant forbearant backslapping in favour dovelike fit unanimous adapted frictionless united suitable obsequious concerned good-mannered punctilious well brought-up condescending together unfazed glib silver-tongued nice-looking pretty bonny willing to please favourably disposed sisterly leisurely careful stress-free cautious reposeful tight genuine chipper upbeat high enlivening joyous upper up glad summerlike tropical moist well-suited well suited sympathique zephyr-like community informative popular common pleasurable collective organized group general handy accepting long-suffering of good cheer tractable deliberate leisured congruous consonant consistent distingué impeccable fulsome slick barley-sugar sweetheart aces comely okay white-hat plush deep amorous empathetic buddy buddy eleemosynary soft touch propitious dutiful bleeding-heart big public-spirited openhearted wholesome unstinting benefic pitying greathearted open-handed lavish princely humanitarian bounteous bountiful philanthropical fatherlike heart in right place philanthropic openhanded munificent freehanded sunny side up dashing lax unoppressive unburdensome in accord in favor in agreement convenient satisfying self-assured regular fellow right neighborly user friendly on tap on deck willing to help honest useful ethical respectable upright organised societal honourable virtuous trustworthy honorable made well trim dapper stylish smart spruce worthy incorrupt dependable good egg faint spiffy swanky fly swish snappy sharp just principled upstanding righteous trig well groomed well dressed right straight true detached on fleek well-groomed well turned out jaunty folksy clean-living stand-up on the up and up well-brought-up squeaky clean right-minded emollient lenitive demulcent mollifying mindful proper dainty pabulum ho-hum exquisite medium nothing low-grade lukewarm assuasive wimpy blah nothing much vanilla tempered weak choice tepid nonirritating

Tính từ

Loudly cheerful, enthusiastic or approbatory
hearty ardent eager passionate enthusiastic intense spirited avid zealous animated ebullient lively impassioned exuberant energetic vivacious dynamic deep devout emphatic loud affable effusive generous jovial cheerful profound backslapping deepest uninhibited responsive amiable vigorous abiding cheery frank full gay glad gushing honest jolly profuse unrestrained welcoming back-slapping deep-rooted warm-hearted deep-felt good natured keen fervent vehement earnest fanatical wholehearted fiery fervid committed dedicated excited warm perfervid enthused exhilarated devoted gung ho high-spirited forceful rabid sincere burning emotional great fierce obsessed zestful passional pumped intent antsy afire hungry ready willing voracious red-hot interested desirous wild athirst mad keen keen as mustard heartfelt extreme flaming titillated stoked raring motivated violent assiduous agog solicitous active diligent determined aflame impatient nuts anxious ambitious appetent thirsty heated crazy superheated torrid charged religious glowing feverish blazing demonstrative hot-blooded warm-blooded incandescent hot greedy ready and willing deep-seated as keen as mustard keyed up raring to go deeply felt bright-eyed and bushy-tailed champing at the bit hopped up full of beans chomping at the bit effervescent heartful feeling inspired stirred inspirited galvanized stimulated roused energized diehard card-carrying ecstatic encouraged moved aroused uplifted influenced activated raw gotta have dying to serious pious hot for tender true blue unfeigned warmhearted habitual militant energised self-driven stirred up galvanised hung up hankering amenable breathless restless inclined disposed happy longing unreluctant pining engaged craving game restive covetous single-minded pushy purposeful obsessive itchy ripe zealotic fired go-ahead frenetic fanatic fireball self-starting possessed gung-ho wild-eyed acute strong coming on strong powerful forcible explosive heavy intensive urgent vicious exquisite overwhelming overpowering abject excruciating hellacious heartrending hard ghastly dreadful furious terrible almighty frightful clamorous outspoken vocal noisy vociferous heavy-duty fearsome very great blistering ferocious fearful forthright insistent strident desperate angry impetuous frantic on the make inflamed full-throated pronounced opinionated potent concentrated hyper delirious thrilled fascinated rhapsodic animate geeked nutty wacky tantalized industrious concerned unqualified yearning juiced conscientious gaga itching driven tantalised pleased sprightly bugged zesty warmblooded turnt gone on hopped-up hot to trot hepped up excitable tempestuous stormy frenzied raging mad rash temperamental consuming tumultuous impulsive fired up on fire manic fevered psyched uncontrollable hectic amped heightened volatile crazed hyperactive messianic irascible acrimonious hysterical dithyrambic volcanic steamed up mercurial hot-tempered wishing amorous hopeful dying desiring intent on overzealous raving uproarious steadfast allegiant agitable neurotic aggressive proactive bullish banzai daft in a frenzy very excited untrammeled untrammelled jumping up and down potty extremely enthusiastic take-charge can-do short-fuse hot-headed high-strung highly strung eventful exciting severe immoderate uncontrolled marked inordinate vivid intemperate penetrating piercing bitter busy excessive melodramatic intensified turbulent rough emotive overemotional sentimental all-consuming ungovernable noteworthy interesting moving inspiring eloquent stirring poignant high-pressure hotblooded expressive precipitate thrilling affecting headlong quickened high-powered convulsive paroxysmal cyclonic touchy savage disorderly knock-down-and-drag-out bad-tempered blood-and-guts ill-tempered bang-bang hammer and tongs distracted overactive overwrought full-hearted agitated red-blooded unruly high sultry high as a kite action-packed strenuous ireful indignant wrathful irate wigged-out

Tính từ

Exhausting all effort
complete unhampered unrestrained all out assured bloody boundless brutal categorical ceaseless emphatic flat-out full intense limitless no holds barred no-holds-barred no-limit resounding unambiguous unbridled unchecked uncompromising unconditioned unconstrained uncontestable uncontrollable uncontrolled uncurbed undisputable ungoverned unhindered unimpeded uninhibited unmitigated unrepressed unrestricted unshackled unsuppressed untrammeled untrammelled wild without restrictions workmanlike demonstrative carefree emotional impetuous wanton reckless abandoned free boisterous intemperate immodest dissolute effusive touchy-feely unfettered unconfined unbound loose rampant unchained immoral runaway unbounded licentious raw incontinent untied profligate undisciplined riotous immoderate out of control roaming unencumbered at liberty dissipated unlimited set loose full-on unruly at large irrepressible on the loose out of hand fugitive fast unregulated autonomous debauched escaped excessive footloose violent depraved corrupt uncontainable unquenchable unstoppable incorrigible unprincipled sinful wicked shameless out on the run running wild freed on the lam no limits untamed sprung impulsive reprobate released furious unlicensed unsubmissive quit disencumbered disobedient stubborn lacking self-control not controlled gay rakish ungovernable madcap rabid enthusiastic unconcealed crazy self-indulgent chaotic noisy turbulent unmanageable hysterical berserk crazed unchaste libertine easy slack slaggy whorish tarty lax swinging roundheeled fallen shut of unburdened light riggish philandering of easy virtue promiscuous inordinate natural outrageous spontaneous saturnalian impertinent frank impotent extravagant lawless plenary open bizarre flamboyant indiscriminate exaggerated candid blunt audacious

Tính từ

Having too high an opinion of one's own worth
important arrogant assured authoritarian bigheaded blusterous blustery boastful bombastic bossy braggart bragging braggy brash bumptious cavalier chesty cocky complacent conceited condescending confident disdainful dominating domineering egocentric egoistic egoistical egotistic egotistical extraverted extroverted forward haughty hifalutin high-and-mighty highfalutin high-handed high-hat holier-than-thou huffish huffy immodest imperious impertinent impudent lofty lordly magisterial masterful narcissistic overconfident overweening patronising patronizing peremptory pompous pontifical pontificating presuming presumptuous pretentious prideful proud saucy self-adulatory self-affected self-applauding self-asserting self-assertive self-assured self-centred self-centered self-complacent self-conceited self-confident self-congratulatory self-contented self-dramatizing self-engrossed self-flattering self-glorifying self-gratulatory self-important selfish self-loving self-opinionated self-pleased self-promoting self-satisfied smug sniffy snobbish snobby snooty stuck-up supercilious swaggering swellheaded toploftical toplofty uninhibited uppish uppity vain vainglorious superior stiff-necked assumptive biggety biggity consequential overbearing puffed up high and mighty snotty swollen-headed affected hoity-toity insolent toffee-nosed opinionated pushy inflated scornful contemptuous aloof cocksure ostentatious grandiose full of oneself full of yourself audacious big-headed too big for your boots self-admiring assuming self-righteous stuck up dictatorial strutting bold swanky pleased with oneself boasting snippy puffed-up la-di-da bloated blustering fancy-pants hubristic persnickety pleased with yourself autocratic sententious brazen showy rude wisenheimer cheeky sassy portentous officious dismissive puffy self-regarding flaunting inconsiderate contumelious above oneself know-it-all elitist self-approving cool proud of oneself vaunting unconcerned tyrannical pleased content individualistic swollen stiff brassy despotic uncivil nervy indifferent smart egomaniac peacockish posh malapert inner-directed pert fresh pushful self-absorbed flatulent la-de-da high-minded highfaluting in love with oneself goody-goody stuck on oneself sure think too highly of oneself have an excessively high opinion of oneself self-serving full of hot air well pleased too big for one's boots smart-alecky too big for one's breeches orgulous putting on airs think a lot of oneself aristocratic arbitrary offhand crowing poncey windy elitist self-opinioned oppressive priggish self-obsessed stuffy loud obnoxious hotshot highhanded ambitious high refined scoffing mocking sneering blowing one's own horn undemocratic heavy-handed high falutin curt casual willful rigid wilful inflexible anti-democratic repressive swollen with pride honourable gracious honorable wrapped up in oneself insouciant uninterested egomaniacal bullish self-aggrandizing reserved distant detached flushed ingrained obsessive personal intimate inborn inherent idiosyncratic intrinsic isolated introverted subjective offensively self-assertive too big for your breeches too big for your britches free familiar overbold unceremonious discourteous think one is the cat's pyjamas think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift jumped up overfamiliar rash impolite too big for one's britches nose in the air on your high horse on high horse ironhanded dominant abrupt brusque glib terse cursory perfunctory off ungracious splendid exaggerated grand spectacular flowery magnificent overstated impetuous previous premature overhasty hasty foolhardy precipitate remote flip wise unabashed tony presumptive take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish unblushing boldfaced barefaced procacious I'm all right, Jack well-pleased flushed with success proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary like the cat that's got the cream happy disrespectful improper inappropriate shameless gratified careless high-flown throwing one's weight about satisfied contented serene gloating triumphant obsequious easy-going like the cat that got the cream self-possessed resting on your laurels loudmouth windbag brag boast ham phony gall conceity phoney snot-nosed blowing one's own trumpet big talking commanding authoritative tyrannous autocratical tyrannic smarty potty ritzy cold-shoulder dogmatic wise guy solipsistic self-interested on an ego trip derisive withering self-involved self-oriented self-preoccupied self-infatuated self-concerned slighting insulting self-seeking disparaging jeering iron-handed abhorrent strict draconian severe harsh imperial belittling full of contempt imperative exclusive brassbound arch coercive derisory autarchic thoughtless forceful scathing brazen-faced assertive bold-faced iron-fisted demeaning degrading derogative snide depreciative denigratory detractive derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative regnant doctrinaire unyielding sardonic opprobrious inward-looking demanding throwing one's weight around self-respecting standoffish stooping absolute airy puffed dicty silliness giddy dizzy flighty disciplinarian totalitarian cliquish la-dee-da complaisant wiseguy illiberal denigrating defiant bullying sarcastic overproud cynical hypercritical lording it on a high horse on one's high horse majestic regal imposing august judicial stately dignified abusive despicable malicious preponderant ascendant prevalent highfalutin' compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory uncaring unthinking looking after number one Neronian dogmatical clamorous crack-the-whip stern firm throwing weight around dictative rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating genteel mannered contrived artificial chichi precious schmaltzy campy grandstanding positive certain jaunty independent taunting lah-di-dah self-indulgent self-sufficient having a swelled head wrapped up with oneself hypocritical pious pietistic sanctimonious flamboyant big self-aggrandising cock-a-hoop turning up your nose at looking down your nose at high falutin' upper-class smart aleck smart guy smarty pants subjugating controlling hard-nosed hard temperamental disapproving upstage gone Hollywood over-refined full of airs and graces strong-willed high hat dog it pharisaic mealy-mouthed pi moralizing unctuous preachy Pharisaic noble canting Tartuffian Pharisaical in driver's seat crack the whip moralising too good to be true

Tính từ

Marked by, or displaying, a boldness of character
bold impudent brash cheeky forward saucy brazen audacious fresh insolent sassy shameless cocky pert barefaced brassy immodest impertinent presumptuous unabashed confident feisty pushy rude arch blatant bold-faced brassbound brazen-faced cocksure defiant familiar free in-your-face nervy overfamiliar presuming unashamed unblushing unembarrassed unshrinking wise arrogant brass-necked forceful spirited assuming gritty self-assured smart smart-alecky bold as brass coming on strong not backwards in coming forwards flip disrespectful bumptious overconfident self-assertive contumelious malapert disdainful supercilious uppity overbold haughty impolite discourteous irreverent lippy pompous flippant overweening overbearing conceited flagrant assumptive smug lordly arrant self-asserting hubristic inconsiderate lofty uppish insubordinate high-handed pretentious imperious cavalier contemptuous assertive insulting offensive mouthy self-confident aggressive procacious high and mighty unmannerly egotistical loud sniffy ill-mannered uncivil improper proud opinionated vain boastful patronizing obtrusive blustering cool superior snippy scornful self-important hifalutin highfalutin huffy chesty huffish toplofty toploftical boldfaced vainglorious intrusive patronising high-and-mighty stiff-necked high-hat indecorous officious bad-mannered peremptory outrageous full of oneself domineering out of line egotistic thrusting pushing crude mannerless smart-arsed swaggering brazenfaced meddlesome bald-faced bossy swollen-headed derisive abusive smart-assed important masterful indelicate indecent snobbish off-base condescending out-of-line disparaging snotty snooty abandoned wanton impetuous interfering undisguised rash prying meddling nosy indiscreet ungracious obnoxious immoral facetious strident thoughtless smarty-pants cute smart-aleck bigheaded affected smarty shocking ill-bred mischievous sneering pushful snobby elitist dictatorial mocking full of yourself know-it-all loudmouthed as bold as brass scoffing hoity-toity stuck-up toffee-nosed sacrilegious profane impious blasphemous wise guy unseemly cold-shoulder ambitious aweless unconcerned fearless too big for your boots hotheaded crass pontifical egoistic egoistical narcissistic prideful egocentric impulsive impolitic over-free open busy intruding tactless naughty inappropriate unconcealed hotshot breezy forthright depraved dissolute unchaste hardened incorrigible lewd reprobate profligate unprincipled protrusive nosey snoopy precipitate hasty vulgar flashy daring bright coarse unrepentant self-affected bloated selfish self-promoting self-serving self-engrossed self-congratulatory self-opinionated self-centered self-righteous self-contented self-adulatory swellheaded biggity self-glorifying self-conceited self-centred bare-faced presumptive magisterial showy self-satisfied undiplomatic unhandsome unmannered uncalled-for sheer loud-mouthed orgulous untactful vivacious iconoclastic bantam insistent over-assertive fancy-pants big-headed bragging biggety autocratic disgracious snippety puffed up stuck up irreverential unhallowed crusty ungodly unholy jumped up hard unapologetic on an ego trip brave plucky amoral boldface obvious heavy indulgent overindulgent relaxed ballsy lacking civility bad mannered imperative impish throwing one's weight around overhasty previous premature foolhardy meretricious tawdry spunky gutsy temeritous combative volatile weisenheiming effervescent trashy heedless headlong incautious maladroit bullish tolerant free-and-easy go-ahead smart-mouthed uninhibited put down overassertive direct chirpy dapper dashing keen highhanded overt overfriendly overfree undismayed undaunted importunate remote swanky ostentatious tony persnickety aloof unduly familiar noisy blaring harsh projecting prognathous bald bulging jutting grating jarring frank temerarious naked churlish high-flown throwing one's weight about putting on airs driven unawed unflinching piercing raucous unfitting unbecoming making passes at making advances towards misbehaved unfilial profanatory cacophonous deafening jangling dissonant thundering booming shrill poised composed abashless unaffected unshamed unrestrained high-pressure enterprising fierce go-getting militant chatting up gaudy ear-splitting discordant personal unsubtle undignified suggestive unladylike ungentlemanly jazzy tinny garish sharp-elbowed inquisitive incongruous unsuitable high-pitched metallic flirtatious without shame risqué smutty scandalous unwholesome untoward distasteful off base smart alecky off-colour out of keeping withering derisory taunting jeering sure witty demeaning scathing degrading derogative snide abhorrent depreciative denigratory slighting detractive belittling derogatory decrying pejorative uncomplimentary depreciatory deprecatory denigrative positive certain jaunty high hat hard-nosed on your high horse temperamental full of contempt on high horse sardonic disapproving dog it upstage opprobrious smart aleck smart guy smarty pants clever pointed ingenious sarcastic incisive adept smooth agile highbrowed humorous whimsical highbrow sharp bantering apt tongue-in-cheek droll quick nimble jocular jesting ready nifty quick-witted authoritarian tyrannical assured despotic complacent authoritative commanding dogmatic grandiose strutting tyrannous autocratical tyrannic consequential arbitrary la-di-da oppressive dismissive above oneself aristocratic inflated doctrinaire inflexible dominating portentous puffed-up rigid imperial wilful sententious self-loving uncompromising posh potty stuffy ritzy holier-than-thou pleased with oneself pontificating obstinate unyielding puffy repressive draconian willful flaunting severe stiff adamant bombastic imposing indifferent blusterous prejudiced opinionative opinioned vaunting bigoted iron-handed exclusive obdurate heavy-handed intolerant dogmatical self-aggrandizing undemocratic autarchic pigheaded boasting loudmouth anti-democratic peacockish strict stubborn self-regarding self-absorbed braggart self-admiring self-applauding pleased with yourself firm in love with oneself too big for one's boots coercive biased absolute full of hot air high controlling brusque abrupt emphatic dominant regnant crowing totalitarian egomaniac careless iron-fisted summary gracious flatulent windbag illiberal high-minded la-de-da wisenheimer single-minded definite bull-headed demanding highfaluting dictative of fixed views too big for one's breeches think too highly of oneself think a lot of oneself self-approving goody-goody have an excessively high opinion of oneself well pleased self-complacent self-flattering extraverted braggy self-pleased self-gratulatory self-dramatizing blustery extroverted proud of oneself too big for one's britches offhand puffed standoffish elitist refined airy powerful casual curt cliquish masterly bullying poncey windy disciplinarian honourable honorable silliness giddy dizzy flighty insouciant uninterested offensively self-assertive ironhanded overproud high falutin reserved distant detached selective self-obsessed decisive wiseguy self-willed unceremonious lording it stooping insufferable ranting glib terse cursory off perfunctory preponderant ascendant prevalent majestic regal august judicial stately dignified blowing one's own horn partisan self-opinioned grand spectacular magnificent splendid exaggerated flowery overstated priggish wrapped up in oneself take-it-or-leave-it pococurante offish la-dee-da complaisant blowhard sure of oneself compulsatory obligatory mandatory exacting required compulsory discriminatory daredevil reckless madcap brisk fustian swanking big-mouthed too big for your breeches swollen with pride on a high horse on one's high horse self-respecting nose in the air riding for a fall overoptimistic Neronian cynical hypercritical big of preconceived ideas exultant denigrating monocratic clamorous crack-the-whip stern throwing weight around despicable malicious stuck on oneself compelling undeniable rigorous decided fixed stringent finished think one is the cat's whiskers think one is God's gift think one is the cat's pyjamas downright unchallengeable entrenched narrow-minded unquestionable categorical unbending pleased rejecting contemning averse despising antipathetic unsympathetic scouting repudiating content absolutist small-minded flushed brag boast hot stuff conceity ham phony gall phoney fascistic fanatical one-sided unequivocal tenacious determined wrong-headed formal bullheaded uncontrolled one-party unaccountable unconstitutional single-party sure of yourself heading for a fall on ego trip ruthless tsarist czarist merciless turning up your nose at looking down your nose at subjugating I'm all right, Jack well-pleased proud of yourself like a cat that has swallowed the canary flushed with success like the cat that's got the cream strong-willed snot-nosed devastating big talking blowing one's own trumpet humiliating in driver's seat crack the whip solemn stinging biting mortifying blistering blasting searing ponderous snubbing blighting hurtful sonorous grandiloquent declamatory crushing rhetorical overblown oratorical overripe apostolic serious grave headstrong pig-headed

Tính từ

Ridiculously extreme or excessive in degree
extravagant exaggerated excessive exorbitant extortionate immoderate unrestrained high undue disproportionate effusive extreme fulsome gushing gushy needless sky-high unnecessary unreasonable unwarranted fancy-pants inordinate overextravagant plethoric steep intolerable overgenerous overweening profuse unconscionable uncalled for outré lavish overmuch stiff towering insane overdue devilish unmerciful fancy baroque outrageous intemperate over the top monumental enormous wanton superfluous grand OTT wild too much grandiose tremendous epic massive surplus great imposing vast profligate unmeasurable huge prodigious a bit much substantial preposterous monstrous prodigal extra over the odds reckless colossal uncalled-for uncontrolled magnificent unbridled immense large boundless giant self-indulgent uncurbed considerable redundant dizzying whopping big unbounded stupendous impressive criminal imprudent overkill abandoned gigantic extraordinary limitless superabundant unrestricted inflated severe prohibitive supererogatory mountainous lofty mammoth pricey heavy unlimited heroic overboard unchecked overabundant excess too many unjustified wasteful super de trop expensive commanding Homeric in excess sizable humongous O.T.T. overindulgent titanic sizeable voluminous way out extensive overpriced gratuitous audacious astronomical harsh out of control supernumerary dissipated spare magnific fantastic punitive irrational unhampered rampant serious uncontrollable luxurious runaway riotous striking gargantuan gross costly astronomic jumbo dear immeasurable mighty mega monster majestic out of all proportion hulking ostentatious egregious remarkable elephantine hefty handsome resplendent Brobdingnagian unneeded bumper oversized unjustifiable unwarrantable heroical outsized unfair violent over-the-top princely king-size king-sized surplus to requirements king size improper ridiculous abounding indulgent rigorous unjust recrementitious stratospheric supernatural more ruinous ample tall drastic significant unhindered punishing abundant sharp dramatic ambitious draconian raw excessively high far-reaching unfettered swingeing oppressive unrelenting imperial splendid ginormous almighty fine regal thumping unmitigated rash bold stately glorious baronial additional proud excellent marvellous terrific herculean spectacular sublime elaborate oversize expansive superb outsize supersized radical walloping stunning arresting heedless high-priced staggering super-duper pharaonic supersize cyclopean bulky royal marvelous fabulous exquisite awe-inspiring beautiful wondrous statuesque kingly sumptuous out of hand splendorous amazing sightly big-ticket desperate elevated dire dissipative debauched showy unbalanced forceful unseemly careless very expensive decadent zealous copious increased strong too-too over highway robbery uninhibited too great remaining supreme impetuous unacceptable dispensable absonant ludicrous momentous expendable crippling strict useless illogical free inessential tough dissolute ungovernable unwanted infinite august superior austere incontinent nonsensical noble nonessential unyielding stellar leftover not required substantive transcendent unrequired wide unusual surpassing residuary up to here gigantesque epidemic widespread unconstrained major broad pandemic raging out of sight rife pleonastic healthy humungous far-out superfluent rampaging exuberant flagrant pervasive devil-may-care leviathan overflowing unasked mondo eye-catching costing an arm and a leg full-size cumbersome cosmic overgrown turbulent proliferating generous whacking ponderous good-size good-sized tidy galactic cosmical megalithic sensational opulent licentious thumping great swanky stirring awesome palatine gorgeous super colossal largish divine goodly whopping great queenly elegant spreading like wildfire celestial splendiferous palatial heavenly a whale of a biggish formidable on the rampage whacking great ominous Himalayan solemn untempered very too passionate unsuitable inappropriate sweeping tempestuous very profitable high-dollar value non-essential grandiloquent long Miltonian marked unmerited unbecoming undeserved raised greedy blown up out of all proportion hard absurd boosted soaring a lot exceeding inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable inexcusable overinflated senseless unaffordable pricy unused unproductive disposable uncivilised unthinkable inconceivable shocking appalling sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible wicked barbarous uncivilized ungodly horrifying unholy left over waste to spare high-flown bombastic high-sounding stringent distinguished impulsive capricious cavalier top premium extremely high ritzy extraneous on your hands unessential multistorey sky-scraping meaty plentiful heightened liberal good plenteous thick escalated measurable respectable pronounced full bounteous fat jacked up bountiful hulky appreciable far-fetched onerous cruel grievous rough exacting immodest posh unrightful imbalanced unlawful wrongful peremptory unprovoked arbitrary unwieldy outstanding paramount altitudinous uneconomical unduly expensive an arm and leg bitter brutal hardhanded rugged grim portly powerful venerable spacious man-size Bunyanesque swelled great big socking great roomy of considerable size deep fair-sized comprehensive husky capacious family-sized family-size brobdingnagian whopper commodious man-sized dirty great massy thundering fair-size economy-size life-size economy-sized mastodonic beyond the pale daylight robbery costing a bomb a rip-off lordly above average abnormal intensified murderous trying excruciating burdensome searing rank aggressive dominant tumultuous costing the earth over one's head high-dollar spendy high-end priceless valuable precious pretentious egotistic improvident vehement prevalent out of bounds overblown hardheaded pitiless intractable relentless headstrong inhuman inexorable airy preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping imperious unconfined uncompromising stern unbending luxuriant volatile theatrical overdone silly unshackled untrammelled spreading clamorous blustering unruly boisterous exceeding bounds rambling fecund predominant threatening multiplying flourishing growing furious robust intense rigid remorseless exceptional consequential undisciplined unimpeded natural unsuppressed overambitious large-scale unrealistic high-falutin' high-flying on a grand scale ballsy fanciful adventurous fanatical irrepressible unbound loose unquenchable unstoppable footloose uncontainable downright unconventional uncommon thorough absolute ferocious dignified unrepressed utter sheer profound admirable out-and-out spontaneous frank flamboyant candid impertinent indiscriminate blunt ungoverned saturnalian immoral impotent plenary open untrammeled lawless bizarre honourable honorable illustrious brash carefree out of proportion astonishing phenomenal fast-paced wonderful eminent gallant oceanic weighty mass notable prominent inspiring startling arrestive incredible fascinating electrifying dazzling solid vasty self-gratifying salacious worthy planetary behemothic behemoth heavyweight blimp supererogative mahoosive cumbrous titan special fantastical dreamy out of this world confounding perfect fast irresponsible frivolous foolhardy shameless giant-sized larger-than-life jumbo-sized giant-size extremely large extremely big very big Herculean extra-large barn door Cyclopean very large super-colossal renowned authoritative exciting temerarious daredevil slack gadabout louche fast and loose carnal corrupt first-class first-rate more than one can afford more than can be afforded

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