Đồng nghĩa của desperate

Alternative for desperate

Đồng nghĩa: frantic, mad, reckless, wild,

Trái nghĩa: desirous, hopeful,

Tính từ

Feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with
despairing hopeless forlorn wretched demoralised demoralized anguished despondent disconsolate desolate discouraged disheartened distressed downcast miserable resigned abject defeatist dejected devastated distraught dolorous downhearted fraught inconsolable pessimistic suicidal overcome sad in despair at one's wits' end at the end of one's tether gloomy dismal depressed downbeat bleak melancholy heartbroken blue oppressed melancholic unlikely brokenhearted discouraging unhappy lost negative doomed unoptimistic broken-hearted upset pained grief-stricken weary morose woebegone sunk long-suffering in pain shot down down in the dumps in the pits morbid cheerless unhopeful defeated unconfident disheartening unpropitious dark dreary unpromising unencouraging depressing inauspicious helpless bearish tragic unmitigable unfortunate futile vain sincere without hope up the creek unrealistic down low glum dispirited low-spirited doleful sorrowful anxious sorrowing frantic crestfallen pious cast down losing Eeyorish no-win strabilious cynical bad heavyhearted mournful droopy heartsick woeful hangdog heartsore sorry saddened joyless in low spirits can't win weighed down mourning bummed-out grieving cast-down griefstricken damp in the soup not a prayer in the dumps down in the mouth unduly optimistic as sick as a parrot all torn up in a blue funk sick as a parrot at end of one's rope at the end of your tether heavy-hearted disappointed fed up tearful lugubrious moody sombre crushed somber chap-fallen troubled hurting dragged spiritless choked sullen in the doldrums cheesed off bummed out brassed off chapfallen long-faced dismayed rueful destroyed weeping afflicted down and out wistful out of sorts teary grim hurt regretful mirthless grieved bereaved funereal tristful gutted weepy lachrymose agonized down-hearted daunted piteous agonised cut up dull subdued pitiful bleeding painful crummy emotional solemn saturnine tormented let down taken down comfortless pensive suffering sapped shaken distressing plaintive ripped grievous dysphoric aggrieved listless lamentable bitter broken black calamitous dolent displeased singing the blues torn up on a downer sulky sick at heart in tears disillusioned discontented perturbed bothered pathetic shattered dour flat grumpy cowed low in spirits mopey pitiable depressive dolesome plangent heavy bewailing bemoaning wailing aching elegiac harrowing sunk in gloom in grief in doldrums heart-rending ruthful deplorable low-down with a long face heartrending in the toilet bowed down hapless disgruntled deflated abashed dashed shamefaced deterred concerned enervated disenchanted disturbed overwhelmed sheepish lamenting discombobulated uptight disconcerted bugged shook intimidated sepulchral mopish broody tortured traumatized unnerved antsy down-in-the-mouth crabbed surly angst-ridden adust funeral deploring irked wounded thrown bereft lonesome lonely dire shook up ticked off teed off browned off peed off unsatisfied heavy with grief overcome with sorrow traumatised unconsolable sour regrettable in a funk heartbreaking in sorrow in mourning down in dumps full of sorrow elegiacal triste languid languorous gray grey worried very sad sore burned contused apathetic undermined angry annoyed cross mortified remorseful sorry for oneself nostalgic unmanned taken aback without energy drained pining prostrated atrabilious clouded dampened drooping sagging brooding humourless humorless empty devitalized churlish sick dirgeful emo heart-sick lovesick ill-humoured huffy torn-up discontent lowered bowed poor worthless ill-humored off sluggish cringing browbeaten guilty sorry for yourself troubling tear-jerking affecting saddening depressant dolorific afflictive reflective guilty-looking furtive afflicting prostrate with grief drear threnodic dirge-like down in mouth ashamed embarrassed uncomfortable sneaking put off luckless uneasy crying shot-down unable to be comforted unable to be consoled let-down not happy strained bummed powerless downtrodden cowering humiliated conscience-stricken racked ailing have the blahs unenthusiastic unenthused down-and-out forgotten homeless forsaken abandoned beside oneself with grief godforsaken dissatisfied sobbing friendless destitute uncared-for languished crabby beat-down come-apart caved-in down-in-mouth beat moping ugly whimpering snivelling frustrated discomfited feeling low dragging solitary defenseless defenceless fruitless alone close to tears chagrined miffed lacking in confidence lacking in enthusiasm having lost heart blubbering maudlin aghast beaten larmoyant with cold feet lost momentum vexed agitated discomposed ruffled disquieted worsted vanquished baulked objecting balked sniveling on the verge of tears feeling down full of gloom harassed wrecked discountenanced flustered aflutter plagued in blue funk gone to pieces disastrous dreadful easily moved haunted spooked harrowed in floods of tears with tears in your eyes blue funk awful catastrophic fatal appalling looking as if one had lost a pound and found a penny jumpy persecuted unglued deadly ruinous shocking terrible cataclysmic strung out moving agonizing galling devastating stirring disturbing unlucky distressful horrendous vexatious gruesome at in a stew racked with suffering in a tizzy racked with pain lethal adverse mortal crushing deathly agonising fateful destructive ill-fated ill-starred sob story

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(of a situation) Dangerously insecure or unstable
grave serious critical dangerous dire acute calamitous dreadful hazardous perilous precarious risky appalling awful deplorable frightful hopeless intolerable lamentable parlous terrible lousy outrageous poor sorry chronic irredeemable irretrievable very bad horrible shocking horrendous abhorrent nasty wretched egregious atrocious horrifying monstrous abominable vile unspeakable horrid woeful ghastly vicious cruel grievous heinous harrowing hideous wicked loathsome terrific evil alarming distressing disastrous rotten savage grim dismal unfortunate gruesome diabolical bad barbaric shameful execrable frightening ugly horrific villainous intimidating crying fiendish odious scandalous barbarous grisly infamous nefarious brutish nightmarish sickening despicable lurid macabre ominous beastly gross miserable disgraceful dread terrifying pitiful brutal heartbreaking direful inhuman extreme regrettable hateful foul redoubtable forbidding fearsome ruthless scary formidable fearful spine-chilling hair-raising offensive base merciless disgusting murderous hairy contemptible godawful afflictive mean dodgy iniquitous hellish dark repellent revolting repugnant fierce obscene nauseating grewsome nightmare unforgivable inexcusable ignominious flagitious depraved immoral pathetic stinking devilish dicey bestial satanic unstable aberrant morbid tragic dreaded severe insufferable sad inconvenient punk unnerving disturbing petrifying unwelcome excessive menacing heartrending upsetting unlucky threatening distressful sorrowful treacherous criminal sinful reprehensible mournful unfavourable dirty rancid distasteful repellant fulsome insupportable noxious obnoxious repulsive unseemly noisome nauseous tragical unfavorable infernal unpardonable opprobrious disreputable wild melancholy untrue red hot gossiping backbiting detracting highly improper maligning indecent vilifying traducing detractive black black-hearted low flagrant low-down meagre hurting meager gut-wrenching god-awful hostile unsafe aggressive violent sinister feral harsh inhumane disgustful brute sick-making truculent sadistic sick heartless loathly wanton scurvy butcherly intimidatory untamed ill-boding foreboding malevolent spiteful cacodemonic facinorous grody beyond the pale uncivilised rancorous minatory deadly viperous hurtful minacious serpentine malicious venomous uncivilized abandoned uncontrollable malignant rowdy vindictive ferocious catastrophic ruinous pressing cataclysmic crucial urgent gloomy drastic crippling devastating bodeful abysmal portentous exigent oppressing scowling unacceptable objectionable undesirable indefensible unsatisfactory disagreeable unjustifiable displeasing pitiable unreasonable exceptionable inferior inadequate unsuitable out of order blameworthy crummy not on wrong unbearable unwarrantable inexpiable substandard unpleasant cruddy improper lame paltry disappointing faulty inadmissible unconscionable God-awful below par impermissible inappropriate too much off out of line a bit much unpopular troublesome detestable dishonourable dishonorable uninviting abject deficient disquieting mediocre insufficient unworthy suboptimal subpar dissatisfactory imperfect wanting out condemnable defective wack crumby over-the-top bush rude untenable unpermissible unallowable censurable not cricket impolite not up to scratch over the fence not up to par bush-league not the done thing not quite the done thing unhappy sneaking ratty grubby scabby cheap scummy undesired indiscreet irregular downer overwhelming bummer dolorous glaring untoward unpalatable unremittable ill-advised too bad dreary irremissible bleak depressing weighty harmful taxing heart-rending uncool senseless inglorious preposterous desolate mortal not acceptable squalid godforsaken ridiculous foolish unsought unwanted not forgivable sombre drab sordid cheerless discreditable ignoble dissatisfying not quite the thing unpleasing disheartening piteous uncomfortable joyless sullen morose solemn drear somber weak disrespectful lacking ill sour glum indigent scungy depressive impoverished forlorn sepulchral comfortless thin disconcerting junky amiss schlocky damaged derogatory discourteous for the birds no great shakes not good enough not much cop no good leaving a lot to be desired insolent provocative impudent impertinent affronting a bit off OTT a bit thick over the top beyond contempt degrading wounding provoking insulting slighting out of bounds not okay uncivil vexing unmannerly unwarranted unjustified uncalled-for unprovoked criticizable gratuitous blamable without justification without cause without reason amateurish unimpressive dubious shoddy laughable questionable trashy damnable grotty garbage tatty scurrilous crude cheapo irremediable rubbishy stinky worthless inacceptable unappealing reject won't do low-quality tenth-rate below standard less-than-stellar from hunger below average poor-quality not up to snuff second-class poor quality low-grade half-baked second rate second-rate two-bit of poor quality not up to standard of low quality third-rate under par

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Requiring immediate attention
critical grave great serious urgent acute drastic extreme pressing crucial dire compelling crying severe vital exigent climacteric fierce furious intense vehement vicious very grave burning life-and-death parlous imperative terrible importunate imperious clamant necessitous emergent sore dangerous perilous instant profound important essential life-threatening fundamental hazardous precarious awful alarming dreadful egregious very bad peracute decisive key emergency very great paramount significant clamorous consequential momentous weighty top-priority high-priority immoderate risky distressing demanding attention uncertain appalling woeful grievous rush worrying frightful chancy dicey catastrophic ruinous hairy iffy dodgy in the balance touch-and-go necessary heavy integral immediate impelling leading required primary capital driving indispensable principal foremost demanded chief pivotal pre-eminent testing deciding called-for of the utmost importance of the essence life and death must-have of great consequence trying searching settling determining big psychological influential major central epoch-making historic far-reaching bad sudden afflictive now or never hanging by thread touchy touch and go insistent on thin ice climatic showdown all-important considerable requisite substantial needed earnest mandatory cardinal needful solemn portentous material vitally important heavyweight of consequence meaningful somber of moment overriding sombre prime sober of great import sedate heavy-duty compulsory obligatory monumental staid of significance large-scale no joke no laughing matter humourless humorless prerequisite earth-shattering appreciable called for of great importance no-nonsense main core intrinsic big deal underlined ponderous sizable noteworthy exceptional prominent fateful demanding extensive eventful basic exacting special uncomic pertinent top large uppermost binding extraordinary focal remarkable peremptory premier telling high-level especial predominant supreme notable dominant pronounced forceful sensational powerful arch grand salient preeminent big-time big league tough very important substantive conspicuous determinative front-page newsworthy earthshaking all important hefty life-or-death outstanding worthwhile forcing topical relevant tremendous unavoidable prodigious invaluable high first greatest imposing requiring highest impactful striking mighty almighty inescapable marked difficult unforgettable life-changing major-league of note constitutive radical involuntary nonelective master forced major league hard impressive of great moment nitty-gritty landmark strategic grim ruling meat-and-potatoes primal bottom-line world-shaking quintessential incumbent particular much needed sad fatal deep emphatic coercive crash best interesting basal super utmost without lacking needing head eminent dynamic arresting maximum super colossal mammoth valuable overruling page-one unmissable germane business-critical mission-critical climactic constraining real necessitating involving exciting buzzworthy prevalent tectonic elevated active controversial time-dependent time-sensitive crisis immense current of import name-of-the-game contemporary lively coal-and-ice enormous sizeable huge clamouring hurry-up persuasive clamoring obliging heat-on irresistible claiming unyielding live commanding calling for out of the ordinary of substance of interest apocalyptic prevailing overbearing prior elemental sovereign exceeding ultra titanic vast astronomic astronomical ample staple overmastering controlling appropriate compulsatory inherent rudimentary innate impromptu much strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare signal resonant memorable keynote worthy of attention carrying a lot of weight quantum uncommon generous milestone conclusive glaring unusual unordinary ponderable potent glorious earth-shaking number one star sovran stellar No. 1 numero uno expedient wanted desired preferred proper de rigueur incumbent on name of game specified elementary recommended goodly biggish obstinate tireless unremitting intransigent tenacious stubborn indefatigable life-saving glum persistent unrelenting aggressive dogged obdurate persevering entreating nagging pertinacious stern high priority world-shattering life or death gloomy dour sweeping of vital importance extremely important austere avid disturbing high-pressure annoying troublesome suppliant overeager solicitous pushy harassing quiet downbeat time-critical cold sober pointed instrumental matter of life and death top-level overshadowing big-league of concern high-profile disheartening harrowing discouraging deadly wretched ill-fated forbidding sobering shocking forlorn strenuous devastating ill-starred unamusing destructive desolate ugly depressing overly solicitous most important most prominent

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In dire need of something
eager hungry longing yearning aching craving dying enthusiastic keen lacking raring thirsty wanting desirous impatient itching thirsting urgently requiring bursting crying out in great need of in want of keen as mustard up for it in urgent need excited thrilled burning gasping willing antsy juiced stoked anxious greedy voracious geeked hopped-up nuts crazy enthused avid ardent pumped athirst hot agog psyched ready solicitous great wild impetuous game refreshed gagging restored revitalized gung ho hepped up revitalised champing at the bit full of enthusiasm psyched up chomping at the bit chafing at the bit in a hurry passionate zealous fervent fanatical hankering intent appetent spirited lively desiring ambitious pining dedicated wholehearted vehement interested energetic animated keyed up restless breathless devoted fervid mad keen vivacious obsessed fired up wishing ready and willing raring to go committed earnest stirred hopeful intense feverish perfervid sprightly ebullient covetous determined on fire as keen as mustard motivated mad exhilarated driven nutty high hot to trot high-spirited rarin' to go inspired aroused moved assiduous stimulated diligent intent on hoping itchy wishful expectant bright-eyed and bushy-tailed impassioned on tenterhooks inclined exuberant desirous of worked up dying to fierce waiting with bated breath industrious delirious pleased animate titillated conscientious warmblooded unrestrained zestful potty charged insatiable daft delighted warm grasping acquisitive hearty ravenous awakened amenable prepared restive disposed rapacious gone on pumped up hankering after active all agog itching for on pins and needles juiced up geared up dying for cranked up beside oneself in suspense approving enamoured touched electrified elated atingle edgy striving very keen chafing straining curious avaricious enamored enthralled lusting vigorous dotty enamoured of nutso hot for smitten with infatuated with devoted to panting rabid gotta have fiery dynamic straining at the leash up in love with enamored of very keen on hooked on manic fascinated passional all a-gog set rhapsodic aflame wacky forceful tantalized concerned afire unqualified frantic raving frenzied uproarious hysterical bone-dry cottonmouthed sapless juiceless frenetic hung up habitual happy unreluctant engaged diehard glad ripe heated fain spoiling gaga tantalised bugged zesty fevered disorderly untrammeled tumultuous untrammelled set on bent on turnt red-hot aggressive proactive bullish banzai minded longing for hoping for inquisitive consumed with desire effervescent uncontrollable self-starting in a frenzy atremble aquiver keen on unruly up for in the mood on for of a mind favourably inclined pysched up partial to crazy for wild for dry as dust take-charge can-do very excited extremely enthusiastic anxious for yearning for eager for ambitious for angry stirred up crazed amped furious high as a kite full of beans jumping up and down ready for willing for avid for predatious gluttonous spoiling for on the edge of one's seat edacious hoggish ravening piggish unsatisfied hungered intemperate swinish esurient unfilled insatiate aspiring towards prehensile amorous aspiring lustful keen for hopeful for envious wigged-out steamed up hyperactive thirsty for craving for greedy for ravening for wishing for hungry for with an appetite covetous of lusting after with a yen in need of turned on aspiring to anticipatory waiting expecting awaiting anticipant anticipating agape watchful apprehensive on edge with bated breath alert looking for anticipative vigilant waiting on

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Inclined to behave in a reckless or outrageous manner
dangerous rash violent foolhardy hasty hazardous risky daring impetuous wild frantic furious reckless audacious incautious lawless madcap precipitate determined headstrong anxious bold headlong heinous monstrous scandalous atrocious careless distracted shocking venturesome worried death-defying devil-may-care adventurous hot-headed irresponsible imprudent impulsive temerarious heedless death-or-glory daredevil kamikaze harum-scarum precipitous brash overconfident overbold hell-for-leather hare-brained fearless courageous intrepid brave undaunted dauntless ill-advised tearaway bull-in-a-china-shop risk-taking hotheaded unwise thoughtless injudicious unheeding over-adventurous venturous over-venturesome overhasty stupid foolish breakneck unsafe mad adventuresome silly harebrained wide open out on limb off deep end unthinking ill-considered unconsidered indiscreet unguarded improvident negligent spur-of-the-moment inconsiderate hurried unwary gutsy ill-judged hardy enterprising unthought-out rushed misguided dashing premature nervy sudden nerved emboldened helter-skelter free-swinging precipitant spunky valiant ballsy heroic cursory gadarene valorous flying irrational unafraid passionate plucky carefree drive-by pell-mell ill-conceived mindless regardless casual slapdash inattentive spirited jumping to conclusions pushy have-a-go game confident abrupt gutty impolitic spontaneous impudent uncareful inadvisable frivolous tactless unflinching fiery frenzied insuppressible immature unpremeditated gallant flighty inadvertent capricious doughty exciting unshrinking offhand brazen reactive fast and loose playing with fire gritty resolute stalwart stout knee-jerk ill-thought-out swaggering giddy presumptuous erratic cocky inexpedient undiplomatic indelicate graceless insouciant indifferent unplanned blithe uncaring impromptu cavalier remiss previous mettlesome lionhearted careless of unobservant abandoned stouthearted undauntable manful greathearted heroical peppy neglectful unrestrained swift unexpected feisty unwatchful out of control aweless unmindful dareful as game as Ned Kelly forward ad hoc badly thought out not thought through suicidal macho self-destructive crazy crackpot impractical senseless misjudged scatty high-risk dynamic radge crackbrained ill-timed insensitive nonchalant unconcerned happy-go-lucky go-ahead unthoughtful whirlwind haphazard chaotic wacky lively daft easy-going unsympathetic short-sighted wrong-headed wrong unsuitable inappropriate ungoverned uncurbed unduly quick airy flippant undiscerning unperceptive uncircumspect unadvisable disregardful irreflective dotty dippy inconstant scatterbrained divvy indomitable undesirable dumb untroubled breezy unworried extreme life-threatening thrilling sloppy fly-by-night aggressive sturdy resourceful romping light-minded disorderly unconscious restless exploratory thrill-seeking seeking overventuresome without regard rushing rough tempestuous careless of one's duty staunch forceful stout-hearted rock-ribbed lackadaisical unsmart uncontrolled on the go leaving self wide open off the deep end herolike firm chivalrous defiant chin-up fortitudinous asleep at the switch out to lunch salty fire eating go for broke cheeky hot shot crusty smart-alecky smart out on a limb brassy obtrusive free and easy extemporaneous instinctive snap involuntary whimsical intuitive uninhibited emotional unprompted freakish unrepressed eager fierce ardent off-guard forgetful lax unpredictable quick impassioned vehement unbridled unreasoned unalert uncautious wary unvigilant unreflecting hectic superficial automatic unmeditated perfunctory speedy caught napping asleep at the wheel leading with one's chin off guard pay no mind fast-and-loose sticking one's neck out not careful any old way asleep on the job foot-in-mouth fervid subitaneous restive heedless of ad-lib jumping the gun winging it paying no heed to inattentive to neglectful of blind to unheeding of regardless of taking no notice of disregardful of unconscious of deaf to not paying attention oblivious to cocksure hubristic overweening going off deep end conceited uppish self-assured smug bumptious unabashed positive swashbuckling decadent decisive assured overbearing blustering arrogant self-assertive presuming fast-paced lion-hearted riding for a fall overoptimistic bullish bantam assuming self-indulgent self-gratifying extravagant salacious licentious unconstrained fast immoderate intemperate slack gadabout louche carnal corrupt harsh profligate wanton shameless full of yourself heading for a fall

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Agitated or stressed
excited stressed agitated antsy anxious apprehensive distressed worried distraught fearful hectic jittery nervy tense alarmed annoyed edgy flurried flushed frightened hysterical intense scared shocked skittish startled terrified uneasy unnerved unsettled adrenalized aflutter aquiver daunted disturbed fidgety high-strung in a panic distracted emotional flighty frantic frenzied irrational twitchy unreluctant afire atingle dismayed dithery febrile fraught heated het up hot under the collar hyped-up hyper hyperexcited ill at ease jumpy overactive overexcited perturbed troubled unquiet uptight wrought-up nervous upset wound up discomposed disconcerted provoked ruffled wired hot hot and bothered in a tizzy juiced up keyed up on edge overwrought worked up zipped up swivel-eyed frenetic mad delirious wild beside oneself feverish panicky furious panic-stricken crazed crazy restless hyperactive in a state violent rabid uncontrolled fierce maniacal ferocious fevered panic-struck berserk raving worked-up manic beside yourself obsessive impatient at the end of your tether shook up energetic stressy confused overcome nuts out of your mind flipped out corybantic unhinged distrait hysteric demented rattled unglued unzipped deranged unscrewed bothered out of one's mind in a flap insane having kittens in a flat spin in a cold sweat fervid confusing turbulent tumultuous convulsive chaotic enthusiastic fast and furious consumed zealous emotive hassled fanatical unbalanced strung-up hag-ridden unrestrained neurotic in a frenzy carried away at one's wits' end not knowing what to do with oneself out of one's wit tearing one's hair out emotionally charged on tenterhooks exciting busy highly strung raging strung out tooshie worn under a strain excitable strung up unstrung stirred touchy overstrung weary tired strung-out high keyed-up affected freaked-out fired-up overwhelmed hot-and-bothered spent wound-up like one possessed out of control berko throwing a wobbly zonkers weirded out angry in a tizz freaked out weird at wits' end spazzed out in a stew last-minute wigged out at your wits' end in a twitter steamed up all shook up hot under collar devastated shattered harassed verklempt pained flustered tormented concerned nonplussed thrown muddled addled very upset like a chicken with its head cut off queazy toey queasy insecure fretful all of a dither hung up disquieted windy strained wrought up atwitter in a state of agitation spooky shaky goosey hinky in a state of nerves afraid squirrelly all of a lather on pins and needles like a cat on a hot tin roof shaken spooked in a sweat uncomfortable in a twit all of a doodah in a dither restive a bundle of nerves taut trembling bricking oneself irritable worried sick in suspense vexed timorous angsty hurt grieved shaking timid choked irked in a lather unrelaxed animated like a cat on hot bricks unhappy quaking in a fluster moved sad saddened aghast under stress horrified clutched disappointed discountenanced gutted stressed out discombobulated anguished irritated waiting for the axe to fall in a tiz-woz inconvenienced waiting with bated breath careful fractious spasmodic with one's heart in one's mouth fluttery impassioned shivery creepy peevish sensitive passionate irascible vehement wreck fretting lively overanxious fiery inflamed aroused afflicted petrified tempestuous white-knuckled quivering terror-struck horror-struck angstful solicitous bugged avid disordered terror-stricken horror-stricken unrestful scared to death scared stiff a wreck in a spin nervous wreck frozen frit shot to pieces beset riled angered tortured plagued bundle of nerves blue perplexed in a funk worried stiff like a fish out of water in a blue funk with one's stomach in knots put out shaking in one's shoes bummed out broken up with butterflies in one's stomach cut up in a pother madding fanciful overcharged weak roused hesitant fussy fazed frazzled under pressure frisky overemotional unsettling unnerving stirred up flapping disturbing disquieting furibund phrenetic histrionic charged hairy agog eagerly pressured embarrassed self-conscious discomfited traumatized dispirited moving shot spirited bitter distressful falling apart all agog open-mouthed lost it all of a flutter suspicious palpitant wrung agitating cross complaining uncontrollable at fever pitch white knuckled anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting asea with bated breath compulsive petulant crushed heartbroken in turmoil all nerves up the wall rigid worrisome exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined aggravated mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed on the qui vive unrestrainable testy miserable querulous stressful stormy intimidated fixated unstable oversensitive phobic distressing offended fretted crabbed captious crotchety tetchy maniac traumatised cowardly concerning full-hearted low unhealthy abnormal paranoid nerve-racking nail-biting nerve-wracking wounded cowering shell-shocked emotionally defeated broken-hearted grumpy short-tempered ill-natured bad-tempered maladjusted perfervid passional terrorized affrighted pusillanimous cowed irrepressible impetuous maddened driven to distraction incensed fuming possessed rampant blazing seething chicken afeared come apart psyched out at sixes and sevens in disorder all torn up amazed yellow feart stunned terrorised scared out of one's wits in awe alarmed at running scared apprehensive about intimidated by shaking like a leaf frightened out of one's wits having cold feet faint-hearted scared witless inhibited erratic disoriented aberrant deviant obsessed cranky splenetic out of sorts ill-tempered whining crabby grumbling ratty fervent indignant wrathful irate acrimonious ireful ardent frightened to death funky shy watchful trepidatious snappish perverse contrary ornery caviling faultfinding carping huffy critical mean in a fit injured damaged dreading basket case out of one's wits skittery cavilling a basket case sweating bullets brittle impaired scared out of your wits frightened out of your wits having butterflies in the stomach ecstatic mousy flurrying flustering boisterous riotous easily frightened easily agitated rumbustious buzzing brisk bustling thrilled elated rip-roaring nutsy madhouse burning vibrant wooly zoolike jungle hassle crowded transported euphoric very busy woolly very active overjoyed rapturous jubilant exultant in seventh heaven Corybantic sent on cloud nine like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose drunk delighted enthused wild with excitement on cloud seven in a frenzy of delight in raptures over the moon blissed out in transports of delight walking on air on a high jumping for joy intoxicated

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Having a strong or far-reaching effect
drastic extreme radical dire forceful harsh severe serious strong draconian far-reaching heavy momentous punishing rigorous sharp substantial swingeing excessive exorbitant extravagant immoderate oppressive sweeping thorough stringent absolute utter uncompromising strict complete comprehensive entire thoroughgoing exhaustive stern total tough extensive punitive austere rigid major stiff profound violent out-and-out wide-ranging pervasive hard advanced ultra iconoclastic Draconian firm cruel brutal inflexible grim punitory top-to-bottom root-and-branch hardhanded broad deep wholesale full wide encyclopedic encyclopaedic revolutionary universal full-scale all-out unbending inordinate undue exceptional consequential remorseless unrelenting zealous unreasonable unyielding unusual exaggerated outrageous unmitigated steep egregious fanatical unconscionable unconventional downright unmerciful flagrant overkill gross baroque devilish remarkable unseemly ferocious uncommon preposterous intemperate fancy nonsensical overextravagant imprudent overdue insane overweening irrational overmuch intolerable fabulous plethoric improper towering sheer lavish too much over the top O.T.T. out of proportion disproportionate unwarranted extortionate unrestrained uncalled for needless uncalled-for unmeasurable superfluous OTT a bit much high unnecessary prodigal dizzying profuse sky-high unfair profligate enormous unjustifiable unwarrantable unjust wanton surplus great extra superabundant overabundant unjustified way out self-indulgent overindulgent uncurbed over-the-top stratospheric redundant overboard monstrous uncontrolled abounding unbridled rough too great pricey unrestricted overpriced in excess fulsome extraordinary immense whopping unbounded dissipated monumental gratuitous huge tremendous exacting boundless super limitless hard-nosed dear criminal illogical elevated too-too absonant arbitrary over the odds overflowing wild up to here copious unacceptable too many unneeded costing an arm and a leg diametrical out of all proportion direct ample single-minded unlimited exact vast epic ridiculous massive astronomical riotous indulgent ruthless recrementitious supernatural more wasteful giant relentless prodigious intractable fantastic pitiless senseless overblown considerable far-out posh unrightful unlawful wrongful peremptory supererogatory iron-fisted savage hard-line out of bounds large diehard hardline imposing reckless de trop significant undeviating intransigent unmerited inexcusable expensive undeserved grandiose dissipative debauched supreme unprovoked excess unbalanced outstanding very great unhampered unchecked exceeding big shocking spare prohibitive elaborate abundant rampant gigantic prolific authoritarian uninhibited magnificent appalling liberal over impressive colossal intense wicked unstinting nasty supernumerary dramatic mountainous cast-iron brassbound ludicrous not required plentiful exuberant generous galore diabolical mammoth remaining gushing horrifying humongous dispensable inhuman teeming luxuriant bountiful expendable out of control useless crawling with no end opulent a dime a dozen sumptuous alive with aplenty thick with profusive plenty tyrannical swarming bounteous openhanded callous stupendous effusive above average hardheaded demanding inexorable uncivilised uncivilized ungodly unwanted overgenerous polar gushy imperious unsympathetic heavy-handed nonessential hard-core steadfast leftover vicious merciless unrequired residuary illegitimate dyed-in-the-wool pleonastic superfluent unasked by the book harmful over the limit overripe marked distinct unreasoned wildly excessive costly indiscriminate going too far untempered very too passionate uncontrollable absurd theatrical overdone unpardonable indefensible unforgivable raw dissolute unhindered tempestuous abandoned runaway unsuitable inappropriate voluminous ungovernable incontinent open-handed non-essential unreserved definite tall greedy sizable sizeable blown up out of all proportion fancy-pants very high unbecoming very expensive lofty a lot far-fetched onerous grievous wrong despotic summary soaring inept untimely ill-advised underhanded unapt unfitting forbidden indecorous sinister inapt ill-timed illegal unseasonable imbalanced unfeeling abrasive grossly excessive substantive ruinous crippling bitter rugged off complicated unused unproductive disposable inflated excessively high extremely high suppressive repressive without justification unkind heartless insensitive inconsiderate decadent murderous trying excruciating burdensome searing left over waste to spare forcible ostentatious ambitious complex outré heightened escalated handsome increased healthy jacked up diametric surplus to requirements extraneous on your hands unessential headstrong a bit thick out of order striking multistorey sky-scraping rowdy curt immodest audacious bold intricate daylight robbery highway robbery costing a bomb a rip-off hard-hitting truculent virulent robust costing the earth out of sight over one's head paramount titanic Brobdingnagian surpassing superior altitudinous abnormal intensified unthinkable inconceivable sneaky conscienceless knavish reprehensible barbarous unholy lordly commanding showy improvident inessential sophisticated very severe staunch adamant hard-boiled unwavering indurate ungiving militant infinite immeasurable astronomic transcendent hulking sublime stellar ginormous tight mega mighty unfettered thumping silly monster gargantuan difficult involved fierce airy imperial preeminent spiring aerial unmatchable ultimate towery skyscraping beyond the pale dour grave ballsy fanciful grand adventurous heroic super-duper binding stand pat uncharitable solid disciplinarian resolved dogged obdurate hardened hard-hearted unforgiving obstinate no-nonsense resolute ascetical immovable domineering hardhearted browbeating mulish ossified formidable stiff-necked ascetic unsparing determined unflinching pressing astringent autocratic disciplinary bullheaded set compelling poignant valid powerful acrimonious drawing picky unpermissive ironclad convincing brick-wall confining not giving an inch tricky supererogative lush scandalous atrocious by the numbers hard and fast dead set on terrible horrible disgraceful heinous infamous abominable villainous offensive unspeakable nefarious abhorrent horrendous beastly iniquitous evil odious dreadful horrid hideous loathsome shameful nauseating ghastly foul unbearable vile sickening insupportable unendurable insufferable barbaric infernal fiendish maddening exasperating impossible distressing execrable godawful hellacious depraving flagitious debasing contumelious scurrilous malevolent shaming disgracing ignoble despicable contemptible debauching corrupt notorious degenerate sinful opprobrious very bad

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Requiring a desperate effort to avoid disaster or failure

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Very poor or bad
lousy terrible inferior awful miserable poor rotten second-rate shoddy bad duff slovenly abysmal atrocious low-rent appalling off poxy execrable frightful inadequate incompetent two-bit unsatisfactory unspeakable useless very bad wretched bargain-basement bum bush bush-league careless cheap cheapjack cheesy coarse common crumby cut-rate deficient dime-a-dozen dismal dissatisfactory gimcrack hopeless horrible junky low-grade mediocre pathetic piss-poor punk rubbishy schlock schlocky sleazy sour suboptimal subpar substandard sucky trashy trumpery unacceptable wack wanting wrong bodger pants rubbish tinhorn dreadful el cheapo faulty for the birds harmful no good outrageous stupid unwelcome worthless not much cop not up to scratch of a sort a load of pants strictly for the birds crummy paltry dire deplorable lamentable pitiful lame nasty abominable grotty diabolical sorry woeful sad third-rate shabby vile horrendous below par ropy disagreeable chronic contemptible unpleasant shocking offensive horrid defective imperfect loathsome odious cruddy God-awful ill laughable distressing pitiable detestable base disgraceful revolting disgusting foul abhorrent sickening tawdry repulsive gross repugnant egregious not up to snuff beastly mean objectionable insufficient direful obnoxious low-quality ghastly below standard crude disappointing distasteful second-class repellent grim stinking hideous nauseating low poor-quality grievous tatty pits shameful rancid tacky abject tenth-rate despicable disastrous noisome yucky displeasing unsound junk hellacious ugly godawful grody noxious scandalous under par below average meagre hateful nauseous unfortunate obscene lemon icky horrifying sub-par grubby reprehensible average meager monstrous gruesome flawed weak tinny ordinary repellant jerry-built piddling subnormal middling dirty dodgy unpalatable regrettable heinous inept ratty sordid horrific uncomfortable calamitous not up to par heartbreaking intolerable scurvy not up to much harrowing fulsome insubstantial amateurish grave the pits ineffectual indifferent poorer measly leaving much to be desired from hunger limited unexceptional stinky insufferable pedestrian undesirable uninviting disgustful loathly unsavory unsavoury gaudy severe troublesome depressing rank derisory unsuitable valueless ineffective putrid low-end lacking garbage negligible downmarket serious puny frightening evil grisly damnable tragic macabre beggarly hack smelly trifling from hell feeble festy irksome run-down déclassé good-for-nothing unworthy difficult insignificant squalid cheap and nasty alarming forbidding malodorous fetid disturbing damaged distressful yukky harsh vulgar bitter heartrending skimpy gloomy stingy pongy niffy annoying irritating mephitic nightmarish cheapo godforsaken seedy cruel naff painful miserly poor quality whiffy funky olid manky miasmal galling afflictive foul-smelling evil-smelling wicked less-than-stellar unpleasing sick-making yucko strong foetid disconcerting exiguous stressful little off-putting gut-wrenching critical disquieting no great shakes rough traumatic scabby scummy agonizing inexcusable sick doleful dilapidated fraught unimpressive bleak meretricious impaired drecky trivial slipshod unhappy piteous inefficient reeking exceptionable acrid ignoble amiss brummagem tasteless sombre tragical hairy catastrophic ignominious inglorious mournful unappetizing inexpert dingy acute unfit solemn somber reeky impotent cheerless flimsy dishonorable bogging unbearable vexatious excruciating broken rueful joyless terrifying scruffy Brummagem insupportable fearful inappropriate upsetting second rate impoverished dishonourable hellish skanky lurid dud agonising unappealing vicious twopenny-halfpenny unlovely comfortless parlous stenchy uncongenial filthy invidious broken-down rebarbative cheapie musty fusty indefensible extreme frowzy frowsy miasmic frowsty modest scant lean minor-league terrific grungy high rinky-dink tattered hair-raising slight cheap-jack scanty ripe low-down not good enough entry-level bottom-rung raunchy troubling small negligent discomforting worrisome poorly sneaking restricted inappreciable inconsiderable daunting unsettling perturbing torturous tough reduced piffling dreary garbagy brackish bungling agitating petty mingy desolate incapable tormenting troublous unsatisfying dangerous menial hard very unpleasant minimal crying cursed trying rickety accursed ramshackle makeshift impermissible inadmissible drab dark unproficient unskilful disreputable confounded downer bummer catty intense dread unforgivable fierce disheartening sullen morose drear pungent extremely bad small-time hurtful hostile unnerving unpardonable opprobrious scrubby villainous sorrowful run down very poor cataclysmic fearsome redoubtable niffing cringe-making forlorn depressive sepulchral indigent glum scungy irretrievable brutal worrying unsightly scary intimidating formidable kitsch scroungy down at heel ridiculous vomitous scuzzy improper affecting pinchbeck brassy spine-chilling powerless inapt humming poverty-stricken half-pie scurrilous irremediable minor league on the nose a dead loss gnarly out of order yecchy small potatoes not up to standard gut-churning weak sauce beyond the pale unable to do something for toffee god-awful vomit-inducing stinking to high heaven a dime a dozen stomach-churning two a penny stomach-turning dime-store not satisfying ill-smelling beyond contempt off-colour crook off colour out of sorts showy corny cheeseball garish worst well below par tricky blithering short nominal throwaway dislikeable dislikable commonplace twopenny badly built kitschy sparse slender piddly scrimpy risky precarious hazardous perilous end-of-the-pier flaming dissatisfying ropey thrown together sparing preposterous senseless infernal niggling picayune minute unequal stark pitiless ruthless savage oppressed merciless shlock shlocky debased dicey second-best unseemly plastic pretentious unconscionable sinful foolish low quality shameless mighty grewsome nightmare footling degenerate unqualified melancholy eye-watering ruinous off-color infamous depraved immoral discreditable iniquitous bloodcurdling grimy slummy thin second class creepy pressing crucial lowest of the low rock-bottom the dumps unrelenting nagging tremendous silly absurd ludicrous foolish-looking eerie crashing bothersome injurious destructive unjustifiable snide impertinent embarrassing abusive insolent biting cutting discourteous dubious unreasonable questionable insalubrious unstable urgent condemnable out blah unfitted pesky unlikable dismaying under-strength testing pressured heavy demanding frustrating taxing criminal irredeemable drastic not cutting it currish inacceptable reject ungenerous pigpen inproficient blameworthy overwhelming dolorous dreaded surfeiting sleazeball squicky cloying not good erroneous diddly crippling devastating ominous stenchful gruelling murderous arduous tiring mangy portentous bodeful exigent not cricket won't do half-baked of low quality not on of poor quality over the fence not quite the done thing not much chop not the best bad news fallacious acid shady sharp bland tart shifty petrifying excessive inconvenient afflicted ruthful tearful suffering distressed tainted stale low-minded no-good dirty rotten oppressing scowling leaving a lot to be desired pestilential unable to do something to save one's life craptacular decomposed infested gamy decayed poisonous polluted grueling strong-smelling not proper inconsistent unproductive ill-suited incompatible unable futile unadvantageous inefficacious unsuited discouraging unpromising bedraggled worn-out unkempt decrepit untidy threadbare funereal morbid a stinker of a a bummer of a dreich lugubrious saturnine destitute neglected dumpy bombed-out tumbledown moth-eaten beat-up dog-eared tatterdemalion down-at-the-heels down-at-heel rundown timeworn sunless plutonian tenebrous lonesome black elegiacal tenebrific elegiac unsaleable unsellable warped scratched partial torn blemished cracked inoperative deformed catchpenny Cimmerian incomplete unfinished patchy malfunctioning immature undeveloped rudimentary sketchy inexact discomposing humourless humorless sober mortifying injured bottom-of-barrel marred disfigured not working faultful not functioning minus fallible sedate unendurable lesser saddening afflicting uncool awkward few bugs in a state of disrepair minor lowly anguished concerning humble unpretentious secondary subordinate nerve-racking nail-biting heart-rending heart-breaking nerve-wracking unimportant junior subservient unassuming low-ranking subsidiary second-string undistinguished ancillary second-fiddle smaller demeaning degrading bottom slighter servile plebeian lower lower-ranking humdrum lower in status undersized lower in rank small-fry dinky third-string low-born subjacent second-banana beneath someone under someone's heel not very important back seat less important below someone lower-class not so important

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Predisposed to having, or characterized by, bad luck
unfortunate unlucky hapless luckless unhappy poor wretched cursed forlorn miserable doomed hopeless jinxed pitiful broken desolate destitute forsaken unprosperous pathetic pitiable ruined stricken abject afflicted pained shattered snakebitten troubled unsuccessful woeful awkward burdened snakebit worthless ill-fated hard luck ill-starred star-crossed out of luck ill-omened sad sack in a bad way calamitous unpropitious deplorable lamentable untoward ruinous damaging unsuitable regrettable inappropriate unfavourable unbecoming inept infelicitous inopportune disastrous unfavorable adverse ill-chosen blighted fateful misfortunate inauspicious accident-prone disaster-prone condemned bedevilled catastrophic fated bedeviled ominous disadvantaged foredoomed destroyed lost undone bewitched hexed under a curse down on one's luck done for cursed with ill-luck unpromising heartbreaking rueful piteous heartrending sorry disadvantageous infernal anathematized accursed clumsy woebegone voodooed loser jonah untimely baleful dire black cataclysmic losing klutzy bungling all thumbs two left feet unprofitable tough luck bad break poor fish down on luck behind eight ball frustrated foiled beaten loss-making defeated failed behind the eightball balked baulked dead fey sunk finished done kaputt kaput foreordained reprobate sentenced convicted threatened menaced predestined unredeemed destined wrecked overthrown overwhelmed suppressed thrown down dead duck cut down kiss of death que sera sera in the cards

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Appearing worn or harassed as if one is being pursued
hunted harassed harried persecuted tormented distraught beleaguered besieged browbeaten careworn downtrodden haggard hounded stressed troubled hassled stricken terror-stricken up against it bothered agitated flustered beset pressured plagued pressurized distressed worried uptight stressy rushed frayed hurried hot and bothered with one's back up against the wall in a state pressurised hard-pressed stressed out hag-ridden at the end of one's tether at the end of one's rope under pressure under stress under the cosh anxious tense strained vexed jittery upset nervous overwrought edgy put upon frazzled unnerved disturbed fretting overburdened distracted fraught perturbed disquieted wired frightened shaken uneasy disconcerted pinched discomposed drawn ruffled unsettled frantic antsy unquiet apprehensive insecure irked alarmed worked up rattled queasy queazy nervy dithery aflutter jumpy ill at ease atwitter strung out beside oneself unglued muddled goosey hinky in a flap on tenterhooks hung up in a tizzy having kittens shook up in a cold sweat het up under duress on the spot tensed harrowed at wit's end aggravated badgered stressed-out pestered shell-shocked on the rack panicky panic-struck panic-stricken worn out dismayed hurt emotive strung-up adrenalized confused grieved gutted choked sad discountenanced emotionally charged wound up with one's back to the wall saddened inconvenienced unhappy irritated oppressed burdened angered annoyed offended disappointed fretted tearing one's hair out in a flat spin low thrown shocked verklempt blue unzipped wounded come apart broken up put out cut up at sixes and sevens in disorder psyched out all torn up amazed bummed out grim weighed down heavy-laden afraid concerned fearful worried sick on edge fretful trembling quaking scared twitchy restless anguished spooked riled toey discombobulated flurried fidgety angstful uncomfortable tortured bugged squirrelly overstrung solicitous spooky windy angsty clutched keyed up in a twitter a wreck strung up in a sweat a bundle of nerves in a dither worried stiff in a tizz in a stew in a twit bricking oneself all of a dither in a state of agitation with one's stomach in knots like a cat on a hot tin roof with butterflies in one's stomach all of a lather shaking in one's shoes on pins and needles with one's heart in one's mouth

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Deeply angered but not outwardly displaying it
ireful angry furious irate incensed enraged infuriated mad livid indignant riled wrathful fuming outraged angered choleric ballistic rankled sore apoplectic ticked rabid shirty inflamed roiled foaming hot enflamed infuriate steaming riley hopping wroth raging boiling frenzied maddened steamed frantic hacked violent fierce vehement bent corybantic crazed demented insane irrational maniac smoking unreasonable frenetic rage vicious steamed up teed off horn-mad cheesed off hopping mad going crook hot under the collar bent out of shape beside oneself in a huff up in arms fit to be tied on the warpath blue in the face foaming at the mouth browned off in a fume in a pet bummed out in a towering rage incandescent very angry seething ranting raving choked raving mad cross aerated wild crook in a frenzy soreheaded vex ropeable snaky in a temper tooshie uncompromising in high dudgeon breakneck upset full-on energetic concerted in a lather all-out manic in a paddy up the wall as cross as two sticks extremely angry in a bate beside yourself irritated annoyed exasperated vexed ticked off provoked piqued off the air miffed aggravated aggrieved peeved irked resentful nettled heated put out seeing red displeased hacked off peed off worked up with all guns blazing passionate offended narked fed up frustrated burned up waxy hostile acrimonious spare wound up boiling mad raging mad fiery bitter disgruntled irascible antagonized dissatisfied excited hurt affronted huffy roused pained splenetic hot and bothered brassed off stroppy perturbed scandalized agitated antagonistic bugged scandalised shocked storming ill-humored berserk dark antagonised hot-tempered bad-tempered ill-tempered ill-humoured not best pleased at boiling point all steamed up overcome with anger in a rage beside yourself with rage pushed too far blown a gasket in a filthy temper sombre sullen somber scalding steamy piping mad as hell good and mad air-to-air flying ballistical surface-to-air airborne ready to be tied ratty rousted black flaming blazing disturbed unhappy distressed discontented dogged uptight buffaloed burning with excitement anxious flustered het up rancorous bothered galled chagrined as black as thunder red swollen stung ruffled embittered scornful p.o.'d eggy grieved rubbed the wrong way at end of one's rope hoha out of control flaming mad blazing mad very upset in a wax raw infected acrid afflicted weighty grieving hard annoying distressing troubled reddened chafing septic festered itchy angry-looking painful itching smarting tender stinging burning impassioned puffed up festering fevered sensitive intense scalded blistered burnt chafed bloodshot spirited animated lively fervid stormy tempestuous overactive overwrought feverish hectic full-hearted hyperactive perfervid passional avid ardent fervent

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Having lost hope
forlorn hopeless futile pointless useless vain despairing despondent no-win purposeless unattainable bootless failed impossible impracticable nugatory unachievable unavailing unsuccessful beyond hope not having a prayer with no chance of success doomed lost fruitless unprofitable ineffectual worthless hollow ineffective profitless wasted helpless sincere unworkable ill-fated bleak unlikely unrealistic parlous unpromising bad threatening sinister menacing beyond remedy despaired of pious unduly optimistic empty unproductive barren abortive sterile inefficacious valueless otiose in vain thwarted idle to no effect impotent unimportant trivial trifling of no use exhausted to no avail unsatisfactory insufficient resultless unneeded unsubstantial unreal delusive impractical no dice without rhyme or reason to no purpose on a treadmill no good to gundy meaningless insignificant senseless inadequate inutile aimless inconsequential paltry unrewarding non-successful inefficient inept weak unfruitful counterproductive good-for-nothing inoperative feckless null unfructuous unpurposed unusable foiled needless frivolous powerless inferior feeble irrelevant void lame petty no-good of no avail insubstantial without success vapid incompetent frustrated Sisyphean footling purportless negligible disastrous junky botched unable poor waste unhelpful miserable nothing bungled baulked unremunerative defeated unnecessary balked unavailable unprolific lazy expendable inane thankless no use motiveless for nought slight chaffy indecisive spineless piddling pathetic no-account miscarried wasteful limited not worth the candle null and void no good uninspiring cheap trashy lacklustre wretched misfired invalid bogus ignoble mediocre abandoned unessential dry lackluster lifeless nonfunctional apathetic spiritless unfunctional flat scrap dysfunctional hamstrung inexpedient vacuous unreasonable vacant tame gainless nonsensical inconsiderable measly stupid disadvantageous banal mindless forceless withered neutralized defeasible neutralised innocuous anticlimactic blocked nonvalid nonbinding goalless pants minute piffling rambling picayune nickel-and-dime wanky unsuitable defective deficient a dead loss flimsy lousy casual redundant superfluous broken of no value drifting Mickey Mouse abject drossy despicable contemptible base uneconomic failing ne'er-do-well impuissant scant bungling unimpressive throwaway frustaneous unlucrative pyrrhic invertebrate unconvincing unserviceable absurd ruined spoiled unsalable specious groundless stillborn nonpractical losing doubtful dull save one's breath niggling chicken nominal piddly pimping peanut nonproductive uncreative slow unyieldly stymied spoilt unuseful inoperable unanimated lustreless listless muted boring insane fatuous thin for naught hindered stonewalled obstructed time-wasting objectless baseless stale misleading unnotable puny shuck delusory messed up of no earthly use unreturned cramped not useful implausible dead unfounded nongermane uninteresting spinning one's wheels wild goose chase insipid not needed going nowhere shiftless irresponsible unmeaning unsound wandering arid tedious commonplace shallow not worth it Pyrrhic not a prayer in vicious circle de minimis lacking foundation adrift dreary drab unstimulating prosaic monotonous humdrum cancelled nullified rescinded revoked dallying not pertinent unfilled clear slothful indolent emasculate slack-spined without grounds without foundation flaccid fouled up poxy silly rubbishy non-viable terminated discontinued witless indiscriminate designless thoughtless illogical irrational wanton not serious inactive of no benefit fustian unenterprising reckless unambitious incautious uncareful carefree careless unreliable wild rubbish desultory brainless random no go no way not effective two a penny not much cop ridiculous floundering undirected haphazard off canceled not binding a dime a dozen loafing small junk unfit not proper unadvantageous inconsistent not good enough ill-suited incompatible inapt improper inappropriate unsuited uncalled-for non-functioning not in force wishy-washy uncalled for hit-or-miss not worth a hill of beans minor incidental not in use out of use silent turned off not working out of service small-fry little foolish penny-ante twopenny-halfpenny pettifogging fiddling of little account of no account

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Significant or extreme in degree or intensity
violent intense strong wild extreme raging powerful forceful great passionate acute fierce inordinate profound resounding uncontrollable ungovernable consuming devastating excruciating fiery furious intemperate rabid rampaging rampant riotous uncontrolled unrestrained almighty biting blistering deep dreadful emphatic excessive exquisite fearful fearsome ferocious frightful ghastly harsh heavy immoderate inflamed keen overwhelming severe sharp storming terrible unbridled unchecked uncurbed unfettered unmanageable vicious agonising agonizing blustery concentrated convulsive energetic enraged flaming forcible hard hellacious hot intensive painful peppery potent ruinous strenuous urgent vigorous aroused coercive dynamic explosive frenzied outrageous paroxysmal stormy tempestuous tumultuous turbulent vehement volcanic heavy-duty out of control full of force gale force all-out concerted piercing insufferable harrowing unbearable torturous assiduous unendurable racking searing tormenting poignant transcending resolute rigorous determined burning stabbing shooting serious penetrating stinging grievous distressing bitter awful heightened hellish cutting very great gut-wrenching major drastic fervent extraordinary exceptional earnest full ardent tough intolerable close all-consuming overpowering thumping splitting pounding deep-seated torrid shrill smarting savage heated torturing wrenching sore killing heartrending knifelike tearing durable industrial-strength real right impossible proper heavyweight long-lasting grave diabolical inexcusable dire unforgivable reprehensible indefensible unstoppable disgraceful shameful parlous very bad heartfelt relentless sincere raw shrewd compelling emotional wholehearted fervid zealous abject impassioned eager fanatical peracute boiling baking scorching sudden enormous supreme drilling paralyzing paralysing significant deepest hearty finely tuned high feverish cruel hurtful afflicting heartbreaking galling protracted intensified unqualified marked perfervid sizzling roasting heart-rending critical deep-rooted deeply felt undue diligent exaggerated suffering tortuous disturbing struggling worrying cut-throat warm-blooded sweltering blazing thorough exhaustive strained vivid pungent complete mother of all cyclonic gusty tropical parching withering inclement menacing boisterous volatile thundery squally bumpy thunderous windy howling in-depth detailed comprehensive scalding typhonic blustering rough swirling choppy destructive all-inclusive all-absorbing all-encompassing thoroughgoing painstaking total demanding extremely painful blazing hot blistery baking hot broiling red-hot chaotic restless roaring rugged stormful conscientious all-embracing meticulous scrupulous methodical minute infuriating torturesome toe-curling tedious punishing embarrassing grueling stultifying gruelling rending chastening cringe-making irritating boiling hot very hot sedulous sweeping extensive searching high-pressure elaborate widespread careful like a furnace out-and-out persistent accelerated fast insistent speeded-up radical more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can stand more than flesh and blood can bear

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Making an earnest or desperate appeal