Từ đồng nghĩa của grueling

Alternative for grueling

Tính từ

Requiring, or involving, great mental or physical effort
arduous hard difficult demanding tough exacting laborious challenging strenuous taxing heavy formidable severe toilsome rigorous testing uphill onerous rough backbreaking exhausting burdensome trying punishing stiff tiring herculean rugged murderous moiling fatiguing hellacious tall harsh effortful killer sweaty excruciating brutal Augean killing crushing torturous grinding fierce unremitting hairy racking chastening pick-and-shovel gruelling back-breaking stressful wearisome wearing oppressive wearying draining sapping knackering Herculean exigent troublesome grievous operose tedious tiresome hellish debilitating persnickety labored laboured weighty harrowing enervating painful grim unsparing toilful stringent agonizing bothersome energy-consuming irksome unbearable daunting bruising agonising ponderous extreme vigorous relentless ambitious cruel tortuous depleting intense no picnic crippling galling really hard shattering intolerable painstaking tough going colossal forbidding thorny searing cumbersome vexatious serious very hard mighty unforgiving worrying bitter titanic upstream intimidating merciless unpleasant unyielding gargantuan staggering tormenting mean hectic insufferable awful slavish savage uncomfortable distressing wicked sticky difficile nerve-racking tricky immoderate prostrating traumatic tense excessive acute inconvenient awkward hefty anxious steep impossible austere grave immense fraught vexing frustrating pressured high-impact piercing unrelenting imperious hardhanded inhuman murder prohibitive terrible gigantic exasperating agitating disturbing dreadful boring backbreaker burning pressing wrenching jarring worksome solemn distressful vicious consuming sharp pounding unendurable time-consuming torturesome anxiety-ridden powerful unreasonable exorbitant stretching unfair heart-pumping prodigious searching physical worrisome strained energetic overwhelming dour unrelaxing punitive inexorable Sisyphean withering monumental dogged enervative a nuisance responsible despotic domineering mammoth slow bad an imposition spartan wretched very difficult protracted lengthy hardworking carking superincumbent drastic knotty hypercritical thorough precise critical careful nit-picking no piece of cake exerting large order heavy sledding unjust embittering overtaxing overpowering plodding headache by the book busy thoroughgoing ominous problematic major hard-won not easy ferocious violent biting repressive penetrating dicey hazardous easier said than done drudgy marathon troubling unnerving high-pressure problem like getting blood out of a stone almighty scabrous uphill battle discomforting raging caustic blistering cutting stinging stabbing exquisite strong afflicting thumping torturing extremely painful splitting shooting infuriating tearing toe-curling embarrassing stultifying rending cringe-making irritating very bad disagreeable upsetting hostile nasty disquieting dire bleak annoying depressing unsettling unfavourable foreboding sinister threatening unfavorable aggravating disconcerting discouraging adverse gloomy frightening hurtful nagging dark strict unfortunate perturbing dismaying troublous dangerous disruptive dismal provoking harassing alarming miserable discomposing disadvantageous consequential frightful discommoding startling harmful perplexing woeful intrusive impeding injurious aggressive sad damaging calamitous disastrous turbulent regrettable horrible tragic horrendous wild impressive unlucky heartbreaking inhospitable unfriendly stark rotten ghastly weary comfortless intractable foul vile creepy hopeless rowdy heartrending desolate detrimental inauspicious black unwelcome pessimistic ruinous prophetic uncertain unpropitious destructive ugly inimical menacing bold chaotic afflictive inopportune poor stormy grandiose daring horrid straitened heart-rending industrious fractious unkind unruly extravagant lamentable lofty appalling tumultuous undisciplined disorderly tortured atrocious abominable riotous intemperate inclement unpromising unmanageable restless untoward horrifying displeasing intensive cheerless pestilent drudging distasteful unpalatable importunate lousy uneasy confronting cataclysmic flustering sombre large-scale deleterious disheartening catastrophic pernicious noxious bumpy joyless objectionable negative ruthless tragical chilling a stinker of a doleful nocuous somber troubled baneful unhealthy unwholesome deadly morose glum gray grey nightmarish morbid perilous messy prejudicial malefic malignant ill-fated undesirable mournful precarious huge massive rumbustious forceful heroic courageous Spartan bare-bones barren overburdening uncharitable nail-biting nervous nerve-wracking shocking disappointing horrific tight tempestuous revolting loathsome diligent niggling maddening execrable gruesome complex complicated profound confused concentrated abstruse te recondite fearsome plaguy pestiferous concerning pestilential grisly macabre clumsy contrived artificial leaden terrifying unwelcoming pesky unsettled monstrous grotty charged pitiless oppressed impoverished poverty-stricken infestive ungovernable affected overdone forced studied sobering big considerable peracute significant life-threatening audacious beastly tickly discomfiting heightened frantic untimely hair-raising dreary grand elaborate intrepid prickly dolorous from hell poignant active eventful frenzied frenetic lively undermining unsafe insidious lethal incendiary imperilling toxic subversive malicious imperiling unrealistic pretentious visionary itchy incommodious distressed scratchy inept overwrought unnatural maladroit unadvantageous deplorable causing discomfort ill-fitting yukky unhappy sour yucky uncongenial unlovely unpleasing unsavory magnificent cursed jinxed improbable ballsy brash idealistic unfeasible icky sore remorseless mortifying great cataclysmal fatal fanciful unreal full of problems beset by problems unsavoury offensive boisterous troublemaking hard-pressed lurid shadowy discommodious full of hardship doubtful ill-omened treacherous direful ill-boding parlous jeopardous apocalyptic rocky animated madhouse tireless full furious bustling a bummer of a unlikely devastating damning uninviting gut-wrenching full on spirited action-packed raucous belligerent contumacious lawbreaking thuggish pugnacious unrestrained ill-timed infelicitous catastrophal far-fetched chill dreich murky sunless forlorn disconsolate drab darkening plutonian portentous lugubrious sullen tenebrous godforsaken saturnine drear lonesome depressive Cimmerian tenebrific elegiac cold sepulchral funereal lonely elegiacal cloudy evil two-fisted anarchic lawless fateful hard-hearted difficult to achieve melancholy radge too bad cancerous malign maleficent poisonous mischievous baleful iniquitous cantankerous reprobate nocent ill uncompromising perfectionist clamorous judgmental obstinate disapproving fussy dictatorial overbearing inflexible overexacting unamenable unaccommodating querulous insistent cavilling unbending hardheaded quibbling disparaging obdurate needy possessive hairsplitting caviling firm sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous censuring cavillous stubborn unflinching demeaning cynical tyrannical carping censorious high-maintenance over-rigorous hard-line over-strict hard to please over-exacting fault-finding hard to satisfy over-censorious over-particular more than one can bear more than flesh and blood can bear

Tính từ

Lasting or extending for a great period of time
marathon lengthy extended long great far epic gruelling long-term long-drawn-out long-drawn long-lived long-winded prolonged protracted long-lasting enduring drawn-out overlong spun out interminable sustained lingering time-consuming dragging lasting extensive dragged out slow verbose prolix dragged-out seemingly endless stretched out drawn out long-standing strung out very long spread out spun-out lengthened tedious boring wordy rambling wearisome delayed elongated elongate enlarged outstretched permanent durable stretched continued expanded abiding continuing of considerable length broad long-running king-size increased oversized king-sized unfurled unrolled widened proffered conferred unfolded king size spread secure steady stable firm solid established sound fixed never-ending longevous endless persisting persistent perennial perdurable advancing pursuing chronic maintaining persevering sustaining progressing remote stretching rangy distant far-off lofty faraway longish stringy towering high tall deep running stretch lanky gangling far-reaching old as Methuselah full of years carrying on diffusive overextended boundless tardy unending dilatory diffuse late limitless for ages without end forever and a day garrulous windy discursive circumlocutory meandering pleonastic circuitous periphrastic logorrheic digressive tiresome ambagious palaverous redundant loquacious repetitious voluble maundering laborious tautological dull ponderous tortuous talkative bombastic logorrhoeic turgid ceaseless constant wandering everlasting monotonous continual continuous sesquipedalian gabby chatty circumlocutionary talky inflated full of verbiage gradual pompous empty padded vague loose waffly boastful waffling progressive draggy conservative flatulent gassy roundabout painful verbal profuse random lavish copious exuberant flowery multiyear multiday stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian unceasing incessant unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum perpetual uninterrupted infinite unlimited non-stop unbroken immeasurable unbounded unbound interminate looped eternal day-and-night timeless unabating expansive prosy remaining no end to no end of on a treadmill ingrained deep-rooted settled lifelong routine habitual inborn ever-present recurrent usual inbred deep-seated incurable tenacious stubborn ineradicable confirmed obstinate unyielding recurring inveterate rooted haunting unmitigated

Từ trái nghĩa của grueling

grueling Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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