Đồng nghĩa của straight arrow

Tính từ

Tending to favor the status quo and averse to change
orthodox traditional accepted established received approved conventional common popular conformist conservative correct mainstream normal proper recognised recognized regular authoritative customary official usual authorised authorized canonical doctrinal prevailing prevalent standard traditionalist acknowledged archconservative brassbound button-down buttoned-down die-hard familiar hidebound mossbacked old-fashioned old-line old-school ordinary paleoconservative reactionary standpat traditionalistic ultraconservative unheretical unoriginal unprogressive derivative kosher routine well established well-established admitted legitimate pious punctilious religious right rightful sanctioned sound square straight bien pensant in line by the numbers according to the book general stock habitual typical expected average classical everyday accustomed characteristic commonplace classic universal set widespread representative current natural archetypal archetypical wonted unexceptional fitting suitable quintessential model bourgeois standardized inflexible ideal Tory fixed fogyish typic formal illiberal prototypical respectable fuddy-duddy emblematic indicative standardised befitting prescriptive fit exemplary matter-of-course middle-of-the-road ubiquitous prototypal time-honoured true stable predominant settled acceptable rightist firm confirmed unimaginative illustrative run-of-the-mill symbolic appropriate paradigmatic constant bog-standard strait-laced apt essential going comme il faut steady in keeping in character old hat suggestive archetypic long-established dyed-in-the-wool regulation patterned prototypic seemly de rigueur timid unchanging in a rut overall majority shared quiet sober guarded time-honored decent decorous fashionable redneck undaring obstinate uncreative controlled unchangeable fearful legal public right-wing becoming rife household vanilla stuffy genteel done unadventurous well-known standard-issue proverbial old guard holding to old line white bread not extreme hard hat chronic conforming right of center widely held lawful rigid diehard ruling polite stereotypical old proven refined uncompromising just prudent understood prosaic valid daily unremarkable predictable plain legit garden-variety warranted frequent allowed moral cut-and-dried cut-and-dry garden variety in circulation in vogue statutory blimpish historic due wide intolerant collective intransigent generic endorsed obscurantist nice fair fundamentalist pervasive broad reliable ritual retrogressive regressive counterrevolutionary widely used good boring dogmatic staple basic ultra-conservative individualistic mannerly old-style sensible quotidian careful parochial applicable licensed narrow-minded judicious safe prescribed workaday accredited stereotyped vulgar precise simple documented meet well-mannered de règle civilized OK virtuous stipulated common or garden comely permitted outdated ceremonious day-to-day honest agreed upon puritanical civilised well worn okay licenced Pooterish tried and true tried and tested stick-in-the-mud out-of-date on the level par for the course across the board by the book in force on the up and up lamestream favoured extensive central definitive convinced immovable philistine extremist unreconstructed undoubted uncontested undisputed unquestioned canonic core cautious textbook moderate agreed ethnocentric purist unenterprising imitable temperate dominant primary circumspect discerning net protocol in order plastic white-bread so-so grind favored great alt-right signature touted boilerplate presentational socially acceptable counter-revolutionary Birchite couth courtly unopposed passed okayed preferred stick in the mud discreet abiding favourite comfortable favorite done thing one-size-fits-all set in one's ways backward-looking medieval prehistoric mediaeval unreasonable unreceptive bigoted standard operating procedure playing it safe sop same old wont in the groove according to Hoyle acquired honored enduring immortal ageless mutual diplomatic stilted stiff stiff-necked starchy tralatitious apposite staid hackneyed derived suburban lasting timeless traditionary stodgy known inveterate inherent symptomatic consistent fogeyish tasteful dignified right stuff honoured congruous adopted intermutual embraced united commutual like renowned believed immemorial strict Biedermeier straight-laced small-town ceremonial of the old school historical anticipated foreseeable foreseen arrived at mass pukka presentable dependable in established usage entrenched formulaic distinctive likely unsurprising idiosyncratic distinguishing declared recognizable identified perceived serious highbrow former ancestral right-leaning authentic memorable unforgettable ritualistic undying deathless dated native clichéd cliched realized remembered past certified national blanket communal overarching global joint outright out of the ark behind the times out of date heavy symphonic concert heavyweight authenticated realised recognisable professed deserved comprehensive rampant folk prior ancient true to form to be expected validated obedient to the right trustworthy right wing unquestioning astute merited only to be expected on the cards … all over true to type total sweeping epidemic nationwide societal wholesale verified familial family bygone widely recognized commonly accepted generally accepted deep-rooted ingrained compulsory signed sealed ratified wise sagacious intelligent lineal officially recognized bona fide rooted secure unshakable vested permanent signed and sealed ordered straight from the horse's mouth cleared decisive cathedral positive real decided conclusive ex cathedra definite and delivered ex officio narrow oral unwritten obligatory mandatory necessary required condign competent justified earned broad-spectrum across-the-board broad-brush all-round all-around prejudiced percipient perceptive shrewd licit permissible allowable legalized admissible biased reasonable constitutional handed-down upright from the past outmoded old-world of yore socially obligatory a must called for au fait holding water requisite fly moralistic faithful tried-and-true ethical principled noble reputable twenty-four carat significant well deserved card-carrying in principle equitable well earned right-minded fanatical puritan jaundiced legalised intractable within the law conforming to accepted standards above board going by the rules small-minded accurate exact petty-minded close-minded hard-line set in your ways gentlemanly set in one's opinions fixed in one's views qualified felicitous pretty desired suited ladylike demure modest honourable sedate honorable courteous prim prudish priggish prissy dull humdrum mundane undistinguished pedestrian uneventful mediocre characterless a dime a dozen uninteresting plain vanilla unmemorable uninspired unexciting monotonous colourless banal indifferent nothing to write home about colorless persistent nondescript garden middling no great shakes uninspiring ornery trite recurring perennial long-lived lackluster lacklustre dreary tedious stale bland age-old continual repeated unnoteworthy recurrent continuing second-rate tame inbred long-standing tolerable passable not up to much homespun deep-seated drab medium ineradicable unmitigated inborn incurable nothing special repetitious stubborn lifelong unpretentious tired unvaried repetitive hacky forgettable unabating domestic lowly terrestrial jejune endemic ceaseless periodic inferior mean run-of-the-mine run-of-mine half-pie persisting tenacious continuous ever-present unyielding dime-a-dozen bog standard methodical certain insipid wearisome not much cop vintage protracted platitudinous unimpressive mechanical inconspicuous tiresome adequate ho-hum insignificant unvarying blah overused obvious corny homely humble slow nitty-gritty automatic nowhere long-lasting banausic determined existing fair-to-middling second-class intermediate ten a penny fairish not so hot scheduled present periodical straightforward nothing to get excited about defined ongoing taken for granted old-time perfect chosen absolute iterated cyclic reiterative numerous overworked median consummate nothing in style systematic prolonged seasoned preponderant regnant practical casual informal habituated in fashion fundamental incessant perpetual plebeian prosy ponderous worn out catholic all-embracing worldwide ecumenical numbing worn-out innate well known inconsequential arid leaden jading flat amateurish amateur satisfactory lingering dragging dusty monochromatic stupid dry mind-numbing run of the mill two a penny bush-league not bad O.K. timeworn fair to middling sustained middle of the road all right diurnal explicit pervading respected orderly diagnostic contemporary latest extant modern venerable seasonal long-drawn-out OB express gut default unspectacular what one would expect in-between usual thing long-winded dead ho hum big yawn time-worn overdone well-worn annoying irritating in use acquainted next trivial domiciliary famous notorious legendary famed given used mimetic samey unsophisticated reigning arranged specified cornball dime-store vexatious boresome mimic predetermined remaining serviceable profuse reiterated played out starch homey home lacking variety lacking variation imitative appointed no-frills anonymous workday local unimportant prearranged apish supported affirmed backed OK'd superabundant inevitable familiar tune boiler plate severe whitebread jake drawn-out spun-out haunting axiomatic self-evident useless circulating irrelevant paltry inconsiderable ultimate unmistakable hard-core deep bred-in-the-bone deep-set intrenched unavoidable inescapable slavish unending acute dangerous anaemic pointless immaterial piddling worthless random cyclical continued individual planned of choice in the habit of common variety matter-of-fact practised long-term addicting disciplined perfunctory practiced iterative supreme whatever meaningless reputed infamous not very good epigonous epigonic empty gray grey congenital irredeemable anemic recommended assigned cheap and commonplace superior assured commonest reoccurring dire alarming extreme grave peculiar canned out-and-out complete utter afoot predominating wearying drudging tiring weary at his best at its best at her best made official vouched for sworn radicated adamant non-specific indurated emulative ready-made of little importance of no consequence of no importance of little consequence not worth mentioning of no great concern of no account businesslike rolling repeating successive blending into the background unpreventable ineluctable principal influential operative main preponderating special respective particular personal own distinct about never-ending thoroughgoing royal arrant thorough bromidic toneless lifeless treadmill dim monotone plodding methodic considerable in the air bruited about making the rounds doing the rounds in general use on everyone's lips going around talked of prime copybook oft repeated midway middle full specific generous tidy abundant appreciable marked noticeable goodly sizable worthwhile substantial sizeable biggish medial mid dinki-di lusterless actual practicable yawn clean pabulum diddly zero irksome prose halfway intermediary readily available widely available unmistaken neutral midsized midmost midsize mediate identifying robot-like par unlimited pandemic celestial all all-over unrestricted stellar cosmic multinational planetary cosmopolitan diffuse all-inclusive empyrean worldly omnipresent whole astronomical medium-sized middle-sized matter-of- fact unnoticeable discriminating identifiable ample sufficient goodish intensive no big deal up to standard good enough pretty good most common most typical most usual most frequent

Tính từ

(of a person) Strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior
formal conventional prim stiff exact precise staid correct proper stuffy unbending aloof inflexible reserved unsympathetic affected detached haughty remote starched starchy stilted unfriendly antisocial austere forbidding official restrained reticent seemly serious taciturn unapproachable uncommunicative undemonstrative unforthcoming unresponsive unsocial withdrawn polite strait-laced stiff-necked by the numbers stand-offish keeping people at arm's length cool cold distant frigid frosty standoffish unemotional offish icy chilly unsociable dispassionate indifferent unfeeling ceremonious decorous cold-eyed passionless composed cold-blooded placid collected sedate wooden unwelcoming impersonal emotionless glacial calm unclubbable asocial standoff sober rigid solitary dry gelid uncompanionable stony solemn self-contained buttoned-up secretive somber impassive close sombre quiet demure serene uncordial chill tranquil grave hostile unruffled dignified clammy peaceful inhibited phlegmatic antiseptic brittle imperturbable self-controlled hard-eyed unflappable steady punctilious nice together possessed guarded coolheaded unperturbed lukewarm untroubled unloving recollected undisturbed unworried retiring stately shy unenthusiastic close-mouthed self-possessed self-composed inhospitable cautious diffident modest unconcerned supercilious disdainful apathetic cool as cucumber wintery bashful gentle mild soft-spoken misanthropic noncommittal reclusive backward eremitic self-restrained wintry coldish affectless frozen arctic cold-hearted unshaken hard-boiled flinty steely unsmiling stern severe stolid mannered uninterested stoical impassible stoic numb incurious earnest businesslike passive clinical uncongenial controlled uncharitable repellent neutral uppity cold-shoulder equal proud mean-looking cold as ice impartial uninvolved laid back thick-skinned uptight unmoved unaffectionate contained genteel off unexcitable unamicable ungenial insolent annoyed offended impudent impertinent procacious offhand unaffable hesitant spiritless unexcited unneighbourly unkind hardhearted callous stony-hearted insociable arrogant uncaring unhappy unneighborly hateful depressing stuck-up down-to-earth grounded pacific put on airs insensitive ardorless impervious impotent unromantic loveless forced strict harsh unnatural laboured hard unsentimental silent strained artificial priggish grim matter-of-fact rigorous unrelaxed lifeless inhuman bureaucratic labored dour private unrelenting stringent featureless depersonalized uncolored gray colourless straight depersonalised faceless candid grey measured nondiscriminatory unpassioned colorless abstract anonymous poker-faced careful soulless monolithic constrained exacting media-shy gruff fierce tough unforgiving authoritarian unyielding louring illiberal serious-minded solid rough lowering ramrod intimidating rugged closemouthed shrinking timid tight-lipped introverted laconic self-effacing dumb limpid level smooth obdurate ungentle astringent inexorable retired snobbish Olympian strictly business cold turkey boring stick-in-the-mud hard-nosed no-nonsense heavy-handed deliberate cold sober snooty lofty hard-hearted on ice stuck up cold fish lone wolf putting on airs disinterested heartless nonchalant casual objective unprejudiced uncurious unbiased laid-back curt unexpressive unpleasant antipathetic nonpartisan evenhanded unaffected untouched insouciant uncivil insensible removed introvert rude heedless mute nasty unstirred antagonistic inattentive mom speechless pococurante menacing brooding fair-minded mum blasé unaroused discourteous ungracious unimpressed disagreeable hardened negative clammed up heedless of equitable sententious cool, calm and collected uncommitted inimical relaxed just fair unamiable cross nonaligned easy listless sparing outside square stark oblivious deadpan uncompassionate cruel glowering unpitying expressionless flat dried-up apathetic about uninvolved in uninterested in on the fence abstracted preoccupied unmoved by brusque coldhearted impolite complacent perfunctory undecided inactive inert obnoxious uninvolved with surly bored by sour ill-natured superior nonbelligerent noncombatant sullen untalkative tongue-tied careless unmindful of deaf to negligent oblivious to neuter nonparticipating middle-of-road unaligned bystanding disengaged pacifistic jaundiced mortal adversary adversarial ill-disposed incommunicable muted rational nongregarious scowling disapproving equable resolute even-handed bad-tempered independent spacey tightlipped grouchy halfhearted aversive repugnant mean dead blank bland vacant toneless hollow hard-headed inapproachable short nonplussed on sidelines insular incommunicative open-minded inaccessible non-partisan nowhere unimpassioned immovable nonemotional frowning uncommunicable spaced-out insusceptible unsusceptible out of it insensate ill-tempered unrevealing balanced unimpressionable eremetic crass tactless obtuse imperceptive grim-faced hard as nails feelingless bloodless without fear or favour with no axe to grind stony-eyed conservative avoidant introspective half-hearted tepid unsavoury indifferent about incurious about abrupt objectionable unattractive unlikeable unenthused unincluded selfish ungenerous analytic terse dismissive camera-shy dispassionate about not interested timorous inward-looking mopey mopish distrustful xenophobic sheepish coy recessive inscrutable unfazed level-headed cool-headed unreceptive suspicious unsavory socially inhibited overbearing wicked uninquiring unagitated unfavorable unfavourable logical discreet close-lipped inarticulate aseptic retreated thoughtful recluse alienated unimpressible uninfluenced pompous unselfish isolated marble inexpressive blah indurated inexcitable ungainly not caring contemptuous withering seclusive unconversational non-discriminatory cynical ascetic hermitlike ungregarious dry-eyed undismayed secret enduring resigned philosophic indomitable hermitic hermit-like hermitical tight-mouthed wordless dark clamlike carefree selfless along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches non-emotional non-communicative self-sufficient all alone mumchance unwilling to mix with other people blithe without prejudice free from discrimination free from self-interest evasive hush-hush unswayed contrived immune at a loss for words honest unbigoted pokerfaced unmindful easy-going nonaffected dried up buttoned up devil-may-care happy-go-lucky embarrassed repressed self-conscious awkward uneasy on the QT immune to impervious to stubborn unanxious sitting on the fence on the level lighthearted slaphappy gay lightsome debonair straight-faced proof against subdued unrelated unconnected autonomous unallied compassionless inconsiderate supine deaf unbothered not bothered at ease forgetful self-centered feckless lackadaisical blind undaunted self-centred aggressive pitiless thoughtless merciless ferocious quarrelsome without a care in the world not giving a toss inhumane ruthless desensitized indurate case-hardened pachydermatous remorseless stonyhearted stoney unsparing slash-and-burn take-no-prisoners unmerciful ironhearted uninviting unmannerly lacking compassion formidable inured to with a heart of stone desensitised as hard as nails unsensitive crabbed threatening glum churlish competitive unpromising contrary against warlike vengeful conflicting acrimonious opposed opposite estranged censorious combative grudging malicious disaffected malignant spiteful grumpy savage fell sinister morose bleak sulky unconcerned about splenetic vicious cantankerous crusty truculent offhand about apathetic towards casual about regardless nonchalant about uncaring about not on speaking terms frivolous about reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of careless of cavalier about unresponsive to weary of lukewarm about phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about highbrow scornful boot-faced not giving a monkey's

Tính từ

(of a person) Honest and frank in nature
straightforward direct forthright honest open candid frank sincere straight truthful plain plainspoken upfront downright forthcoming freehearted genuine outspoken unambiguous unguarded unreserved openhearted round foursquare guileless level pretenseless unconcealed undisguised undissembled undissembling unvarnished up-front dinkum free-spoken out-front plain-speaking two-fisted honest-to-goodness on the level on the square plain-dealing right-on straight-arrow up front square-shooting straight from the shoulder like it is not afraid to call a spade a spade on the up and up laid on the line blunt plain-spoken unequivocal explicit bald matter-of-fact uninhibited ingenuous artless real transparent bluff no-nonsense unqualified free outright brutal simple aboveboard clear naked straight-shooting harsh stark natural bare unembellished realistic unadorned undiplomatic categorical straight-talking true bare-faced lay it on the line from the hip point-blank square warts and all tactless saying what one thinks upright call a spade a spade brazen unrestricted true to life abrupt fair unexaggerated bold curt to the point kosher unfeigned talking turkey speaking as one finds brusque unrestrained straight-out unceremonious proper innocent just blatant above board unsparing unfiltered rude trustworthy man-to-man barefaced literal unveiled naive scrupulous unreticent clear-cut straight to the point point blank raw flat-out not beating about the bush laying it on the line calling spade a spade short basic fundamental uncompromising pure gruff legitimate severe hard patent reliable snippy brusk short-spoken crusty authentic terse unevasive vocal easy apparent familiar heart-to-heart unstinting unpretending crisp straight-from-the-shoulder brief impartial complete unbiased unprejudiced cold for real lawful precise fair and square pulling no punches not beating around the bush veracious calling a spade a spade fair-and-square meaning what one says gritty cavalier forward vociferous accountable brutally honest indiscreet exact communicative opinionated strident flagrant free-speaking unstudied undesigning unmistakable unconstrained demonstrative unmodified unpretended frontal parrhesiastic black-and-white palpable heartless total grim insensitive impolitic dry off-the-record obvious sheer manifest evident unpretentious intolerant no beating around the bush speaking straight from the shoulder open-and-shut right up front austere no lie unaffected rough hearty open-hearted not pulling any punches open and shut out-and-out unhypocritical naïve telling it like it is faithful unornamented plain vanilla undecorated good-natured genial approachable even-handed no fooling friendly threadbare worn patchy cheery bearish snippety blustering breviloquent tart loud laconic truth-telling righteous true-blue believable legit veritable right on overt correct legal straight from shoulder regular equitable definite distinct specific ethical decent absolute express sanctioned official verifiable authorized valid accredited accepted objective honourable evenhanded equal nonpartisan indifferent honorable disinterested impersonal dispassionate indelicate sharp caustic on-the-level right as rain telling the truth on the up-and-up authorised hard-hitting trenchant impolite right and proper uncivil unpolished discourteous snappy not mincing one's words speaking one's mind

Trái nghĩa của straight arrow

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