Từ đồng nghĩa của negative

Alternative for negative

negatives, negatived, negativing

Từ trái nghĩa: affirmative, positive,

Tính từ

Denotes a state of denial, disagreement, or refusal
rejecting refusing contradictory dissenting dissentient contrary opposing opposed denying anti- gainsaying dissentious in the negative dissident nonconformist heterodox differing heretical contradicting disagreeing discordant unorthodox heretic complaining rebellious rebelling maverick out-there unconventional iconoclastic nonorthodox objecting revolutionary protesting non-compliant recusant schismatic sectarian renegade radical individualistic rebel eccentric original separatist irregular sceptical revisionist nonconforming offbeat impious conflicting oddball weird alternative controversial unceremonious informal skeptical beatnik way-out opposition uncanonical subversive questioning irreverent innovative critical unsound doubtful mutinous malcontent groundbreaking denunciatory splinter freethinking idolatrous apostate agnostic free thinking seceding atheistical unbelieving non-believing pagan heathen non-theistic breakaway bohemian paynim recreant nullifidian freak clashing dissonant divisive polemical factional hippie dissentive sacrilegious deviating miscreant profane atheistic infidel misbelieving unusual unwonted abnormal off-centre avant-garde uncommon novel new idiosyncratic exotic Bohemian fresh divergent off-the-wall anomalous bizarre aberrant extreme outlandish perverse zany cranky improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal heteroclite uncustomary out there far-out flakey kinky crazy anarchic different untraditional flaky out of the ordinary way out off the wall off the beaten path

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(of a person, attitude, or situation) Having the characteristics of a pessimist
pessimistic defeatist gloomy gloom-ridden cynical bleak fatalistic dismissive anti antipathetic unwilling uncooperative discouraging obstructive resistive unconstructive balky resisting unenthusiastic cool cold uninterested weak unresponsive apathetic dejected despondent downbeat depressed hopeless discouraged melancholy demoralized despairing downhearted demoralised morose glum lugubrious black disheartened miserable bearish unhappy desolate sullen disconsolate sad unhopeful dismal dark foreboding suspicious distrustful doubting cheerless alarmist doleful resigned joyless morbid troubled mournful downcast saturnine doubtful forlorn dispirited woebegone blue heartbroken brokenhearted desperate inconsolable depressing sombre somber bitter sepulchral unfortunate wretched gray grey comfortless down crestfallen melancholic low-spirited low disappointed cast down anguished distressed dolorous heavy-hearted upset moody sorrowful heavyhearted droopy heartsick heartsore saddened sulky fed up uncertain down in the dumps broken-hearted given to looking on the black side down in the mouth grief-stricken ineffectual unhelpful unconfident defeated unfavorable unfavourable misanthropic nonconstructive spineless worried looking on the dark side looking on the black side unoptimistic in doldrums hurt down in dumps crabby languished broken emotional out of sorts dysphoric bowed down aggrieved teary in tears languorous triste tristful bereaved listless weepy down-hearted sick at heart languid pensive wistful down in mouth in grief spiritless in the dumps grieved hapless tearful regretful oppressed helpless pained tragic abject crabbed chapfallen long-faced sour weary doomed bad dour grumpy woeful hangdog sorry churlish mirthless surly in low spirits huffy adust chap-fallen ill-humoured unmitigable sunk brassed off ill-humored cheesed off bummed out in the doldrums up the creek in pain long-suffering in despair without hope grim grave dreary drab disheartening dispiriting funereal worrying dim harsh horrid oppressive austere chilly Eeyorish dreich depressive elegiac elegiacal godforsaken solemn drear dire murky chill plutonian Cimmerian darkening tenebrous lonesome sunless lonely cloudy tenebrific doomy unpromising inauspicious devastated disappointing doom-laden saddening distressing sorrowing suicidal moping unlikely unpropitious unencouraging full of despair serious grieving sinister scaremongering demoralizing mourning dirge-like horrible ominous dirgelike daunting crushing atrocious fraught distraught brooding overcome acherontic acheronian sunk in gloom disenchanting off-putting sickening frantic anxious frowning humourless sober in a blue funk having blue devils taciturn humorless singing the blues having the blahs glowering blue funk dragged mopish broody ugly at the end of one's tether at one's wits' end dejecting upsetting no-win strabilious demoralising can't win at the end of your tether weighed down in the pits in the soup not a prayer at end of one's rope shot down panicky exaggerated hysterical

Tính từ

Denotes the non-existence of a disease or condition

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Inclined to express negative or disapproving comments
critical censorious condemnatory condemning castigatory reproving denunciatory deprecatory disparaging disapproving scathing criticising criticizing fault-finding judgemental unfavourable unsympathetic hypercritical overcritical pedantic pettifogging cavilling carping quibbling niggling nitpicking pernickety picky belittling calumniatory cavillous censuring cutting cynical griping hairsplitting unfavorable bellyaching captious caviling faultfinding judgmental rejective whingeing derogatory reprobatory reprobative nit-picking nit-picky pass-remarkable ultra-critical pejorative damning finicky hair-splitting demanding incriminatory pharisaic self-righteous judgy reproachful frowning discouraging nagging deprecating denouncing dissatisfied boot-faced disapprobatory fussy harsh slating hostile knocking displeased stern irritable crabby exceptive touchy sarcastic exacting severe cantankerous peevish nitpicky trivial testy perverse petty thorny acrimonious unfair contrary petulant unjust cross tricky full of reproof over-rigorous over-censorious over-strict over-particular over-exacting persnickety very critical overscrupulous nice overexacting overnice hard to please punctilious perfectionist meticulous fastidious scrupulous particular finical difficult to please precise impossible to please exact discriminating demeaning complaining precisionist contemptuous literalist dogmatic literalistic dainty querulous formalist biting satirical choosy purist difficult scholastic casuistical casuistic sophistical sophistic discerning fine overparticular overdelicate sharp squeamish choosey fussbudgety finicking old-maidish delicate refined faddy careful inflexible subtle grousing grouchy moaning grumbling overexact overprecise whining grouching overrefined brusque cruel hurtful bleating unforgiving slighting berating on someone's back culpatory reprehending vituperative accusatory reproaching chiding severely critical kvetching mithering chuntering scolding humbling diagnostic analytical lowering critic trenchant penetrating choleric withering discontented nasty cursing mean sensitive assiduous painstaking prim pure puritanical prudish keen stuffy selective sedulous sharp-tongued perceptive proper faddish prissy acute Victorian strait-laced schoolmarmish thorough stickling queasy very careful easily disgusted trying uncompromising importunate strict intractable clamorous tiresome tough obstinate rigorous dictatorial overbearing unaccommodating insistent unmanageable hard imperious troublesome stringent unbending exigent unamenable fractious hardheaded firm sticklerish stiff obdurate needy possessive unsparing stubborn unflinching unreasonable serious tyrannical hard-line hard to satisfy high-maintenance

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Disparaging, belittling or derogatory
pejorative derogatory deprecatory disparaging slighting belittling debasing denigratory depreciatory detractive uncomplimentary unpleasant contemptuous detractory disapproving abusive decrying defamatory degrading demeaning denigrative depreciative derisory derogative disdainful insulting libellous libelous scornful slanderous vituperative contumelious invective critical derisive detracting disadvantageous downgrading dyslogistic harsh irreverent judgmental rude sneering sniping unflattering deprecating offensive damaging unfavourable spiteful disrespectful hurtful vilifying diminishing deflating scurrilous calumniatory nasty discrediting scathing fault-finding unfavorable snide personal catty censorious minimizing minimising dismissive uncharitable unsympathetic epithetical damning mocking jibing intrusive impertinent cheeky familiar denigrating deprecative injurious dishonouring perfunctory calumnious mean discreditable traducing mud-slinging dimissory unenthusiastic sniffy snotty maligning despiteful aspersing malevolent humiliating dishonoring opprobrious malicious reproachful sarcastic insolent jeering scoffing vulgar scandalous ridiculing withering vituperatory vitriolic taunting supercilious reviling scurril truculent scurrile condescending sardonic caustic full of contempt affronting sarky depreciating foul mortifying cynical discourteous uncivil unmannerly obloquious obnoxious aspersive calumniating patronizing haughty arrogant shaming patronising abhorrent teasing pillorying snooty lampooning satirical biting blasphemous unkind scolding shameful undignified muckraking wounding snidey violent berating slurring venomous lowering superior defaming hateful castigating vicious false misrepresentative upbraiding coarse proud disgraceful untrue impolite dirty indecent ignominious abject unworthy outrageous offending cheapening inglorious malign infra dig dishonourable contemptible menial despicable overbearing egotistic cavalier sharp-tongued snobbish dishonorable bringing shame uppity cool high and mighty on your high horse repulsive virulent lying maledictory scandalmongering backbiting acerbic smearing poisonous maledictive ranting denunciatory aspersory unfriendly bitter sharp defiant libeling injuring excoriating hurting abasing libelling vile malignant reproaching disgracing abrupt curt brusque gruff short surly blunt ungracious shrewish vain imperious hypercritical insinuating bad-mannered ill-mannered objectionable snippy hard-nosed bold hard audacious temperamental upstage cold-shoulder irritating annoying reproving castigatory snarky ill-natured mordacious pathetic silly ridiculous cockamamy absurd ludicrous laughable risible cockamamie comical farcical preposterous offhand displeasing rough high hat dog it on high horse cutting ribald groundless obscene low infamous salacious gross scabrous gally out-of-line flip cocky fresh smart-alecky smart sassy nervy crusty exasperating raunchy lewd vituperous smutty filthy shameless exceptionable provocative impudent embarrassing vexing provoking galling corrupting wretched unbecoming Rabelaisian censurable shocking unacceptable crude reprehensible lordly aloof for the birds detestable upsetting improper foul-mouthed hoity-toity indifferent hifalutin prideful lofty highfalutin uppish rejecting antipathetic contemning averse high-and-mighty scouting despising repudiating toplofty turning up your nose at looking down your nose at

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Causing, or capable of causing, harm
corrupting corruptive adverse harmful damaging dangerous detrimental hurtful injurious deleterious destructive hazardous bad catastrophic dire disastrous pernicious unfavorable unfavourable cataclysmic crippling deadly devastating disadvantageous fatal prejudicial subversive undesirable baleful baneful calamitous critical ill lethal malignant perilous prejudicious ruinous sinister toxic unfortunate unhealthy unpropitious virulent cancerous corroding corrosive counterproductive evil inexpedient inimical inopportune malicious menacing mischievous nocuous noxious painful parlous threatening untoward unwholesome annihilative dicey eradicative extirpative incendiary malefic maleficent nocent poisonous suicidal undermining venomous wicked wounding malign hostile environmentally unfriendly malevolent unfriendly unsympathetic counter unsafe risky pestilential spiteful pestiferous contrary antagonistic noisome antipathetic ruining destroying disturbing pestilent precarious miasmatic insidious offensive miasmic nefarious mortal vicious nasty killing murderous mean opposed cruel lethiferous harassing wreckful insalubrious sinful internecine wrackful slaughterous rancorous unbeneficial hateful despiteful catty unwelcoming ill-disposed aspersive evil-intentioned inimicable disaffected inimic repugnant at odds oppugnant not conducive ill-timed inconvenient inauspicious unlucky untimely pejorative objectionable debit-side troublesome dyslogistic disparaging depreciative slighting uncomplimentary depreciatory derogatory unprofitable detracting downside unhelpful on the debit side bitter vindictive vitriolic unkind terminal acrimonious deathly mephitic ill-natured savage poison vengeful death-dealing fell septic life-threatening killer caustic viperous infectious infective vital incurable mortiferous toxicant splenetic cutting scathing corrupt distressing acid acerbic barbed sharp fierce hate-filled acrid cataclysmal waspish annihilatory devastative damning dirty toxiferous contaminated ominous biting stinging harsh abusive peccant unconducive trenchant contagious violent diseased withering morbid astringent mordacious brutal tart grievous envenomed foul fateful lousy rough unpleasant woeful afflictive mordant resentful sarcastic mephitical uncontrollable forbidding sardonic homicidal frightening defamatory mortuary final minatory grudging pointed vituperative ravaging cantankerous communicable searing revengeful bodeful razor-edged untreatable hellish acidulous dreadful minacious bilious irascible causing death crabbed spreading murder grave tragic catching hard ornery cussed shattering bad-natured evil-minded direful unsound spoiled rotten unnutritious spoilt cankerous tainting contaminating insulting intimidating aching hurting backbiting vile necrotic artful slanderous intimidatory bothersome iniquitous reprobate louring invasive mortifying poisoned embittered desolating annihilating dead metastatic irremediable tough scathy horrid viperish offended implacable begruding sore insulted erosive cutthroat consumptive full of hate jeopardizing epidemic imperilling imperiling snide rude slaying bloody bloodthirsty ruthless cannibalistic carcinogenic of evil intent terrible crushing dripping venom angry aggressive wrathful ireful pugnacious ferocious unnourishing full of spleen full of gall accidentally on purpose costly snarky acerb smart-mouthed acidic scornful belittling smart-aleck smart-alecky scalding pungent satiric satirical transmittable ill-fated death dealing ill-starred innutritious insanitary severe serious thorny troubling jeopardising jeopardous immoderate impoverishing extravagant depleting draining exhausting wasteful transmissible cross censorious choleric plague-like piercing taunting junk tainted sickly unhygienic unhealthful awful disease-ridden belligerent cranky testy indignant irate crabby contentious peevish unsalutary disquieting blighting earth-shattering lamentable appalling deplorable heartbreaking frightful regrettable messy repulsive decayed distasteful disagreeable impure pathological portentous highly contagious ill-intentioned highly infective rapidly spreading highly infectious creepy eerie black alarming dark doomy scary evil-looking spooky eldritch ill-omened ill-boding foreboding vitriolous sinistrous minatorial suggestive of evil doomful dishonest perverse obnoxious blackhearted lowering apocalyptic burning slashing rapier-like dripping with malice squint-eyed

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Showing apathy or disregard towards a person or idea
cool aloof distant remote unenthusiastic apathetic cold detached frosty indifferent lukewarm offish unfriendly half-hearted inhospitable offhand tepid uninterested unresponsive unwelcoming chilly impersonal uncommunicative unconcerned uncordial unsympathetic antisocial asocial buttoned-up cold-eyed dispassionate dry emotionless off standoff standoffish stand-offish unbending unclubbable undemonstrative unemotional unfeeling unsociable clammy gelid Olympian unenthused annoyed antiseptic brittle impertinent impudent incurious insolent muted offended procacious reserved solitary unapproachable withdrawn cold-blooded hard-eyed hostile antagonistic unkind inimical adversary antipathetic adversarial jaundiced mortal glacial ill-disposed uncongenial unneighbourly unsocial haughty disdainful uncivil discourteous ungracious rude icy ungenerous xenophobic unreceptive brusque unfavorable unfavourable short malign malevolent nonchalant complacent casual insouciant insensible perfunctory uncaring impassive unmoved pococurante clinical bored uncurious passive disagreeable surly sour misanthropic disinterested just watching the clock not giving a damn lackadaisical frigid unamicable ill-natured unpleasant aggressive unaffable quarrelsome supercilious stiff severe nasty unforthcoming stern arctic wintery frozen wintry obnoxious impolite chill coldish menacing unmannerly starchy cross uncharitable disaffected opposite competitive estranged against unneighborly censorious warlike grouchy unpromising combative malignant vengeful grudging conflicting hateful acrimonious gruff malicious contrary spiteful opposed not on speaking terms

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Refusing to proceed or cooperate
balky recalcitrant refractory disobedient intractable rebellious contrary defiant insubordinate unruly wayward wilful contumacious ungovernable obstreperous obstinate froward unmanageable perverse stubborn rebel incompliant willful recusant restive untoward inflexible unbending unpredictable immovable ornery averse hesitant indisposed loath negativistic reluctant difficult disobliging unaccommodating obstructive headstrong cussed troublesome unreasonable stroppy tiresome thrawn obdurate cantankerous bolshie contrarious bull-headed pigheaded bloody-minded awkward uncooperative unhelpful annoying vexatious capricious mulish renitent arsey nonconformist disagreeing contrariant pervicacious antagonistic paradoxical nonconforming adverse hostile dissident discordant wrongheaded dissentient antipathetic converse inimical self-willed cross-grained pig-headed delicate grumbly uncompromising hardheaded dogmatic hypercritical overbearing importunate strong-minded pitiless strict intransigent oppressive picky prickly single-minded captious dissatisfied snappy sensitive tough ill-natured hard to please rude hard to satisfy irritable temperamental trying irritating crotchety querulous indomitable fussy bearish crabby set in one's ways unflinching overcritical boorish unrelenting rigid uppity touchy hard-line stiff wrong-headed inexorable finical huffy grim impolite unyielding uptight hard-nosed opinionative disputatious irascible chippy argumentative feisty opinionated vexed quarrelsome perfectionist particular unamenable resolute fastidious over-particular finicky testy hard to handle stiff-necked dictatorial fractious invidious critical disputative sour oafish pertinacious discontented ungracious demanding tyrannical steadfast choosy fiendish uncontrollable mutinous disorderly undisciplined dogged wild determined adamant resistant disruptive truculent bullheaded incontrollable implacable disaffected insurgent strong-willed noncompliant turbulent ossified pat adamantine inconvincible hardened hard tenacious riotous self-opinionated seditious unmalleable persistent stubborn as a mule uncompliant unpersuadable naughty delinquent errant non-compliant out of control opposing badly behaved insurrectionary incorrigible resistive resisting unrestrained unfavourable mischievous unadaptable inauspicious belligerent unbiddable out of hand unfavorable unwilling factious revolutionary rock-ribbed relentless insubmissive anarchic persevering firm problematic indurate unpropitious unshakeable unshakable threatening bellicose challenging pugnacious untimely irrepressible peevish unfortunate inconvenient unsupportive confrontational ill-timed arbitrary impish deaf to reason alienated mistimed unsuitable inappropriate exasperating unseasonable roguish rascally unresponsive inopportune contentious malcontent insolent rowdy subversive uncontrolled infelicitous inapt scrappy insurrectionist dissenting unpliable indocile dissentious malapropos troublemaking steely boisterous lawless fixed iconoclastic attention-seeking chaotic resolved radical loud badly timed noisy disturbing insistent treacherous unpleasant combative locked in militant rumbustious unbridled iron-willed reckless disagreeable impetuous not helpful irreconcilable estranged haughty irrational morose tetchy grouchy biased illogical cross petulant shrewish nonobservant renegade blinkered grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky inconsiderate obstinately disobedient prejudiced intolerant impudent heretical maverick assiduous purposeful malign malevolent maleficent malicious spiteful undisciplinable withstanding blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying tireless indefatigable ominous up in arms sticky unorthodox mutinying apostate schismatic traitorous narky bad-tempered ratty shirty choleric ill-chosen uncomplying unconstructive hindering unrestrainable incurable not giving an inch aggressive as stubborn as a mule erratic fickle impotent rampant unbendable untrained disloyal ill frustrating making difficulties daring provocative audacious bold with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way unsteady unschooled unalterable hard-core hard-shell locked-in not cooperative unmoved unbreakable heady insoluble thorny locked knotty without law and order inexpedient bothersome precocious disadvantageous early premature convinced remorseless restless individualistic anarchistic warring armed sabotaging treasonable attacking inconsistent ungoverned unbearable undependable intolerable impossible vexing pesky vociferous rough tempestuous uproarious raucous with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in dead set on stalwart tough nut hang tough clamorous rampaging unobliging immoral aberrant rambunctious disregardful cheeky dareful sassy gutsy roisterous rackety tumultuous complex bulky discommodious incommodious cramped unanticipated unexpected uncivil unsympathetic discourteous lacking self-control rip-roaring ready for a fight rampageous roistering unfriendly unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted spoiling for a fight difficult to handle piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous self-indulgent unamiable uncongenial anti lively rollicking romping anarchical heedless lawbreaking unlucky unwelcome raising the roof raising Cain against opposed impulsive impervious violent rash intemperate imprudent forward assertive drunken bawdy mean out of line misfortunate hapless ill-starred star-crossed luckless dead set against hostile to disinclined to accept inimical to opposed to averse to reluctant to accept unenthusiastic about unwilling to accept

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Doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile
cynical pessimistic sceptical distrustful scoffing unbelieving sardonic disbelieving doubtful suspicious disillusioned doubting incredulous ironic misanthropic mocking sneering contemptuous disenchanted hard hard-bitten hardened jaundiced sarcastic scornful world-weary black bleak derisive hard-boiled misanthropical mistrustful mordacious detracting disparaging nonbelieving scathing skeptical wry dubious unconvinced questioning uncertain unsure leery wary quizzical cautious suspecting undecided trustless unsettled chary cagey apprehensive negativistic hinky uneasy hesitant show-me fearful jealous lacking trust careful uptight having reservations been hit before faithless non-believing circumspect guarded iffy hesitating lacking confidence distrusting nervous lacking faith agnostic wondering untrusting freethinking aporetic not born yesterday in doubt rationalist irreligious nullifidian insecure ambivalent anxious possessive solicitous unimpressed unpersuaded unmoved mistrusting not believing dissenting have misgivings have reservations suspect unsatisfied watchful on the fence without faith without belief defeatist misbelieving Pyrrhonist minimifidian unfriendly antisocial unsociable unenlightened taking something with a pinch of salt malevolent unneighbourly uncongenial reclusive inhumane inhospitable reserved selfish hating grouchy solitary egotistical disdainful egoistic narrow-minded standoffish eremitic wavering tentative irresolute vacillating unresolved indecisive in a dilemma in two minds dithering indefinite shilly-shallying of two minds blowing hot and cold faltering undetermined equivocal waffling in a quandary on the horns of a dilemma heedful shy reluctant loath uncommitted teetering fluctuating divided disinclined torn vague shaky perplexed unclear unassured hazy equivocating split ambiguous oscillating noncommittal diffident betwixt and between like doubting Thomas hemming and hawing sitting on the fence running hot and cold not sure worried skittish vexed confused wobbling floating pussyfooting on your guard nihilistic revolutionary anarchic destructive rebellious existentialist radical swithering wishy-washy unfinished pendent reticent indisposed on guard unconfirmed hedging your bets in the middle prying inquisitive enquiring searching inquisitorial interrogative curious inquiring nosy probing loth cagy unsavoury fly-by-night unsavory chancy untrusty touch and go having misgivings having qualms halting passive-aggressive unconfident mindful gingerly conservative afraid considerate alert averse frugal scrupulous safe mean parsimonious stingy prudent thrifty restrained canny inhibited miserly constrained economical calculating discreet particular fastidious sparing

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Not compliant
noncompliant defiant disobedient dissenting nonconforming uncooperative belligerent irregular refractory contumacious declinatory declining divergent impatient objecting rebellious recalcitrant refusing restive truculent wayward intractable wilful insubordinate obstreperous unruly contrary froward ungovernable unmanageable balky rebel incompliant recusant willful perverse bolshie difficult undisciplined headstrong mutinous uncontrollable untoward stroppy fractious disorderly obstinate naughty delinquent stubborn obdurate errant mischievous self-willed non-compliant awkward badly behaved uncompliant pervicacious troublesome resistant disruptive unwilling undisciplinable unbiddable renitent impish obstinately disobedient turbulent rascally roguish riotous wild bloody-minded insurgent seditious ornery disaffected dissentious uncomplying treacherous factious uncontrolled incontrollable mulish unrestrained stiff-necked untrained attention-seeking indomitable insubmissive argumentative withstanding resisting opposing radical unyielding pigheaded bull-headed capricious unsteady unschooled intransigent contentious thrawn cantankerous unmalleable unpersuadable cussed ungoverned out of control inconsistent lacking self-control out of hand nonobservant contrarious stubborn as a mule disputatious incorrigible opinionated unresponsive bullheaded resistive unreasonable unaccommodating inflexible unbending uncompromising immovable dogged adamant pertinacious rowdy hardheaded hardened unrelenting determined implacable hard hard-nosed insurrectionary ossified adamantine inconvincible pat self-opinionated tenacious firm cross-grained dissident strong-willed resolute lawless boisterous single-minded revolutionary steadfast persistent strong-minded relentless obstructive indurate rigid rough quarrelsome tough unhelpful disobliging fixed inexorable annoying anarchic troublemaking tumultuous indocile iron-willed violent unpredictable impossible ill-disciplined unshakeable unflinching raucous subversive vexatious insurrectionist malcontent irritable dissentient persevering tiresome warring nonconformist wrong-headed irrepressible bellicose trying pig-headed iconoclastic noisy uproarious exasperating antagonistic chaotic pugnacious unbridled anarchistic unshakable ill-natured inimical peevish adverse alienated hard-line insolent unadaptable problematic disloyal hostile deaf to reason divisive steely militant scrappy schismatic rioting crabby discordant treasonable rambunctious badly-behaved misbehaving strict up in arms rampageous touchy stiff prickly grumpy chippy confrontational unfavorable unfavourable ill-tempered diehard rude fiendish set in one's ways locked in estranged haughty cross sectarian unrepentant stalwart dead set on reluctant bad-tempered conflicting ratty loud challenging choleric petulant narky shirty purposeful disagreeing partisan rival shrewish roisterous impudent traitorous unwavering hesitant litigious tempestuous clamorous unrestrainable rock-ribbed averse rackety bad threatening disturbing insistent iron stern vociferous insoluble unpliable restless rampant testy irritating feisty rumbustious demanding disagreeable playful crotchety harsh excited as stubborn as a mule complex rigorous impolite irascible tricksy brattish scampish puckish prankish stringent importunate ruthless gallus wanton intemperate snappy wrong merciless termagant dogmatic opinionative staunch querulous immoderate mean stony grim captious out-of-line immutable huffy out-of-order not giving an inch unswayable hard and fast hard-core hard to handle full of mischief contradictory inimitable irreconcilable morose sullen sulky renegade limit unconverted unreformed intent heretical maverick assiduous incurable tireless indefatigable rollicking forceful unsettling upsetting unorthodox mutinying apostate impetuous impotent aggressive with a will of one's own determined to have one's own way disturbed maladjusted boneheaded unreceptive erratic fickle decisive mullish domineering pushy individualistic armed sabotaging attacking treasonous resolved unbendable exuberant separatist factional crazy hysterical nuts outrageous madcap insurmountable berserk distracting proud aloof tricky daring provocative audacious bold thorny locked knotty divided split hardline loath negativistic indisposed unalterable robust robustious vexing pesky unregenerate burdensome unmoved unbreakable heady combative stiffened unappeasable antisocial strong overwhelming intense insuppressible freaked abandoned overpowering hard-shell locked-in convinced remorseless tough nut hang tough quarrelling civil disobedience knockabout hell-raising without law and order unbearable undependable intolerable problem bulky discommodious incommodious cramped anarchical unlawful immalleable unmovable durable disrupting off-base brawling ugly hidebound untimely unfortunate immoral aberrant arbitrary unimpressible swaggering swashbuckling cavalier misbehaved blinkered dyed-in-the-wool lawbreaking beside oneself disharmonious clashing uncompassionate impertinent hardhearted bullhead unemotional with one's feet dug in with one's toes dug in causing trouble paradoxical contrariant arsey disregardful cheeky reckless dareful sassy gutsy difficult to handle indisciplined inconvenient inopportune impossible to cope with unchangeable brassbound wrongheaded antipathetic converse ready for a fight tough nut to crack cold fish proof against persuasion hanging tough set in stone wicked unanticipated ill-timed unexpected set in your ways standing one's ground drunk deranged disorganised turbid hedonistic uncontained helter-skelter disorganized disordered raunchy artful kiddish infantile sly frolicsome foxy bothersome ill-behaved ruffianly thoughtless immature childish inconsiderate disrespectful devilish sinful self-indulgent like a loose cannon contending fighting controversial spoiling for a fight wild and woolly teasing worthless out-of-control overbearing hard to please unamenable fussy unforeseen disastrous unusual surprising unpredicted mistimed evil on-a-tear grumbly pitiless boorish finical vexed invidious choosy sensitive temperamental uppity uptight disputative sour oafish discontented tyrannical hypercritical picky dissatisfied bearish delicate oppressive hard to satisfy overcritical perfectionist particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial critical ungracious severe rampaging unlucky unwelcome infelicitous inauspicious inapt unsuitable inappropriate quarreling at variance at loggerheads at odds stormy bad-mannered agitated progressive reforming malapropos badly timed unseasonable rip-roaring unstable roistering unenthusiastic grudging reformist extreme piercing screaming booming strepitous blusterous explosive roller-coaster rugged unsettled unpropitious revisionist misfortunate fanatical progressivist unpleasant hapless ill-starred extremist star-crossed luckless flinty hard-hitting raising Cain callous drastic unsentimental unsympathetic fanatic revolutionist rabid grouchy raising the roof storming fiery shaking vehement perturbed demonstrative passionate in turmoil untamed roughhouse bitter destructive fierce unforgiving authoritarian exacting cold austere cool draconian tetchy full of ups and downs full of conflict full of confusion full of upheavals uncaring ferocious pettish desperate far-out loony looney stony-hearted hard-shelled two-fisted hard-hearted hard-boiled ramrod way out ultraist swivel-eyed nihilistic heavy-handed hard-bitten ill-humoured involuntary afraid crabbed waspish curmudgeonly snappish short-tempered splenetic hot-tempered in a mood peppery crusty quick-tempered scratchy liverish bilious dyspeptic short-fused laggard forced enforced demurring cranky peckish fretful eggy soreheaded in a bad mood as cross as two sticks miffy waxy snaky thin-skinned complaining ill-humored unwishful uneager begrudging unobliging uninclined on a short fuse like a bear with a sore head having got out of bed the wrong side

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Not existent
nonexistent absent chimerical fancied fictional hallucinatory hypothetical illusory imaginary imagined insubstantial lacking missing mythical unreal wanting airy baseless blank dead defunct departed dreamlike dreamy empty ethereal extinct extinguished flimsy gone gossamery groundless immaterial imponderable inexistent legendary lost null perished shadowy tenuous ungrounded unsubstantial vacant vague vaporous void passed away passed on without foundation null and void few and far between fanciful fictitious invented mythic fabulous made-up visionary fantastic pretend fantastical chimeric fabricated fantasied imaginal make-believe phantom supposititious ideal phantasmal phantasmic whimsical fantasy notional false mythological fictive storybook untrue pretended traditional fabled fairy-tale created storied folkloric non-existent allegorical dreamed-up theoretical mythologic imaginative concocted delusive figmental trumped up epic virtual quixotic suppositious deceptive illusive apocryphal spectral apparitional fool's paradise all in one's head product of someone's imagination heroic larger-than-life academic all in the mind estimated devised made up symbolic symbolical parabolic mock phantasmagoric intangible fake seeming nebulous artificial sham insincere ostensible impalpable phoney reachy unnatural weird replica aerial faux misleading romantic phony imitation unbelievable incredible out of this world reproduction assumed abstract supposed imagal figment of someone's imagination spurious delusory bogus specious fallacious pseudo simulated counterfeit mistaken deceitful synthetic fraudulent erroneous ersatz factitious substitute feigned apparent unfounded phantasmagorical dummy forged manufactured transcendental speculative imitative man-made spiritual unsound mimic deceiving invalid incorporeal conceptual contrived semblant conjectural trumped-up plastic surreal metaphysical utopian incorrect otherworldly ghostly blue-sky bodiless wild unearthly absurd faked irrational supernatural illusionary discarnate theoretic deluding beguiling illogical ridiculous hyped up sophistical bizarre fishy wrong inaccurate unbodied extravagant inexact untruthful nightmarish psychedelic poetic faulty non-physical suppositional unsubstantiated misguided distorted flawed unreasonable putative nonphysical nonmaterial impractical ideational imprecise affected Kafkaesque conjectured far-fetched unrealistic unworldly blue sky fantasized dream transcendent off oneiric idealized ghostlike dim unclear indistinct disembodied capricious unembodied play-play vain untouchable unworkable intellectual idealised impracticable wonderful formless wraithlike philosophical fantasised subconscious mental unfeasible proverbial curious subjective unconscious idle queer pipe dream psychological high-flown counterfactual truthless improper disincarnate thought up crackpot offbeat foundationless unproven casuistic misrepresentative colored abstruse psychosomatic unsupported uncorroborated unconfirmed recondite imperceptible to the touch slender misinformed coloured ill-founded indefinite unlikely floating improbable cooked-up questionable so-called ivory-tower sophistic unpractical numinous mystical nonconcrete without basis indeterminate uncertain cod mad facsimile put-on mechanical strained forced on cloud nine unreasoned adulterine not genuine reasonless doubtful in the mind falsie way off implausible phantasmagorial kaleidoscopic phantasmagorian inane delusional unread mocking filled with dreams hollow prepared chimeral Barmecidal Barmecide wistful acted improvised created out of thin air non-material conceived dreamt up trancelike trance-like invisible dream-filled nonnatural suppositive misty hazy off the mark non-natural in your head dicey iffy contrary to fact unattainable stress-related stress-induced uncorporeal dodgy model toy faint dreamish hypnagogic manmade off beam full of holes way off beam preposterous ivory-towered Utopian unachievable famed unauthentic extraterrestrial apish hokey quasi make believe unheard of tall meretricious snide inauthentic ancient famous mercurial elusive outstanding impressive extraordinary remarkable enchanted magic important magical evanescent flakey far out fairy tale kinky flaky framed ungenuine bent bum pirate out-of-reach engineered preternatural other-worldly counterfeited rare evasive imperceptible unobservable insensible slight unquantifiable inappreciable eluding evading unapparent unsure dubious unverifiable related told customary unhistoric unhistorical handed-down non-viable starry-eyed silly impossible pinchbeck cock and bull hard to swallow hard to take foolish senseless idealistic half-baked in the clouds untested unverified unwarranted unjustified unattested indescribable indefinable nonmaterialistic paranormal celestial extramundane religious obscure perfectionist pie-in-the-sky pie in the sky castles in the air essential deep basic fundamental expressive crazy potty nonvalid unreliable profound universal esoteric creative supersensory daydreaming astral daydreamy not applicable naive nonrealistic not sensible nonsensical academical presumed ephemeral gratuitous bottomless mendacious uncalled-for off-base oversubtle fresh exotic original infirm petty decrepit puny fly-by-night supramundane superhuman jesuitic unfleshly supermundane difficult philosophic unphysical suprahuman ontological superior eternal supranatural inspired artistic inventive eccentric fancy quirky originative flighty perceptual presupposed provisory casual contestable disputable assumptive stochastic debatable postulated problematic contingent equivocal conditional conjecturable refutable guessed presumptive suspect proposed pretending artful brilliant unconventional freaky radical fertile freakish ingenious genius experimental innovative keen not backed up by evidence innovational unorthodox vivid revolutionary astute emotional subliminal too little too late far-out Promethean head in the clouds avant-garde out of touch with reality dishonest

Tính từ

Characterized by causing hardships or problems
difficult grim hostile adverse tough unfavorable unfavourable unfortunate austere dire harsh bad bleak cheerless dark dour hard injurious oppressive perilous awful depressing desolate disagreeable discouraging disheartening distressing exacting exigent forbidding foreboding gloomy harrowing inauspicious inhospitable miserable ominous severe solemn somber sombre terrible unwelcome worrying bitter black comfortless direful discommodious dismal doleful dreadful glum gray grey hopeless joyless morose objectionable troublesome unpleasant chilling hard-pressed ill-boding ill-fated morbid mournful nightmarish sad shadowy sinister unfriendly very bad ill-omened lurid parlous straitened threatening unpropitious apocalyptic messy rocky strained tortured treacherous troubled dangerous disturbing doubtful full of hardship grave harmful jeopardous precarious pressing upsetting woeful undesirable rough horrible disadvantageous horrendous frightful horrifying fierce menacing intimidating uncomfortable fearsome daunting ghastly rugged terrifying jarring unwelcoming ferocious stark frightening disquieting hair-raising untoward uninviting heavy glowering ugly grievous excruciating trying unpromising burdensome inhuman bodeful searing unapproachable spartan baleful onerous nasty brutal repellent off-putting abhorrent cruel doomy brooding hardhanded unlucky offensive odious repulsive minacious tortuous bare uninhabitable barren portentous wretched minatory savage fearful crushing stiff ill wintry intimidatory fateful baneful lowering loury wintery unhospitable torturous murderous unrelenting inclement intemperate discomforting unsympathetic intolerable stringent moody rigorous biting wild Spartan bare-bones overwhelming insufferable grinding frosty cold chilly cool stern taxing empty lonely poor untimely unendurable wearing unbearable sterile unsuited evil thunderous mean inopportune inconvenient infelicitous pessimistic bullying inapt unsuitable inappropriate unseasonable scary inimical premonitory comminatory terrorizing dread spine-chilling alarming redoubtable formidable shocking evil-looking mean-looking spooky ill-suited portending near aggressive close impendent upcoming lowery at hand overhanging terrorising scowling forthcoming godforsaken clouded sinistrous precursive prescient augural malificent warning doomful doomed presaging malign malefic impending suggestive haunting prophetic creepy life-threatening suggestive of evil

Tính từ

Disposed to complaining, especially in a petulant or whining manner
querulous complaining petulant testy waspish cantankerous cross fretful irritable tetchy touchy crabby discontented grouchy grumbling pettish prickly carping crabbed critical crotchety crusty dissatisfied edgy fractious grumpy peevish peppery sour whining bitter curmudgeonly disagreeable impatient miserable moody morose murmuring plaintive censorious chippy cranky huffy irascible ratty scratchy sullen bilious captious choleric churlish dyspeptic liverish snappish snappy splenetic sulky surly whingeing eggy fussy narky whingy miffy peckish snaky sorehead soreheaded bearish bemoaning crying deploring difficult grousing grumbly lamenting moaning salty scrappy uptight wailing waspy whimpering whiny bad-tempered ill-humored ill-humoured ill-natured ill-tempered fault-finding on edge thin-skinned hard to please in a bad mood out of sorts out of temper huffy irascible like a bear with a sore head quick-tempered fiery short-tempered perverse angry ornery stroppy snippy hot-tempered snarky snippety stuffy raspy shirty resentful mean waxy spiteful disgruntled quarrelsome annoyed acrimonious cavilling tense caviling mardy displeased irritated temperamental sensitive out of humour vexed unsociable disputatious out of humor gruff unfriendly passionate oversensitive piqued peeved curt short-fused argumentative glum hostile brusque as cross as two sticks pouting feisty on a short fuse shrewish acid pouty restless malicious gloomy exasperated contentious unhappy dour in a mood ugly upset restive cynical volatile belligerent truculent malignant hotheaded antagonistic bellicose tart contrary fretting irked tough nasty obstinate sharp mumpish trying embittered vindictive acrid griping ungracious bloody-minded brooding cussed cross-grained combative uneasy pugnacious having got out of bed the wrong side confrontational huffish harsh ireful malcontent easily offended faultfinding excitable militant fed up put out rancorous jumpy snarling indignant mopey sore highly strung short tempestuous aggressive disputative rude glowering tooshie pertinacious hot-blooded awkward violent venomous vitriolic unpleasant frowning sourpussed picky joyless sulking vicious anxious hot under the collar having got out of bed on the wrong side hypersensitive worried fidgety wrathful uncomfortable nervous stressed ill at ease unsettled malevolent twitchy bristly litigious frustrated agitated factious disapproving unquiet disaffected abrupt overstrung defiant bad uncongenial misanthropic crybaby ticklish aggrieved warring disquieted threatening atrabilious furious het up malign discontent gladiatorial agonistic wrangling envious iracund iracundulous battling fighting grudging ungratified arsey discordant riled narked bickering wild jaundiced brawly assaultive warlike moping offended hasty uncooperative angered growling saturnine blunt childish chuffy malcontented perturbed kvetching cheesed off unpredictable ticked off teed off unruly filthy recalcitrant brassed off hacked off uncivil unresponsive uncommunicative hypercritical vinegary browned off hateful mean-spirited disobliging refractory hysterical obstreperous froward not best pleased ready for a fight unmannerly foul-tempered out of joint impolite impassioned indomitable nasty-tempered sharp-tongued out-of-sorts objecting envenomed overwrought distraught vehement aggravated sarcastic protesting foul naysaying terse wicked spunky acerbic acute choked snarly zowerswopped uncharitable inhospitable catty inconsiderate unsympathetic ungenerous bad-humored perversely irritable abusive miffed dissenting repining mourning accusing weeping bellyaching bewailing regretting charging disappointed uncompliant indocile impetuous unindulgent worked up wrought up distressed got up on wrong side of bed like a bear cruel discourteous unkind hurtful unsatisfied unfulfilled unlikable hurt stewed nettled provoked insulted sharp-tempered viperous wreck rattled mopish scowling eristic unhelpful toey dark aloof heated dicey hazardous unsafe perturbable regretful evil-minded having short fuse hot under collar withdrawn dismal depressed cheerless ennuied sniveling put-out unassuaged begrudging insatiable fed-up unappeased bothered not satisfied unsated jealous wired up wound up melodramatic snivelling bundle of nerves nervy emotional hot-headed insecure wired apprehensive skittish in a huff down in the mouth having a fit of the sulks in a funk in the sulks in a strop unstable brittle neurotic bristling inflammable spirited inimical intolerant lively antisocial vengeful manic antipathetic icy virulent lawless impulsive incensed mercurial intense stormy antsy jittery hinky goosey keyed up troubled dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter dramatic stressy adrenalized excited hung up high-strung on tenterhooks shaken frantic infuriated fuming steamed-up raving inflamed enraged hottempered chagrined dissentious controversial polemical polemic like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks on pins and needles irate ructious arguesome galled turbulent war brawling blue disturbed livid apoplectic mad steamed have chip on shoulder steamed up crook vex ropeable all shook up sick and tired sick to death peed off hoha wroth aerated fed up to the teeth demanding stubborn with a chip on your shoulder fed up to the back teeth uncompromising hopping mad bent out of shape overbearing intractable unrelenting unreasonable unamenable unaccommodating grim up in arms on the warpath foaming at the mouth in a lather in a paddy hardheaded importunate strong-minded pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways boorish rigid hard-line inflexible finical hard-nosed obdurate tiresome pigheaded hard to handle unmanageable invidious bull-headed steadfast choosy fiendish uppity troublesome headstrong resolute immovable oafish tyrannical thrawn stiff opinionated stiff-necked delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive hard to satisfy irritating unflinching contrarious overcritical wrong-headed inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending obstructive perfectionist balky particular fastidious over-particular finicky dictatorial bolshie in a bate fit to be tied outraged in high dudgeon in a temper rabid ballistic rankled ticked steaming roiled affronted foaming riley enflamed seething raging ruffled hot infuriate maddened hopping boiling snuffy horn-mad beside oneself incandescent stung in a frenzy scunnered frenzied fierce going crook beside yourself in a fume blue in the face in a pet flustered harassed ranting wrath pained very angry seeing red poisonous off the air injured wounded unsmiling spare menacing taciturn ferocious obnoxious harried distant humourless humorless afflicted unapproachable needled severe burned up grieved boiling mad destructive slighted easily upset raging mad with all guns blazing cold adversarial cool unattractive dejected chilly hard louring frosty stern black scathing unneighbourly frigid sombre somber discouraged savage berserk chafed annoying tormented chill wintry clammy cold-blooded cold-eyed wintery antiseptic uncordial hard-eyed gelid frozen arctic glacial coldish hot and bothered intimidating scornful fretted roused hate-filled antagonized hacked bugged insane storming antagonised ill-disposed up the wall bummed out in a rage all steamed up blown a gasket beside yourself with rage gnashing one's teeth pushed too far at boiling point in a filthy temper loudmouthed anguished goaded burning with excitement unsavoury reproachful offensive objectionable snubbed mighty good and mad mad as hell hassled unlikeable snitty confused disrespected disrespectful perplexed brief vinegarish blazing crazy pernicious ready to be tied lugubrious no-nonsense laconic rough bluff uncontrollable tempersome adverse disheartened offhand Eeyorish pessimistic sober crackers forceful p.o.'d crabbing uncontent kicking ill-mannered out of countenance unceremonious rousted apt to fly off the handle ill flaming dogged scandalized buffaloed offish off defeated unsavory shocked scandalised blazing mad flaming mad bad tempered agitable broody disgusted at daggers drawn dirty unglued with a long face raving mad crude boisterous unlovable mopy kittle out of control very upset grieving distressing weighty as black as thunder carrying a chip on your shoulder rubbed the wrong way overcome with anger at end of one's rope in a wax in a towering rage desperate demented energetic corybantic full-on all-out crazed maniac bent smoking breakneck irrational concerted ghastly insufferable unbearable frightful unloveable extremely angry long-faced easily agitated easily frightened forbidding evil despondent maleficent baleful steely uninviting flinty disconsolate sad downcast disillusioned malefic serious formidable melancholic forlorn low down saddened stony evil-intentioned sinister stark lowering solemn ungentle fell austere grave unamicable inconsolable disenchanted crestfallen doleful gutted downhearted unsocial unwelcoming unaffable itching aggers bleak reserved stand-offish sorrowful deadly terrifying cowing caustic terrorizing vituperous terrorising trenchant mordacious insolent frightening browbeating bullying mordant gray grey supercilious unforthcoming haughty impersonal indifferent disdainful adversary mortal sick Olympian starchy spoiling for a fight mean-looking boot-faced against conflicting opposite estranged competitive unpromising opposed unneighborly low-spirited not on speaking terms disparaging deprecating nagging pedantic quibbling niggling pettifogging nit-picking hair-splitting nitpicking criticizing judgemental judgmental rejective pernickety pass-remarkable nitpicky thorny exceptive criticising exacting unjust unfair hairsplitting very critical petty trivial cavillous tricky

Danh từ

Something construed as denial, dissent, or refusal
no refusal rejection veto dissension contradiction nay non placet denial declination turndown disallowance nonacceptance negation rebuff repudiation disapproval refutation brush-off cold shoulder disclaimer no way dismissal prohibition retraction dissent disavowal rebuttal knock-back refutal renunciation forswearing disaffirmation adjuration disproof nix thumbs down dismissing renegement rejecting repudiating refusing controversion refraining gainsaying renouncement abnegation protestation denunciation abstaining noncommittal abjuration non-acceptance spurning disconfirmation denegation counterstatement disowning defiance confutation retractation no go statement abnegation turning down no dice casting off against declining disclaiming exclusion abandonment abstention repulse statement brushoff eschewal relinquishment disacknowledgement slap in the face bounce bum's rush pass elimination kick in teeth hard time kick in the teeth the old heave-ho nothing doing giving up casting aside refusal to acknowledge disaffirmance traversal ban embargo vetoing interdict prohibiting objection suppression proscription boycott preclusion snub bar restriction interdiction stoppage nonconsent blackball order red light censure sanction notice negative response injunction moratorium restraining order taboo court order exclusion order forbiddance don't no-no summons gagging order ruling disqualification withholding obstruction constraint legal ruling off limits ruling out out of bounds barrier banning block barring restraint forbidding prevention knockback rahui outlawing temperance repulsion declension limitation thou-shalt-not inhibition reversal making illegal lack of acceptance avoidance shunning snubbing cold-shouldering check blockage unacceptance hindrance impediment dissatisfaction ostracism disfavor interdicting anathema disallowing proscribing embargoing enjoining discountenancing